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The biological activity of DnaK, the bacterial representative of the Hsp70 protein family, is regulated by the allosteric interaction between its nucleotide and peptide substrate binding domains. Despite the importance of the nucleotide-induced cycling of DnaK between substrate-accepting and releasing states, the heterotropic allosteric mechanism remains as yet undefined. To further characterize this mechanism, the nucleotide-induced absorbance changes in the vibrational spectrum of wild-type DnaK was characterized. To assign the conformation sensitive absorption bands, two deletion mutants (one lacking the C-terminal alpha-helical subdomain and another comprising only the N-terminal ATPase domain), and a single-point DnaK mutant (T199A) with strongly reduced ATPase activity, were investigated by time-resolved infrared difference spectroscopy combined with the use of caged-nucleotides. The results indicate that (1) ATP, but not ADP, binding promotes a conformational change in both subdomains of the peptide binding domain that can be individually resolved; (2) these conformational changes are kinetically coupled, most likely to ensure a decrease in the affinity of DnaK for peptide substrates and a concomitant displacement of the lid away from the peptide binding site that would promote efficient diffusion of the released peptide to the medium; and (3) the alpha-helical subdomain contributes to stabilize the interdomain interface against the thermal challenge and allows bidirectional transmission of the allosteric signal between the ATPase and substrate binding domains at stress temperatures (42 degrees C).  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has become well known as a sensitive and informative tool for studying secondary structure in proteins. Present analysis of the conformation-sensitive amide I region in protein infrared spectra, when combined with band narrowing techniques, provides more information concerning protein secondary structure than can be meaningfully interpreted. This is due in part to limited models for secondary structure. Using the algorithm described in the previous paper of this series, we have generated a library of substructures for several trypsin-like serine proteases. This library was used as a basis for spectra-structure correlations with infrared spectra in the amide I' region, for five homologous proteins for which spectra were collected. Use of the substructure library has allowed correlations not previously possible with template-based methods of protein conformational analysis.  相似文献   

The Cu site structure of human serotransferrin and hen ovotransferrin using XANES spectroscopy has been investigated. Although the transferrin family proteins have been extensively studied, the results reported herein are the first concerning the structure of the metal site in C-terminal and N-terminal in the whole protein. Our structural data show that these proteins differ with regard to the independence of the two binding sites and the geometry of copper coordination, ranging from a poorly to a significantly distorted octahedron.  相似文献   

Model membranes with unsaturated lipid chains containing various amounts of M13 coat protein in the -helical form were studied using time-resolved fluorescence and ESR spectroscopy. The lipid-to-protein (L/P) ratios used were > 12 to avoid protein-protein contacts and irreversible aggregation leading to -polymeric coat protein. In the ESR spectra of the 12-SASL probe in dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayers no second protein induced component is observed upon incorporation of M13 coat protein. However, strong effects are detected on the ESR lineshapes upon changing the protein concentration. The ESR lineshapes are simulated by assuming a fixed ratio between the parallel (D) and perpendicular (D) diffusion coefficients of 4, and an order parameter equal to zero. It is found that increasing the protein concentration from L/P to L/P 15 results in a decrease of the rotational diffusion coefficient D from 3.4 × 107 to 1.9 × 107 s–1. In the time-resolved fluorescence experiments with DPH-propionic acid as a probe, it is observed that increasing the M13 coat protein concentration causes an increase of the two fluorescent lifetimes, indicating an increase in bilayer order. Analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay allows one to quantitatively determine the order parameters P2 and P4, and the rotational diffusion coefficient D of the fluorescent probe. The order parameters P2 and P4 increase from 0.34 to 0.55 and from 0.59 to 0.77, respectively, upon adding M13 coat protein to DOPC bilayers with an L/P ratio of 35. The rotational diffusion coefficient D of the DPH-propionic acid probe decreases on incorporating M13 coat protein, in accordance with the ESR results. It is concluded that M13 coat protein in the -monomeric state is not able to produce a long living lipid boundary shell and consequently an immobilization of the lipids. An overall effect on the lipids is induced, resulting in a reduction in the dynamics and an increase in average lipid order. The hydrophobic region of M13 coat protein is proposed to perfectly match the lipid bilayer, resulting in a relatively small distortion of the bilayer structure of the lipid system.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), masses of abnormal blood vessels which grow in the brain, produce high flow shunts that steal blood from surrounding brain tissue, which is chronically hypoperfused. Hypoperfusion is a condition of inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation, resulting in abnormal tissue metabolism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used in this study to investigate the effect of hypoperfusion on homogenized rat brain samples at the molecular level. The results suggest that the lipid content increases, the protein content decreases, the lipid-to-protein ratio increases, and the state of order of the lipids increases in the hypoperfused brain samples. FTIR results also revealed that, owing to hypoperfusion, not only the protein synthesis but also the protein secondary structure profile is altered in favor of -sheets and random coils. These findings clearly demonstrate that, FTIR spectroscopy can be used to extract valuable information at the molecular level so as to have a better understanding of the effect of hypoperfusion on rat brain.  相似文献   

