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Males that follow alternative reproductive tactics might differ in their investment into testis development and sperm production. The resource-allocation hypothesis predicts that males following a sneaker tactic should invest more into sperm production than dominant territorial males which should invest more into mate guarding. This hypothesis is supported by studies in species where individual males cannot switch between tactics (fixed tactics). Here we present the first data for a species where males can switch between tactics (plastic tactics). We studied African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) in captivity, mimicking three tactics observed in the field: philopatric group-living males, singly-housed males representing roaming males, and group-living breeding males. We measured quantitative and qualitative reproductive traits, as well as serum and testis hormone concentrations. We found no support for the resource-allocation hypothesis, since breeding and singly-housed males invested similarly in testes and sperm. However, philopatric males had significantly smaller testes and epididymides, lower sperm counts, lower testosterone and higher corticosterone levels than males of the two other tactics. Philopatric males did not reach a larger body mass than singly-housed males with well developed reproductive traits, indicating that they did not trade investment in sperm production against growth. Interestingly, testis testosterone concentrations of philopatric males did not differ from those of other males. Our data suggest that philopatric males are reproductively suppressed by the breeding male, but might be ready to increase their serum testosterone levels when social and environmental conditions allow for this physiological switch accompanying the behavioral switch between tactics.  相似文献   

Multiple group principal component analysis was used to investigate the morphological relationships between feral American mink from three areas of Southern Norway based on 15 skull dimensions. The first principal axis calculated from the variance-covariance matrix of log-transformed data is usually interpreted as a growth axis. In the present analysis, the scores of the first principal axis of males were found to be uncorrelated with estimated age for specimens younger than seven months old, and was interpreted as a growth-free size axis. However, the second component of males was found to reflect mainly growth in the postorbital area. The first component of females was thought to reflect a mixing of growth-out and growth-in size variation. One of the reasons for separating size and size-free variation in the present work was to test whether growth-dependent size influenced the assessment of geographic variation within each sex. The scores on the components reflecting size variation (growthout and growth-in) were, however, not found to deviate significantly between the areas. Discriminant analyses run on the component scores, both with size variation included and excluded, gave the same result. In mean, the mink from Western Norway deviated significantly from the mink from Trondelag and Eastern Norway, while the mink from the two latter areas did not deviate morphometrically. The deviation found was in shape rather than in size of both sexes.  相似文献   

Cultures of mink testis and mink kidney cells were inoculated with 10% extracts and filtrates of tissue from plasmacytosis-affected mink. Specific morphological changes were observed in cultures of kidney and testis cells. Millipore filtration experiments suggested the size range of the agent to be from 10 to 50 mmu. Inoculation of fluids from the 2nd, 4th and 8th tissue culture passages of the agent induced plasmacytosis in adult mink.  相似文献   

The mink, a seasonal breeder of great economic importance, shows a high incidence of male infertility. This problem has forced investigators to find methods of assaying male mink infertility. In this study, morphometric studies have been performed on testicular tissue of a total of 31 males eliminated from breeding after testicular palpation, sperm test, and estimation of serum testosterone concentrations. Males having low sperm quality or disturbed testicular development (n=24) had significantly (p<0.01) lower numbers of spermatocytes, spermatids, and freefloating luminal spermatozoa. compared with males with good sperm quality (n=7). No differences were found in the numbers of spermatogonia, Sertoli, and Leydig cells. Other morphometric parameters such as mean diameter, mean area, mean volume, percentage of area, and surface area per volume of nuclei are also presented for each cell type in the testis. It may be concluded that the sperm test is best suited for assessing fertility in mink. Severe disturbances in testicular development can be detected by testicular palpation and serum testosterone measurements.  相似文献   

Mink are seasonal photosensitive breeders; testis activity is triggered when days have less than 10 h light. Increasing and decreasing plasma concentrations of prolactin induce the spring and autumn moults. In a 5 year experiment, males were maintained under short days (8 h light:16 h dark) at 13 degrees C or long days (16 h light:8 h dark) at 21 degrees C, winter and summer conditions, respectively. Under winter and summer conditions, circannual cycles of prolactin secretion and moulting were observed at intervals of about 11 months. Recurrence of testis cycles was not evident. In a second experiment, males were maintained under an 8 h light:16 h dark cycle from the winter solstice or under 10 h light:14 h dark, 12 h light:12 h dark or 14 h light:10 h dark cycles from 10 February. Under 8 h light:16 h dark cycle, testis regression was slightly later than under natural conditions, indicating photorefractoriness. However, mink remained sensitive to light: the longer the photoperiod, the faster the testis regression. In a third experiment, males were transferred under 8 h light:16 h dark or 16 h light:8 h dark from 15 May (group 1), 12 June (group 2) or 4 July (group 3); males submitted to long days received melatonin capsules on the day of transfer. Increasing concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and testis volume were shown by half the males in group 2 and nearly all the males in group 3; the constant release of melatonin from implants was more efficient than short days; but in the three groups, prolactin concentrations decreased in the few days after short-day or melatonin treatment. Overall, the results demonstrate endogenous circannual rhythms of prolactin secretion, body weight and moulting. Although a refractory period to short days was observed, the annual cycle of testis activity totally relies on the annual changes in daylength.  相似文献   

