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Abstract: Using a cell culture model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), we investigated the brain capillary endothelial cell (EC) response to hypoxia. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase and the GSH level of brain capillary ECs alone or in coculture with astrocytes, as well as those of pericytes, were compared with those obtained with freshly isolated microvessels. These results demonstrated that brain capillary ECs cocultured with astrocytes and used in the presence of a coculture-conditioned medium provided a relevant in vitro model for studying the effect of hypoxia-reoxygenation at the BBB level. The effect of hypoxia on antioxidant enzymes, GSH, and ATP levels was studied, as well as the modification of the permeability to small weight molecules. A decrease in all enzymes and the GSH level could explain an increase in the susceptibility of the brain capillary ECs to further oxidant injury. Second, profound rearrangements of F-actin filaments of the ECs and a decrease in the ATP level could be associated with an increase in the permeability of the monolayer. Furthermore, an apoptotic process was detected by in situ end labeling of DNA. These results indicate that hypoxia distorts the function of ECs and that these cells in culture provide a valuable tool for exploring mechanisms after hypoxia-reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Unidirectional L-phenylalanine transport into six brain regions of pentobarbital-anesthetized rats was studied using the in situ brain perfusion technique. This technique allows both accurate measurements of cerebrovascular amino acid transport and complete control of perfusate amino acid composition. L-Phenylalanine influx into the brain was sodium independent and could be described by a model with a saturable and a nonsaturable component. Best-fit values for the kinetic constants in the parietal cortex equaled 6.9 X 10(-4) mumol/s/g for Vmax, 0.011 mumol/ml for Km, and 1.8 X 10(-4) ml/s/g for KD during perfusion with fluid that did not contain competing amino acids. D-Phenylalanine competitively inhibited L-phenylalanine transport with a Ki approximately 10-fold greater than the Km for L-phenylalanine. There were no significant regional differences in Km, KD, or Ki, whereas Vmax was significantly greater in the cortical lobes than in the other brain regions. L-Phenylalanine influx during plasma perfusion was only 30% of that predicted in the absence of competing amino acids. Competitive inhibition increased the apparent Km during plasma perfusion by approximately 20-fold, to 0.21 mumol/ml. These data provide accurate new estimates of the kinetic constants that describe L-phenylalanine transport across the blood-brain barrier. In addition, they indicate that the cerebrovascular transfer site affinity (1/Km) for L-phenylalanine is three- to 12-fold greater than previously estimated in either awake or anesthetized animals.  相似文献   

Sulfated Glucuronyl Paragloboside in Rat Brain Microvessels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In patients with neuropathy associated with para-proteinemia, there are monoclonal immunoglobulin M antibodies reacting with myelin-associated glycoprotein and sulfated glucuronyl glycolipids. There are indications that the monoclonal antibodies may be responsible for these neuropathies. However, the mechanism by which the antibodies gain access to the nervous tissue, which is separated by the blood-brain barrier or blood-nerve barrier, is still unknown. In this study, we examined the presence of the sulfated glucuronyl glycolipid antigens on brain endothelial cells. Micro-vessels were isolated from adult Lewis rat brain cortex. Sulfated glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG) was detected in the acidic lipid fraction by a TLC immunostaining method. Immunofluorescence studies showed positive staining on the surface of microvessels. In addition, SGPG could be detected in the cultured endothelial cells of human umbilical vein. These findings suggest that the endothelial cells contain an-tigenic sites for interaction with the autoantibodies. This type of interaction may result in damages to the endothelial cell function and may be responsible for changes in the blood-brain barrier permeability and the ensuing penetration of large molecules, such as immunoglobulins, into the endo-neurial space.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin B (CyPB) is a cyclosporin A (CsA)-binding protein mainly located in intracellular vesicles and secreted in biological fluids. In previous works, we demonstrated that CyPB interacts with T lymphocytes and enhances in vitro cellular incorporation and activity of CsA. In addition to its immunosuppressive activity, CsA is able to promote regeneration of damaged peripheral nerves. However, the crossing of the drug from plasma to neural tissue is restricted by the relative impermeability of the blood-brain barrier. To know whether CyPB might also participate in the delivery of CsA into the brain, we have analyzed the interactions of CyPB with brain capillary endothelial cells. First, we demonstrated that CyPB binds to two types of binding sites present at the surface of capillary endothelial cells from various species of tissues. The first type of binding sites (K(D) = 300 nM; number of sites = 3 x 10(6)) is related to interactions with negatively charged compounds such as proteoglycans. The second type of binding sites, approximately 50,000 per cell, exhibits a higher affinity for CyPB (K(D) = 15 nM) and is involved in an endocytosis process, indicating it might correspond to a functional receptor. Finally, the use of an in vitro model of blood-brain barrier allowed us to demonstrate that CyPB is transcytosed by a receptor-mediated pathway (flux = 16.5 fmol/cm2/h). In these conditions, CyPB did not significantly modify the passage of CsA, indicating that it is unlikely to provide a pathway for CsA brain delivery.  相似文献   

