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Floral resource allocation was compared on a whole-plant basis between two varieties of Impatiens hypophylla that differ in flower size. There were significant negative correlations between flower number and investments to a flower at both the within-population and between-variety levels. In individual flowers, var. hypophylla with larger flowers invested significantly more resources to male and pollinator-attractive functions, whereas investments to female function did not differ between the varieties. In experimental populations placed in the field, pollinators preferred the larger flowers of var. hypophylla even within the same habitat of var. microhypophylla, which has smaller flowers. There was a significant lack of observed heterozygosity only in var. microhypophylla. Thus, the outcrossing variety had more attractive but fewer flowers, while the selfing variety had less attractive but more abundant flowers.  相似文献   

The sequence of floral events during anthesis was examined in Streptanthus tortuosus to determine the relationship between the male and female floral phases. The flowers are strongly protandrous. In the staminate phase, the anthers mature sequentially over a 3–4-day period. Because pollinators quickly remove pollen from the anthers, sequential anther maturation prolongs the male phase relative to what it would be if anthers did not mature sequentially. Pollen applied to the stigma during the staminate phase does not adhere readily and does not germinate. The length of the pistillate phase depends on pollinator activity, as pollination accelerates the abscission of floral parts. Unpollinated flowers remain pistillate for 3–4 days, during which time stigmatic receptivity declines gradually. In the field, 72% to 80% of flowers are staminate at any time, indicating that the staminate phase is three times longer than the pistillate phase when pollinators have access to the flowers. The consequences of the relative length of the floral phases and the schedule of stigmatic receptivity are discussed in terms of outcrossing mechanism, floral longevity, and sexual selection models.  相似文献   

Sex differential nectar production, floral longevity and pollinator foraging were examined in Lobelia cardinalis, a self-compatible, protandrous species that is hummingbird pollinated. The staminate phase of the flowers lasts significantly longer and produces significantly more nectar (total sugar) per day than the pistillate phase of the flowers. Additional pollen is presented throughout the staminate phase. Because inflorescences of L. cardinalis mature acropetally, the nectar reward on any given day is greatest at the top of the inflorescence (where staminate phase flowers are located). Hummingbirds appear to be sensitive to this pattern of nectar presentation as they most commonly began foraging in the middle of an inflorescence and proceeded upward. This foraging pattern tends to promote outcrossing and suggests that staminate phase flowers are visited more often than pistillate phase flowers. We conclude that L. cardinalis emphasizes the male function at anthesis. Others have hypothesized that the features of this species are a logical consequence of intrasexual selection, but further research is needed before we place great confidence in a sexual selection interpretation of our data.  相似文献   

Variations in floral traits and floral structures influence plant mating systems. Hibiscus trionum produces large, showy flowers typical of an outcrossing species, yet flowers are autonomously self-pollinated. In this study, we measured floral morphology, breeding system and outcrossing rate estimated by ISSR markers. Results indicate that two types of flowers were observed in H. trionum, and the type I with bigger petals appears to be much more visible to pollinators, demonstrated by than type II flowers with smaller petals. The flowers with hand pollination were closed 1 h earlier than intact flowers, whether they were type I or II. The relationship between the amount of pollen deposited on the stigma and the number of seeds per capsule was highly significant, and 80 or more pollens per flower can make the mean number of seeds (mean = 37) in H. trionum. Delayed selfing in H. trionum did not provide a large contribution to seed production, since reproductive assurance were only 0.025. However, successful reproduction of 72.5% flowers in the absence of pollinators suggested that selfing provides reproductive assurance during seasons, in which pollinators were limiting. The multilocus outcrossing rates in different populations varied from 0.982 to 1.200, with a mean of 1.116. Our data provide an empirical demonstration of a predominantly outcrossing species with potential delayed selfing when pollinators are absent or scarce.  相似文献   

