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Until recently, the dynamic properties of intermediate filaments (IF) were attributed primarily to the exchange of subunits between a disassembled pool and polymerized 10nm filaments. During interphase, this subunit exchange process was thought to produce local modifications in IF structure. During cell division, shifts in the equilibrium between subunits and polymers were thought to lead to either the global or regional disassembly of IF networks, thereby facilitating their distribution into daughter cells. Recently, novel structural forms of IF that undergo rapid and directed transport in several cell types were revealed. Time-lapse observations of motile IF structures in different cell systems have also revealed novel insights into the mechanisms underlying the transport of cytoskeletal components throughout the cytoplasm and the molecular basis of the 'crosstalk' between different cytoskeletal systems.  相似文献   

Complex networks are frequently characterized by metrics for which particular subgraphs are counted. One statistic from this category, which we refer to as motif-role fingerprints, differs from global subgraph counts in that the number of subgraphs in which each node participates is counted. As with global subgraph counts, it can be important to distinguish between motif-role fingerprints that are ‘structural’ (induced subgraphs) and ‘functional’ (partial subgraphs). Here we show mathematically that a vector of all functional motif-role fingerprints can readily be obtained from an arbitrary directed adjacency matrix, and then converted to structural motif-role fingerprints by multiplying that vector by a specific invertible conversion matrix. This result demonstrates that a unique structural motif-role fingerprint exists for any given functional motif-role fingerprint. We demonstrate a similar result for the cases of functional and structural motif-fingerprints without node roles, and global subgraph counts that form the basis of standard motif analysis. We also explicitly highlight that motif-role fingerprints are elemental to several popular metrics for quantifying the subgraph structure of directed complex networks, including motif distributions, directed clustering coefficient, and transitivity. The relationships between each of these metrics and motif-role fingerprints also suggest new subtypes of directed clustering coefficients and transitivities. Our results have potential utility in analyzing directed synaptic networks constructed from neuronal connectome data, such as in terms of centrality. Other potential applications include anomaly detection in networks, identification of similar networks and identification of similar nodes within networks. Matlab code for calculating all stated metrics following calculation of functional motif-role fingerprints is provided as S1 Matlab File.  相似文献   

Recent advances indicate that assigning or reversing edge direction can significantly improve the structural controllability of complex networks. For directed networks, approaching the optimal structural controllability can be achieved by detecting and reversing certain “inappropriate” edge directions. However, the existence of multiple sets of “inappropriate” edge directions suggests that different edges have different effects on optimal controllability—that is, different combinations of edges can be reversed to achieve the same structural controllability. Therefore, we classify edges into three categories based on their direction: critical, redundant and intermittent. We then investigate the effects of changing these edge directions on network controllability, and demonstrate that the existence of more critical edge directions implies not only a lower cost of modifying inappropriate edges but also better controllability. Motivated by this finding, we present a simple edge orientation method aimed at producing more critical edge directions—utilizing only local information—which achieves near optimal controllability. Furthermore, we explore the effects of edge direction on the controllability of several real networks.  相似文献   

Complex networks serve as generic models for many biological systems that have been shown to share a number of common structural properties such as power-law degree distribution and small-worldness. Real-world networks are composed of building blocks called motifs that are indeed specific subgraphs of (usually) small number of nodes. Network motifs are important in the functionality of complex networks, and the role of some motifs such as feed-forward loop in many biological networks has been heavily studied. On the other hand, many biological networks have shown some degrees of robustness in terms of their efficiency and connectedness against failures in their components. In this paper we investigated how random and systematic failures in the edges of biological networks influenced their motif structure. We considered two biological networks, namely, protein structure network and human brain functional network. Furthermore, we considered random failures as well as systematic failures based on different strategies for choosing candidate edges for removal. Failure in the edges tipping to high degree nodes had the most destructive role in the motif structure of the networks by decreasing their significance level, while removing edges that were connected to nodes with high values of betweenness centrality had the least effect on the significance profiles. In some cases, the latter caused increase in the significance levels of the motifs.  相似文献   

