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A method for the fractionation of double-stranded DNA fragments from 150 to 22000 b.p. in size by liquid-liquid chromatography is described. The procedure makes use of the fact that the partitioning of DNA in a polyethylene glycol-dextran system is size dependent and can be altered by alkali metal cations. Cellulose or celite are used as supports for the stationary, dextran-rich phase. Examples show the fractionation of digests of T7 DNA produced by Dpn II and Hind II restriction endonulceases as well as lambda DNA digests produced by Hind III and Eco RI restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

Viral connectors are key components of the life cycle of bacteriophages and other viral systems. They participate in procapsid assembly, and they are instrumental in DNA packaging and release. Connector proteins build hollow cylindrical dodecamers that show an overall morphological similarity among different viral systems including a remarkable conserved domain in the central part of the protein. These domains build the wall of the channel forming a 24 α-helices stretch together with an α-β extension. A similar α-helical arrangement is found in other unspecific DNA translocating complexes, suggesting the existence of a common structural signature for channel formation. Preliminary experiments suggest that connectors might be ideal candidates as nanopores for synthetic applications in nanotechnology.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the use of liquid-liquid counter-current chromatography (CCC) for the preparative scale fractionation of plasmid DNA. Almost complete fractionation of supercoiled and open circular plasmid DNA (6.9 kb) could be achieved using a phase system comprising 12.5% (w/w) PEG 600 and 18% (w/w) K2HPO4. Experiments were carried out on a Brunel J-type CCC machine (100 ml PTFE coil) at a mobile phase flow rate of 0.5 ml min– 1 and a rotational speed of 600 rpm. Compared to conventional HPLC techniques the capacity of CCC is not limited by the surface area of resin available for adsorption. Symbols: C b, Concentration of plasmid in lower phase (g ml–1); C t, Concentration of plasmid in upper phase (g ml–1); CV, Total volume of mobile phase present in the coil and connecting leads (ml); K, Equilibrium solute partition coefficient (K=C t/C b); OC, Open circular plasmid; SC, Supercoiled plasmid; S f, Percentage stationary phase retention (S f=V s/V c); t s, Time for phase separation (s); V b, Volume of bottom phase (ml); V c, Coil volume (ml); V m, Volume of mobile phase present in coil at equilibrium (ml); V r, Volume ratio of two phases (V r=V t/V b); V s, Volume stationary phase present in coil at equilibrium (ml); V t, Volume of top phase (ml); V tot, Total volume of phase system (ml).  相似文献   

Large, ethidium bromide-loaded liposomes electrically pulsed in the presence of externally added DNA display the bright fluorescence of DNA-ethidium bromide complexes. Sonication of these liposomes increases the fluorescence of trapped DNA-ethidium bromide complexes by no more than about 40%. These results are thus in agreement with a mechanism involving electropores for DNA uptake but do not support an alternative mechanism, invoking invagination and pinching-off of the lipid bilayer, through which internalized DNA is shielded from the liposome contents.  相似文献   

This paper reports the cloning and sequencing of a region of DNA from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 surrounding transposon Tn916, insertion of which was previously shown to result in lack of expression of the extracellular capsule. Sequence analysis revealed that the transposon inserted into a consensus insertion site 71 bp from the 5 end of the cloned fragment. Within the clone, 3 downstream regions from two different pneumococcal lytA genes were identified, as well as a putative 194 AA open reading frame (ORF1). Moreover, two copies of the repeat element BOX, oriented in opposite directions, were located immediately 3 of orf1. Within the region bounded by the first pair of internal sequencing primers, analysis revealed that the fragment amplified by PCR was always of the same size. Moreover, Southern blotting showed that for all serotypes examined to date, homology exists with the cloned fragment. These results indicate that this region of the chromosome is highly conserved and, taken together with other independently derived data, suggest that interruptions or deletions within this DNA lead to unencapsulation.  相似文献   

To overcome the drawbacks of encapsulating plasmid DNA (pDNA) in poly (D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) by water-in-oil-in-water double-emulsion solvent-evaporation method, we have developed a novel procedure for encapsulating pDNA in PLGA microparticles called DNA organic phase self-emulsification (DOPSM). This method was based on both the extraction plasmid DNA from aqueous phase into organic phase and the spontaneous emulsification DNA in organic phase by solvent diffusion method. The efficiency of extraction plasmid DNA into organic phase is 99% and the concentration of pDNA in organic phase is up to 2.4 mg/ml. The efficiency of microencapsulation of plasmid DNA in PLGA is up to 76% and can be enhanced by lowering the pH of aqueous solution of emulsion. The microparticles size of PLGA of pDNA is in a narrow range of 1-2 microm. This procedure does not involve the high mechanical energy to emulsify which may damage the integrity of pDNA. This method can be applied to encapsulate the pDNA into microparticles of other biocompatible polymers with high efficiency.  相似文献   

