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Hiptage sericea is shown to possess both lipophilic glands and extrafloral nectaries. Both types of glands develop from a group of initials and show similarities in organisation of tissue systems and secretion. The nature of the secretory substances is however different. The occurrence and function of the glands are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf glands of Diplopterys pubipetala were studied with light and electron microscopy. Aspects of their secretion, visitors and phenology were also recorded. Glands occur along the margin, at the apex and at the base of the leaf blade. All the glands begin secretion when the leaf is still very young, and secretion continues during leaf expansion. The highest proportion of young leaves coincides with the beginning of flowering. The glucose‐rich secretion is collected by Camponotus ants, which patrol the newly formed vegetative and reproductive branches. All the glands are sessile, partially set into the mesophyll, and present uniseriate epidermis subtended by nonvascularised parenchyma. The glands at the apex and base are larger and also consist of vascularised subjacent parenchyma. The cytoplasm of epidermal and parenchyma cells has abundant mitochondria, polymorphic plastids filled with oil droplets and a few starch grains. Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum are more abundant in the epidermal cells. The parenchyma cells of the subjacent region contain chloroplasts and large vacuoles. Plasmodesmata connect all the nectary cells. The zinc iodide–osmium tetroxide (ZIO) method revealed differences in the population of organelles between epidermal cells, as well as between epidermal cells and parenchyma cells. Ultrastructural results indicate that leaf glands of Dpubipetala can be classified as mixed secretory glands. However, the secretion released by these glands is basically hydrophilic and composed primarily of sugars, hence these glands function as nectaries.  相似文献   

Abstract The symbiosis between a bacterium and the West African rain forest yam Dioscorea sansibarensis is described for the first time at the ultrastructural level. The bacteria are harboured in glands which run the entire length of the pronounced ‘drip-tip’ leaf acumenae of the host plant. Each acumen, which may be up to 12 cm long in very large mature leaves, contains from two to six bacterial glands. The glands are kidney-shaped in cross section and contain numerous multicellular simple trichomes which arise from the epidermis of the gland floor and project into the lumen of the gland. The bacteria are Gram-negative and variously rod, ovoid, and coccoid in shape. The bacterial cells contain mesosomes, polyhydroxybutyrate granules and large electron-dense bodies. Bacteria-free plants grow more slowly and produce one yellowish-green leaf per node in contrast to the vigorous growth habit of infected plants, with two deep green leaves per node. Infected plants exposed to a variety of atmospheres containing acetylene, both in the light and in the dark, failed to reduce acetylene to ethylene, indicating that nitrogen fixation is not a function of this symbiosis.  相似文献   

Seven new species ofMascagnia are described:M. tomentosa from southern Mexico and Central America;M. arenicola from the Guianas;M. riparia, M. tucuruensis, andM. velutina from Brazil;M. boliviana from Bolivia; andM. australis from Argentina and Paraguay. These novelties were previously included in the “M. sepium-complex,” an omniumgatherum comprising superficially similar yellow-flowered taxa.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of two species of Zoraptera, Zorotypus caudelli and Zorotypus hubbardi, were examined and documented mainly using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results obtained for males and females of the two species are compared and functional aspects related to ultrastructural features are discussed. The salivary glands are divided into two regions: the secretory cell region and the long efferent duct, the latter with its distal end opening in the salivarium below the hypopharyngeal base. The secretory region consists of a complex of secretory cells provided with microvillated cavities connected by short ectodermal ducts to large ones, which are connected with the long efferent duct. The secretory cell cytoplasm contains a large system of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus producing numerous dense secretions. The cells of the efferent duct, characterized by reduced cytoplasm and the presence of long membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria, are possibly involved in fluid uptaking from the duct lumen.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ribbon‐shaped salivary glands in Bulla striata were studied with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Secretion is produced in tubules formed by two types of secretory cells, namely granular mucocytes and vacuolated cells, intercalated with ciliated cells. A central longitudinal duct lined by the same cell types collects the secretion and conducts it to the buccal cavity. In granular mucocytes, the nucleus is usually central and the secretory vesicles contain oval‐shaped granular masses attached to the vesicle membrane. Glycogen granules can be very abundant, filling the space around the secretory vesicles. These cells are strongly stained by PAS reaction for polysaccharides. Their secretory vesicles are also stained by Alcian blue, revealing acidic mucopolysaccharides, and the tetrazonium reaction detects proteins in minute spots at the edge of the vesicles, corresponding to the granular masses observed in TEM. Colloidal iron staining for acidic mucopolysaccharides in TEM reveals iron particles in the electron‐lucent region of the vesicles, while the granular masses are free of particles. In vacuolated cells, which are thinner and less abundant than the granular mucocytes, the nucleus is basal and the cytoplasm contains large electron‐lucent vesicles. These vesicles are very weakly colored by light microscopy techniques, but colloidal iron particles could be observed within them. The golf tee‐shaped ciliated cells contain some electron‐dense lysosomes in the apical region. In these cells, the elongated nucleus is subapically located, and bundles of microfibrils are common in the slender cytoplasmic stalk that reaches the basal lamina. The morphological, histochemical, and cytochemical data showed some similarities between salivary glands in B. striata and Aplysia depilans. These similarities could reflect the phylogenetic relationship between cephalaspidean and anaspidean opisthobranchs or result from a convergent adaptation to an identical herbivorous diet.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the female sex pheromone glands in Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) were localized using a masking technique, combined with eiectro-antennography and by a comparison of the glandular cells of sexually active (flightless) females and non-sexually active (flight-form) females. Each unicellular gland is an invagination of the integumental membrane capped by a single secretory cell. These glands are situated on the fine intersegmental membrane, which joins the pygidium to the ovipositor. The secretory cells of the glands of active females are characterized by well-developed microvilli, with many elongated mitochondria among the latter. The high metabolic activity of these cells is revealed by the presence of heterogeneous secretion vesicles, some of which contain abundant crystallized material. Deep basal invaginations indicate the uptake of substances from the haemolymph. The receptor canal is a network of fine cuticular filaments which have the same structure regardless of the female's sexual status. Cells from the glands of non-sexually active females are underdeveloped and show no invaginations of the basal membrane and very few microvilli. The localization of these glands was made possible by the use of SEM, TEM and EAG as well as by masking the suspected zones and by comparing females in different physiological states: flightless females, which were sexually active and producing pheromones; and flight-form females, non-sexually active and producing no sex pheromones. Only by adopting such a stringent method was it possible to confirm the function of the glands whose ultrastructure was studied.  相似文献   

