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P. B. Beeson 《CMAJ》1971,105(11):1253-1256

The Flexner Report highlighted the importance of teaching medical students to reason about uncertainty. The science of medical decision making seeks to explain how medical judgments and decisions ought ideally to be made, how they are actually made in practice, and how they can be improved, given the constraints of medical practice. The field considers both clinical decisions by or for individual patients and societal decisions designed to benefit the public. Despite the relevance of decision making to medical practice, it currently receives little formal attention in the U.S. medical school curriculum. This article suggests three roles for medical decision making in medical education. First, basic decision science would be a valuable prerequisite to medical training. Second, several decision-related competencies would be important outcomes of medical education; these include the physician's own decision skills, the ability to guide patients in shared decisions, and knowledge of health policy decisions at the societal level. Finally, decision making could serve as a unifying principle in the design of the medical curriculum, integrating other curricular content around the need to create physicians who are competent and caring decision makers.  相似文献   

Oogenesis serves a singular role in the reproductive success of plants and animals. Of their remarkable differentiation pathway what stands out is the ability of oocytes to transform from a single cell into the totipotent lineages that seed the early embryo. As our understanding that commonalities between diverse organisms at the genetic, cellular and molecular levels are conserved to achieve successful reproduction, the notion that embryogenesis presupposes oogenesis has entered the day-to-day parlance of regenerative medicine and stem cell biology. With emphasis on the mammalian oocyte, this review will cover (1) current concepts regarding the birth, survival and growth of oocytes that depends on complex patterns of cell communication between germ line and soma, (2) the notion of "maternal inheritance" from a genetic and epigenetic perspective, and (3) the relative value of model systems with reference to current clinical and biotechnology applications.  相似文献   

1. Comparative physiology is distinguished from other types of physiology by treating the diversity of solutions of functional problems and by using kind of animal as a functional variable. 2. The strength of comparative physiology os its capacity to give some solutions to problems in basic biology. 3. Specific examples of subject areas to which comparative physiology contributes are: (a) mechanisms underlying evolution; (b) the nature of speciation; (c) comparative cognitive science, neural models for behavior; and (d) applications of molecular techniques to physiology of whole animals. 4. Applications continue in ecology, medicine and agriculture. 5. The breadth of the comparative approach to physiology has important philosophical implications.  相似文献   

Cultivating the uncultured: limits, advances and future challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the invention of the Petri dish, there have been continuous efforts to improve efficiency in microbial cultivation. These efforts were devoted to the attainment for diverse growth conditions, simulation of in situ conditions and achievement of high-throughput rates. As a result, prokaryotes catalysing novel redox reactions as well as representatives of abundant, but not-yet cultured taxa, were isolated. Significant insights into microbial physiology have been made by studying the small number of prokaryotes already cultured. However, despite these numerous breakthroughs, microbial cultivation is still a low-throughput process. The main hindrance to cultivation is likely due to the prevailing lack of knowledge on targeted species. In this review, we focus on the limiting factors surrounding cultivation. We discuss several cultivation obstacles, including the loss of microbial cell–cell communication following species isolation. Future research directions, including the refinement of culture media, strategies based on cell–cell communication and high-throughput innovations, are reviewed. We further propose that a combination of these approaches is urgently required to promote cultivation of uncultured species, thereby dawning a new era in the field.  相似文献   

Molecular imprinting is a technique for the fabrication of biomimetic polymeric recognition sites or “plastic antibodies/receptors” which is attracting rapidly increasing interest. By this technology, recognition matrices can be prepared which possess high substrate selectivity and specificity. In the development of this technology, several applications have been foreseen in which imprinted materials may be exchanged for natural recognition elements. Thus, molecularly imprinted polymers have been used as antibody/receptor binding mimics in immunoassay-type analyses, as enzyme mimics in catalytic applications and as recognition matrices in biosensors. The best developed application area for imprinted materials, though, has been as stationary phases for chromatography, in general, and chiral chromatography, in particular. This review seeks to highlight some of the more intriguing advantages of the technique as well as pointing out some of the difficulties encountered. The prospects for future development will also be considered. Chirality 10:195209, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Terrestrial models and global change: challenges for the future   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A wide variety of models have illustrated the potential importance of terrestrial biological feedbacks on climate and climate change; yet our ability to make precise predictions is severely limited, due to a high degree of uncertainty. In this paper, after briefly reviewing current models, we present challenges for new terrestrial models and introduce a simple mechanistic approach that may complement existing approaches.  相似文献   

