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We have previously proposed that metabolic status is important in the regulation of cucumber malate synthase (MS) and isocitrate lyase (ICL) gene expression during plant development. In this article, we used a cell culture system to demonstrate that intracellular metabolic status does influence expression of both of these genes. Starvation of cucumber cell cultures resulted in the coordinate induction of the expression of MS and ICL genes, and this effect was reversed when sucrose was returned to the culture media. The induction of gene expression was closely correlated with a drop in intracellular sucrose, glucose, and fructose below threshold concentrations, but it was not correlated with a decrease in respiration rate. Glucose, fructose, or raffinose in the culture media also resulted in repression of MS and ICL. Both 2-deoxyglucose and mannose, which are phosphorylated by hexokinase but not further metabolized, specifically repressed MS and ICL gene expression relative to a third glyoxylate cycle gene, malate dehydrogenase. However, the addition of 3-methylglucose, an analog of glucose that is not phosphorylated, did not result in repression of either MS or ICL. It is proposed that the signal giving rise to a change in gene expression originates from the intracellular concentration of hexose sugars or the flux of hexose sugars into glycolysis.  相似文献   

Catabolite Repression Gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A catabolite repression gene (cat) which alters the sensitivity of Escherichia coli to catabolite repression has been mapped by transduction and shown to be located between the pyrC and purB genes. When the cat-1 mutation was studied in a number of genetic backgrounds, the results showed that this mutation affects the synthesis of more than one catabolic enzyme but does not completely eliminate catabolic repression under all conditions. It is suggested that this mutation may cause a block in the accumulation of the catabolite effector. Our experiments show that this effector is not glucose-6-phosphate.  相似文献   

The cellulase and hemicellulase genes of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei have been shown to be under carbon catabolite repression mediated by the regulatory gene cre1. In this study, strains were constructed in which the cre1 gene was either completely removed or replaced by a truncated mutant variant, cre1-1, found previously in the Rut-C30 mutant strain with enhanced enzyme production capability. The T. reesei transformants with either deletion or truncation of cre1 had clearly altered colony morphology compared with the parental strains, forming smaller colonies and fewer aerial hyphae and spores. Liquid cultures in a medium with glucose as a carbon source showed that the transformants were derepressed in cellulase and hemicellulase production. Interestingly, they also produced significantly elevated levels of these hydrolytic enzymes in fermentations carried out in a medium inducing the hydrolase genes. This suggests that cre1 acts as a modulator of cellulase and hemicellulase gene expression under both noninducing and inducing conditions. There was no phenotypic difference between the Δcre1 and cre1-1 mutant strains in any of the experiments done, indicating that the cre1-1 gene is practically a null allele. The results of this work indicate that cre1 is a valid target gene in strain engineering for improved enzyme production in T. reesei.The filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) produces large amounts of extracellular enzymes. The majority of the secreted proteins are various plant polymer-degrading enzymes; the most abundant of these enzymes are the cellobiohydrolases and endoglucanases that act synergistically to break down cellulose. This fungus has been used as a production host for various industrial enzymes, including products tailored for textile, feed, food, and pulp and paper applications (6, 10). It has been reported that protein production levels in the industrial T. reesei process exceed 100 g/liter (7).The major cellulase and hemicellulase genes are regulated in a coordinate manner by the carbon source available (2, 9, 14). Cellulose and other plant materials and other substances (for example, lactose) induce the expression of cellulase and hemicellulase genes, while glucose acts as a repressing carbon source. Several genes coding for regulators of cellulase and hemicellulase expression have been isolated. These include CREI mediating carbon catabolite repression, the repressor ACEI, the activator ACEII, the CCAAT binding complex Hap2/3/5 (reviewed in references 2, 17, and 27) and the activator XYRI (29). The CREI protein has sequence similarity with other fungal proteins mediating glucose repression, such as Aspergillus nidulans CREA (8) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae MIG1 and RGR1 (22). In T. reesei, glucose repression has been shown to occur upon binding of CREI to specific sequences in the cbh1 promoter (13). A mutant cre1 gene (cre1-1) encoding a truncated form of CREI has been isolated from the hypercellulolytic T. reesei strain Rut-C30, which is capable of cellulase and hemicellulase production on glucose-containing media. Further evidence for the function of CREI in glucose repression was obtained by complementation of the cre1-1 mutation of Rut-C30 by the wild-type cre1 gene, which restored the glucose-repressed phenotype of the strain (15).In this paper, we wanted to address three questions. (i) What is the effect of cre1 mutations in the wild-type background? (ii) Is cre1-1 a null mutation? (iii) Can enzyme production be further improved by cre1 deletion in an industrial production strain improved greatly by mutagenesis and screening programs? Therefore, we introduced cre1-1 allele and cre1 deletion to the wild-type strain QM6a and the cre1 deletion into the industrial strain VTT-D-80133 and studied the effects of these mutations on enzyme production.  相似文献   

