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We investigated the accumulation of newly synthesized glycoconjugates during spinal neurulation in mutant curly tail mouse embryos, a proportion of which develop lower spinal neural-tube defects (NTD). Embryos undergoing closure of the posterior neuropore (27- to 29-somite stage) were labeled in vitro with [3H]glucosamine, and [3H]glycoconjugates were analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography. Mutant embryos undergoing normal spinal neurulation exhibited a pattern of glycoconjugate accumulation closely similar to that observed for nonmutant embryos (Copp and Bernfield, 1988, Dev. Biol. 130, 573-582). Mutant embryos developing spinal NTD accumulated reduced amounts of [3H]hyaluronate specifically in the posterior neuropore region. Other embryonic regions and other glycoconjugates appeared unaffected by the developmental abnormality. Autoradiographic analysis of labeled curly tail embryos confirmed that [3H]hyaluronate accumulates in reduced amounts in the posterior neuropore region and indicated that this reduction is mainly localized to the site of developing basement membranes, beneath the neuroepithelium and around the notochord. Accumulation of [3H]hyaluronate in the interstitial mesenchymal matrix of the posterior neuropore region is not consistently affected in embryos developing spinal NTD. These results provide support for a role for basement-membrane hyaluronate in lower spinal neurulation.  相似文献   

Curly tail (ct/ct) mouse embryos, which have a genetic predisposition for neural tube defects (NTD), were grown in culture from the 2-5 somite stage, before the initiation of neurulation, up to the 22-24 somite stage, when closure of the anterior neural tube is normally complete. The embryos were cultured in whole rat serum or in extensively dialysed serum supplemented with glucose, amino acids, and vitamins, with inositol omitted or added at concentrations of 2, 10, 20, and 50 mg/l. Two strains were used as controls; CBA mice, which are related to curly tails, and an unrelated PO stock. It was found that ct/ct embryos were particularly sensitive to inositol deficiency; both they and the CBA embryos showed a similar high incidence of cranial NTD after culture in inositol deficient medium (12/17 and 11/18, respectively). Furthermore, the lowest dose of inositol had no effect on the frequency of head defects in ct/ct mice, though it halved the incidence in CBA embryos. With higher inositol concentrations, the majority of ct/ct embryos completed head closure normally, and their development was generally similar to that obtained in whole serum. PO embryos showed a lower proportion (5/19) of cranial NTD in the inositol deficient medium than the other two strains, and this was further reduced by even the lowest inositol dose.  相似文献   

Delayed closure of the posterior neuropore (PNP) occurs to a variable extent in homozygous mutant curly tail (ct) mouse embryos, and results in the development of spinal neural tube defects (NTD) in 60% of embryos. Previous studies have suggested that curvature of the body axis may delay neural tube closure in the cranial region of the mouse embryo. In order to investigate the relationship between curvature and delayed PNP closure, we measured the extent of ventral curvature of the neuropore region in ct/ct embryos with normal or delayed PNP closure. The results show significantly greater curvature in ct/ct embryos with delayed PNP closure in vivo than in their normal littermates. Reopening of the posterior neuropore in non-mutant mouse embryos, to delay neuropore closure experimentally, did not increase ventral curvature, suggesting that increased curvature in ct/ct embryos is not likely to be a secondary effect of delayed PNP closure. Experimental prevention of ventral curvature in ct/ct embryos, brought about by implantation of an eyelash tip longitudinally into the hindgut lumen, ameliorated the delay in PNP closure. We propose, therefore, that increased ventral curvature of the neuropore region of ct/ct embryos imposes a mechanical stress, which opposes neurulation and thus delays closure of the PNP. Increased ventral curvature may arise as a result of a cell proliferation imbalance, which we demonstrated previously in affected ct/ct embryos.  相似文献   

