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The effects of a number of biochemical and pharmacological manipulations on amphetamine (AMPH)-induced alterations in dopamine (DA) release and metabolism were examined in the rat striatum using the in vivo brain microdialysis method. Basal striatal dialysate concentrations were: DA, 7 nM; dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 850 nM; homovanillic acid (HVA), 500 nM; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 300 nM; and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), 3 nM. Intraperitoneal injection of AMPH (4 mg/kg) induced a substantial increase in DA efflux, which attained its maximum response 20-40 min after drug injection. On the other hand, DOPAC and HVA efflux declined following AMPH. The DA response, but not those of DOPAC and HVA, was dose dependent within the range of AMPH tested (2-16 mg/kg). High doses of AMPH (greater than 8 mg/kg) also decreased 5-HIAA and increased 3-MT efflux. Depletion of vesicular stores of DA using reserpine did not affect significantly AMPH-induced dopamine efflux. In contrast, prior inhibition of catecholamine synthesis, using alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, proved to be an effective inhibitor of AMPH-evoked DA release (less than 35% of control). Moreover, the DA releasing action of AMPH was facilitated in pargyline-pretreated animals (220% of control). These data suggest that AMPH releases preferentially a newly synthesised pool of DA. Nomifensine, a DA uptake inhibitor, was an effective inhibitor of AMPH-induced DA efflux (18% of control). On the other hand, this action of AMPH was facilitated by veratrine and ouabain (200-210% of control). These results suggest that the membrane DA carrier may be involved in the actions of AMPH on DA efflux.  相似文献   

The effects of apomorphine (0.1-2.5 mg/kg) on release of endogenous dopamine and extracellular levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum were examined in vivo by a microdialysis method. Apomorphine significantly reduced release of dopamine and the extracellular levels of dopamine metabolites, DOPAC and HVA, not only in the striatum, but also in the prefrontal cortex. These findings indicate that dopamine autoreceptors modulate in vivo release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that intracerebroventricular administration of 6R-L-erythro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (6R-BH4), a cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase, enhances biosynthesis of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) in the rat brain. In the present study, we have more precisely examined the effects of 6R-BH4 on dopamine release in vivo from the rat striatum using brain microdialysis. The amount of dopamine collected in striatal dialysates was determined using HPLC with electrochemical detection after purification with an alumina batch method. When the striatum was dialyzed with Ringer solution containing various concentrations of 6R-BH4 (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mM), dopamine levels in striatal dialysates increased in a concentration-dependent manner. Biopterin had little effect on dopamine levels in dialysates. The 6R-BH4-induced increase in dopamine levels in dialysates was abolished after pretreatment with tetrodotoxin (50 microM) added to the perfusion fluid, but after pretreatment with nomifensine (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneal injection), an inhibitor of dopamine uptake mechanism, a larger increase was observed. After inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by pretreatment with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (250 mg/kg, intraperitoneal injection), most of the increase persisted. These results suggest that 6R-BH4 has a dopamine-releasing action, which is not dependent on biosynthesis of dopamine.  相似文献   