Pollination or fertilisation trigger floral senescence in a wide range of flowering plants, and yet little attention has been given to the implications of this phenomenon to mating system evolution. We examined the effects of pollination on floral senescence in the genus Leptosiphon. Species in the genus exhibit a wide range of breeding systems. In all cases, compatible pollination induced senescence; emasculated flowers lived longer than hand‐outcrossed flowers. In the self‐compatible species, Leptosiphon acicularis and L. bicolor, and in one highly selfing population of L. jepsonii, unmanipulated flowers had reduced longevity compared to emasculated flowers, suggesting that autonomous self‐pollination limits floral longevity in these species. Limited floral longevity in these highly selfing taxa may reduce opportunities for male outcross success, representing a possible source of selection on the mating system. In turn, the mating system might influence how selection acts on floral longevity; obligately outcrossing taxa are expected to benefit from longer floral longevities to maximise opportunities for pollination, while selfing taxa might benefit from earlier floral senescence to reduce resource expenditure. Overall, the longevity of unpollinated flowers increased with the level of outcrossing in the genus Leptosiphon. Our results taken together with those of a previous study and similar results in other species suggest that floral longevity may represent a largely unexamined role in mating system evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we studied pollination ecology of Gentiana siphonantha (Gentianaceae), a late-autumn flowering alpine perennial in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau for two years for the first time. We also aimed to compare the pollination differentiation between this species and sympatrically distributed G. straminea that has a close phylogenetic origin but is flowering early. Flowers of G. siphonantha are characteristic of di-chogamy and herkogamy and this floral development prevents occurrence of autonomous self-pollination. This implication was confirmed by the breeding experiments, since no seed was produced when flowers were isolated. However, this gentian proved to be highly self-compatible when geitonogamous selfing was artificially induced. Each individual plant of this species has an average of 14.6 flowers ranging from 4 to 31, at both staminate and pistillate stages with a ratio of 1.2:1 in full anthesis. Both floral development and breeding experiments suggested that pollen vectors were indispensable for successful seed sets of this species. A great variety of insects were observed to visit this species, but the most common and only legitimate pollinator is Bumbus sushikini. A statistic observation suggested that this pollinator showed no preference to either staminate or pistillate flowers and visited them at random. We further calculated the frequency of their visits between and within individual plants. Among the pollinators’ bouts, the proportions of geitonogamous visits within an individual plant occupy about 87.8%. Such a case implied that geitonogamous selfing prevails in this species in spite of floral dichogamy and her-kogamy that were suggested to promote outcrossing. Compared with sympatric G. straminea, the total floral longevity and the male and female duration of this species are shorter. However, the number of flowers of each individual plant and branch increased when in full anthesis. It is interesting that both closely related species shared the same pollinator despite their distinct difference in flower morphology. This finding is inconsistent with the previous hypothesis that both flower color and corolla tube depth have coevolved with different pollinators during speciation and formation of reproductive isolation. Both visit frequencies of the individual flower and geitonoga-mous visits within the individual plant are higher in G. siphonantha than in G. straminea. This difference may result from their different inflorescence designs that actively act upon behaviors of pollinator. Although these two species differed in flowering phenology, their flowering stages overlapped for a few days, suggesting incomplete pollination isolation between them.  相似文献   

In Freycinetia reineckei the staminate flower (on the staminate spikes) comprises 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) stamens and a pistillode with 2 (sometimes 4) carpellodes, and the pistillate flower (on the pistillate spikes) is formed of a pistil with 2 (sometimes 4) carpels and of 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) staminodes. This perfect floral homology, also observed in all the other species that were studied with both pistillate and staminate material, strongly suggests that the flower of Freycinetia is basically and potentially bisexual, and may explain the occasional sexual lability and bisexuality of that flower (occurrence of both pistillate and staminate inflorescences, and/or of bisexual inflorescences with bisexual flowers and/or unisexual flowers, on the same individuals) in some species, and also the frequent occurrence of bisexual spikes in this species. These may be partitioned into pistillate, staminate, mixed and sterile zones. In the pistillate zones the flowers have the same aspect and structure as the pistillate flowers. In the staminate zones the flowers generally comprise 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) stamens and a ‘semi-pistil’ some have both stamens and staminodes. The semi-pistils are intermediate between pistils and pistillodes in length, aspect and structure, but always have placentas and ovules. In the mixed zones the flowers are generally formed of a pistil and 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) stamens, and are therefore true hermaphrodite flowers; some have both stamens and staminodes. In the sterile zones the flowers comprise a semi-pistil and 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) staminodes. The staminodes are anatomically very similar to the stamens, especially in the staminate, mixed, and sterile zones, in which they exhibit a wide range of variation in length, aspect and structure. The perfect floral homology as generic character on one hand, and the occasional bisexuality both with and without bisexual flowers and other aspects of sex expression (e.g. occurrence of both pistillate and staminate shoots on the same individuals) in some species on the other hand, seem to indicate that Freycinetia is a basically monoecious, sex changing genus.  相似文献   

