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The efficacy of pollination biology of Mesogyne insignis is poorly known in fragmented forests of Amani Nature Reserve. This study was conducted to determine the effect of forest fragmentation on potential pollinators of this endangered species. Three intact forests and three forest fragments were selected for this study, the intact forests serving as control. Visual observation of insects visiting inflorescences, insect trapping and pollinator exclusion experiments were the methods employed in assessing pollination. Most members of the solitary bee genus Megachile were found to be potential pollinators of M. insignis. Diversity of pollinators was significantly higher in intact forests than in forest fragments. Overall, the total number of fruits set was significantly higher in intact forests than in forest fragments, perhaps a reflection of the higher diversity and abundance of potential pollinators in an intact forest. The pollination system of M. insignis is generalist in terms of systematic group of pollinators, and forest fragmentation may have significant impact on this pollination pattern. A similar study should be conducted in other Eastern Arc Mountains where M. insignis grows to find out whether the potential pollinators are similar or not.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed pollination system involving a monoecious tree species, Artocarpus integer (Moraceae), pollinator gall midges, and fungi is reported from a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Borneo. The fungus Choanephora sp. (Choanephoraceae, Mucorales, Zygomycetes) infects male inflorescences of A. integer, and gall midges (Contarinia spp., Cecidomyiinae, Diptera) feed on the fungal mycelia and oviposit on the inflorescence. Their larvae also feed on the mycelia and pupate in the inflorescence. The gall midges are also attracted by female inflorescences lacking mycelia, probably due to a floral fragrance similar to that of male inflorescences. Because of the sticky pollen, dominance of Contarinia spp. in flower visitors, and pollen load observed on Contarinia spp. collected on both male and female inflorescences, Artocarpus integer is thought to be pollinated by the gall midges. Although several pathogenic fungi have been reported to have interactions with pollinators, this is the first report on a pollination mutualism in which a fungus plays an indispensable role. The pollination system described here suggests that we should be more aware of the roles fungi can play in pollinations.  相似文献   

We monitored soil CO 2 effluxes for over 3 years in a seasonally wet tropical forest in Central Panama using automated and manual measurements from 2013 to 2016. The measurements displayed a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. Temporal variability could be largely explained by surface soil water dynamics over a broad range of temporal scales. Soil moisture was responsible for seasonal cycles, diurnal cycles, intraseasonal variability such as rain‐induced pulses following dry spells, as well as suppression during near saturated conditions, and ultimately, interannual variability. Spatial variability, which remains largely unexplained, revealed an emergent role of forest structure in conjunction with physical drivers such as soil temperature and topography. Mean annual soil CO 2 effluxes (±SE ) amounted to 1,613 (±59) gC  m?2 year?1 with an increasing trend in phase with an El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO ) cycle which culminated with the strong 2015–2016 event. We attribute this trend to a relatively mild wet season during which soil saturated conditions were less persistent.  相似文献   

热带季节雨林林窗辐射特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用不同季节热带季节雨林林窗、林内及旷地不同波长太阳辐射的实测资料,探讨了热带季节雨林林窗不同波长辐射特征。结果表明,热带季节雨林林窗中央和北侧林冠下的不同波长太阳辐射存在“突跃现象”,中午前后各辐射量值迅速达到最大后又急速下降;林窗内不同波长太阳辐射日总量值均大于林内,却小于旷地;林窗中央和北侧林冠下比较可见,在干热季、雨季和雨季后期,林窗中央的各辐射要素总量值高于北侧林冠下,但雾凉季时受浓雾和太阳高度以及方位的影响,各辐射要素总量值较北侧林冠下低;林窗中央的总辐射日总量在雨季太阳高度角最大时最高,雨季后期和干热季其次,雾凉季时最小;林窗中央和北侧林冠下的红外辐射及可见光在总辐射中所占份额随季节的变化而不同,充分显示了林窗辐射环境的异质性;与旷地和林内相比,林窗内各测点的红外辐射在总辐射中所占份额介于旷地和林内之间.高于旷地却低于林内;而可见光占总辐射的比值情况正好相反.另外,林窗可见光分配率的季节变化都大于红外辐射;热带季节雨林林窗育增加红外辐射、减少可见光的特征.  相似文献   

