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This study investigated how total corticosterone concentrations, chick-feeding rates, and adult body mass changed with food availability from 1998 to 2000 in the same individually marked common murres (Uria aalge). Capelin, the main prey species, arrived inshore by the onset of murre chick hatching in 1998 and 1999 (prey match years); whereas in 2000, hatching began approximately 1 week before the capelin arrived inshore to spawn (prey mismatch year). Serum corticosterone concentrations were higher in the same individuals in the prey mismatch year than they were in either of the match years. Birds sampled before peak capelin spawning in the mismatch year had higher corticosterone levels than murres sampled after peak spawning. Murres with higher corticosterone levels had higher chick-feeding rates and less mass loss in the mismatch year (compared to the match year 1999) than birds with lower levels. Corticosterone levels did not differ between birds that had not foraged for at least 12 h (brooded chick overnight) and those that had, suggesting that short-term food deprivation did not affect corticosterone concentrations. Taken together, these findings suggest that the difference between years reflects a baseline shift in corticosterone levels, particularly in the high-quality birds that were able to increase both corticosterone concentrations and foraging effort.  相似文献   

In this study of thick- billed murres in high- arctic Greenland we used electronic data loggers and satellite transmitters (PTTs) to identify the foraging areas of chick-rearing adults, and to map the routes and staging areas of adults accompanying post-fledging chicks during their swimming migration within the North Water (NOW) polynya. During the pre-fledging period the majority of 19 foraging trips performed by 8 birds went to a shelf area north of the colony where 83% of all dives took place. Individual birds headed in different directions during successive trips, and went up to 47 km from the colony. Upon fledging the four PTT-tagged adult/chick pairs initiated swimming migration by heading south-west from the colony. All pairs moved fast until they arrived at a shallow bank area ca 180 km from the colony, where at least two of the pairs remained for more than a week. Speed during the active migration averaged 2.5 km h-1 with a peak of 6.6 km h-1. In the pre-fledging period the birds utilised a feeding area outside the normal foraging range of murres from other colonies. Similarly, post-fledging adult/chick pairs may have benefitted from reduced food competition when they moved to a staging area situated at the only shallow area in the polynya without any adjacent murre colony. This initial study suggested that the high-arctic murres did not hasten towards the wintering grounds, and that the NOW remained important even to post-fledging murres.  相似文献   

