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Lichens are good bio-indicators of air pollution, but in most tropical countries there are few studies on the subject; however, in the city of San José, Costa Rica, the relationship between air pollution and lichens has been studied for decades. In this article we evaluate the hypothesis that air pollution is lower where the wind enters the urban area (Northeast) and higher where it exits San José (Southwest). We identified the urban parks with a minimum area of approximately 5,000 m2 and randomly selected a sample of 40 parks located along the passage of wind through the city. To measure lichen coverage, we applied a previously validated 10 x 20 cm template with 50 random points to five trees per park (1.5m above ground, to the side with most lichens). Our results (years 2008 and 2009) fully agree with the generally accepted view that lichens reflect air pollution carried by circulating air masses. The practical implication is that the air enters the city relatively clean by the semi-rural and economically middle class area of Coronado, and leaves through the developed neighborhoods of Escazú and Santa Ana with a significant amount of pollutants. In the dry season, the live lichen coverage of this tropical city was lower than in the May to December rainy season, a pattern that contrasts with temperate habitats; but regardless of the season, pollution follows the pattern of wind movement through the city.  相似文献   

Chemical interactions between highly host-specific lichenicolous fungi and their lichen hosts have been little studied. In an allometric study, we quantified carbon-based secondary compounds (CBSCs) in a mixed natural Lobarina scrobiculata population (N = 147) of the normal and the stictic acid-deficient chemotypes, both with and without galls of Plectocarpon scrobiculatae. We assessed the correlation between the presence/abundance of parasite galls and the lichen CBSCs contents, and quantified size-dependent contents of CBSCs. The parasite produced galls similarly in both chemotypes, indicating that the stictic acid complex does not deter Plectocarpon. Within both chemotypes, thalli with Plectocarpon had half the contents of all individual CBSCs than those without galls. There was a significant size-dependent increase in CBSC contents in thalli without galls, but not in those with. This study shows that lichen chemistry is involved in highly host-specific fungal parasitism, and widens our knowledge of specialized biotrophic fungal interactions.  相似文献   

Nearctic-neotropic migrant birds need to replenish energy reserves during stopover periods to successfully complete their semiannual movements. In this study we used linear models to examine the habitat use of 11 migrant species in northeastern Costa Rica to better understand the influence of food and structural resources on the presence of birds during stopover periods. Our models indicated that frugivorous migrants primarily used food abundance, while insectivorous migrants chiefly used vegetation structure as cues for habitat use during stopover. In addition to habitat use models, we documented fruiting plant phenology and found a general relationship between migrant arrival and the timing of ripe fruit availability. Our results suggest that insectivorous migrants probably rely on structural features when using habitat because it may be inherently difficult to assess cryptic-arthropod availability during a short period of time in a novel habitat, such as stopover periods.  相似文献   

Urban vegetation is of key importance because a large proportion of the human population lives in cities. Nevertheless, urban vegetation is understudied outside central Europe and particularly, little is known about the flora of tropical Asian, African and Latin American cities. We present an estimate of how the vegetation has changed in the city of San José, Costa Rica, after about one century, with the repeat photography technique (based on a collection of 19th and early 20th century photographs by José Fidel Tristán and others) and with data from the Costa Rican National Herbarium. We found little vegetation change in the landscape of San José during the 20th century, where a total of 95 families and 458 species were collected in the late 19th and early 20th century. The families with most species were Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Cyperaceae, Acanthaceae, Malvaceae, Piperaceae and Verbenaceae. Similar results have been found in Europe, where the number of plant species often is stable for long periods even when the individual species vary.  相似文献   

