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Media for enumeration of the microbiota of anaerobically stored piggery wastes were tested. Highest colony counts were obtained with 80 to 100% farm slurry supernatant included in the anaerobic roll tube media. Colony counts with these media numbered 2 X 10(9) to 12 X 10(9)/g (wet weight), which represents about 20% of the microscopic counts. Lower percentages of slurry supernatant in the media gave lower colony counts. Addition of glucose, cellobiose, and starch or of Trypticase to media with 20% slurry supernatant did not increase colony counts. Higher values were obtained when hemicellulose preparations were added to these media. Incubation at 25 degrees C gave the highest numbers. Incubation at 15 to 37 degrees C gave counts of about 70 and 10%, respectively, of those at 25 degrees C. Of the colonies picked for isolation, about 20% were obtained in pure culture. The isolates apparently belonged to the genera Peptococcus, Ruminococcus, Peptococcus, Ruminococcus, Pepostreptococcus, and Bacteroides.  相似文献   

Enumeration and selective isolation of rumen spirochetes.   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Enumeration by means of light microscopy showed that from 0.4 x 10(8) to 2.0 x 10(8) spirochetes were present per ml of bovine rumen fluid. Viable cell counts yielded slightly lower values, ranging from 0.1 x 10(8) to 1.2 x 10(8) spirochetes per ml of rumen fluid. The antibiotic rifampin, which served as a selective agent for rumen spirochetes, was added to agar media used in the estimation of viable spirochete numbers in rumen fluid. Morphologically diverse spirochetes were isolated from rumen fluid by means of a procedure involving the use of rifampin as a selective agent in agar media. The strains isolated represented seven morphological types of spirochetes differing in cell size, cell coiling pattern, and number of periplasmic fibrils per cell. Electron microscopy showed that the number of periplasmic fibrils present in the different morphological types of rumen spirochetes ranged from 2 to more than 20 per cell. The results of this study indicate that the bovine rumen is a highly favorable environment for a number of morphologically diverse spirochetes.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory study was conducted to determine effects of the continuous mesophilic anaerobic digestion of raw pig manure in two types of enteropathogenic microorganisms, bacterial and viral. Faecal coliforms (indigenous to pig manure) and coliphage f2 (ATCC 15766 B1) were used as a model for some indigenous enteropathogenic microorganisms. The study was completed with laboratory survival experiments in lagoon stabilization of raw pig manure, for both models. Experiments for f2 survival in cell-free synthetic medium were also carried out. The results show that the anaerobic digestion process is more effective in eliminating viral than bacterial particles. Some parameters related to the ultimate biogas yield and kinetics were also determined. Lagoon stabilization of raw pig manure provides a more suitable environment for the removal of faecal coliforms than does anaerobic digestion. Finally, it was concluded that volatile fatty acids appeared to be responsible for the elimination of faecal coliforms. The agent that causes f2 inactivation is not well identified, although in some cases it could be NH3 that seems to act as a vircidal agent.Correspondence to: J. Mata-Alvarez  相似文献   

Integrated biosystem is becoming a major aspect of wastewater management practice. Microbial communities in piggery wastewater sampled from anaerobic (thermophilic and mesophilic) and aerobic digesters (algal tanks) during waste remediation were analyzed by culture-independent techniques based on polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). The use of Muyzer's 314F-GC, 518R bacterial primers, and archaeal A934F, 1309R primers followed by partial 16s rDNA sequence analysis of the main bands from DGGE revealed the presence of unknown and as yet uncultured microorganisms but also showed functional and ecologically significant denitrifying, acetogenic bacteria along with autotrophic, hydrogenotrophic, and acetoclastic methanogen archaea. Thermophilic digesters were dominated by γ-Proteobacteria, Methanothermobacter sp., while mesophilic digesters showed dominance by Firmicutes, uncultured bacteria, Methanosarcina, and Methanoculleus genera. Under aerobic conditions within algal tanks, pH rose from 7.17 to 9.32, with a significant decrease in total ammonia nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand, and soluble phosphorus levels. PCR-DGGE proved a useful tool for investigating the dynamics of microbial community in the bio-processing of piggery wastewater. Knowledge of the microbial communities involved in digestion of piggery wastewater will allow optimization of integrated biosystem by removing the main pollutants like inorganic ammonium-nitrogen, phosphorus, and pathogens from intensive farming system.  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale anaerobic degradation of monoethanolamine waste (MEAw) with co-substrate organics was conducted at room temperature and organic loading rates from 0.19 to 5.03 kg COD/m3 day for 486 days in a hybrid digester. 90 % feed COD conversion to methane was obtained at the lower loads and only 45 % at the highest MEA waste/COD ratio (MEAwr) of 0.62 due to inhibition of methanogenesis. Inhibition at comparable loads decreased with time, implying that the culture adapted to the challenging feed. Methane yield was negatively correlated to MEAwr applied and inhibition avoided at MEAwr <0.5. Acetate accumulation implies inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis that can be caused by ammonia, a product of MEAw degradation. Moderate total ammonia nitrogen and free ammonia nitrogen accumulation, maximum 2.2 g N/l and 90 mg N/l, respectively suggests, however, that other components of MEAw, and/or degradation products of such, also inhibit methanogenesis, disturbing the digester performance.  相似文献   

