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We report the longitudinal variations in stiffness and bulk density of tissue samples drawn from along the length of two Pachycereus pringlei plants measuring 3.69 and 5.9 m in height to determine how different tissues contribute to the mechanical stability of these massive vertical organs. Each of the two stems was cut into segments of uniform length and subsequently dissected to obtain and mechanically test portions of xylem strands, stem ribs, and a limited number of pith and cortex samples. In each case, morphometric measurements were taken to determine the geometric contribution each tissue likely made to the ability of whole stems to resist bending forces. The stiffness of each xylem strand increased basipetally toward the base of each plant where stiffness sharply decreased, reaching a magnitude comparable to that of strands 1 m beneath the stem apex. The xylem was anisotropic in behavior, i.e., its stiffness measured in the radial and in the tangential directions differed significantly. Despite the abrupt decrease in xylem strand stiffness at the stem base, the contribution made by this tissue to resist bending forces increased exponentially from the tip to the base of each plant due to the accumulation of wood. A basipetal increase in the stiffness of the pith (and, to limited extent, that of the cortex) was also observed. In contrast, the stiffness of stem rib tissues varied little as a function of stem length. These tissues were stiffer than the xylem in the corresponding portions of the stem along the upper two-fifths of the length of either plant. Tissue stiffness and bulk density were not significantly correlated within or across tissue types. However, a weak inverse relationship was observed for these properties in the case of the xylem and stem rib tissues. We present a simple formula that predicts when stem ribs rather than the xylem strands serve as the principal stiffening agents in stems. This formula successfully predicted the observed aspect ratio of the stem ribs (the average quotient of the radial and tangential dimensions of rib transections), and thus provided circumstantial evidence that the ribs are important for mechanical stability for the distal and younger regions of the stems examined.  相似文献   

We studied seed germination and the growth and survivorship of seedlings of females and hermaphrodites ofPachycereus pringlei (cardon), a Mexican columnar cactus whose geographically variable breeding system includes trioecy and gynodioecy. Results of a two-year field experiment conducted near Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico and a ten-month laboratory experiment were similar and did not support the hypothesis that seedlings of females outperform those of hermaphrodites. In the field, percent seed germination and 2-yr seedling survivorship averaged 66% and 95%, respectively and did not differ among six treatment classes. Seedlings of hermaphrodites generally were larger than those of females at the end of both experiments. Selfed seedlings of hermaphrodites did not grow more slowly than outcrossed seedlings of hermaphrodites or females. Hermaphrodite seedlings performed best when pollinated with hermaphrodite pollen; female seedlings performed best with male pollen. We conclude that superior seedling performance cannot explain why females are able to coexist with hermaphrodites in populations of this cactus. Instead, we postulate that greater annual seed production, which averaged 1.6 times higher in females than in hermaphrodites in two years, may be sufficient to allow females to co-occur with hermaphrodites in this large, longlived plant, especially if sex determination involves cytoplasmic-nuclear inheritance.  相似文献   

Determinate root growth is an important adaptation feature for seedling establishment in some Cactaceae. We show that seedlings of Pachycereus pringlei have primary roots with a stable determinate developmental program. How water stress affects determinate root growth and lateral root development has not been studied. Here we address this question. Root growth was analyzed in plants growing in vitro under well-watered and water-deficient (created by polyethylene glycol) growth conditions. Under severe water stress roots terminated their growth earlier and the rate of growth was significantly decreased as a result of inhibition of both cell elongation and cell production. Under severe water stress the number of lateral roots and primordia per millimeter of primary root was 1.5-1.7 times greater than under well-watered conditions; however, the total number of lateral roots and primordia was the same under all conditions. Lateral roots resembled root spurs found in some Opuntioideae. Analysis of the dynamics of meristem exhaustion indicated that initial-cell activities are required for the maintenance of proliferation before meristem exhaustion. We conclude that lateral root formation is a stable developmental process resistant to severe water stress and that water stress accelerates the determinate developmental program of the primary root. Both of these features appear to be important for successful seedling establishment in a desert.  相似文献   

