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Spikelet structure and grouping are key characters to identify grasses. Here we tested the possibility that spikelet pairs, a distinctive morphological structure of many Andropogoneae and Paniceae, are the starting point for a secondary single spikelet condition that can also explain the change of spikelet orientation among Paniceae genera. As a first approach, we studied the inflorescence development of Paspalum simplex, P. stellatum, and Axonopus sufultus to clarify the origin of the spikelet orientation and other basic homologies. The results support that solitary spikelets of A. suffultus are homologous to the subsessile spikelets of P. simplex and that solitary spikelets of P. stellatum are homologous to the pedicellate spikelet of P. simplex. This last homology supports that spikelet orientation results from a differential reduction/abortion of either the pedicellate or the subsessile spikelet primordia. We also discuss the possibility that the RAMOSA and polar auxin pathways could play a role in the abortion of the lateral subsessile spikelets in P. stellatum. However, the apical meristem inhibition observed in A. suffultus and P. stellatum seems to depend on a very different genetic control, suggesting that the single spikelet condition is homoplasic within Paniceae and derived from at least two different genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

In grasses, inflorescence diversification and its correlation with species evolution are intriguing and not well understood. Part of this problem lies in our lack of comprehension about the inflorescence morphological complexity of grasses. We focused our study on the PCK clade (named for phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase), a well-supported monophyletic group for which the relationships among its taxa are not well resolved. Interestingly, the PCK clade has an extensive diversity of adult inflorescence forms. A comparative developmental approach can help us to understand the basis of such morphological differences as well as provide characters that can be used in phylogenetic studies of the group. Using SEM studies, we demonstrate that inflorescence morphology in this clade is even more complex than what is typically observed in adult forms. We describe a number of new characters, and some classical features previously used for taxonomic purposes are redefined on the basis of development. We also define four morphological groups combining adult inflorescence form and development, and we discuss some of the evolutionary aspects of inflorescence diversification in the PCK clade. Taxonomic delimitation among genera in the PCK clade remains confusing and unclear where molecular and morphological studies support different classifications.  相似文献   

The PCK Clade, represented by six to nine genera, is a monophyletic group situated within the Paniceae tribe. The highly diverse inflorescences within the PCK Clade provide an interesting system for the study of morphological evolution and also may aid in better understanding its unclear systematics. The inflorescence structure of 110 members of the PCK Clade has been investigated. Inflorescences are polytelic showing different levels of truncation. At least 21 different inflorescence subtypes were identified. Fourteen variable inflorescence characters were found, among which some have suprageneric or infrageneric value and others are polymorphic. A key for the identification of inflorescence types is presented. Nine processes have been identified as responsible for inflorescence diversification. Highly branched inflorescences with different internode lengths are present in the basal genus whereas truncated inflorescence morphologies appear late in the history of the clade. The precise timing of morphological changes is impossible to assess until we have a well supported phylogeny for the PCK Clade.  相似文献   

The genus Setaria is economically important because many species are cultivated for grains or forage. Setaria magna is an American species, native to North America and introduced in South America. The morphological aspect of this species is similar to S. italica (foxtail millet), suggesting its potential value as a crop. The purpose of this work was to understand the breeding system (self-pollination vs. open pollination) of S. magna; additionally, the floral development was described. The results of the breeding system analysis indicated that S. magna is mainly autogamous and does not appear to have a self-incompatibility mechanism. The floral development observed was similar to that described for other Paniceae; in most of the spikelets only the upper anthecium developed fruit, but a small number of spikelets presented bisexual lower florets. These spikelets produced two caryopses per spikelet. Thus, S. magna can produced two types of dispersal units; a few whitish naked caryopses from the lower anthecium that fall without their lemma and palea at maturity; and a high number of brown caryopses protected by the lemma and palea from the upper anthecium. The presence of a normal embryo sac in the upper anthecium suggests that S. magna would present normal sexual reproduction, although we can not reject the formation of apomitic seeds in the lower anthecium.  相似文献   

Morphological changes have been investigated during plant programmed cell death (PCD) in the last few years due to the new interest in a possible apoptotic-like phenomenon existing in plants. Although PCD has been reported in several tissues and specialized cells in plants, there have been few reports of its occurrence during microsporogenesis. The present study reports a typical process of PCD during meiosis in an interspecific Brachiaria hybrid leading to male sterility. In this hybrid, some inflorescences initiated meiosis but it was arrested in zygotene/pachytene. From this stage, meiocytes underwent a severe alteration in shape showing substantial membrane blebbing; the cytoplasm became denser at the periphery; the cell nucleus entered a progressive stage of chromatin disintegration, and then the nucleolus disintegrated, and the cytoplasm condensed and shrunk. The oldest flowers of the raceme showed only the callose wall in the anthers showing obvious signs of complete sterility.  相似文献   

Panicum L. is a cosmopolitan genus with approximately 450 species. Although the genus has been considerably reduced in species number with the segregation of many taxa to independent genera in the last two centuries, Panicum remains a heterogeneous assemblage, as has been demonstrated in recent years. The genus is remarkably uniform in its floral characters but exhibits considerable variation in anatomical, physiological, and cytological features. As a result, several classifications, and criteria of what the genus should really include, have been postulated in modern literature. The purpose of this research, based on molecular data of the chloroplast ndhF gene, is to test the monophyly of Panicum, to evaluate infrageneric classifications, and to propose a robust phylogenetic hypothesis. Based on the present results, previous morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies, and inferred diagnostic morphological characters, we restrict Panicum sensu stricto (s.s.) to the former subgenus Panicum and support recognition of Dichanthelium, Phanopyrum, and Steinchisma as distinct genera. We have transfered other species of Panicum to other genera of the Paniceae. Most of the necessary combinations have been made previously, so few nomenclatural changes have been required. The remaining species of Panicum sensu lato (s.l.) are included within Panicum incertae sedis representing isolated species or species grouped within monophyletic clades. Additionally, we explore the performance of the three codon position characters in producing the supported phylogeny.  相似文献   