Abstract: The unidirectional transfer of d -glucose from blood to parietal cortex tissue of the brain of awake rats was measured by single intravenous injection of tracer glucose, as well as by single intracarotid injection according to the method of Oldendorf. The maximal unidirectional blood–brain glucose transfer rate (Tmax) was 407 μ mol (100 g)–1 min–1 when measured by intravenous injection, and 352 μ mol (100 g)–1 min–1 when measured by intracarotid injection. The half–saturation constants (Km) were 7.8 mm and 16.8 HIM, respectively. The comparison shows that the two methods give similar results when cerebral perfusion is assessed accurately.  相似文献   

In an approach toward the identification of hitherto unknown proteins involved in the function of the blood-brain barrier, we constructed a pig brain microvessel-derived cDNA library that is enriched in blood-brain barrier specific sequences by means of subtractive cloning. Sequence analysis of selected clones revealed that one of the cDNAs encoded porcine apolipoprotein (apo) A-1. The identity of apo A-1 mRNA was further confirmed by in vitro translation of RNA from brain microvascular endothelial cells and subsequent immunoprecipitation with an antibody against human apo A-1. We further investigated the expression of apo A-1 mRNA in several tissues and in endothelial cells of the pig. It is shown that cultured brain microvascular endothelial cells provide an in vitro model to study the expression and function of apo A-1 in the microvasculature of the brain.  相似文献   

The passage of substances across the blood-brain barrier is regulated by cerebral capillaries which possess certain distinctly different morphological and enzymatic properties compared to capillaries of other organs. Investigations of the functional characteristics of brain capillaries have been facilitated by the use of cultured brain endothelial cells, but in most studies a number of characteristics of the in vivo system are lost. To provide an in vitro system for studies of brain capillary functions, we developed a method of isolating and producing a large number of bovine brain capillary endothelial cells. These cells, absolutely free of pericyte contamination, are subcultured, at the split ratio of 1:20 (20-fold increase of the cultured surface), with no apparent changes in cell morphology up to the fiftieth generation (10 passages). Retention of endothelial-specific characteristics (factor VIII-related antigen, angiotensin-converting enzyme, and nonthrombogenic surface) is shown for brain capillary-derived endothelial cells up to passage 10, even after frozen storage at passage 3. Furthermore, we showed that bovine brain capillary endothelial cells retain, up to the fiftieth generation, some of the characteristics of the blood-brain barrier: occurrence of tight junctions, paucity of pinocytotic vesicles, and monoamine oxidase activity.  相似文献   

