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DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术在大小蠹属种类鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]DNA条形码技术已成为生物分类鉴定的有力工具.DNA条形码技术的相关问题,如物种种内和种间的遗传距离出现重叠区域,将直接影响到物种鉴定的准确性.我们应用DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术来快速、准确地鉴定口岸截获的检疫性大小蠹属种类.[方法]针对大小蠹昆虫设计引物以提高PCR扩增效率.运用自主研发的基因条码分析软件找出基因片段上区分每个物种的多态位点规律,作为该物种的鉴定特征并建立数据库,应用于物种鉴定.[结果]使用针对大小蠹属昆虫设计的引物成功扩增出325 bp的COI基因片段.将大小蠹属12种昆虫的COI基因片段上的核苷酸诊断位点的组合作为物种的鉴定特征,可以准确地区分近似种.通过比对植物检疫鉴定系统数据库里的鉴定特征,将6个大小蠹属的未知样品成功鉴定到种(核苷酸序列一致性为100%),与形态鉴定结果一致.[结论]结果表明DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术可以准确鉴定大小蠹属的种类.该检测技术可以应用于其他经济重要性有害生物的检测鉴定.  相似文献   

Bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus may attack and kill several species of coniferous trees, some of them causing major economic losses in temperate forests throughout North and Central America. For this reason, they have been widely studied. However, various aspects of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group remain contentious. The genus has been subdivided in species groups according to morphological, biological, karyological or molecular attributes, but the evolutionary affinities among species and species groups within the genus remain uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Dendroctonus species were reassessed through parsimony‐based cladistic analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic inference was based on 36 morphological characters and on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analyses were carried out for each dataset, as well as for the combined data analysed simultaneously, under equal and implied weights. According to the combined analysis, the genus Dendroctonus is a monophyletic group defined by at least three synapomorphic characters and there are four main lineages of varied composition and diversity within the genus. Within these lineages, several monophyletic groups match, to some extent, species groups defined by previous authors, but certain groups proposed by those authors are polyphyletic or paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse whether the geographical ranges of Dendroctonus species are (1) associated with factors such as host species or elevation, and (2) in agreement with Halffter's Nearctic distribution pattern. (3) To identify and discuss the factors that are likely to act as barriers to the genus’ geographical distribution. (4) To explore whether there is an association between the size of the geographical ranges of Dendroctonus species and the number of Pinus host species used by each of them, and (5) to assess if these host species are most common at the elevations preferred by the individual Dendroctonus species. Site Mexico. Methods Records of 12 species of Dendroctonus were gathered from entomological collections in Mexico. Distribution ranges were defined by using the propinquity method ( Rapoport, 1975a ). Analysed parameters were: (1) geographical distribution of single species, (2) overlapping of species ranges, (3) disjunction patterns and barriers by means of isoprobabilistic lines, based on the morphotectonic subdivision of Mexico ( Ferrusquía‐Villafranca, 1998 ), (4) spatial variation in species richness with respect to latitude and altitude, (5) size of geographical ranges, and (6) host species for each Dendroctonus species. A correlation was determined between area size and number of pine host species. Results The species ranges varied in shape and size. Geographical ranges tend to be discontinuous in shape. Composite patterns showed that disjunctions among ranges do not closely follow Mexico's morphotectonic subdivision. There are repeated discontinuities among individual distributions, which define five areas: (1) Baja California Peninsula, (2) Sierra Madre Occidental (SMOC), (3) northern Sierra Madre Oriental (SMOR), (4) Sierra Madre de Chiapas, and (5) SMOR + Faja Volcanica Transmexicana (FVT) + Sierra Madre del Sur. The isoprobabilistic lines confirm that the inner part of SMOC provides an optimal environment for the genus, and the FVT province constitutes the broader corridor for it in the country. Richness does not directly decrease or increase with latitude. Richness behaviour of the insect is not associated with that of its host. Elevation distributions showed that most Dendroctonus species move within broad margins of tolerance and species richness is concentrated in the montane interval. Dendroctonus attack 24 of the 47 Pinus species distributed in Mexico. Preferred pine species belong predominantly to Leiophyllae, Ponderosae and Oocarpae subsections. The Spearman rank correlation between area size and number of pine host species was not significant. Dendroctonus clearly belongs to a Nearctic distribution pattern (sensu Halffter, 1987 ). Main conclusions Dendroctonus is present in all montane systems of Mexico and its species coexist within a high geographical sympatry. Overlapping of species distribution appears to be the result of two elements – generalized polyphagy inside Pinus and a wide elevation tolerance within mountainous environments. This behaviour, linked to a high vagility, has allowed the genus Dendroctonus to expand its distribution across Mexico and to employ mountainous systems as corridors separated by barriers that exert a low selective filter effect.  相似文献   