Paspalum L. is a large and complex genus, enclosing more than 300 species, whose boundaries and infrageneric classification are still being studied. Recent phylogenetic analyses suggest that Paspalum inaequivalve Raddi and Paspalum microstachyum J. Presl, from the Inaequivalvia informal group, should be excluded from Paspalum. Focused on the unclear taxonomic position of P. inaequivalve and P. microstachyum, their leaf anatomy was studied, and some atypical features related to C4 photosynthesis were found. This atypical Kranz syndrome is the aim of this research. Transverse leaf blade sections from fresh and herbarium material of P. inaequivalve were studied by light, fluorescence, and transmission microscopy. Additionally, sheaths and culms of P. inaequivalve and leaf blades of P. microstachyum were observed by light microscopy. δ13C isotope discrimination was determinated for P. inaequivalve. We compared our results with available anatomical data from related taxa. As well as typical mesophyll cells (PCA) and mestome sheath cells (PCR), a third type of cells, here called ‘globose parenchymatous cells’, was observed in leaf blades of P. inaequivalve and P. microstachyum. These cells are placed externally to the mestome sheaths of the first and second vascular bundles, they have thin walls, with no developed suberine lamella, few chloroplasts with 1–2 starch grains, thylakoids not organized in grana, and a large central vacuole. The globose parenchymatous cells represent a novel trait in P. inaequivalve and P. microstachyum, further supporting the close relation between both species and their exclusion from the genus Paspalum. This atypical Kranz syndrome has not been described in Paspalum before, but the globose parenchymatous cells here described resemble the distinct cells considered as remnants of the outer parenchymatous sheath described for Anthaenantiopsis, some sections of Panicum L., and Chaetium Nees, providing possible taxonomic significance.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was evaluated in the Brachiaria humidicola collection of the Embrapa Beef Cattle Center, represented by 60 accessions. One accession (H121) presented an abnormal pattern of cytokinesis that had never been reported in this genus. Among 900 meiocytes analyzed in the first division, 10.7% underwent precocious and multiple cytokinesis in metaphase I, fractionating the genome and the cytoplasm into two or more parts. The expected cytokinesis after telophase I did not occur. The abnormal meiocytes from the first division entered the second division but the second cytokinesis after telophase II was also abnormal. Among the 857 meiocytes analyzed in the second division, 10.9% presented abnormal, incomplete or total absence of cytokinesis. Dyads and binucleated microspores were recorded among the meiotic products. The use of this accession in the Embrapa breeding program is compromised.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome numbers were determined for 20 new germplasm accessions of Paspalum, belonging to 17 species collected in Brazil. Chromosome number is reported for the first time for P. reduncum (2n = 18), P. cinerascens (2n = 20), P. cordatum (2n = 20), P. filgueirasii (2n = 24), P. ammodes (2n = 36), P. bicilium (2n = 40), P. heterotrichon (2n = 40), and P. burmanii (2n = 48). New cytotypes were confirmed for two germplasm accessions of P. carinatum (2n = 30) and P. trachycoleon (2n = 36), one of P. clavuliferum (2n = 40) and one of P. lanciflorum (2n = 40), indicating variability in these species. The remaining chromosome numbers reported here confirm previous counts. The unexpected chromosome numbers 2n = 18, 24, 36, and 48 in Paspalum species, which are usually shown to be multiples of 10, suggest that much more collection and cytogenetic characterization are necessary to assess the whole chromosomal and genomic multiplicity present in the genus, which seems to be much more diverse than currently thought to be.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was analyzed in five accessions of Brachiaria dictyoneura presenting x = 6 as the basic chromosome number. All accessions were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 24) with chromosome pairing in bi-, tri-, and quadrivalents. The recorded meiotic abnormalities were those typical of polyploids, including precocious chromosome migration to the poles, laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The frequency of these abnormalities, however, was lower than those reported for other polyploid accessions previously analyzed for other Brachiaria species. Cell fusion and absence of cytokinesis were also recorded in some accessions, leading to restitutional nucleus formation in some cells. Genetically unbalanced microspores, binucleate, and 2n microspores were found among normal meiotic products as results from these abnormalities. The limitation in using these accessions as pollen donor in interspecific crosses with sexual species with x = 7 or x = 9 in breeding programs is discussed.  相似文献   

融安黄竹小穗和小花的形态发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扫描电镜对融安黄竹Dendrocalamus ronganensis的小穗和小花的发生发育及形态结构进行了研究。其小穗的发育过程是: 小穗原基→第一颖片原基→第二颖片原基→第一朵小花的外稃原基→第一朵小花原基→第二朵小花的外稃原基→第二朵小花原基。小穗为由2个颖片和1-2朵小花组成的假小穗。其小花发育的过程是: 内稃原基→雄蕊原基→雌蕊原基。内稃在发生上由彼此独立的两个突起形成, 随着发育逐渐愈合。观察结果支持内稃是双起源的说法。雄蕊原基近两轮发生。雌蕊原基由小花原基的中央部分直接发育而成。在小花的发育过程中, 未观察到鳞被原基的发生。该种的小花是无花被的, 结构较为简化, 为外稃和内稃包裹的雄蕊和雌蕊组成的结构。与近缘类群做比较, 探讨了小穗和小花在竹亚科中的演化。  相似文献   

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