Catabolite Repression and Pyruvate Metabolism in Escherichia coli   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A study was made of the reactions involved in the cellular regulatory function known as catabolite repression. These studies employed the glucose-repressible, beta-galactosidase system of Escherichia coli and involved an investigation of glucose dissimilation under cultural conditions capable of permitting or preventing expression of catabolite repression. The results indicated that reactions associated with pyruvate decarboxylation are of particular importance in influencing repression. This conclusion was based on results obtained by measurement of differential rates of C(14)O(2) evolution from specifically labeled (14)C-glucose substrates, and by measurements of H(2) evolution during anaerobic growth. Catabolite repression measured in relation to steady-state growth rates indicated that the repression mechanism may in fact be a direct consequence of a cell's energy balance, as dictated by the production from pyruvate of "high-energy" molecules such as adenosine triphosphate or acetyl-coenzyme A. The apparent involvement of pyruvate metabolism in both the energetics and the expression of catabolite repression in E. coli is consistent with this view.  相似文献   

Polycistronic Effects of Catabolite Repression on the lac Operon   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The catabolite repression caused by glucose and glucose-6-phosphate has been studied for both beta-galactosidase and thiogalactoside transacetylase, the products of the operator proximal and distal cistrons of the lac operon, respectively. We find that both cistrons are affected coordinately by this form of repression. We also find that a single alteration at the lac promoter region is sufficient to abolish sensitivity to repression of both cistrons. From this, we conclude that there is only one target site for catabolite repression in the lac operon.  相似文献   

Due to the effect of catabolite repression, sugar mixtures cannot be metabolized in a rapid and efficient way implicating in lower productivity in bioprocesses using lignocellulosic hydrolysates. In gram-negative bacteria, this mechanism is mediated by the phosphotransferase system (PTS), which concomitantly internalizes and phosphorylates sugars. In this study, we isolated a UV mutant of Burkholderia sacchari, called LFM828, which transports hexoses and pentoses by a non-PTS uptake system. This mutant presented released glucose catabolite repression over the pentoses. In mixtures of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, specific growth rates and the specific sugar consumption rates were, respectively, 10 and 23% higher in LFM828, resulting in a reduced time to exhaust all sugars in the medium. However, in polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis experiments it was necessary the supplementation of yeast extract to maintain higher values of growth rate and sugar consumption rate. The deficient growth in mineral medium was partially recovered by replacing the ammonium nitrogen source by glutamate. It was demonstrated that the ammonium metabolism is not defective in LFM828, differently from ammonium, glutamate can also be used as carbon and energy allowing an improvement on the carbohydrates utilization for PHB production in LFM828. In contrast, higher rates of ammonia consumption and CO(2) production in LFM828 indicate altered fluxes through the central metabolism in LFM828 and the parental. In conclusion, PTS plays an important role in cell physiology and the elimination of its components has a significant impact on catabolite repression, carbon flux distribution, and PHB biosynthesis in B. sacchari.  相似文献   

Intracellular α-and β-glucosidases were induced in cell suspensions of Pseu-domonas maltophilia by maltose or cellobiose, and the synthesis of these enzymes was sensitive to apparent catabolite repression by α-ketoglutarate.  相似文献   

The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica produces an extracellular lipase encoded by the LIP2 gene. However, very little is known about the mechanisms controlling its expression, especially on glucose media. In this work, the involvement of hexokinase Hxk1 in the glucose catabolite repression of LIP2 was investigated in a lipase overproducing mutant less sensitive to glucose repression. This mutant has a reduced capacity to phosphorylate hexose compared with the wild-type strain, but no differences could be observed between the HXK1 sequences in the two isolates. This suggested that the reduced phosphorylating activity of the mutant strain probably resulted from a modification in the level of HXK1 expression. However, overexpression of the HXK1 gene in this mutant led to a decrease of both LIP2 induction and extracellular lipase activity, suggesting that the hexokinase is involved in the glucose catabolite repression of LIP2 in Y lipolytica.  相似文献   

The development of agar plate screening techniques has allowed the isolation of mutants of Trichoderma reesei capable of synthesizing cellulase under the conditions of a high concentration of glucose. Mutants resistant to catabolite repression by glycerol or glucose were isolated on Walseth’s cellulose (WC) agar plates containing 5% glycerol or 5% glucose, respectively. Mutants resistant to catabolite repression by glycerol were not derepressed enough for the production of cellulase on WC agar plates containing 5% glucose or in flask cultures with a mixture of 1% Avicel and 3% glucose. On the contrary, two mutant strains resistant to catabolite repression by glucose (KDD-10 and DGD-16) produced large clearing zones on WC agar plates containing 5% glucose. Both strains could begin to produce CMCase even in the presence of residual glucose and finally produced 1.5 times the CMCase activity, in flask cultures on 1% Avicel and 3% glucose, than that with 1% Avicel alone. These results suggest that KDD-10 and DGD-16 are comparatively derepressed by glucose for cellulase production.  相似文献   

Effect of Amino Sugars on Catabolite Repression in Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
N-acetylglucosamine was found to be a good repressor source for catabolite repression of the beta-galactosidase system in Escherichia coli. It was found capable of increasing the severity of repression by glucose or gluconate when included in the medium with either of these substrates. N-acetylglucosamine was shown to be assimilated under these conditions, but had no effect on culture growth rates. Its influence on catabolite repression was not altered by growth in the presence of inhibiting levels of penicillin. These findings indicated that catabolite repression may be associated with certain reactions of amino sugar metabolism. A working model has been formulated along these lines and will be used to explore this possible relationship further.  相似文献   

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