Banerjee A 《Bio Systems》2012,107(3):186-196
Exploring common features and universal qualities shared by a particular class of networks in biological and other domains is one of the important aspects of evolutionary study. In an evolving system, evolutionary mechanism can cause functional changes that forces the system to adapt to new configurations of interaction pattern between the components of that system (e.g. gene duplication and mutation play a vital role for changing the connectivity structure in many biological networks. The evolutionary relation between two systems can be retraced by their structural differences). The eigenvalues of the normalized graph Laplacian not only capture the global properties of a network, but also local structures that are produced by graph evolutions (like motif duplication or joining). The spectrum of this operator carries many qualitative aspects of a graph. Given two networks of different sizes, we propose a method to quantify the topological distance between them based on the contrasting spectrum of normalized graph Laplacian. We find that network architectures are more similar within the same class compared to between classes. We also show that the evolutionary relationships can be retraced by the structural differences using our method. We analyze 43 metabolic networks from different species and mark the prominent separation of three groups: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. This phenomenon is well captured in our findings that support the other cladistic results based on gene content and ribosomal RNA sequences. Our measure to quantify the structural distance between two networks is useful to elucidate evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Nonparametric sparsification of complex multiscale networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many real-world networks tend to be very dense. Particular examples of interest arise in the construction of networks that represent pairwise similarities between objects. In these cases, the networks under consideration are weighted, generally with positive weights between any two nodes. Visualization and analysis of such networks, especially when the number of nodes is large, can pose significant challenges which are often met by reducing the edge set. Any effective "sparsification" must retain and reflect the important structure in the network. A common method is to simply apply a hard threshold, keeping only those edges whose weight exceeds some predetermined value. A more principled approach is to extract the multiscale "backbone" of a network by retaining statistically significant edges through hypothesis testing on a specific null model, or by appropriately transforming the original weight matrix before applying some sort of threshold. Unfortunately, approaches such as these can fail to capture multiscale structure in which there can be small but locally statistically significant similarity between nodes. In this paper, we introduce a new method for backbone extraction that does not rely on any particular null model, but instead uses the empirical distribution of similarity weight to determine and then retain statistically significant edges. We show that our method adapts to the heterogeneity of local edge weight distributions in several paradigmatic real world networks, and in doing so retains their multiscale structure with relatively insignificant additional computational costs. We anticipate that this simple approach will be of great use in the analysis of massive, highly connected weighted networks.  相似文献   

Although the structural properties of online social networks have attracted much attention, the properties of the close-knit friendship structures remain an important question. Here, we mainly focus on how these mesoscale structures are affected by the local and global structural properties. Analyzing the data of four large-scale online social networks reveals several common structural properties. It is found that not only the local structures given by the indegree, outdegree, and reciprocal degree distributions follow a similar scaling behavior, the mesoscale structures represented by the distributions of close-knit friendship structures also exhibit a similar scaling law. The degree correlation is very weak over a wide range of the degrees. We propose a simple directed network model that captures the observed properties. The model incorporates two mechanisms: reciprocation and preferential attachment. Through rate equation analysis of our model, the local-scale and mesoscale structural properties are derived. In the local-scale, the same scaling behavior of indegree and outdegree distributions stems from indegree and outdegree of nodes both growing as the same function of the introduction time, and the reciprocal degree distribution also shows the same power-law due to the linear relationship between the reciprocal degree and in/outdegree of nodes. In the mesoscale, the distributions of four closed triples representing close-knit friendship structures are found to exhibit identical power-laws, a behavior attributed to the negligible degree correlations. Intriguingly, all the power-law exponents of the distributions in the local-scale and mesoscale depend only on one global parameter, the mean in/outdegree, while both the mean in/outdegree and the reciprocity together determine the ratio of the reciprocal degree of a node to its in/outdegree. Structural properties of numerical simulated networks are analyzed and compared with each of the four real networks. This work helps understand the interplay between structures on different scales in online social networks.  相似文献   

