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Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels in human leukemic T cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Using the patch-clamp technique, we have identified two types of Ca(2+)-activated K+ (K(Ca)) channels in the human leukemic T cell line. Jurkat. Substances that elevate the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), such as ionomycin or the mitogenic lectin phytohemagglutinin (PHA), as well as whole-cell dialysis with pipette solutions containing elevated [Ca2+]i, activate a voltage-independent K+ conductance. Unlike the voltage-gated (type n) K+ channels in these cells, the majority of K(Ca) channels are insensitive to block by charybdotoxin (CTX) or 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), but are highly sensitive to block by apamin (Kd less than 1 nM). Channel activity is strongly dependent on [Ca2+]i, suggesting that multiple Ca2+ binding sites may be involved in channel opening. The Ca2+ concentration at which half of the channels are activated is 400 nM. These channels show little voltage dependence over a potential range of -100 to 0 mV and have a unitary conductance of 4-7 pS in symmetrical 170 mM K+. In the presence of 10 nM apamin, a less prevalent type of K(Ca) channel with a unitary conductance of 40-60 pS can be observed. These larger-conductance channels are sensitive to block by CTX. Pharmacological blockade of K(Ca) channels and voltage-gated type n channels inhibits oscillatory Ca2+ signaling triggered by PHA. These results suggest that K(Ca) channels play a supporting role during T cell activation by sustaining dynamic patterns of Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

Membrane potential has a major influence on stimulus-secretion coupling in various excitable cells. The role of membrane potential in the regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion is not known. High K+-induced depolarization increases secretion from parathyroid cells. The paradox is that increased extracellular Ca2+, which inhibits secretion, has also been postulated to have a depolarizing effect. In this study, human parathyroid cells from parathyroid adenomas were used in patch clamp studies of K+ channels and membrane potential. Detailed characterization revealed two K+ channels that were strictly dependent of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. At high extracellular Ca2+, a large K+ current was seen, and the cells were hyperpolarized (-50.4 +/- 13.4 mV), whereas lowering of extracellular Ca2+ resulted in a dramatic decrease in K+ current and depolarization of the cells (-0.1 +/- 8.8 mV, p < 0.001). Changes in extracellular Ca2+ did not alter K+ currents when intracellular Ca2+ was clamped, indicating that K+ channels are activated by intracellular Ca2+. The results were concordant in cell-attached, perforated patch, whole-cell and excised membrane patch configurations. These results suggest that [Ca2+]o regulates membrane potential of human parathyroid cells via Ca2+-activated K+ channels and that the membrane potential may be of greater importance for the stimulus-secretion coupling than recognized previously.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of intracellular K+ and Rb+ on single-channel currents recorded from the large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ (BK) channel of the embryonic rat telencephalon using the inside-out patch-clamp technique. Our novel observation concerns the effects of these ions on rapid flickering of channel openings. Specifically, flicker gating was voltage dependent, i.e., it was reduced by depolarization in the -60 to -10 mV range with equimolar concentrations of K+ ions (150 Ko+/150 Ki+). Removal of Ki+ resulted in significant flickering at all potentials in this voltage range. In other words, the voltage dependence of flicker gating was effectively eliminated by the removal of Ki+. This suggests that a K+ ion entering the channel from the intracellular medium binds, in a voltage-dependent manner, at a site that locks the flicker gate in its open position. No effects of changes in Ki+ were observed on the primary, voltage-dependent gate of the channel. The change in flickering did not cause a change in the mean burst duration, which indicates that the primary gate is stochastically independent of the flicker gate. Intracellular Rb+ can substitute for--and is even more effective than--Ki+ with regard to suppression of flickering. Substitution of Rbi+ for Ki+ also increased the mean burst duration for V > or = -30 mV. Both effects of Rbi+ were removed by membrane hyperpolarization.  相似文献   