Maltodextrinphosphorylase (MDP) was studied in the pH range 5.4–8.4 by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The pK a value of the cofactor pyridoxalphosphate (PLP) was found between 6.5 and 7.0, which closely resembles the second pK a of free PLP. FT-IR difference spectra of the binary complex of MDP+α-d-glucose-1-methylenephosphonate (Glc-1-MeP) minus native MDP were taken at pH 6.9. Following binary complex formation, two Lys residues, tentatively assigned to the active site residues Lys533 and Lys539, became deprotonated, and PLP as well as a carboxyl group, most likely of Glu637, protonated. A system of hydrogen bonds which shows large proton polarizability due to collective proton tunneling was observed connecting Lys533, PLP, and Glc-1-MeP. A comparison with model systems shows, furthermore, that this hydrogen bonded chain is highly sensitive to local electrical fields and specific interactions, respectively. In the binary complex the proton limiting structure with by far the highest probability is the one in which Glc-1-MeP is singly protonated. In a second hydrogen bonded chain the proton of Lys539 is shifted to Glu637. In the binary complex the proton remains located at Glu637. In the ternary complex composed of phosphorylase, glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P), and the nonreducing end of a polysaccharide chain (primer), a second proton may be shifted to the phosphate group of Glc-1-P. In the doubly protonated phosphate group the loss of mesomeric stabilization of the phosphate ester makes the C1–O1 bond of Glc-1-P susceptible to bond cleavage. The arising glucosyl carbonium ion will be a substrate for nucleophilic attack by the nonreducing terminal glucose residue of the polysaccharide chain. Received: 15 June 1997 / Revised version: 15 October 1998 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

We determined the 1.17 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of a hybrid peptide based on sequences from coiled-coil regions of the proteins GCN4 and cortexillin I. The peptide forms a parallel homodimeric coiled-coil, with C(alpha) backbone geometry similar to GCN4 (rmsd value 0.71 A). Three stabilizing interactions have been identified: a unique hydrogen bonding-electrostatic network not previously observed in coiled-coils, and two other hydrophobic interactions involving leucine residues at positions e and g from both g-a' and d-e' interchain interactions with the hydrophobic core. This is also the first report of the quantitative significance of these interactions. The GCN4/cortexillin hybrid surprisingly has two interchain Glu-Lys' ion pairs that form a hydrogen bonding network with the Asn residues in the core. This network, which was not observed for the reversed Lys-Glu' pair in GCN4, increases the combined stability contribution of each Glu-Lys' salt bridge across the central Asn15-Asn15' core to approximately 0.7 kcal/mole, compared to approximately 0.4 kcal mole(-1) from a Glu-Lys' salt bridge on its own. In addition to electrostatic and hydrogen bonding stabilization of the coiled-coil, individual leucine residues at positions e and g in the hybrid peptide also contribute to stability by 0.7 kcal/mole relative to alanine. These interactions are of critical importance to understanding the stability requirements for coiled-coil folding and in modulating the stability of de novo designed macromolecules containing this motif.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been used to investigate the conformational changes of glycinin, a major storage protein of soybean seeds, upon film-forming. The results show that the secondary structure of glycinin is mainly composed of a β-sheet (48%) and unordered (49%) structures. The amide I band of glycinin in film-forming conditions, i.e. in alkaline media and in the presence of plasticizing agent, reveals the conversion of 18% of the secondary structure of the protein from the β-sheet (6%) and random coil (12%) to the -helical conformation due to the helicogenic effect of the ethylene glycol used as the plasticizing agent. Conformational changes also occur upon the film-forming process leading to the formation of intermolecular hydrogen-bonded β-sheet structures. Results obtained from other plant families indicate that, whatever the origin and conformation of protein, formation of films leads to the appearance of intermolecular hydrogen-bonded β-sheet structures, suggesting that this type of structure might be essential for the network formation in films. Thus, it is hypothesized that, in the film state, intermolecular hydrogen bonding between segments of β-sheet may act as junction zones in the film network. This study reveals for the first time that there is a close relationship between the conformation of proteins and the mechanical properties of films.  相似文献   