The genus Philodendron (Araceae) is a large neotropical group whose classification remains unclear. Previous classifications are based on morphological characters, mainly from the inflorescence, flower and leaf shape. The classification by Krause, with few modifications, is still the most commonly used system. To examine phylogenetic relationships in the genus, two ribosomal DNA nuclear markers, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS), and the chloroplast intron rpl 16, were sequenced and analysed for more than 80 species of Philodendron and its close relative Homalomena . According to the resulting phylogeny, the genus Homalomena may be paraphyletic to the genus Philodendron . The inclusion of the American Homalomena species within the genus Philodendron might resolve this taxonomic problem. All three subgenera of Philodendron were revealed as monophyletic. Below the subgeneric level, the groups obtained in our phylogeny globally correspond to sections recognized in previous classifications. Among the morphological characters used by previous taxonomists to build their classifications, and which we optimized onto one of the most parsimonious trees, most characters were found to be homoplasious. However, leaf shape, characteristics of the sterile zone on the spadix and venation patterns are useful for delimiting subgenera and sections within the genus.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 13–27.  相似文献   

中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium(Host)Barkworth et Dewey)是禾本科小麦族植物中的一个异源六倍体物种,是重要的牧草植物,在小麦的抗病育种中发挥了重要作用.利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,在体细胞中期染色体上,对18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点进行了物理定位,发现该物种有3~4对染色体携带18S-5.8S-26S rDNA主位点.结合基因组原位杂交(GISH)分析,证明中间偃麦草的St基因组中有一对同源染色体短臂末端携带一个主位点,其余2~3对主位点位于E基因组染色体上.对不同来源的材料研究表明:18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点的数目(包括主位点和小位点)、位置、拷贝数在不同收集材料之间的差异较大,甚至在同一个体的不同细胞中也存在差异.讨论了rDNA物理作图数据在分析系统发育问题中的局限性.结合中间偃麦草的三个可能的二倍体基因组供体(Th.bessarabicum、Th.elongatum和Pseudoroegneria stipifolia)rDNA位点分析的结果,对中间偃麦草进化过程中rDNA位点的变化进行了分析,同时,对其中一份材料的核ITS序列进行了克隆、测序和系统发育分析,发现在中间偃麦草中,ITS序列具有很高的异质性.  相似文献   