Nest-holder male Salaria pavo have lower circulating concentrations of 11-ketotestosterone (KT) at the beginning of the breeding season than at its peak. At that peak density of nesting males was higher as were the number of visits of sneaker males to nests and of agonistic interactions between nest-holders and sneaker males. There was no difference between the two dates either in the frequency of male-male interactions or in the frequency of courtship episodes. Thus, higher plasma levels in nest-holders might be explained by a more intense sneaking pressure at the peak of the breeding season. At that peak, nest-holders had higher plasma levels of KT and a higher testosterone (T) to KT metabolization index in the gonads than did floater males. Both nest-holders and floaters had higher levels of KT and T in the testicular gland than in the testis. The levels of both androgens in the testicular gland, but not in the testis, were correlated with circulating concentrations of KT. These results suggest that the testicular gland is the major source of circulating KT in blenniids. Nest-holders had higher metabolization indexes than floaters both in the testis and in the testicular gland, which suggests that nest holding status promotes the conversion of T into KT.  相似文献   

The diets of free-ranging male and female mink were sampled by analysing faeces collected from radio-tagged individuals. Significant sex differences were apparent in the predation upon three of the five principal prey groups. The larger males preyed much more heavily upon lagomorphs, the largest prey taken, while females preyed more upon fish and crustaceans than did males. These differences were consistent in each season except the autumn (September to November), when males preyed more heavily upon fish and crustacea than did females. Due to their large size, adult lagomorphs are felt to be relatively unavailable to female mink. Male mink are apparently large enough to specialize on lagomorphs, and male mink niche breadth was consistently lower than that of females. Dietary overlap approximated to 40% in all seasons except summer (68%), when female predation upon lagomorphs reached a peak. This reduction in intraspecific feeding competition was felt to be a valuable side-effect of body-size dimorphism.  相似文献   

To protect seabirds breeding on small nearshore islands (“sites”) along the coast of west Scotland from American mink, continuous year-round conventional cage trapping was carried out at constant effort at ten sites for three years (2003–2005) and at five of these sites for 10 years (1997–2006). In both periods, trapped male mink outnumbered females for most of the year, usually by more than two to one, with peaks of males in April–May and in September–October. However, a striking change took place in August–September, when the sex ratio of catches became close to unity. Most of the trapped females were caught in these two months. The chance of catching a female by this method was seven or eight times greater in August–September than during the rest of the year. Relatively few mink of either sex were caught in November–February. These findings, particularly the greatly increased catch of females in August–September, may be useful to others working to control alien American mink.  相似文献   

The European mink is a critically endangered mustelid species of conservation concern throughout Europe. Several conservation interventions have been implemented in recent years, supported by both national and European governments. However, knowledge about the natural history of the European mink is scarce and localized to a few specific areas. From 2007 to 2009, we studied mink activity patterns, home range sizes, and macrohabitats of mink home ranges based on 28 radio-tracked European mink (10 adult females, 11 adult males, 3 young females, and 4 young males) in the Foral Community of Navarre (northern Spain), in the Arga and Aragón rivers. We also provide insights on the spatial organization of the species. European mink presented a stable, mainly nocturnal and crepuscular activity pattern and required between 15 and 75 ha of fluvial habitats to establish their home ranges, which were also quite stable throughout the year. There were great differences between adult females and adult males, the latter having home ranges five times larger. In addition, whereas adult females mainly settled in lagoons and small tributaries, males also used to a large extent the main river sections. European mink presented a polygynous mating system, where males were territorial and encompassed several female home ranges within their home ranges. Lagoons and similar structures should be preserved and favored in management strategies, and tributaries maintained in good condition, as female requirements should be prioritized in plans to improve the general habitat quality for the species. Any conservation plan aimed at the improvement or recovery of European mink populations through habitat management should consider management blocks of at least 15 ha per each potential breeding female.  相似文献   