The behavior of the D115A mutant was analyzed by time-resolved UV-Vis and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies, aiming to clarify the role of Asp115 in the intra-protein signal transductions occurring during the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. UV-Vis data on the D115A mutant show severely desynchronized photocycle kinetics. FTIR data show a poor transmission of the retinal isomerization to the chromoprotein, evidenced by strongly attenuated helical changes (amide I), the remarkable absence of environment alterations and protonation/deprotonation events related to Asp96 and direct Schiff base (SB) protonation form the bulk. This argues for the interactions of Asp115 with Leu87 (via water molecule) and Thr90 as key elements for the effective and vectorial proton path between Asp96 and the SB, in the cytoplasmic half of bacteriorhodopsin. The results strongly suggest the presence of a regulation motif enclosed in helices C and D (Thr90-Pro91/Asp115) which drives properly the dynamics of helix C through a set of interactions. It also supports the idea that intra-helical hydrogen bonding clusters in the buried regions of transmembrane proteins can be potential elements in intra-protein signal transduction.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase I and II (cAKI and cAKII) were incubated under near physiological conditions in the presence of various concentrations of 8-N3-c[3H]AMP or c[3H]AMP. Both types (A and B) of cyclic nucleotide binding sites of cAKI or cAKII were occupied to a similar extent and the degree of their occupation correlated with the degree of kinase activation. cAKI and cAKII bound cAMP in an apparent positively cooperative manner in the presence of Mg2+, ATP. 8-N3-c[3H]AMP dissociated several orders of magnitude faster from site A than site B of the regulatory moiety of cAKII, and was photo-incorporated only when bound to site B.  相似文献   

The taxonomic significance of the polysaccharide structures of algal cell walls has been underscored several times over the past few decades but has never been pursued systematically. Many changes in red algal systematics and the biochemical analyses of phycocolloids have occured in recent years. The cell-wall composi-tion of representatives of 167 (24.7%) genera and 470 (11.5%) species of red algae has been documented.The method developed by Chopin and Whalen for carrageenan identification by Fourier transform infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is extended to the study of phycocolloids for diverse species in many red algal orders. This paper focuses on the Gigartinales in which representatives of 28 (68.3%) families, 88 (50.6%) genera and 224 (27.9%) species have been analyzed. In light of recent molecular phylogenies, some patterns of distribution of key phycocolloid attributes, corresponding to familial and ordinal level groupings, are emerging; however, more species remain to be analyzed. The well-documented biochemical alternation of generations in the Phyllophoraceae, Petrocelidaceae and Gigartinaceae still holds (with two exceptions), but this pattern was not recorded in other families of Gigartinales.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor signaling involves productive interaction between agonist-activated receptor and G protein. We have used Fourier-transform infrared difference spectroscopy to examine the interaction between the active Meta II state of the visual pigment rhodopsin with a peptide analogue corresponding to the C terminus of the alpha-subunit of the G protein transducin. Formation of the receptor-peptide complex evokes a spectral signature consisting of conformationally sensitive amide I and amide II difference bands. In order to distinguish between amide backbone contributions of the peptide and of the receptor moiety to the vibrational spectra, we employed complete (13)C,(15)N-labeling of the peptide. This isotopic labeling downshifts selectively the bands of the peptide, which can thus be extracted. Our results show that formation of the complex between the activated Meta II receptor state and the peptide is accompanied by structural changes of the peptide, and of the receptor, indicating that the conformation of the Meta II.peptide complex is different from that of Meta II. This result implies that the activated receptor state has conformational flexibility. Binding of the peptide to the activated receptor state stabilizes a substate that deviates from that stabilized only by the agonist.  相似文献   

