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HARA  TOSHIHIKO 《Annals of botany》1992,69(6):509-513
The effects of the mode of between-individual competition onthe stationary size distribution in uneven-aged and continuallyreproducing tree populations were investigated theoretically,based on the diffusion and continuity equation models. The B(t,x) function, which gives a measure proportional to total leafarea of individual trees larger than dbh (trunk diameter atbreast height) x at time t, expresses the effect of one-sidedcompetition on the subject individual of dbh x. The effect oftwo-sided competition on individuals of any size is equallygiven by B(t, x0), i.e. total leaf area of the stand (or LAI),where x0 is the minimum dbh. The following two points, whichwere shown by Kohyama (1991) from results of model simulation,were theoretically derived: (1) the effect of the diffusionterm [D(t, x) function] of the diffusion model on the stationarysize distribution is small for the range of parameter valuesobtained empirically for the warm-temperate and tropical rainforests; (2) the shape of the stationary size distribution underone-sided competition is less changed by a change in the seedlingsupply rate than under two-sided competition. The followingtwo points were further shown theoretically: (3) one-sided competitionis likely to lead to a monotonically decreasing size distributionof dbh with the peak at x = x0, which is a characteristic ofthe rain forest; (4) the slope of size distribution of dbh steepensas one-sided competition intensifies. Relationships betweenthe mode of competition and the stability of population structure,and general functional forms of one-sided and two-sided competitionare discussed. Diffusion model, one-sided competition, stability of population structure, stationary size distribution, two-sided competition  相似文献   

Competitive exclusion can occur in microbial communities when, for example, an inhibitor-producing strain outcompetes its competitor for an essential nutrient or produces antimicrobial compounds that its competitor is not resistant to. Here we describe a deferred growth inhibition assay, a method for assessing the ability of one bacterium to inhibit the growth of another through the production of antimicrobial compounds or through competition for nutrients. This technique has been used to investigate the correlation of nasal isolates with the exclusion of particular species from a community. This technique can also be used to screen for lantibiotic producers or potentially novel antimicrobials. The assay is performed by first culturing the test inhibitor-producing strain overnight on an agar plate, then spraying over the test competitor strain and incubating again. After incubation, the extent of inhibition can be measured quantitatively, through the size of the zone of clearing around the inhibitor-producing strain, and qualitatively, by assessing the clarity of the inhibition zone. Here we present the protocol for the deferred inhibition assay, describe ways to minimize variation between experiments, and define a clarity scale that can be used to qualitatively assess the degree of inhibition.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating disorder, which produces profound deficits in volitional motor control. Following medical stabilization, recovery from SCI typically involves long term rehabilitation. While recovery of walking ability is a primary goal in many patients early after injury, those with a motor incomplete SCI, indicating partial preservation of volitional control, may have the sufficient residual descending pathways necessary to attain this goal. However, despite physical interventions, motor impairments including weakness, and the manifestation of abnormal involuntary reflex activity, called spasticity or spasms, are thought to contribute to reduced walking recovery. Doctrinaire thought suggests that remediation of this abnormal motor reflexes associated with SCI will produce functional benefits to the patient. For example, physicians and therapists will provide specific pharmacological or physical interventions directed towards reducing spasticity or spasms, although there continues to be little empirical data suggesting that these strategies improve walking ability.In the past few decades, accumulating data has suggested that specific neuromodulatory agents, including agents which mimic or facilitate the actions of the monoamines, including serotonin (5HT) and norepinephrine (NE), can initiate or augment walking behaviors in animal models of SCI. Interestingly, many of these agents, particularly 5HTergic agonists, can markedly increase spinal excitability, which in turn also increases reflex activity in these animals. Counterintuitive to traditional theories of recovery following human SCI, the empirical evidence from basic science experiments suggest that this reflex hyper excitability and generation of locomotor behaviors are driven in parallel by neuromodulatory inputs (5HT) and may be necessary for functional recovery following SCI. The application of this novel concept derived from basic scientific studies to promote recovery following human SCI would appear to be seamless, although the direct translation of the findings can be extremely challenging. Specifically, in the animal models, an implanted catheter facilitates delivery of very specific 5HT agonist compounds directly onto the spinal circuitry. The translation of this technique to humans is hindered by the lack of specific surgical techniques or available pharmacological agents directed towards 5HT receptor subtypes that are safe and effective for human clinical trials. However, oral administration of commonly available 5HTergic agents, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may be a viable option to increase central 5HT concentrations in order to facilitate walking recovery in humans. Systematic quantification of how these SSRIs modulate human motor behaviors following SCI, with a specific focus on strength, reflexes, and the recovery of walking ability, are missing.This video demonstration is a progressive attempt to systematically and quantitatively assess the modulation of reflex activity, volitional strength and ambulation following the acute oral administration of an SSRI in human SCI. Agents are applied on single days to assess the immediate effects on motor function in this patient population, with long-term studies involving repeated drug administration combined with intensive physical interventions.  相似文献   