Several protein structure classification schemes exist that partition the protein universe into structural units called folds. Yet these schemes do not discuss how these units sit relative to each other in a global structure space. In this paper we construct networks that describe such global relationships between folds in the form of structural bridges. We generate these networks using four different structural alignment methods across multiple score thresholds. The networks constructed using the different methods remain a similar distance apart regardless of the probability threshold defining a structural bridge. This suggests that at least some structural bridges are method specific and that any attempt to build a picture of structural space should not be reliant on a single structural superposition method. Despite these differences all representations agree on an organisation of fold space into five principal community structures: all-α, all-β sandwiches, all-β barrels, α/β and α + β. We project estimated fold ages onto the networks and find that not only are the pairings of unconnected folds associated with higher age differences than bridged folds, but this difference increases with the number of networks displaying an edge. We also examine different centrality measures for folds within the networks and how these relate to fold age. While these measures interpret the central core of fold space in varied ways they all identify the disposition of ancestral folds to fall within this core and that of the more recently evolved structures to provide the peripheral landscape. These findings suggest that evolutionary information is encoded along these structural bridges. Finally, we identify four highly central pivotal folds representing dominant topological features which act as key attractors within our landscapes.  相似文献   

Metabolic networks of many cellular organisms share global statistical features. Their connectivity distributions follow the long-tailed power law and show the small-world property. In addition, their modular structures are organized in a hierarchical manner. Although the global topological organization of metabolic networks is well understood, their local structural organization is still not clear. Investigating local properties of metabolic networks is necessary to understand the nature of metabolism in living organisms. To identify the local structural organization of metabolic networks, we analysed the subgraphs of metabolic networks of 43 organisms from three domains of life. We first identified the network motifs of metabolic networks and identified the statistically significant subgraph patterns. We then compared metabolic networks from different domains and found that they have similar local structures and that the local structure of each metabolic network has its own taxonomical meaning. Organisms closer in taxonomy showed similar local structures. In addition, the common substrates of 43 metabolic networks were not randomly distributed, but were more likely to be constituents of cohesive subgraph patterns.  相似文献   



We study the evolutionary Prisoner''s Dilemma on two social networks substrates obtained from actual relational data.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We find very different cooperation levels on each of them that cannot be easily understood in terms of global statistical properties of both networks. We claim that the result can be understood at the mesoscopic scale, by studying the community structure of the networks. We explain the dependence of the cooperation level on the temptation parameter in terms of the internal structure of the communities and their interconnections. We then test our results on community-structured, specifically designed artificial networks, finding a good agreement with the observations in both real substrates.


Our results support the conclusion that studies of evolutionary games on model networks and their interpretation in terms of global properties may not be sufficient to study specific, real social systems. Further, the study allows us to define new quantitative parameters that summarize the mesoscopic structure of any network. In addition, the community perspective may be helpful to interpret the origin and behavior of existing networks as well as to design structures that show resilient cooperative behavior.  相似文献   

While a number of approaches have been geared toward multiple sequence alignments, to date there have been very few approaches to multiple structure alignment and detection of a recurring substructural motif. Among these, none performs both multiple structure comparison and motif detection simultaneously. Further, none considers all structures at the same time, rather than initiating from pairwise molecular comparisons. We present such a multiple structural alignment algorithm. Given an ensemble of protein structures, the algorithm automatically finds the largest common substructure (core) of C(alpha) atoms that appears in all the molecules in the ensemble. The detection of the core and the structural alignment are done simultaneously. Additional structural alignments also are obtained and are ranked by the sizes of the substructural motifs, which are present in the entire ensemble. The method is based on the geometric hashing paradigm. As in our previous structural comparison algorithms, it compares the structures in an amino acid sequence order-independent way, and hence the resulting alignment is unaffected by insertions, deletions and protein chain directionality. As such, it can be applied to protein surfaces, protein-protein interfaces and protein cores to find the optimally, and suboptimally spatially recurring substructural motifs. There is no predefinition of the motif. We describe the algorithm, demonstrating its efficiency. In particular, we present a range of results for several protein ensembles, with different folds and belonging to the same, or to different, families. Since the algorithm treats molecules as collections of points in three-dimensional space, it can also be applied to other molecules, such as RNA, or drugs.  相似文献   