Madagasikaria andersonii is described here as a new genus and species of Malpighiaceae from Madagascar. The phylogenetic placement of Madagasikaria was estimated by using combined data from ndhF and trnL-F chloroplast sequences and phytochrome (PHYC) and ITS nuclear sequences. It forms a strongly supported clade with the Malagasy endemic genera Rhynchophora and Microsteira. Despite nearly identical floral morphology among species in this clade (here called the madagasikarioid clade), these genera are easily distinguishable on the basis of their fruits. The schizocarpic fruits of Madagasikaria have distinctive mericarps. Each mericarp has a lateral wing, which completely encircles the nut, and a peculiar dorsal wing, which folds over on itself. The morphology of this fruit suggests that the homology of the unusual wing in Rhynchophora is lateral in nature and represents a reduced wing similar to the lateral wing in Madagasikaria. Taxa in the madagasikarioid clade all appear to be morphologically androdioecious and functionally dioecious, producing both staminate and "bisexual" (i.e., functionally carpellate) individuals. This condition appears to be exceedingly rare in flowering plants and has important implications for floral evolution within Malpighiaceae. Neotropical Malpighiaceae are pollinated by specialized oil-collecting anthophorine bees of the tribe Centridini and exhibit highly conserved floral morphology despite tremendous diversity in fruit morphology and habit. These oil-collecting bees are absent from the paleotropics, where most members of the Malpighiaceae lack both the oil glands and the typical floral orientation crucial to pollination by neotropical oil-collecting bees. The madagasikarioids represent one shift from the neotropical pollination syndrome among Old World Malpighiaceae.  相似文献   

The structure of the alimentary tract of the third stage infective larva of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis has been described. The cuticle which lines the buccal cavity and oesophagus differs from that which lines the mouth and covers the external surface of the nematode. The oesophagus is a cellular structure and is not, as previously thought, a syncytium. The secretory granules of the oesophageal glands are surrounded by multi-layered membranes which give a myelinated appearance to the granules. The cells of the oesophago-intestinal junction are lined with cuticle and are presumably part of the stomodaeum. The intestine is thin-walled and the cells bear short, widely spaced microvilli. The lumen of the intestine contains whorls of membranes which are probably phospholipid and could act as a food reserve for the larva. The rectum and anus are lined with cuticle.  相似文献   