Blood-brain barrier (BBB) function is endowed by the expression of unique proteins within the brain capillary endothelium. In the absence of knowing the function of BBB-specific proteins, one strategy for identification of these proteins is the purification and amino acid sequencing of proteins within the brain capillary that are not found in other cells. Earlier studies have shown that a 16-18K triplet of low-molecular-weight proteins in isolated brain capillaries is not found in either erythrocytes or in capillary-free preparations of synaptosomal proteins. Therefore, the present studies describe the purification of the 16-18K triplet of proteins as well as a 14K protein in isolated brain capillaries using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and C4 reverse-phase HPLC. Amino acid sequencing of the N-terminus of the 14K, 17K, and 18K proteins and of two tryptic peptides of the 16K protein showed that these proteins are alpha-globin, histone 2B, histone 3, and histone 2A, respectively. SDS-PAGE of subcellular fractions of bovine brain capillaries demonstrated that the 16-18K triplet of histone proteins migrated in the nuclear fraction. In addition, a 34K doublet and a 200K protein were localized in the nuclear pellet. Therefore, the present studies demonstrate that the predominant 14-18K proteins seen on SDS-PAGE of isolated brain capillaries are known proteins and provide a general scheme for purification of brain capillary proteins isolated following SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Abstract: The permeability of the blood-nerve barrier (BNB) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to superoxide dismutase (SOD), insulin, albumin, and IgG in normal adult rats was quantified by measuring the permeability coefficient-surface area product (PS) with the intravenous bolus injection technique before and after covalent protein modification with the naturally occurring polyamines—putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD), and spermine (SPM). The PS value of the BNB for PUT-SOD was 21.1-fold greater than the native SOD, and the PS values of the BBB for PUT-SOD ranged from 17.6-fold greater for the thalamus to 23.6-fold greater for the caudate-putamen compared with native SOD. In a similar manner, polyamine-modified insulin showed a 1.7–2.0-fold increase in PS of the BNB and BBB compared with the high values of native insulin. Polyamine-modified albumin showed a remarkable 54–165-fold increase in PS of the BNB and BBB compared with native albumin, whereas PUT-IgG resulted in an even higher increase in the PS that ranged from 111- to 349-fold for nerve and different brain regions compared with native IgG. Polyamine modification of proteins, therefore, can dramatically increase the permeability at the BNB and BBB of a variety of proteins with widely differing Mr and function. It is surprising that the PS values of the BNB and BBB decreased with the increasing number of positive charges of the protonated amino groups on the polyamines (PUT > SPD > SPM). Although cationic proteins are known to interact with fixed anionic charges on the lumen of the microvascular endothelium, this observation of decreased permeability with increased positive charge distribution along the aliphatic carbon chain of the polyamines implies mechanisms other than simple electrostatic interaction involving charge density. It is suggested that the polyamine transporter may be responsible for the transport of these polyamine-modified proteins. Systemic administration of polyamine-modified peptides and proteins might prove to be an efficient approach to deliver therapeutic agents into the CNS and PNS for the treatment of a variety of neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Brain capillary endothelial cells are coupled by a continuous belt of complex high-electrical-resistance tight junctions that are largely responsible for the blood-brain barrier. We have investigated mechanisms regulating tight junction permeability in brain endothelial cells cultured to maintain high-resistance junctions. The phospholipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) was found to cause a rapid, reversible, and dose-dependent decrease in transcellular electrical resistance in brain endothelial cells. LPA also increased the paracellular flux of sucrose, which, together with the resistance decrease, indicated increased tight junction permeability. Activation of protein kinase C attenuated the effect of LPA, suggesting that it was mediated by activation of a signalling pathway. LPA did not cause any obvious relocalization of adherens junction- or tight junction-associated proteins. However, it did stimulate the formation of stress fibres, the recruitment of focal adhesion components, and the appearance of tyrosine phosphorylated protein at focal contacts. Our study shows that LPA is a modulator of tight junction permeability in brain endothelial cells in culture and raises the possibility that it triggers blood-brain barrier permeability changes under (patho)physiological conditions.  相似文献   

We have previously shown GSH transport across the blood-brain barrier in vivo and expression of transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with bovine brain capillary mRNA. In the present study, we have used MBEC-4, an immortalized mouse brain endothelial cell line, to establish the presence of Na+-dependent and Na+-independent GSH transport and have localized the Na+-dependent transporter using domain-enriched plasma membrane vesicles. In cells depleted of GSH with buthionine sulfoximine, a significant increase of intracellular GSH could be demonstrated only in the presence of Na+. Partial but significant Na+ dependency of [35S]GSH uptake was observed for two GSH concentrations in MBEC-4 cells in which gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase were inhibited to ensure absence of breakdown and resynthesis of GSH. Uniqueness of Na+-dependent uptake in MBEC-4 cells was confirmed with parallel uptake studies with Cos-7 cells that did not show this activity. Molecular form of uptake was verified as predominantly GSH, and very little conversion of [35S]cysteine to GSH occurred under the same incubation conditions. Poly(A)+ RNA from MBEC expressed GSH uptake with significant (approximately 40-70%) Na+ dependency, whereas uptake expressed by poly(A)+ RNA from HepG2 and Cos-1 cells was Na+ independent. Plasma membrane vesicles from MBEC were separated into three fractions (30, 34, and 38% sucrose, by wt) by density gradient centrifugation. Na+-dependent glucose transport, reported to be localized to the abluminal membrane, was found to be associated with the 38% fraction (abluminal). Na+-dependent GSH transport was present in the 30% fraction, which was identified as the apical (luminal) membrane by localization of P-glycoprotein 170 by western blot analysis. Localization of Na+-dependent GSH transport to the luminal membrane and its ability to drive up intracellular GSH may find application in the delivery of supplemented GSH to the brain in vivo.  相似文献   