Homozygous mutant curly tail mouse embryos developing spinal neural tube defects (NTD) exhibit a cell-type-specific abnormality of cell proliferation that affects the gut endoderm and notochord but not the neuroepithelium. We suggested that spinal NTD in these embryos may result from the imbalance of cell proliferation rates between affected and unaffected cell types. In order to test this hypothesis, curly tail embryos were subjected to influences that retard growth in vivo and in vitro. The expectation was that growth of unaffected rapidly growing cell types would be reduced to a greater extent than affected slowly growing cell types, thus counteracting the genetically determined imbalance of cell proliferation rates and leading to normalization of spinal neurulation. Food deprivation of pregnant females for 48 h prior to the stage of posterior neuropore closure reduced the overall incidence of spinal NTD and almost completely prevented open spina bifida, the most severe form of spinal NTD in curly tail mice. Analysis of embryos earlier in gestation showed that growth retardation acts by reducing the incidence of delayed neuropore closure. Culture of embryos at 40.5 degrees C for 15-23 h from day 10 of gestation, like food deprivation in vivo, also produced growth retardation and led to normalization of posterior neuropore closure. Labelling of embryos in vitro with [3H]thymidine for 1 h at the end of the culture period showed that the labelling index is reduced to a greater extent in the neuroepithelium than in other cell types in growth-retarded embryos compared with controls cultured at 38 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

D B Wilson  L A Finta 《Teratology》1979,19(3):337-340
The lumbosacral region of the neural tube was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy in retrospectively confirmed normal (+/+; Sp/+) and abnormal (Sp/Sp) embryos of the splotch mutant mouse early on the ninth day of gestation when the caudal neural groove is normally in the process of closing to form the neural tube. In abnormal embryos, a consistent feature is the presence of gap junctional vesicles, particularly in the region of the neural groove which subsequently fails to close, whereas these structures are rarely observed in similar areas of normal embryos. The possible significance of gap junctional vesicles is discussed in terms of cellular adhesion during early neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors contribute to an individual's neural tube defect liability. In the mouse, the gene mutation Splotch (Sp) causes a pigmentation defect in heterozygotes while homozygotes have spina bifida +/- exencephaly. Splotch homozygotes, heterozygotes, and wild-type embryos were examined for somite number, anterior neuropore closure, and posterior neuropore length. The aim was to distinguish potentially affected homozygotes early in pathogenesis and find a morphological basis for increased teratogen susceptibility in heterozygotes. Posterior neuropore closure as well as anterior neuropore closure was significantly delayed in potentially affected Sp as compared to wild-type litter embryos exceeding the incidence found in day-10-diagnosed homozygotes. Part of this excess was attributed to a transient delay in heterozygotes which in turn might predispose to retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects. This idea was supported by an outcross of Sp heterozygote males by inbred SWV females and wild-type males by SWV where a significant increase in retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects was found in Sp carrier litters.  相似文献   