Samples from the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, as well as from the cecum and colon, were obtained from 11 mature grass-fed horses. Viable counts of total culturable and proteolytic bacteria were made on habitat-simulating media containing 40% clarified ruminal fluid. The mean pHs in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were 6.32, 7.10, and 7.47, respectively; the mean pH decreased to 6.7 in the hindgut. The acetate concentration increased along the length of the small intestine and was the only volatile fatty acid present in this gut segment. Molar proportions of acetate, propionate, and butyrate in the hindgut were 85:10:3. Differences in bacterial counts on habitat-simulating media containing equine cecal fluid or clarified ruminal fluid were negligible. Bacterial counts showed a substantial population in the duodenum (ca. 2.9 x 10(6) per g [wet weight] of sample), and this increased to 29.0 x 10(6) in the jejunum and 38.4 x 10(6) in the ileum. Proteolytic bacteria formed a high proportion of the total culturable bacteria, especially in duodenal samples. Counts of proteolytic bacteria per gram (wet weight) of sample were 3.0 x 10(6), 15.6 x 10(6), and 22.0 x 10(6) in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, respectively. There was a close relationship between lumenal and mucosal bacterial counts, although actual values were lower in mucosal samples. The mucosal bacterial population in the duodenum was high relative to the lumenal population. Although the comparison of bacterial populations in the hindgut of the horse and white rhino was limited to a single animal, the results were of interest. Counts were higher in the cecum than in the colon for both the horse and the white rhino.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The fibrolytic microbiota of the human large intestine was examined to determine the numbers and types of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic bacteria present. Fecal samples from each of five individuals contained bacteria capable of degrading the hydrated cellulose in spinach and in wheat straw pretreated with alkaline hydrogen peroxide (AHP-WS), whereas degradation of the relatively crystalline cellulose in Whatman no. 1 filter paper (PMC) was detected for only one of the five samples. The mean concentration of cellulolytic bacteria, estimated with AHP-WS as a substrate, was 1.2 X 10(8)/ml of feces. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated on AHP-WS were able to degrade PMC, indicating that interactions with other microbes were primarily responsible for previous low success rates in detecting fecal cellulolytic bacteria with PMC as a substrate. The cellulolytic bacteria included Ruminococcus spp., Clostridium sp., and two unidentified strains. The mean concentration of hemicellulolytic bacteria, estimated with larchwood xylan as a substrate, was 1.8 X 10(10)/ml of feces. The hemicellulose-degrading bacteria included Butyrivibrio sp., Clostridium sp., Bacteroides sp., and two unidentified strains, as well as four of the five cellulolytic strains. This work demonstrates that many humans harbor intestinal cellulolytic bacteria and that a hydrated cellulose source such as AHP-WS is necessary for their consistent detection and isolation.  相似文献   

The human gastrointestinal tract hosts a complex community of microorganisms that grow as biofilms on the intestinal mucosa. These bacterial communities are not well characterized, although they are known to play an important role in human health. This study aimed to develop a model for culturing biofilms (surface-adherent communities) of intestinal microbiota. The model utilizes adherent mucosal bacteria recovered from colonic biopsies to create multi-species biofilms. Culture on selective media and confocal microscopy indicated the biofilms were composed of a diverse community of bacteria. Molecular analyses confirmed that several phyla were represented in the model, and demonstrated stability of the community over 96 h when cultured in the device. This model is novel in its use of a multi-species community of mucosal bacteria grown in a biofilm mode of growth.  相似文献   

Thirty-three fully breast-fed infants aged between 1 and 12 weeks were screened for bifidobacteria in feces. Bifidobacteria counts in most fecal samples determined both by TPY agar and FISH procedure ranged from 10(8) to 10(11) CFU/g. Three infants did not contain any bifidobacteria in their fecal samples. One child was delivered by caesarean section and the other two by normal vaginal delivery. All bifidobacteria-free infants possessed Gram-positive regular rods as a major group of their fecal flora. These bacteria were identified as clostridia using genus-specific FISH probe. In bifidobacteria-positive samples, B. longum (57.9% of the samples) was the most frequently found species, followed by B. adolescentis (31.6%), B. bifidum (21.0%), B. breve (10.5%), B. pseudocatenulatum (5.3%), and B. dentium (5.3%).  相似文献   