Dietary zinc deficiency is common in developing as well as developed countries. Endothelial cells (EC) lining the inner surface of peripheral blood vessels are sensitive to zinc deficiency and lose structural integrity when exposed to culture media low in zinc or to zinc chelators. In contrast, we demonstrate here that human brain microvascular EC (HBMEC), which constitute the blood-brain barrier (BBB), resist zinc depletion and respond by enhancing their barrier function. This response was specific for HBMEC and did not occur in non-brain EC, such as human umbilical vein endothelial cells, human aortic endothelial cells, and human iliac vein endothelial cells. Our results suggest the presence of specific mechanisms to counteract zinc deficiency at the BBB, likely involving HBMEC junctional complexes. Understanding the mechanisms involved in this unique response might provide means to modulate the BBB dysfunction associated with neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Blood–Brain Barrier Transport of Valproic Acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Valproic acid distribution in brain is less than that of other anticonvulsants such as phenytoin or phenobarbital. Possible mechanisms for this decreased distribution space in brain include (a) increased plasma protein binding of valproate relative to the other anticonvulsants and (b) asymmetric blood-brain barrier (BBB) transport of valproate such that the brain-to-blood flux exceeds the blood-to-brain flux. These mechanisms are investigated in the present studies using the intracarotid injection technique in rats and rabbits. In the rat, the brain uptake index (BUI) of [14C]valproate relative to [3H]water is 51 +/- 6%, indicating the blood-to-brain transport of water is twofold greater than that of valproate. However, the BUI of [14C]valproate relative to [3H]water decreased with time after carotid injection during a 4-min washout period, which indicates that brain-to-blood transport of valproate is greater than that of water. This suggests that the permeability of the BBB to valproate is polarized, with antiluminal permeability being much greater than luminal permeability. In rabbits, the BUI of [14C]valproate is 47 +/- 7% in newborns and 17 +/- 6% in adult animals. However, the high drug extraction in newborns may be attributed to decreased cerebral blood flow in the neonate as the BBB permeability-surface area (PS) products are unchanged (e.g., PS = 0.13 and 0.11 ml min-1 X g-1 in the newborn and adult rabbit, respectively). With regard to plasma protein binding effects on valproate transport, brain valproate uptake was also measured in the presence of human, lamb, pig, rat, horse, goat, hamster, dog, and mouse sera. Higher brain uptakes were observed when the unbound fraction of drug increased. However, our data indicate that a fraction of the valproic acid entering the capillaries bound to plasma proteins had the capacity to equilibrate with brain because of enhanced drug dissociation from albumin in the brain microcirculation. Since plasma protein-bound valproate is available for uptake by brain, the major factor underlying the diminished distribution of the drug in brain appears to be the asymmetric transport properties of the BBB to valproic acid.  相似文献   

