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Phylogenetic analyses carried out on cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit I mitochondrial genes from 14 primates representing the major branches of the order and four outgroup nonprimate eutherians revealed that transversions and amino acid replacements (i.e., the more slowly occurring sequence changes) contained lower levels of homoplasy and thus provided more accurate information on cladistic relationships than transitions (i.e., the more rapidly occurring sequence changes). Several amino acids, each with a high likelihood of functionality involving the binding of cytochrome c or interaction with COX VIII, have changed in Anthropoidea, the primate suborder grouping New World monkey, Old World monkey, ape, and human lineages. They are conserved in other mammalian lineages and in nonanthropoid primates. Maximum-likelihood ancestral COX I nucleotide sequences were determined utilizing a near most parsimonious branching arrangement for the primate sequences that was consistent with previously hypothesized primate cladistic relationships based on larger and more diverse data sets. Relative rate tests of COX I mitochondrial sequences showed an elevated nonsynonymous (N) substitution rate for anthropoid-nonanthropoid comparisons. This finding for the largest mitochondrial (mt) DNA-encoded subunit is consistent with previous observations of elevated nonsynonymous substitution/synonymous substitution (S) rates in primates for mt-encoded COX II and for the nuclear-encoded COX IV and COX VIIa-H. Other COX-related proteins, including cytochrome c and cytochrome b, also show elevated amino acid replacement rates or N/S during similar time frames, suggesting that this group of interacting genes is likely to have coevolved during primate evolution.  相似文献   

Paracoccus denitrificans is a soil bacterium which can respire aerobically and also denitrify if oxygen is absent. Both processes are highly dependent on copper enzymes and copper is therefore likely to be an essential trace element for the bacterium. If copper is not easily available, a copper-acquisition mechanism would be highly beneficial. In this paper, we have addressed the question of whether Paracoccus secretes a copper-acquisition compound functionally analogous to that found in some methanotrophs. Bacteria were grown both in copper-containing and copper-deficient denitrification media, cells were removed by centrifugation and the supernatant was analysed using chromatography and spectroscopy. Bacterial growth yield in the absence of copper was 70-80% of that in the copper-containing medium. A notable difference between the two culture conditions was that spent copper-deficient medium was pigmented, whereas the copper-containing medium was not. Spectrophotometry indicated that a red compound with an absorption maximum at 405 nm was produced under copper-limited conditions. In addition to the strong 405 nm maximum, the visible spectrum of the purified red molecule had weaker maxima at 535 nm and 570 nm, features typical of metallated tetrapyrroles. Mass spectrometry showed that the purified pigment had a molecular mass of 716.18. Moreover, the fine structure of the mass spectrum suggested the presence of zinc and was consistent with the chemical formula of C(36)H(36)N(4)O(8)Zn. The presence of zinc was also demonstrated using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Fragmentation analysis with mass spectrometry showed the release of consecutive 59 Da fragments, assignable to four -CH(2)-COOH moieties. Thin layer chromatography as well as NMR analysis of the C-13/N-15 labelled red pigment suggested that it is predominantly zinc coproporphyrin III with a minor fraction of metal-free coproporphyrin III. We propose that in a copper-poor environment P. denitrificans secretes coproporphyrin III for copper chelation and subsequent uptake of the bound copper into the cell. Consistent with this idea, cell yields of copper-deficient cultures grown in the presence of 1 microM copper-coproporphyrin III were 90-95% of the yields of cultures grown in the normal copper-containing media. Coproporphyrin III may work as a copper-acquisition compound in P. denitrificans.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase oxidizes several hydrogen donors, including TMPD (N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenyl-enediamine) and DMPT (2-amino-6,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterine), in the absence of the physiological substrate cytochrome c. Maximal enzyme turnovers with TMPD and DMPT alone are rather less than with cytochrome c, but much greater than previously reported if extrapolated to high reductant levels and (or) to 100% reduction of cytochrome a in the steady state. The presence of cytochrome c is, therefore, not necessary for substantial intramolecular electron transfer to occur in the oxidase. A direct bimolecular reduction of cytochrome a by TMPD is sufficient to account for the turnover of the enzyme. CuA may not be an essential component of the TMPD oxidase pathway. DMPT oxidation seems to occur more rapidly than the DMPT--cytochrome a reduction rate and may therefore imply mediation of CuA. Both "resting" and "pulsed" oxidases contain rapid-turnover and slow-turnover species, as determined by aerobic steady-state reduction of cytochrome a by TMPD. Only the "rapid" fraction (approximately 70% of the total with resting and approximately 85% of the total with pulsed) is involved in turnover. We conclude that electron transfer to the a3CuB binuclear centre can occur either from cytochrome a or CuA, depending upon the redox state of the binuclear centre. Under steady-state conditions, cytochrome a and CuA may not always be in rapid equilibrium. Rapid enzyme turnover by either natural or artificial substrates may require reduction of both and two pathways of electron transfer to the a3CuB centre.  相似文献   