The weaver mutant mouse has a genetically determined defect in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that in the weaver mutant mouse, striatal nerve terminals undergo compensatory changes in response to this deficiency. To test this hypothesis, we studied the basal and stimulated release of dopamine from striatal slices of weaver mutant mice and matched controls. By using a superfusion system and concentrating the superfusate by passage over alumina, resting dopamine release could be determined in the weaver mutant despite the fact that striatal tissue content of dopamine in these mice is reduced by greater than 75% compared with control mice. Fractional resting release of dopamine in weaver striatal slices was significantly elevated compared with that in controls, suggesting that the release mechanisms in the weaver may be adapting to overcome the dopamine deficit. Potassium-evoked release (24 and 48 mM potassium) was not significantly different between the two genotypes. In contrast, amphetamine-evoked release (1 microM) was significantly greater in the weaver mice than in controls. In both genotypes, release evoked by amphetamine was completely inhibited by cocaine, implicating the dopamine uptake carrier in this release process. These findings suggest that fundamental differences in dopamine release mechanisms exist between weaver and control mice and support the hypothesis that compensatory mechanisms may develop in neurons in response to dopamine deficits.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term treatment (6 h) with selective D1 or D2 agonists and antagonists on the mRNA for proenkephalin in the medial and anterior aspects of the caudate-putamen and the nucleus accumbens were assessed by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Proenkephalin mRNA abundance was significantly changed in the striatum and accumbens in response to D2 receptor manipulation. D2 blockade with haloperidol or raclopride increased, whereas D2 stimulation with LY-171555 (D2 agonist) decreased, striatal and accumbens proenkephalin mRNA abundance. Antagonism of D1 receptor activity with SCH-23390 significantly decreased proenkephalin mRNA abundance in all brain regions. Concurrent administration of the D1 agonist SKF-38393 prevented the SCH-23390 effect in all brain areas. The data demonstrate that acute treatment with dopaminergic D2 agonists and antagonists affects proenkephalin mRNA abundance in the striatum and accumbens via a D2 receptor mechanism, consistent with the concept that D2 receptor function inhibits the synthesis of the mRNA encoding the enkephalin peptides. Moreover, D1 receptor activity, directly or indirectly, exerts modulatory effects on proenkephalin mRNA abundance in the striatum and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Abstract: Secretoneurin (SN) is a neuropeptide derived from secretogranin II that is found in brain and endocrine tissues. The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of this novel peptide on dopamine (DA) release from rat striatum using the microdialysis technique. Rat SN (1–30 µmol/L added to the dialysis buffer) enhanced DA outflow of awake rats in a concentration-dependent way without marked effects on the outflow of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid or homovanillic acid. The increase in extracellular DA content caused by the peptide was observed throughout the entire period of administration (up to 4 h). Human SN and its 15-amino-acid C-terminal sequence also increased DA outflow, but the effects were smaller than those of rat SN. Two other peptides derived from secretogranin II were without effect on DA efflux. These results establish that SN has a pronounced effect on DA release under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have applied the brain microdialysis technique to investigate the effect of the stimulation of adenylate cyclase on the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the striatum of freely moving rats. Infusion of 8-bromo-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP), 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, or forskolin produced a significant increase in the release of DA. The effect of 8-Br-cAMP was tetrodotoxin, Ca2+, and dose dependent and was saturable. 8-Br-cAMP also caused an increase in the output of DOPAC and HVA. No effects were seen on the output of 5-HIAA, except at the highest 8-Br-cAMP concentration studied. Infusion of 8-Br-cAMP (25 microM, 1.0 mM, and 3.3 mM) together with infusion of (-)-sulpiride (1 microM) or systemic administration of (+/-)-sulpiride (55 mumol/kg i.p.) produced an additive effect on the release of DA. Infusion or peripheral administration of (-)-N-0437 (1 microM or 1 mumol/kg) both decreased the 8-Br-cAMP-induced increase in the release of DA. These results demonstrate that cyclic AMP may stimulate the release of DA, but it is unlikely that this second messenger is linked to presynaptic D2 receptors controlling the release of DA.  相似文献   

Abstract: Serotonin (5-HT) applied at 1, 3, and 10 µ M into the striatum of halothane-anesthetized rats by in vivo microdialysis enhanced dopamine (DA) outflow up to 173, 283, and 584% of baseline values, respectively. The 5-HT effect was partially reduced by 1 or 10 µ M GR 125,487, a 5-HT4 antagonist, and by 100 µ M DAU 6285, a 5-HT3/4 antagonist, whereas the 5-HT1/2/6 antagonist methiothepin (50 µ M ) was ineffective. In the presence of tetrodotoxin the effect of 1 µ M 5-HT was not affected by 5-HT4 antagonists. In addition, tetrodotoxin abolished the increase in DA release induced by the 5-HT4 agonist ( S )-zacopride (100 µ M ). In striatal synaptosomes, 1 and 10 µ M 5-HT increased the outflow of newly synthesized [3H]DA up to 163 and 635% of control values, respectively. The 5-HT4 agonists BIMU 8 and ( S )-zacopride (1 and 10 µ M ) failed to modify [3H]DA outflow, whereas 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT) at 10 µ M increased it (62%). In prelabeled [3H]DA synaptosomes, 1 µ M 5-HT, but not ( S )-zacopride (1 and 10 µ M ), increased [3H]DA outflow. DAU 6285 (10 µ M ) failed to modify the enhancement of newly synthesized [3H]DA outflow induced by 5-MeOT or 5-HT (1 µ M ), whereas the effect of 5-HT was reduced to the same extent by the DA reuptake inhibitor nomifensine (1 µ M ) alone or in the presence of DAU 6285. These results show that striatal 5-HT4 receptors are involved in the 5-HT-induced enhancement of striatal DA release in vivo and that they are not located on striatal DA terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The weaver mutant mouse (wv/wv) has an ~70% loss of nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons, but the fractional DA release evoked by amphetamine (but not a high potassium level) has been shown to be greater from striatal slices of the weaver compared with +/+ mice. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that fractional DA release from weaver striatum would be greater when release was mediated by the DA transporter. Serotonin (5-HT)-stimulated fractional DA release was greater from weaver than from +/+ striatum. The release evoked by 5-HT in the presence of 10 µM nomifensine (an antagonist of the DA transporter) was less than in its absence, but the difference between weaver and +/+ striatum remained. In the presence of nomifensine, 1-(m-chlorophenyl)biguanide, classified as a 5-HT3 agonist, also induced a greater fractional release from weaver compared with +/+ striatum. When veratridine was used at a low concentration (1 µM), the fractional evoked release of DA was higher from the weaver in the presence and absence of nomifensine. These findings suggest that the reason for the difference in the responsiveness of the two genotypes to these release-inducing agents is not related to DA transporter function.  相似文献   