The voltage-clamp technique was used to study Ca2+ and Cl transient currents in the plasmalemma of tonoplast-free and intact Chara corallina cells. In tonoplast-free cells [perfused medium with ethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl ether)tetraacetic acid] long-term inward and outward currents through Ca channels consisted of two components: with and without time-dependent inactivation. The voltage dependence of the Ca channel activation ratio was found to be sigmoid-shaped, with about –140-mV activation threshold, reaching a plateau at V>50 mV. As the voltage increased, the characteristic activation time decreased from approximately 103 ms in the threshold region to approximately 10 ms in the positive region. The positive pulse-activated channels can then be completely deactivated, which is recorded by the Ca2+ tail currents, at below-threshold negative voltages with millisecond-range time constants. This tail current is used for fast and brief Ca2+ injection into tonoplast-free and intact cells, to activate the chloride channels by Ca2+ . When cells are perfused with EDTA-containing medium in the presence of excess Mg2+, this method of injection allows the free submembrane Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]c, to be raised rapidly to several tens of micromoles per liter. Then a chloride component is recorded in the inward tail current, with the amplitude proportional to . When Ca2+ is thus injected into an intact cell, it induces an inward current in the voltage-clamped plasmalemma, having activation–inactivation kinetics qualitatively resembling that in EDTA-perfused cells, but a considerably higher amplitude and duration (approximately 10 A m–2 and inact~0.5 s at –200 mV). Analysis of our data and theoretical considerations indicate that the [Ca2+]c rise during cell excitation is caused mainly by Ca2+ entry through plasmalemma Ca channels rather than by Ca2+ release from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

Membrane voltage controls the passage of ions through voltage-gated K (K(v)) channels, and many studies have demonstrated that this is accomplished by a physical gate located at the cytoplasmic end of the pore. Critical to this determination were the findings that quaternary ammonium ions and certain peptides have access to their internal pore-blocking sites only when the channel gates are open, and that large blocking ions interfere with channel closing. Although an intracellular location for the physical gate of K(v) channels is well established, it is not clear if such a cytoplasmic gate exists in all K(+) channels. Some studies on large-conductance, voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels suggest a cytoplasmic location for the gate, but other findings question this conclusion and, instead, support the concept that BK channels are gated by the pore selectivity filter. If the BK channel is gated by the selectivity filter, the interactions between the blocking ions and channel gating should be influenced by the permeant ion. Thus, we tested tetrabutyl ammonium (TBA) and the Shaker "ball" peptide (BP) on BK channels with either K(+) or Rb(+) as the permeant ion. When tested in K(+) solutions, both TBA and the BP acted as open-channel blockers of BK channels, and the BP interfered with channel closing. In contrast, when Rb(+) replaced K(+) as the permeant ion, TBA and the BP blocked both closed and open BK channels, and the BP no longer interfered with channel closing. We also tested the cytoplasmically gated Shaker K channels and found the opposite behavior: the interactions of TBA and the BP with these K(v) channels were independent of the permeant ion. Our results add significantly to the evidence against a cytoplasmic gate in BK channels and represent a positive test for selectivity filter gating.  相似文献   

P Sah  E M McLachlan 《Neuron》1991,7(2):257-264
We examined the possibility that Ca2+ released from intracellular stores could activate K+ currents underlying the afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in neurons. In neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the current underlying the AHP had two components: a rapidly decaying component that was maximal following the action potential (GkCa,1) and a slower component that had a distinct rising phase (GkCa,2). Both components required influx of extracellular Ca2+ for their activation, and neither was blocked by extracellular TEA (10 mM). GkCa,1 was selectively blocked by apamin, whereas GkCa,2 was selectively reduced by noradrenaline. The time course of GkCa,2 was markedly temperature sensitive. GkCa,2 was selectively blocked by application of ryanodine or sodium dantrolene, or by loading cells with ruthenium red. These results suggest that influx of Ca2+ directly gates one class of K+ channels and leads to release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, which activates a different class of K+ channel.  相似文献   

