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Questions: Studies of gap effects have been conducted mainly in forests. We studied gap ecology in a pyrogenic Ceratiola ericoides (Florida rosemary) dominated shrubland and asked: How do gap size and the frequency of large gaps change across the fire chronosequence? Do larger gaps differ from smaller gaps in vegetation structure or species diversity? Are effects of gaps independent of, or dependent upon, time‐since‐fire? Are larger gaps refugia for herbs and subshrubs? Location: Archbold Biological Station, Lake Wales Ridge, south‐central Florida, USA. Methods: We investigated plant species occurrence and diversity in 805 gaps (areas free of shrubs taller than 50 cm) in 28 fire‐dependent Florida rosemary scrub sites. We collected quantitative cover data in a subset of seven sites. Results: Gap area distribution was lognormal. The largest gaps occurred throughout all but the longest time‐since‐fire intervals. Gaps were smallest in the longest unburned site but otherwise did not show strong patterns across the fire chronosequence. Species diversity measures increased with increasing gap area, with herbaceous diversity increasing with both gap area and bare sand. Herb diversity (H') decreased with time‐since‐fire. Larger gaps are refugia for some species. Of 14 species occurring in 25–75% of gaps, 13 had increased occupancy with increasing gap area, and gap area was the strongest predictor of occupancy for seven species of herbs and shrubs. Time‐since‐fire was the strongest predictor of occupancy for five species, including four ground lichens that increased with time‐since‐fire. Conclusions: Community structure within Florida scrub gaps is influenced by gap size, which in turn is affected by fire, the dominant ecological disturbance. We present a conceptual model that considers both gap size and time‐since‐fire as drivers of community structure and herbaceous plant diversity in Florida scrub. Because gap properties (independently of fire) have strong influences on species assemblages in Florida rosemary scrub gaps, fire management should consider the number and size of gaps across the landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract. We conducted a study in the laurel forest of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) to describe the characteristics of natural gaps and to assess the role of treefall gaps in forest dynamics. Very little is left of the natural laurel forest with i.a. Laurus azorica, Ilex canariensis and Prunus lusitanica. We looked for treefall gaps in 80 randomly located 2500 m2 plots. These plots represented ca. 1% of the remaining and protected laurel forest of Tenerife. We recorded the characteristics of the species causing the gaps, gap architecture and gap age in all observed gaps larger than 10 m2. We inventoried the regeneration in each gap and in a neighbouring control plot with the same topography. Large gaps (>75 m2) were not common in the laurel forest. The absence of large gaps could be due to the physiognomy of the vegetation, the mild weather or the rarity of disturbances. Instead of forming gaps, many trees decompose in place and branches from neighbouring trees and suckers from the decomposed trees occupy the free space. Also, the high rate of asexual regeneration could contribute to the fast closing of the gap. The number of gaps created by Prunus lusitanica was higher than expected (based on canopy composition) while Ilex canariensis and Laurus azorica created fewer gaps. In this evergreen forest, differences between gap and non-gap conditions are not as distinct as in other forest types. Only 0.4% of the canopy is in the gap phase (0.6% including gaps smaller than 10m2). No differences were found in patterns of regeneration between gap and non-gap phases in the forest. Gaps do not explain the persistence of pioneer species in the laurel forest.  相似文献   

Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains are currently facing imminent decline induced by a nonnative insect pest, the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). To effectively manage these forest systems now and in the future, land managers need baseline data on forest structure and dynamics prior to large-scale Tsuga canadensis mortality. Most of our knowledge concerning the dynamics of Tsuga canadensis forests comes from more northern locations such as the Great Lakes region and New England and, therefore, may not pertain to the ecological systems found within the southern Appalachian Mountains. We examined the structure and canopy dynamics of four Tsuga canadensis forest stands within the Cataloochee watershed, in the far eastern part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). We characterized the environmental settings and vertical forest layers, as well as the diameter and age-structures of each Tsuga canadensis forest stand. These environmental and structural data showed that there were indeed differences between forest stands with and without successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration. The two forest stands exhibiting successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration were located above 1,000 m in elevation on well-drained, moderately steep slopes and had the greatest canopy openness. Structural data from these two forest stands indicated a history of more continuous Tsuga canadensis regeneration. We also constructed disturbance chronologies detailing the history of canopy response to disturbance events and related these to Tsuga canadensis regeneration within each forest stand. Student t-tests adjusted for unequal variances indicated significant differences in the number of release events per tree between forest stands with and without successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration. While forest stands with successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration were more frequently disturbed by minor to major canopy disturbances, events of moderate intensity were found to be most significant in terms of regeneration. These data will be of value to land managers maintaining stands of Tsuga canadensis where treatment for hemlock woolly adelgid infestation has been successful. In areas where treatment is impractical or unsuccessful, land managers will be able to use these data to restore Tsuga canadensis forests after the wave of hemlock woolly adelgid induced mortality has passed. As of August 2008, Joshua A. Kincaid will be a member of the Environmental Studies program at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia, USA  相似文献   