The Sonoran Desert columnar cactus Pachycereus pringlei has a geographically variable, non-hermaphroditic breeding system. It is trioecious (separate males, females and hermaphrodites) in the northern two-thirds of its range in Sonora, Mexico, and in the southern three-quarters of its range in Baja California, Mexico, and is gynodioecious (separate females and hermaphrodites) elsewhere. Trioecy occurs near known maternity roosts of its major pollinator, the nectar-feeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae; gynodioecy occurs>50km from known bat roosts. The observed geographic patterns cannot be explained by limited gene flow or by the geographic distributions of diurnal avian pollinators. Our field observations plus a theoretical analysis suggest that the abundance of chiropteran pollinators plays an important role in the maintenance of trioecy in this plant. Under pollinator limitation, trioecy can be a stable breeding system in this species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that determine the distribution and abundance of plants is a major problem in ecology. However, very few studies have explored the factors controlling the abundance of columnar cacti throughout their range of distribution. In this paper, we describe the density and size structure of 26 populations of Pachycereus pringlei throughout its distribution range in the Sonoran Desert. Major differences in abundance were detected between island and mainland and peninsular areas, with islands sustaining significantly larger densities than mainland and peninsular populations. Within peninsular populations, the abundance was negatively associated with latitude and positively associated with annual and seasonal rainfall. In contrast, the abundance in mainland populations showed neither latitudinal trend nor an association with rainfall. In peninsular populations, mean height and basal diameter of branched plants showed a negative association with population density whereas mainland populations showed no significant association. None of the populations exhibited a population structure that fitted the log-normal distribution expected for young, growing populations with constant recruitment. Insular, peninsular and␣mainland populations showed a population structure with an uneven size distribution typical of populations experiencing regeneration pulses.  相似文献   

We describe the breeding system of an autotetraploid trioecious cactus, Pachycereus pringlei, provide estimates of the fitnesses of males and females relative to that of hermaphrodites, and discuss the role played by pollinators in the maintenance of three sexual morphs. Relatively high frequencies of females (45%) and males (26%) exist in coastal desert populations around Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico. They differ from hermaphrodites in flower size (females only), initiation of the flowering season, number of flowers produced per night and per season, sucrose content of nectar, and, in females, number of fruits produced per season under open pollination and in response to hand-pollination. Major similarities between the sex classes include overall plant size, nectar volume per flower, percent fruit set in open-pollinated flowers of females and hermaphrodites, seed mass and number of seeds per fruit, and pollen mass per flower in males and hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites are self-compatible, and the selfing rate is high (65%). Levels of inbreeding depression in selfed fruits and seeds appear to be low. Fruit set is strongly pollinator-dependent in females but much less so in hermaphrodites. Relative fitness of males and females, as measured by annual production of pollen or seeds, is at least 1.5 times higher than that of the corresponding sex function in hermaphrodites. Given the high selfing rate and apparent lack of inbreeding depression, these fitness differences are insufficient to explain the occurrence of trioecy in this species.  相似文献   

Resource‐island soils formed by some plants in arid lands are capable of supporting certain plants that do not normally establish in surrounding areas free of vegetation. We determined growth responses of Pachycereus pringlei (cardon), the giant columnar cactus, whose widespread, finely branched, subsurface root systems stabilize desert soils, to four soils collected from within or outside of resource islands. Traits of cardon grown in soils from mature (MM) or young (YM) Prosopis articulata (mesquite), mature Olnea testosa (ironwood, MI), or bare areas (BA) were compared, to determine differences between the effects of soils due to the identity or the stage of development of nurse plants. The levels of soil N, P, and C contents were in the order MM> > YM > MI BA. The BA soil had the coarsest and MM soil the finest texture. Cardon was also grown in pot cultures inoculated with the plant‐growth‐promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense, or in association with a competing grass, Sorghum bicolor (sorghum). Competition did not affect survival rates of cardon in any of the soils after six months of growth, but decreased biomass accumulation by up to 90% in the best (MM) soil. Inoculation of cardon seeds with A. brasilense did not affect survival but resulted in significantly better root and shoot growth, and this effect increased linearly as soil nutrients declined. In the best soil (MM), A. brasilense had no effect on cardon growth, but in the poorest soil (BA) shoot dry mass was almost 60% and root length over 100% greater as a result of inoculation, with responses in the other two soils intermediate. This effect did not appear to be owing to N2 fixation, as nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) was not detected in any of the treatments. Soil formation by selected nurse trees in arid areas is an important factor in plant establishment and growth, and the present results indicate that these processes can be impeded or facilitated by the introduction of competing or beneficial organisms. The use of beneficial microorganisms associated with roots may accelerate the restoration of disturbed areas. Key words: Azospirillum, desert soils, nitrogen fixation, nurse plant, Pachycereus pringlei, plant survival, resource‐island.  相似文献   

The development of endomycorrhizal root systems   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  

The development of endomycorrhizal root systems   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

The roots and shoots of vascular plants may be positionally and developmentally related in various ways. However, botanical teaching and research are strongly influenced by the paradigmatic annual dicotyledon, whose bipolar embryo develops into a plant with root and shoot meeting only at the hypocotyl. In 1930 Goebel criticized this example as a general model for plants, proposing instead the opposed concepts “allorhizy” (referring to plants whose root and shoot are related as above) and “homorhizy”(referring to plants without a bipolar embryo, all of whose roots are shoot-borne, e.g., pteridophytes). Goebel’s approach permeates the extensive German morphological literature, but has been virtually ignored in English-language literature. The allorhizy/homorhizy dichotomy has proved heuristic. However, it suggests a correlation between embryo type and mature morphology that does not always hold. Furthermore, it does not take into account the root-borne shoots typical of many plant species. Finally, Goebel’s presentation of the terms (which he does not explicitly define) creates ambiguity as to whether they designate structural concepts or the attributes of evolutionary groups. The alternative proposed here is a structural analysis of the possible topological relationships among root and shoot systems. Each structural class is then considered with regard to embryo types, potential for clonal growth and other ecological correlates, and phylogenetic distribution. This approach provides both a test of Goebel’s concepts and a basis for further comparative study of wholeplant form.  相似文献   