Paracoccus denitrificans strains with mutations in the genes encoding the cytochrome c(550), c(552), or c(1) and in combinations of these genes were constructed, and their growth characteristics were determined. Each mutant was able to grow heterotrophically with succinate as the carbon and free-energy source, although their specific growth rates and maximum cell numbers fell variably behind those of the wild type. Maximum cell numbers and rates of growth were also reduced when these strains were grown with methylamine as the sole free-energy source, with the triple cytochrome c mutant failing to grow on this substrate. Under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, none of the mutant strains lacking the cytochrome bc(1) complex reduced nitrite, which is cytotoxic and accumulated in the medium. The cytochrome c(550)-deficient mutant did denitrify provided copper was present. The cytochrome c(552) mutation had no apparent effect on the denitrifying potential of the mutant cells. The studies show that the cytochromes c have multiple tasks in electron transfer. The cytochrome bc(1) complex is the electron acceptor of the Q-pool and of amicyanin. It is also the electron donor to cytochromes c(550) and c(552) and to the cbb(3)-type oxidase. Cytochrome c(552) is an electron acceptor both of the cytochrome bc(1) complex and of amicyanin, as well as a dedicated electron donor to the aa(3)-type oxidase. Cytochrome c(550) can accept electrons from the cytochrome bc(1) complex and from amicyanin, whereas it is also the electron donor to both cytochrome c oxidases and to at least the nitrite reductase during denitrification. Deletion of the c-type cytochromes also affected the concentrations of remaining cytochromes c, suggesting that the organism is plastic in that it adjusts its infrastructure in response to signals derived from changed electron transfer routes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c1aa3 from Thermus thermophilus has optical and EPR properties similar to bovine cytochrome c oxidase. We have studied 87Fe-enriched samples with M?ssbauer spectroscopy in the fully oxidized and fully reduced states and in the oxidized state complexed with cyanide. The cytochromes a and c1 yielded spectra quite similar to those reported for the cytochromes c and b5; in the oxidized state the spectra reflect noninteracting, low spin ferric hemes, whereas the a- and c1-sites of the reduced enzyme are typical of low spin ferrous hemochromes. The spectra of the reduced enzyme show that reduced cytochrome a3 is high spin ferrous, with M?ssbauer parameters quite similar to those of deoxymyoglobin. Upon addition of cyanide to the oxidized enzyme, the a3-site exhibits in the absence of an applied magnetic field and at temperatures down to 1.3 K a quadrupole doublet with parameters typical of low spin ferric heme-CN complexes. The low temperature spectra taken in applied magnetic fields show that the electronic ground state of the a3-CN complex has integer electronic spin, suggesting ferromagnetic coupling of the low spin ferric heme (S = 1/2) to Cu2+ (S = 1/2) to yield as S = 1 ground state. We have examined the oxidized enzyme from two different preparations. Both had good activity and identical optical and EPR spectra. The M?ssbauer spectra, however, revealed that the a3-site had a substantially different electronic structure in the two preparations. Neither configuration had properties in accord with the widely accepted spin-coupling model proposed for the bovine enzyme.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare three methods to determinate low concentrations of Paracoccus denitrificans encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol pellets, which is important for evaluation and optimization of pellet production as well as for monitoring of biomass growth. Pellets with different and well-defined biomass concentrations were used for experiments. The following fast and simple methods were tested: (1) dissolution of polyvinyl alcohol in hot water followed by dry weight estimation, (2) dissolution of polyvinyl alcohol in hot water followed by optical density measurement, (3) and extraction and quantification of proteins. Dry weight estimation proved to be problematic as it was difficult to separate biomass from polymeric carrier. Optical density measurement showed good linearity of dependence of optical density on biomass content, but determined limits of detection and limits of quantification were not within the range necessary for intended application. The only tested method meeting the requirements for sensitivity was determination of protein concentration after protein extraction.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer spectra of 57Fe-enriched NADH-reduced yeast cytochrome c oxidase reveal two quadrupole doublets of unequal intensity; one (approximately 33%) is typical of high-spin ferrous heme with histidine coordination and is assigned to heme a3, while the other (approximately 67%) is typical of low-spin heme with two nitrogeneous axial ligands as expected from heme a. The excess intensity (approximately 17%) of the low-spin doublet must therefore be assigned to heme a3 in a modified environment. The M?ssbauer spectra of the same sample exposed to CO show that 50% of the heme iron forms a CO adduct, consistent with heme a3 being inhibited by CO. While low-spin hem a has the same M?ssbauer parameters as in the reduced sample, its intensity has dropped to 35%. A distinctly new high-spin species (approximately 15%) is observed and assigned to heme a in a modified environment. The comparable size of the unexpected high-spin heme a fraction in the CO adduct and the low-spin heme a3 fraction in the reduced enzyme suggest that they arise from the same material. This material is likely to be the inactive fraction that has been found in all preparations of resting yeast cytochrome c oxidase (Siedow, J.N., Miller, S., and Palmer, G. (1981) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 14, 171-179). The kinetics of CO recombination following photolysis of the CO complex further confirms the coexistence of two distinct fractions associated with active and inactive protein. The majority (approximately 74%), presumably active protein, recombines exponentially from 160 to 270 K following an Arrhenius law. The large activation enthalpy, delta H approximately 35 kJ/mol, is comparable to that found in the beef heart enzyme, suggesting that the flashed-off CO is bound by the nearby CuB as in the mammalian system (Fiamingo, F.G., Altschuld, R.A., Moh, P.P., and Alben, J.O. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1639-1650). In the minority, presumably inactive, fraction the CO recombination has fast nonexponential kinetics with a distribution of activation enthalpies peaking near delta Hp = 13 kJ/mol reminiscent of CO binding to myoglobin. In this inactive fraction CuB is apparently not accessible to the flashed-off CO.  相似文献   