Three compounds, ficusamide (1), ficusoside (2) and elasticoside (3), were isolated from the bark of aerial roots of Ficus elastica (Moraceae), together with nine known compounds, including four triterpenes, three steroids and two aliphatic linear alcohols. The chemical structures of the three compounds were established by extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and by comparison with published data. The growth inhibitory effect of the crude extract and isolated compounds was evaluated against several microorganisms and fungi. The cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines was also assessed. Ficusamide (1) displayed a moderate in vitro growth inhibitory activity against the human A549 lung cancer cell line and a strong activity against Staphylococcus saprophyticus, while elasticoside (3) showed a potent activity on Enterococcus faecalis.  相似文献   

Discussion about thrips (Thysanoptera) as main pollinators has been controversial in the past because thrips do not fit the preconception of an effective pollinator. In this study, we present evidence for thrips pollination in the dioecious pioneer tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae). Macaranga hullettii is pollinated predominantly by one thrips species, Neoheegeria sp. (Phlaeothripidae, Thysanoptera). As a reward for pollinators, the protective floral bracteoles function as breeding sites for thrips and trichomal nectaries on the adaxial surface of the floral bracteoles provide alimentation. Flowering phenology of both staminate and pistillate trees was highly synchronized within 3-4 wk periods. In contrast to pistillate trees, staminate trees start to breed the thrips inside the developing inflorescences ~2 wk before anthesis. Breeding of Neoheegeria sp. in the laboratory indicates that the thrips development is completed within ~17 d. Thus, staminate trees offer breeding sites for one thrips generation until the onset of pollen presentation. Intraspecific pollen transfer by thrips was proved by pollen loads of thrips taken from receptive pistillate inflorescences of M. hullettii. Bagging experiments of different mesh sizes showed that seed set reached almost the level of open-pollinated flowers when exclusively tiny insects like thrips were able to enter the net bags, but no apomictic seed set occurred when no insect access was given to the flowers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollination is a critical stage in plant reproduction and thus in the maintenance and evolution of species and communities. The Caatinga is the fourth largest ecosystem in Brazil, but despite its great extent and its importance few studies providing ecological information are available, with a notable lack of work focusing on pollination biology. Here, general data are presented regarding the frequency of pollination systems within Caatinga communities, with the aim of characterizing patterns related to floral attributes in order to make possible comparisons with data for plant communities in other tropical areas, and to test ideas about the utility of syndromes. This paper also intends to provide a reference point for further studies on pollination ecology in this threatened ecosystem. METHODS: The floral traits and the pollination systems of 147 species were analysed in three areas of Caatinga vegetation in northeastern Brazil, and compared with world-wide studies focusing on the same subject. For each species, floral attributes were recorded as form, size, colour, rewards and pollination units. The species were grouped into 12 guilds according to the main pollinator vector. Analyses of the frequencies of the floral traits and pollination systems were undertaken. KEY RESULTS: Nectar and pollen were the most common floral resources and insect pollination was the most frequent, occurring in 69.9 % of the studied species. Of the entomophilous species, 61.7 % were considered to be melittophilous (43.1 % of the total). Vertebrate pollination occurred in 28.1 % of the species (ornithophily in 15.0 % and chiropterophily in 13.1 %), and anemophily was recorded in only 2.0 %. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that the pollination systems in Caatinga, despite climatic restrictions, are diversified, with a low percentage of generalist flowers, and similar to other tropical dry and wet forest communities, including those with high rainfall levels.  相似文献   

Cecile Lumer 《Brittonia》1980,32(4):512-517
Several species of rodents have been observed visiting the flowers of an undescribed species ofBlakea (Melastomataceae) in a cloud forest in Costa Rica. The rodents drink the copious nectar secreted at the base of the stamens and are dusted with pollen. The first report of pollination by non-flying mammals in the neotropics suggests that this type of pollination may be important where there is little competition with bats.  相似文献   

Novel forests (NFs)—forests that contain a combination of introduced and native species—are a consequence of intense anthropogenic disturbances and the natural resilience of disturbed ecosystems. The extent to which NFs have similar forest function as comparable native secondary forests is a matter of debate in the scientific community. Little is known about the performance of individual species in those forests. This study focuses on the functional attributes of Castilla elastica NFs in Puerto Rico and on the differences between introduced and native species growing side by side in these forests. Rates of processes measured here were later compared with data from literature about NSFs. I hypothesize that juvenile plants of C. elastica in NFs have higher survival rate than those of native species and that C. elastica trees have faster biomass fluxes than native trees. To test the hypotheses, I measured survival rates of juvenile plants and tree growth and characterized the aboveground litter fluxes and storage. Although juvenile plants of native species displayed higher survival rates than those of C. elastica (53% vs. 28%), the latter was dominant in the understory (96%). Stand biomass growth rate was 2.0 ± 0.4 (average ± one standard deviation) Mg·ha−1·year−1 for the whole forest, and Guarea guidonia, a native species, exhibited the highest tree growth. Total litter fall was 9.6 ± 0.5 Mg·ha−1·year−1, and mean litter standing stock was 4.4 ± 0.1 Mg·ha−1. Castilla elastica litter fall decomposed twice as fast as that of native species (5.8 ± 1.1 vs. 3.03 ± 1 k·year−1). Literature comparisons show that the present NFs differ in some rates of processes from NSFs. This study brings unique and detailed supporting data about the ecological dynamics under mature novel forest stands. Further comprehensive studies about NFs are important to strengthen the body of knowledge about the wide range of variation of emerging tropical ecosystems. Due to the large increase in the area covered by NFs, greater attention is needed to understand their functioning, delivery of ecological services and management requirements.  相似文献   