Abstract: K+-evoked acetyl[3H]choline ([3H]ACh) release was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by apomorphine and the D2 agonist quinpirole in striatal slices prepared from euthyroid and hypothyroid rats. However, there was a significant increase in the maximum inhibition observed with both agonists in the hypothyroid compared with the euthyroid group, which paralleled the increased D2 agonist sensitivity reported for stereotyped behavior. The D2 antagonist raclopride decreased, and the D, antagonist SCH 23390 increased, the inhibition of [3H]ACh release by apomorphine, confirming an inhibitory role for D2 receptors and an opposing role for D1 receptors. Because there is no difference in D1 or D2 receptor concentration between the euthyroid and hypothyroid groups, it is suggested that thyroid hormone modulation of D2 receptor sensitivity affects a receptor-mediated event. Following intrastriatal injection of pertussis toxin (PTX), apomorphine no longer inhibited [3H]ACh release. In fact, increased [3H]- ACh release was observed, an effect reduced by SCH 23390, providing evidence that D1 receptors enhance [3H]- ACh release, and confirming that a PTX-sensitive G protein mediates the D2 response. As it has been reported that thyroid hormones modulate G protein expression, this mechanism may underlie their effect on dopamine agonist- mediated inhibition of ACh.  相似文献   

Abstract: The concentration-related effects of ethanol on extracellular dopamine (DA) in rat striatum were studied by direct perfusion through microdialysis probes in freely moving rats. Two sets of three ethanol concentrations were separately tested using a Latin square experimental design. Potassium stimulation with high potassium (50 m M ) in artificial CSF (ACSF) preceding ethanol treatment confirmed the neuronal function of dopaminergic cells by increasing DA concentrations to 200–1,500% of basal levels. The perfusion with calcium-free ACSF applied at the end of each experiment confirmed the calcium dependency of the basal levels of extracellular DA by decreasing basal DA levels by 70%. The striatal volume measurement to examine the possible brain damage by direct ethanol perfusion suggested that ethanol did not increase the damage caused by the probe implantation at any ethanol concentration tested in this study. The 30-min direct perfusion of 510 and 860 m M ethanol resulted in a significant concentration-related stimulatory effect on the extracellular DA concentration in rat striatum (510 m M , 29% increase, p < 0.05; 860 m M , 66% increase, p < 0.05). However, there was no significant effect of ethanol at low concentrations, ≤170 m M . Considering the effective ethanol concentration in tissue areas in which DA is sampled, the data suggest that concentrations of ethanol associated with moderate intoxication do not directly affect the extracellular concentration of DA in the striatum. Therefore, the systemic effects of ethanol on striatal DA found in previous studies may be caused by the interaction with sites other than the striatum.  相似文献   