N-CAM alterations in splotch neural tube defect mouse embryos.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The splotch (Sp) mouse is a model for both neurulation defects and defects in neural crest cell (NCC) derivatives. Since neurulation and NCC emigration from the neural tube occur at similar times in development, we suggest that these two events share a mechanism that, if disrupted, leads to malformations in both developmental pathways. Previous studies have shown that the underlying defect in these mutants may involve a mechanism that alters cellular organization and communication. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) have been linked with such interactions and because some, including N-CAM, are involved in neural development, we were interested in their pattern of expression in the splotch mutant. Immunolocalization studies showed similar temporospatial distributions of N-CAM antibody in embryonic day 9 mutants and controls. However, mutant embryos had a much higher intensity of anti-N-CAM fluorescence compared to controls. Further characterization using immunoblot analysis revealed that Sp mutants have an altered N-CAM polypeptide profile. Two N-CAM isoforms (Mr 140K and 180K, K = 10(3] are normally present at this time of development. However, extracts from Sp embryos display a heavier N-CAM species (Mr 200K), as well as an altered 140K isoform. Heterozygotes also exhibit a different N-CAM profile, displaying a band between 180K and 200K in addition to the normal 180K and 140K species. Microheterogeneity was also observed in mutant and heterozygous embryos carrying Spd, an allele of Sp. However, these differences were less dramatic than that of Sp. The Sp locus may be involved in post-translational modification of N-CAM. An aberration in N-CAM processing could be the primary target of the mutation that leads to the development abnormalities observed in this mouse mutant.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia and neural tube defects of the curly-tail mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mutant gene curly-tail produces neural tube defects (NTD) in 60% of mice, predominantly at the caudal end of the neural tube. Only 1% of individuals have exencephaly. Pregnant curly-tail mice and C57BL mice which are not genetically pre-disposed to NTD, were subjected to various regimes of hyperthermia on day 8 or on day 9 or on day 10 of gestation. Normal body temperature was around 36.8 degrees C, but it was found to be extremely labile in response to heat exposure. It was significantly raised for 15 min of a 20-min exposure period, and, after removal from the heat, it dropped rapidly. In C57BL mice, heat treatment produced exencephaly alone and in only 3% of mice. In curly-tail mice, none of the heat-treatment regimes had any consistent effect on the incidence of posterior NTD but produced specifically exencephaly. The incidence was increased slightly at an environmental temperature of 37 degrees C when the body temperature was 4.01 degrees C; at an ambient temperature of 43 degrees C and a body temperature of 42 degrees C, the incidence of exencephaly was 20%. Exencephaly was produced by two periods of 20 min heat exposures 7 hr apart or a single exposure of 1 hr, especially on day 8 of gestation, but not by a single 20 min exposure. It is concluded that these experiments, performed in a mutant predisposed to lesions especially at the caudal end of the neural tube, demonstrate the specificity of hyperthermia for affecting closure of the cranial neural folds.  相似文献   

X M Yang  D G Trasler 《Teratology》1991,43(6):643-657
The splotch-delayed homozygous mutant (Spd/Spd) develops spina bifida with or without exencephaly, has spinal ganglia abnormalities, and delays in posterior neuropore closure and neural crest cell emigration. The heterozygote (Spd/+) has a pigmentation defect, and occasionally neural tube defects. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we compared the neuroepithelium in the posterior neuropore region of cytogenetically identified 15-18 somite pair Spd/Spd, Spd/+, and +/+ mouse embryos by transmission electron and light microscopy. The notochordal area and cell number in the non-fused neuroepithelium region of Spd/Spd and Spd/+ embryos were significantly reduced compared to those of normal (+/+) embryos, which suggests an abnormality in notochord elongation. In the mesoderm, the mean cell number and mean ratio of cell number to area in the non-fused region were significantly lower in the Spd/Spd compared with +/+ embryos. The distance of exposed neuroepithelium above the mesoderm in the just-fused region was significantly lower in the Spd/Spd versus +/+ embryos, which may indicate an insufficient force exerted by the mesoderm during neural tube closure. Within the neuroepithelium, significantly more intercellular space was found in Spd/Spd than in +/+ embryos indicating disorganization. The basal lamina was poorly organized and the formation delayed around the neural tube in Spd/Spd and Spd/+ embryos. All together, these results suggest an early abnormality in interactions among the neuroepithelium, mesoderm, and notochord, which may lead to the delay or inhibition of neural tube closure observed in Spd/Spd mutants.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play critical roles in patterning the early embryo and in the development of many organs and tissues. We have identified a new member of this multifunctional gene family, BMP-11, which is most closely related to GDF-8/myostatin. During mouse embryogenesis, BMP-11 is first detected at 9.5 dpc in the tail bud with expression becoming stronger as development proceeds. At 10.0 dpc, BMP-11 is expressed in the distal and posterior region of the limb bud and later localizes to the mesenchyme between the skeletal elements. BMP-11 is also expressed in the developing nervous system, in the dorsal root ganglia, and dorsal lateral region of the spinal cord. To assess the biological activity of BMP-11, we tested the protein in the Xenopus ectodermal explant (animal cap) assay. BMP-11 induced axial mesodermal tissue (muscle and notochord) in a dose-dependent fashion. At higher concentrations, BMP-11 also induced neural tissue. Interestingly, the activin antagonist, follistatin, but not noggin, an antagonist of BMPs 2 and 4, inhibited BMP-11 activity on animal caps. Our data suggest that in Xenopus embryos, BMP-11 acts more like activin, inducing dorsal mesoderm and neural tissue, and less like other family members such as BMPs 2, 4, and 7, which are ventralizing and anti-neuralizing signals. Taken together, these data suggest that during vertebrate embryogenesis, BMP-11 plays a unique role in patterning both mesodermal and neural tissues.  相似文献   