Data from experiments using extensive row-spacing treatments(Benjamin and Sutherland, 1992) were analysed to indicate thatmorphological responses to micro-spatial heterogeneity in resourcelevel are important in determining the growth response of field-growncarrot plants to the spatial distribution of neighbours. Thisinformation is important for the simulation of the growth ofindividual plants in response to the presence of neighbours.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Crop yield, plant weight, plant density, plant spacing, plant arrangement, row crop, carrot, Daucus carota L., mathematical model, neighbourhood  相似文献   



Comorbidities are common in COPD, but quantifying their burden is difficult. Currently there is a COPD-specific comorbidity index to predict mortality and another to predict general quality of life. We sought to develop and validate a COPD-specific comorbidity score that reflects comorbidity burden on patient-centered outcomes.

Materials and Methods

Using the COPDGene study (GOLD II-IV COPD), we developed comorbidity scores to describe patient-centered outcomes employing three techniques: 1) simple count, 2) weighted score, and 3) weighted score based upon statistical selection procedure. We tested associations, area under the Curve (AUC) and calibration statistics to validate scores internally with outcomes of respiratory disease-specific quality of life (St. George''s Respiratory Questionnaire, SGRQ), six minute walk distance (6MWD), modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea score and exacerbation risk, ultimately choosing one score for external validation in SPIROMICS.


Associations between comorbidities and all outcomes were comparable across the three scores. All scores added predictive ability to models including age, gender, race, current smoking status, pack-years smoked and FEV1 (p<0.001 for all comparisons). Area under the curve (AUC) was similar between all three scores across outcomes: SGRQ (range 0·7624–0·7676), MMRC (0·7590–0·7644), 6MWD (0·7531–0·7560) and exacerbation risk (0·6831–0·6919). Because of similar performance, the comorbidity count was used for external validation. In the SPIROMICS cohort, the comorbidity count performed well to predict SGRQ (AUC 0·7891), MMRC (AUC 0·7611), 6MWD (AUC 0·7086), and exacerbation risk (AUC 0·7341).


Quantifying comorbidity provides a more thorough understanding of the risk for patient-centered outcomes in COPD. A comorbidity count performs well to quantify comorbidity in a diverse population with COPD.  相似文献   

The presence of microbial biofilms in the phyllosphere of terrestrial plants has recently been demonstrated, but few techniques to study biofilms associated with living plant tissues are available. Here we report a technique to estimate the proportion of the bacterial population on leaves that is assembled in biofilms and to quantitatively isolate bacteria from the biofilm and nonbiofilm (solitary) components of phyllosphere microbial communities. This technique is based on removal of bacteria from leaves by gentle washing, separation of biofilm and solitary bacteria by filtration, and disintegration of biofilms by ultrasonication. The filters used for this technique were evaluated for their nonspecific retention rates of solitary bacteria and for the efficiency of filtration for different concentrations of solitary bacteria in the presence of biofilms and other particles. The lethality and efficiency of disintegration of the sonication conditions used here were also evaluated. Isolation and quantification of bacteria by this technique is based on use of culture media. However, oligonucleotide probes, sera, or epifluorescent stains could also be used for direct characterization of the biofilm and solitary bacteria in the suspensions generated by this technique. Preliminary results from estimates of biofilm abundance in phyllosphere communities show that bacteria in biofilms constitute between about 10 and 40% of the total bacterial population on broad-leaf endive and parsley leaves.  相似文献   

BONAN  GORDON B. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(4):341-347
Size variability among plants has been observed to increasewith higher stand density, leading to the speculation that resourcedistribution among competing plants is primarily asymmetricrather than symmetric. The relationships between size variability,stand density, and type of resource distribution among competingplants were investigated using a spatially explicit, individual-plantmodel of annual plant population dynamics. When plants variedin neighbourhood competition, size variability increased withhigher stand densities whether shared resources were symmetricallyor asymmetrically distributed among competing plants. Size variabilitydid not increase with higher stand densities when neighbourhoodcompetition was constant for all plants. These simulations indicatethat increased size variability among competing plants doesnot distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric resource distribution,but rather is direct evidence for neighbourhood competition. Size hierarchy, neighbourhood competition, density effects, asymmetric competition, symmetric competition  相似文献   

