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ABSTRACT. Postoptica platypezoidea gen.n., sp.n. from Sulawesi is described. It shows no obvious affinity with any known genus. Its superficially platypezid like appearance and other apparently plesiomorphic features are interpreted as secondary and convergent.  相似文献   

A new genus is described for a new species, Obscuriphora sheppardi , collected in Warwickshire, England. The genus shows some resemblance to Plethysmochaeta Schmitz and Kuenburgia Schmitz. In the British fauna Obscuriphora is most likely to be confused with Conicera Meigen and Gymnoptera Lioy.  相似文献   

记述中国异蚤蝇属2新种:羽鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia pennisetalis sp.nov.和膨跗异蚤蝇Megaselia tarsocrassa sp.nov.。羽鬃异蚤蝇的体色和尾器的羽状鬃与M.rufipes(Meigen)相似,但后者的中侧片光裸无毛。膨跗异蚤蝇与M.turbidipennis Borgmeier相似,但后者翅较暗、Rs脉基部具1微毛、前缘脉比3.80:1.60:1.00。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

Abstract Two new termites (Isoptera) from the Apicotermes branch of the Apicotermitinae (Termitidae) are described. One, Phoxotermes cerberus , is the type-species of a new genus and the other is a species of Machadotermes Weidner, namely M.rigidus . The affinities and habits of the two species are discussed and a key to the three known species of Machadotermes given.  相似文献   

Two new species of Megaselia Rondani, M. dinwrphica Disney and M. praedafura Disney, are described from South America. Their larvae crawl around on the bodies and exuviae of Theraphosidae. Larvae of M. praedafura were observed moving on to the spider's prey while it was engaged in feeding from the same prey.  相似文献   

Megaselia biarticulata sp.n. is described from Sulawesi. Its distinctly two-segmented palp reinforces the view that a two-segmented palp is part of the ground plan of the family. The tibial hair palisades are also postulated as part of the ground plan and serve to link the Phoridae to the Platypezidae. The median furrow on the frons is considered as part of the ground plan. Furthermore it is postulated that it is homologous with the frontal vitta in the Schizophora, and that its invaginated lower end gave rise to the ptilinum. The Empidoidea cannot be ancestral to the Cyclorrhapha and the case for regarding these two taxa as sister groups seems highly tenuous in the light of the inferred ground plan for the Phoridae.  相似文献   

Abstract Using data on the geographic range of 260 described species in the Atlas of Australian Termites, seven ‘regions’ with more complete data, across a wide range of latitudes were selected for further analysis. For these regions, mean species richness (± SE) was calculated for (i) all species from all families, (ii) Termitidae (197 spp.), (iii) Amitermes spp. (Termitidae, 58 spp.), (iv) all families excluding Amitermes spp. (139 spp.), (v) Termopsidae (5 spp.), (vi) Kalotermitidae (32 spp.) and (vii) Rhinotermitidae (25 spp.). In addition, we compared the Atlas data with species richness for five regions, across a comparable range of latitudes, based on the pooled species richness of described and un-described species given in community studies. No group of termites showed a consistent decline in species richness from tropical to temperate latitudes for either data set. The Atlas data showed similar total species richness from the tropics to the mediterranean southwest, before declining to lowest species richness at the highest latitudes. Species richness of Amitermes spp. and Rhinotermitidae was highest in the southwest. Termopsidae and Kalotermitidae showed no latitudinal pattern in species richness. Community studies showed highest and lowest total species richness in the southwest and at the highest latitudes (south-coastal Western Australia), respectively, and similar species richness from the tropics to arid central Australia. Species richness of. Amitermes spp. was highest in the southwest (31 spp.). Kalotermitidae and Rhinotermitidae showed no clear latitudinal pattern. The latitudinal patterns of species richness for the Australian termites is consistent with that for the Australian vertebrates and ants in that they differ from patterns established for these taxa on other continents.  相似文献   

The Phora of Costa Rica were reviewed and three species, all belonging to Schmitz's Group III, were recognized: P. americana Schmitz and Wirth, P. truncata new species and P. paramericana new species. Of the three species, P. americana is by far the most abundant, with the other two species being rarely collected. All specimens were collected in the central highlands of the country. The previous record of the Holarctic Region species P. stictica Meigen from Costa Rica was found to be based on a misidentification of P. truncata.  相似文献   

记述采自海南的栓蚤蝇属Dohrniphora Dahl 1新种:密齿栓蚤蝇Dohrniphora densilinearis sp. nov.。新种与D. eilogoensis Disney相似,但后足腿节基部栓状感器大小相等且呈直线排列,可以区分。模式标本藏于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

记述中国寒蚤蝇属Triphleba Rondani 1新种:壳叶寒蚤蝇Triphleba conchiformis sp. nov.。本新种缺R2+3,其贝壳状侧尾叶区别于本属其它种。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

Morphological phylogenetics of termites (Isoptera)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Isoptera (termites) are an ecologically important order, with both a high abundance and biomass in tropical ecosystems. However, there have been few phylogenetic hypotheses for termites, and we present here the first comprehensive cladistic analysis for the group. We analysed relationships between all seven termite families, including representatives of all known feeding group, plus a number of systematically critical taxa. Termite species richness is biased towards the higher termites (Termitidae), and our taxon sampling reflects this. Our analysis was based essentially on morphological characters (96 workers, 93 soldiers) plus seven biological characters. The cladistic analysis gave four equally parsimonious trees, representing two islands of topologies. The strict consensus tree is fully resolved for the higher termites, but less so for the lower termites. Overall there is low statistical support for the suggested topology, and this can be explained by the high incongruence between the data sets (worker, soldier and biological). This study highlights the particular problems of coding morphological characters in social insects with multiple castes. Without the input of additional data sets, e.g. alates, biological, behavioural and molecular, it will not be possible to obtain a well-supported termite phylogeny.  相似文献   