Forest community dynamics were studied for 4 years in a 6 ha permanent plot of species rich, old-growth, temperate deciduous forest in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan. The gap formation rate, recruitment, mortality, gain and loss rate in basal area during 4 years were 42 m2 ha–1 yr–1, 1.74% yr–1, 1.19% yr–1, 1.12% yr–1 and 0.88% yr–1, respectively. The turnover time calculated from them ranged from 58 to 240 years. Both the mortality and mortality factors were size dependent; trees in middle size class had smallest mortality, and the proportion of the trees killed by disturbances increased with size. Gap creations were concentrated in a particular year, suggesting a large heterogeneity in time. Spatial distribution of recruited trees were biassed to the old gaps (older than 4 years), especially that of the species with Bell-shaped dbh distribution (shade intolerant) strongly associated with the gaps. Recruitment in tree stems and the loss of basal area, thus had the larger variability than mortality of stems and this forest, and the species with L-shaped dbh distribution seemed to going to increase the importance in the future if the present trend continues to be held. The turnover time of population is positively correlated with the maximum dbh size of the species, indicating the slow change of the population of large sized species.  相似文献   

Gap characteristics and gap regeneration were studied in several climaxFagus crenata forests in Japan. 278 gaps were observed. Gaps covered 12% of the total land area of 20.05 ha. Gap density was 13.9 gaps per ha and, mean gap size was 92.0 m2. Smaller gaps were much more frequent than larger ones. Gaps larger than 400 m2 were rare. Most gaps were created by the death of single trees. Canopy trees died more often standing or with broken trunks than by uprooting, although uprooted trees were relatively abundant in the site with poor soil drainage and in the site on upper slope. Differences of gap regeneration behaviour were recognized among tree species.F. crenata regenerates in gaps from saplings recruited before gap creation and can replace not only its own gaps but also gaps of other species. Most species other thanF. crenata andMagnolia obovata could not regenerate in their own gaps. More successful regeneration ofF. crenata may occur in gaps smaller than 200 m2, althought it regenerated in a wide range of gap size. However, increased relative density ofF. crenata in the canopy layer seems to prevent its successful regeneration. Gap regeneration of other species did not clearly depend on a species-specific gap size.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of coniferous and broad-leaved trees were followed over a 5-yr period in a temperate old-growth mixed forest in Japan, and dynamic features of the forest were studied in relation to the life history of the dominants, the coniferous Abies homolepis and the broad-leaved Fagus crenata. During this period, the gap formation rate was 31m2 ha?1yr?1, the mortality of trees > 2m high was 1.7%/yr, and the rate of loss in basal area 1.4%/yr. These values were much higher than the recruitment, 0.3%/yr, and the total growth of surviving and new trees, 0.6%/yr, owing to the inhibition of regeneration by understorey dwarf bamboo (Sasa borealis). A transition matrix model based on DBH size classes predicts that the basal area of the forest will decrease by 14% in 50 yr, but that the DBH distribution of trees > 10 cm diameter will change little. Equilibrium DBH distributions assuming recruitment being equal to mortality, were quite different between broad-leaved and coniferous trees, reflecting different survivorship curves of the two dominants. The composition and structure of the forest may change depending on the pattern and frequency of disturbances, or episodic events, notably the synchronous death of Sasa borealis.  相似文献   

