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XY sex reversal associated with a nonsense mutation in SRY.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sex determination in humans is mediated through the expression of a testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome. In humans, a candidate gene for the testis-determining factor (TDF) that encodes a protein with a putative DNA-binding motif and has been isolated is termed SRY. Here we describe an XY sex-reversed female with pure gonadal dysgenesis who harbors a de novo nonsense mutation in the SRY open reading frame (SRY-orf). This single-basepair substitution results directly in the formation of a termination codon in the putative SRY DNA-binding motif, presumably leading to a nonfunctional gene product. This brings the number of reported XY sex-reversed females with de novo mutations in the known SRY-orf to three, each occurring in the putative DNA-binding domain. This provides further evidence to support SRY being TDF in humans and also indicates the functional importance of the putative DNA-binding domain of the SRY protein.  相似文献   

The wood lemming (Myopus schisticolor) harbors two types of X chromosome, a normal X and a variant X, designated X*. The X* chromosome contains a mutation that causes XY sex reversal. We have previously demonstrated that the Xp21-23 region is deleted from X* and is associated with XY sex reversal. To further analyze the deleted region, we have constructed and characterized seven X chromosome- and region-specific recombinant DNA libraries. Further, we have screened mouse fetal gonad cDNA libraries with the microdissected Xp21-23 DNA as a probe in an attempt to identify homologous and expressed sequences from the deletion. Fourteen positive clones were isolated, and sequence analyses showed that ten of these contained identical sequences homologous to mouse gamma-satellite sequences. One of the remaining four was perfectly homologous to the mouse gene Ccth (chaperonin containing t-complex polypeptide 1, eta subunit). Southern blot indicated that the Ccth cDNA was located on the X chromosome, not deleted from the X* but closely linked to the deletion region. Although the role of the Ccth containing region in sex determination of the wood lemming requires additional studies, the isolation of the mouse Ccth gene by the deletion Xp21-23 probe could be important since this gene is mainly expressed in testis.  相似文献   

Despite the identification of an increasing number of genes involved in sex determination and differentiation, no cause can be attributed to most cases of 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis, approximately 20% of 46, XX males and the majority of subjects with 46, XX true hermaphroditism. Perhaps the most interesting candidate for involvement in sexual development is SOX3, which belongs to the same family of proteins (SOX) as SRY and SOX9, both of which are involved in testis differentiation. As SOX3 is the most likely evolutionary precursor to SRY, it has been proposed that it has retained a role in testis differentiation. Therefore, we screened the coding region and the 5 and 3 flanking region of the SOX3 gene for mutations by means of single-stranded conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex analysis in eight subjects with 46, XX sex reversal (SRY negative) and 25 subjects with 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis. Although no mutations were identified, a nucleotide polymorphism (1056C/T) and a unique synonymous nucleotide change (1182A/C) were detected in a subject with 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis. The single nucleotide polymorphism had a heterozygosity rate of 5.1% (in a control population) and may prove useful for future X-inactivation studies. The absence of SOX3 mutations in these patients suggests that SOX3 is not a cause of abnormal male sexual development and might not be involved in testis differentiation.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Although the N-terminal BOX-I domain of the tumor suppressor protein p53 contains the primary docking site for MDM2, previous studies demonstrated that RNA stabilizes the MDM2.p53 complex using a p53 mutant lacking the BOX-I motif. In vitro assays measuring the specific activity of MDM2 in the ligand-free and RNA-bound state identified a novel MDM2 interaction site in the core domain of p53. As defined using phage-peptide display, the RNA.MDM2 isoform exhibited a notable switch in peptide binding specificity, with enhanced affinity for novel peptide sequences in either p53 or small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-U (snRNP-U) and substantially reduced affinity for the primary p53 binding site in the BOX-I domain. The consensus binding site for the RNA.MDM2 complex within p53 is SGXLLGESXF, which links the S9-S10 beta-sheets flanking the BOX-IV and BOX-V motifs in the core domain and which is a site of reversible conformational flexibility in p53. Mutation of conserved amino acids in the linker at Ser(261) and Leu(264), which bridges the S9-S10 beta-sheets, stimulated p53 activity from reporter templates and increased MDM2-dependent ubiquitination of p53. Furthermore, mutation of the conserved Phe(270) within the S10 beta-sheet resulted in a mutant p53, which binds more stably to RNA.MDM2 complexes in vitro and which is strikingly hyper-ubiquitinated in vivo. Introducing an Ala(19) mutation into the p53(F270A) protein abolished both RNA.MDM2 complex binding and hyper-ubiquitination in vivo, thus indicating that p53(F270A) protein hyper-ubiquitination depends upon MDM2 binding to its primary site in the BOX-I domain. Together, these data identify a novel MDM2 binding interface within the S9-S10 beta-sheet region of p53 that plays a regulatory role in modulating the rate of MDM2-dependent ubiquitination of p53 in cells.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old male with a partial monosomy 9p is reported. The comparative analysis with other cases of 9p monosomy demonstrates a typical phenotype which when compared to that of 9p trisomy, permits the delineation of fifteen "type and contretype" signs.  相似文献   