We have established the participation of a mobile redox pool in the respiratory chain of anaerobically grown bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans. In testing the kinetical homogeneity of the pool it was found that the ratio of fluxes of electron transport toward the terminal acceptors oxygen and nitrate was coincident for the respiratory substrates NADH and succinate; this provides evidence against the preferential link of one dehydrogenase with a distinct terminal enzyme through the separate pool of ubiquinone. The deviation from the expected behavior observed in comparing the titration of NADH oxidase and succinate oxidase with respiratory inhibitors such as mucidin (inhibitor in the bc1 region) or cyanide can be accounted for by the activation of succinate dehydrogenase upon the increase in the reduced state of respiratory components during the titration.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c (Cc) and cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) form a physiological complex in the inter-membrane space of yeast mitochondria, where CcP reduces hydrogen peroxide to water using the electrons provided by ferrous Cc. The Cc-CcP system has been a popular choice of study of interprotein biological electron transfer (ET) and in understanding dynamics within a protein-protein complex. In this review we have charted seven decades of research beginning with the discovery of CcP and leading to the latest functional and structural work, which has clarified the mechanism of the intermolecular ET, addressed the putative functional role of a low-affinity binding site, and identified lowly-populated intermediates on the energy landscape of complex formation. Despite the remarkable attention bestowed on this complex, a number of outstanding issues remain to be settled on the way to a complete understanding of Cc-CcP interaction.  相似文献   

The terminal cytochrome c1aa3 of the respiratory chain of Thermus thermophilus has been isolated and purified to homogeneity by a novel procedure. The two subunit proteins (55 and 33 kDa) have been characterized chemically. Computer searches with partial amino acid sequences obtained from both subunits show that the larger subunit belongs to the cytochrome oxidase subunit I protein family while the smaller covalently heme-binding subunit is not a cytochrome c1 but appears to be a fused protein between cytochrome c and cytochrome oxidase subunit II. With respect to the 16-S rRNA-derived phylogeny of procaryotes, the results show that the genetic information for an O2-reacting cytochrome oxidase (EC existed already in early eubacteria.  相似文献   