In this study of common murre Uria aalge chicks, at Slora Karlsö in the Baltic Sea (Sweden), we used two data sets to investigate the post-fledging migration to learn more on potential threats from human activities. Firstly, we radio tracked 12 chicks on average 5.1 h during their first night at sea, after jumping from the breeding cliffs in early July. Their average speed was 1,9 km h-'and all chicks swam in a similar direction (SW) with a mean bearing of 235°. By searching an area of ca 400 km2 further off the island between two and six days after the radio tracking, we concluded that they did not stop, even temporarily, within 40 km off the island, but had continued the swimming migration. Our second data set was made up by 400 recoveries of ringed chicks. Only those recovered within eight months after fledging (until February) were included. Two birds recovered at the Polish coast in the beginning of August had moved on average 10.7 and 12.3 km day-'(i.e. 0.45-0.51 km h-). In August, all chicks, except one, were found south of Gotland > 70 km away. The average distance to the recovery sites in. August was 253.5 km (n = 11). The pattern of distribution of birds reported in September. October and during the winter period from November to February was about the same as in August. The average direction from the colony lo the recovery sites was S to SW. Important findings from nature management perspective are: 1) our data suggest that the route of the chicks at least partly coincide with ship routes with at least 42000 passages each year. Hence, there is a potential for a great part of the common murre population to get in contact with oil spillage at this stage, notably in the first half of July. 2) From the 400 reported recoveries of ringed chicks we concluded that the most important over wintering areas are around Bornholm and the Bay of Gdansk. Hence, these are the most likely areas for conflicts with the fishery and oil spillage during the winter.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of Guillemots Uria aalge at sea was compared between 2 years of radically different food abundance. Radio telemetry was used to determine foraging locations and diving patterns. In the poor compared with the good food year, foraging trips were much longer, the birds foraged more than six times further from their breeding sites, they spent over five times as much time diving when at sea and their estimated energy expenditure was twice as great. Time spent foraging in the poor food year was at the expense of time spent sitting at the colony. The duration of a foraging trip was a poor indicator of distance travelled but a good indicator of the amount of time spent diving. Mean dive durations, surface pause durations and interbout periods did not differ between years, but individuals made more than four times as many dives per diving bout in the poor food year. Surface pause lengths did not vary with water depth in either year. In the poor food year, birds made shorter surface pauses for a dive of a given duration than in the good food year, possibly accepting a lactic acid debt in order to maximize searching time, The duration of the interbout period was positively related to the number of dives in the previous bout, and dives tended to get shorter in long diving sequences, suggesting possible exhaustion effects. These data demonstrate that breeding Guillemots have the capacity to adjust their foraging behaviour and time budgets in response to changes in food abundance, but this flexibility was not sufficient to compensate fully for the very low food abundance experienced by birds in this study.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence population differentiation in temperate taxa can be difficult because the signatures of both historic and contemporary demographics are often reflected in population genetic patterns. Fortunately, analyses based on coalescent theory can help untangle the relative influence of these historic and contemporary factors. Common murres (Uria aalge) are vagile seabirds that breed in the boreal and low arctic waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Previous analyses revealed that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct; however, less is known about population genetic structure within ocean basins. We employed the mitochondrial control region, four microsatellite loci and four intron loci to investigate population genetic structure throughout the range of common murres. As in previous studies, we found that Atlantic and Pacific populations diverged during the Pleistocene and do not currently exchange migrants. Therefore, Atlantic and Pacific murre populations can be used as natural replicates to test mechanisms of population differentiation. While we found little population genetic structure within the Pacific, we detected significant east–west structuring among Atlantic colonies. The degree that population genetic structure reflected contemporary population demographics also differed between ocean basins. Specifically, while the low levels of population differentiation in the Pacific are at least partially due to high levels of contemporary gene flow, the east–west structuring of populations within the Atlantic appears to be the result of historic fragmentation of populations rather than restricted contemporary gene flow. The contrasting results in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans highlight the necessity of carefully considering multilocus nonequilibrium population genetic approaches when reconstructing the demographic history of temperate Northern Hemisphere taxa.  相似文献   

D. J. HALLEY  M. P. HARRIS 《Ibis》1993,135(3):264-270
A minimum of 61 Guillemots Uria aalge ringed as chicks at other colonies was recorded at the Isle of May between 1987 and 1991 (four prior to 1990, six in 1990, 51 in 1991). Two were adults and 59 were immatures. Most of the British and Irish colonies where many chicks had been ringed were represented. Higher proportions of birds ringed at colonies relatively close to the Isle of May were observed compared to birds ringed at more distant sites. Visitors ranged in age from 2 to 5 years, with single 10- and 14-year-olds. Relatively fewer 2- and 5- than 3- and 4-year-old birds were seen. Visiting birds were usually recorded once only, significantly less often than native immatures of the same age, except for 2-year-olds. The proportion of birds occupying sites on intertidal rocks as against sites in the colony appeared to be higher compared with native birds of the same age. Visiting birds formed a substantial proportion of the immature population. Ten immature birds from the Isle of May were recorded elsewhere. Four of these had been seen on the Isle of May previously, and four were seen there subsequently. A 6-year-old hatched at Sumburgh ( c. 420 km by sea) bred at the Isle of May in 1992.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of predation risk on the behavior ofrhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) breeding at PineIsland, British Columbia, in 1990. Provisioning parents in someareas of the colony risked predation by bald eagles (Haliacetusleucocephalus). Chicks in high and low predation risk areasof the colony hatched on approximately the same date, receivedsimilar amounts of food to 46 days of age, grew at the samerate, reached similar peak masses, and fledged at similar masses.However, chicks in high predation areas fledged at a youngerage than did chicks in low predation areas. These data are consistentwith the hypothesis that parents in high risk areas terminatedprovisioning several days before those in lower risk areas.Mass at fledging was inversely related to age at fledging inboth high and low risk areas. The regression line for the highrisk habitats lies below that from the low risk habitats, aspredicted by a model that examines optimal time of fledgingfrom the perspective of the parents. We conclude that risk ofpredation represents a significant cost of reproduction to somerhinoceros auklets and that individual auklets within the colonyvary their behavior according to predation risk.  相似文献   