Brain microdialysis was used to examine the in vivo efflux and metabolism of dopamine (DA) in the rat striatum following monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition. Relevant catecholamines and indoleamines were quantified by HPLC coupled with a electrochemical detection system. The MAO-B inhibitor selegiline only affected DA deamination at a dose shown to inhibit partially type A MAO. Alterations in DA and metabolite efflux were not observed when using the MAO-B-selective dose of 1 mg/kg of selegiline. At 10 mg/kg, selegiline reduced the efflux of DA metabolites to approximately 70% of basal values without affecting DA efflux. K(+)- and veratrine-stimulated DA efflux was not affected by selegiline. Experiments using amphetamine and the DA uptake inhibitor nomifensine demonstrated that the effect of selegiline on DA metabolism was unlikely to be mediated either by inhibition of DA uptake or by an indirect effect of its metabolite amphetamine. The possibility that the effect of selegiline is mediated via a nonspecific inhibition of MAO is discussed. In contrast, the MAO-A inhibitor clorgyline inhibited basal DA metabolism and increased basal and depolarisation-induced DA efflux. A 1 mg/kg dose of clorgyline reduced basal DA metabolite efflux (40-60% of control values) without affecting DA efflux. At 10 mg/kg of clorgyline, DA efflux increased to 253 +/- 19% of basal values, whereas efflux of DA metabolites was reduced to between 15 and 26% of control values. The release of DA induced by K+ and veratrine was not affected by 1 mg/kg of clorgyline but was increased by approximately 200% following pretreatment with 10 mg/kg of clorgyline. The nonselective MAO inhibitor pargyline caused similar but more pronounced alterations in these parameters.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis was employed in order to characterize the steady-state kinetics of the turnover of specific dopamine and serotonin metabolites in the rat striatum 48 h after surgery. Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAO; pargyline) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT; Ro 40-7592) were administered, either separately or in conjunction, at doses sufficient to block these enzymes in the CNS. In some experiments, the acid metabolite carrier was blocked with probenecid. Temporal changes were then observed in the efflux of interstitial dopamine, 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). The fractional rate constants for the accumulation or disappearance of the metabolites could be determined after pharmacological blockade of catabolic enzymes or the acid metabolite carrier. Interstitial 5-HIAA was found to be cleared with a half-life of approximately 2 h. After blockade of either MAO or COMT, HVA disappeared with a half-life of 17 min. Experiments employing probenecid suggested that some of the interstitial HVA was cleared by the acid metabolite carrier, the remainder being cleared by a probenecid-insensitive process, possibly conjugation. After MAO inhibition, DOPAC disappeared with an apparent half-life of 11.3 min. The rate of 3-MT accumulation after pargyline indicated that the majority of interstitial HVA (> 95%) is formed from DOPAC rather than 3-MT. The formation of 3-MT from interstitial dopamine, calculated from the accumulation rate of 3-MT after pargyline, appeared to follow first-order kinetics (k = 0.1 min-1).  相似文献   

Abstract: The regulation of striatal cholinergic function by tachykinins was examined in urethane-anesthetized rats by using microdialysis. Substance P (0.01–1 µ M ), [Sar9,Met(O2)11]substance P (1–10 µ M ), septide (0.1–3 µ M ), neurokinin (NK) A (0.1–10 µ M ), and senktide (0.1–10 µ M ) produced concentration-dependent increases in striatal acetylcholine (ACh) release. Septide was the most potent agonist for inducing release of ACh, whereas the stimulating effect of senktide was less pronounced and more progressive in onset. The response to septide was prevented by intraperitoneal administration of the nonpeptide NK1 antagonist SR 140333 (1–3 mg/kg) but not by the nonpeptide NK2 receptor antagonist SR 48968, indicating that the effect was mediated specifically by NK1 receptors. ACh release caused by NKA was reduced by SR 48968 (1–3 mg/kg) and slightly affected by SR 140333, indicating a principal role for NK2 receptors in the peptide response. The similar efficacy of SR 140333 and SR 48968 in blocking substance P-induced ACh release suggested that the effect of this peptide involves the stimulation of both NK1 and NK2 receptors. Finally, our results indicate that the increase in striatal ACh release induced by the D1 agonist (+)-SKF-38393 (3 µ M ) may be mediated indirectly through local release of NKA or substance P acting at NK2 receptors.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to clarify the effects of the administration of choline on the in vivo release and biosynthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain. For this purpose, the changes in the extracellular concentration of choline and ACh in the rat striatum following intracerebroventricular administration of choline were determined using brain microdialysis. We also determined changes in the tissue content of choline and ACh. When the striatum was dialyzed with Ringer solution containing 10 microM physostigmine, ACh levels in dialysates rapidly and dose dependently increased following administration of various doses of choline and reached a maximum within 20 min. In contrast, choline levels in dialysates increased after a lag period of 20 min following the administration. When the striatum was dialyzed with physostigmine-free Ringer solution, ACh could not be detected in dialysates both before and even after choline administration. After addition of hemicholinium-3 to the perfusion fluid, the choline-induced increase in ACh levels in dialysates was abolished. Following administration of choline, the tissue content of choline and ACh increased within 20 min. These results suggest that administered choline is rapidly taken up into the intracellular compartment of the cholinergic neurons, where it enhances both the release and the biosynthesis of ACh.  相似文献   