Gap formation and closure represent important disturbance events in forests, but the processes involved are still poorly understood. We use models, which we and others previously developed, to make long-term predictions of tropical forest gap dynamics based on Barro Colorado Island data. We first fit the models to the data by comparing their discrete Fourier transforms, and we propose a definition for the lifetime of a gap and predict a large-gap lifetime typically to be less than 50 years. We find that the gap lifetime diverges logarithmically for large-gap sizes. We examine the ‘memory’ of spatial gap patterns via spatiotemporal correlations and find a correlation time of about 160 years, suggesting that present gap patterns could have long-lasting effects on forest spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Researchers can have unintentional, yet significant effects on their study systems. We tested for the effects of an intensive tree census on seedling dynamics in a 50-ha permanent forest plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. At the community level, and for different shade-tolerance guilds, we found no significant differences in seedling recruitment or survival inside compared to controls outside the plot. However, among growth forms, canopy trees and lianas exhibited significantly lower seedling survival inside the plot. Results suggest that intense researcher activity impacts short-term vegetation dynamics, but effects do not accumulate over time.  相似文献   

Oguchi R  Hikosaka K  Hiura T  Hirose T 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):665-675
Some shade leaves increase their photosynthetic capacity (P max) when exposed to a higher irradiance. The increase in P max is associated with an increase in chloroplast size or number. To accommodate those chloroplasts, plants need to make thick leaves in advance. We studied the cost and benefit of photosynthetic acclimation in mature leaves of a tree species, Kalopanax pictus Nakai, in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Costs were evaluated as the additional investment in biomass required to make thick leaves, while the benefit was evaluated as an increase in photosynthetic carbon gain. We created gaps by felling canopy trees and examined the photosynthetic responses of mature leaves of the understorey seedlings. In the shade, leaves of K. pictus had vacant spaces that were not filled by chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells facing the intercellular space. When those leaves were exposed to higher irradiance after gap formation, the area of the mesophyll surface covered by chloroplasts increased by 17% and P max by 27%. This increase in P max led to an 11% increase in daily carbon gain, which was greater than the amount of biomass additionally invested to construct thicker leaves. We conclude that the capacity of a plant to acclimate to light (photosynthetic acclimation) would contribute to rapid growth in response to gap formation.  相似文献   

阔叶红松林林隙结构与树种多样性关系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对阔叶红松林林隙与林下不同层次树种多样性进行比较,探讨林隙大小及发育阶段与树种多样性间的关系.结果表明,林隙与林下树种多样性存在显著差异(P<0.01).与林下相比,林隙更新层树种多样性、丰富度和均匀度增大,生态优势度减小(P<0.01);演替层树种多样性、丰富度和均匀度减小,生态优势度增大(P<0.0001).林隙中不同层次树种多样性随着林隙大小呈现出相反的变化趋势.长白山阔叶红松林林隙演替层树种多样性和丰富度总体上呈单峰形变化,中等大小林隙(100~250 m2)中树种多样性和丰富度较高,生态优势度较小.而更新层树种多样性和均匀度在≥250 m2和<100 m2的林隙中最大,在200~250 m2的林隙中最小;生态优势度在200~250 m2的林隙中达到最大.更新层和演替层树种对林隙面积大小反应不同,有利于更新层幼苗建立的林隙面积并不是演替层幼树发育和成活的最适面积;随林隙年龄的增加,更新层和演替层树种多样性在不同层次上呈互补关系.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species composition, detritus, and soil data from 97 boreal forest stands along a transect in central Canada were analysed using Correspondence Analysis to determine the dominant environmental/site variables that differentiate these forest stands. Picea mariana stands were densely clustered together on the understorey DCA plot, suggesting a consistent understorey species composition (feather mosses and Ericaceae), whereas Populus tremuloides stands had the most diverse understorey species composition (ca. 30 species, mostly shrubs and herbs). Pinus banksiana stands had several characteristic species of reindeer lichens (Cladina spp.), but saplings and Pinus seedlings were rare. Although climatic variables showed large variation along the transect, the CCA results indicated that site conditions are more important in determining species composition and differentiating the stand types. Forest floor characteristics (litter and humus layer, woody debris, and drainage) appear to be among the most important site variables. Stands of Picea had significantly higher average carbon (C) densities in the combined litter and humus layer (43530 kg‐C.ha‐1) than either Populus (25 500 kg‐C.ha‐1) or Pinus (19 400 kg‐C.ha‐1). The thick surface organic layer in lowland Picea stands plays an important role in regulating soil temperature and moisture, and organic‐matter decomposition, which in turn affect the ecosystem C‐dynamics. During forest succession after a stand‐replacing disturbance (e.g. fires), tree biomass and surface organic layer thickness increase in all stand types as forests recover; however, woody biomass detritus first decreases and then increases after ca. 80 yr. Soil C densities show slight decrease with ages in Populus stands, but increase in other stand types. These results indicate the complex C‐transfer processes among different components (tree biomass, detritus, forest floor, and soil) of boreal ecosystems at various stages of succession.  相似文献   

