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Nitrogen (N) availability is the main constraint on primary production in most Arctic ecosystems, with microbial fixation of atmospheric N as the primary source of N input. However, there are only few reports on N fixation rates in relation to climate change in the Arctic. In order to investigate the effects of anticipated global climate change on N fixation rates in a subarctic moist heath, a field experiment was carried out in Northern Sweden. Warming was induced by plastic tents, and in order to simulate the effects of future increased tree cover, birch litter was added each fall for 9 years before the measurements. We analyzed N fixation rates on both whole‐ecosystem level and specifically on two moss species: Sphagnum warnstorfii and Hylocomium splendens. The whole‐ecosystem N fixation of the warmed plots almost tripled compared with the control plots. However, in the Sphagnum and Hylocomium mosses we observed either no change or occasionally even a decrease in N fixation after warming. Both measured on whole‐ecosystem level and on the two moss species separately, litter addition increased N fixation rates. The results suggest that warming will lead to a general increased ecosystem N input, but also that the N fixation associated to some moss species is likely to decrease. Hence, this study shows that the scale of measurements is crucial when investigating on ecosystem responses to manipulations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (15N) fixed by gut symbionts of the termite Nasutitermes corniger is assimilated and incorporated into termite tissues. Metabolic differences between soldier and worker castes are reflected in assimilation patterns: a greater proportion of the newly fixed nitrogen was in the bodies of workers but in the heads of soldiers. Newly fixed nitrogen is also transferred between workers and soldiers by trophallaxis. These studies confirm the 3:1 ratio assumed as the affinity of nitrogenase for acetylene relative to nitrogen in the acetylene-reduction method.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem process in unpolluted, temperate old‐growth forests of southern South America as a source of new nitrogen to ecosystems. Decomposing leaf litter is an energy‐rich substrate that favours the occurrence of this energy demanding process. Following the niche ‘complementarity hypothesis’, we expected that decomposing leaf litter of a single tree species would support lower rates of non‐symbiotic N fixation than mixed species litter taken from the forest floor. To test this hypothesis we measured acetylene reduction activity in the decomposing monospecific litter of three evergreen tree species (litter C/N ratios, 50–79) in an old‐growth rain forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Results showed a significant effect of species and month (anova , Tukey's test, P < 0.05) on decomposition and acetylene reduction rates (ARR), and a species effect on C/N ratios and initial % N of decomposing leaf litter. The lowest litter quality was that of Nothofagus nitida (C/N ratio = 78.7, lignin % = 59.27 ± 4.09), which resulted in higher rates of acetylene reduction activity (mean = 34.09 ± SE = 10.34 nmol h?1 g?1) and a higher decomposition rate (k = 0.47) than Podocarpus nubigena (C/N = 54.4, lignin % = 40.31 ± 6.86, Mean ARR = 4.11 ± 0.71 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and Drimys winteri (C/N = 50.6, lignin % = 45.49 ± 6.28, ARR = 10.2 ± 4.01 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and mixed species litter (C/N = 60.7, ARR = 8.89 ± 2.13 nmol h?1g?1). We interpret these results as follows: in N‐poor litter and high lignin content of leaves (e.g. N. nitida) free‐living N fixers would be at competitive advantage over non‐fixers, thereby becoming more active. Lower ARR in mixed litter can be a consequence of a lower litter C/N ratio compared with single species litter. We also found a strong coupling between in situ acetylene reduction and net N mineralization in surface soils, suggesting that as soon N is fixed by diazotroph bacteria it may be immediately incorporated into mineral soil by N mineralizers, thus reducing N immobilization.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation rates, as estimated by the acetylene reduction technique, were determined in conifer wood litter being decayed by brown- and white-rot fungi. Average ethylene production rates were significantly higher in white-rotted wood (15.1 nmol g–1 day–1) than in brown-rotted wood (2.3 nmol g–1 day–1). This difference may be related to a higher soluble sugar content in white-versus brown-rotted wood. The nitrogen-fixing bacteriumAzospirillum was not detected in any of the decaying wood samples examined. Greater nitrogen additions from nitrogen-fixing bacteria may be a factor in the more rapid white-rot decay of hardwood litter, as compared to the slower brown-rot decay of conifer wood.  相似文献   

