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Livers from chickens, rats, mongrel dogs, Dalmatian dogs, and man have been examined in the electron microscope in order to compare the microbodies with the known content of uricase. It is concluded that microbodies with inclusion are present in rats, mongrel dogs, and, although the inclusion generally is smaller, in Dalmatian dogs. The inclusion has a characteristic structural appearance. These species (rat, dog) have uricase. Chickens and man lack both the enzyme uricase and the microbody inclusion. This evidence and that from previously published electron micrographs in the literature on microbodies support the notion of a positive correlation between uricase and microbodies with an inclusion. It is recommended that the term "uricosome" be used for such microbodies that have an inclusion of the appearance here described.  相似文献   

The concentration of horseradish peroxidase in total particulate fractions from the kidney cortex did not change much during the first few hours after injection, as long as most of the injected protein was not yet cleared from the blood. It decreased at a rate of 6–8% per hr afterwards. The concentration of peroxidase in total particulate fractions increased in proportion to the load (dose) over a wide range, suggesting that a constant fraction of the protein was reabsorbed by micropinocytic vesicles into the tubule cells from the glomerular filtrate. The amount of peroxidase excreted in the urine also increased in proportion to the injected dose. The proportion of peroxidase taken up by the liver, however, decreased several times when the dose was increased. A marked decrease of protein uptake into the kidney cortex and an increase of urinary excretion were observed when rats received a second, equal dose of peroxidase 4 hr after the first injection, and the rate of clearance of peroxidase from the blood was decreased after the second injection. The liver, on the other hand, took up almost twice as much peroxidase after two injections as after one. The uptake of peroxidase by the kidney cortex increased with age. Cytochemical observations on the preferential absorption of peroxidase by certain cell types and segments of the renal tubules in relation to dose are reported.  相似文献   

Dense cytoplasmic bodies surrounded by one or two unit membranes and containing mitochondria, vesicles, ribosomes, rough and smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, and lamellated membranes (myelin figures) have been observed in the differentiating mucosa of the duodenum of rat foetuses by electron microscopy. Generally, the cytoplasmic components in the bodies seem to be in varying stages of disintegration. The bodies are found in greatest number on the 17th and 18th day of gestation, i.e. at the onset of differentiation. At this period of development the epithelium is stratified, and the villus formation is initiated by invagination of the epithelium by buds of mesenchyme followed by a splitting of the epithelium along the sides of the invaginations. When the villi have formed, the stratified epithelium has changed to the simple columnar type and the dense bodies have largely disappeared. Simultaneously, the lumen has widened considerably. In a parallel study with the light microscope, frozen sections incubated for the demonstration of acid phosphatase activity revealed the reaction product to be localized in bodies of the same size and distribution as the dense bodies found by electron microscopy. Hence, it seems that the bodies are altered and enlarged lysosomes (cytolysomes) active during the intensive differentiative events in the small intestine during the last part of intra-uterine life.  相似文献   

Fertilized and unfertilized eggs of Cynops pyrrhogaster were examined by light and electron microscopy. In fertilized eggs that have just been laid, there are numerous small cytoplasmic patches free of granules in the pigmented layer of the animal hemisphere. Many of these granule-free cytoplasmic islets gradually grow out subcortically from the pigmented layer and fuse to form a subcortical layer of yolk-free cytoplasm of varying thickness by the time of the first cleavage division. The cytoplasmic islets are present in 100% of the fertilized eggs, but not in unfertilized eggs. Electron microscopic observations showed that the cytoplasmic islets contain tubules and that development of a complex system of cortical tubules constitutes the basis of the early growth of the cytoplasmic islets. The cortical tubules are transient structures and are no longer observable a few hours after the eggs are laid. These phenomena are considered to be a response of the egg to the fertilization stimulus.  相似文献   