It is suspected that feral American mink, an introduced predator in Europe, have seriously affected local densities of birds breeding in archipelagos and coastal areas. We studied the effects of mink removal on breeding densities of waterfowl in two manipulation and two control areas in the outer archipelago of SW Finland, Baltic Sea. The study was conducted in two phases: during 1992–2001 a total of 98 mink was removed from 60 islands and islets (total area 72 km2) whereas on 37 islands and islets (35 km2) mink was not removed. Additional mink removal and control areas were established during 1998–2001 to replicate the experiment. The breeding densities of the shelduck, tufted duck and the velvet scoter increased as a response to mink removal, while in the control areas their populations remained unchanged. The breeding densities of mallards increased during the first 7 yr of mink removal, but a steep decrease in the last study year resulted in a statistically non-significant overall increase. The species with low breeding densities (the gadwall, northern shoveler, pintail and the red-breasted merganser) increased as well. In contrast, the populations of large waterfowl species, the mute swan, greylag goose, common eider and the goosander, did not show obvious increases in breeding densities after mink removal. We conclude that feral mink may locally limit the breeding densities of some smaller waterfowl species and thus reduce the diversity of the waterfowl community in the outer archipelago.  相似文献   

Testes of mink were compared between the breeding (March) and non-breeding seasons with the start (November) and cessation (May) of spermatogenic activity. Testicular mass and spermatozoa per gram testis were assessed. Percentages of haploid (1C), diploid (2C) and tetraploid (4C) cells were monitored using DNA flow cytometry and the proportions of somatic and spermatogenetic cells were determined after selective labelling of somatic cells with a vimentin antibody. Apoptosis was examined by cell death detection ELISA, and testosterone concentrations were measured with an enzyme-immunoassay. The significantly higher testis mass during the breeding period coincided with higher numbers of testicular spermatozoa per gram testis and peak of testicular testosterone concentration in comparison with non-breeding periods. The proportions of 1C, 2C and 4C cells showed corresponding strong differences between these periods with the maximum of 1C cells during breeding. The proportions of testicular cells in G2-M phase of mitosis were very low during the period of peak spermatogenesis; they were markedly increased in the time of autumnal resumption in November but were even higher during testis involution in May. However. the meiotic transformation (1C:4C ratio) is maximal in March. The total as well as the relative proportions of spermatogenic and somatic cells differed significantly not only between breeding and non-breeding periods but also between the periods at the start and at the end of active spermatogenesis. The intensity of apoptosis was also seasonally dependent. The highest level in March indicates a stimulated apoptosis even during the breeding period. In conclusion, the production of spermatozoa in mink is intensified by enlargement of gonads as well as enhanced efficiency of spermatogenesis during breeding. In this time, the testosterone concentration and the meiotic transformation show high levels, but the mitotic activity of spermatogenic cells is already significantly diminished and an intensified apoptosis seems to precede the forthcoming testis involution after breeding. The results suggest that the regulation of seasonal testicular activity is characterised by co-ordinated shifts in the relationships between mitosis, meiosis, apoptosis and testosterone production.  相似文献   

寄生物对宿主繁殖的影响取决于宿主对当前繁殖值和剩余繁殖值的权衡。球虫为微型寄生物,而微型寄生物对宿主当前繁殖值的影响较剩余繁殖值要大。因此,本研究检验了寄生在高原鼠兔肠道内的艾美耳球虫可影响其当前繁殖的假设。在繁殖早、中、晚期,野外共观测高原鼠兔170只。结果表明,不同繁殖期感染率有显著差异。在繁殖中期,未感染雌性的妊娠率显著高于感染雌性。且未妊娠雌性较妊娠雌性有更高的感染强度,但在另外两个繁殖期没有发现此效应。在雄性中,任何繁殖期的感染强度和感染率与睾丸和附睾指数均无显著相关性,且感染和未感染球虫雄性睾丸及附睾指数无显著差异。此外,野外观测实验结果表明,感染雌性的胚胎重较未感染雌性显著降低,与野外感染对胚胎重量影响的实验结果相一致。说明艾美耳球虫感染可影响胚胎的发育。上述结果说明,艾美耳球虫对高原鼠兔繁殖的影响随繁殖期而有不同效应,且存在性别间差异,这种效应可能与不同性别间的繁殖对策有关。  相似文献   