On p. 527 the legend for Table 2 should read: TABLE 2. Measured and simulated dry matter production (g m–2)of Wimmera ryegrass. Data from Donald (1951) and sentence 7 in the text should read: Measured yields (averaged over four replicates and convertedto g m–2), simulated yields and estimated parameters aregiven in Table 3. On p. 528 the legends for Tables 4 and 5 should read: TABLE 4. Measured and simulated dry matter production (g m–2)of maize. Data from Tetio-Kagho and Gardner (1988) TABLE 5. Measured and simulated dry matter production (g m–2)of lucerne. Data from Jarvis (1962), averages of four replicates,planted at two different dates in two successive years and sentence 1 should read: The maximum biomass production (A) of 113 g m–2 of f.wt.corresponds with 6.3 g m–2 of dry matter.  相似文献   

A model for plant interaction is developed based on a definitionof space in terms of actual and potential amount of growth factorsabsorbed per unit of time. The resulting equation is a second-orderdifferential equation which is solved by dynamic simulation.Five data sets on yield-density relations are used to demonstratethe model's excellent predictive power. Competition model, plant interaction, yield-density relations, Richards function, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), Wimmera ryegrass (Lolium loliaceum Hand-Mazz.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L  相似文献   

Use of the self-thinning rule to describe size/density compensation(SDC) in defoliated swards is examined. It is shown that defoliationrelated variation in leaf area and associated morphogeneticchanges in plant structure necessitate slope corrections, designatedCa and Cr , respectively. The theory predicts that reduced leafarea in more heavily defoliated swards will result in SDC atslopes more negative than -3/2 (variable leaf area SDC), andthat there will be a transition to -3/2 (constant leaf area)SDC at higher herbage mass. Empirical data from previous experiments with Lolium perenneL. and Medicago sativa L. are examined, and appear to confirmthe theoretical predictions, including the slope change at thepoint of transition from variable to constant leaf area SDC.This transition point, designated di , is subject to interspecificvariation and is related to the mature shoot size of a particularspecies. Some applications of this theory are discussed, andin particular a sward productivity index is proposed.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Variable leaf area self-thinning, size/density compensation, Lolium perenne, Medicago sativa, sward productivity index  相似文献   

水杨酸诱导植物抗性的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水杨酸是一种重要的内源信号分子,能够激活一系列植物抗性防卫反应.为了研究这种抗性反应,对水杨酸诱导植物抗病性、抗旱性、抗盐性及与乙烯作用的新进展作了概述,并从水杨酸与过氧化氢及其代谢酶类相互作用的角度探讨了水杨酸诱导植物抗性生理的分子机理.  相似文献   

寡聚糖诱导的植物抗性信号转导   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
来源于植物及其病原体细胞壁的寡聚糖,可作为激发子诱导植物细胞发生抗性反应,寡聚糖信号被植物细胞识别后,可迅速引起质膜去极化,离子通道开放,胞外培养基碱化等瞬间反应;还可通过硬脂酸代谢途径合成茉莉酸信号分子,诱导抗性相关基因的表达。  相似文献   

Flow-mediated dilation is aimed at normalization of local wall shear stress under varying blood flow conditions. Blood flow velocity and vessel diameter are continuous and opposing influences that modulate wall shear stress. We derived an index FMDv to quantify wall shear stress normalization performance by flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery. In 22 fasting presumed healthy men, we first assessed intra- and inter-session reproducibilities of two indices pFMDv and mFMDv, which consider the relative peak and relative mean hyperemic change in flow velocity, respectively. Second, utilizing oral glucose loading, we evaluated the tracking performance of both FMDv indices, in comparison with existing indices [i.e., the relative peak diameter increase (%FMD), the peak to baseline diameter ratio (Dpeak/Dbase), and the relative peak diameter increase normalized to the full area under the curve of blood flow velocity with hyperemia (FMD/shearAUC) or with area integrated to peak hyperemia (FMD/shearAUC_peak)]. Inter-session and intra-session reproducibilities for pFMDv, mFMDv and %FMD were comparable (intra-class correlation coefficients within 0.521–0.677 range). Both pFMDv and mFMDv showed more clearly a reduction after glucose loading (reduction of ~45%, p≤0.001) than the other indices (% given are relative reductions): %FMD (~11%, p≥0.074); Dpeak/Dbase (~11%, p≥0.074); FMD/shearAUC_peak (~20%, p≥0.016) and FMD/shearAUC (~38%, p≤0.038). Further analysis indicated that wall shear stress normalization under normal (fasting) conditions is already far from ideal (FMDv << 1), which (therefore) does not materially change with glucose loading. Our approach might be useful in intervention studies to detect intrinsic changes in shear stress normalization performance in conduit arteries.  相似文献   