Hypoxia induces alterations of central monoaminergic transmission and of behavior. We studied the effect of hypoxia on adult and newborn rats to obtain more information about long-lasting changes of dopamine (DA) transmission caused by neonatal hypoxia. One single exposure of adult rats to hypoxia leads to short-term alterations of DA uptake: decreased affinity of the uptake carrier to DA (Km, 269.5% versus control) and a sharp increase of Vmax up to 301.4% resulting in an increase of total uptake of DA into the striatum synaptosomes. The K+-evoked DA release decreased to 69.5%. After 1 week of recovery all parameters are normalized. Chronic postnatal hypoxia (postnatal day 2-11) caused long-lasting changes of DA release and uptake opposite to those observed in adult rats. Three months after hypoxia, the K+-stimulated DA release was enhanced (132% of control), and the uptake was reduced due to decreased affinity of the uptake carrier system for the substrate (Km, 187% of control value). In conclusion, the alterations observed after chronic postnatal hypoxia reflect special adaptive processes that are related to the high plasticity of the immature neonatal brain and contribute to an increased DA function in the nigrostriatal system.  相似文献   

In vivo brain microdialysis was used to examine the role of potassium channel activation in dopamine (DA) autoreceptor function in the striatum of freely moving rats. Local application of the D2 receptor agonists quinpirole or N-0437 through the dialysis probe significantly reduced extracellular concentrations of DA. Local application of the D2 antagonist (-)-sulpiride produced significant increases in DA. Local perfusion with quinine, a K+ channel blocker, completely blocked the (-)-sulpiride-induced increases in DA but did not affect the DA agonist-induced decreases. (-)-Sulpiride completely blocked the effect of quinpirole on DA both in control and in quinine-treated animals. At the highest dose used, quinine caused a large transient increase in extracellular DA. Local application of tetrodotoxin or infusion of Mg2+ in the absence of Ca2+ did not prevent this quinine-induced transient increase in extracellular DA. These results demonstrate that DA autoreceptors in the striatum regulate DA release in awake, behaving animals. Local application of (-)-sulpiride increases DA levels by blocking the tonic activation of autoreceptors by endogenous DA. Quinine blocks the neuroleptic-induced increase in DA, perhaps by preventing the K+ channel opening that would normally accompany endogenous autoreceptor activation. The fact that exogenously applied DA receptor agonists can decrease extracellular DA levels in the presence of quinine suggests that they may be acting at extrasynaptic autoreceptors that are not tonically active in vivo. The effect of DA agonists on this site is via a DA receptor because it is blocked by (-)-sulpiride. However, this receptor does not appear to be coupled to a quinine-sensitive potassium channel.  相似文献   

Abstract: The in vivo release rates of endogenous noradrenaline from the hypothalamus and dopamine from the caudate nucleus of the rat have been determined. Artificial CSF perfusates collected from a push-pull cannula inserted into specific areas of the brain were assayed for the amines by a sensitive radioenzymatic procedure. The release rates of noradrenaline and dopamine into artificial CSF perfusates were 38 ± 6 and 46 ± 6 pg/h (225 ± 36 and 301 ± 39 fmol/h), respectively; when 0.5 mM amphetamine was added to the CSF, the release rates of noradrenaline and dopamine increased to 176 ± 50 and 1183 ± 453 pg/h (1041 ± 296 and 7732 ± 2961 fmol/h), respectively.  相似文献   

Haloperidol-induced dopamine (DA) release and metabolism were studied in the rat striatum at 10-11, 21-22, and 35-36 days of age using intracerebral dialysis and HPLC with electrochemical detection. There was an age-related increase in basal DA release and extracellular levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA), with the greatest increases occurring between 10-11 and 21-22 days of age. Haloperidol (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly increased DA release at each age compared to control. Also, haloperidol produced a significantly greater increase in DA release at 10-11 days than at 21-22 or 35-36 days of age when expressed as percentage of predrug release. Haloperidol increased DA release over 60 min to 235%, 138%, and 158% above baseline at 10-11, 21-22, and 35-36 days of age, respectively, after which time the levels remained relatively constant. Haloperidol significantly increased extracellular DOPAC and HVA levels at each age compared to controls, but there were no significant differences in DOPAC or HVA levels between ages in response to haloperidol. The results indicate that, at 10 days of age, DA release in the striatum is physiologically functional and that the regulatory feedback control of DA release and metabolism in the striatum develops prior to 10 days of age.  相似文献   

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