Like most solitary carnivores, the home ranges of male American mink overlap with those of several females, but each female typically shares its range with only a single male. Nevertheless, female mink produce multiply sired litters. Unusually among mammals, the physiological characteristics of female American mink make them highly suited to multiple paternity, suggesting that polyandry in the species may result from female behaviour rather than from coercion by males. In a free-choice experiment on captive-bred animals, all female mink mated multiply, with seven of the eight mating with all three available partners. Since females sometimes resisted copulations, multiple mating in this species may result from their behaviour rather than male coercion. Females visited males nonrandomly, but visiting patterns did not predict mating patterns, suggesting disparate social and mating preferences. There was no evidence for precopulatory female choice, since the allocation of copulations among available males did not deviate significantly from the expected distribution. Females mated multiply only around the predicted times of ovulation, contrary to the expectation that they should be more selective at times of peak fertility. Larger males copulated for longer in total: copulation duration is probably under male control, suggesting that larger males could influence mating duration, perhaps increasing their share of paternity by greater sperm transfer. Our observations suggest that in wild populations, mating patterns could be influenced by female preference for multiple partners.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding animals, in which helpers may participatein reproduction with dominant breeders, are ideal species forexamining intraspecific variation in testis size because theyoften exhibit both monogamous breeding (low risk of sperm competition)and polyandrous breeding (high risk) within a population. However,little is known about testis investment as a result of spermcompetition in these animals. The substrate-brooding cichlidfish Julidochromis ornatus has a cooperatively breeding system,in which some males mate monogamously and other males reproduceas dominant breeders or helpers within cooperatively breedinggroups, in which male helpers frequently sire young. We examinedthe relationship between testis investment and male social statusin relation to the risk of sperm competition. As predicted fromsperm competition models, in groups with male helpers, boththe male breeders and the male helpers invested more in testesmass, compared to breeding males without male helpers. We alsofound a positive relationship between the testes mass of malebreeders and their male helpers, suggesting that males increasetheir investment in reproductive capability under the risk ofsperm competition. Sperm competition models also predict thatlarger testes are associated with increased siring success.Our paternity analysis supported this prediction; we found apositive relationship between testis investment by male helpersand the number of offspring they sired.  相似文献   

Many vertebrate species exhibit alternative phenotypes (or morphs), in which one sex displays phenotypic variation equal to or greater than the variation between the sexes. Males in such species typically display differences in reproductive strategies and morphology. Steroid hormones such as testosterone are known modulators of reproductive behavior and morphology and therefore are obvious candidates for the mediation of phenotypic differences between morphs. We conducted a year-round study in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) that exhibits alternative phenotypes in plumage coloration and behavior in both sexes: during the breeding season, white-striped males and females are more aggressive and have higher song rates than tan-striped individuals. At the beginning of the breeding season, free-living white-striped males had higher plasma testosterone concentrations than tan-striped males. However, this finding might have been due to different social experiences because captive male morphs sampled at similar times of year did not differ in testosterone concentrations. Captive white-striped males had larger testis and cloacal protuberance sizes than tan-striped males, which might be related to the divergent mating strategies of the morphs. Male morphs showed similar increases in luteinizing hormone following injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, but white-striped males showed larger increases in testosterone, indicating differences between morphs in gonadal testosterone production. Females had low concentrations of testosterone, and morphs did not differ. Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentrations were elevated in both sexes and morphs during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. These data do not support the hypothesis that testosterone activates behavioral differences between alternative phenotypes in the white-throated sparrow. Alternative testable hypotheses include hormonal effects during early development and direct genetic effects.  相似文献   

Capsule Colonies were larger and breeding success lower in mink-inhabited areas.

Aims To examine the impact of mink on dense aggregations of ground-breeding seabirds on islands previously isolated from mammalian predators.

Methods We compare 1990–93 tern breeding data with records before and after mink arrival.

Results In the early 1990s, terns showed no preference for mink-free islands. The breeding behaviour and success of tern colonies in mink-inhabited areas did not significantly differ from that in mink-free areas. However, colonies were larger and breeding success lower in mink-inhabited areas compared to mink-free areas, trends which might reflect longer term mink impact.

