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During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

Deviations between observed and simulated discharge in the basins along the borders of the Czech Republic with Austria and Germany provide outputs which enable to follow changes in runoff. The three basins range in area from 100 to 200 km2 and the experimental basin Liz with an area of 0.99 km2. The selected experimental catchments are situated in or close to the National Park of the ?umava Mts. This region is described also in Tesa? et al. (2006). Results indicate that changes in runoff appear to be related to damages in forest cover caused by wind disasters and insects damages.Daily time series used for simulations are approximately 40 years long and 20 years in the experimental basin. Two different models of the rainfall — runoff process have been used for simulations and the outputs provide comparable results. The models are the conceptual model Sacramento (Burnash, 1995) and the model BROOK’90 (Federer, 1993). The second model distinguishes the details concerning evapotranspiration, including transpiration, rain and snow interception and snow and soil evaporation.The indicated runoff changes seem to be rather complex. After deforestation the volume of runoff generally increases and peak flows of floods are higher, but low flow in rainless periods show complicated courses.  相似文献   

Grassland seed banks are traditionally considered a source of new species in degraded communities. However, many recent studies have shown that the potential of the seed bank to restore many communities is rather limited. Two principal reasons for these limitations, loss of species from the seed bank or inability of the species to create any seed bank, are, however, usually not distinguished. This study aims to assess the role of seed bank composition and heterogeneity in the restoration of species-rich plant communities. It was carried out in mountain grasslands in the eastern part of the Krkono?e Mountains, Czech Republic. The composition of vegetation and seed bank were recorded and their relationship was assessedin 1.5m × 1.5 m plots placed in non-degraded and degraded parts of seven grasslands. Vegetation at currently managed sites is not degraded; degraded parts were without management (dominated byHolcus mollis, Bistorta major orRumex alpinus). The degree of heterogeneity of seed bank and vegetation was tested as the relationship between subplot similarity, distance, and degradation stage. Degradation had significant effects on composition of both aboveground vegetation and seed bank and increased heterogeneity both in the vegetation and in the seed bank. Species absent from the vegetation of degraded plots were also absent from the seed bank of both degraded and non-degraded plots, indicating that the absence of species from the seed bank is not due to their loss during the degradation process but rather due to the low number of seeds in the seed bank already in the non-degraded communities. Furthermore, the seed bank of the degraded communities largely results from the present vegetation of these communities. This supports the limited role of the seed bank in these communities. Restoration of these sites is thus impossible unless management will include methods with which seeds will arrive at the degraded sites.  相似文献   

Variation in the number of species was studied in a subthermophilous grassland at a scale of 0.05 ×0.05 m during a 5-year period. The observed variance of species richness (VSR) was compared with a null model based on random distribution of species over a set of squares. It was found that distribution of species richness had more values than, expected around the mean and less values at the “shoulders”. Both tails fell within the predicted limits. Application of the procedures removing spatial dependence (random shifts, rotation/reflection method byPalmer & van der Maarel 1995) and environmental heterogeneity (patch model byWatkins & Wilson 1992) did not change the observed pattern. Using simulations in which the number of clumps and clumping intensity were manipulated it was found that the effect of the clumped spatial pattern, on VSR results in a wide range of variances. Both variance excess and variance deficit were found more frequently than expected under the null model. To test the effect of the limitation to the number of individuals per square, a null model was developed which included that observed number of plant shoots per square, the observed distribution of the number of shoots belonging to individual species per square and the observed spatial distribution of the shoots. The observed VSR was still lower than that produced by the null model. Therefore, it is concluded that at a scale of 0.05×0.05 m plant species combine in a non-random way in the studied grassland. It is suggested that the shape of left and right “shoulders” of the species richness distribution may be caused by different factors, such as positive and negative covariance between species, respectively. Their simultaneous impact can generate the observed pattern in species richness.  相似文献   

