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Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) leached with water or treated with chelating agents to remove metal cations, pasteurised to remove any harmful micro-organisms and mixed with peat has potential as a casing material for mushroom production. The microbial and chemical changes in SMS after treatment with citric acid, ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and water were compared; treatment with the chelating agents resulted in lower ash content, conductivity and minerals, higher fibre fractions, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. The microbial and chemical changes in the materials after treatment with the two chelators and water were compared. Blending peat with the heat-treated materials at a ratio of 1:1 resulted in improved physical properties. The casings prepared from the test materials and the control, consisting of 100% peat, were compared after neutralising with lime for their productivity in a mushroom yield trial. As expected, the compost bags cased with the control were the most productive compared to the other casings. Of the three treated materials, casing prepared from SMS treated with EDTA blended with peat was the most productive. Dry matter of harvested mushrooms from chelated-SMS casings was significantly higher than the control casing. Comparison of the main components of peat and chelated SMS revealed that the major differences were in the proportions of ash, lipid, lignin and fibre fractions. The stability of some of these components, when complexed with metal cations present in lime may play an important role in determining the composition of the cell wall in fruiting bodies leading to high dry matter content. Received: 19 November 1998 / Received revision: 29 March 1999 / Accepted: 6 April 1999  相似文献   

The mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) has a requirement for a "casing layer" that has specific physical, chemical and microbiological properties which stimulate and promote the initiation of primordia. Some of these primordia then may develop further into sporophores, involving differentiation of tissue. Wild and commercial strains of A. bisporus were cultured in axenic and nonaxenic microcosms, using a rye grain substrate covered by a range of organic and inorganic casing materials. In axenic culture, A. bisporus (commercial strain A15) was capable of producing primordia and mature sporophores on charcoal (wood and activated), anthracite coal, lignite and zeolite, but not on bark, coir, peat, rockwool, silica or vermiculite. Of six strains tested, only the developmental variant mutant, B430, produced rudimentary primordia on axenic peat-based casing material. However, none of these rudimentary primordia developed differentiated tissues or beyond 4 mm diameter, either on axenic casing material in the microcosms or in larger-scale culture. In larger-scale, nonaxenic culture, strain B430 produced severely malformed but mature sporophores in similar numbers to those of other strains. Typically, 3-6% of primordia developed into mature sporophores, but significant differences in this proportion, as well as in the numbers of primordia produced, were recorded between 12 A. bisporus strains.  相似文献   

Investigations into the dynamic nature of composting environments are necessary to understand and ultimately optimise the complex processes that occur. In this study, various parameters were measured to investigate physical, chemical and biological changes that occur in compost during the production of Agaricus bisporus. In addition to monitoring the compost samples during mushroom cultivation, uninoculated samples were maintained for comparative purposes. Principal components analysis of the variables measured showed a clear distinction between the thermophilic Phase I composts, uninoculated Phase II composts and mushroom inoculated composts. Leucine assimilation, a novel technique to composting environments, is presented as suitable method for assessing microbial activity in such systems. Strict agreement between leucine assimilation and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, a rarely used technique in composting environments, was not observed, suggesting that neither should be used as a sole measure of microbial activity in compost. Association of FDA hydrolysis with the culturable heterotrophic count suggests that FDA hydrolysis may indicate bacterial as opposed to total microbial activity.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies suggested that the use of compost tea made from spent mushroom substrate (SMS) may be regarded as a potential method for biologically controlling dry bubble disease in button mushroom. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of SMS compost tea on the host, the button mushroom, to ascertain whether the addition of these water extracts has a toxic effect on Agaricus bisporus mycelium growth and on mushroom yield. In vitro experiments showed that the addition of SMS compost tea to the culture medium inoculated with a mushroom spawn grain did not have an inhibitory effect on A. bisporus mycelial growth. The effect of compost teas on the quantitative production parameters of A. bisporus (yield, unitary weight, biological efficiency and earliness) was tested in a cropping trial, applying the compost teas to the casing in three different drench applications. Quantitative production parameters were not significantly affected by the compost tea treatments although there was a slight delay of 0.8-1.4 days in the harvest time of the first flush. These results suggest that compost teas have no fungitoxic effect on A. bisporus so that they can be considered a suitable biocontrol substance for the control of dry bubble disease.  相似文献   