Annonaceae flowers are generally hermaphroditic and show high levels of outcrossing, but unlike many other early‐divergent angiosperms lack a self‐incompatibility mechanism. We reassess the diversity of mechanisms that have evolved to avoid self‐pollination in the family. Protogyny occurs in all hermaphroditic flowers in the family, preventing autogamy but not geitonogamy. Herkogamy is rare in Annonaceae and is likely to be less effective as beetles move randomly around the flowers in search of food and/or mates. Geitonogamy is largely avoided in Annonaceae by combining protogyny with floral synchrony, manifested as either pistillate/staminate‐phase synchrony (in which pistillate‐phase and staminate‐phase flowers do not co‐occur on an individual) or heterodichogamy (in which two phenologically distinct and reproductively isolated morphs coexist in populations). Unisexual flowers have evolved independently in several lineages, mostly as andromonoecy (possibly androdioecy). Functionally monoecious populations have evolved from andromonoecious ancestors through the loss of staminate function in structurally hermaphroditic flowers. This has been achieved in different ways, including incomplete pollen/stamen development and delayed anther dehiscence. Angiosperms display an enormous diversity of mechanisms to promote xenogamy, many of which are easily overlooked without fieldwork. Floral phenology is particularly important, especially cryptic differences in timing of organ maturation or abscission. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 93–109.  相似文献   

Ken  Inoue 《Plant Species Biology》1990,5(2):197-203
Dichogamy and sex allocation in several populations of Campanula microdonta and C. punctata were investigated with regard to their mating systems. Duration of the staminate phase differed among the populations: staminate phase was longer in self-compatible (SC) and largely outcrossing populations than in self-incompatible (SI) and outcrossing populations or in SC and largely inbreeding populations. Duration of the pistillate phase among the populations was less variable than duration of the staminate phase. Male reproductive effort decreased with increase of the estimated selfing rates. Male allocation (weight ratio of androecium to gynoecium or to total flower) may be used as an indicator of the breeding system. Within each population, small flowers allocate proportionately more resources to the androecium than to the gynoecium. Among populations, SC outcrossing populations tend to produce large ovaries, and SC inbreeding populations tend to produce small ovaries.  相似文献   

Floral longevity, the time between corolla expansion and senescence, contributes directly and indirectly to a plant's overall fitness. Though mating opportunities for insect-pollinated species often differ among populations, few empirical studies have addressed whether floral longevity varies in a manner consistent with these differences. I conducted experiments at thermally distinct sites to examine whether the prevailing floral longevity model predicted such variation between a montane and an alpine population of Campanula rotundifolia. Staminate phase duration was significantly shorter for montane vs. alpine C. rotundifolia flowers in the presence of pollinators, but significantly longer when pollinators were excluded. Montane flowers had a significantly higher female fitness accrual rate, significantly shorter total longevities, and, unlike alpine flowers, were not pollen-limited. Delaying pollinator access to pistillate phase flowers significantly increased total longevity in alpine flowers only. Significant differences in total longevity between populations resulted from an extended pistillate phase in alpine flowers. Overall, the prevailing model accurately predicted the total floral longevity trends found here. However, I provide novel evidence for geographic and gender-specific plasticity in the floral longevity response to fitness accrual rate variation, suggesting C. rotundifolia populations in this study may be attuned to local schedules of pollinator activity.  相似文献   

A crossing study and an analysis of pollen tube growth were conducted in diploid and autotetraploid Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia to distinguish between the possible mechanisms that could promote the high outcrossing rates observed and that could also result in the absence of fruit set following self-fertilization. The crossing study indicated that no fruit set occurred after self-pollination, whereas fruit set occurred in all of the hand-pollinated outcrosses. After 4 d, the self-pollinated flowers shriveled and abscised. Pollen tube growth following hand pollination was assessed in selfed and outcrossed flowers using fluorescence microscopy. The self-pollinated flowers exhibited far fewer pollen tubes than did the outcrossed flowers. Furthermore, in self-pollinated flowers, some of the pollen tubes extended into the style; fewer than one-half of the pollen tubes reached the base of the style and still fewer reached the ovules. The variable length of pollen tube growth, the uniform timing of floral abortion after self-pollination, and the absence of variability among individuals in the level of fruit set following self-pollination are all consistent with a system that lies somewhere between classic gametophytic self-incompatibility and late-acting self-incompatibility as the mechanism that is most likely operating in H. micrantha var. diversifolia. A similar "nonstandard" system may be present in other Saxifragaceae, such as Tolmiea and Lithophragma, as well as in Ribes, the sister group of Saxifragaceae. Our data also indicate that ploidal level (diploid vs. autotetraploid) has no influence on the extent or mechanism of self-incompatibiltiy in autopolyploid H. micrantha var. diversifolia.  相似文献   