Summary An inherited genetic disorder causes XY embryos of the horse to develop as mares. On the basis of our study of 38 such mares, we have identified four grades or classes of XY sex reversal according to this scheme: class I, nearly normal female, of which some are fertile; class II, female with gonadal dysgenesis, normal mullerian development; calss III, intersex mare with gonadal dysgenesis, abnormal mullerian development, enlarged clitoris; class IV, virilized intersex characterized by high levels of testosterone. In general, class I and calss II mares were typed H-Y antigen-negative whereas class III and class IV mares were typed H-Y antigen-positive.  相似文献   

The testis-determining gene SRY (sex determining region, Y) is located on the short arm of the Y chromosome and consists of a single exon, the central third of which is predicted to encode a conserved motif with DNA binding/bending properties. We describe the screening of 26 patients who presented with 46,XY partial or complete gonadal dysgenesis for mutations in both the SRY open reading frame (ORF) and in 3.8 kb of Y-specific flanking sequences. DNA samples were screened by using the fluorescence-assisted mismatch analysis (FAMA) method. In two patients, de novo mutations causing complete gonadal dysgenesis were detected in the SRY ORF. One was a nonsense mutation 5′ to the HMG box, whereas the other was a missense substitution located at the C terminus of the conserved motif and identical to one previously detected in an unrelated patient. In addition, two Y-specific polymorphisms were found 5′ to the SRY gene, and a sequence variant was identified 3′ to the SRY polyadenylation site. No duplications of the DSS region in 20 of these patients were detected. Received: 18 November 1996 / Revised: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

Collectins are oligomeric molecules with C-type lectin domains attached to collagen-like regions via alpha-helical neck regions. They bind nonself glycoconjugates on the surface of microorganisms and inhibit infection by direct neutralization, agglutination, or opsonization. During the characterization of the gene encoding bovine CL-43 (43-kDa collectin), we identified a novel collectin-gene. We report the cloning and partial characterization of the novel collectin CL-46. The mRNA comprises 1188 nucleotides encoding a protein of 371 aa with an included leader peptide of 20 residues. CL-46 has two cysteine residues in the N-terminal segment, a potential N-glycosylation site in the collagen region, and an extended hydrophilic loop close to the binding site of the carbohydrate recognition domain. It is expressed in the thymus, liver, mammary gland, and tissues of the digestive system. Recombinant CL-46 corresponding to the alpha-helical neck region and the C-type lectin domain binds preferential N-acetyl-D-glucoseamine and N-acetyl-D-mannoseamine. The gene encoding CL-46 spans approximately 10 kb and consists of eight exons, with high structural resemblance to the gene encoding human surfactant protein D. It is located on the bovine chromosome 28 at position q1.8 together with the gene encoding conglutinin and CL-43. Several potential thymus-related cis-regulatory elements were identified in the 5'-upstream sequence, indicating that the expression in thymus may be modulated by signals involved in T cell development.  相似文献   

A Japanese girl was diagnosed as true hermaphroditism with 46,X,+mar/46,XY and the marker chromosome was determined on the short arm of chromosome 22 without alpha-satellite by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and spectral karyotyping (SKY) methods. At birth, she showed intersexual external genitalia, urethral-vaginal fistula and right inguinal hernia. The right gonad was revealed as an ovotestis, and the left was as an undifferentiated testis. The gonadal mosaicism was demonstrated directly in gonadal tissue by interphase FISH.  相似文献   

Receptors and various molecules in neurons are localized at precise locations to perform their respective functions, especially in synaptic sites. Among synaptic molecules, PDZ domain proteins play major roles in scaffolding and anchoring membrane proteins for efficient synaptic transmission. In the present study, we isolated CIP98, a novel protein (98 kDa) consisting of three PDZ domains and a proline-rich region, which is widely expressed in the central nervous system. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining patterns demonstrate that CIP98 is expressed strongly in certain types of neurons, i.e. pyramidal cells in layers III-V of the cerebral cortex, projecting neurons in the thalamus and interneurons in the cerebellum. The results of immunocytochemical staining and electron microscopy revealed that CIP98 is localized both in dendrites and axons. Interestingly, CIP98 interacts with CASK (calmodulin-dependent serine kinase), a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family that plays important roles in the molecular organization of proteins at synapses. CIP98 was shown to co-localize with CASK along the dendritic processes of neurons. In view of its direct association with CASK, CIP98 may be involved in the formation of CASK scaffolding proteins complex to facilitate synaptic transmission in the CNS.  相似文献   