Pulses of O2 added to anaerobic mitochondria in the presence of antimycin, but in the absence of exogenous reductants, led to H+ translocation until the amount of oxidizing equivalents exceeded the number of endogenous reducing equivalents capable of rapid reduction of cytochrome oxidase. This demonstrates that either the heme of cytochrome alpha or that CuA is the redox center, the function of which is coupled to proton translocation in cytochrome oxidase. Chemical labeling of subunit III of cytochrome oxidase by dicyclocarbodiimide (DCCD), or removal of this subunit by treatment of the enzyme at high pH, results in loss of proton translocation by the isolated and membrane-reconstituted enzyme. Possible roles of subunit III in proton translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative histochemical method for assaying cytochrome c oxidase (COX) has been validated with two new findings concerning the optimal tissue thickness and a suitable substrate. The kinetics of a COX-catalysed reaction coupled to the oxidation of diaminobenzidine (DAB) were followed at 37 degrees C in single muscle fibres in unfixed sections of mouse gastrocnemius using a real-time image analysis system. The optimum composition of the substrate medium for the reaction was 0.1 mM reduced cytochrome c, 4 mM DAB, 2% dimethylsulphoxide, 2% polyvinyl alcohol and 0.1 mM HEPES buffer, final pH 7.5. The absorbances at 451 nm of the final reaction products, DAB polymer oxides, deposited in the intermyofibrillar mitochondria increased linearly as a function of incubation time for at least 80 s after the start of incubation. The initial velocities (v(i)) of the COX reaction calculated from the gradients of the linear regression best fits for times between 40 and 60 s were reproducible. The v(i) determined in single muscle fibres at a saturated concentration of cytochrome c (0.1 mM) were proportional to section thickness for thicknesses less than 3 microns, but they decreased exponentially when the thickness was greater than 4 microns. Thus, for the quantitative assay, unfixed sections 3 microns thick must be used. The Michaelis constants (Km) determined for commercial cytochrome c in the range of 20-26 microM for COX in three types of skeletal muscle fibres of mouse gastrocnemius were higher than the corresponding in situ Km (12-13 microM) for reduced cytochrome c. However, the Km values for commercial cytochrome c were in good agreement with the value previously determined with homogenates of rat hind limb muscle. Therefore, reduced cytochrome c is a more suitable substrate for the kinetic study and assay of COX in situ.  相似文献   

A short critical review of the data related to protamine and nucleoprotamine (DNP) structure is given. A new model is proposed for DNP structure in which protamine molecules are located in channels between the DNA molecules. DNA molecules are arranged hexagonally in the x–y plane, whereas their relative positions with respect to the z-axis are shifted by 0, 1/3, and 2/3 of the pitch of the double helix. As a result, large cavities are formed in three out of six channels surrounding each DNA molecule where the large grooves are juxtaposed. Protamine molecules are also proposed to have some secondary/tertiary structure prior to complex formation. Inside the channels, a protamine molecule modifies its shape to fill the large grooves of all of the three surrounding DNA molecules simultaneously, and might possibly be in touch with other protamine molecules in neighbouring positions as well. This disposition allows the protamine molecules to be located between DNA molecules without a significant increase in the lattice parameters. BioEssays 21:440–448, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In cytochrome c oxidase, oxido-reductions of heme a/CuA and heme a3/CuB are cooperatively linked to proton transfer at acid/base groups in the enzyme. H+/e cooperative linkage at Fea3/CuB is envisaged to be involved in proton pump mechanisms confined to the binuclear center. Models have also been proposed which involve a role in proton pumping of cooperative H+/e linkage at heme a (and CuA). Observations will be presented on: (i) proton consumption in the reduction of molecular oxygen to H2O in soluble bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase; (ii) proton release/uptake associated with anaerobic oxidation/reduction of heme a/CuA and heme a3/CuB in the soluble oxidase; (iii) H+ release in the external phase (i.e. H+ pumping) associated with the oxidative (R  O transition), reductive (O  R transition) and a full catalytic cycle (R  O  R transition) of membrane-reconstituted cytochrome c oxidase. A model is presented in which cooperative H+/e linkage at heme a/CuA and heme a3/CuB with acid/base clusters, C1 and C2 respectively, and protonmotive steps of the reduction of O2 to water are involved in proton pumping.  相似文献   

Oxidative redox titrations of the mitochondrial cytochromes were performed in near-anoxic RAW 264.7 cells by inhibiting complex I. Cytochrome oxidation changes were measured with multi-wavelength spectroscopy and the ambient redox potential was calculated from the oxidation state of endogenous cytochrome c. Two spectral components were separated in the α-band range of cytochrome oxidase and they were identified as the difference spectrum of heme a when it has a high (a(H)) or low (a(L)) midpoint potential (E(m)) by comparing their occupancy during redox titrations carried out when the membrane potential (ΔΨ) was dissipated with a protonophore to that predicted by the neoclassical model of redox cooperativity. The difference spectrum of a(L) has a maximum at 605nm whereas the spectrum of a(H) has a maximum at 602nm. The ΔΨ-dependent shift in the E(m) of a(H) was too great to be accounted for by electron transfer from cytochrome c to heme a against ΔΨ but was consistent with a model in which a(H) is formed after proton uptake against ΔΨ suggesting that the spectral changes are the result of protonation. A stochastic simulation was implemented to model oxidation states, proton uptake and E(m) changes during redox titrations. The redox anti-cooperativity between heme a and heme a(3), and proton binding, could be simulated with a model where the pump proton interacted with heme a and the substrate proton interacted with heme a(3) with anti-cooperativity between proton binding sites, but not with a single proton binding site coupled to both hemes.  相似文献   