Dendroctonus mexicanus is polyphagous within the Pinus genus and has a wide geographical distribution in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the pattern of genetic variation across the range of this species to explore its demographic history and its phylogeographic pattern. Analysis of the mtDNA sequences of 173 individuals from 25 Mexican populations allowed to us identify 53 geographically structured haplotypes. High haplotype and low nucleotide diversities and Tajima’s D indicate that D. mexicanus experienced rapid population expansion during its dispersal across mountain systems within its current range. The nested clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the phylogeographic pattern of D. mexicanus is explained by continuous dispersion among lineages from the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. However, we also observed isolation events among haplotypes from the Cofre de Perote/Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre del Sur, which is consistent with the present conformation of mountain systems in Mexico and the emergence of geographical barriers during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Abstract Scolytine weevils (bark and ambrosia beetles) have a unique ecological significance in forest ecosystems, which equates to major effects on landscape ecology and to monetary losses. Fossilized galleries of scolytines have been reported in Late Mesozoic wood, but here we describe a well‐preserved body fossil from the Cretaceous, c. 100 Ma, preserved in amber from northern Myanmar. Moreover, the specimen is remarkably similar to Recent species of the genus Microborus, revealing stasis unexpected within scolytines and thus highlighting the antiquity of the group. Stratigraphic dating and comparison of insect palaeofaunas included in other well‐dated ambers from multiple sites support the age estimate of the Burmese amber. A minimum age for one clade of scolytines is thus established, indicating an early divergence of scolytines from other weevils in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous and challenging the current perspective of weevil evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, inter- and intraspecific genetic diversity within the marine harmful dinoflagellate genus Coolia Meunier was evaluated using isolates obtained from the tropics to subtropics in both Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins. The aim was to assess the phylogeographic history of the genus and to clarify the validity of established species including Coolia malayensis. Phylogenetic analysis of the D1-D2 LSU rDNA sequences identified six major lineages (L1–L6) corresponding to the morphospecies Coolia malayensis (L1), C. monotis (L2), C. santacroce (L3), C. palmyrensis (L4), C. tropicalis (L5), and C. canariensis (L6). A median joining network (MJN) of C. malayensis ITS2 rDNA sequences revealed a total of 16 haplotypes; however, no spatial genetic differentiation among populations was observed. These MJN results in conjunction with CBC analysis, rDNA phylogenies and geographical distribution analyses confirm C. malayensis as a distinct species which is globally distributed in the tropical to warm-temperate regions. A molecular clock analysis using ITS2 rDNA revealed the evolutionary history of Coolia dated back to the Mesozoic, and supports the hypothesis that historical vicariant events in the early Cenozoic drove the allopatric differentiation of C. malayensis and C. monotis.  相似文献   

De Jonckheere JF 《Protist》2004,155(1):89-103
To investigate the variability within species of the genus Naegleria, the ITS1,5.8S and ITS2 rDNA were sequenced of several strains of N. lovaniensis and its Western Australian variants, N. australiensis, N. fowleri, N. andersoni, N. jamiesoni, N. tihangensis, N. pringsheimi, N. pagei, N. gruberi sensu lato and a Naegleria lineage that lost a group I intron from the SSUrDNA twintron. As a result, it is possible to define a molecular species within the Naegleria genus. In addition, one strain of each different allozyme cluster was sequenced to investigate whether they belong to described species or should be treated as distinct new species. This leads to the proposal of eleven new species. The sequencing results from those Naegleria spp. of which several strains are available indicate that these species are ubiquitous. The only exception might be the species represented by the WA variants. However, there are still many Naegleria spp. for which only one strain has been isolated, hence, it is important that the search for more isolates should be continued worldwide.  相似文献   

The presence and diversity of beetle pathogens associated with different tree species in Bulgaria was investigated. In total, 818 specimens belonging to 22 beetle species were examined. Pathogens occurred in 9 host species. The infections were found in the gut (virus, nematodes, protozoans, microsporidia) and haemolymph (nematodes) of the infected insects. The following pathogen species: ItEPV, Beauveria bassiana, B. brongniartii, Isaria farinosa, Gregarina typographi, Gregarina spp., Chytridiopsis typographi, Chytridiopsis sp., and nematodes were revealed. Insects with mycoses were mummified and filled up with fungal structures, formed pseudosclerotium. Most pathogens were established in bark beetles (Scolytinae). For the first time, the fungus B. bassiana was reported in Tomicus piniperda, Orthotomicus longicollis, O. erosus, X. spinole, Taphrorychus villifrons and Phylobius sp. in Bulgaria. We also present the first records of gregarines in O. longicollis, Acanthocinus aedilis, Rhagium inquisitor, Pyrochroa coccinea, and of the microsporidium Chytridiopsis sp. in O. longicollis.  相似文献   