Samples from the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, as well as from the cecum and colon, were obtained from 11 mature grass-fed horses. Viable counts of total culturable and proteolytic bacteria were made on habitat-simulating media containing 40% clarified ruminal fluid. The mean pHs in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were 6.32, 7.10, and 7.47, respectively; the mean pH decreased to 6.7 in the hindgut. The acetate concentration increased along the length of the small intestine and was the only volatile fatty acid present in this gut segment. Molar proportions of acetate, propionate, and butyrate in the hindgut were 85:10:3. Differences in bacterial counts on habitat-simulating media containing equine cecal fluid or clarified ruminal fluid were negligible. Bacterial counts showed a substantial population in the duodenum (ca. 2.9 x 10(6) per g [wet weight] of sample), and this increased to 29.0 x 10(6) in the jejunum and 38.4 x 10(6) in the ileum. Proteolytic bacteria formed a high proportion of the total culturable bacteria, especially in duodenal samples. Counts of proteolytic bacteria per gram (wet weight) of sample were 3.0 x 10(6), 15.6 x 10(6), and 22.0 x 10(6) in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, respectively. There was a close relationship between lumenal and mucosal bacterial counts, although actual values were lower in mucosal samples. The mucosal bacterial population in the duodenum was high relative to the lumenal population. Although the comparison of bacterial populations in the hindgut of the horse and white rhino was limited to a single animal, the results were of interest. Counts were higher in the cecum than in the colon for both the horse and the white rhino.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract Concentrations of oxalate-degrading anaerobes in ruminal contents of sheep were determined from counts of colonies producing clear zones on a calcium oxalate medium (D agar with 7 mM CaCl2). Viable counts of oxalate degraders from a 55-kg sheep fed a diet containing 32% halogeton (4.6% oxalate) averaged 2.6 × 106/ g (dry weight). When the halogeton concentration in the diet was reduced to 16%, counts of oxalate degraders decreased nearly 300-fold. Oxalate-degrading isolates from this sheep were similar to OxB, the type strain of Oxalobacter formigenes . When a 45-kg sheep was fed diets containing 2.2, 1.5, and 0.8% oxalate, viable counts of oxalate degraders (enumerated on D agar with 14 mM CaCl2 and 20% filter-sterilized ruminal fluid) represented 0.85, 0.52, and 0.06% of the total viable population, respectively; total viable counts were essentially unchanges by these concentrations of dietary oxalate. Similar percentages of oxalate degraders were also observed when a 23-kg sheep was fed diets containing 1.5 or 0.8% oxalate. This report presents the first direct measurements of the concentrations of oxalate-degrading bacteria in the rumen and supports the concept that the availability of oxalate in the diet influences the proportion of oxalate-degrading bacteria in the rumen  相似文献   