The ability to detect specific nucleic acid sequences allows for a wide range of applications such as the identification of pathogens, clinical diagnostics, and genotyping. CRISPR-Cas proteins Cas12a and Cas13a are RNA-guided endonucleases that bind and cleave specific DNA and RNA sequences, respectively. After recognition of a target sequence, both enzymes activate indiscriminate nucleic acid cleavage, which has been exploited for sequence-specific molecular diagnostics of nucleic acids. Here, we present a label-free detection approach that uses a readout based on solution turbidity caused by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Our approach relies on the fact that the LLPS of oppositely charged polymers requires polymers to be longer than a critical length. This length dependence is predicted by the Voorn-Overbeek model, which we describe in detail and validate experimentally in mixtures of polynucleotides and polycations. We show that the turbidity resulting from LLPS can be used to detect the presence of specific nucleic acid sequences by employing the programmable CRISPR-nucleases Cas12a and Cas13a. Because LLPS of polynucleotides and polycations causes solutions to become turbid, the detection of specific nucleic acid sequences can be observed with the naked eye. We furthermore demonstrate that there is an optimal polynucleotide concentration for detection. Finally, we provide a theoretical prediction that hints towards possible improvements of an LLPS-based detection assay. The deployment of LLPS complements CRISPR-based molecular diagnostic applications and facilitates easy and low-cost nucleotide sequence detection.  相似文献   

DNA dendrimers have achieved increasing attention recently. Previously reported DNA dendrimers used Y-DNA as monomers. Tetrahedron DNA is a rigid tetrahedral cage made of DNA. Herein, we use tetrahedron DNA as monomers to prepare tetrahedron DNA dendrimers. The prepared tetrahedron DNA dendrimers have larger size compared with those made of Y-DNA. In addition, thanks to the central cavity of tetrahedron DNA monomers, some nanoscale structures (e.g., gold nanoparticles) can be encapsulated within tetrahedron DNA monomers. Tetrahedron DNA encapsulated with gold nanoparticles can be further assembled into dendrimers, guiding gold nanoparticles into clusters.  相似文献   

Efficient encapsulation of DNA plasmids inside small, neutral liposomes composed of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), DOPC/DOPE (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-phosphatidylethanolamine) (1:1) and DOPC/DOPE/cholesterol (1:1:1) was achieved by the addition of ethanol and calcium chloride to an aqueous mixture of small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) and plasmid. Following dialysis against low-salt buffer, the neutral lipid complexes (NLCs) had average effective diameters less than 200 nm and encapsulated up to 80% of the DNA. Optimum Ca(2+) and ethanol concentrations for each lipid mixture were determined by statistically designed experiments and mathematical modeling of trapping efficiency. NLCs are unilamellar, have neutral surface potentials, and retain entrapped DNA at pH 4.0 and in serum at 37 degrees C. The circulation and clearance properties of the complexes following intravenous administration in mice are similar to empty neutral liposomes, and the toxicity of NLCs are expected to be significantly reduced compared to other non-viral gene-delivery systems. The NLC encapsulation method, if it can be combined with effective targeting and endosome-release technologies to achieve efficient and tissue-specific transfection, may represent an important alternative to current systemic gene therapy approaches.  相似文献   