中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium(Host)Barkworth et Dewey)是禾本科小麦族植物中的一个异源六倍体物种,是重要的牧草植物,在小麦的抗病育种中发挥了重要作用。利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,在体细胞中期染色体上,对18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点进行了物理定位,发现该物种有3~4对染色体携带18S-5.8S-26S rDNA主位点。结合基因组原位杂交(GISH)分析,证明中间偃麦草的St基因组中有一对同源染色体短臂末端携带一个主位点,其余2~3对主位点位于E基因组染色体上。对不同来源的材料研究表明:18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点的数目(包括主位点和小位点)、位置、拷贝数在不同收集材料之间的差异较大,甚至在同一个体的不同细胞中也存在差异。讨论了rDNA物理作图数据在分析系统发育问题中的局限性。结合中间偃麦草的三个可能的二倍体基因组供体(Th.bessarabicum、Th. elongatum和Pseudoroegneria stipifolia)rDNA位点分析的结果,对中间偃麦草进化过程中rDNA位点的变化进行了分析,同时,对其中一份材料的核ITS序列进行了克隆、测序和系统发育分析,发现在中间偃麦草中,ITS序列具有很高的异质性。  相似文献   

18-26S rDNA在4种重楼属植物中的定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨rDNA在重楼属Paris L.中的分布规律,利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)对4种重楼属植物 的18-26S rDNA进行了定位。所有植物均为二倍体,基因组由A、B、C、D和 E5条染色体构成。(1)滇重楼P.polyphylla var.yunnanensis:2n=10=6m+4t,C和D染色体的 短臂上各有1个18-26S rDNA位点;(2)长柱重楼P.forrestii:2n=10=6m+4t,B染色体的长臂 、C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;(3)五指莲P.axialis:2n=10=6m(2sat)+4t(2sat) +1-2B,C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;在有1个B染色体的细胞中,B染色体没有信号点, 而有2个B染色体的细胞中,只有1个B染色体上有信号点,表明B染色体上有基因存在且其分裂 不均等;(4)大理重楼P.daliensis:2n=10=4m+2sm+2st+2t,C染色体的短臂上有1个位点。1 8-26S rDNA位点不仅出现在染色体的次缢痕上,也出现在非次缢痕位点。另外,4个种中C染 色体短臂末端均有18-26S rDNA。  相似文献   

Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) play an important role as disturbance agents in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson) forests of Arizona. However, from 2001 to 2003, elevated bark beetle activity caused unprecedented levels of ponderosa pine mortality. A better understanding of the population structure of these species will facilitate analysis of their dispersal patterns and improve management strategies. Here, we use fluorescently labeled amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) analysis to resolve genetic variation among and within sampling locations in northcentral Arizona of Ips pini (Say), Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte, and D. frontalis Zimmermann. We generated genetic fingerprints for >500 beetle specimens and analyzed genetic diversity. For all species, gene flow estimates among sampling locations were high, and significant population subdivision was not discernible across a large portion of ponderosa pine forests in Arizona. However, a weak relationship was detected with I. pini population structure and elevation. Because of the lack of genetic differentiation detected throughout the large study area, our findings suggest these insects are capable of long distance dispersal and exhibit a high degree of gene flow across a broad region. We conclude that our results are consistent with strong dispersal patterns and large population sizes of all three species.  相似文献   

Tree-feeding insects that are widespread in north temperate regions are excellent models for studying how past glaciations have impacted differentiation and speciation. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and allele frequencies at nine microsatellite loci to examine genetic population structure across the current range of the spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis), an economically important insect in North America. Two major haplotype groups occur across northern North America, from Newfoundland to Alaska, on white spruce (Picea glauca), and a third distinctive haplotype group occurs throughout the Rocky Mountains on Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii). The two mtDNA lineages found in northern populations are 3-4% divergent from each other and from the lineages found in the Rocky Mountains. Analyses of microsatellite data also suggest the existence of major population groupings associated with different geographical regions. In the Pacific Northwest, concordant contact zones for genetically distinct populations of spruce beetles and their principal hosts appear to reflect recent secondary contact. Although we could detect no evidence of historical mtDNA gene flow between allopatric population groups, patterns of variation in the Pacific Northwest suggest recent hybridization and introgression. Together with the pollen record for spruce, they also suggest that beetles have spread from at least three glacial refugia. A minimum estimate of divergence time between the Rocky Mountain and northern populations was 1.7 Myr (million years), presumably reflecting the combined effects of isolation during multiple glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Correctly identifying species of Chlorella-like microalgae is difficult because of their morphological simplicity and high phenotypic plasticity. The use of molecular tools has revolutionized research on algal diversity, enabling such advances as the discovery of numerous new taxa. This article presents the results of a study of strains that are newly isolated from a freshwater Lake Prudovikov (Samara region, Russian Federation). These strains had the typical Chlorella morphology, exhibiting spherical cells and a cup-shaped parietal chloroplast. The chloroplast contained a single pyrenoid enveloped by starch grains. However, 18S–ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 sequence analyses indicated that the studied strains are strongly allied with the well-supported genus Micractinium. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the morphological, molecular and environmental characteristics of the studied strains (employing a polyphasic approach), we propose that they are new species of Micractinium: Micractinium kostikovii sp. nov.  相似文献   