Sexual expression in andromonoecious species—those in which a single individual can bear both staminate and hermaphroditic flowers—may vary among reproductive events in the same plant, among individuals and across populations. This variation influences, in turn, the individual contribution of hermaphroditic plants via male and female fitness functions (i.e., Lloydʼs phenotypic gender). However, temporal variation in sexual expression in andromonoecious species and its relationship with seasonal changes in climatic conditions remain poorly understood. Here we analyze floral attributes, visitors and variation in sexual expression in three populations of Solanum lycocarpum A. St. -Hil. Seasonality in the production of floral types, the mating system and floral visitors were also investigated. Hermaphroditic flowers produced more pollen grains, but the pollen of staminate flowers had higher viability. Only hermaphroditic flowers produced fruits, and ovules in staminate flowers were sterile. Solanum lycocarpum is mainly pollinated by large bees with the ability to vibrate flowers. Phenotypic gender varied throughout the year, and the seasonal production of staminate flowers is associated with the local climate. We suggest that the higher and seasonally variable relative abundance of staminate flowers compared to the low and uniform production of hermaphroditic flowers may be explained by (a) the very high energetic costs incurred in producing large fruits, which in turn make hermaphroditic flower production very costly, and (b) the potentially lower energy expenditure of the smaller staminate flowers with reduced pistils and non-viable ovules that allow them to rapidly respond to climate variability.  相似文献   

G. J. Lowenberg 《Oecologia》1997,109(2):279-285
Sexual expression in hermaphroditic plants is often a function of environmental factors affecting individuals before or during flowering. I tested for the effects of floral herbivory and lack of pollination in early umbels on the relative proportions of hermaphroditic and staminate (male) flowers produced on later umbels by Sanicula arctopoides, a monocarpic, andromonoecious perennial. Neither floral herbivory or lack of early pollination had a significant effect on the ratio of the two floral morphs, but the probability of producing staminate flowers on late umbels was strongly and positively related to plant size measured just prior to floral initiation and prior to herbivory. Plant size was also negatively correlated with flowering date. I suggest that producing staminate flowers on late umbels should benefit large early-blooming plants more than small late-blooming plants because more mating opportunities occur during the period when these flowers release pollen. Although herbivory did not cause labile changes of sex, whole plant phenotypic gender was still strongly affected by various forms of treatment. Sex-biased herbivory or lack of pollination rendered plants more or less phenotypically male, depending on which tissues were affected. Deer and pollen-feeding mites preferentially remove male tissues while hymenopteran seed predators preferentially remove female tissues. I conclude that combinations of herbivores could have counteracting or compounding effects on plant gender, and these effects may change the rankings of male and female reproductive success within populations. Received: 20 February 1996/Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

T Henning  M Weigend 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41121
Stamen movements can be understood as a mechanism influencing pollen presentation and increasing outbreeding success of hermaphroditic flowers via optimized male function. In this study we experimentally analyzed the factors regulating autonomous and thigmonastic (triggered by flower visitors) stamen movements in eight species of Loasaceae. Both types of stamen movements are positively influenced by light and temperature and come to a virtual standstill in the dark and at low temperatures (12°C). Pollen presentation is thus discontinued during periods where pollinators are not active. Overall stamen presentation increases with increasing flower age. Contrary to expectation, no geometrical correlation between the floral scale stimulated and the stamen fascicle reacting exists, indicating that the stimulus is transmitted over the receptacle and stamen maturation dictates which and how many stamens react. Thigmonastic stamen presentation is dramatically accelerated compared to autonomous movement (3-37 times), indicating that the rate of stamen maturation can be adjusted to different visitation schedules. Flowers can react relatively uniformly down to stimulation intervals of 10-15 min., consistently presenting comparable numbers of stamens in the flower c. 5 min. after the stimulus and can thus keep the amount of pollen presented relatively constant even under very high visitation frequencies of 4-6 visits/h. Thigmonastic pollen presentation dramatically reduces the overall duration of the staminate phase (to 1/3(rd) in Nasa macrothyrsa). Similarly, the carpellate phase is dramatically reduced after pollination, down to 1 d from 4 d. Overall flower longevity is reduced by more than 2/3(rds) under high visitation rates (<3 d versus 10 d under visitor exclusion) and depleted and pollinated flowers are rapidly removed from the pool. Complex floral behaviour in Loasaceae thus permits a near-total control over pollen dispensation schedules and floral longevity of the individual flower by an extraordinary fine-tuning to both biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Sex expression (the proportions of hermaphrodite and staminate flowers produced) of the andromonoecious species Solatium hirtum is labile, and this lability of whole plant sex expression is due to labile sex expression of individual floral buds. In this paper I examine the developmental processes that underlie the differences in floral sex expression of hermaphrodite and staminate flowers of Solarium hirtum, focusing particularly on the processes responsible for the observed lability of floral sex expression. Differences in bud growth rate and relative growth of floral organs in these buds are evident at about the time of megasporocyte meiosis (11–12 days before anthesis). However, gynoecial sterility in staminate buds does not occur until just 6–7 days before anthesis. At this time, abnormalities in ovule development occur in staminate buds: the ovules begin to appear necrotic, the integumentary tapetum collapses, and the megagametophytes of many ovules cease normal development. These observations are consistent with the predictions of labile floral development.  相似文献   