Summary Anther-derived rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica variety Yerua P.A.) plants were obtained after cryopreservation by an encapsulation/dehydration technique. Immature anthers, excised from spikelets pretreated at 8°C for 8d, were encapsulated in calcium alginate beads. The beads were cultured on N6 medium with 11.5 μM naphthalenaecetic acid (NAA) and 2.3 μM 6-furfurylaminopurine (KIN). Fifteen percent of the encapsulated anthers formed calluses when pretreated with sucrose for 3 d in liquid medium, desiccated on silica gel, slowly cooled to −30°C, immersed in liquid nitrogen (LN), thawed, and recultured. The cryopreserved encapsulated anthers produced 1.67 shoots/callus, in contrast to the control (non-cooled encapsulated anthers), which produced 6 shoots/callus. Eighty percent of the plantlets developed into normal plants after being transferred to greenhouse conditions. Histological observations showed that the origin of the plants was not modified by the cryopreservation process.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of molecular diagnostic techniques, there is a growing need for quality controls and standards with favorable properties to monitor the entire detection process. In this study, we describe a novel method to produce armored hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA for use in nucleic acid tests, which was confirmed to be stable, homogeneous, noninfectious, nuclease resistant, and safe for shipping. We demonstrated that MS2 bacteriophage could successfully package double-stranded DNA of 1.3-, 3-, 3.5-, and 6.5-kb length into viral capsids with high reassembly efficiency. This is the first application of RNA bacteriophage MS2 as a platform to encapsulate double-stranded DNA, forming virus-like particles (VLPs) which were indistinguishable from native MS2 capsids in size and morphology. Moreover, by analyzing the interaction mechanism of pac site and the MS2 coat protein (CP), we found that in addition to the recognized initiation signal TR-RNA, TR-DNA can also trigger spontaneous reassembly of CP dimers, providing a more convenient and feasible method of assembly. In conclusion, this straightforward and reliable manufacturing approach makes armored DNA an ideal control and standard for use in clinical laboratory tests and diagnostics, possessing prospects for broad application, especially providing a new platform for the production of quality controls for DNA viruses.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP acting on protein kinase A controls sporulation and encystation in social and solitary amoebas. In Dictyostelium discoideum, adenylate cyclase R (ACR), is essential for spore encapsulation. In addition to its cyclase (AC) domain, ACR harbors seven transmembrane helices, a histidine kinase domain, and two receiver domains. We investigated the role of these domains in the regulation of AC activity. Expression of an ACR-YFP fusion protein in acr(-) cells rescued their sporulation defective phenotype and revealed that ACR is associated with the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of the transmembrane helices (ΔTM) caused a 60% reduction of AC activity, but ΔTM-ACR still rescued the acr(-) phenotype. The isolated AC domain was properly expressed but inactive. Mutation of three essential ATP-binding residues in the histidine kinase domain did not affect the AC activity or phenotypic rescue. Mutation of the essential phosphoryl-accepting aspartate in receivers 1, 2, or both had only modest effects on AC activity and did not affect phenotypic rescue, indicating that AC activity is not critically regulated by phosphorelay. Remarkably, the dimerizing histidine phosphoacceptor subdomain, which in ACR lacks the canonical histidine for autophosphorylation, was essential for AC activity. Transformation of wild-type cells with an ACR allele (ΔCRA) that is truncated after this domain inhibited AC activity of endogenous ACR and replicated the acr(-) phenotype. Combined with the observation that the isolated AC domain was inactive, the dominant-negative effect of ΔCRA strongly suggests that the defunct phosphoacceptor domain acquired a novel role in enforcing dimerization of the AC domain.  相似文献   

The induction of an excision-defective bacteriophage P22 lysogen results in the production of particles which carry a DNA molecule of normal length within a normal capsid, but which are nonetheless defective. The DNA content of these particles was characterized physically by a restriction enzyme analysis, and genetically by two marker rescue techniques. The particles carry DNA corresponding to one side of the prophage map as well as additional DNA, apparently derived from the host chromosome to one side of the prophage insertion site. Normally, mature P22 DNA molecules are derived from a concatemer by sequential cleavage of adjacent headful lengths, beginning at a genetically unique site, the encapsulation origin (Tye et al., 1974). The defective particles appear to contain DNA matured by the same sequential mechanisms, operating on the integrated prophage and neighboring bacterial chromosome, rather than on the normal concatemeric substrate. Both the initiation and directional specificities of normal maturation are maintained during the maturation of defective particle DNA. Sequential cleavage begins within the prophage at the encapsulation origin, a site near gene 3, and proceeds into the host chromosome on the proC side of the prophage. The initiation specificity of DNA encapsulation seems to reside in the morphogenetic machinery, rather than in the mechanism of DNA replication. Replication of an induced excision-defective prophage takes place in situ on the host chromosome, apparently without disruption of the linear integrity of the prophage. Further, the entire prophage, as well as adjacent bacterial DNA, is replicated, even though only a portion of this DNA is destined to be encapsulated.  相似文献   