1. Leaf packs in streams may serve as food and substrate to many macroinvertebrates, but the relative importance of these two functions has not been disentangled. To test the hypothesis that leaf packs are colonized primarily for their food value rather than as microhabitat, the colonization of leaf packs of red alder and of polyester cloth in a natural stream was compared. 2. Species of shredders showed large differences in the colonization of the two types of leaf pack with almost no use of artificial leaf packs. Non-shredders were also more abundant on natural leaf packs, however, they colonized artificial leaf packs six to eighty times proportionally more than shredders. 3. The effect of different leaf types was virtually eliminated for non-shredders when the amount of fine parriculate detritus (food for many non-shredders) trapped in the leaf pack was added to the analysis as a covariate. Therefore, to non-shredders, leaf types differed only in the retention of fine particulate organic matter. 4. Comparisons of the use of both kinds of leaf packs in riffles versus pools revealed that significantly fewer animals colonized pool leaf packs. 5. These results suggest that food value, and not microhabitat, is the primary determinant of leaf pack use for most shredders and non-shredders.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of ethnicity on the gene flow between two groups living in Limón, Costa Rica. Our main interest is to determine if ethnicity has acted as a barrier to the exchange of genes, and if the groups have remained distinct genetically. We report the admixture estimates, F(st) values, and inbreeding coefficients of the two samples. The data consist of blood samples and surnames obtained from 375 individuals. The subjects' two surnames were analyzed to determine the ethnicity of their parents (individuals carry their father's and mother's first surnames). We used the formula of Crow and Mange ([1965] Eugen Q 12:199-203) to compute F(t), F(n), and F(r) with the surnames. Admixture estimates were computed for both groups using the computer program ADMIX.PAS kindly provided by Jeffrey Long. The estimates for the Hispanic-Limonense group are M1 = 0.5866 European, M2 = 0.3383 Amerindian, and M3 = 0.0751 African ancestry. For the Afro-Limonense group, the admixture estimates indicate M1 = 0.1047 European, M2 = 0.1357 Amerindian, and M3 = 0.7595 African ancestry. The F(st) values are F(st) = 0.00558 for the Hispanic group and F(st) = 0.05137 for the Afro-Limonense group. These F(st) values indicate that the Afro-Limonense group has experienced more genetic drift than has the other group, possibly as a result of its long history of isolation in Costa Rica. Indeed, when plotted along a scaled eigenvector R matrix of Caribbean gene frequencies, the two Limonense groups did not cluster with each other. Thus we conclude that the two ethnic groups have remained distinct breeding populations.  相似文献   

A primary focus of historical demographic research is to understand how a population's mating pattern can affect its genetic structure. By using surnames, researchers can reconstruct gene flow into a population as well as within it: the population structure. Indeed, Lasker (1988a) noted that the distribution of surnames reflects the effect of mate choice on a population's genetic structure. Here, we study the mating pattern of a small, clearly established breeding population in Costa Rica (Escazú) during 1800-1839 and 1850-1899. We found that a large proportion of marriages involved individuals who were members of long-standing or core families. Indeed, 27 families provided 56% of all consorts throughout the period under study. When new surnames appeared in the records (presumably as a result of immigration), they were introduced more frequently by males, indicating that more males than females migrated into the community. The core families did not mate preferentially among themselves but appear to have readily accepted the migrants. Indeed,the greatest preponderance of repeated-surname marriages was that expected by chance. However, nonrandom surname repetition is evident when marriages between nonillegitimate consorts are analyzed. That is, the frequency of repeated-pair surname marriages is statistically significant in marriages involving brides and grooms who carried 2 surnames. Interestingly, significant departures from random repetition of surnames occurred during the decade in which the great cholera epidemic affected Costa Rica and during the decade following it. This departure from panmixia supports the notion that mating patterns were altered as a result of the epidemic, a suggestion we made previously when we reported that inbreeding increased in these same decades (Madrigal and Ware 1997).  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Reef fish assemblages under fishing pressure generally exhibit a lower fish biomass, abundance, and size structure, which can be counteracted with the creation of...  相似文献   

