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During tracheal development in Drosophila, some branches join to form a continuous luminal network. Specialized cells at the branch tip, called fusion cells, extend filopodia to make contact and become doughnut shaped to allow passage of the lumen. These morphogenetic processes accompany the highly regulated cytoskeletal reorganization of fusion cells. We identified the Drosophila formin3 (form3) gene that encodes a novel formin and plays a role in tracheal fusion. Formins are a family of proteins characterized by highly conserved formin homology (FH) domains. The formin family functions in various actin-based processes, including cytokinesis and cell polarity. During embryogenesis, form3 mRNA is expressed mainly in the tracheal system. In form3 mutant embryos, the tracheal fusion does not occur at some points. This phenotype is rescued by the forced expression of form3 in the trachea. We used live imaging of GFP-moesin during tracheal fusion to show that an F-actin structure that spans the adjoining fusion cells and mediates the luminal connection does not form at abnormal anastomosis sites in form3 mutants. These results suggested that Form3 plays a role in the F-actin assembly, which is essential for cellular rearrangement during tracheal fusion.  相似文献   

Both in Drosophila and vertebrate epithelial cells, the establishment of apicobasal polarity requires the apically localized, membrane-associated Par-3-Par-6-aPKC protein complex. In Drosophila, this complex colocalizes with the Crumbs-Stardust (Sdt)-Pals1-associated TJ protein (Patj) complex. Genetic and molecular analyses suggest a functional relationship between them. We show, by overexpression of a kinase-dead Drosophila atypical PKC (DaPKC), the requirement for the kinase activity of DaPKC to maintain the position of apical determinants and to restrict the localization of basolateral ones. We demonstrate a novel physical interaction between the apical complexes, via direct binding of DaPKC to both Crb and Patj, and identify Crumbs as a phosphorylation target of DaPKC. This phosphorylation of Crumbs is functionally significant. Thus, a nonphosphorylatable Crumbs protein behaves in vivo as a dominant negative. Moreover, the phenotypic effect of overexpressing wild-type Crumbs is suppressed by reducing DaPKC activity. These results provide a mechanistic framework for the functional interaction between the Par-3-Par-6-aPKC and Crumbs-Sdt-Patj complexes based in the posttranslational modification of Crb by DaPKC.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the alpha subunit of the Drosophila Go protein is expressed early in embryogenesis in the precursor cells of the heart tube, of the visceral muscles, and of the nervous system. This early expression coincides with the onset of the mesenchymal-epithelial transition to which are subjected the cardial cells and the precursor cells of the visceral musculature. This gene constitutes an appropriate marker to follow this transition. In addition, a detailed analysis of its expression suggests that the cardioblasts originate from two subpopulations of cells in each parasegment of the dorsal mesoderm that might depend on the wingless and hedgehog signaling pathways for both their determination and specification. In the nervous system, the expression of Goalpha shortly precedes the beginning of axonogenesis. Mutants produced in the Goalpha gene harbor abnormalities in the three tissues in which the gene is expressed. In particular, the heart does not form properly and interruptions in the heart epithelium are repeatedly observed, henceforth the brokenheart (bkh) name. Furthermore, in the bkh mutant embryos, the epithelial polarity of cardial cells was not acquired (or maintained) in various places of the cardiac tube. We predict that bkh might be involved in vesicular traffic of membrane proteins that is responsible for the acquisition of polarity.  相似文献   

The single copy Drosophila alpha-actinin gene is alternatively spliced to generate three different isoforms that are expressed in larval muscle, adult muscle and non-muscle cells, respectively. We have generated novel alpha-actinin alleles, which specifically remove the non-muscle isoform. Homozygous mutant flies are viable and fertile with no obvious defects. Using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes all three splice variants, we compared alpha-actinin distribution in wild type and mutant embryos and ovaries. We found that non-muscle alpha-actinin was present in young embryos and in the embryonic central nervous system. In ovaries, non-muscle alpha-actinin was localized in the nurse cell subcortical cytoskeleton, cytoplasmic actin cables and ring canals. In the mutant, alpha-actinin expression remained in muscle tissues, but also in a subpopulation of epithelial cells in both embryos and ovaries. This suggests that various populations of non-muscle cells regulate alpha-actinin expression in different ways. We also show that ectopically expressed adult muscle-specific alpha-actinin localizes to all F-actin containing structures in the nurse cells in the absence of endogenous non-muscle alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