Conclusions As mink spread south there seems to be a gradual increase in tern colony size affecting Lewis, then Harris and, recently, the Sound of Harris.  相似文献   

为了探究水貂季节性睾丸退化的分子机制,本研究利用HE染色技术对不同退化时期的水貂睾丸组织进行了组织学研究,同时利用荧光定量PCR技术对不同退化时期的水貂睾丸组织中TGFB家族生长因子及其受体基因表达量变化进行了研究。结果发现在水貂睾丸退化期间,其直径逐渐缩短到原来的1/2,重量逐渐降低到原来的1/8。HE染色结果发现,4~7月水貂睾丸经历了严重退化,而且曲细精管的管腔逐渐消失,同时曲细精管的直径减小到其最大尺寸的1/3。荧光定量PCR结果发现TGFb3INHBATGFBR1ACVR2AACVR2BSMAD2SMAD4基因相对表达量在水貂睾丸退化期间都呈下降趋势。本研究表明TGFB信号通路可能在水貂睾丸退化期间发挥了重要功能。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that selective breeding of animals for docile behavior is correlated with early onset of puberty and improved fertility. We wished to test the hypothesis that mink bred for docility would show earlier onset of puberty and greater fecundity than mink bred for aggressiveness. We used farm-raised, 7-mo-old mink females that had been selectively bred for 7 to 10 generations on the basis of behavior towards humans. Onset of puberty was estimated once (between 15 and 20 December) by vaginal smears and was said to start wtih preponderance of cornified epithelial cells in the cytological specimen. Fecundity was measured by litter size and rate of folliculogenesis, with and without hCG stimulation, by histomorphometric examination of ovaries and uteri. A total of 43/100 (43%) docile females achieved proestrus and estrus as compared to 16/136 (12%) of the aggressive ones. Overall pregnancy rate, survival to 5 d after whelping and litter size did not differ between the docile and aggressive females. Docile females showed significantly higher numbers (P < 0.05 and < 0.001) of growing, maturing and atretic follicles than the aggressive ones, however the latter showed a highly significant (P < 0.001) folliculogenic response to hCG. The response of the ovary of aggressive females to hCG is particularly dramatic because in most aggressive females the ovaries contained none or only few follicles of any kind. The inhibition of folliculogenesis in aggressive mink is similar to that reported in Silverblue and Sapphire mink homozygous for the Stuart factor. The paradoxical response to hCG may be an indication that selective breeding for aggression may be correlated with the disturbance at the early stages of folliculogenesis which creates a deficiency of follicles that are sensitive to LH-type stimulation.  相似文献   

Nest predation and its avoidance are critical components of an individual's fitness and play an important role in life history evolution. Almost all studies on this topic have been observational, and thus have not been able to separate the effects of individual quality, habitat selection and predation risk of given nest sites from each other. More experimental studies on nest predation and breeding dispersal, therefore, are needed to avoid confusing interpretations of the results. In western Finland, pine marten (Martes martes) predation risk was experimentally simulated at the nests of Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus) by using a caged American mink (Mustela vison) as a predator. Nests without exposure to a mink served as controls. In accordance with our predictions and earlier observational studies, males exposed to simulated predation risk increased nest-hole shift and breeding dispersal distances compared to control males. Nest-hole shift and long breeding dispersal distances probably decrease the risk of nest predation, because pine martens are known to revisit nest-holes they have found.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk of testicular cancer in relation to undescended testis and its treatment based on recorded details of the maldescent, treatment, and biopsy from case notes. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London. SUBJECTS: 1075 boys with cryptorchidism treated by orchidopexy or hormones at the hospital during 1951-64. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relative risk of testicular cancer in the cohort compared with men in the general population. RESULTS: 12 testicular cancers occurred in 11 of the patients during follow up to mid-1990 (relative risk of cancer in males with cryptorchidism = 7.5 (95% confidence interval 3.9 to 12.8)). The relative risk fell significantly beyond 15 years after orchidopexy but did not decrease with younger age at orchidopexy. Risk was significantly raised in testes that had had biopsy samples removed during orchidopexy (relative risk = 66.7 (23.9 to 143.3) compared with a testis in a man in the general population) and was significantly greater in these testes than in undescended testes that had not had biopsy samples taken at orchidopexy (6.7 (2.7 to 13.5)). No reasons for biopsy or distinguishing clinical aspects of the testes that had had biopsy samples taken and later developed malignancies were evident in the case notes. No histological abnormalities were evident at initial biopsy except in one testis that had features of dysgenesis. CONCLUSIONS: Biopsy seems to be a stronger risk factor for testicular cancer than any factor previously identified. The trauma of open biopsy may contribute substantially to risk of malignancy or the testes may have been selected for biopsy on the basis of clinical factors predictive of malignancy but not mentioned in the case notes.  相似文献   

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