In the last decade, the Costa Rican Central Valley population (CRCV), has received considerable scientific attention, attributed in part to a particularly interesting population structure. Two different and contradictory explanations have emerged: (1) An European-Amerindian-African admixed population, with some regional genetic heterocigosity and moderate degrees of consanguinity, similar to other Latin-American populations. (2) A genetic isolate, with a recent founder effect of European origin, genetically homogeneous, with a high intermarriage rate, and with a high degree of consanguinity. Extensive civil and religious documentation, since the settlement of the current population, allows wide genealogy and isonymy studies useful in the analysis of both hypotheses. This paper reviews temporal and spatial aspects of endogamy and consanguinity in the CRCV as a key to understand population history. The average inbreeding coefficients (a) between 1860 and 1969 show a general decrease within time. The consanguinity in the CRCV population is not homogeneous, and it is related to a variable geographic pattern. Results indicate that the endogamy frequencies are high but in general it was not correlated with a values. The general tendency shows a consanguinity decrease in time, and from rural to urban communities, repeating the tendencies observed in other countries with the same degree of development, and follows the general Western World tendency. Few human areas or communities in the world can be considered true genetic isolates. As shown, during last century, the CRCV population has had consanguinity values that definitively do not match those of true genetic isolates. A clear knowledge of the Costa Rican population genetic structure is needed to explain the origin of genetic diseases and its implications to the health system.  相似文献   

The spatial ecology of sloths was studied in an agricultural landscape in Limón Province, Costa Rica. Two sloth species, the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) and the two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni), actively used and traveled through a cacao agroforest and its contiguous living fence rows and riparian forests. This agroecosystem was embedded in an agricultural landscape dominated by banana and pineapple plantations and pastures with dispersed trees. The two-toed sloth (C. hoffmanni) was found in 101 tree species and used 34 for food; the three-toed sloth (B. variegatus) was found in 71 tree species and used 15 for food. Choice of preferred species differed between the two sloth species. Trees commonly used by sloths for food and/or refuge in the cacao agroforest included Erythrina poeppigiana, Cecropia obtusifolia, Leucaena leucocephala; in the living fence rows, Cordia alliodora, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Trophis racemosa; in the riparian forests, Coussapoa villosa, Cecropia obtusifolia, Hura crepitans, Pterocarpus officinalis and Spondias mombin; and in the pastures with dispersed trees, Cordia alliodora, Coussapoa villosa, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Hura crepitans. This study demonstrates the importance of the cacao agroforest as well as arboreal elements in other land uses in providing resources for sloth conservation in a larger agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Resource availability and disturbance are important factors that shape the composition, structure, and functioning of ecosystems. We investigated the effects of soil fertility and disturbance on plant–soil interactions and nutrient cycling in a diverse tropical rainforest. Our goal was to determine how common soil specialisation is among species and how plant–soil interactions affect ecosystem functioning in the presence of disturbance. Most species (59%) showed significant fidelity to either fertile (basalt) or infertile (schist) soils. Obligate schist specialists (six species) contributed 39 and 37% to total stand-level basal area and aboveground net primary productivity, respectively. High nutrient use efficiency of schist specialists reduced the rates of within-stand nutrient cycling through the production of nutrient-poor plant tissues and litter. Although forests on schist soils had higher basal area and similar rates of productivity to forests on basalt, uptake of Mg, K, P, and N were markedly less on schist than on basalt, particularly after a cyclone disturbance. Stands on schist soils were also less affected by the cyclone and, as a result, contributed less (ca. 50%) Mg, K, P, and N inputs to the forest floor (via litterfall) than stands on basalt soils. System “openness” (i.e. the risk of nutrient loss) from cyclone-affected basalt forests was minimised by high rates of uptake following disturbance and large effective cation exchange capacities of soils. Soil–plant-disturbance interactions are likely to engender different fitness-enhancing strategies on fertile and infertile soils, possibly leading to the development and/or maintenance of diversity in rainforests.  相似文献   