Six pollen diagrams from peat bogs in the Vltavsky luh (upper Vltava river valley) provide new information about vegetation reconstruction, woodland dynamics, and local development of mires during the Late-glacial and Holocene. Vegetation development began in the Oldest Dryas/B?ling with open park plant cover. In the Aller?d, woodland with Pinus and Betula developed, and in the Younger Dryas there was a steppe tundra with plants of open habitats. In the Pre-boreal, woodland tundra grew. In the Boreal, Corylus spread, and a major expansion of Picea began in the early Boreal. Picea spread during the Atlantic probably by two different migration routes. Fagus immigrated earlier than in the Bayerischer Wald and Oberpf?lzer Wald in the adjoining parts of Germany, and had its major expansion in the early Atlantic. Abies expanded in the late Atlantic. The great abundance of Abies in this area is remarkable, forming Abies or Abies-Fagus woods in less extreme habitats. Human occupation started in the Sub-boreal, as shown by both archaeology and palynology. However, human impact is recognized from anthropogenic indicators which appear in the early Atlantic. At the end of the later Sub-atlantic the development of natural woodland was interrupted by plantation of Picea according to historical and palynological evidence. Received November 13, 2000 / Accepted July 7, 2001  相似文献   

The effect of different grazing regimes on pasture vegetation was studied during the intensive grazing of heifers in the Jizerské hory mountains during 1993–1997. The vegetation was monitored in 3 pairs of permanent 1×1 m plots using a continuous grid of nine 0.33 × 0.33 m subplots. We applied continuous stocking and rotational grazing. Vegetation varied as a result of time and differences between treatments. Several prostrate dicotyledonous species (Trifolium repens, Taraxacum sp.,Bellis perennis andLeontodon autumnalis) increased under continuous stocking. This treatment also promoted the growth of the perennial grassLolium perenne, which was able to cope with frequent defoliation. Tall grasses sensitive to frequent defoliation (Poa trivialis, Holcus mollis, Alopecurus pratensis, Dactylis glomerata andElytrigia repens) were more abundant in rotationally grazed paddocks. Species diversity was not significantly influenced by the different grazing systems. The decrease in the potential sward height under continuous stocking revealed the replacing of tall dominants by lower species. Our results indicate that different grazing systems alter the composition and structure of grassland vegetation. Defining the intensity of grazing under continuous stocking or rotational grazing is complex due to the different stocking rates and the heights of sward during a grazing season. Information about pasture management should therefore involve not only grazing intensity but also the grazing system used.  相似文献   

A faunal record of chironomid remains was analyzed in the upper 280 cm of a 543 cm long sediment core from Ple?né jezero (Ple?né Lake), the Bohemian Forest (?umava, Böhmerwald), Czech Republic. The chronology of the sediment was established by means of 5 AMS-dated plant macroremains. The resolution of individual 3-cm sediment layers is ~115 years and the analyzed upper 280 cm of the sediment core represent 10.4 cal. ka BP. As the results of DCA show, two marked changes were recorded in the otherwise relatively stable Holocene chironomid composition: (1) at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 10.4-10.1 cal. ka BP) only oligotrophic and cold-adapted taxa (Diamesa sp., M. insignilobus-type, H. grimshawi-type) were present in the chironomid assemblages, clearly reflecting a cool climate oscillation during the Preboreal period, and (2) during an event dated in the interval 1540–1771 AD, when most taxa vanished entirely and only Zavrelimyia sp. and Procladius sp. were alternately present accompanied by Tanytarsus sp. Although, the age of this event is in agreement with the dating of the Little Ice Age, the most probable reason for the elimination of many chironomid taxa was very low sums recorded in this part of the sediment, rather than cool conditions connected with the LIA. Variations in the chironomid fauna after the Preboreal period were reflected mainly by changes in abundances of dominant taxa rather than by changes in species composition. These variations could be explained by: (1) climatic changes, namely temperature and amount of rainfall resulting in oscillations in lake level, with changes in the occurrence of macrophytes in the littoral and (2) increasingly dense afforestation which led to a considerable input of organic material into the lake and a subsequent increase in the trophic status of the lake water.  相似文献   