I am honored to receive the E. E. Just Award for 2010. In my invited essay, I have opted to discuss the state of diversity in the biological sciences with some recommendations for moving forward toward a more positive and inclusive academy. The need to develop cohorts of minority scientists as support groups and to serve as role models within our institutions is stressed, along with the need to ensure that minority scientists are truly included in all aspects of the academy. It is imperative that we increase our efforts to prepare for the unique challenges that we will face as the United States approaches a "majority minority" population in the next 50 years.  相似文献   

Retinal prostheses aim at restoring visual perception in blind patients affected by retinal diseases leading to the loss of photoreceptors, such as age-related macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa. Recent clinical trials have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach for restoring useful vision. Despite a limited number of electrodes (60), and therefore of pixels, some patients were able to read words and to recognize high-contrast objects. Face recognition and independent locomotion in unknown urban environments imply technological breakthroughs to increase the number and density of electrodes. This review presents recent clinical results and discusses future solutions to answer the major technological challenges.  相似文献   

Protein-ligand docking: current status and future challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the ruling principles whereby protein receptors recognize, interact, and associate with molecular substrates and inhibitors is of paramount importance in drug discovery efforts. Protein-ligand docking aims to predict and rank the structure(s) arising from the association between a given ligand and a target protein of known 3D structure. Despite the breathtaking advances in the field over the last decades and the widespread application of docking methods, several downsides still exist. In particular, protein flexibility-a critical aspect for a thorough understanding of the principles that guide ligand binding in proteins-is a major hurdle in current protein-ligand docking efforts that needs to be more efficiently accounted for. In this review the key concepts of protein-ligand docking methods are outlined, with major emphasis being given to the general strengths and weaknesses that presently characterize this methodology. Despite the size of the field, the principal types of search algorithms and scoring functions are reviewed and the most popular docking tools are briefly depicted. Recent advances that aim to address some of the traditional limitations associated with molecular docking are also described. A selection of hand-picked examples is used to illustrate these features.  相似文献   

Paternal contribution: new insights and future challenges   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
It has been widely held that all that fathers essentially contribute to the next generation is half their genome. However, recent progress towards understanding biological processes such as sperm maturation and fertilization now indicates that the paternal contribution has been underestimated. To tackle some of the misconceptions surrounding the paternal contribution, the factors that are actually delivered by the sperm at fertilization and their potential developmental functions will be discussed using data from humans and animal models. Although still in their infancy, the practical applications of using sperm RNAs have already emerged in reproductive medicine as markers that are indicative of successful vasectomy. They are also beginning to appear in the forensic sciences and, within the next decade, might appear in the environmental sciences.  相似文献   

The integrative field of developmental psychopathology is having a huge impact on our understanding of human health and behavior. In this paper, I use the example of children's early stress exposure to illustrate how developmental psychopathologists now tend to deemphasize diagnostic categories and, instead, emphasize the social and biological contexts, events and circumstances that have created opportunities for maladaptive responses and health problems in youth. This example shows that developmental psychopathology is increasing understanding of how children develop the abilities that allow them to cope effectively with challenges and what leads to failures in development of these abilities. Integrating research about the neurobiology of learning may prove to be a powerful future direction to understand how the environment regulates behavior. Learning processes become increasingly intricate and fine‐tuned as relevant neuroanatomical systems develop, and as the range, complexity and amount of environmental information increases for the developing child. A focus on these processes allows psychopathologists to formulate questions about which neural mechanisms children use to process information, how these mechanisms are themselves shaped by social context, why adverse social environments confer risk for children, and, perhaps, what sorts of neutrally informed interventions might remediate the deficits in self‐regulation that underlie common psychopathologies.  相似文献   

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