In situ decomposition of senescent leaves of twoabundant mangrove species (Rhizophora mucronataLamarck and Ceriops tagal (Perr) C.B. Rob),enrichment of nitrogen and activity of dinitrogenfixing bacteria during decomposition were investigatedduring both rainy and dry seasons in a tropicalcoastal lagoon (Gazi, Kenya). Rates of leafdecomposition were higher for R. mucronata thanfor C. tagal and were highest, for both species,during rainy season. Rates of decomposition, expressedas percentage dry mass loss, over a decompositionperiod of 50 days was: C. tagal (rainy season),69%; C. tagal (dry season), 27%; R.mucronata (rainy season), 98%; and R.mucronata (dry season), 48%. High rainfall anddiurnal tidal inundation appear to enhance the leafdecomposition process. Maximum rates of nitrogenfixation were 380 nmol N2 h-1 g-1 dw forC. tagal (rainy season), 78 nmolN2 h-1 g-1 dw for C. tagal (dryseason), 390 nmol N2 h-1 g-1 dw for R. mucronata (rainy season) and 189 nmolN2 h-1 g-1 dw for R. mucronata (dry season). Although N2 fixation rates werehighest during rainy season, total nitrogenimmobilised in the leaves was highest during the dryseason. Biological nitrogen fixation can account forbetween 13 to 21% of the maximum nitrogen immobilisedin the decaying mangrove leaves. Nitrogen fixation, asa source of allochthonous nitrogen, sustains anitrogen input to the mangrove ecosystem, which addssignificantly to the nitrogen input through leaflitterfall.  相似文献   

Field bean (Vicia faba L.) cv. Maris Bead seeds were inoculated with Rhizobium Catalogue No. 1001, supplied by Rothamsted Experimental Station, and grown in sand culture supplied with a complete nutrient solution which included nitrate at either 1.5 or 6.0 mM. Nodules were detached from the roots at intervals during plant development and their rates of nitrogen fixation estimated by both acetylene reduction and 15N gas technique. There was a constant relationship, independent of nitrate supply, between the results obtained by these two methods at all samplings. The amounts of acetylene reduced divided by a factor of 5.75 gave the amount of true nitrogen fixation; this factor is about twice the theoretical value. It is suggested that this discrepancy arose because, with acetylene, all the electrons available to the nitrogenase were used to form ethylene, whereas during normal fixation only about half the electron supply was used to fix nitrogen, the remainder having been consumed in the production of hydrogen gas.  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮固氮活性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用乙炔还原法对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠不同类型的生物结皮(藻结皮、地衣结皮、苔藓结皮)的固氮活性(nmolC2H4m-2h-1)进行了定量研究。结果表明,不仅采样时段和结皮类型对生物结皮的固氮活性具有显著的影响(p<0.05),二者的交互效应同样对生物结皮的固氮活性具有极显著的影响(p<0.01)。各类型生物结皮固氮活性变化趋势表现为:3~5月间,藻结皮(2.26×103)>地衣结皮(6.54×102)>苔藓结皮(6.38×102)。6~10月份,各类型生物结皮的固氮能力显著提高(p<0.05),藻结皮的固氮活性最高(9.81×103),依次为地衣结皮9.06×103、苔藓结皮2.03×103。11月~翌年2月间,月均温都低于0℃,抑制了生物结皮的固氮活性,藻结皮、苔藓结皮的固氮活性降幅极显著(p<0.01),分别低达4.18×102、5.43×102,地衣结皮降低至2.78×103。生物结皮成为古尔班通古特沙漠除豆科植物外重要的氮源,为该沙漠1年生浅根系草本植物的种子萌发与植物体的生长提供丰富的有机质源,从而有利于这些植物种群的繁衍与更新,并与之共同促进对沙面的固定。  相似文献   