Factors determining the invasibility of different types of anthropogenic vegetation were studied in the Czech Republic. A data set of 3420 vegetation plots recorded between 1945 and 2005, containing 913 species, was used. A set of climatic variables (mean annual temperature and precipitation, together with elevation), propagule pressure (substituted by human population density) and local habitat conditions (substituted by values of CSR life strategies and Ellenberg indicator values of native species) was obtained for each plot. All species were classified as native, archaeophytes (i.e. alien species introduced before 1500), and neophytes (i.e. aliens introduced after 1500) and their relative proportion was calculated for each plot. Regression tree models were used to determine the ecological characteristics of the most invasible man-made habitats in the Czech Republic. The plots contained on average 31.9% archaeophytes and 7.3% neophytes. Correlation between the proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes was positive and significant. Both archaeophytes and neophytes were found predominantly in strongly disturbed habitats with a high nutrient supply located at low elevations in warmer climatic areas of the Czech Republic. Archaeophytes are more influenced by local habitat conditions and preferentially colonize sunny and dry man-made habitats with higher soil reaction. Neophytes have no special preferences for local habitat conditions and their highest proportion was found mainly in disturbed habitats at low elevations. Our results show that for anthropogenic vegetation in the Czech Republic, ecological and habitat characteristics are more important factors for plant invasions than different land use in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

The occurrence of toxigenic fungi producing aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in foodstuffs was studied in the Czech Republic. Twenty five commodities were collected at twelve collection places in the Czech Republic (300 food samples). The presence of potentially toxigenicAspergillus flavus was observed in 28% of the sampled foods (black pepper, caraway seeds, fruit tea, black tea, oat flakes, fine flour, rolled oat flakes and semolina) in the year 1999, and in 25% of the sampled foods (black pepper, black tea, fine flour) in the year 2000.A tamarii (aflatoxins producer) was found in 3 black pepper samples (25%) in both years. Aflatoxins were detected in black pepper and caraway seed samples in the year 1999 and in sweet red pepper in the year 2000.A parasiticus andA nomius were not isolated. Aspergillus section Nigri (potential producer of ochratoxin A) was detected in some foodstuffs. Ochratoxin A was detected in raisins.Penicillium verrucosum andA ochraceus were not isolated from foodstuffs.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of ground beetles and moths in the isolated Central European Mrtvy luh bog was analyzed. The most stenotopic tyrphobiontic species (relicts restricted to the peat bog) of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and moths (Lepidoptera) are distributed according to a distinct ecological gradient between the bog margin (lagg) and the bog centre. The degree of habitat preference between the bog margin and centre is taxonomically specific and significant. A list of stenotopic species of high conservation value is given. Several tyrphobiontic species occur in the treeless bog centre only. The tyrphophilous and tyrphoneutral species are distributed in the peat bog mostly randomly, some of such species prefer bog margins. The migratory highly opportunistic moths from habitats outside the bog usually cross the treeless centre. Most of the ubiquitous tyrphoneutral and migratory moths represent the faunal component, which is a very temporary phenomenon only, not associated with the peat bog permanently. The conservation of insect biodiversity associated with isolated peat bogs depends on complete preservation of the edaphic ecological conditions of the fragile paleorefugial habitat island and its spatial structure.  相似文献   