Network representations of biological systems are widespread and reconstructing unknown networks from data is a focal problem for computational biologists. For example, the series of biochemical reactions in a metabolic pathway can be represented as a network, with nodes corresponding to metabolites and edges linking reactants to products. In a different context, regulatory relationships among genes are commonly represented as directed networks with edges pointing from influential genes to their targets. Reconstructing such networks from data is a challenging problem receiving much attention in the literature. There is a particular need for approaches tailored to time-series data and not reliant on direct intervention experiments, as the former are often more readily available. In this paper, we introduce an approach to reconstructing directed networks based on dynamic systems models. Our approach generalizes commonly used ODE models based on linear or nonlinear dynamics by extending the functional class for the functions involved from parametric to nonparametric models. Concomitantly we limit the complexity by imposing an additive structure on the estimated slope functions. Thus the submodel associated with each node is a sum of univariate functions. These univariate component functions form the basis for a novel coupling metric that we define in order to quantify the strength of proposed relationships and hence rank potential edges. We show the utility of the method by reconstructing networks using simulated data from computational models for the glycolytic pathway of Lactocaccus Lactis and a gene network regulating the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells. For purposes of comparison, we also assess reconstruction performance using gene networks from the DREAM challenges. We compare our method to those that similarly rely on dynamic systems models and use the results to attempt to disentangle the distinct roles of linearity, sparsity, and derivative estimation.  相似文献   

Biological networks, such as cellular metabolic pathways or networks of corticocortical connections in the brain, are intricately organized, yet remarkably robust toward structural damage. Whereas many studies have investigated specific aspects of robustness, such as molecular mechanisms of repair, this article focuses more generally on how local structural features in networks may give rise to their global stability. In many networks the failure of single connections may be more likely than the extinction of entire nodes, yet no analysis of edge importance (edge vulnerability) has been provided so far for biological networks. We tested several measures for identifying vulnerable edges and compared their prediction performance in biological and artificial networks. Among the tested measures, edge frequency in all shortest paths of a network yielded a particularly high correlation with vulnerability and identified intercluster connections in biological but not in random and scale-free benchmark networks. We discuss different local and global network patterns and the edge vulnerability resulting from them.  相似文献   



Biological networks consisting of molecular components and interactions are represented by a graph model. There have been some studies based on that model to analyze a relationship between structural characteristics and dynamical behaviors in signaling network. However, little attention has been paid to changes of modularity and robustness in mutant networks.


In this paper, we investigated the changes of modularity and robustness by edge-removal mutations in three signaling networks. We first observed that both the modularity and robustness increased on average in the mutant network by the edge-removal mutations. However, the modularity change was negatively correlated with the robustness change. This implies that it is unlikely that both the modularity and the robustness values simultaneously increase by the edge-removal mutations. Another interesting finding is that the modularity change was positively correlated with the degree, the number of feedback loops, and the edge betweenness of the removed edges whereas the robustness change was negatively correlated with them. We note that these results were consistently observed in randomly structure networks. Additionally, we identified two groups of genes which are incident to the highly-modularity-increasing and the highly-robustness-decreasing edges with respect to the edge-removal mutations, respectively, and observed that they are likely to be central by forming a connected component of a considerably large size. The gene-ontology enrichment of each of these gene groups was significantly different from the rest of genes. Finally, we showed that the highly-robustness-decreasing edges can be promising edgetic drug-targets, which validates the usefulness of our analysis.


Taken together, the analysis of changes of robustness and modularity against edge-removal mutations can be useful to unravel novel dynamical characteristics underlying in signaling networks.