Effect of hydroxyurea on neural tube defects in the curly-tail mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Around 60% of curly-tail mice spontaneously develop neural tube defects (NTD), that is, exencephaly, and/or spina bifida (open lesions), or a curly tail (closed lesion), due to an incompletely penetrant recessive gene. Various doses of hydroxyurea, a teratogen to the rodent central nervous system, were administered to curly-tail mice on either day 8 or day 9 of pregnancy in an attempt to increase the number of NTD in the embryos. No dose used on either day achieved this. However, on day 8, the proportion of affected mice with open lesions increased from around 30% in control mice to 78% with 400 mg/kg hydroxyurea, and this was accounted for specifically by the production of exencephaly. When administered on day 9, 400, 500, and 600 mg/kg hydroxyurea (the latter two doses being lethal to embryos on day 8) actually reduced the incidence of total NTD, to around 30%. Among these affected mice, even though reduced in number, there was still a slight tendency for an increase in the number of exencephalics. Hydroxyurea also produced gastroschisis in a small percentage of embryos; the greatest incidence was 36% with 400 mg/kg on day 8.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To estimate the rate of malformations observed during early human development, a series of 38,913 first-trimester abortions were studied. Neural tube defects (NTD) were found in 57 cases. METHODS: A histological study of serial sections performed in 25 embryos revealed a spectrum of axial structure abnormalities. Expression of the SHH gene was studied by in situ hybridization in one case of CRS and in two cases of SB. RESULTS: A cervical notochord duplication was always found in craniorachischisis (CRS, n = 8), but not in spina bifida (SB, n = 10) or diplomyelia (split cord malformation, n = 3). In the embryo with CRS, expression of SHH was found in both domains, corresponding to the duplicated part of the notochord, whereas a single signal was observed in the nonduplicated part. This expression was associated at the cervical level of the open neural tube with a broad SHH expression domain and with two or even three domains in its lumbar region, suggesting multiple functional floor plates. Similarly, in two embryos with SB, two domains of SHH expression were found in the ventral neural tube. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that notochord splitting in the cervical region might be involved in the pathogenesis of CRS. Interestingly, similar notochord abnormality and altered expression of the shh gene are observed in Lp mice with NTD. This suggests that the Lp gene could be a candidate gene for human CRS. Further studies are needed to establish the primary event responsible for the notochord splitting and for the abnormal expression of the SHH gene in the floor plate in embryos with CRS and SB.  相似文献   

Splotch and splotch-delayed mutants have anomalies in certain neural crest cell derivatives as well as neural tube defects. A genetic marker was used to identify mutant, heterozygote, and wild-type embryos within a litter, which enabled us to make intergenotypic comparisons. Histological studies of the lumbosacral region of day 15 and day 16 embryos indicated that the splotch-delayed mutant had similar but less severe defects in spinal ganglion development than those reported for splotch (Auerbach: Journal of Experimental Zoology 127:305-329, 1954). The ganglia were extensively reduced in size, residual, or missing in the splotch-delayed mutant, whereas in the splotch mutant, they were virtually nonexistent. Paired comparison analyses showed that all mutant embryos had a significant reduction in their volume of lumbosacral spinal ganglia when compared to their heterozygous and/or wild-type littermates. Also, some heterozygotes were found to have spinal ganglia volumes that were significantly reduced when compared to wild-type embryos. The volume of spinal ganglia was not related to the severity of the neural tube defect. In fact, three mutant embryos, which did not exhibit a neural tube defect, had spinal ganglia volumes comparable to or less than those mutants with open neural tube lesions or curly tails. This shows that the formation of abnormal neural crest cell derivatives is not a result of the neural tube closure defect. We hypothesize that the two anomalies observed in these mutants have a common etiological basis.  相似文献   