With 1,400 described species, Megaselia is one of the most species-rich genera in the animal kingdom, and at the same time one of the least studied. An important obstacle to taxonomic progress is the lack of knowledge concerning the phylogenetic structure within the genus. Classification of Megaselia at the level of subgenus is incomplete although Schmitz addressed several groups of species in a series of monographs published from 1956 to 1981. Another problem is the lack of molecular phylogenetic analyses to support morphology-based conclusions. As a contribution towards addressing these problems, we here circumscribe a previously unrecognized monophyletic lineage of Megaselia consisting of species similar to Megaselia lucifrons. We base this taxonomic decision on morphological study of an extensive phorid material from Sweden, complemented by molecular analyses of select exemplars using two markers (COI and 28S). We name the clade the lucifrons species group, and show that it contains three distinct species. Our results also demonstrate that Megaselia subnitida Lundbeck, 1920, previously treated as a synonym of Megaselia lucifrons Schmitz, 1918, is a separate species, and we remove it from synonymy. The third species in the group was previously unknown; we describe it here as Megaselia albalucifrons sp. n.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Couturiera Disney, 1979, only known in the female sex, is synonymized with Perissa Borgmeier, 1967, only known in the male sex, a syn.n., thus solving the problem of the 'missing' males of the Alamirinae. Perissa kensmithi (Disney) comb.n., P.lewisi (Disney) comb.n. and P.orientalis (Disney & Peterson) comb.n. are transferred from Couturiera. Perissa couturieri Disney is synonymized under P. lewisi (Disney) and C.palawanensis Disney under P.georgei Disney. Perissa latiptera sp.n., P.oligoseta sp.n., P.tinglei sp.n. and Perittophora couturieri gen.n., sp.n., are described from Zimbabwe. A key to the twelve species of Alamirinae is provided. It is hypothesized that the Alamirinae may be paraphyletic, by virtue of exclusion of the Termitoxeniinae. The latter is probably polyphyletic, in that each Alamirinae genus is probably the sister group of a different Termi-toxeniin clade.  相似文献   

In contrast to the majority of the Order, the dampwood termites of the family Termopsidae found in colder regions can experience frost and snow, either in cool temperate areas at high latitudes (45°), or alpine areas at high elevations (>1000 m). This suggests that dampwood termites are adapted to cold climates. We investigated this hypothesis in two dampwood termites, Porotermes adamsoni Froggatt and Stolotermes victoriensis Hill. We measured nest temperatures and atmospheric temperatures of their alpine habitat during winter, and measured survival and recovery at subzero temperatures. We also determined the minimum temperature at which these species remain active and the LT50 values. We used a novel gas chromatographic strategy to examine eight metabolites from individuals of both species collected in winter and summer to identify possible cryoprotectants. Both P. adamsoni and S. victoriensis had significantly higher levels of trehalose, a known cryoprotectant, in winter than in summer; in addition S. victoriensis also had higher levels of unsaturated fatty acid ligands in winter than in summer, consistent with patterns observed for cold adaptation in other organisms. These results are the first to reveal that dampwood termites are adapted to cold climates and use trehalose and unsaturated lipids as cryoprotectants.  相似文献   

The majority of true parasitoids manipulate their host’s physiology for their own benefit. In this study, we documented the physiological changes that occurred in major soldiers of the subterranean termite Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Isoptera: Termitidae) parasitized by the koinobiont larval endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni Disney and Neoh (Diptera: Phoridae). We compared the metabolic rate, body water content, body water loss rate, cuticular permeability, and desiccation tolerance between parasitized and unparasitized major soldiers. The metabolic rate of parasitized hosts was significantly higher than that of unparasitized termites. Mean total body water content of parasitized major soldiers (64.73 ± 3.26%) was significantly lower than that of unparasitized termites (71.99 ± 2.23%). Parasitized hosts also had significantly lower total body water loss rates (5.72 ± 0.06%/h) and higher cuticular permeability (49.37 ± 11.26 μg/cm/h/mmHg) than unparasitized major soldiers (6.75 ± 0.16%/h and 60.76 ± 24.98 μg/cm/h/mmHg, respectively). Parasitized major soldiers survived almost twice as long as unparasitized termites (LT50 = 6.66 h and LT50 = 3.40 h, respectively) and they had significantly higher tolerance to water loss compared to unparasitized termites (45.28 ± 6.79% and 32.84 ± 7.69%, respectively). Body lipid content in parasitized hosts (19.84 ± 6.27%) was significantly higher than that of unparasitized termites (6.17 ± 7.87%). Finally, parasitized hosts had a significantly lower percentage of cuticular water content than unparasitized major soldiers (10.97 ± 1.84% and 13.17 ± 2.21%, respectively). Based on these data, we conclude that the parasitism-induced physiological changes in the host are beneficial to the parasitoids as the alterations can clearly increase the parasite’s chances of survival when exposed to extreme environmental conditions and ensure that the parasitoids are able to complete their larval development successfully before the host dies.  相似文献   

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