Plant growth in semi‐arid ecosystems is usually severely limited by soil nutrient availability. Alleviation of these resource stresses by fertiliser application and aboveground litter input may affect plant internal nutrient cycling in such regions. We conducted a 4‐year field experiment to investigate the effects of nitrogen (N) addition (10 g N·m?2·year?1) and plant litter manipulation on nutrient resorption of Leymus chinensis, the dominant native grass in a semi‐arid grassland in northern China. Although N addition had no clear effects on N and phosphorus (P) resorption efficiencies in leaves and culms, N fertilisation generally decreased leaf N resorption proficiency by 54%, culm N resorption proficiency by 65%. Moreover, N fertilisation increased leaf P resorption proficiency by 13%, culm P resorption proficiency by 20%. Under ambient or enriched N conditions, litter addition reduced N and P resorption proficiencies in both leaves and culms. The response of P resorption proficiency to litter manipulation was more sensitive than N resorption proficiency: P resorption proficiency in leaves and culms decreased strongly with increasing litter amount under both ambient and enriched N conditions. In contrast, N resorption proficiency was not significantly affected by litter addition, except for leaf N resorption proficiency under ambient N conditions. Furthermore, although litter addition caused a general decrease of leaf and culm nutrient resorption efficiencies under both ambient and enriched N conditions, litter addition effects on nutrient resorption efficiency were much weaker than the effects of litter addition on nutrient resorption proficiency. Taken together, our results show that leaf and non‐leaf organs of L. chinensis respond consistently to altered soil N availability. Our study confirms the strong effects of N addition on plant nutrient resorption processes and the potential role of aboveground litter, the most important natural fertiliser in terrestrial ecosystems, in influencing plant internal nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Responses of the mycorrhizal fungal community in terrestrial ecosystems to global change factors are not well understood. However, virtually all land plants form symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi, with approximately 20% of the plants' net primary production transported down to the fungal symbionts. In this study, we investigated how ericoid mycorrhiza (ErM), fine endophytes (FE) and dark septate endophytes (DSE) in roots responded to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and warming in the dwarf shrub understory of a birch forest in the subarctic region of northern Sweden. To place the belowground results into an ecosystem context we also investigated how plant cover and nutrient concentrations in leaves responded to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and warming. The ErM colonization in ericaceous dwarf shrubs increased under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but did not respond to warming following 6 years of treatment. This suggests that the higher ErM colonization under elevated CO2 might be due to increased transport of carbon belowground to acquire limiting resources such as N, which was diluted in leaves of ericaceous plants under enhanced CO2. The elevated CO2 did not affect total plant cover but the plant cover was increased under warming, which might be due to increased N availability in soil. FE colonization in grass roots decreased under enhanced CO2 and under warming, which might be due to increased root growth, to which the FE fungi could not keep up, resulting in proportionally lower colonization. However, no responses in aboveground cover of Deschampsia flexuosa were seen. DSE hyphal colonization in grass roots significantly increased under warmer conditions, but did not respond to elevated CO2. This complex set of responses by mycorrhizal and other root‐associated fungi to global change factors of all the fungal types studied could have broad implications for plant community structure and biogeochemistry of subarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

张骁栋  王金枝  颜亮  李勇  吴海东  康晓明 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7630-7637
高寒湿地中土壤微生物固氮是氮元素进入生态系统的主要途径之一,环境因子变化对土壤固氮功能的影响仍不明晰。在四川若尔盖高寒湿地搭建了由27个生态模拟箱组成的中宇宙实验系统,通过控制水位和模拟氮沉降,研究水位变化和施氮对土壤非共生固氮的影响。实验设计了3水位水平×3施氮水平共9个处理,测定了生态模拟箱中表层土壤的非共生固氮速率,土壤碳、氮含量,以及地上植物生物量和植物氮含量,比较不同水位和施氮处理下非共生固氮速率的变化规律并分析其与土壤和植物碳、氮含量的关系。研究发现:生态模拟箱中土壤非共生固氮速率范围是0.003-7.35 μg N g-1 d-1,从不淹水到淹水的处理土壤非共生固氮速率提高约2倍。施氮处理中固氮速率随土壤含水量升高而增强的敏感性高于施氮对照处理,且施氮处理下的生态模拟箱中土壤有机碳含量显著升高,据此推测施氮可能使淹水的生态模拟箱中的浮游植物提高生产力而释放可利用有机碳,从而间接促进土壤非共生固氮。本研究获得以下结论:(1)若尔盖高寒湿地中土壤水位是限制固氮速率的重要因子;(2)施氮背景下土壤含水量对非共生固氮的促进效应更明显。  相似文献   