The conformation of the AB-loop and EF-loop of bacteriorhodopsin and of the fourth cytoplasmic loop (helix VIII) of bovine rhodopsin were assessed by a combination of time-resolved fluorescence depolarization and site-directed fluorescence labeling. The fluorescence anisotropy decays were measured employing a tunable Ti:sapphire laser/microchannel plate based single-photon counting apparatus with picosecond time resolution. This method allows measurement of the diffusional dynamics of the loops directly on a nanosecond time-scale. We implemented the method to study model peptides and two-helix systems representing sequences of bacteriorhodopsin. Thus, we systematically analyzed the anisotropic behavior of four different fluorescent dyes covalently bound to a single cysteine residue on the protein surface and assigned the anisotropy decay components to the modes of motion of the protein and its segments. We have identified two mechanisms of loop conformational changes in the functionally intact proteins bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin. First, we found a surface potential-dependent transition between two conformational states of the EF-loop of bacteriorhodopsin, detected with the fluorescent dye bound to position 160. A transition between the two conformational states at 150mM KCl and 20 degrees C requires a surface potential change that corresponds to Deltasigma approximately -1.0e(-)/bacteriorhodopsin molecule. We suggest, that the surface potential-based switch of the EF-loop is the missing link between the movement of helix F and the transient surface potential change detected during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Second, in the visual pigment rhodopsin, with the fluorescent dye bound to position 316, a particularly striking pH-dependent conformational change of the fourth loop on the cytoplasmic surface was analyzed. The loop mobility increased from pH 5 to 8. The midpoint of this transition is at pH 6.2 and correlates with the midpoint of the pH-dependent equilibrium between the active metarhodopsin II and the inactive metarhodopsin I state.  相似文献   

Thermally induced isomerisation leading to the formation of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) has been observed for the first time during the thermal treatment of 9t12t fatty acid triacylglycerol, and methyl ester. Fifteen microlitre portions of the triacylglycerol sample containing 9t12t fatty acid (trilinoelaidin) were placed in micro glass ampoules and sealed under nitrogen, then subjected to thermal treatment at 250 °C. The glass ampoules were removed at regular time intervals, cut open, and the contents were analysed by infrared spectroscopy using a single reflectance attenuated total internal reflectance crystal accessory. The samples were then subjected to derivatisation into their methyl esters. The methyl esters of the isomerised fatty acids were analysed by gas chromatography. The same procedure was repeated with methyl ester samples containing 9t12t fatty acid (methyl linoelaidate). Each sample was subjected to infrared measurements and gas chromatographic analysis after appropriate dilution in heptane.The results show that the thermally induced isomerisation of 9t12t fatty acids from both triacylglycerol molecules and methyl esters give identical CLA profiles as those found for the thermally induced isomerisation of 9c12c fatty acids. The infrared spectrometry provides additional evidence confirming the formation of CLA acids during thermal treatment. A mechanism for the formation of the CLAs from 9t12t fatty acid molecules is also formulated for the first time. This mechanism complements the pathways of formation of CLAs from 9c12c fatty acids during thermal treatment.  相似文献   

Background: More than one hundred reports were published about the characterization of cells from malignant and healthy tissues, as well as of endothelial cells and stem cells exposed to microgravity conditions.

Methods: We retrieved publications about microgravity related studies on each type of cells, extracted the proteins mentioned therein and analyzed them aiming to identify biological processes affected by microgravity culture conditions.

Results: The analysis revealed 66 different biological processes, 19 of them were always detected when papers about the four types of cells were analyzed.

Conclusion: Since a response to the removal of gravity is common to the different cell types, some of the 19 biological processes could play a role in cellular adaption to microgravity. Applying computer programs, to extract and analyze proteins and genes mentioned in publications becomes essential for scientists interested to get an overview of the rapidly growing fields of gravitational biology and space medicine.  相似文献   

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