In this study, single-channel recordings of high-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels from rat skeletal muscle inserted into planar lipid bilayer were used to analyze the effects of two ionic blockers, Ba2+ and Na+, on the channel's gating reactions. The gating equilibrium of the Ba(2+)-blocked channel was investigated through the kinetics of the discrete blockade induced by Ba2+ ions. Gating properties of Na(+)-blocked channels could be directly characterized due to the very high rates of Na+ blocking/unblocking reactions. While in the presence of K+ (5 mM) in the external solution Ba2+ is known to stabilize the open state of the blocked channel (Miller, C., R. Latorre, and I. Reisin. 1987. J. Gen. Physiol. 90:427-449), we show that the divalent blocker stabilizes the closed-blocked state if permeant ions are removed from the external solution (K+ less than 10 microM). Ionic substitutions in the outer solution induce changes in the gating equilibrium of the Ba(2+)-blocked channel that are tightly correlated to the inhibition of Ba2+ dissociation by external monovalent cations. In permeant ion-free external solutions, blockade of the channel by internal Na+ induces a shift (around 15 mV) in the open probability--voltage curve toward more depolarized potentials, indicating that Na+ induces a stabilization of the closed-blocked state, as does Ba2+ under the same conditions. A kinetic analysis of the Na(+)-blocked channel indicates that the closed-blocked state is favored mainly by a decrease in opening rate. Addition of 1 mM external K+ completely inhibits the shift in the activation curve without affecting the Na(+)-induced reduction in the apparent single-channel amplitude. The results suggest that in the absence of external permeant ions internal blockers regulate the permeant ion occupancy of a site near the outer end of the channel. Occupancy of this site appears to modulate gating primarily by speeding the rate of channel opening.  相似文献   

The currents through single Ca2+-activated K+ channels were studied in excised inside-out membrane patches of human erythrocytes. The effects of temperature on single-channel conductance, on channel gating and on activation by Ca2+ were investigated in the temperature range from 0 up to 47 degrees C. The single-channel conductance shows a continuous increase with increasing temperature; an Arrhenius plot of the conductance gives the activation energy of 29.6 +/- 0.4 kJ/mol. Reducing the temperature alters channel-gating kinetics which results in a significant increase of the probability of the channel being open (Po). The calcium dependence of Po is affected by temperature in different ways; the threshold concentration for activation by Ca2+ is not changed, the Ca2+ concentration of half-maximal channel activation is reduced from 2.1 mumol/l at 20 degrees C to 0.3 mumol/l at 0 degrees C, the saturation level of the dependence is reduced for temperatures higher then about 30 degrees C. The relevance of the obtained data for the interpretation of the results known from flux experiments on cells in suspensions is discussed.  相似文献   

The intermediate (IK(Ca)) and small (SK(Ca)) conductance Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels in endothelial cells (ECs) modulate vascular diameter through regulation of EC membrane potential. However, contribution of IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) channels to membrane current and potential in native endothelial cells remains unclear. In freshly isolated endothelial cells from mouse aorta dialyzed with 3 microM free [Ca(2+)](i) and 1 mM free [Mg(2+)](i), membrane currents reversed at the potassium equilibrium potential and exhibited an inward rectification at positive membrane potentials. Blockers of large-conductance, Ca(2+)-sensitive potassium (BK(Ca)) and strong inward rectifier potassium (K(ir)) channels did not affect the membrane current. However, blockers of IK(Ca) channels, charybdotoxin (ChTX), and of SK(Ca) channels, apamin (Ap), significantly reduced the whole-cell current. Although IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) channels are intrinsically voltage independent, ChTX- and Ap-sensitive currents decreased steeply with membrane potential depolarization. Removal of intracellular Mg(2+) significantly increased these currents. Moreover, concomitant reduction of the [Ca(2+)](i) to 1 microM caused an additional increase in ChTX- and Ap-sensitive currents so that the currents exhibited theoretical outward rectification. Block of IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) channels caused a significant endothelial membrane potential depolarization (approximately 11 mV) and decrease in [Ca(2+)](i) in mesenteric arteries in the absence of an agonist. These results indicate that [Ca(2+)](i) can both activate and block IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) channels in endothelial cells, and that these channels regulate the resting membrane potential and intracellular calcium in native endothelium.  相似文献   