Abstract. Termites contribute nitrogen to their habitat through the nitrogenase activity of their bacterial symbionts. Previous studies indicate that high levels of dietary nitrogen suppress nitrogen fixation in termites. We examined the effects of dietary nitrogen on fixation rates in termites in both field and laboratory experiments. Ten field cplonies of Reticulitermes were collected and assayed for nitrogenase activity in July 1993, October 1993, January 1994, and April 1994. The nitrogen content of the wood collected with each colony was determined. There was no correlation between termite nitrogen fixation rates and the amount of nitrogen in their food for any of the four collection periods. In laboratory experiments, nitrogen fixation rates decreased when termites were fed filter paper treated with 2% and 5% ammonium nitrate or a 5% mixture of the amino acids proline, tryptophan and leucine, compared to water-treated controls. By contrast, the nitrogenase activity of termites fed filter paper treated with 2% and 5% ammonium phosphate, a mixture of the amino acids histidine, serine and aspartic acid, or 2% and 5% urea did not differ from the controls. However, nitrogenase activity increased when termites were fed with 2% uric acid. No clear association exists between termite nitrogen fixation and the nitrogen content of their food.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF), an important source of N in terrestrial ecosystems, plays a critical role in terrestrial nutrient cycling and net primary productivity. Currently, large uncertainty exists regarding how nutrient availability regulates terrestrial BNF and the drivers responsible for this process. We conducted a global meta‐analysis of terrestrial BNF in response to N, phosphorus (P), and micronutrient (Micro) addition across different biomes (i.e, tropical/subtropical forest, savanna, temperate forest, grassland, boreal forest, and tundra) and explored whether the BNF responses were affected by fertilization regimes (nutrient‐addition rates, duration, and total load) and environmental factors (mean annual temperature [MAT], mean annual precipitation [MAP], and N deposition). The results showed that N addition inhibited terrestrial BNF (by 19.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17.7%?20.3%); hereafter), Micro addition stimulated terrestrial BNF (30.4% [25.7%?35.3%]), and P addition had an inconsistent effect on terrestrial BNF, i.e., inhibiting free‐living N fixation (7.5% [4.4%?10.6%]) and stimulating symbiotic N fixation (85.5% [25.8%?158.7%]). Furthermore, the response ratios (i.e., effect sizes) of BNF to nutrient addition were smaller in low‐latitude (<30°) biomes (8.5%?36.9%) than in mid‐/high‐latitude (≥30°) biomes (32.9%?61.3%), and the sensitivity (defined as the absolute value of response ratios) of BNF to nutrients in mid‐/high‐latitude biomes decreased with decreasing latitude (p ≤ 0.009; linear/logarithmic regression models). Fertilization regimes did not affect this phenomenon (p > 0.05), but environmental factors did affect it (p < 0.001) because MAT, MAP, and N deposition accounted for 5%?14%, 10%?32%, and 7%?18% of the variance in the BNF response ratios in cold (MAT < 15°C), low‐rainfall (MAP < 2,500 mm), and low‐N‐deposition (<7 kg ha?1 year?1) biomes, respectively. Overall, our meta‐analysis depicts a global pattern of nutrient impacts on terrestrial BNF and indicates that certain types of global change (i.e., warming, elevated precipitation and N deposition) may reduce the sensitivity of BNF in response to nutrient enrichment in mid‐/high‐latitude biomes.  相似文献   

Ecosystems in the far north, including arctic and boreal biomes, are a globally significant pool of carbon (C). Global change is proposed to influence both C uptake and release in these ecosystems, thereby potentially affecting whether they act as C sources or sinks. Bryophytes (i.e., mosses) serve a variety of key functions in these systems, including their association with nitrogen (N2)‐fixing cyanobacteria, as thermal insulators of the soil, and producers of recalcitrant litter, which have implications for both net primary productivity (NPP) and heterotrophic respiration. While ground‐cover bryophytes typically make up a small proportion of the total biomass in northern systems, their combined physical structure and N2‐fixing capabilities facilitate a disproportionally large impact on key processes that control ecosystem C and N cycles. As such, the response of bryophyte‐cyanobacteria associations to global change may influence whether and how ecosystem C balances are influenced by global change. Here, we review what is known about their occurrence and N2‐fixing activity, and how bryophyte systems will respond to several key global change factors. We explore the implications these responses may have in determining how global change influences C balances in high northern latitudes.  相似文献   

