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Although the centrosome was first described over 100 years ago, we still know relatively little of the molecular mechanisms responsible for its functions. Recently, members of a novel family of centrosomal proteins have been identified in a wide variety of organisms. The transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing (TACC) proteins all appear to play important roles in cell division and cellular organisation in both embryonic and somatic systems. These closely related molecules have been implicated in microtubule stabilisation, acentrosomal spindle assembly, translational regulation, haematopoietic development and cancer progression. In this review, I summarise what we already know of this protein family and will use the TACC proteins to illustrate the many facets that centrosomes have developed during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

No abstract available.  相似文献   

During mitosis, the phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) family-related DNA damage checkpoint kinases ATM and ATR were found on the centrosomes of human cells. ATRIP, an interaction partner of ATR, as well as Chk1 and Chk2, the downstream targets of ATR or ATM, were also localized to the centrosomes. Surprisingly, the DNA-PK inhibitor vanillin enhanced the level of ATM on centrosomes. Accordingly, DNA-PKcs, the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK, was also found on the centrosomes. Vanillin altered the phosphorylation of Chk2 in the centrosomes and in whole cell extracts. Nucleoplasmic ATM co-immunoprecipitated with Ku70/86, the DNA binding subunits of DNA-PK, while vanillin diminished this association. Vanillin did not affect microtubule polymerization at the centrosomes but, surprisingly, caused a transient enhancement of alpha-tubulin foci in the nucleus. Interestingly, gamma-tubulin was also present in the nucleus and co-immunoprecipitated with ATR or BRCA1. DNA damage led to a reduction of the mentioned checkpoint proteins on the centrosomes but increased the level of gamma-tubulin at this organelle. Taken together, these results indicate that DNA damage checkpoint proteins may control the formation of gamma-tubulin and/or the kinetics of microtubule formation at the centrosomes, and thereby couple them to the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

Birefringence of single and bundled microtubules.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We have measured the birefringence of microtubules (MTs) and of MT-based macromolecular assemblies in vitro and in living cells by using the new Pol-Scope. A single microtubule in aqueous suspension and imaged with a numerical aperture of 1.4 had a peak retardance of 0.07 nm. The peak retardance of a small bundle increased linearly with the number of MTs in the bundle. Axonemes (prepared from sea urchin sperm) had a peak retardance 20 times higher than that of single MTs, in accordance with the nine doublets and two singlets arrangement of parallel MTs in the axoneme. Measured filament retardance decreased when the filament was defocused or the numerical aperture of the imaging system was decreased. However, the retardance "area," which we defined as the image retardance integrated along a line perpendicular to the filament axis, proved to be independent of focus and of numerical aperture. These results are in good agreement with a theory that we developed for measuring retardances with imaging optics. Our theoretical concept is based on Wiener's theory of mixed dielectrics, which is well established for nonimaging applications. We extend its use to imaging systems by considering the coherence region defined by the optical set-up. Light scattered from within that region interferes coherently in the image point. The presence of a filament in the coherence region leads to a polarization dependent scattering cross section and to a finite retardance measured in the image point. Similar to resolution measurements, the linear dimension of the coherence region for retardance measurements is on the order lambda/(2 NA), where lambda is the wavelength of light and NA is the numerical aperture of the illumination and imaging lenses.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(16):3586-3600.e11
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Compare and contrast actin filaments and microtubules.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

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It has been thought that motile structures within the cell are driven toward the plus and minus ends of microtubules by the ATPases, kinesin and dynein, respectively. Recently obtained data indicate that this model is far too simplistic. Kinesin is now understood to be one representative of a family of proteins. Another member of the kinesin family has been found to generate force toward the microtubule minus end. Evidence for either a bidirectional dynein, or closely related retrograde and anterograde forms of dynein has also received potent new support. The discovery of a third potential microtubule motor, the GTPase, 'dynamin', complicates matters further.  相似文献   

