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The origin and distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in feline dental pulp were studied using indirect immunofluorescence. Nerve fibres with varicosities exhibiting CGRP-like immunoreactivity were observed to enter the pulp with blood vessels. Many CGRP-containing nerve fibres were found to extend along blood vessels in the central pulp, and some of these fibres exhibited a network arrangement in the walls of dental pulp blood vessels. However, some of fibres were apparently not associated with blood vessels. Some thin, CGRP-containing nerve fibres formed a part of the nerve plexus in the subodontoblastic area and penetrated into the odontoblastic layer. In animals that had undergone transection of the inferior alveolar nerve, no CGRP-containing nerve fibres were observed. Application of a double-immunofluorescence staining technique also revealed that the distribution of CGRP-containing nerve fibres is very similar to that of substance P-containing nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Summary The origin and distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in feline dental pulp were studied using indirect immunofluorescence. Nerve fibres with varicosities exhibiting CGRP-like immunoreactivity were observed to enter the pulp with blood vessels. Many CGRP-containing nerve fibres were found to extend along blood vessels in the central pulp, and some of these fibres exhibited a network arrangement in the walls of dental pulp blood vessels. However, some of fibres were apparently not associated with blood vessels. Some thin, CGRP-containing nerve fibres formed a part of the nerve plexus in the subodontoblastic area and penetrated into the odontoblastic layer. In animals that had undergone transection of the inferior alveolar nerve, no CGRP-containing nerve fibres were observed. Application of a double-immunofluorescence staining technique also revealed that the distribution of CGRP-containing nerve fibres is very similar to that of substance P-containing nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for simultaneous demonstration of adrenergic and non-adrenergic nerve fibres is described, using methylene blue staining and fluorescence microscopy after formaldehyde treatment. The procedure is applicable to whole mounts as well as to microtome sections.  相似文献   

Summary The development of adrenergic nerves to the anterior eye segment was studied in human and guinea-pig embryos. Adrenergic terminals had already appeared in the earliest human embryos available (4–6 cm). They first appeared mainly in nerve trunks in the primitive chorioid, especially in the region of the developing ciliary body. Adrenergic nerves then grow into different structures of the eye as these develop, but typical terminals in contact with effector cells appeared late during the development, about the 25–30 cm stage. No adrenergic nerves were observed in the chamber angle. Corneal adrenergic nerves (also intraepithelial terminals) appeared much more frequently in embryos than in adults. No adrenergic neurons were observed in the retina. In the guinea-pig, the first adrenergic fibres were observed at about gestation day 35. The general principle of the development was very similar to that of the humans. At gestation day 45 to 50, the supply of adrenergic fibres was essentially that of the adult animal, except that the corneal adrenergic fibres were increasing until just before birth and that the adrenergic terminals of the chamber angle appeared shortly before term.This work was supported by grants from the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, H. Hiertas Stiftelse, and the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project no. B71-14X-2321-05B).  相似文献   