Relic populations of cold-adapted species, trapped in isolated mountain pockets within the temperate zone, are predicted to suffer considerably due to ongoing climate warming. The butterfly Erebia sudetica sudetica is an example restricted to the Eastern Sudety Mts. Here, the butterfly forms permanent populations on subalpine tall-herb grasslands, but also occupies woodland clearings and hay meadows at lower altitudes. We assume differences among the genetic diversities of the populations due to differences in the temporal continuity of these habitats. Therefore, 17 allozyme loci were analysed for 276 individuals from 13 different localities (six tall-herb stands, two meadows, five forest clearings) in the Jeseník Mts. with a maximum distance of 20 km among them. We obtained a significantly higher genetic diversity for the subalpine populations than for the forest clearing populations. The genetic differentiation among the forest clearing populations was higher than among the subalpine ones. They also showed a significant isolation-by-distance system. These findings support the idea that the lower-elevation populations might have been founded by more than one dispersal event from the subalpine sites, but also secondary colonisations and gene flow in the forest belt. Due to founder effects and possibly further subsequent bottlenecks, these forest clearing populations did not harbour the entire genetic diversity of the taxon. Therefore, conservation actions should focus on the subalpine tall-herb formation.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the evapotranspirational demands in the Czech Republic within three decades from 1961 to 1990 has been studied. The determination of the levels of influence of the respective natural components depends on the regionalized modelling techniques. The project of regionalized modelling is theoretically based on the potential evapotranspiration values (ET 0) calculated by FAO methodology (eqs. 1, 2) and the series of temperature and rainfall observations obtained by climatologic stations during a 30-year period from 1961 to 1990 and its relation to the absolute altimetric. The DMR-2 military digital elevation model of the Czech Republic relief consisting of a regular network of points with their altitudes specified in meters was used for the purpose of regionalized modelling. One step of the network in the S-42 coordinate system with the Gauss conforms cylindrical projection is equal to 100 meters; this implies that the smallest area for which the data can be processed is 1 hectare. The digital relief model can be linked to both direct (temperature, precipitation) and derived (evapotranspiration) quantities, which is one of the many novelties of regionalized modelling. The climatic data used in regionalized modelling records daily measurements were obtained by 85 climatologic and rainfall-monitoring stations from 1961 to 1990. Our results showed an appreciable decrease of the most drying area (ratio P/ET0 up to 0.755) in the last decade 1981–90; half as less amounts compared with the previous decade 1971–80 (about 500,000 hectares). On the other hand, an apparent increase (more than 500,000 hectares in comparison with the previous decade 1971–80) of the wettest area (ratio P/ET0 over 1.508) through the last decade was observed. Both first decades 1961–70 and 1971–80 look similar. The project mentioned in this article has made it possible to create models for the different time intervals which have showed higher reliability for heterogeneous application.  相似文献   

The paper examines impacts on mortality of heat waves in 2003, the hottest summer on record in the Czech Republic, and compares them with previous similar events. While most summer heat waves over the period since 1986 were associated with significantly elevated mortality, this was not the case for three out of the four heat waves in 2003. The relatively weak mortality response was particularly noteworthy for the most severe heat wave which occurred in the first 10 days of August 2003 and resulted in enormous excess mortality in some western European countries. A mortality displacement effect and short-term adaptation to heat contributed to the reduced mortality impacts of the heat waves that followed after previous relatively warm periods. However, the decreased mortality response of the 2003 heat waves compared to previous heat waves in the 1990s is also likely to have arisen from positive health-care and other socio-economic changes in the post-communist central European region over the past decade, as well as a better public awareness of heat-related risks due to enhanced media coverage and regular biometeorological forecast and warnings.  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes takes place when pH of rainwater is less than 4.5 and the catchments lie on sensitive geology. Both conditions are met for most lakes in Bohemia and Slovakia. Since 1978 we have studied mountain lakes in the Sumava and in the High Tatra Mountains. In Šumava the three lakes under study are of glacial origin. The catchments are small, with steep sides covered by spruce. The bedrocks are biotite-rich paragneiss, together with gneiss, quartzite and granite. In summer 1936 surface pH was 5.7–6.9 in the Lake Čertovo and 6.9–7.0 in the Lake Černé. Now the pH values are 4.3–4.8 in the two lakes and in the Lake Prášilské as well. Old reports on zooplankton are from the years 1871, 1892–96, 1935–37, 1947 and 1960. Since 1979 we have not found any planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Černé and Čertovo. Lake Prášilské is inhabited by Daphnia longispina and Cyclops abyssorum. In July 1989 the pH values were 4.4, 4.7 and 4.7, concentrations of labile monomeric Al were 0.83, 0.68 and 0.24 mg l-1 in the lakes Čertovo, Černé and Prašilské, respectively. High levels of toxic Al compounds might be responsible for the extinction of planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Čertovo and Černé. All the three lakes are void of fish at present. In the High Tatra Mts. we examined more than 40 lakes above timberline in altitudes 1612–2145 m. They are all clearwater, naturally fishless lakes. The bedrock is granite. Owing to different levels of calcium the lakes are now in different stages of acidification. According to recent changes in the zooplankton they can be divided into three groups: (1) Species composition of planktonic Crustacea has not changed. (2) Planktonic Crustacea were present until 1973 but are absent now. (3) From the original species of Crustacea only Chydorus sphaericus is present. The three groups are well separated along the gradients of calcium, ANC and pH. They can be identified with the Henriksen's bicarbonate (our group 1), intermediate (our group 2) and acid (our group 3) lakes. We suppose that in the process of acidification the lakes of the group (2) have been shifted from oligotrophy to ultraoligotrophy.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(1):28-34
BackgroundThe objective of this study was to assess trends in overall and in stage-specific 5-year relative survival rates of the Czech cancer patients between periods 2000–2004 and 2005–2008.MethodsAll Czech cancer patients diagnosed between 1995 and 2008 were included in the analysis. Period analysis was employed to calculate 5-year relative survival for 21 cancers.ResultsSignificant improvements in crude 5-year relative survival for 14 of 21 assessed types of cancer, including the most frequent diagnoses, such as, colorectal, prostate, breast, lung, kidney, pancreatic, and bladder cancer and melanoma, were identified. Moreover, in case of colorectal, lung, and prostate cancer, improvement in stage-specific 5-year relative survival was confirmed as statistically significant for all clinical stages. No diagnosis showed significant decrease in the 5-year relative survival. However, the 5-year relative survival remained poor in patients with metastatic cancers at diagnosis, particularly in case of liver, pancreatic, lung, and oesophageal cancer.ConclusionsThe cancer-specific outcomes in the Czech Republic are improving. Nevertheless, despite the overall significant improvement in 5-year relative survival of most of the cancer diagnoses, the high proportion of patients primarily diagnosed with metastatic cancer still represents a substantial challenge for prevention and early detection.  相似文献   