The diversity and niche specificity of hemi-epiphytic figs in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak were investigated in 1998. Twenty-seven fig species (264 individuals, c. 120 ha) colonized a diversity of host taxa (35 families), but densities were very low and only 1.77% of trees> 30 cm d.b.h. were occupied. There were no significant associations with host taxa or host-bark roughness but among 11 common species (≥9 individuals) the distributions of all other parameters (host-d.b.h., height and position of colonization, crown illumination, soil-texture and slope-angle) were significantly different, and we identified five fig guilds. The guilds corresponded to canopy strata, and appeared to reflect the establishment microsite requirements of different species. A fundamental trade-off within the hemi-epiphytic habit was revealed: Species colonizing larger hosts were rarer, because of lower host densities and more specific microsite requirements, but had better light environments and attained a larger maximum size. The single strangler species appeared to escape many of these constraints, and an important source of mortality caused by host-toppling, indicating the advantages of this strategy. Thus, the hemi-epiphytic figs in this community have come to fill a remarkable diversity of niches, despite low levels of competition, through the exigencies of a complex environment.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 439–455  相似文献   

We determined spatial and temporal distribution of tadpoles in 11 breeding habitats from Morro do Diabo State Park (MDSP), southeastern Brazil. Breeding habitats occupancy by tadpoles was tested to be different from a null model of random placement of species. We also tested whether tadpole occupancy in a given breeding habitat is organized according to different ecomorphological guilds, and we analyzed spatial partitioning of tadpoles among breeding habitats through similarity analysis. For temporal analysis we analyzed temporal partitioning of tadpole monthly occurrence also using similarity analysis, and assessed what climatic variable better predicts tadpole temporal occurrence in the MDSP, through regression analysis. Among tadpoles from 19 anuran species, distribution was different from a null model, but co-occurrence patterns among the breeding habitats did not differ among different guilds. However, breeding habitats with similar hydroperiods had similar species composition, which may be related to the reproduction patterns of species. Among the three climatic variables analyzed (rainfall, temperature, and photoperiod), temporal occurrence of monthly tadpole richness and abundance was correlated with temperature and rainfall. Most species were found only during the rainy season months, and overlap occurred within three groups of species. Thus, temporal distribution does not seem to be an important mechanism in species segregation at the MDSP, where the dry season is pronounced. In this case, spatial partitioning tends to be more important for species coexistence.  相似文献   

Hawkmoths ( Theretra capensis and Hyles lineata livornica ) pollinated the orchid Bonatea speciosa at a forested site along the southern Cape coast of South Africa. The flowers of B. speciosa are strongly evening-scented and hawkmoth activity was confined to a short period of 40 minutes after dusk on each evening of observation. The pollinaria are exceptionally elongated (c. 20 mm in length) and are affixed to the eyes of the hawkmoths. Pollinaria attached to feeding hawkmoths are brushed over the long stigmatic arms which project in front of flowers. The flowers of B. speciosa have a toothlike process at the mouth of the spur which forces moths to enter the flower from either side. As a result, only one of the pollinaria is removed from the flower during a visit. The division of the flower into two functional units by the toothlike process in the spur distinguishes the floral mechanism of B. speciosa from other Habenariinae.  相似文献   