Casing materials and practices used in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus were evaluated in the cultivation of Agaricus subrufescens, using the best techniques for optimization of production, including the possibility of re-casing of the compost for the production of a second crop of mushroom. Casing based on peat moss, loam soil or coir was compared to casing material mixed with or without spawn-run compost. Based on the results, we conclude that the casing layer used in the cultivation of A. subrufescens should not necessarily be the same as that used in the cultivation of A. bisporus. For the tested strain cultivated with loam soil as casing layer, the ruffling technique is highly superior to CACing and should be pursued in further research. The re-casing of compost in new cycles showed good results suggesting that the currently used compost could be improved.  相似文献   

The composition of aroma compounds of dry champignons (Agaricus bisporus L.) were identified using capillary gas chromatography and chromatography-mass spectrometry. In total, 56 compounds were identified. It was found that the flavor of dry mushrooms was formed by the volatile compounds produced as a result of enzymatic and oxidative conversion of unsaturated fatty acids as well as in the Maillard reaction. Unsaturated alcohols and ketones containing eight carbon atoms determined the mushroom note of the product. The specific aroma of dry mushrooms was determined by a complex composition of substituted sul- fur-, oxygen-, and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds as well as by aliphatic carbonyl compounds and methional. It was found that the concentrations of volatile carbonylic and heterocyclic compounds increased after the addition of a mixture of amino acids to mushrooms before drying. As a result, the intensity of the aroma of dry mushrooms increased.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using olive mill waste (OMW) as an ingredient in the substrate used for cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. was studied in a large-scale cultivation trial, concerning 2500 m2 of mushroom growing area, at a specialized mushroom farm. Standard commercial cultivation technique involving compost preparation, spawning, casing and harvesting was used. The performance indicators such as mushroom yield, biological efficiency, market quality as well as horticultural value of the spent compost showed that the compost prepared with OMW was superior to the control compost in all the categories. The OMW-amended substrate supported higher populations of beneficial microorganisms especially, actinomycetes which enabled the breakdown of the compost ingredients. It is suggested that OMW is a suitable ingredient for the preparation of mushroom substrate. We have demonstrated that conversion of OMW (a liability) into value-added mushroom substrate (an asset) is an effective waste management tool in oleaculture.  相似文献   

The degradation of wheat straw, during composting, to produce the growth substrate for the edible mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ), and subsequent colonisation by the fungal hyphae, was studied by electron microscopy which revealed an ecological succession of micro-organisms, initially dominated by a largely bacterial flora with few fungi. Later in the composting process actinomycetes were dominant. The initial rise in numbers of vegetative bacterial cells was followed by a steady decline and the appearance of spore forms. Several modes of microbial attack were observed. The most rapid degradation occurred initially on the cuticle and in the phloem and spread to a general degradation of all the plant tissue types present. Microbial attachment on the plant cell walls was non-uniform. As a result of these processes many of the plant fibres became separated but the final material still retained considerable structural integrity. Agaricus bisporus mycelium rapidly covered the surface of the straw but colonised the internal straw tissues more slowly. Surface-growing hyphal cells were encrusted with needle-like crystals presumed to be calcium oxalate.  相似文献   

The genetic relationship between twenty-six strains of Agaricus bisporus were analysed by the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method. DNA amplification was performed with the use of twelve arbitrary 10-mer primers. Four primers, which gave polymorphic band patterns were chosen for RAPD analysis. In total, they gave 24 distinguishable bands, of which nine were polymorphic. The conducted research showed that there is a great genetic similarity among the examined strains. Low polymorphism of the strains may be a proof of a limited genetic pool used in the cultivation of those strains.  相似文献   