Shrub communities are important components of the subalpine vegetation. We focused on habitat conditions and stage structure (flowering and non-reproducing individuals) of stands of the endangered Salix lapponum in the Krkono?e Mts, Czech Republic. Habitat conditions were determined using soil sample analyses and Ellenberg indicator values (EIVs) derived from fine-scale (1?×?1 m) vegetation plots. The fine-scale plots were compared with coarse-scale relevés with the occurrence of S. lapponum acquired from the Czech National Phytosociological Database. We found that S. lapponum grows on nutrient-poor, acidic soils with high relative water contents, high amounts of total nitrogen, low amounts of phosphorus, moderate amounts of magnesium and low to moderate amounts of calcium. The overall proportion of non-reproducing individuals was 35.2%, but strong variations were observed among populations (0–100%). Co-occurring species and EIVs data indicated that flowering individuals are relatively more common in humid, nutrient-rich and warmer microhabitats than non-reproducing ones. Well-developed (“typical”) stands of S. lapponum with a dominance of flowering individuals occur along alpine springs, streams and in glacial cirques (= association Salicetum lapponum Zlatník 1928), but S. lapponum also grows along transitional mires and peat bogs and in subalpine grasslands. Coarse-scale relevés were similar to “typical” stands of S. lapponum at the fine scale but were differentiated from them by high frequencies of several, mainly broad-leaved forbs and herbs typical of moist to wet and fertile soils. Threats to S. lapponum and the future prospects of its stands in the Krkono?e Mts are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive species belong to the main threats to dry grassland biodiversity. That́s why nature conservation managers seek the best ways to remove them and to support the restoration process of original natural habitats. We studied the effect of clear-cutting of invasive black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) on the recovery of former species rich dry grassland vegetation. Ten permanent plots where R. pseudoacacia was cut down were long-term monitored in nature reserves protecting dry grasslands. The representation of dry grassland plants has been increased four times and the representation of synanthropic plants has been decreased two times during 40 years of succession even though R. pseudoacacia still relatively successfully resisted eradication efforts. During the succession after R. pseudoacacia cutting down, the Ellenberg indicator values for nutrients have decreased significantly, but no decrease in the nitrate content of the soil was observed. The long-term monitoring revealed that the restoration of dry grasslands invaded by R. pseudoacacia is possible but very time consuming.  相似文献   

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