The unusual floral phenology of most monoecious figs, related to their highly specialized pollination mutualism with agaonid wasps, combines pronounced dichogamy at the level of inflorescences and individuals with population-level asynchrony in flowering. This floral phenology ensures that outcrossing strongly predominates. Fig populations may thus be expected to possess deleterious recessive alleles that lead to inbreeding depression when selfing does occur. However, whether monoecious figs are self-compatible and whether selfing results in inbreeding depression have never been investigated. Using wasps as "pollination tools" and exploiting infrequent overlap in male and female phases on the same tree, we conducted controlled selfed and outcrossed pollination experiments in Ficus aurea. Our results show that this species is totally self-compatible. No negative effects of selfing could be demonstrated on syconium retention, number of vacant ovaries, seed set, or seed germination. However, wasp production had a tendency to be higher after self-pollination. While it is possible that inbreeding depression is expressed at later developmental stages, its absence at the early stages we examined is nonetheless surprising for a plant expected to be highly outcrossed. It is likely that selection pressures other than avoidance of inbreeding are responsible for the evolution and maintenance of the unusual floral phenology of figs.  相似文献   

Ramírez  Nelson 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):171-189
Pollination modes ecology of a total of 164 plant species was evaluated according to habitats and plant life forms in the Venezuelan Central Plain. Frequency distribution of nine pollination modes showed that, at the community level bee pollination (38.6%) was dominant. Butterfly (13.9%), fly (12.7%), and wasp (10.8%) pollination were the second most frequent. Moth (6.2%) and wind (10.4%) pollination occurred with similar frequency, and the least common were bird (3.1%), beetle (2.3%) and bat (1.9%) pollination. There was a significant interaction effect indicating that pollination mode was affected by the type of habitat. Bee pollination was the most common pollination mode in all habitats with butterfly, fly and wasp pollination being secondary for forest and forest-savanna transition; and butterfly, wasp, wind and fly pollination being secondary for savanna. Wind, butterfly and fly pollination were found in disturbed areas as secondary pollination modes. Pollination modes were significantly associated and affected by life forms. Bee pollination was dominant in all life forms with wasp, butterfly and fly pollination being the secondary for trees, shrubs, and lianas; and butterfly and wind pollination being the secondary for herbaceous species. The number of pollination modes (richness) among life forms ranged between four and nine for epiphytes and perennial herbs respectively. The highest values of diversity indexes among life forms were found in trees and shrubs. The richness and diversity indices of pollination modes were statistically higher for more structured habitats, forest and forest-savanna transition, than herbaceous habitats, savanna and disturbed areas, which is associated with the highest values of diversity indexes in trees and shrubs. Equitability was higher for forest and disturbed areas than forest-savanna transition and savanna. The results of comparative richness, equitability, diversity indices, and the frequency distribution of pollination modes of 19 samples from tropical and temperate communities indicated that richness of pollination modes may be different between tropical and temperate communities. The proportion of each pollination mode suggests four grouping: (1) rain forests and their strata, (2) grassland savanna, and associated disturbed areas, (3) temperate communities, and (4) the most heterogeneous group, contained mostly neotropical communities, including the four habitats of the Venezuelan Central Plain. The frequency of pollination modes, richness, diversity and equitability of communities, habitats, successional stages, and vegetation strata varies with respect to geography, vegetation structure, and plant species richness.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in 13C values was measured in leaves from 17 upper canopy, five mid- canopy and in four gap tree species, as well as in five epiphyte and five vine species, in a seasonally dry lowland tropical forest at Parque Natural Metropolitano near Panama City, Republic of Panama. No seasonal variation was detected in the 13C values of mature exposed leaves from either the upper or mid- canopy. However, canopy position did influence the 13C value. The mean isotopic composition of leaves from the mid- canopy was more negative than that of the upper canopy throughout the year. The 13C value was also influenced by leaf development, with juvenile leaves on average 1.5 less negative than mature leaves. The five epiphyte species exhibited 13C values that were typical of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Codonanthe uleana, with isotopic values of –19.9 to –22.1, is only the second species in the Gesneriaceae reported to express CAM, whereas values between –14.6 and –22.0 indicate that Peperomia macrostachya can exhibit different degrees of CAM. The isotopic composition of exposed mature leaves from the vines showed little interspecific variation and was similar to the upper-canopy leaves of the trees.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are the largest contributors to global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere via soil respiration (Rs). As such, identifying the main controls on Rs in tropical forests is essential for accurately projecting the consequences of ongoing and future global environmental changes to the global C cycle. We measured hourly Rs in a secondary tropical moist forest in Puerto Rico over a 3‐year period to (a) quantify the magnitude of Rs and (b) identify the role of climatic, substrate, and nutrient controls on the seasonality of Rs. Across 3 years of measurements, mean Rs was 7.16 ± 0.02 μmol CO2 m‐2 s‐1 (or 2,710 g C m‐2 year‐1) and showed significant seasonal variation. Despite small month‐to‐month variation in temperature (~4°C), we found significant positive relationships between daily and monthly Rs with both air and soil temperature, highlighting the importance of temperature as a driver of Rs even in warm ecosystems, such as tropical forests. We also found a significant parabolic relationship between mean daily volumetric soil moisture and mean daily Rs, with an optimal moisture value of 0.34 m3 m‐3. Given the relatively consistent climate at this site, the large range in mean monthly Rs (~7 μmol CO2 m‐2 s‐1) was surprising and suggests that even small changes in climate can have large implications for ecosystem respiration. The strong positive relationship of Rs with temperature at monthly timescales particularly stands out, as moisture is usually considered a stronger control of Rs in tropical forests that already experience warm temperatures year‐round. Moreover, our results revealed the strong seasonality of Rs in tropical moist forests, which given its high magnitude, can represent a significant contribution to the seasonal patterns of atmospheric (CO2) globally.  相似文献   