The Pak kinases are effectors for the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42 and are divided into two subfamilies. Group I Paks possess an autoinhibitory domain that can suppress their kinase activity in trans. In Drosophila, two Group I kinases have been identified, dPak and Pak3. Rac and Cdc42 participate in dorsal closure of the embryo, a process in which a hole in the dorsal epidermis is sealed through migration of the epidermal flanks over a tissue called the amnioserosa. Dorsal closure is driven in part by an actomyosin contractile apparatus at the leading edge of the epidermis, and is regulated by a Jun amino terminal kinase (JNK) cascade. Impairment of dPak function using either loss-of-function mutations or expression of a transgene encoding the autoinhibitory domain of dPak led to disruption of the leading edge cytoskeleton and defects in dorsal closure but did not affect the JNK cascade. Group I Pak kinase activity in the amnioserosa is required for correct morphogenesis of the epidermis, and may be a component of the signaling known to occur between these two tissues. We conclude that dorsal closure requires Group I Pak function in both the amnioserosa and the epidermis.  相似文献   

Many organs, such as the liver, neural tube, and lung, form by the precise remodeling of flat epithelial sheets into tubes. Here we investigate epithelial tubulogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster by examining the development of the dorsal respiratory appendages of the eggshell. We employ a culture system that permits confocal analysis of stage 10-14 egg chambers. Time-lapse imaging of GFP-Moesin-expressing egg chambers reveals three phases of morphogenesis: tube formation, anterior extension, and paddle maturation. The dorsal-appendage-forming cells, previously thought to represent a single cell fate, consist of two subpopulations, those forming the tube roof and those forming the tube floor. These two cell types exhibit distinct morphological and molecular features. Roof-forming cells constrict apically and express high levels of Broad protein. Floor cells lack Broad, express the rhomboid-lacZ marker, and form the floor by directed cell elongation. We examine the morphogenetic phenotype of the bullwinkle (bwk) mutant and identify defects in both roof and floor formation. Dorsal appendage formation is an excellent system in which cell biological, molecular, and genetic tools facilitate the study of epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

GIT1-like proteins are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for Arfs and interact with a variety of signaling molecules to function as integrators of pathways controlling cytoskeletal organization and cell motility. In this report, we describe the characterization of a Drosophila homologue of GIT1, dGIT, and show that it is required for proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube guidance in the fly embryo. The dGIT protein is concentrated at the termini of growing myotubes and localizes to muscle attachment sites in late stage embryos. dgit mutant embryos show muscle patterning defects and aberrant targeting in subsets of their muscles. dgit mutant muscles fail to localize the p21-activated kinase, dPak, to their termini. dPak and dGIT form a complex in the presence of dPIX and dpak mutant embryos show similar muscle morphogenesis and targeting phenotypes to that of dgit. We propose that dGIT and dPak are part of a complex that promotes proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube targeting during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Rho-kinases are widely utilized downstream targets of the activated Rho GTPase that have been directly implicated in many aspects of Rho-dependent effects on F-actin assembly, acto-myosin contractility, and microtubule stability, and consequently play an essential role in regulating cell shape, migration, polarity, and division. We have determined that the single closely related Drosophila Rho-kinase ortholog, DRok, is required for several aspects of oogenesis, including maintaining the integrity of the oocyte cortex, actin-mediated tethering of nurse cell nuclei, "dumping" of nurse cell contents into the oocyte, establishment of oocyte polarity, and the trafficking of oocyte yolk granules. These defects are associated with abnormalities in DRok-dependent actin dynamics and appear to be mediated by multiple downstream effectors of activated DRok that have previously been implicated in oogenesis. DRok regulates at least one of these targets, the membrane cytoskeletal cross-linker DMoesin, via a direct phosphorylation that is required to promote localization of DMoesin to the oocyte cortex. The collective oogenesis defects associated with DRok deficiency reveal its essential role in multiple aspects of proper oocyte formation and suggest that DRok defines a novel class of oogenesis determinants that function as key regulators of several distinct actin-dependent processes required for proper tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Drosophila photoreceptors undergo marked changes in their morphology during pupal development. These changes include a five-fold elongation of the retinal cell body and the morphogenesis of the rhabdomere, the light sensing structure of the cell. Here we show that twinstar (tsr), which encodes Drosophila cofilin/ADF (actin-depolymerizing factor), is required for both of these processes. In tsr mutants, the retina is shorter than normal, the result of a lack of retinal elongation. In addition, in a strong tsr mutant, the rhabdomere structure is disorganized and the microvilli are short and occasionally unraveled. In an intermediate tsr mutant, the rhabdomeres are not disorganized but have a wider than normal structure. The adherens junctions connecting photoreceptor cells to each other are also found to be wider than normal. We propose, and provide data supporting, that these wide rhabdomeres and adherens junctions are secondary events caused by the inhibition of retinal elongation. These results provide insight into the functions of the actin cytoskeleton during morphogenesis of the Drosophila eye.  相似文献   