We compared the foliar 15N and 13C values of Pinus massoniana growing on soils with and without microbiotic crust to examine the influence of the microbiotic crust on N and water use in plants in deteriorated watersheds in southern China. At our study site, litterfall and undergrowth had been intensively removed for fuel and soil N concentration was extremely low. Microbiotic crust covered the lower slope within the watersheds and pine trees were taller here than on the middle and upper slopes, although the crust reduced the amount of rainfall that could penetrate the soil. The foliar 15N values were greater (closer to zero) in pine trees growing on soil covered with microbiotic crust on the lower slope than on the middle and upper slopes, which lacked the microbiotic crust. These data suggest that P.massoniana may depend on N fixed by the microbiotic crust on the lower slope, and on N carried by precipitation on the middle and upper slopes. The microbiotic crust did not influence foliar 13C, an index for water use efficiency, in P.massoniana. The fact that P.massoniana biomass was greater on the lower slope, which is less permeable to rainfall, suggests that P.massoniana growth may be limited by the amount of available N rather than by water. The microbiotic crust may improve plant productivity by increasing N availability, despite its negative effect on water availability.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Phenology is one of most sensitive traits of plants in response to regional climate warming. Better understanding of the interactive effects between warming and other environmental change factors, such as increasing atmosphere nitrogen (N) deposition, is critical for projection of future plant phenology.


A 4-year field experiment manipulating temperature and N has been conducted in a temperate steppe in northern China. Phenology, including flowering and fruiting date as well as reproductive duration, of eight plant species was monitored and calculated from 2006 to 2009.

Key Results

Across all the species and years, warming significantly advanced flowering and fruiting time by 0·64 and 0·72 d per season, respectively, which were mainly driven by the earliest species (Potentilla acaulis). Although N addition showed no impact on phenological times across the eight species, it significantly delayed flowering time of Heteropappus altaicus and fruiting time of Agropyron cristatum. The responses of flowering and fruiting times to warming or N addition are coupled, leading to no response of reproductive duration to warming or N addition for most species. Warming shortened reproductive duration of Potentilla bifurca but extended that of Allium bidentatum, whereas N addition shortened that of A. bidentatum. No interactive effect between warming and N addition was found on any phenological event. Such additive effects could be ascribed to the species-specific responses of plant phenology to warming and N addition.


The results suggest that the warming response of plant phenology is larger in earlier than later flowering species in temperate grassland systems. The effects of warming and N addition on plant phenology are independent of each other. These findings can help to better understand and predict the response of plant phenology to climate warming concurrent with other global change driving factors.  相似文献   

The efficiency of different FinnishFrankia strains as symbionts onAlnus incana (L.) Moench was evaluated in inoculation experiments by measuring nitrogen fixation and biomass production. Since all available pure cultures ofFrankia are of the Sp type (sporangia not formed in nodules), but the dominant nodule endophyte ofA. incana in Finland is of the Sp+ type (sporangia formed in nodules), crushed nodules of thisFrankia type were included. The Sp pure cultures, whether originating fromA. incana orA. glutinosa, produced with one exception, similar biomass withA. incana. The highest biomass was produced with an American reference strain fromA. viridis crispa. Using Sp+ nodule homogenates fromA. incana as inoculum, the biomass production was only one third of that produced by Sp pure cultures from the same host. Hence, through selection of the endophyte it is possible to exert a considerable influence on the productivity ofAlnus incana.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction), sulphate reduction, NH 4 + concentration and porewater volatile fatty acids concentrations were measured in Zostera noltii colonised sediments in the Bassin d'Arcachon, France in March 1994. Acetylene reduction activity (ARA) was detectable throughout sediment profiles. Addition of sodium molybdate (20 mmol l–1) a specific inhibitor of sulphate reduction to slurries inhibited ARA by >75% inferring that sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were the dominant component of the nitrogen fixing microflora. The peak of ARA was coincident with that of sulphate reduction and a relatively constant relationship of 40 mole sulphate reduced per mole acetylene reduced was recorded throughout the profiles. From this ratio it was calculated that at least 17% of the ATP yield from sulphate reduction would be required to support the measured rates of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction).Acetate was the dominant constituent of the porewater volatile fatty acids pool, accounting for >90% of the total pool as measured by HPLC. Concentrations of porewater acetate recorded by HPLC were compared with those measured using an enzymatic technique and these data indicate that approximately 10% of the total porewater acetate pool was not available to microbial metabolism. Profiles of porewater acetate concentrations measured by both techniques were similar to those recorded for both ARA and sulphate reduction and thus acetate oxidation may fuel these activities.  相似文献   