利用中国陆地生态系统通量观测网络(ChinaFLUX)西双版纳热带森林通量观测站涡度相关方法测定的热带季节雨林林冠上方三维方向风速(u,v,w)以及CO2浓度、H2O浓度、气温等变量的10 Hz观测资料,选取1、4、7和10月4个代表性月份晴好天气,在全天5个不同时段内(8:00-11:30,12:00-15:00,15:30-19:00,19:30-23:30,0:00-7:30)求算了各要素的功率谱和与垂直风速的协谱,探讨了热带季节雨林林冠上方数据的高低频响应问题.结果表明:在热带季节雨林林冠上方,晴好天气且湍流条件良好状况下,6个变量的功率谱点阵曲线斜率在惯性副区内均满足-2/3定律;并且各要素与垂直风速的协谱点阵曲线斜率在惯性副区内满足-4/3定律.说明大尺度运动对物质和能量传输的贡献在高频率和中等强度频率信号范围内的响应能力能够满足观测所需要求,可以认为在复杂地形条件下西双版纳热带季节雨林进行通量测定的采样频率合理,所获得数据可以用来作为实际通量的结果加以使用.  相似文献   

Seasonal fecundity is a composite metric that is determined by component parameters such as clutch size, nest survival and re‐nesting probability. Many of these component parameters are known to vary with environmental conditions, in particular rainfall prior to or during the breeding season. In some species, seasonal fecundity is positively related to rainfall, but little is known about which component parameters of seasonal fecundity respond most strongly to rainfall. We used intensive nest monitoring of a multi‐brooded tropical forest passerine, the Montserrat Oriole Icterus oberi, to examine the effects of rainfall during the pre‐breeding season on component parameters of annual fecundity. We monitored all nests of a total of 42 pairs over 5 years in which rainfall varied substantially. We then related clutch size, nest survival, onset and length of the breeding season, re‐nesting probability and re‐nesting interval to pre‐breeding season rainfall using generalized linear mixed models that accounted for random variation across sites and individual pairs, and incorporated other variables known to affect the response. Higher pre‐breeding season rainfall led to an increase in clutch size and a decrease in re‐nesting interval, but nest survival, re‐nesting probability and length of the breeding season were not affected by variation in rainfall. The onset of the breeding season was delayed in very dry years. We conclude that higher rainfall is likely to increase food availability and thus body condition of female Montserrat Orioles, leading to an increase in fecundity due to larger clutch sizes.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed spatial genetic structure (SGS) patterns and estimated dispersal distances in Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C. Berg (Moraceae), a threatened wind-pollinated dioecious African tree, with typically low density (∼10 adults/km2). Eight microsatellite markers were used to type 287 individuals in four Cameroonian populations characterized by different habitats and tree densities. Differentiation among populations was very low. Two populations in more open habitat did not display any correlation between genetic relatedness and spatial distance between individuals, whereas significant SGS was detected in two populations situated under continuous forest cover. SGS was weak with a maximum S p-statistic of 0.006, a value in the lower quartile of SGS estimates for trees in the literature. Using a stepwise approach with Bayesian clustering methods, we demonstrated that SGS resulted from isolation by distance and not colonization by different gene pools. Indirect estimates of gene dispersal distances ranged from σ g = 1 to 7.1 km, one order of magnitude higher than most estimates found in the literature for tropical tree species. This result can largely be explained by life-history traits of the species. Milicia excelsa exhibits a potentially wide-ranging wind-mediated pollen dispersal mechanism as well as very efficient seed dispersal mediated by large frugivorous bats. Estimations of gene flow suggested no major risk of inbreeding because of reduction in population density by exploitation. Different strategy of seed collection may be required for reforestation programmes among populations with different extent of SGS.  相似文献   

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