Microvessels were isolated from canine cerebral cortex, and the composition of the endothelial cell membrane was investigated. Endothelial cell membranes were separated from the surrounding basement membrane, solubilized, and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 12% gels. Staining with Coomassie Blue revealed a characteristic banding pattern of at least 12 major proteins with apparent molecular weights between 14,000 and 250,000. When proteins from red blood cell ghosts were run simultaneously, no similarities were observed, except for proteins at apparent molecular weights of 43,000 (band 3) and 35,000 (band 4). These two proteins migrated exactly to the positions of the erythrocyte proteins actin and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, respectively. Membrane glycoproteins in gels were also examined by the use of fluorescent lectins. Of the fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC) lectins tested, only FITC-concanavalin A had an affinity for any membrane components. Diazotized [125I]iodosulfanilic acid, a membrane-impermeable reagent, was used to label the internal (lumen) cell surface and the external (antilumen) cell surface. Autoradiography and determination of radioactivity levels in gel slices showed that several proteins were specifically labeled, and that major differences in radioactivity of proteins existed in internal and external labeling experiments. It is concluded that the protein composition of the luminal membrane is different from that of the antiluminal membrane.  相似文献   

Brain extraction of a tricyclic antidepressant, imipramine, was investigated using the carotid injection technique in the rat. The extent to which drug binding to plasma proteins and erythrocytes could inhibit the brain extraction was measured. Equilibrium dialysis showed that imipramine is highly bound to human serum albumin (HSA), alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), lipoproteins, and erythrocytes. The free dialyzable drug fraction was inversely related to the protein concentration. Despite this degree of binding, no significant reduction in the brain extraction of the drug was observed in the presence of HSA, lipoprotein, or erythrocytes. Only AAG reduced the brain transport of this drug in a ratio related to the protein concentration. However, the rat brain extraction was higher than expected from the in vitro measurement of the dialyzable fraction. These data indicate that the amount of circulating imipramine available for penetration in brain exceeds widely the dialyzable fraction of the drug as measured in vitro.  相似文献   

Abstract: The multidrug transporter, P-glycoprotein (Pgp), at the blood-brain barrier is thought to be important for limiting access of toxic agents to the brain, but controversy surrounds its cellular location, whether on endothelium or on adjacent astrocyte foot processes. In the present study, the distribution of protein and mRNA for Pgp and for another transporter, multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), is compared with that for the endothelial marker, platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) and for the astrocyte-derived glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in microvessels isolated from human brain and in cells grown from these microvessels. Activities of the multidrug transporters are assessed in the cultured cells from the effects of transport inhibitors on intracellular [3H]vincristine accumulation. The isolated microvessels show strong immunocytochemical staining for Pgp and PECAM-1 and little or no staining for GFAP and MRP, and they contain mRNAs detectable by RT-PCR encoding only Pgp and PECAM-1, but not GFAP or MRP. Thus, Pgp may well be synthesised and expressed on cells within the microvessels rather than on adherent astrocyte foot processes. In cells grown from the microvessels, although PECAM-1 remains, Pgp expression decreases and MRP appears. Evidence suggests these multidrug transporters are functionally active in the cultured cells.  相似文献   

Transport of [tyrosyl-3,5-3H]enkephalin-(5-L-leucine) [( 3H]Leu-enkephalin) across the blood-brain barrier was studied in the adult guinea pig, by means of vascular perfusion of the head in vivo. The unidirectional transfer constant (Kin) estimated from the multiple-time uptake data for [3H]Leu-enkephalin ranged from 3.62 X 10(-3) to 3.63 X 10(-3) ml min-1 g-1 in the parietal cortex, caudate nucleus, and hippocampus. Transport of [3H]Leu-enkephalin was not inhibited by unlabelled L-tyrosine (the N-terminal amino acid) at a concentration as high as 5 mM, or by the inhibitor of aminopeptidase activity bacitracin (2 mM), suggesting that there was no enzymatic degradation of peptide at the blood-brain barrier. By contrast, 2 mM unlabelled Leu-enkephalin strongly inhibited the unidirectional blood-to-brain transport of [3H]Leu-enkephalin by 74-78% in the parietal cortex, caudate nucleus, and hippocampus. The tetrapeptide tyrosyl-glycyl-glycyl-phenylalanine (without the C-terminal leucine of Leu-enkephalin), at a concentration of 5 mM, caused a moderate inhibition ranging from 15 to 29% in the brain regions studied, whereas the tetrapeptide glycyl-glycyl-phenylalanyl-leucine (without the N-terminal tyrosine) at 5 mM was without effect on Leu-enkephalin transport. Unidirectional brain uptake of Leu-enkephalin was not altered in the presence of naloxone at a concentration as high as 3 mM (1 mg/ml), suggesting that there is no binding of Leu-enkephalin to opioid receptors at the blood-brain barrier. It is concluded that there is a specific transport mechanism for Leu-enkephalin at the blood-brain barrier in the guinea pig.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Development of the blood-brain barrier   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The endothelial cells forming the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are highly specialized to allow precise control over the substances that leave or enter the brain. An elaborate network of complex tight junctions (TJ) between the endothelial cells forms the structural basis of the BBB and restricts the paracellular diffusion of hydrophilic molecules. Additonally, the lack of fenestrae and the extremely low pinocytotic activity of endothelial cells of the BBB inhibit the transcellular passage of molecules across the barrier. On the other hand, in order to meet the high metabolic needs of the tissue of the central nervous system (CNS), specific transport systems selectively expressed in the membranes of brain endothelial cells in capillaries mediate the directed transport of nutrients into the CNS or of toxic metabolites out of the CNS. Whereas the characteristics of the mature BBB endothelium are well described, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control the development, differentiation and maintenance of the highly specialized endothelial cells of the BBB remain unknown to date, despite the recent explosion in our knowledge of the growth factors and their receptors specifically acting on vascular endothelium during development. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of the BBB.  相似文献   