Interferon is now recognized as an important biological mediator with both antiviral and non-antiviral (including immunoregulatory) functions. In some patients with repeated and severe infections, leucocytes appear to be unable to produce normal levels of interferon after stimulation with soluble antigens or allogeneic lymphoblastoid cells. This defect contrasts with normal immune functions, with the exception of "natural killer" non-specific cytotoxic activity which is usually impaired. This selective defect of interferon secretion may result in a special type of immuno-deficiency with multiple biological consequences, some of which can be reversed by interferon therapy.  相似文献   

We have analysed the Eco RI restriction pattern of rDNA of the newt Triturus vulgaris and of some other amphibian species by Southern blotting and hybridization with nick-translated Xenopus rDNA prepared from the recombinant plasmids pXlr11 and pXlr12 (21). After hybridization with r11, the 28S coding fragments become visible in two bands, a prominent one of 5.3 kb and a weak band of 5.9 kb representing about 8% of the 28S genes. The evidence obtained so far by additional digestions with Bam HI and Bgl II indicates that in this species and in Triturus helveticus the coding regions of the 5.9 kb fragments are interrupted by an insertion 0.6 kb in length located in a 1.6 kb Bgl II fragment at the 3' end of the Eco RI fragment, which we believe to be the first described in a vertebrate.  相似文献   

The respiratory cytochrome bc(1) complex is a fundamental enzyme in biological energy conversion. It couples electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c with generation of proton motive force which fuels ATP synthesis. The complex from the α-proteobacterium Paracoccus denitrificans, a model for the medically relevant mitochondrial complexes, lacked structural characterization. We show by LILBID mass spectrometry that truncation of the organism-specific, acidic N-terminus of cytochrome c(1) changes the oligomerization state of the enzyme to a dimer. The fully functional complex was crystallized and the X-ray structure determined at 2.7-? resolution. It has high structural homology to mitochondrial complexes and to the Rhodobacter sphaeroides complex especially for subunits cytochrome b and ISP. Species-specific binding of the inhibitor stigmatellin is noteworthy. Interestingly, cytochrome c(1) shows structural differences to the mitochondrial and even between the two Rhodobacteraceae complexes. The structural diversity in the cytochrome c(1) surface facing the ISP domain indicates low structural constraints on that surface for formation of a productive electron transfer complex. A similar position of the acidic N-terminal domains of cytochrome c(1) and yeast subunit QCR6p is suggested in support of a similar function. A model of the electron transfer complex with membrane-anchored cytochrome c(552), the natural substrate, shows that it can adopt the same orientation as the soluble substrate in the yeast complex. The full structural integrity of the P. denitrificans variant underpins previous mechanistic studies on intermonomer electron transfer and paves the way for using this model system to address open questions of structure/function relationships and inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c oxidase complex, complex VI (CIV), catalyzes the terminal step of the mitochondrial electron transport chain where the reduction of oxygen to water by cytochrome c is coupled to the generation of a protonmotive force that drive the synthesis of ATP. CIV evolution was greatly accelerated in humans and other anthropoid primates and appears to be driven by adaptive selection. However, it is not known if there are significant functional differences between the anthropoid primates CIV, and other mammals. Comparison of the high-resolution structures of bovine CIV, mouse CIV and human CIV shows structural differences that are associated with anthropoid-specific substitutions. Here I examine the possible effects of these substitutions in four CIV peptides that are known to affect proton pumping: the mtDNA-coded subunits I, II and III, and the nuclear-encoded subunit VIa2. I conclude that many of the anthropoid-specific substitutions could be expected to modulate the rate and/or the efficiency of proton pumping. These results are compatible with the previously proposed hypothesis that the accelerated evolution of CIV in anthropoid primates is driven by selection pressure to lower the mitochondrial protonmotive force and thus decrease the rate of superoxide generation by mitochondria.  相似文献   

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