The fibrolytic microbiota of the human large intestine was examined to determine the numbers and types of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic bacteria present. Fecal samples from each of five individuals contained bacteria capable of degrading the hydrated cellulose in spinach and in wheat straw pretreated with alkaline hydrogen peroxide (AHP-WS), whereas degradation of the relatively crystalline cellulose in Whatman no. 1 filter paper (PMC) was detected for only one of the five samples. The mean concentration of cellulolytic bacteria, estimated with AHP-WS as a substrate, was 1.2 X 10(8)/ml of feces. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated on AHP-WS were able to degrade PMC, indicating that interactions with other microbes were primarily responsible for previous low success rates in detecting fecal cellulolytic bacteria with PMC as a substrate. The cellulolytic bacteria included Ruminococcus spp., Clostridium sp., and two unidentified strains. The mean concentration of hemicellulolytic bacteria, estimated with larchwood xylan as a substrate, was 1.8 X 10(10)/ml of feces. The hemicellulose-degrading bacteria included Butyrivibrio sp., Clostridium sp., Bacteroides sp., and two unidentified strains, as well as four of the five cellulolytic strains. This work demonstrates that many humans harbor intestinal cellulolytic bacteria and that a hydrated cellulose source such as AHP-WS is necessary for their consistent detection and isolation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen generation via anaerobic fermentation of paper mill wastes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The objective of this work was to determine the hydrogen production from paper mill wastes using microbial consortia of solid substrate anaerobic digesters. Inocula from mesophilic, continuous solid substrate anaerobic digestion (SSAD) reactors were transferred to small lab scale, batch reactors. Milled paper (used as a surrogate paper waste) was added as substrate and acetylene or 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) was spiked for methanogenesis inhibition. In the first phase of experiments it was found that acetylene at 1% v/v in the headspace was as effective as BES in inhibiting methanogenic activity. Hydrogen gas accumulated in the headspace of the bottles, reaching a plateau. Similar final hydrogen concentrations were obtained for reactors spiked with acetylene and BES. In the second phase of tests the headspace of the batch reactors was flushed with nitrogen gas after the first plateau of hydrogen was reached, and subsequently incubated, with no further addition of inhibitor nor substrate. It was found that hydrogen production resumed and reached a second plateau, although somewhat lower than the first one. This procedure was repeated a third time and an additional amount of hydrogen was obtained. The plateaux and initial rates of hydrogen accumulation decreased in each subsequent incubation cycle. The total cumulative hydrogen harvested in the three cycles was much higher (approx. double) than in the first cycle alone. We coined this procedure as IV-SSAH (intermittently vented solid substrate anaerobic hydrogen generation). Our results point out to a feasible strategy for obtaining higher hydrogen yields from the fermentation of industrial solid wastes, and a possible combination of waste treatment processes consisting of a first stage IV-SSAH followed by a second SSAD stage. Useful products of this approach would be hydrogen, organic acids or methane, and anaerobic digestates that could be used as soil amenders after post-treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of different natural zeolite concentrations on the anaerobic digestion of piggery waste was studied. Natural zeolite doses in the range 0.2-10 g/l of wastewater were used in batch experiments, which were carried out at temperatures between 27 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Total chemical oxygen demand (COD), total and volatile solids, ammonia and organic nitrogen, pH, total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), alkalinity (Alk) and accumulative methane production were determined during 30 days of digestion. The anaerobic digestion process was favored by the addition of natural zeolite at doses between 2 and 4 g/l and increasingly inhibited at doses beyond 6 g/l. A first-order kinetic model of COD removal was used to determine the apparent kinetic constants of the process. The kinetic constant values increased with the zeolite amount up to a concentration of 4 g/l. The values of the maximum accumulative methane production (Gm) increased until zeolite concentrations of 2-4 g/l. The addition of zeolite reduced the values of the TVFA/ Alk ratio while increasing the pH values, and these facts could contribute to the process failure at zeolite doses of 10 g/l.  相似文献   

Summary The use of polyurethane foam sponges to colonize methanogenic associations for the digestion of piggery manure has been investigated. Fermentors containing polyurethane pads as colonization matrix reached a biogas production rate of ca. 2.0 litres per litre reactor per day (30–33°C), hydraulic retention time 7.5 daysl and a biogas yield of 16 litres per litre piggery manure (7–9% TS). Corresponding control fermentors containing no pads reached a gas production rate of 1.3 litres per litre reactor per day and only about 10 litres biogas per litre piggery manure.  相似文献   

The thermochemical pretreatment by saponification of two kinds of fatty slaughterhouse waste – aeroflotation fats and flesh fats from animal carcasses – was studied in order to improve the waste’s anaerobic degradation. The effect of an easily biodegradable compound, ethanol, on raw waste biodegradation was also examined. The aims of the study were to enhance the methanisation of fatty waste and also to show a link between biodegradability and bio-availability. The anaerobic digestion of raw waste, saponified waste and waste with a co-substrate was carried out in batch mode under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions.  相似文献   

Classical enumeration methods for anaerobes are time-consuming and require special conditions. Solid phase cytometry (SPC) is a recent laser scanning technique for the quantitative detection of fluorescently labelled bacteria on a membrane filter that eliminates the need for a growth phase. Fluorescent labelling of cells results from the cleavage by intracellular esterases of a fluorescein type ester to yield a free fluorescein derivative, which is retained only in cells with an intact cytoplasmic membrane. However, as the standard labelling procedure is carried out under the conditions of aerobiosis, labelling of anaerobic bacteria does not appear to be obvious. We have labelled eight strains of vegetative anaerobic bacteria (i.e. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Clostridium bifermentans, C. butyricum, C. perfringens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas canoris, P. gingivalis, Propionibacterium acnes) and two strains of spores (C. butyricum, C. perfringens,) within 4 h under aerobic conditions. However, anaerobiosis remained necessary for spores of C. sordellii, C. sporogenes, C. tyrobutyricum. For vegetative cells of all strains, plots of SPC versus plate counts were linear with slopes exceeding 1.0, indicating that SPC consistently yielded higher numbers of bacteria.  相似文献   

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