Fruit set is consistently low in the genus Banksia (Proteaceae). One explanation for low fruit:flower ratios is that excess flowers allow plants to selectively abort inferior progeny thereby increasing the average quality of the seed crop. We examined whether self-pollinated fruits were aborted selectively in a partially self-compatible population of Banksia spinulosa. Inflorescences were divided in half and pollinated with cross pollen on both sides, self pollen on both sides or cross pollen on one side and self pollen on the other. Seed production was reduced significantly by 38% on fully self-pollinated compared to fully cross-pollinated inflorescences, indicating partial self-incompatibility or inbreeding depression. On inflorescences pollinated with both cross and self pollen, selfed seed set was reduced by 63% compared to crossed seed set. On the selfed half of these inflorescences, fewer fruits and seeds were produced, and more fruits had aborted seeds than on randomly selected halves of fully self-pollinated inflorescences. These results suggest that self-fertilized embryos were developed in the absence of outcrossed progeny but were selectively aborted when outcrossed progeny were present on inflorescences. To determine the amount of outcrossing occurring in the study population, outcrossing rates (t) of naturally pollinated plants were examined by electrophoretic assessment of progeny arrays. Values of I did not differ significantly from one, indicating complete outcrossing. High outcrossing, despite the high probability of self pollen receipt under natural conditions, is consistent with the conclusion that selective abortion occurs in B. spinulosa.  相似文献   

山莨菪(茄科)的传粉生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茄科的多数种类具有自交不亲和的特点, 主要通过异花传粉结实; 但是, 一些物种或者物种内的部分种群或者个体却高度自交亲合, 转变为自交的繁育系统。该科植物山莨菪(Anisodus tanguticus)主要分布在青藏高原, 开花较早, 比其他晚开花的植物种类更加缺少有效的异花传粉昆虫。我们选择了位于不同海拔高度的2个种群进行比较研究, 主要目的是检验该物种的繁育系统是否在极端环境下由于传粉者的缺乏而发生了部分改变。研究发现,山莨菪的花不完全雌性先熟, 柱头和花药间的平均距离随着花开放时间的延长而不断缩小, 但两者在多数花的单花花期结束时并没有发生接触。因此, 山莨菪花主要表现为适应异花传粉的雌雄异位特征。然而, 少数花 (4.9%)的柱头和花药发生接触, 为“自动自交”的传粉解除了空间隔离。2个种群的多数个体存在自交不亲和机制, 应具有异花传粉的繁育系统; 但是部分个体具有明显的自交亲和能力, 为自交提供了生理基础。高海拔种群的传粉昆虫主要是厕蝇(Fannia sp.), 它们在不同植株间的活动能够保证异花传粉结实; 同时该种群的部分个体存在“自动自交”。低海拔种群的主要访花昆虫是蚂蚁, 它们在花内的活动导致花粉在同一朵花内传递, 而引起“协助自交”; 而异花传粉昆虫厕蝇的访花频率则较高海拔种群低。两个种群的结实均由于异花传粉者不足而受到传粉限制。因此两种不同类型的自交机制为该早期开花植物异花访花昆虫的不足提供了一定程度上的繁殖补偿。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

A plant investing in reproduction partitions resources between flowering and seed production. Under resource limitation, altered allocations may result in floral trait variations, leading to compromised fecundity. Floral longevity and timing of selfing are often the traits most likely to be affected. The duration of corolla retention determines whether fecundity results from outcrossing or by delayed selfing-mediated reproductive assurance. In this study, the role of pollination schedules and soil water availability on floral longevity and seed production is tested in Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae).