本文采用解剖学观察、显微摄影、透射电镜等方法对麦蛾柔茧蜂Habrobracon hebetor幼虫唾液腺的显微形态、超微结构以及发育特性进行了观察和分析。麦蛾柔茧蜂幼虫唾液腺为一对无色透明至乳白色的管状腺体,自口腔沿中肠两侧向后延伸,单侧腺体在中部先分支、后合并成一不规则环状,端部呈单盲管状。唾液腺管道长度随幼虫龄期增加而呈线性增长。对唾液腺切片进行超微结构观察,发现腺管由两类差异明显的单层细胞组成,I型细胞微绒毛层较厚,胞内除有丰富的内质网和线粒体之外,还含有大量囊泡,并观察到囊泡运输分泌颗粒的现象;II型细胞微绒毛短,胞内的内质网和线粒体数量丰富。本文研究为深入探究寄生蜂幼虫的消化生理以及寄生蜂-寄主互作机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A survey of bracteal (extrafloral) nectaries in species of Aphelandra (Acanthaceae) reveals substantial diversity. Each bracteal nectary is an aggregate of individual glands that vary in number, size, and structure among species. Glands contain three cell layers: a palisade-like secretory cell layer, a one-to-many-celled intermediate layer with thickened cell walls, and a foot layer. Members of the A. pulcherrima complex have one of two distinct gland types: relatively small glands with a single-celled intermediate layer or larger glands that have a multicellular intermediate layer. Nectaries composed of small glands are patches of many (>50) glands, whereas those composed of large glands are patches of < 10 glands. Four outgroup species have bracteal nectaries of numerous small glands with pluricellular intermediate layers. Glands of all three types are initiated as single enlarged protodermal cells, and all undergo similar early periclinal divisions; the large-gland type shows greater subsequent enlargement with many more anticlinal divisions. The bracteal nectar glands are interpreted to be homologous with simpler glandular trichomes, and mark a monophyletic lineage within Aphelandra. Comparisons with outgroup species show that both nectary types in the A. pulcherrima complex have diverged from an ancestral condition of numerous small glands with pluricellular intermediate layers. Use of the ontogenetic criterion to polarize gland type within the A. pulcherrima complex would yield erroneous results because evolution has apparently involved a developmental truncation with loss of cell divisions in the intermediate layer of small glands. Comparable nectar glands in more distant taxa are interpreted as remarkable cases of convergent evolution, perhaps from similar trichome precursors.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: We developed and characterized microsatellite markers for Byrsonima crassifolia (Malpighiaceae), a widely distributed neotropical fruit tree. ? Methods and Results: Eight polymorphic and two monomorphic microsatellite loci were identified and screened in 60 samples from four geographically disparate populations (Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Panama). Each locus exhibited between two and 11 alleles. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.839. All loci amplify in the congeners B. variabilis and B. basiloba, four amplify in B. bucidaefolia, and seven amplify in B. variabilis, although levels of polymorphism have not been assessed. ? Conclusions: These loci will provide novel tools for comparing genetic diversity present in cultivated and noncultivated populations of B. crassifolia throughout its range, and may prove valuable in related species.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(6):596-604
The Drosophilidae family is formed by Brachycera Diptera distributed widely across different regions of the planet. It is composed of about 4000 species, 304 of which are found in Brazil. The objective of this work was to characterize morphologically the structure of the male internal reproductive apparatus and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon in four Neotropical (Drosophila cardini, D. mercatorum, D. nebulosa and D. sturtevanti) and two invasive (D. simulans and Zaprionus indianus) species of drosophilids. The structural aspect of the internal reproductive apparatus corresponds with that described for other drosophilids; however, there are differences in the size and coloration of the structures, such as the testes, in each species analyzed. The spermatozoon of these species was seen to be long and fine, presenting morphological variation. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoon revealed that the morphological pattern is similar to that found in the majority of insects. The head region presents a nucleus with condensed chromatin and the acrosome positioned laterally to the nucleus. In the tail region, the axoneme presents the 9 + 9 + 2 pattern commonly described for other species of Diptera. The species presented differences regarding the shape and size of the mitochondrial derivatives. Cytochemical analysis using EPTA also revealed differences in terms of the location of the basic proteins in the mitochondrial derivates. The results obtained contribute to expanding the database for the Drosophilidae family, providing information that may contribute to intra- and inter-specific identification and supplying phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Three new species, Hiptage calcicola, H. gracilis , and H. monopteryx are described. A key to the species of Hiptage found in Thailand is provided.  相似文献   

Walter H. Lewis 《Brittonia》1973,25(3):304-306
Byrsonima dressleri is newly described as endemic to the low cloud forests of Panama adjacent to the Canal Zone. Its closest relationship appears to be with those taxa of the Guayana Highland and Amazonia.  相似文献   

Ma  Na  Zhang  Yu-Xin  Yue  Chao 《Protoplasma》2021,258(1):59-69

The salivary glands of Panorpidae usually exhibit distinct sexual dimorphism and are closely related to the nuptial feeding behavior. In this study, the salivary glands of Neopanorpa longiprocessa were investigated using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The salivary glands are tubular labial glands and consist of a scoop-shaped salivary pump, a common salivary duct, and a pair of salivary tubes. The male and female salivary glands are remarkably different in the bifurcation position of the common salivary duct and the length and shape of the secretory tubes. Compared with the simple female salivary glands, the male’s are more developed as their paired elongated salivary tubes can be divided into two parts, the glabrate anterior tube and the posterior tube with many secretory tubules. The ultrastructural study shows that the male salivary tubes have strong secretory function. The existence of different secretion granules indicates that there are some chemical reactions or mixing occurring in the lumen. Based on the ultrastructural characteristics, the functions of the different regions of the salivary tube have been speculated. The relationship between the salivary glands and nuptial feeding behavior of N. longiprocessa has been briefly discussed based on the structure of the salivary glands.


地灵组培白化苗的超微结构变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用超薄切片和电镜观察了唇形科水苏属植物地灵组培白化苗和正常苗叶片的超微结构。结果表明:在超微结构上,白化苗与正常苗叶片细胞具有明显差异。多数白化苗细胞中胞质含量稀少,叶绿体数量较少,叶绿体的形态变化较大,极少数为正常形态,多数呈部分解体状态,还有部:分叶绿体呈现膜融合状态。而细胞壁、细胞核以及细胞形态等结构,白化苗与正常苗细胞并无大的差异。  相似文献   

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