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Post-blossom sprays of fungicides, repeated at 10-day intervals until leader (syn. extension) shoots had stopped producing new leaves, provided the best protection of terminal buds against Podosphaera leucotricha on the apple cv. Lane's Prince Albert. Spraying was most effective in early summer, although many of these buds were not invaded until later, when the rate of shoot growth declined; applications from July to September did not compensate for the enhanced infection which followed interruptions of the post-blossom programme between late May and early July. This early period was critical because most leaf infections occurred then, and because this phase of the epidemic on foliage determined the eventual intensity of mildew on terminal leaves, and hence the inoculum available for infecting terminal buds. Also, many lateral shoots ceased growth early and their apices were directly protected by sprays applied in June. Applications after early June were too late to protect newly formed fruit buds on spur branches.  相似文献   

As new fungicides are mainly unisite action fungicides, the problem of fungicide resistance development is becoming more important every year. Combining chemical fungicides, which is the best anti-resistance strategy, is not always possible or recommended in the case when the number of available chemical fungicides are limited or a reduction in fungicide use is asked for. Therefore the use of salts as an anti-resistance strategy was looked upon. The salts evaluated were K(HCO3), KH2PO3, KHPO4 and K2SiO3. When using these salts as an anti-resistance strategy the efficacy obtained when spraying the compounds alone was often to low to be used in rotation with chemical fungicides. Only with K(HCO3)2 a good efficacy can be observed in some years. The variation in efficacy with K(HCO3)2 observed is higher for powdery mildew. Chitosan was also included in the trials against powdery mildew, however chitosan had no effect on the infestation.  相似文献   

Benomyl, pyrazophos (HOE 2873), triarimol, triforine and the non-systemic fungicide diethyl phthalimidophosphonothionate (Dowco 199) were sprayed at c. 200 gal/acre (2250 1/ha) at 14-day intervals from pink bud (late April/early May) on seven apple cultivars including Cox's Orange Pippin, Golden Delicious and Jonathan. Compared with binapacryl or dino-cap (and with elemental sulphur on the sulphur-tolerant cv. Golden Delicious), these compounds were more phytotoxic without substantially or consistently improving the control of Podosphaera leucotricha; fruit russet was increased and the crop and fruit size of some cultivars were reduced in some trials. In 1969 the inclusion of bis(dimethylthiocarbamoylthio)-methylarsine (44 ppm) as Urbacid(R) in the sprays reduced russeting by benomyl and Dowco 199 so that these fungicides became as safe as captan on several cultivars; Dowco 199 was also safened by captan (500 ppm). Urbacid(R) (88 ppm a.i.) safened benomyl and triarimol on fewer cultivars in 1970 when russet was less severe. The addition of Urbacid(R) did not prevent yield losses caused by sprays in either year. The crop is most sensitive to spray damage from pink bud until late June. This is a crucial period for the control of mildew, and unless new fungicides are less phytotoxic, palliatives may become necessary adjuvants.  相似文献   

Our project aimed to develop an effective selection methodology for partial disease resistance. One of its objectives was to define the optimal selection threshold for discarding individual seedlings after artificial scab inoculation tests. Working with large populations of seedlings, it was necessary to conduct the scab tests at intervals throughout the season, with the risk of powdery mildew infection of the young plantlets during the summer. Because Podosphaera leucotricha symptoms prevent breeders from properly evaluating scab symptoms, a trial was conducted to assess the effect of specific anti-mildew fungicides on the results of the scab inoculation test. The results allowed the active ingredient and the optimum time for application in relation to the inoculation date to be determined.  相似文献   

A 3‐year field trial was conducted using established apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak (Quercus robur L.) to assess the efficacy of eight fungicides applied via microcapsule trunk injection against the foliar pathogens apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) and powdery mildew (Phyllactinia sp). In both apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak, the fungicide myclobutanil was not taken up when microcapsules were inserted into the tree vascular system at the root flare. Disease severity in injected trees, excluding myclobutanil, was lower over the following two growing seasons compared to water‐injected controls indicating seven of the eight fungicides used in this study provided a significant degree of protection against scab and powdery mildew infection. A difference in the magnitude of pathogen control achieved was recorded between fungicides. Of the fungicides tested, penconazole, pyrifenox and carbendazim significantly reduced disease severity and significantly increased leaf chlorophyll (Fv/Fm) and SPAD values as a measure of tree vitality and chlorophyll content, respectively, in both apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak over two growing seasons after microcapsule injection. Based on the results of this investigation, it is suggested that these three fungicides be used in preference to thiabendazole, fosetyl‐aluminium, triadimefon and propiconazole for the control of apple scab and powdery mildew where outbreaks of these foliar pathogens are problematic.  相似文献   