Noble  R.  Dobrovin-Pennington  A.  Evered  C.E.  Mead  A. 《Plant and Soil》1999,207(1):1-13
Different combinations of peat and chalk or lime sources with differing moisture contents were used to determine how specific physical and chemical properties of the casing soil relate to the growth and water relations of the mushroom. The peat types varied in terms of decomposition and extraction method; the lime addition varied in terms of rate and type (chalk or sugar beet lime). During the colonisation of the casing soil before fruiting, the extension growth rate of mushroom mycelium was most closely correlated (negatively) with the volumetric moisture content of the casing soil. Scanning electron microscopy showed that mycelium growing at a lower casing soil matric potential (Ψm) had a much finer and branched structure than mycelium growing at a higher Ψm. Across all the peat and lime source treatments, a relationship was found between the mean Ψm of the casing soil and mushroom yield, with an optimum Ψm of -7.9 to -9.4 kPa. Mushrooms are produced in ‘flushes’ at about 8-day intervals and during the development of each flush of mushrooms, there was a significant decrease in casing soil Ψm . This decrease (to below -40 kPa) was greatest in the second flush, which was the highest yielding. There were no relationships between mushroom yield and casing soil osmotic potential Ψπ within the range -93 to -154 kPa or any of the other chemical properties and water and air holding characteristics of the casing soils which were determined. Across different casing soil treatments, mushroom dry matter content was negatively correlated with mushroom yield and positively correlated with mushroom tissue osmotic potential. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ginger blotch, a new bacterial disease of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus , is described from farms in the UK. The symptoms are distinct from the classical blotch disease caused by Pseudomonas tolaasii. The causative organism has been isolated and identified as a new member of the Pseudomonas fluorescens complex which can be distinguished from Pseudomonas tolaasii by several simple tests.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described in which pure cultures of Agaricus bisporus were maintained on composted media in filtered atmospheres free from (a) noxious concentrations of carbon dioxide, and (b) contaminating microorganisms. When grown on compost alone, cultures of A. bisporus did not produce sporophores. Their formation was however stimulated by a covering layer of an unsterilized mixture of peat and chalk (=‘casing’ soil). Autoclaving or fumigating ‘casing’ with propylene oxide decreased populations of contaminating bacteria and prevented sporophore formation. Populations of micro-organisms isolated from unsterile ‘casing’ contained bacteria which when added to pure cultures of A. bisporus stimulated fruit-body formation. Numbers of these stimulators increased when cultured on a carbon-free liquid medium exposed to atmospheres with ethanol, ethyl acetate and acetone or containing the volatile metabolites of A. bisporus. The ability to utilize these volatile chemicals was exploited in a selective technique for isolating sporophore stimulators where aqueous suspensions of mixed bacterial populations were exposed to atmospheres of these materials for 5 days, before aliquots were added to agar media subsequently gelled. The stimulatory bacteria were identified as, or closely related to, Pseudomonas putida.  相似文献   

A formerly developed method of microspreading of mushroom basidial nuclei was applied to study meiotic prophase I in bisporic white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains. Meiotic recombination and assemblage of axial structures (axial elements and synaptonemal complexes) of chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are interrelated. It is known that the frequency of meiotic recombination is reduced in the bisporic A. bisporus variety. We showed that formation of axial structures of meiotic chromosomes in bisporic strains of this mushroom was disrupted. The anomalous phenotypes in spread prophase nuclei are diverse. In leptotene and early zygotene, many nuclei contain abnormal, often short, and, as a rule, few chromosomal axial elements. The abnormalities in the formation of synaptonemal complexes at the zygotene-diplotene stage are of the same kind and even more pronounced. We discovered an important feature of meiosis in A. bisporus associated with fruit-body morphogenesis. Meiosis starting in basidia (meiocytes) of young closed fruit bodies is accompanied by disruption of chromatin condensation in prophase I and, probably, is arrested. After partial veil breakage, the course of meiosis normalizes. Preparations with clearly observable chromosomal axial structures can be obtained only at this stage of fruit-body development.  相似文献   

A formerly developed method of obtaining spread preparations of mushroom basidial nuclei was applied to study of meiotic prophase I in bisporic white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains. Meiotic recombination and assemblage of axial structures (axial elements and synaptonemal complexes) of chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are interrelated. It is known that the frequency of meiotic recombination is reduced in the bisporic A. bisporus variety. We showed that formation of axial structures of meiotic chromosomes in bisporic strains of this mushroom was disrupted. The phenotypes of disruptions in spread prophase nuclei are diverse. In leptotene and early zygotene, many nuclei contain abnormal, often short, and, as a rule, few chromosomal axial elements. The abnormalities in the formation of synaptonemal complexes at the zygotene-diplotene stage are of the same kind and even more pronounced. We discovered an important feature of meiosis in A. bisporus associated with fruit-body morphogenesis. Meiosis starting in basidia (meiocytes) of young closed fruit bodies is accompanied by disruption of chromatin condensation in prophase I and, probably, is arrested. After indusium breakage, the course of meiosis normalizes. Preparations with clearly observable chromosomal axial structures can be obtained only at this stage of fruit-body development.  相似文献   