The functions of ten known late genes are required for the intracellular assembly of infectious particles of the temperate Salmonella phage P22. The defective phenotypes of mutants in these genes have been characterized with respect to DNA metabolism and the appearance of phage-related structures in lysates of infected cells. In addition, proteins specified by eight of the ten late genes were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; all but two are found in the mature phage particle. We do not find cleavage of these proteins during morphogenesis.The mutants fall into two classes with respect to DNA maturation; cells infected with mutants of genes 5, 8, 1, 2 and 3 accumulate DNA as a rapidly sedimenting complex containing strands longer than mature phage length. 5? and 8? lysates contain few phage-related structures. Gene 5 specifies the major head structural protein; gene 8 specifies the major protein found in infected lysates but not in mature particles. 1?, 2? and 3? lysates accumulate a single distinctive class of particle (“proheads”), which are spherical and not full of DNA, but which contain some internal material. Gene 1 protein is in the mature particle, gene 2 protein is not.Cells infected with mutants of the remaining five genes (10, 26, 16, 20 and 9) accumulate mature length DNA. 10? and 26? lysates accumulate empty phage heads, but examination of freshly lysed cells shows that many were initially full heads. These heads can be converted to viable phage by in vitro complementation in concentrated extracts. 16? and 20? lysates accumulate phage particles that appear normal but are non-infectious, and which cannot be rescued in vitro.From the mutant phenotypes we conclude that an intact prohead structure is required to mature the virus DNA (i.e. to cut the overlength DNA concatemer to the mature length). Apparently this cutting occurs as part of the encapsulation event.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial UvrD2 is a DNA-dependent ATPase with 3' to 5' helicase activity. UvrD2 is an atypical helicase, insofar as its N-terminal ATPase domain resembles the superfamily I helicases UvrD/PcrA, yet it has a C-terminal HRDC domain, which is a feature of RecQ-type superfamily II helicases. The ATPase and HRDC domains are connected by a CxxC-(14)-CxxC tetracysteine module that defines a new clade of UvrD2-like bacterial helicases found only in Actinomycetales. By characterizing truncated versions of Mycobacterium smegmatis UvrD2, we show that whereas the HRDC domain is not required for ATPase or helicase activities in vitro, deletion of the tetracysteine module abolishes duplex unwinding while preserving ATP hydrolysis. Replacing each of the CxxC motifs with a double-alanine variant AxxA had no effect on duplex unwinding, signifying that the domain module, not the cysteines, is crucial for function. The helicase activity of a truncated UvrD2 lacking the tetracysteine and HRDC domains was restored by the DNA-binding protein Ku, a component of the mycobacterial NHEJ system and a cofactor for DNA unwinding by the paralogous mycobacterial helicase UvrD1. Our findings indicate that coupling of ATP hydrolysis to duplex unwinding can be achieved by protein domains acting in cis or trans. Attempts to disrupt the M. smegmatis uvrD2 gene were unsuccessful unless a second copy of uvrD2 was present elsewhere in the chromosome, indicating that UvrD2 is essential for growth of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

Hydrazobenzene is carcinogenic to rats and mice and azobenzene is carcinogenic to rats. Hydrazobenzene is a metabolic intermediate of azobenzene. To clarify the mechanism of carcinogenesis by azobenzene and hydrazobenzene, we investigated DNA damage induced by hydrazobenzene, using 32P-5'-end-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the c-Ha-ras-1 proto-oncogene and the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Hydrazobenzene caused DNA damage in the presence of Cu(II). Piperidine treatment enhanced the DNA damage greatly, suggesting that hydrazobenzene caused base modification and liberation. However, azobenzene did not cause DNA damage even in the presence of Cu(II). Hydrazobenzene plus Cu(II) caused DNA damage frequently at thymine residues. Catalase and a Cu(I)-specific chelator inhibited Cu(II)-mediated DNA damage by hydrazobenzene. Typical ·OH scavengers did not inhibit the DNA damage. The main active species is probably a metal oxygen complex, such as Cu(I)-OOH. Formation of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine was increased by hydrazobenzene in the presence of Cu(II). Oxygen consumption and UV-Visible spectroscopic measurements have shown that hydrazobenzene is autoxidized to azobenzene with H2O2 formation. It is considered that the metal-mediated DNA damage by hydrazobenzene through H2O2 generation may be relevant for the expression of carcinogenicity of azobenzene and hydrazobenzene.  相似文献   

Hydrazobenzene is carcinogenic to rats and mice and azobenzene is carcinogenic to rats. Hydrazobenzene is a metabolic intermediate of azobenzene. To clarify the mechanism of carcinogenesis by azobenzene and hydrazobenzene, we investigated DNA damage induced by hydrazobenzene, using 32P-5′-end-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the c-Ha-ras-1 proto-oncogene and the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Hydrazobenzene caused DNA damage in the presence of Cu(II). Piperidine treatment enhanced the DNA damage greatly, suggesting that hydrazobenzene caused base modification and liberation. However, azobenzene did not cause DNA damage even in the presence of Cu(II). Hydrazobenzene plus Cu(II) caused DNA damage frequently at thymine residues. Catalase and a Cu(I)-specific chelator inhibited Cu(II)-mediated DNA damage by hydrazobenzene. Typical ·OH scavengers did not inhibit the DNA damage. The main active species is probably a metal oxygen complex, such as Cu(I)-OOH. Formation of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine was increased by hydrazobenzene in the presence of Cu(II). Oxygen consumption and UV-Visible spectroscopic measurements have shown that hydrazobenzene is autoxidized to azobenzene with H2O2 formation. It is considered that the metal-mediated DNA damage by hydrazobenzene through H2O2 generation may be relevant for the expression of carcinogenicity of azobenzene and hydrazobenzene.  相似文献   

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