Apple is host to a wide range of pests and diseases, with several of these, such as apple scab, powdery mildew and woolly apple aphid, being major causes of damage in most areas around the world. Resistance breeding is an effective way of controlling pests and diseases, provided that the resistance is durable. As the gene pyramiding strategy for increasing durability requires a sufficient supply of resistance genes with different modes of action, the identification and mapping of new resistance genes is an ongoing process in breeding. In this paper, we describe the mapping of an apple scab, a powdery mildew and a woolly apple aphid gene from progeny of open-pollinated mildew immune selection. The scab resistance gene Rvi16 was identified in progeny 93.051 G07-098 and mapped to linkage group 3 of apple. The mildew and woolly aphid genes were identified in accession 93.051 G02-054. The woolly aphid resistance gene Er4 mapped to linkage group 7 to a region close to where previously the genes Sd1 and Sd2, for resistance to the rosy apple leaf-curling aphid, had been mapped. The mildew resistance gene Pl-m mapped to the same region on linkage group 11 where Pl2 had been mapped previously. Flanking markers useful for marker-assisted selection have been identified for each gene.  相似文献   

Mixtures of methyl esters of fatty acids (‘Off-Shoot O’) and mixtures of fatty alcohols (‘Off-Shoot T’), applied during the late autumn (November), eradicated apple powdery mildew (caused by Podosphaera leucotricha) from infected buds. Applications in the spring at bud-burst were less effective. The autumn sprays caused little damage to the cultivars Bramley's Seedling, Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious but on Worcester Pearmain 50% of the buds were killed by a 5% Off-Shoot O spray. The bud-burst sprays were damaging and reduced yield on the Cox and Bramley trees. A 5% a.i. mixture of nonanol/lissapol applied to a range of commercial cultivars was effective in eradicating powdery mildew but was more phytotoxic than the Off-Shoot compounds. Spraying Cox trees later in the winter failed to reduce the damage. Eradication of the overwintering stage of the disease resulted in low spore concentrations during the following spring and early summer, enabling some economies to be made in the summer mildew fungicide programme.  相似文献   

A total of forty eight accessions of barley landraces from Morocco were screened for resistance to powdery mildew. Twenty two (46%) of tested landraces showed resistance reactions and thirty four single plant lines were selected. Eleven of these lines were tested in seedling stage with seventeen and another twenty three lines with twenty three isolates of powdery mildew respectively. The isolates were chosen according to the virulence spectra observed on the ‘Pallas’ isolines differential set. Line 229–2–2 was identified with resistance to all prevalent in Europe powdery mildew virulence genes. Lines 230–1–1, 248–1–3 showed susceptible reaction for only one and lines 221–3–2, 227–1–1, 244–3–4 for only two isolates respectively. Three different resistance alleles (Mlat, Mla6, and MLA14) were postulated to be present in tested lines alone or in combination. In thirty (88%) tested lines it was impossible to determine which specific gene or genes for resistance were present. Most probably these lines possessed alleles not represented in the ‘Pallas’ isolines differential set. The distribution of reaction type indicated that about 71% of all reaction types observed were classified as powdery mildew resistance (scores 0, 1 and 2). Majority (79%) of resistance reaction types observed in tested lines was intermediate resistance reaction type two and twenty three lines (68%) showed this reaction for inoculation with more than 50% isolates used. The use of new effective sources of resistance from Moroccan barley landraces for diversification of resistance genes for powdery mildew in barley cultivars was discussed.  相似文献   

The isolation of chlorogenic acid from the apple fruit   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

The following two new species of powdery mildew fungi were found onStephania cephalantha (Menispermaceae) andViburnum opulus var.calvescens (Caprifoliaceae) in Japan:
  1. Erysiphe stephaniae onS. cephalantha has smaller cleistothecia and more asci present in the cleistothecium, which include remarkably larger ascospores, thanErysiphe pisi, which has been previously described on the same host plant from Taiwan.
  2. Microsphaera shinanoensis onV. opulus var.calvescens is easily distinguishable fromMicrosphaera alni, hitherto known on this plant, and otherMicrosphaera fungi onViburnum plants by the shape of its appendages and the numbers of its asci and ascospores.

selection of surfactants (5%, w/v, a.i.) representative of the three main ionic types eradicated Podosphaera leucotricha from buds on dormant apple trees, cvs Cox's Orange Pippin, Jonathan and Michelin. The pathogen was apparently killed without undue damage to buds, although a phytotoxic response in the form of staining of vascular tissue and some crop reductions were observed. Treatments applied with hand lances were equally effective at reducing infections of vegetative buds on terminals, on non-flowering spurs and flower buds. Indication of a positive correlation between the eradication of mildew from Cox's Orange Pippin trees and an increase in the incidence of apple canker (Nectria galligena) was found at Long Ashton, but this effect was negligible at sites in the West Midlands region. Efficacy of active formulations was reduced by rain soon after application or by a reduction in the concentration of applied material. Applications with a mist-blower were effective on the cv. Cox's Orange Pippin, but less so on the cv. Jonathan, while on both cultivars efficacy of a spray containing 5 % a.i. decreased in the order 2240:1120:560 1/ha. Anti-mildew activity was not associated with any particular chemical or ionic type of surfactant, and there was an indication that eradicant activity of alkyl phenol ethoxylates was related to their HLB value. The ecological and economic implications of the use of surfactants as fungicides are discussed.  相似文献   