Qian J  Hintze A  Adami C 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17013


Complex networks can often be decomposed into less complex sub-networks whose structures can give hints about the functional organization of the network as a whole. However, these structural motifs can only tell one part of the functional story because in this analysis each node and edge is treated on an equal footing. In real networks, two motifs that are topologically identical but whose nodes perform very different functions will play very different roles in the network.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we combine structural information derived from the topology of the neuronal network of the nematode C. elegans with information about the biological function of these nodes, thus coloring nodes by function. We discover that particular colorations of motifs are significantly more abundant in the worm brain than expected by chance, and have particular computational functions that emphasize the feed-forward structure of information processing in the network, while evading feedback loops. Interneurons are strongly over-represented among the common motifs, supporting the notion that these motifs process and transduce the information from the sensor neurons towards the muscles. Some of the most common motifs identified in the search for significant colored motifs play a crucial role in the system of neurons controlling the worm''s locomotion.


The analysis of complex networks in terms of colored motifs combines two independent data sets to generate insight about these networks that cannot be obtained with either data set alone. The method is general and should allow a decomposition of any complex networks into its functional (rather than topological) motifs as long as both wiring and functional information is available.  相似文献   



During the last decade, a number of authors have shown that the genetic regulation of metabolic networks may follow optimality principles. Optimal control theory has been succesfully used to compute optimal enzyme profiles considering simple metabolic pathways. However, applying this optimal control framework to more general networks (e.g. branched networks, or networks incorporating enzyme production dynamics) yields problems that are analytically intractable and/or numerically very challenging. Further, these previous studies have only considered a single-objective framework.


In this work we consider a more general multi-objective formulation and we present solutions based on recent developments in global dynamic optimization techniques. We illustrate the performance and capabilities of these techniques considering two sets of problems. First, we consider a set of single-objective examples of increasing complexity taken from the recent literature. We analyze the multimodal character of the associated non linear optimization problems, and we also evaluate different global optimization approaches in terms of numerical robustness, efficiency and scalability. Second, we consider generalized multi-objective formulations for several examples, and we show how this framework results in more biologically meaningful results.


The proposed strategy was used to solve a set of single-objective case studies related to unbranched and branched metabolic networks of different levels of complexity. All problems were successfully solved in reasonable computation times with our global dynamic optimization approach, reaching solutions which were comparable or better than those reported in previous literature. Further, we considered, for the first time, multi-objective formulations, illustrating how activation in metabolic pathways can be explained in terms of the best trade-offs between conflicting objectives. This new methodology can be applied to metabolic networks with arbitrary topologies, non-linear dynamics and constraints.  相似文献   



The assembly of Ser/Thr-linked O-glycans of mucins with core 2 structures is initiated by polypeptide GalNAc-transferase (ppGalNAc-T), followed by the action of core 1 β3-Gal-transferase (C1GalT) and core 2 β6-GlcNAc-transferase (C2GnT). β4-Gal-transferase (β4GalT) extends core 2 and forms the backbone structure for biologically important epitopes. O-glycan structures are often abnormal in chronic diseases. The goal of this work is to determine if the activity and specificity of these enzymes are directed by the sequences and glycosylation of substrates.


We studied the specificities of four enzymes that synthesize extended O-glycan core 2 using as acceptor substrates synthetic mucin derived peptides and glycopeptides, substituted with GalNAc or O-glycan core structures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.


Specific Thr residues were found to be preferred sites for the addition of GalNAc, and Pro in the + 3 position was found to especially enhance primary glycosylation. An inverse relationship was found between the size of adjacent glycans and the rate of GalNAc addition. All four enzymes could distinguish between substrates having different amino acid sequences and O-glycosylated sites. A short glycopeptide Galβ1–3GalNAcα-TAGV was identified as an efficient C2GnT substrate.


The activities of four enzymes assembling the extended core 2 structure are affected by the amino acid sequence and presence of carbohydrates on nearby residues in acceptor glycopeptides. In particular, the sequences and O-glycosylation patterns direct the addition of the first and second sugar residues by ppGalNAc-T and C1GalT which act in a site directed fashion.