Olof Olsson 《Polar Biology》1997,18(3):161-165
Effects of summer food shortage on king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus chicks were studied at South Georgia. Two cohorts were compared, fledging in the austral summers of 1992 (n = 32) and 1994 (n = 33) when availability of food was judged good and poor, respectively. The former cohort had a higher pre-fledging mean mass (12.78 kg vs ≤ 10.03 kg), fledged earlier (median 5 January vs 21 January), and a higher proportion was re-sighted within 2 years of fledging (28% vs 0%). Within 4 years, 47% of the former cohort had been re-sighted (i.e. post-fledge survival); in addition, one was observed at the Falkland Islands, and 22% had bred (i.e. recruitment) in their colony of origin. The re-sighted chicks of the 1992 cohort fledged earlier than those not re-sighted (median 24 December vs 10 January), but it remain unclear if they were heavier at fledging. All chicks in this study (n = 65) were marked with both transponders (subcutaneously implanted) and flipper bands (on one flipper), and no losses of any markings were found (controlled up to 4 years afterwards). Therefore, data on chick post-fledging survival and recruitment were not adjusted for losses of markings, as has been done in other studies. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 2 February 1997  相似文献   

1. Trophic interactions between predators and parasitoids can be described as intraguild predation (IGP) and are often asymmetric. Parasitoids (typically the IG prey) may respond to the threat of IGP by mitigating the predation risk for their offspring. 2. We used a system with a facultative predator Macrolophus caliginosus, the parasitoid Aphidius colemani, and their shared prey, the aphid Myzus persicae. We examined the functional responses of the parasitoid in the presence/absence of the predator on two host plants (aubergine and sweet pepper) with differing IGP risk. 3. Estimated model parameters such as parasitoid handling time increased on both plants where the predator was present, but impact of the predator varied with plant species. The predator, which could feed herbivorously on aubergine, had a reduced impact on parasitoid foraging on that plant. IG predator presence could reduce the searching effort of the IG prey depending on the plant, and on likely predation risk. 4. The results are discussed with regard to individual parasitoid's foraging behaviour and population stability; it is suggested that the presence of the predator can contribute to the stabilisation of host–parasitoid dynamics  相似文献   

Wing size and shape, expressed as wing loading and aspect ratio respectively, together with bill morphology are parameters that can reveal differences related to the foraging ecology of seabirds. Six species of booby (Sulidae) that inhabit the Pacific are the focus of this study: four mainly pelagic species, Masked Booby Sula dactylatra, Nazca Booby Sula granti, Red‐footed Booby Sula sula and Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, and two coastal species, Blue‐footed Booby Sula nebouxii and Peruvian Booby Sula variegata. Pelagic boobies showed segregation among species in body mass and relative bill size, and they differed in wing morphology (wing loading and aspect ratio) from the coastal boobies. The coastal Peruvian and Blue‐footed Boobies are largely allopatric but overlap in northern Peru. In their area of sympatry, they showed evidence of character displacement in body size and in wing and bill morphology, which suggests that competition plays an important role in sympatry. This study improves our understanding of ecological interactions among Pacific boobies and of how selective pressures have shaped their ecomorphology and foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

While accelerated growth can be advantageous to nestling birds, there may be a tradeoff between rapid growth and resistance to food shortages. Common murres Uria aalg e are colonial seabirds that benefit from reproductive synchrony. Individuals that lay eggs late should benefit if they produce chicks capable of growing quickly and fledging synchronously with their neighbors. In this study, we controlled food provisioning of captive-hatched common murre chicks from a single subcolony and examined differences in growth between early-hatched individuals and their later-hatched neighbors. We assessed potential costs of rapid growth by comparing growth of chicks fed ad libitum with their growth under food restricted conditions. Chicks that hatched later were heavier, ate more and gained body mass more quickly than chicks that hatched earlier. Late-hatched chicks grew quickly enough to reach the same mass as their early-hatched neighbors in five days. However, chicks that grew more quickly under ad libitum food conditions grew more slowly when food was restricted. We conclude that murres that lay eggs late may synchronize their reproduction with early-laying neighbors by producing rapidly growing chicks. However, the ability to compensate for late hatching by growing quickly can be costly when food becomes limited.  相似文献   