Both competition and burial are important factors that influence plant growth and structuring plant communities. Competition intensity may decline with increased burial stress. However, experimental evidence is scarce. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of burial stress in influencing plant competition by investigating biomass accumulation, biomass allocation, and clonal growth performance of Carex brevicuspis, one of the dominant species in the Dongting Lake wetland in China. The experiment was conducted with two typical wetland species, C. brevicuspis (target plant) and Polygonum hydropiper (neighbor plant), in a target-neighbor design containing three densities (0, 199, and 398 neighbor plants m-2) and two burial depths (0 and 12 cm). The biomass accumulation of C. brevicuspis decreased with increment of P. hydropiper density in the 0 cm burial treatment. However, in the 12 cm burial treatment, biomass accumulation of C. brevicuspis did not change under medium and high P. hydropiper densities. The relative neighbor effect index (RNE) increased with enhancement of P. hydropiper density but decreased with increasing burial depth. The shoot mass fraction decreased with P. hydropiper density in the 12 cm burial treatments, but the root mass fraction was only affected by burial depth. However, the rhizome mass fraction increased with both P. hydropiper density and burial depth. The number of ramets decreased with increasing P. hydropiper density. With increasing burial depth and density, the proportion of spreading ramets increased from 34.23% to 80.44%, whereas that of clumping ramets decreased from 65.77% to 19.56%. Moreover, increased P. hydropiper density and burial depth led to greater spacer length. These data indicate that the competitive effect of P. hydropiper on C. brevicuspis was reduced by sand burial, which was reflected by different patterns of biomass accumulation and RNE at the two burial depth treatments. A change from a phalanx to a guerrilla growth form and spacer elongation induced by sand burial helped C. brevicuspis to acclimate to competition.  相似文献   

Cytosolic free calcium ions represent important second-messengers in platelets. Therefore, quantitative measurement of intraplatelet calcium provides a popular and very sensitive tool to evaluate platelet activation and reactivity. Current protocols for determination of intracellular calcium concentrations in platelets have a number of limitations. Cuvette-based methods do not allow measurement of calcium flux in complex systems, such as whole blood, and therefore require isolation steps that potentially interfere with platelet activation. Flow cytometry has the potential to overcome this limitation, but to date the application of calibrated, quantitative readout of calcium kinetics has only been described for Indo-1. As excitation of Indo-1 requires a laser in the ultraviolet range, such measurements cannot be performed with a standard flow cytometer. Here, we describe a novel, rapid calibration method for ratiometric calcium measurement in platelets using both Ar+-laser excited fluorescence dyes Fluo-4 and Fura Red. We provide appropriate equations that allow rapid quantification of intraplatelet calcium fluxes by measurement of only two standardisation buffers. We demonstrate that this method allows quantitative calcium measurement in platelet rich plasma as well as in whole blood. Further, we show that this method prevents artefacts due to platelet aggregate formation and is therefore an ideal tool to determine basal and agonist induced calcium kinetics.  相似文献   

Host size and distance from an infected plant have been previously found to affect mistletoe occurrence in woody vegetation but the effect of host plant competition on mistletoe infection has not been empirically tested. For an individual tree, increasing competition from neighbouring trees decreases its resource availability, and resource availability is also known to affect the establishment of mistletoes on host trees. Therefore, competition is likely to affect mistletoe infection but evidence for such a mechanism is lacking. Based on this, we hypothesised that the probability of occurrence as well as the abundance of mistletoes on a tree would increase not only with increasing host size and decreasing distance from an infected tree but also with decreasing competition by neighbouring trees. Our hypothesis was tested using generalized linear models (GLMs) with data on Loranthus europaeus Jacq., one of the two most common mistletoes in Europe, on 1015 potential host stems collected in a large fully mapped plot in the Czech Republic. Because many trees were multi-stemmed, we ran the analyses for both individual stems and whole trees. We found that the probability of mistletoe occurrence on individual stems was affected mostly by stem size, whereas competition had the most important effects on the probability of mistletoe occurrence on whole trees as well as on mistletoe abundance. Therefore, we confirmed our hypothesis that competition among trees has a negative effect on mistletoe occurrence.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence imaging assays have become a widely integrated technique to quantify effectiveness of cell-based therapies by monitoring fate and survival of transplanted cells. To date these assays are still largely qualitative and often erroneous due to the complexity and dynamics of local micro-environments (niches) in which the cells reside. Here, we report, using a combined experimental and computational approach, on oxygen that besides being a critical niche component responsible for cellular energy metabolism and cell-fate commitment, also serves a primary role in regulating bioluminescent light kinetics. We demonstrate the potential of an oxygen dependent Michaelis-Menten relation in quantifying intrinsic bioluminescence intensities by resolving cell-associated oxygen gradients from bioluminescent light that is emitted from three-dimensional (3D) cell-seeded hydrogels. Furthermore, the experimental and computational data indicate a strong causal relation of oxygen concentration with emitted bioluminescence intensities. Altogether our approach demonstrates the importance of oxygen to evolve towards quantitative bioluminescence and holds great potential for future microscale measurement of oxygen tension in an easily accessible manner.  相似文献   

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