Syntrophins are components of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC), which is encoded by causative genes of muscular dystrophies. The DGC is thought to play roles not only in linking the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix, providing stability to the cell membrane, but also in signal transduction. Because of their binding to a variety of different molecules, it has been suggested that syntrophins are adaptor proteins recruiting signaling proteins to membranes and the DGC. However, critical roles in vivo remain elusive. Drosophila Syntrophin-2 (Syn2) is an orthologue of human γ1/γ2-syntrophins. Western immunoblot analysis here showed Syn2 to be expressed throughout development, with especially high levels in the adult head. Morphological aberrations were observed in Syn2 knockdown adult flies, with lack of retinal elongation and malformation of rhabdomeres. Furthermore, Syn2 knockdown flies exhibited excessive apoptosis in third instar larvae and alterations in the actin localization in the pupal retinae. Genetic crosses with a collection of Drosophila deficiency stocks allowed us to identify seven genomic regions, deletions of which caused enhancement of the rough eye phenotype induced by Syn2 knockdown. This information should facilitate identification of Syn2 regulators in Drosophila and clarification of roles of Syn2 in eye development.  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence that the asp function is required in oogenesis for germline cell divisions as well as for cyst polarity and oocyte differentiation. Consistent with previously described roles in spindle organization during Drosophila meiosis and mitosis, asp mutation leads to severe defects in spindle microtubule organization within the germarium. The mitotic spindles of the mutant cystocytes are composed by wavy microtubules and have abnormal poles that often lack gamma-tubulin. The fusome structure is also compromised. In the absence of asp function, the cystocyte divisions fail resulting in egg chamber with fewer than 16 germ cells. Moreover, the microtubule network within the developing germline cysts may assemble incorrectly in turn affecting the microtubule based transport of the specific determinants that is required during mid-oogenesis for the oocyte differentiation program.  相似文献   

During planar polarity patterning of the Drosophila wing, a "core" group of planar polarity genes has been identified which acts downstream of global polarity cues to locally coordinate cell polarity and specify trichome production at distal cell edges. These genes encode protein products that assemble into asymmetric apicolateral complexes that straddle the proximodistal junctional region between adjacent cells. We have carried out detailed genetic analysis experiments, analysing the requirements of each complex component for planar polarity patterning. We find that the three transmembrane proteins at the core of the complex, Frizzled, Strabismus and Flamingo, are required earliest in development and are the only components needed for intercellular polarity signalling. Notably, cells that lack both Frizzled and Strabismus are unable to signal, revealing an absolute requirement for both proteins in cell-cell communication. In contrast the cytoplasmic components Dishevelled, Prickle and Diego are not needed for intercellular communication. These factors contribute to the cell-cell propagation of polarity, most likely by promotion of intracellular asymmetry. Interestingly, both local polarity propagation and trichome placement occur normally in mutant backgrounds where asymmetry of polarity protein distribution is undetectable, suggesting such asymmetry is not an absolute requirement for any of the functions of the core complex.  相似文献   