Exposure of the inner surface of intact red cells or red cell ghosts to Ca2+ evokes unitary currents that can be measured in cell-attached and cell-free membrane patches. The currents are preferentially carried by K+ (PK/PNa 17) and show rectification. Increasing the Ca2+ concentration from 0 to 5 microM increases the probability of the open state of the channels parallel to the change of K+ permeability as observed in suspensions of red cell ghosts. Prolonged incubation of red cell ghosts in the absence of external K+ prevents the Ca2+ from increasing K+ permeability. Similarly, the probability to find Ca2+-activated unitary currents in membrane patches is drastically reduced. These observations suggest that the Ca2+-induced changes of K+ permeability observed in red cell suspensions are causally related to the appearance of the unitary K+ currents. Attempts to determine the number of K+ channels per cell were made by comparing fluxes measured in suspensions of red cells with the unitary currents in membrane patches as determined under comparable ionic conditions. At 100 mM KCl in the external medium, where no net movements of K+ occur, the time course of equilibration of 86Rb+ does not follow a single exponential. This indicates a heterogeneity of the response to Ca2+ of the cells in the population. The data are compatible with the assumption that 25% of the cells respond with Pk = 33.2 X 10(-14)cm3/s and 75% with Pk = 3.1 X 10(-14)cm3/s. At 100 mM external K+ the zero current permeability of a single channel is 6.1 X 10(-14)cm3/s (corresponding to a conductance of 22 pS).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

One current hypothesis for the initiation of Ca2+ entry into nonelectrically excitable cells proposes that Ca2+ entry is linked to the state of filling of intracellular Ca2+ stores. In the human T lymphocyte cell line Jurkat, stimulation of the antigen receptor leads to release of Ca2+ from internal stores and influx of extracellular Ca2+. Similarly, treatment of Jurkat cells with the tumor promoter thapsigargin induced release of Ca2+ from internal stores and also resulted in influx of extracellular Ca2+. Initiation of Ca2+ entry by thapsigargin was blocked by chelation of Ca2+ released from the internal storage pool. The Ca2+ entry pathway also could be initiated by an increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ after photolysis of the Ca(2+)-cage, nitr-5. Thus, three separate treatments that caused an increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ initiated Ca2+ influx in Jurkat cells. In all cases, Ca(2+)-initiated Ca2+ influx was blocked by treatment with any of three phenothiazines or W-7, suggesting that it is mediated by calmodulin. These data suggest that release of Ca2+ from internal stores is not linked capacitatively to Ca2+ entry but that initiation is linked instead by Ca2+ itself, perhaps via calmodulin.  相似文献   

Fluorescent ryanodine revealed the distribution of ryanodine receptors in the submembrane cytoplasm (less than a few micrometers) of cultured bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells. Rises in cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) elicited by single or repetitive action potentials (APs) propagated at a high speed (150 microm/s) in constant amplitude and rate of rise in the cytoplasm bearing ryanodine receptors, and then in the slower, waning manner in the deeper region. Ryanodine (10 microM), a ryanodine receptor blocker (and/or a half opener), or thapsigargin (1-2 microM), a Ca(2+)-pump blocker, or omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx, 1 microM), a N-type Ca(2+) channel blocker, blocked the fast propagation, but did not affect the slower spread. Ca(2+) entry thus triggered the regenerative activation of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) in the submembrane region, followed by buffered Ca(2+) diffusion in the deeper cytoplasm. Computer simulation assuming Ca(2+) release in the submembrane region reproduced the Ca(2+) dynamics. Ryanodine or thapsigargin decreased the rate of spike repolarization of an AP to 80%, but not in the presence of iberiotoxin (IbTx, 100 nM), a BK-type Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel blocker, or omega-CgTx, both of which decreased the rate to 50%. The spike repolarization rate and the amplitude of a single AP-induced rise in [Ca(2+)](i) gradually decreased to a plateau during repetition of APs at 50 Hz, but reduced less in the presence of ryanodine or thapsigargin. The amplitude of each of the [Ca(2+)](i) rise correlated well with the reduction in the IbTx-sensitive component of spike repolarization. The apamin-sensitive SK-type Ca(2+)-activated K(+) current, underlying the afterhyperpolarization of APs, increased during repetitive APs, decayed faster than the accompanying rise in [Ca(2+)](i), and was suppressed by CICR blockers. Thus, ryanodine receptors form a functional triad with N-type Ca(2+) channels and BK channels, and a loose coupling with SK channels in bullfrog sympathetic neurons, plastically modulating AP.  相似文献   