Using three different watering regimes and pollination schedules, effects on floral longevity and seed production were studied in this protandrous, flowering annual.

Key Results

The results reveal that soil water status and pollination together influence floral longevity with low soil water and hand-pollinations early in the floral lifespan reducing longevity. However, early pollinations under excess water did not extend longevity, implying that resource surplus does not lengthen the outcrossing period. The results also indicate that pollen receipt, a reliable cue for fecundity, accelerates flower drop. Early corolla abscission under drought stress could potentially exacerbate sexual conflict in this protandrous, hermaphroditic species by ensuring self-pollen paternity and enabling male control of floral longevity. While pollination schedules did not affect fecundity, water stress reduced per-capita seed numbers. Unmanipulated flowers underwent delayed autonomous selfing, producing very few seeds, suggesting that inbreeding depression may limit benefits of selfing.


In plants where herkogamy and dichogamy facilitate outcrossing, floral longevity determines reproductive success and mating system. Reduction in longevity under drought suggests a strong environmental effect that could potentially alter the preferred breeding mode in this mixed-mated species. Extrapolating the findings to unpredictable global drought cycles, it is suggested that in addition to reducing yield, water stress may influence the evolutionary trajectory of plant mating system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Melocactus comprises 36 species of globose cacti with the most derived traits in the Cereeae tribe. It is the proper study system to examine what are the most derived reproductive strategies within that tribe. This study aims to characterize the reproductive biology and to estimate the mating system parameters of two Andean melocacti, Melocactus schatzlii and M. andinus. METHODS: The reproductive attributes of the two species were described, including floral morphology, anthesis patterns, floral rewards, floral visitors and visitation patterns. Levels of self-compatibility and autonomous self-pollination were estimated by hand-pollination experiments. Mating system estimates were obtained by conducting progeny array analyses using isozymes. KEY RESULTS: The flowers of the two species present the typical hummingbird-pollination syndrome. Despite their morphological resemblance, the two species differ in flower size, pollen and ovule production and anthesis pattern. Their main pollinator agents are hummingbirds, four species in M. schatzlii and one species in M. andinus. Both cacti are self-compatible and capable of self-pollination without the aid of pollen vectors. Population-level outcrossing rate was higher for M. schatzlii (t(m)=0.9) than for M. andinus (t(m)=0.4). At the family level, outcrossing rates for most mothers of M. schatzlii were higher (t(m)>0.8) than for M. andinus (t(m)<0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Although the two cacti are capable of selfing, M. schatzlii is a predominantly outcrossing species, while M. andinus behaves as a mixed-mating cactus. Hummingbirds are the only pollinators responsible for outcrossing and gene flow events in these species. In their absence, both melocacti set seeds by selfing. Based on its low population size, restricted distribution in Venezuela, low rates of floral visits, and high levels of inbreeding, M. andinus is considered to be an endangered species deserving further study to define its conservation status.  相似文献   

The component parts of modular organisms often show interspecific variation in their longevity. In plants, the flower is an example of such a structure. Models are developed in this paper to predict optimal floral longevity (the optimal length of time that flowers should remain open and functional) under a variety of conditions. A tradeoff involving allocation of resources to floral construction versus floral maintenance is assumed. The main model variables are the rate at which pollen and seed fitness accrue over time (fitness-accrual rates) and the daily cost of maintaining an existing flower relative to the cost of constructing a new one (floral maintenance cost). Long-lived flowers are selected when fitness-accrual rates and floral maintenance costs are low, whereas short-lived flowers are selected when fitness-accrual rates and floral maintenance costs are high. Dichogamy favors longer-lived flowers relative to homogamy, whereas nonindependence among flowers in their attractiveness to pollinators (attraction to flower clusters) selects for shorter-lived flowers. Reduction in floral maintenance costs later on in the flower's life favors longer-lived flowers. Observations on the dissemination and receipt of pollen in individual flowers over time, together with measurements of corolla respiration and nectar sugar production rate are required to test the model quantitatively. The parameters important to the evolution of optimal floral longevity (i.e., maintenance and construction costs, and fitness-accrual rates) may be general features of evolution of optimal longevities of other repeated structures.  相似文献   

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