The distribution of perivascular nerve fibres displaying neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was studied in the guinea-pig. Generally, neuropeptide Y fibres were numerous around arteries and moderate in number around veins. In the heart, immunoreactive fibres were numerous in the auricles and the atria (epi- and endocardium) whereas the ventricles had a more scarce supply. The coronary vessels were richly supplied with fibres. Around large elastic and muscular arteries the fibres formed well developed plexuses. Small arteries in the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the genito-urinary tract received a particularly rich supply. In the liver, spleen and kidney only few perivascular fibres were seen. Since immunoreactive fibres around blood vessels disappeared upon surgical or chemical sympathectomy, and sequential immunostaining with antisera against dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (a marker for adrenergic neurons) and against neuropeptide Y revealed their co-existence, it is concluded that neuropeptide Y fibres around blood vessels are sympathetic and adrenergic.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenergic nerve fibres running from the ganglia to the innervated tissues usually have too low a content of noradrenaline to be clearly visualized with the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp. They can easily be demonstrated, however, as early as 24 hours after axotomy (crushing or constriction of the nerves) due to the rapid accumulation of what is probably noradrenaline taking place proximally to the lesion. The fibres can be visualized even more clearly if axotomy is combined with the administration of l-dopa and with monoamine oxidase inhibition. In this way the presence, distribution and direction of adrenergic fibres can be directly studied in peripheral nerves.For generous supplies of drugs we are indepted to Swedish Ciba, Stockholm (reserpine) and Swedish Pfizer, Stockholm (nialamide). The investigation has been supported by research grants from the United States Public Health Service (NB 02854-04), the Swedish Medical Research Council, and Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) nerves within guinea-pig peribronchial ganglia were studied at ultrastructural level using pre-embedding immunohistochemistry. Preterminal CGRP-IR axons were unmyelinated and contained singular immunoreactive dense core vesicles. CGRP-IR axon terminals were filled with numerous non-reactive small clear vesicles and few immunoreactive dense core vesicles. Some of these terminals were presynaptic to large neuronal processes emerging from local ganglion cells. Another population of presynaptic varicosities lack CGRP-IR. Within CGRP-IR terminals, non-reactive clear vesicles were clustered at the presynaptic membrane whereas CGRP-IR large vesicles remained in some distance from the synaptic cleft. The present observations indicate that: (1) at least two neurochemically different types of synaptic input exist to guinea-pig peribronchial ganglia. (2) CGRP-IR presynaptic terminals probably utilize a non-peptide transmitter for fast synaptic transmission, whilst the peptides are likely to be released parasynaptically and may act in a modulatory fashion.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative ultrastructural study was made of the neuntes forming the deep muscular and circular muscle plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine following microsurgical lesions designed to interrupt intrinsic and extrinsic nerve pathways within the intestinal wall. Removal of a collar of longitudinal muscle with attached myenteric plexus from the circumference of a segment of small intestine resulted in the subsequent disappearance of 99.3% of neurites in the underlying circular muscle. The few surviving neurites in the deep muscular plexus and circular muscle disappeared completely from lesioned segments that were, in addition, extrinsically denervated surgically. These results indicate that the majority of nerve fibres in the deep muscular and circular muscle plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine is intrinsic to the intestine and originates from nerve cell bodies located in the overlying myenteric plexus. At the light-microscopic level, nerve bundles were traced from the myenteric plexus to the circular muscle.  相似文献   

This light-microscopic (LM) immunohistochemical study has evaluated the presence and distribution of the pan-neural and neuroendocrine marker protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 in pinealocytes and nerve fibres of guinea-pig pineal gland. The pattern of PGP 9.5-immunoreactive (ir) nerve fibres has been compared with that of fibres staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or neuropeptide Y (NPY). The vast majority of pinealocytes stained for PGP 9.5, although with variable intensity. PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity was localized in pinealocytic cell bodies and processes. Double-immunofluorescence revealed that PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity was absent from glial cells identified with a monoclonal antibody against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity was also present in a large number of nerve fibres and varicosities distributed throughout the pineal gland. The number of TH-ir and NPY-ir nerve fibres was lower compared with those containing PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity. All fibres staining for NPY also stained for TH. NPY-ir nerve fibres were found to be much more numerous than previously reported for this species. The double-immunofluorescence analysis indicated that almost all TH-ir nerve fibres of the pineal gland contained PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity. However, few PGP 9.5-ir nerve fibres, located in the periphery and the central part of the gland, were TH-negative. A large number of PGP 9.5-ir fibres was concentrated in the pineal stalk. In contrast, TH-ir and NPY-ir nerve fibres were rare in this part of the pineal gland. Our data provide evidence that immunohistochemistry for PGP 9.5 may be a useful tool further to differentiate central and peripheral origins of pineal innervation. Furthermore, the staining of pinealocytes for PGP 9.5 may be exploited to study the three-dimensional morphology and the architecture of pinealocytes and their processes under various experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The sympathetic nervous system has important effects on the properties of the heart, including the conduction of the impulse. However, it is not known how this nervous system is distributed in the atrioventricular (AV) bundle, which together with the AV node constitutes the only conduction pathway between the atria and ventricles in normal hearts. Therefore, in the present study the adrenergic innervation in the bovine AV node/AV bundle was examined by use of the glyoxylic acid induced method for histofluorescence demonstration of catecholamines. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry was also used. It was found that the AChE-positive nerve fascicles in these regions partly contain sympathetic nerve fibres, that sympathetic nerve fibres occur in the proximity of some of the ganglionic cells that occur outside the AV node/AV bundle, that the arteries supplying AV bundle tissue as well as AV nodal tissue have perivascular plexuses of sympathetic nerve fibres, and that there is a substantial number of sympathetic nerve fibres outside Purkinje fibre bundle surfaces. The observations give new insight into the question of the distribution of the sympathetic nerves in the AV bundle in relation to the distribution of these nerves in the AV node. Possible functional implications of the observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In a large number of adult female and male specimens of Rana temporaria, the pars ventralis of the tuber cinereum of the hypothalamus was completely isolated from the brain. The pars ventralis retained its normal connections with the hypophysis. The vascular supply of the whole isolated region was left intact. Two and a half months after operation, in some animals, the interruption of the nervous pathways was still complete. In these animals it could be shown that all or nearly all A. F.-negative nerve fibres of the median eminence are axons of nerve cells localized in the area periventricularis of the pars ventralis tuberis. According to our results in Rana, the same A. F.-negative nerve fibres of the higher vertebrates are probably also axons of homologous nuclei of the tuber cinereum.In accordance with previous experiments, it could be concluded that the nerve cells of which the A. F.-negative fibres are axons, form an important centre that, via the pars distalis of the hypophysis, is responsible for the seasonal development of the ovaries, eggs and oviducts in the females and for the seasonal development of the thumb pads in the males.  相似文献   