Marine nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are largely confined to the tropical and subtropical ocean. It has been argued that their global biogeographical distribution reflects the physiologically feasible temperature range at which they can perform nitrogen fixation. In this study we refine this line of argumentation for the globally important group of unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria, and pose the following two hypotheses: (i) nitrogen fixation is limited by nitrogenase activity at low temperature and by oxygen diffusion at high temperature, which is manifested by a shift from strong to weak temperature dependence of nitrogenase activity, and (ii) high respiration rates are required to maintain very low levels of oxygen for nitrogenase, which results in enhanced respiratory cost per molecule of fixed nitrogen at low temperature. We tested these hypotheses in laboratory experiments with the unicellular cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. BG043511. In line with the first hypothesis, the specific growth rate increased strongly with temperature from 18 to 30 °C, but leveled off at higher temperature under nitrogen-fixing conditions. As predicted by the second hypothesis, the respiratory cost of nitrogen fixation and also the cellular C:N ratio rose sharply at temperatures below 21 °C. In addition, we found that low temperature caused a strong delay in the onset of the nocturnal nitrogenase activity, which shortened the remaining nighttime available for nitrogen fixation. Together, these results point at a lower temperature limit for unicellular nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, which offers an explanation for their (sub)tropical distribution and suggests expansion of their biogeographical range by global warming.  相似文献   

对川西高山树线红杉新鲜凋落物中有机组分于11月进行自然条件(对照)、加氮(2 g N·m-2)、增温(顶开式培养室)、加氮+增温4个处理的原位培养,并监测凋落物中有机组分的分解动态.结果表明: 在试验开始后4个月内,增温、加氮以及加氮+增温处理比对照显著促进了红杉凋落物中水溶性糖、水溶性酚和多酚的分解,但随着培养时间的延长,累积分解量的差异逐渐缩小.与对照相比,增温、加氮和增温+加氮处理均抑制红杉凋落物中CH2Cl2提取组分、酸溶碳水化合物、酸溶木质素和非酸溶木质素分解,其中增温处理抑制作用最强,加氮处理抑制效果最弱,增温+加氮处理介于二者之间;增温处理对非酸溶木质素和CH2Cl2提取组分的半分解周期延长1倍以上,热水溶组分的半分解周期延长50%以上.在原位培养条件下,红杉新鲜凋落物中水溶性糖、水溶性酚、多酚、酸溶碳水化合物、酸溶木质素是较容易分解的有机组分,半分解周期分别为182、159、127、154和190 d;热水溶组分、CH2Cl2提取组分和非酸溶木质素是较难分解的有机组分,半分解周期分别是209、302和318 d;尽管低温季节(11月至次年3月)极其寒冷,气温均低于0 ℃,常被认为是微生物活性最弱、有机物分解最慢的时期,但结果显示低温季节期间红杉凋落物各有机组分却分解最快.因此,氮沉降和升温将迟滞该区域高寒红杉林凋落物的分解.这将有利于高寒森林生态系统的土壤碳固持.  相似文献   

文海燕  傅华  郭丁 《生态学报》2017,37(6):2014-2022
利用原位分解袋法研究了黄土高原典型草原优势植物长芒草(Stipa bungeana)和阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)凋落物的养分释放过程对氮添加的响应,试验周期为1 a。设置6个氮添加水平,分别为N0(0)、N1(1.15 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))、N2(2.3 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))、N3(4.6 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))、N4(9.2 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))和N5(13.8 g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),氮素类型为尿素((NH_2)_2CO)。结果表明:(1)氮添加处理两年显著改变了长芒草和阿尔泰狗娃花凋落物的初始化学性质。随着氮梯度的增加,凋落物的N(氮)含量逐渐增加,木质素含量先增加后下降,C/N(碳氮比)和木质素/N降低,C(碳)、P(磷)和C/P(碳磷比)没有显著的差异。(2)氮处理对长芒草和阿尔泰狗娃花凋落物的分解速率的影响不显著。长芒草和阿尔泰狗娃花凋落物C含量随分解时间整体为降低过程,N和P含量总体上为增加过程,且整个分解过程中N含量各处理间差异显著。(3)氮处理对长芒草和阿尔泰狗娃花凋落物C和P的分解基本无影响,两种元素都呈现释放过程。氮处理对凋落物的N残留率有显著的影响,在N1—N3(1.15—4.6 g/m~2)处理下的长芒草凋落物N残留率高于其他处理,且呈现富集过程;而阿尔泰狗娃花凋落物中的N呈现富集-释放过程。在土壤养分贫瘠的黄土高原典型草原,适量的氮输入可以促进系统的固氮。  相似文献   

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