Tilletiopsis albescens grows well on powdery mildew fungi inoculated on barley or cucumber leaves and causes collapse of the colonies. Application of ballistospores or cut mycelium was equally effective for biocontrol, and the effectiveness tended to increase exponentially with the concentration of germinating units (conidia and cut mycelium) applied. Seventy percent relative humidity or more is required for effective biocontrol. Two applications of T. albescens in the period from 3 days before to 3 days after inoculation with powdery mildew were more effective than one. Applications before inoculation or 7 days after inoculation with powdery mildew had little effect. T. albescens followed the powdery mildew as it was disseminated to uninoculated leaves, but this did not result in an effective biocontrol. The potential for using T. albescens for biocontrol of powdery mildews is discussed.  相似文献   

The cultivated grapevine, Vitis vinifera, is a member of the Vitaceae family, which comprises over 700 species in 14 genera. Vitis vinifera is highly susceptible to the powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe necator. However, other species within the Vitaceae family have been reported to show resistance to this fungal pathogen, but little is known about the mechanistic basis of this resistance. Therefore, the frequency of successful E. necator penetration events, in addition to programmed cell death (PCD) responses, were investigated in a representative genotype from a range of different species within the Vitaceae family. The results revealed that penetration resistance and PCD-associated responses, or combinations of both, are employed by the different Vitaceae genera to limit E. necator infection. In order to further characterize the cellular processes involved in the observed penetration resistance, specific inhibitors of the actin cytoskeleton and secretory/endocytic vesicle trafficking function were employed. These inhibitors were demonstrated to successfully break the penetration resistance in V. vinifera against the nonadapted powdery mildew E. cichoracearum. However, the use of these inhibitors with the adapted powdery mildew E. necator unexpectedly revealed that, although secretory and endocytic vesicle trafficking pathways play a crucial role in nonhost penetration resistance, the adapted powdery mildew species may actually require these pathways to successfully penetrate the plant host.  相似文献   

NBS-LRR comprises a large class of disease resistance (R) proteins that play a widespread role in plant protection against pathogens. In grapevine, powdery mildew cause significant losses in its productivity and efforts are being directed towards finding of resistance loci or genes imparting resistance/tolerance against such fungal diseases. In the present study, we performed genome-wide analysis of NBS-LRR genes during PM infection in grapevine. We identified 18, 23, 12, 16, 10, 10, 9, 20 and 14 differentially expressed NBS-LRR genes in response to PM infection in seven partially PM-resistant (DVIT3351.27, Husseine, Karadzhandal, Khalchili, Late vavilov, O34–16, Sochal) and 2 PM-susceptible (Carignan and Thompson seedless) V. vinifera accessions. Further, the identified sequences were characterized based on chromosomal locations, physicochemical properties, gene structure and motif analysis, and functional annotation by Gene Ontology (GO) mapping. The NBS-LRR genes responsive to powdery mildew could potentially be exploited to improve resistance in grapes.  相似文献   

Summary A biochemical study on phenolic (total phenols and orthodihydroxy phenols) content and on the activities of phenol oxidizing enzymes (peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase) in pea cultivars resistant and susceptible to powdery mildew infection revealed that the resistant cultivars contained higher levels of phenolics and phenol-oxidizing enzymes than the susceptible ones. A further study of their F1s, F2s and backcross progenies suggested a high heritability for all biochemical traits. The correlation coefficients between the biochemical parameters and the disease index were also high. Both additive (d) and dominant () components were found to contribute to the inheritance of these constituents.Associate Professor (Genetics), Department of Basic Sciences  相似文献   

1999~2001年连续2年,对 CIMMYT 提供的165份小麦品种进行成株期田间人工诱发抗白粉病鉴定。鉴定病圃设在本院试验农场,面积为200m~2。人工诱发鉴定圃的接种菌源,以上年度采集并保存的当地白粉病菌菌株,先在温室的感病品种8017-2上繁殖,2月下旬将带有大量分生孢子堆的病株移植到病圃的二个诱发行中间,每距33cm 种植2株病株。由于病株上有大量分生孢子,使诱发行麦株迅速受侵染且严重发病,形成充分接种菌源,保证对供鉴品种的重复侵染,以诱发供试小麦材料成株期感染发病。  相似文献   

Treatment of the first leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golden Promise) seedlings with methyl jasmonate (MJ) led to small, but significant increases in levels of free putrescine and spermine 1 d later and to significant increases in levels of free putrescine, spermidine and spermine by 4 d following treatment. MJ-treated first leaves also exhibited significant increases in the amounts of soluble conjugates of putrescine and spermidine 1, 2 and 4 d after treatment. In second leaves of plants where the first leaves had been treated with MJ, no significant changes in levels of free polyamines were observed, but significant increases in levels of soluble conjugates of putrescine and spermidine were detected. These changes were accompanied by increased activities of soluble ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), soluble and particulate arginine decarboxylase (ADC), and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC), in first and second leaves following treatment of the first leaves with MJ. Activities of soluble and particulate diamine oxidase (DAO) were also higher in first and second leaves following treatment of the first leaves with MJ. Treatment of the first leaves with MJ led to a significant reduction in powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei) infection on the second leaves and also resulted in significant increases in activities of the plant defence-related enzymes, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase.  相似文献   

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