How microtubules get fluorescent speckles.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The dynamics of microtubules in living cells can be seen by fluorescence microscopy when fluorescently labeled tubulin is microinjected into cells, mixing with the cellular tubulin pool and incorporating into microtubules. The subsequent fluorescence distribution along microtubules can appear "speckled" in high-resolution images obtained with a cooled CCD camera (Waterman-Storer and Salmon, 1997. J. Cell Biol. 139:417-434). In this paper we investigate the origins of these fluorescent speckles. In vivo microtubules exhibited a random pattern of speckles for different microtubules and different regions of an individual microtubule. The speckle pattern changed only after microtubule shortening and regrowth. Microtubules assembled from mixtures of labeled and unlabeled pure tubulin in vitro also exhibited fluorescent speckles, demonstrating that cellular factors or organelles do not contribute to the speckle pattern. Speckle contrast (measured as the standard deviation of fluorescence intensity along the microtubule divided by the mean fluorescence intensity) decreased as the fraction of labeled tubulin increased, and it was not altered by the binding of purified brain microtubule-associated proteins. Computer simulation of microtubule assembly with labeled and unlabeled tubulin showed that the speckle patterns can be explained solely by the stochastic nature of tubulin dimer association with a growing end. Speckle patterns can provide fiduciary marks in the microtubule lattice for motility studies or can be used to determine the fraction of labeled tubulin microinjected into living cells.  相似文献   

Kinetochore microtubules in PTK cells.   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have analyzed the fine structure of 10 chromosomal fibers from mitotic spindles of PtK1 cells in metaphase and anaphase, using electron microscopy of serial thin sections and computer image processing to follow the trajectories of the component microtubules (MTs) in three dimensions. Most of the kinetochore MTs ran from their kinetochore to the vicinity of the pole, retaining a clustered arrangement over their entire length. This MT bundle was invaded by large numbers of other MTs that were not associated with kinetochores. The invading MTs frequently came close to the kinetochore MTs, but a two-dimensional analysis of neighbor density failed to identify any characteristic spacing between the two MT classes. Unlike the results from neighbor density analyses of interzone MTs, the distributions of spacings between kinetochore MTs and other spindle MTs revealed no evidence for strong MT-MT interactions. A three-dimensional analysis of distances of closest approach between kinetochore MTs and other spindle MTs has, however, shown that the most common distances of closest approach were 30-50 nm, suggesting a weak interaction between kinetochore MTs and their neighbors. The data support the ideas that kinetochore MTs form a mechanical connection between the kinetochore and the pericentriolar material that defines the pole, but that the mechanical interactions between kinetochore MTs and other spindle MTs are weak.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid separation at anaphase is triggered by cleavage of the cohesin subunit Scc1, which is mediated by separase. Centriole disengagement also requires separase. This dual role of separase permits concurrent control of these events for accurate metaphase to anaphase transition. Although the molecular mechanism underlying sister chromatid cohesion has been clarified, that of centriole cohesion is poorly understood. In this study, we show that Akt kinase–interacting protein 1 (Aki1) localizes to centrosomes and regulates centriole cohesion. Aki1 depletion causes formation of multipolar spindles accompanied by centriole splitting, which is separase dependent. We also show that cohesin subunits localize to centrosomes and that centrosomal Scc1 is cleaved by separase coincidentally with chromatin Scc1, suggesting a role of Scc1 as a connector of centrioles as well as sister chromatids. Interestingly, Scc1 depletion strongly induces centriole splitting. Furthermore, Aki1 interacts with cohesin in centrosomes, and this interaction is required for centriole cohesion. We demonstrate that centrosome-associated Aki1 and cohesin play pivotal roles in preventing premature cleavage in centriole cohesion.  相似文献   

The structure of microtubules has been characterized to 3 nm resolution employing time-resolved X-ray scattering. This has revealed detailed structural features of microtubules not observed before in solution. The polymerization of highly purified tubulin, induced by the antitumour drug taxol, has been employed as a microtubule model system. This assembly reaction requires Mg2+, is optimal at a 1:1 taxol to tubulin heterodimer molar ratio, proceeds with GTP or GDP and is intrinsically reversible. The X-ray scattering profiles are consistent with identical non-globular alpha and beta-tubulin monomers ordered within the known helical surface lattice of microtubules. Purified tubulin-taxol microtubules have a smaller mean diameter (approx. 22 nm) than those induced by microtubule associated proteins or glycerol (approx. 24 nm), but nearly identical wall substructure to the resolution of the measurements. This is because the majority of the former consist of only 12 protofilaments instead of the typical 13 protofilaments, as confirmed by electron microscopy of thin-sectioned, negatively stained and ice-embedded taxol microtubules. It may be concluded that taxol induces a slight reduction of the lateral contact curvature between tubulin monomers. The main fringe pattern observed in cryo-electron micrographs is consistent with a simple 12 protofilament 3-start skewed lattice model. Cylindrical closure of this lattice can be achieved by tilting the lattice 0.8 degrees with respect to the microtubule axis. The closure implies a discontinuity in the type of lateral contacts between the tubulin monomers (regardless of whether these are of the -alpha-beta- or the -alpha-alpha-/-beta-beta- type), which indicates that lateral contacts and the subunit specificity of taxol binding are, to a large degree, equivalent.  相似文献   