P-protein of glycine decarboxylase from Flaveria pringlei.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
S Kopriva  H Bauwe 《Plant physiology》1994,104(3):1077-1078

The redistribution of soil water by tree root systems   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Plant roots transfer water between soil layers of different water potential thereby significantly affecting the distribution and availability of water in the soil profile. We used a modification of the heat pulse method to measure sap flow in roots of Grevillea robusta and Eucalyptus camaldulensis and demonstrated a redistribution of soil water from deeper in the profile to dry surface horizons by the root system. This phenomenon, termed “hydraulic lift” has been reported previously. However, we also demonstrated that after the surface soils were rewetted at the break of season, water was transported by roots from the surface to deeper soil horizons – the reverse of the “hydraulic lift” behaviour described for other woody species. We suggest that “hydraulic redistribution” of water in tree roots is significant in maintaining root viability, facilitating root growth in dry soils and modifying resource availability. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 15 April 1998  相似文献   

Eight tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids have been crystallized and identified from the nonphenolic and phenolic extracts of the giant Mexican cereoid cactus, Pachycereus weberi (Coult.) Br. and R. The identities were established as 5,6,7-trimethoxy-1,2,3,4- tetrahydroisoquinoline (nortehuanine) 1; 7,8-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (lemaireocercine) 2; 7-methoxy-1, 2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (weberidine) 3; 5,6,7,8-tetramethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (weberine) 4; 6,7- dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (heliamine) 5; 2-methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (N- methylheliamine or oxymethyl-corypalline) 6; 2-methyl-5,6,7-trimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (tehuanine) 7; and 1,2-dimethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-8-hydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (pellotine) 8. Compounds 1- 4 have not been identified previously as natural compounds, while compounds 5-8 are previously known cactus alkaloids.  相似文献   

In recent years, comparative biomechanics, while anything buta new subject, has by an odd concatenation of circumstancesemerged from obscurity to become a widely recognized and activearea of biology—remarkably diverse in questions askedand techniques employed but with clear intellectual coherence.In North America the Society for Integrative and ComparativeBiology currently represents the center of gravity in this field.  相似文献   

Summary Many crop plants carry VA mycorrhizal infection. The fungi benefit their host principally by increasing the rate of phosphorus uptake from soils low in available phosphorus.Infection of seedling root systems occurs from soil-borne propagules and/or from neighbouring mycorrhizal roots. When, under the right conditions, the propagules germinate, a mycelium is produced which cannot growth extensively until mycorrhizal infection is established.The level of initial (primary) infection is related to propagule density. The relation can be described by a mathematical model which takes account of propagule germination rates, rates of hyphal growth through the soil and rates of root growth.Subsequent spread of secondary infection is by growth, along and between roots, of hyphae originating from established infection units and by the formation of new infection units. This spread can be modelled.If certain simplifying assumptions are made, the effects on the host of developing mycorrhizal infection can also be modelled and satisfactory predictions of infection spread and the mycorrhizal growth response obtained.In conclusion, some implications for agriculture and forestry are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Predicting root biomass from branching patterns of Douglas-fir root systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There are many examples of branching networks in nature, such as tree crowns, river systems, arteries and lungs. These networks have often been described as being self-similar, or following scale-invariant branching rules, and this property has been used to derive several scaling laws. In this paper we model root systems of Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco) as branching networks following several simple branching rules. Our objective is to establish a relationship between trunk diameter and root biomass. We explore the effect of the self-similar branching assumption on this relationship. Using data collected from a mature stand in British Columbia, we find that branching asymmetry and the rate of root taper change with root size, thereby violating the assumption of self-similarity. However, the data are in general agreement with Leonardo da Vinci's area-preserving branching hypothesis. We use the field data to parameterize two models, one assuming self-similar branching and a second incorporating the measured size dependencies of branching parameters. The two models differ by only a small amount (≈8%) in their predictions. For both models, the predicted relationship between trunk diameter and root biomass is in good concordance with previously published empirical data. We conclude that the assumption of self-similar branching, although violated by the data, nevertheless provides a useful tool for predicting the allometric relationship between trunk diameter and root biomass. Finally, we use our models to show that the geometric properties of individual bifurcations fundamentally change the root biomass cost of different root topologies.  相似文献   

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