A full-term 46,XY female newborn presented with respiratory failure due to a right-sided diaphragmatic hernia. During surgical repair, exploration revealed isolated dextrocardia and hypoplasia of the right lung. Neither gonads nor wolffian or müllerian structures could be palpated. Cardiac catheterization demonstrated defects of the ventricular septum, hypoplasia of the right pulmonary artery, persistence of the left vena cava superior and a patent ductus arteriosus. Anthropometric data were normal at birth, but fell below the 3rd percentile during follow-up. Body proportions displayed a predominance of the upper compared to the lower segment. Endocrine studies indicated no defect of steroid biosynthesis and no functional gonadal tissue. Using genetic analyses of various loci within the testis-determining region of the Y chromosome, a mutation could not be detected. The patient died from pneumonia at the age of 19 months. Postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of gonadal agenesis.  相似文献   

The conserved vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) pathway controls the trafficking of proteins to the vacuole/lysosome. Both the internalization of ubiquitylated cargo from the plasma membrane and its sorting at the late endosome via the Vps pathway depend on ubiquitin (Ub) binding motifs present in trafficking regulators. Here we report that Ub controls yet a third step in the Vps pathway. Vps9p, which promotes endosomal and Golgi-derived vesicle fusion, binds directly to Ub via a Cue1p-homologous (CUE) domain. The CUE domain is structurally related to the Ub-associated (UBA) domain. In an assay for vacuolar delivery of a transmembrane receptor fused to Ub, a Ub mutation impairing interaction with Vps9p led to a cytoplasmic block in receptor trafficking. This block resembled that of a receptor fused to wild-type Ub but expressed in a vps9-null background. Strikingly, this trafficking defect caused by a mutant Ub was rescued by deletion of the Vps9p CUE domain, indicating that lack of the CUE domain renders Vps9p independent of Ub for activation in vivo. We thus provide evidence for biochemical and genetic interactions between Ub and a novel Ub binding domain in Vps9p. Ub plays a positive role, whereas the CUE domain plays both positive and negative roles in Vps9p function in trafficking.  相似文献   

In order to identify novel genes enriched in adult heart, we performed a subtractive hybridization for genes expressed in mouse heart but not in skeletal muscle. We identified two alternative splicing variants of a novel PDZ-LIM domain protein, which we named Oracle. Both variants contain a PDZ domain at the amino-terminus and three LIM domains at the carboxy-terminus. Highest homology of Oracle was found with the human and rat enigma proteins in the PDZ domain (62 and 61%, respectively) and in the LIM domains (60 and 69%, respectively). By Northern hybridization analysis, we showed that expression is highest in adult mouse heart, low in skeletal muscle and undetectable in other adult mouse tissues. In situ hybridization in mouse embryos confirmed and extended these data by showing high expression of Oracle mRNA in atrial and ventricular myocardial cells from E8.5. From E9.5 low expression of Oracle mRNA was detectable in myotomes. These data suggest a role for Oracle in the early development and function of heart and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A 47,XXY/46,XY male was investigated for the incidence of aneuploidy in sperm sex chromosomes using a three-colour X/Y/18 fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) protocol. A total of 1701 sperm nuclei were analysed. The ratio of X-bearing to Y-bearing sperm did not differ from the expected 1 : 1 ratio although there were more 23,Y sperm than 23,X sperm (844 vs 795). There was a significantly increased proportion of disomy XY and XX sperm compared with normal controls (0.41% vs 0.10%, P < 0.001 and 0.29% vs 0.04%, P < 0.01). However, the incidence of YY sperm was similar to the controls (0.06% vs 0.02%). The diploidy rate was also significantly increased (1.7% vs 0.13%, P < 0.0001), as was disomy 18 (0.71% vs 0.01%) and 25,XXY (0.47% vs 0%). The results support the hypothesis that some 47,XXY cells are able to undergo meiosis and produce mature spermatozoa. Patients with mosaic Klinefelter syndrome with severe oligozoospermia have significantly elevated incidences of disomy XY and XX sperm and may be at a slightly increased risk of producing 47,XXX and 47,XXY offspring. Additionally, they may be at risk of producing offspring with autosomal trisomies. Hence, patients with Klinefelter mosaicism scheduled for intracytoplasmic sperm injection intervention should first undergo FISH analysis of their sperm to determine their risk. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 16 February 1999  相似文献   

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