Juvenile fish were sampled with a 10 m long net in a tide pool (17,000 m2) on the West margin of Boca Guarumal, Térraba-Sierpe Forest Reserve, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, from October 1992 through January 1994. Water temperature and surface salinity were recorded in each visit. The specimens were fixed in 5% formaldehyde and preserved in 70% ethanol. Abundance and size data were pooled based on precipitation, a main ecological influence in the Reserve. A total of 13,494 individuals from 18 species were captured. Eucinostomus currani, Gobionellus sagittula, Diapterus peruvianus, Agonostomus monticola and Atherinella sp. represented more than 97% of the captures. Although many species presented the tendency of concentrating during the dry season, significant differences in temporal abundance were found. The fish entered the estuary when their body length was between 20 and 60 mm.  相似文献   

Primary tropical lowland rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia, has been largely reduced to small to medium-sized, often isolated, forest islands surrounded by a highly altered agricultural landscape. The biodiversity patterns of leaf litter ant communities were monitored in two forest fragments of differing size as well as in a contiguous forest over the course of two years. Species number and diversity in the forest isolates was significantly lower, reaching only 47.5% of the species number collected in the contiguous forest. Species density was also lower, which had led to a thinning of the ant community in the fragments. Community composition was substantially altered in the forest remnants, and an increase of tramp species with smaller fragment size was detected. These results were unexpected and alarming, as the medium-sized forest is with its 42.9 km2 a comparatively large primary forest fragment for Sabah.  相似文献   

Four sampling stations were set 200-500 m off Limon Port, Costa Rica, at an average depth of 20 m. From October 1996 to May 1997 horizontal subsuperficial trawls were done for 12 minutes at a speed of about 2 Km/h, with a 1,000 microns plancton net. A total of 28 samples were processed and 104 physical-chemistry parameter measurements were taken. Average salinity was 30.1 +/- 3.7 and dissolved oxygen 6.9 +/- 0.6 mg l-1 reflecting good aeration throughout the sampling period. This suggests good mixture and a highly dynamic hydrography. Temperature showed no drastic variations (28.0 +/- 1.7 degrees C), possibly because of the constant mixing with shallow water. The highest larval counts were for November and early January and include families common to reefs and estuaries (Balistidae, Lutjanidae) and to coastal areas (Centropomidae, Gerreidae, Haemulidae, Carangidae, Engraulidae, Hemiramphidae, and representative Pleuronectiformes) existing in a common area.  相似文献   

Six plant associations were identified at Gandoca Lagoon by photointerpretation and field verification: a) mangroves, b) palm trees swamp, and palm trees with Acrostichum aureum and A. danaefolium, c) mixed palm trees, d) very humid tropical rain forest, and e) tropical beach vegetation. The mangroves cover 12.5 ha surrounding the lagoon and extend 2 km up the Gandoca River. Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) was the dominant species, with Avicennia germinans (black mangrove), Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove) and Conocarpus erectus (buttonwood) also present. Moving inland the mangroves grade into a tropical rain forest. Gandoca, the largest and best preserved mangrove of Caribbean Costa Rica, tripled its area from 1976 to 2000. Possible causes include sedimentation and the Limón earthquake, which may have subside the lagoon area.  相似文献   