The structure and life history of insect microbodies are described during the development of the fat body from the 4th to 5th larval molt through the 5th to pupal molt. The mature microbodies are flattened spheres about 1.1 x 0.9 µ, with a depression on one side where a dense mass connects the limiting membrane to the core of coiled tubules. They contain catalase and urate oxidase. The precise synchrony of development of insect cells during the molt/intermolt cycle makes it easy to study the life history of particular organelles. Phases of growth are correlated with the hormonal milieu. Mature 4th stage microbodies decrease in size before ecdysis to the 5th stage when they atrophy at the same time as the new 5th stage generation arises. The 5th stage microbodies form as diverticula of the RER and, grow while confronted by RER cisternae. The mature microbodies decrease in size when the fat body engages in massive larval syntheses. At the end of the 5th larval stage, the microbodies are invested by isolation membranes and destroyed before pupation. There are thus two mechanisms for microbody destruction: atrophy of the 4th stage organelles and isolation with autophagy at the end of the 5th stage.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of leaf microbodies (peroxisomes) has been followed by (a) fixing primary bean leaves at various stages of greening and examining them ultrastructurally, and (b) homogenizing leaves at the same stages and assaying them for three peroxisomal enzymes. A study employing light-grown seedlings showed that when the leaves are still below ground and achlorophyllous, microbodies are present as small organelles (e.g., 0.3 µm in diameter) associated with endoplasmic reticulum, and that after the leaves have turned green and expanded fully, the microbodies occur as much larger organelles (e.g., 1.5 µm in diameter) associated with chloroplasts. Specific activities of the peroxisomal enzymes increase 3- to 10-fold during this period. A second study showed that when etiolated seedlings are transferred to light, the microbodies do not appear to undergo any immediate morphological change, but that by 72 h they have attained approximately the size and enzymatic activity possessed by microbodies in the mature primary leaves of light-grown plants. It is concluded from the ultrastructural observations that leaf microbodies form as small particles and gradually develop into larger ones through contributions from smooth portions of endoplasmic reticulum. In certain aspects, the development of peroxisomes appears analogous to that of chloroplasts. The possibility is examined that microbodies in green leaves may be relatively long-lived organelles.  相似文献   

Dense, homogeneous granules of 250 to 350 mµ in diameter have been found inside the cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum in the acinar cells of the pancreas of the guinea pig. They apparently correspond to the fine granules described in the same material in light microscopy by Mankowski and Bensley. The location of these granules indicates that the endoplasmic reticulum is a cavitary system and suggests its participation in secretory processes.  相似文献   

When microtubules in teleost melanophores are disrupted with antimitotic agents, colchicine, high hydrostatic pressure, low temperature, and vinblastine, the alignment and movement of the pigment granules in these cells disappear; during recovery, the return of alignment and movement corresponds in both time and space with the repolymerization of microtubules. Furthermore, analysis of nearest neighbor distances in untreated melanophores reveals that pigment granules are closely associated with microtubules. Other structures such as microfilaments, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the cytoplasmic matrix do not appear to be involved. Thus we conclude that microtubules determine the alignment and are essential for the selective movements of the pigment granules in these cells. Investigations of the mechanism of movement show that microtubules are required for both centrifugal and centripetal migrations and that they do not change in number or location during redistribution of pigment. Our results further indicate that microtubules in melanophores behave as semistable organelles as determined by investigation with colchicine and hydrostatic pressure. These observations and others rule out a push-pull mechanism based on the polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules or one which distinguishes two operationally different sets of microtubules. We propose instead that particles move by sliding along a fixed array of microtubules.  相似文献   



The handicap principle holds that costly sexual signals can reliably indicate mate quality. Only individuals of high quality can afford a strong signal—the cost of signaling is relatively lower for high‐quality signalers than for low‐quality signalers. This critical property is difficult to test experimentally because the benefit of signaling on mating success, and cost of signaling on other components of fitness, cannot easily be separated in obligate sexual organisms. We therefore studied the facultatively sexual yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which produces pheromones to attract potential mates. To precisely measure the cost of signaling, the signal was reduced or removed by deleting one or both copies of the pheromone‐encoding genes and measuring asexual growth rate in competition with a wild‐type signaler. We manipulated signaler quality either by changing the quality of the assay environment or by changing the number of deleterious mutations carried. For both types of treatment, we found that the cost of signaling decreased as the quality of the signaler increased, demonstrating that the yeast pheromone signal has the key property required for selection under the handicap principle. We found that cells of high genetic quality produce stronger signals than low‐quality cells, verifying that the signal is indeed honest.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural evidence for structures resembling microbodies is presented for the fungus Achlya ambisexualis Raper. These structures are DAB positive and thus presumably contain the enzyme catalase. Activities from mycelial homogenates for. the following enzymes are given: catalase, glycolate oxidase, uricase, isocitrate lyase, malate dehydrogenase, citrate synthetase, malate synthetase and glutamate: oxaloacetate transaminase. These results suggest that Achlya contains microbodies and that they may be of the glyoxysome type. The specific activity of catalase increases substantially following initiation of antheridial hyphae by the hormone antheridiol.  相似文献   

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