1. We expect tree species that regenerate primarily by sprouting to produce fewer seedlings than co-occurring species that regenerate mainly from seedlings, because of the trade-off between allocating resources either to ensuring vegetative reproduction (e.g. protective bark/latent buds) or to sexual reproduction (e.g. seeds).
2. Furthermore, resprouting species, because of their multi-stemmed nature, should be at a relative disadvantage, and therefore relatively infrequent, in tall forests. This is because a resprouting individual allocates resources to a number of basal branches/stems and buds rather than maximizing vertical extension of a single leader, as is the case in a seeder. Also, many tall stems arising from the same multi-stemmed base, as is the case in resprouters, will be relatively poorly supported in comparison to the single stem of a reseeder.
3. To test these two ideas we surveyed a number of plots in a range of South African forests and thicket communities. We noted the numbers of seedlings and resprouts for each species and determined a mean for each site.
4. Short forests and thickets were dominated by multi-stemmed species and there was an almost total absence of seedlings. In contrast, tall forests were dominated by single-stemmed reseeding species and were accompanied by seedlings.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tree size and age structures, treefall and canopy gap characteristics, and regeneration responses to treefalls were compared for three stands of old-growth beech (Nothofagus) forest dominated by N. fusca and N. menziesii on the South Island, New Zealand. Treefall gaps (up to 1000 m2) were most often caused by standing trees killed by drought and/or insect attack, or by trees snapped by wind. The causes of gap formation and the size and age distributions of treefall gaps varied between localities because of spatial and temporal differences in the histories of disturbance. At Fergies Bush where drought-related dieback had produced many large gaps with standing dead trees, gaps were generally young. Conversely, at Station Creek, small, old gaps formed by bolesnap dominated the disturbance regime. At Rough Creek, gaps of all ages and sizes were found along with an almost complete fern cover, and abundant shrubs and occasional subcanopy hardwood trees. Although overall patterns of regeneration were unrelated to differences in gap size, the relative abundance of N. fusca and N. menziesii varied between localities according to the seemingly minor differences in forest structure and disturbance history described above. Interpretations of regeneration response to gap parameters, therefore, need to account for differences in disturbance history between sites. Differences in the disturbance history between localities will also influence rates of gap closure, and because closure rates are used to estimate forest turnover times, meaningful comparisons of disturbance regimes for different forest types can only be made if this intersite variability is addressed.  相似文献   

以中国东北长白山阔叶红松林为例,应用林窗模型NEWCOP探索了不同模拟样地面积对林窗模型输出结果的影响.结果表明,模拟样地面积大小变化可影响模拟出的森林群落的树种组成和模拟样地的林窗出现周期,通过应用这一特点确定了阔叶红松林的林窗面积为400~800m2.  相似文献   

长白山自然保护区阔叶红松林林隙更新的研究   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
通过对林隙及非林隙林分组成树种数量特征的对比分析,研究了长白山自然保护区阔叶红松林中主要树种对林隙的更新反应特点,阐述了林隙在阔叶红松林结构与多样性维持中的作用.随着林隙与非林隙的交替变化,红松和阔叶树以及主林层和中下层树种的相对优势(或重要性)亦呈现出交替变化的规律.林隙提高了阔叶红松林的物种丰富度,增加了其多样性,为不同特性物种的共存提供了可能,从而保持了阔叶红松林的整体稳定性.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dynamics of a Sequoia sempervirens forest in northern California were studied with long‐term plot data (1.44 ha) and recent transect data. The study was conducted in an old stand (> 1100 yr) on alluvial flats. Over three decades (1972–2001), changes in the composition and structure of the tree stratum were minor. Sequoia maintained a broad distribution of stem diameters throughout the period. Annual rates of Sequoia mortality (0.0029) and ingrowth (0.0029) were low, reflecting the great longevity of Sequoia and the slow canopy turnover of the study forest. Transect data also indicated a low frequency of canopy gap disturbance (≤ 0.4% of total land area per yr), but gap size was potentially large (> 0.1 ha) and the fraction of area in gaps (ca. 20%) was similar to other temperate forests. Regeneration quadrats sampled along transects, in gap centers, and on logs revealed that Sequoia regeneration is elevated at gap edges. The longevity of Sequoia and its response to gap disturbances ensure that it will remain a dominant species in the study forest.  相似文献   

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