Tropical premontane forests between 700 and 1,400 m.a.s.l. represent a particular component of the gamma diversity of neotropical ecosystems; however, the extent of information about their dynamics lags behind the more studied lowland rain forests. Data from three 1-ha permanent plots in a premontane forest in Costa Rica collected during an 11-year period (1998–2009) suggested a high tree turnover rate for this ecosystem (high mortality rate, λ = 2.4% and annual recruitment, μ = 2.6%). The floristic composition did not significantly change during the study period, but its high dynamism (2.4%) exceeded that of several reported values from highly diverse neotropical lowland rain forests. The documented decrease in abundance (8.6%) and basal area (14.3%) of trees ≥10 cm in DBH differs from the general trend of increase described for several lowland tropical rain forests in recent decades. We detected a significant population reduction (>15% of individuals from 1998 to 2009) in several relatively abundant tree species, whereas the populations of the three most dominant species remained nearly constant. The high tree turnover recorded for this premontane forest might not have affected tree diversity; but it might be promoting recruitment and growth of some tree species that may eventually become over-dominant in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the food preferences of captive snowshoc hares (Lepus americanus) in winter to test three hypotheses proposed to explain food choices by hares: (1) that food choice is related to the protein content of twigs; 92) that defensive chemicals present in twigs are negatively correlated with hare food preferences; and (3) that hares eat less-preferred but protein-rich twigs when their diet is buffered by large amounts of palatable food. Hares exhibited striking and consistent preferences for different species and, in general, preferred mature twigs to juvenile growth stages. Preferences across species among mature twigs were not, however, the same as preferences for juvenile growth stages across species. None of the three hypotheses adequately explained food choice by hares. Hares did not (1) select twigs that were high in protein content. They also did not (2) consistently select twigs that were low in resins or phenols. Finally (3), hares generally ate less, not more of non-preferred twigs in the presence of a protein and energy rich alternative food, commercial rabbit chow. Food preferences of hares must presumably have some chemical basis, but no simple theory has yet explained what this is. We suggest that hares may not be under severe dietary constraints imposed by chemical defenses in winter.  相似文献   

The ~30,000 hectare classical Costa Rican Parque Nacional Santa Rosa has used about 35 years and $107 million to be converted to the 169,000 ha government-NGO hybrid Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG). This semi-decentralized conservation entity has today a staff of ~150 paraprofessional resident Costa Ricans, biodeveloping at least 650,000 multicellular species (Eucaryotes) into perpetuity for ACG survival through being integrated with its local, regional, national, and international society. ACG began in 1985 as an ongoing exercise of landscape-level ecosystem rescue and restoration of a continuous swath from 6 km out in the Pacific ocean, across dry forested lowlands, up and over the volcanic Cordillera Guanacaste, and down into the rain-forested Caribbean lowlands. It is being impacted by climate change, yet its diverse ecosystems hold hope for major biodiversity survival, albeit in new community assemblages. It quickly became simultaneously a biophysical challenge and an administratively novel challenge in decentralized conservation in a democratic tropical country. ACG specializes at being managed by on-the-job stimulated and trained residents with minimal formal education, searching for ways to involve ACG in its society without damaging its wildness, and pioneering ways to render wild biodiversity to being a welcome member at society's negotiating table. It continues to pay its bills through government subsidy, generous donors, payments for services, project grants, and huge in-kind contributions from mutualisms. ACG hopes that the concept will spread south–south to other tropical countries while they still have some of their wild biodiversity with which to integrate.  相似文献   

Abstract If changes in the structural characteristics of rainforest at edges are caused by wind, then physical damage from a tropical cyclone might be greatest at edges or in small fragments that have a high proportion of edge. We tested whether this was true of a fragmented rainforest landscape impacted by a category 4 severe tropical cyclone in March 2006. Six structural variables (canopy cover, canopy height, cover of ground vegetation, leaf litter, stem density and counts of woody debris) were surveyed at 18 rainforest sites (six small linear remnants, and both edges and interiors of six large remnants) on the Atherton Tableland in north‐eastern Queensland, Australia. Data collected 7 and 12 months after the passage of Cyclone Larry were compared with an identical survey conducted 4 years prior to the cyclone. The cyclone had large effects across many components of forest structure. However, sites within 30 m of forest edges in small and large remnants were not impacted more than the interiors of large remnants. It is likely that the high wind intensity from severe tropical cyclones overrides the modest wind protection provided by surrounding forest. The cyclone's effects were highly patchy at local scales (0.5–1.0 km), leading to an increase in among‐site variation in forest structure and the disappearance of significant spatial autocorrelation among large remnant edge‐interior site pairs which had existed prior to the cyclone. The main effect of Cyclone Larry at these study sites was to increase the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure at local scales.  相似文献   

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