General significance

Knowledge of site directed processing enhances our understanding of the control of O-glycosylation in normal cells and in disease.  相似文献   

A fundamental role of the Hsp90 chaperone in regulating functional activity of diverse protein clients is essential for the integrity of signaling networks. In this work we have combined biophysical simulations of the Hsp90 crystal structures with the protein structure network analysis to characterize the statistical ensemble of allosteric interaction networks and communication pathways in the Hsp90 chaperones. We have found that principal structurally stable communities could be preserved during dynamic changes in the conformational ensemble. The dominant contribution of the inter-domain rigidity to the interaction networks has emerged as a common factor responsible for the thermodynamic stability of the active chaperone form during the ATPase cycle. Structural stability analysis using force constant profiling of the inter-residue fluctuation distances has identified a network of conserved structurally rigid residues that could serve as global mediating sites of allosteric communication. Mapping of the conformational landscape with the network centrality parameters has demonstrated that stable communities and mediating residues may act concertedly with the shifts in the conformational equilibrium and could describe the majority of functionally significant chaperone residues. The network analysis has revealed a relationship between structural stability, global centrality and functional significance of hotspot residues involved in chaperone regulation. We have found that allosteric interactions in the Hsp90 chaperone may be mediated by modules of structurally stable residues that display high betweenness in the global interaction network. The results of this study have suggested that allosteric interactions in the Hsp90 chaperone may operate via a mechanism that combines rapid and efficient communication by a single optimal pathway of structurally rigid residues and more robust signal transmission using an ensemble of suboptimal multiple communication routes. This may be a universal requirement encoded in protein structures to balance the inherent tension between resilience and efficiency of the residue interaction networks.  相似文献   



Studying protein complexes is very important in biological processes since it helps reveal the structure-functionality relationships in biological networks and much attention has been paid to accurately predict protein complexes from the increasing amount of protein-protein interaction (PPI) data. Most of the available algorithms are based on the assumption that dense subgraphs correspond to complexes, failing to take into account the inherence organization within protein complex and the roles of edges. Thus, there is a critical need to investigate the possibility of discovering protein complexes using the topological information hidden in edges.


To provide an investigation of the roles of edges in PPI networks, we show that the edges connecting less similar vertices in topology are more significant in maintaining the global connectivity, indicating the weak ties phenomenon in PPI networks. We further demonstrate that there is a negative relation between the weak tie strength and the topological similarity. By using the bridges, a reliable virtual network is constructed, in which each maximal clique corresponds to the core of a complex. By this notion, the detection of the protein complexes is transformed into a classic all-clique problem. A novel core-attachment based method is developed, which detects the cores and attachments, respectively. A comprehensive comparison among the existing algorithms and our algorithm has been made by comparing the predicted complexes against benchmark complexes.


We proved that the weak tie effect exists in the PPI network and demonstrated that the density is insufficient to characterize the topological structure of protein complexes. Furthermore, the experimental results on the yeast PPI network show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms. The analysis of detected modules by the present algorithm suggests that most of these modules have well biological significance in context of complexes, suggesting that the roles of edges are critical in discovering protein complexes.

We performed a genome-level computational study of sequence and structure similarity, the latter using crystal structures and models, of the proteases of Homo sapiens and the human parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Using sequence and structure similarity networks to summarize the results, we constructed global views that show visually the relative abundance and variety of proteases in the degradome landscapes of these two species, and provide insights into evolutionary relationships between proteases. The results also indicate how broadly these sequence sets are covered by three-dimensional structures. These views facilitate cross-species comparisons and offer clues for drug design from knowledge about the sequences and structures of potential drug targets and their homologs. Two protease groups (“M32” and “C51”) that are very different in sequence from human proteases are examined in structural detail, illustrating the application of this global approach in mining new pathogen genomes for potential drug targets. Based on our analyses, a human ACE2 inhibitor was selected for experimental testing on one of these parasite proteases, TbM32, and was shown to inhibit it. These sequence and structure data, along with interactive versions of the protein similarity networks generated in this study, are available at http://babbittlab.ucsf.edu/resources.html.  相似文献   

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