Drosophila parkin, the ortholog of the human parkin gene, responsible for a familiar form of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism, has been shown previously to be involved in Drosophila male fertility. Loss-of-function mutations in the parkin gene cause failure of spermatid individualization by affecting the proper progression of the actin-based investment cones that assemble in the nuclear region, but fail to translocate in synchrony down the cyst. In parkin mutants, the investment cones are scattered along the post-elongated spermatid bundles and fail to act properly in the process of sperm individualization. Using phase-contrast and electron microscopy analysis, we demonstrate that the parkin spermatids assemble a seemingly normal onion-stage nebenkern, but when the axoneme elongates only one mitochondrial derivative unfurls from the nebenkern. This unique mitochondrial derivative undergoes abnormal shaping and condensation during spermatid elongation. Our results indicate that parkin gene function is necessary for mitochondrial morphogenesis during earlier and later phases of spermiogenesis. The failure of cyst individualization may be due to the sensitivity of investment cone movement to the perturbation of mitochondrial morphology during spermatid elongation.  相似文献   

Antennapedia is one of the homeotic selector genes required for specification of segment identity in Drosophila. Dominant mutations that ectopically express Antennapedia cause transformation of antenna to leg. Loss-of-function mutations cause partial transformation of leg to antenna. Here we examine the role of Antennapedia in the establishment of leg identity in light of recent advances in our understanding of antennal development. In Antennapedia mutant clones in the leg disc, Homothorax and Distal-less are coexpressed and act via spineless to transform proximal femur to antenna. Antennapedia is negatively regulated during leg development by Distal-less, spineless, and dachshund and this reduced Antennapedia expression is needed for the proper development of distal leg elements. These findings suggest that the temporal and spatial regulation of the homeotic selector gene Antennapedia in the leg disc is necessary for normal leg development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The interstitial deletion D14 affecting the importin-alpha 2 gene of Drosophila, or imp-alpha 2(D14), causes recessive female sterility characterized by a block of nurse cell-oocyte transport during oogenesis. In wild-type egg chambers, the Imp-alpha 2 protein is uniformly distributed in the nurse cell cytoplasm with a moderate accumulation along the oocyte cortex. Cytochalasin D treatment of wild-type egg chambers disrupts the in vivo association of Imp-alpha 2 with F-actin and results in its release from the oocyte cortex and its transfer into nurse cell nuclei. Binding assay shows that the interaction of Imp-alpha 2 with F-actin, albeit not monomeric actin, requires the occurrence of NLS peptides. Phenotypic analysis of imp-alpha 2(D14) ovaries reveals that the block of nurse cell-oocyte transport results from the occlusion of the ring canals that constitute cytoplasmic bridges between the nurse cells and the oocyte. Immunohistochemistry shows that, although the Imp-alpha2 protein cannot be detected on the ring canals, the Kelch protein, a known ring canal component, fails to bind to ring canals in imp-alpha 2(D14) egg chambers. Since loss-of-function mutations of kelch results in a similar dumpless phenotype, we propose that the Imp-alpha 2 protein plays a critical role in Kelch function by regulating its deposition on ring canals during their assembly.  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis, timely and orderly asymmetric cell divisions ensure the correct number of each cell type that make up the sensory organs of the larval PNS. We report a role of scraps, Drosophila Anillin, during these divisions. Anillin, a constitutive member of the contractile ring is essential for cytokinesis in Drosophila and vertebrates. During embryogenesis we find that zygotically transcribed scraps is required specifically for the unequal cell divisions, those in which cytokinesis occurs in an “off-centred” manner, of the pIIb and pIIIb neuronal precursor cells, but not the equal cell divisions of the lineage related precursor cells. Complementation and genetic rescue studies demonstrate this effect results from zygotic scraps and leads to polyploidy, ectopic mitosis, and loss of the neuronal precursor daughter cells. The net result of which is the formation of incomplete sense organs and embryonic lethality.  相似文献   

The deadlock gene is required for a number of key developmental events in Drosophila oogenesis. Females homozygous for mutations in the deadlock gene lay few eggs and those exhibit severe patterning defects along both the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis. In this study, we analyzed eggs and ovaries from deadlock mutants and determined that deadlock is required for germline maintenance, stability of mitotic spindles, localization of patterning determinants, oocyte growth and fusome biogenesis in males and females. Deadlock encodes a novel protein which colocalizes with the oocyte nucleus at midstages of oogenesis and with the centrosomes of early embryos. Our genetic and immunohistological experiments point to a role for Deadlock in microtubule function during oogenesis.  相似文献   

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