Cell prestress. II. Contribution of microtubules   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The tensegritymodel hypothesizes that cytoskeleton-based microtubules (MTs) carrycompression as they balance a portion of cell contractile stress. Totest this hypothesis, we used traction force microscopy to measuretraction at the interface of adhering human airway smooth muscle cellsand a flexible polyacrylamide gel substrate. The prediction is that ifMTs balance a portion of contractile stress, then, upon theirdisruption, the portion of stress balanced by MTs would shift to thesubstrate, thereby causing an increase in traction. Measurements weredone first in maximally activated cells (10 µM histamine) and thenagain after MTs had been disrupted (1 µM colchicine). We found that after disruption of MTs, traction increased on average by ~13%. Because in activated cells colchicine induced neither an increase inintracellular Ca2+ nor an increase in myosin light chainphosphorylation as shown previously, we concluded that the observedincrease in traction was a result of load shift from MTs to thesubstrate. In addition, energy stored in the flexible substrate wascalculated as work done by traction on the deformation of thesubstrate. This result was then utilized in an energetic analysis. Weassumed that cytoskeleton-based MTs are slender elastic rods supportedlaterally by intermediate filaments and that MTs buckle as the cellcontracts. Using the post-buckling equilibrium theory of Euler struts,we found that energy stored during buckling of MTs was quantitativelyconsistent with the measured increase in substrate energy afterdisruption of MTs. This is further evidence supporting the idea thatMTs are intracellular compression-bearing elements.


Live cell imaging and genetic studies are demonstrating that cortical microtubule arrays in plant cells are dynamic structures in which microtubule (MT) bundles play a key role in creating array organization and function. Steps important for creating and organizing these arrays include recruitment of nucleation complexes to the cell cortex and to the lattices of previously established MTs, association of newly created MTs to the cell cortex, release of MTs from sites of nucleation, transport of released MTs by polymer treadmilling, and subsequent interactions between treadmilling MTs. The results of MT interactions include induced catastrophe, severing, and the capture and reorientation of growing polymer ends by bundling interactions. Together, these properties predict a capacity for self-ordering that is likely to play an important role in establishing the parallel organization of the arrays.  相似文献   

Ectoplasmic specializations (ESs) are submembrane specializations that consist of Sertoli cell plasma membrane linked by an ordered array of actin filaments to a cisterna of endoplasmic recticulum (ESER). They are thought to function in the spermatid-Sertoli cell adhesion junction. Microtubules occur adjacent to the cytoplasmic face of the ESER and are oriented parallel to the long axis of the Sertoli cell, the direction of spermatid translocation during spermatogenesis. Our hypothesis that spermatid orientation and translocation in the seminiferous epithelium is microtubule dependent predicts that microtubules bind to ESs. To test for binding between microtubules and ESs, we have developed an in vitro assay in which spermatid-ES complexes were isolated from the seminiferous epithelium and incubated with bovine brain microtubules that were labeled with [3H]GTP and stabilized with taxol. Binding was determined by scintillation counts from gradient fractions enriched for spermatid-ES complexes and depleted of unbound microtubules by differential centrifugation. Our data indicate that microtubules bind to spermatid-ES complexes in a substrate concentration-dependent manner and can be released with 5 mM GTP or 10 mM MgATP. Binding is competitively reduced with excess unlabeled microtubules and is inhibited by 100 microM vanadate and 2 mM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The amount of binding is unchanged by 10 microM vanadate, 2 mM erythro-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA) or 1 mM 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP). Immunofluorescence and autoradiographic data confirm that labeled microtubules bind to ES locations on spermatid-ES complexes. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that spermatid translocation is a microtubule-based transport event.  相似文献   

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