The relationship between foraging success and reproduction is commonly assumed to be linear in theoretical investigations. Although the exact relationship (e.g., linear or nonlinear) does not influence qualitative conclusions of models under some assumptions, an inclusion of individual behavioral variation can make it otherwise due to Jensen's inequality. In particular, a mechanism that stabilizes food web dynamics is generated when two conditions are satisfied: (1) the reproduction of predators experiences diminishing returns from foraging success (i.e., concave down relationship between foraging success and reproduction) and (2) foraging success variation among predator individuals increases with the predator density. However, empirical results that confirm these conditions are scarce. This study describes the mechanism as a hypothesis for stability and discusses some important considerations for empirical verifications of the mechanism.  相似文献   


The Snares fernbird (Bowdleria punctata caudata Buller, 1894) is an opportunistic insectivore, its prey ranging greatly in size and type. Birds forage over a wide variety of sites, including forest, tussock, boulder beaches, cliffs, penguin colonies, and floating kelp. Foraging methods vary with the prey sought, and at times birds adopt specific “search images” when hunting certain insects. Details of foods brought to nestlings are given. Four postures used by fernbirds when foraging actively are described.  相似文献   

The widespread utility of hypervariable loci in genetic studies derives from the high mutation rate, and thus the high polymorphism, of these loci. Recent evidence suggests that mutation rates can be extremely high and may be male biased (occurring in the male germ-line). These two factors combined may result in erroneous overestimates of extrapair paternity, since legitimate offspring with novel alleles will have more mismatches with respect to the biological father than the biological mother. As mutations are male driven, increasing the number of hypervariable loci screened may simply increase the number of mismatches between fathers and their legitimate offspring. Here we describe a simple statistic, the probability of resemblance (PR), to distinguish between mismatches due to parental misassignment versus mutation in either sex or null alleles. We apply this method to parentage data on thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), and demonstrate that, without considering either mutations or male-biased mutation rates, cases of extrapair paternity (7% in this study) would be grossly overestimated (14.5%-22%). The probability of resemblance can be utilized in parentage studies of any sexually reproducing species when allele or haplotype frequency data are available for putative parents and offspring. We suggest calculating this probability to correctly categorize legitimate offspring when mutations and null alleles may cause mismatches.  相似文献   

There are seven species of Phylloscopus warblers breeding sympatrically in Central Siberia. In general they are very similar in morphology and behaviour. Slight differences in morphology, however, are often interpreted as having arisen through adaptation to distinct foraging ecologies, thereby mediating species coexistence. We studied the morphology and foraging behaviour of these warblers, taking into account phylogenetic relationships using Felsenstein's method of independent contrasts. Striking correlations were found between morphology and foraging techniques, as well as between morphology and microhabitat selection. Species with large hind limbs and short wings foraged in dense vegetation near the ground using gleaning techniques. In contrast, species with long wings and large bills favoured open vegetation, and foraged using sallying manoeuvres. Independently of these trends, small species foraged at higher levels in the vegetation, and used hoverflight more often than did larger species. Foraging methods were highly correlated with vegetation structure. Coniferous trees were exploited using hoverflight when they had short needles and gleaning when needles were long. Sallying predominated in light deciduous vegetation whereas gleaning was used most in dense, deciduous bushes. After controlling for the effects of vegetation structure on foraging behaviour, species differences became less pronounced, but were still significant. It is therefore concluded that morphology may be regarded as having adapted to enable more efficient exploitation of certain microhabitats. A preference for these microhabitats then further increases the observed behavioural differences between species. Morphology may therefore partly determine a species' ability to colonise new habitats.  相似文献   

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