Synopsis A method for the demonstration of adrenergic nerves and enteric neurons at the same time has been developed by combining the fluorescence histochemical technique for catecholamines and the histochemical technique for NADH:Nitro BT oxidoreductase.The method consists of a short incubation of the laminae from the wall of the intestine in an isotonic medium containing the substrate (NADH) and a tetrazolium salt (Nitro BT). After washing, the laminae are air dried, exposed to formaldehyde vapour and mounted.The adrenergic nerves in the myenteric plexus appear brightly fluorescent on excitation with u.v. light, whereas the neurons are heavily stained by deposits of formazan. Not all the neurons of the plexus are stained, but their morphology is well preserved. Differences in staining of the neurons reflect differences in penetration of the tetrazolium salt in the tissue and into the cells. The adrenergic axons do not establish exclusive connexions with individual neurons and some isolated neurons are not associated with any adrenergic fibres.  相似文献   

The distal colon of the guinea-pig is relaxed by noradrenaline, by isoprenaline and by the stimulation of fibres running with the colonic nerves or intramurally. The relaxations in response to stimulation of the colonic nerves have a guanethidine-sensitive (adrenergic) and a guanethidine-insensitive (non-adrenergic) component. Cocaine causes a three-fold sensitization of the muscle to noradrenaline but no sensitization to isoprenaline. Cocaine increases the duration, but does not affect the amplitude, of the relaxation observed when adrenergic nerves are stimulated, and affects neither duration nor amplitude of the non-adrenergic response. The adrenergic nerve terminals lie in Auerbach's plexus, not in the longitudinal muscle. It is concluded that the sensitization to noradrenaline and the increases in durations of responses to adrenergic nerve stimulation are due to inhibition of catecholamine uptake into adrenergic nerves by cocaine. It appears that, even where the neuromuscular separation is large as it is in the colon, the concentration of exogenous noradrenaline at the receptors can be decreased by neuronal uptake, and the uptake mechanism can modify responses to nerve stimulation in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between bombesin-like immunoreactive (bombesin-LI) nerve fibres and gastrin-LI G-cells was examined in gastric antral mucosa from guineapig, rat, dog and man using a double-labelling fluorescence immunohistochemical technique. The greatest density of bombesin-LI nerve fibres was found within the basal mucosa in all species and the density of innervation decreased towards the luminal surface. Most G-cells were in a band occupying approximately the middle third of the mucosa. The proportion of G-cells found within a distance of 2 m from bombesin-LI nerve fibres was low in all species (6% in the guinea-pig, 22% in the rat, 14% in the dog, and 9% in the human). It is proposed that the neuropeptide released from bombesin-LI antral mucosal nerve fibres traverses distances of greater than several m to reach the target G-cells. This may be achieved by passage through the mucosal microcirculation.  相似文献   

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