Abstract: Native horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to HRP are protein probes represented in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) literature for elucidating morphological routes of passage between blood and brain. We report the application of established pharmacokinetic methods, e.g., multiple-time regression analysis and capillary depletion technique, to measure and compare bidirectional rates of passage between blood and brain for radioactive iodine-labeled HRP (I-HRP), WGA-HRP (I-WGA-HRP), and the serum protein albumin (I-ALB) following administration of the probes intravenously (i.v.) or by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection in mice. The pharmacokinetic data are supplemented with light and electron microscopic analyses of HRP and WGA-HRP delivered i.v. or by i.c.v. injection. The rates of bidirectional movement between blood and brain are the same for coinjected I-HRP and I-ALB. Blood-borne HRP, unlike WGA-HRP, has unimpeded access to the CNS extracellularly through sites deficient in a BBB, such as the circumventricular organs and subarachnoid space/pial surface. Nevertheless, blood-borne I-WGA-HRP enters the brain ?10 times more rapidly than I-HRP and I-ALB. Separation of blood vessels from the neocortical parenchyma confirms the entry of blood-borne I-WGA-HRP to the brain and sequestration of I-WGA-HRP by cerebral endothelial cells. Nearly half the I-WGA-HRP radioactivity associated with cortical vessels is judged to be subcellular. Light microscopic results suggest the extracellular pathways into the brain available to blood-borne native HRP do not represent predominant routes of entry for blood-borne WGA-HRP. Ultrastructural analysis further suggests WGA-HRP is likely to undergo adsorptive transcytosis through cerebral endothelia from blood to brain via specific subcellular compartments within the endothelium. Entry of blood-borne I-WGA-HRP, but not of I-ALB, is stimulated with coinjected unlabeled WGA-HRP, suggesting the latter may enhance the adsorptive endocytosis of blood-borne I-WGA-HRP. With i.c.v. coinjection of I-WGA-HRP and I-ALB, I-WGA-HRP exits the brain more slowly than I-ALB. The brain to blood passage of I-WGA-HRP is nil with inclusion of unlabeled WGA-HRP, which does not alter the exit of I-ALB. Adsorptive endocytosis of i.c.v. injected WGA-HRP appears restricted largely to cells lining the ventricular cavities, e.g., ependymal and choroid plexus epithelia. In summary, the data suggest that the bidirectional rates of passage between brain and blood for native HRP are comparable to those for albumin. Blood-borne WGA-HRP is assessed to enter the brain more rapidly than native HRP and albumin, perhaps by the process of adsorptive transcytosis through BBB endothelia, but has difficulty leaving the CNS; the latter result may be due to avid binding and adsorptive endocytosis of WGA-HRP by exposed CNS cells. Neither native HRP nor WGA-HRP alters the integrity of the BBB to albumin. For this reason, both native HRP and WGA-HRP are suitable probes for investigating the permeability of the BBB to macromolecules in vivo.  相似文献   

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