Charybdotoxin(ChTX) is a specific blocker ofCa2+-activatedK+ channels. The voltage- andtime-dependent dynamics of ChTX block were investigated using caninecolonic myocytes and the whole cell patch-clamp technique with step andramp depolarization protocols. During prolonged step depolarizations,K+ current slowly increased in thecontinued presence of ChTX (100 nM). The rate of increase depended onmembrane potential with an e-foldchange for every 60 mV. During ramp depolarizations, the effectivenessof ChTX block depended significantly on the rate of the ramp (50% at0.01 V/s to 80% at 0.5 V/s). Results are consistent with a mechanismin which ChTX slowly "unbinds" in a voltage-dependent manner. Asimple kinetic model was developed in which ChTX binds to both open andclosed states. Slow unbinding is consistent with ChTX having littleeffect on electrical slow waves recorded from circular muscle whilecausing depolarization and contraction of longitudinal muscle, whichdisplays more rapid "spikes." Resting membrane potential andmembrane potential dynamics are important determinants of ChTX action.


Role of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in human erythrocyte apoptosis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Exposure of erythrocytes to the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin has recently been shown to induce cell shrinkage, cell membrane blebbing, and breakdown of phosphatidylserine asymmetry, all features typical of apoptosis of nucleated cells. Although breakdown of phosphatidylserine asymmetry is thought to result from activation of a Ca2+-sensitive scramblase, the mechanism and role of cell shrinkage have not been explored. The present study was performed to test whether ionomycin-induced activation of Ca2+-sensitive Gardos K+ channels and subsequent cell shrinkage participate in ionomycin-induced breakdown of phosphatidylserine asymmetry of human erythrocytes. According to on-cell patch-clamp experiments, ionomycin (1 µM) induces activation of inwardly rectifying K+-selective channels in the erythrocyte membrane. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis reveals that ionomycin leads to a significant decrease of forward scatter, reflecting cell volume, an effect blunted by an increase of extracellular K+ concentration to 25 mM and exposure to the Gardos K+ channel blockers charybdotoxin (230 nM) and clotrimazole (5 µM). As reflected by annexin binding, breakdown of phosphatidylserine asymmetry is triggered by ionomycin, an effect again blunted, but not abolished, by an increase of extracellular K+ concentration and exposure to charybdotoxin (230 nM) and clotrimazole (5 µM). Similar to ionomycin, glucose depletion leads (within 55 h) to annexin binding of erythrocytes, an effect again partially reversed by an increase of extracellular K+ concentration and exposure to charybdotoxin. K-562 human erythroleukemia cells similarly respond to ionomycin with cell shrinkage and annexin binding, effects blunted by antisense, but not sense, oligonucleotides against the small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel isoform hSK4 (KCNN4). The experiments disclose a novel functional role of Ca2+-sensitive K+ channels in erythrocytes, i.e., their participation in regulation of erythrocyte apoptosis. cell volume; charybdotoxin; osmolarity; phosphatidylserine; annexin  相似文献   

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