2004年春季至2006年夏季期间,调查了伊朗Karaj地区双孢蘑菇上的螨类,发现了3目9科17种食菌性、捕食性和腐食性螨类,包括:光滑巨螯螨Macrocheles glaber (Müller),粪巨螯螨Macrocheles merdarius (Berlese),近褐巨螯螨Macrocheles subbadius(Berlese),甲虫寄螨Parasitus coleoptratorum (Linnaeus),粪堆寄螨Parasitus fimetorum (Berlese),乳突寄螨Parasitus mammillatus (Berlese),Sancassania rodionovi Zachvatkin,腐食酪螨Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank),Uroobovella fimicola (Berlese),Ameroseius fungicolus* Masan,Pediculaster kneeboni* Wicht,Pediculaster flechtmanni* Wicht,Scutacarus longitarsus (Berlese),Dendrolaelaps multidentatus* Masan,柴特北绥螨Arctoseius cetratus (Sellnick),Lasioseius sugawarai* Ehara和Ameroseius plumigera Oudemans。其中有“*”号标记的6个种为伊朗新纪录种,12个种为在蘑菇上首次发现。  相似文献   

A biosensor based on mushroom tissue homogenate for detecting some phenolic compounds (PCs) and usage of the biosensor for quantifying certain substances that inhibit the polyphenol oxidase activity in mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) tissue homogenate is described. The mushroom tissue homogenate was immobilized to the top of a Clark-type oxygen electrode with gelatin and glutaraldehyde. Optimization of the experimental parameters was done by buffer system, pH, buffer concentration, and temperature. Besides, the detection range of eight phenolic compounds were obtained with the help of the calibration graphs. Thermal stability, storage stability, and repeatability of the biosensor were also investigated. A linear response was observed from 20 x 10(-3) to 200 x 10(-3) mM phenol. The biosensor retained approximately 74% of its original activity after 25 days of storage at 4 degrees C. In repeatability studies, variation coefficient (C.V.) and standard deviation (S.D.) were calculated as 2.44% and +/-0.002, respectively. Inhibition studies revealed that the proposed biosensor was applicable for monitoring benzoic acid and thiourea in soft drinks and fruit juices.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase (TYR, EC plays a pivotal role in mammalian melanogenesis and enzymatic browning of plant-derived food. Therefore, tyrosinase inhibitors (TYRIs) can be of interest in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries as depigmentation compounds as well as anti-browning agents. Starting from 4-benzylpiperidine derivatives that showed good inhibitory properties toward tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus (TyM), we synthesized a new series of TYRIs named 3-(4-benzyl-1-piperidyl)-1-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)propan-1-one and 2-(4-benzyl-1-piperidyl)-1-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)ethanone derivatives. Among them, compound 4b proved to be the most potent inhibitor (IC50 = 3.80 µM) and it also showed a good antioxidant activity. These new data furnished additional information about the SAR for this class of TYRIs.  相似文献   

Relationships between the hyphae of Agaricus bisporus (Lang) Sing and bacteria from the mushroom bed casing layer were examined with a scanning electron microscope. Hyphae growing in the casing layer differed morphologically from compost-grown hyphae. Whereas the compost contained thin single hyphae surrounded by calcium oxalate crystals, the casing layer contained mainly wide hyphae or mycelial strands without crystals. The bacterial population in the hyphal environment consisted of several types, some attached to the hyphae with filamentlike structures. This attachment may be important in stimulation of pinhead initiation.  相似文献   

A 300-bp repetitive element was found in the genome of the white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, and designated Abr1. It is present in approximately 15 copies per haploid genome in the commercial strain Horst U1. Analysis of seven copies showed 89 to 97% sequence identity. The repeat has features typical of class II transposons (i.e., terminal inverted repeats, subterminal repeats, and a target site duplication of 7 bp). The latter shows a consensus sequence. When used as probe on Southern blots, Abr1 identifies relatively little variation within traditional and present-day commercial strains, indicating that most strains are identical or have a common origin. In contrast to these cultivars, high variation is found among field-collected strains. Furthermore, a remarkable difference in copy numbers of Abr1 was found between A. bisporus isolates with a secondarily homothallic life cycle and those with a heterothallic life cycle. Abr1 is a type II transposon not previously reported in basidiomycetes and appears to be useful for the identification of strains within the species A. bisporus.  相似文献   

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