Although folic acid decreases the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in humans, the mechanism for this protection is unknown. We have employed antisense technology to alter expression of the gene for the folate receptor (folate binding protein‐1 [Folbp1]) in mouse embryos cultured in vitro.


Embryos were explanted on day 8 of gestation and cultured for 44 hr. Several oligodeoxyribonucleotides designed to modulate the coding region or a regulatory sequence in the 5′‐untranslated region of Folbp1 were microinjected into the amniotic sac of embryos at the beginning of the culture period.


Two different antisense sequences to the 5′ and 3′ coding region in Folbp1 produced concentration‐dependent increases in the number of embryos with NTDs. Coinjection of 5‐methyltetrahydrofolate with these sequences decreased the frequency of abnormal embryos. A semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR technique used to measure the amount of Folbp1 mRNA in treated and control embryos confirmed that the mRNA level was decreased by treatment with the antisense sequences. An antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide to a 17 base cis regulatory element also generated a concentration‐dependent increase in the frequency of embryos with NTDs, and a decrease in the level of Folbp1 mRNA.


These results demonstrate that alterations in expression of Folbp1 by perturbing either the coding sequence or a critical regulatory cis‐element can play a role in NTDs. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 67475–487, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

In vertebrate embryogenesis, many Wnt genes are expressed in the neural tube and play important roles in regional specifications. There are many subfamilies of Wnt, and each subfamily shows distinct expression patterns in the neural tube. Ascidian larvae have a dorsal hollow neural tube similar to that of vertebrates. To date, the degree of correspondence between regionality of the neural tubes of ascidians and vertebrates remains unclear. To compare cellular differences in neural tubes, Wnt genes can be used as molecular probes. We report here that a new member of the ascidian Wnt gene family, HrWnt-7, was expressed in the tail neural tube at the early tailbud stage. Moreover, in cross-section, HrWnt-7 was expressed in the dorsal and ventral ependymal cells. Received: 14 July 2000 / Accepted: 1 August 2000  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the teratogenic action of cadmium (Cd) on the developing mouse CNS. Pregnant mice were injected with 4 mg/kg CdCl2 on day 7, 8, 9, or 10 of gestation. These animals and saline injected controls were sacrificed either on the day before birth or at various times up to 48 hours after injection and the embryos examined grossly and histologically. Exencephaly occurred after Cd treatment on day 7 or 8 and its development was examined in day 8 embryos. Eight hours after Cd injection many cells of the closing neural plate contained dense-staining inclusions, thought to be autophagic vacuoles. After 24 hours this damage had almost disappeared, but the anterior neural folds, although looking histologically normal, were more open than in controls. Forty-eight hours after injection it was apparent that this part of the neural tube was not going to close and would result in exencephaly. Cd exposure on day 9 or 10 did not cause gross CNS defects such as exencephaly. On both days, twelve hours after Cd injection, similar dark-staining inclusions were seen in many cells throughout the CNS. After twenty-four hours there were variable amounts of cell death, resulting in some embryos in breakdown of parts of the wall of the neural tube. Forty-eight hours after treatment all inclusions and cellular debris had disappeared, indicating repair had taken place, but in some embryos, treated on day 9, severe lasting damage was seen as dorsal openings in the previously closed neural tube.  相似文献   

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