The role of pollinators in the evolution of the African-Malagasy orchid genus Brownleea (Brownleeinae) was investigated. Taxa show specialization for pollination by bees ( B. parviflora , B. recurvata ), short-proboscid flies ( B. galpinii ), and long-proboscid flies ( B. macroceras , B. coerulea ). All species in the genus produce nectar, but some ( B. coerulea , B. galpinii ) appear to mimic flowers of abundant sympatric species as an additional strategy to attract pollinators. Species investigated in terms of their breeding systems ( B. coerulea , B. parviflora , B. macroceras , B. galpinii ) are reliant on pollinator visits for seed production. Self-pollination results in strong inbreeding depression during embryo formation. A phylogeny of the genus, constructed using data from the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region and morphology, indicates that fly pollination is likely to be basal in the genus, and that there has been a single shift to bee pollination.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 65–78.  相似文献   

Myrtaceae are one of the most species‐rich families of flowering plants in the Neotropics. They include several complex genera and species; Hexachlamys is one of the complex genera. It has not been recognized as a distinct genus and has been included in Eugenia, based on morphological grounds. Therefore, molecular systematic studies may be useful to understand and to help to solve these relationships. Here, we performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis using plastid and nuclear data in order to check the inclusion of Hexachlamys in Eugenia. Plastid (accD, rpoB, rpoC1, trnH‐psbA) and nuclear (ITS2) sequence data were analysed using Bayesian and maximum parsimony methods. The trees constructed using ITS2 and trnH‐psbA were the best able to resolve the relationships between species and genera, revealing the non‐monophyly of Hexachlamys. The molecular phylogenetic analyses were in agreement with previous morphological revisions that have included Hexachlamys in Eugenia. These results reinforce the importance of uniting knowledge and strategies to understand better issues of delimitation of genera and species in groups of plants with taxonomic problems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 532–543.  相似文献   

The field work of the authors during the last 16 years in both the western and the eastern parts of Leningrad Province, Russia, has resulted in the addition of 7 species to the regional list of bark beetles, namely: Hylurgus ligniperda F., Crypturgus subcribrosus Egg., Pityogenes irkutensis Egg., Scolytus mali Bechst., S. scolytus F., S. pygmaeus F., and Xyleborinus attenuatus Blandf. Of these species, P. irkutensis occurs only in the eastern districts of Leningrad Province, C. subcribrosus, over the whole territory, and the remaining species, only in the western districts. We suggest excluding Polygraphus proximus Blandf. from the regional faunal list. As a result, the updated list of the bark beetle species of Leningrad Province comprises 75 taxa. New data on findings of rare species in the region are considered.  相似文献   

Meloid beetles are well characterised by both morphological and biological features. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological characters assumed the repeated parallel evolution of complex biological novelties. In this work relationships among several taxa of the four subfamilies and almost all tribes representing meloid diversity are examined by using mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA sequences, in 25 genera (using Anthicidae as outgroup). Secondary structure of 16S and ITS2 rRNAs were modelled. ITS2 structure represents a synapomorphic condition for the family and informative characters at the tribal level. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on separate and combined analysis of the 16S and ITS2 rDNA sequences, and morpho-biological characters were tested, and compared with previous morphological classifications. Molecular dating allowed an outline of the main steps of the evolutionary history of Meloidae, which evolved during Early Cretaceous and then radiated considerably with the adoption of hypermetaboly and parasitic behaviour, and with repeated, parallel evolution of larval phoresy on its hosts.  相似文献   

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