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为明确濒危植物海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)种子的休眠机理,该文对海南龙血树休眠类型及破解方法进行了系统研究,并结合海南龙血树的生境条件,对海南龙血树种子休眠的生态学意义进行了探讨。结果表明:海南龙血树种皮吸水性良好,40 h内达到萌发所需含水量;种胚发育完全,离体胚2 d开始萌发,萌发率达100%;去珠孔端组织种子的萌发情况与离体胚的一致,质密珠孔端组织的机械束缚是种子萌发障碍的直接原因;种子含有萌发抑制物质,其清水粗提物对白菜种子萌发率和幼苗根生长存在显著抑制作用;低温贮藏和快速脱水均能有效解除海南龙血树种子休眠,提高种子的萌发率和整齐度,萌发率可达到100%。分析认为抑制物质的存在致使种胚生长势弱而无法打破质密珠孔端组织的机械束缚,导致海南龙血树种子休眠,属生理休眠;海南龙血树种子休眠特性使其种子萌发或幼苗生长适应生境条件的季节变化,保证种群得以延续与更新。  相似文献   

长喙毛茛泽泻的生活史特征及濒危机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长喙毛茛泽泻(Ranalisma rostratum)是1种水生濒危植物,目前我国仅在湖南茶陵的湖里沼泽中生存有1个种群。在自然生境中,它在水深5~10 cm条件下生长良好,植株挺水。该植物以无性和有性两种方式生殖,无性繁殖体对种群的补充是保持自然种群大小的重要途径。虽然种子产量不是限制因素,但无性繁殖体和种子传播受限制、种子生活力及萌发率低、幼苗生长慢、在自然群落中竞争能力差、生境破坏很可能是导致这种植物濒危的重要原因。  相似文献   

濒危植物海南龙血树的种群结构与动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解种群的生存现状与动态趋势对濒危植物的保护至关重要。为了更好地保护濒危海南龙血树种群,对海南岛不同生境的11个海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)种群进行了调查;并利用个体基径数据建立各种群的年龄结构和静态生命表,得到种群年龄结构动态指数,绘制种群存活曲线和生存函数曲线,从而获得海南龙血树的种群结构与动态。结果表明:海南龙血树种群年龄结构与种群所处的生境关系密切,海边的NS和YL种群结构为衰退型,LN和CH居群为稳定型,而非海边种群为增长型,没有老龄个体;11个种群中,EXL种群显示出最高的增长趋势和最好的种群稳定性,NS和YL种群稳定性最差,种群抗干扰能力极低;11个种群的存活曲线均属于Deevey-Ⅰ型,但生存函数分析显示海南龙血树种群生活史早期和晚期脆弱,中期稳定,这表明海南龙血树种群所处的生境更适合成年个体生存,现有的生境对幼龄个体的环境筛作用较强。海南龙血树属于退偿物种,针对其种群的生存现状,应采取多种方法相结合的方式进行保护与复壮。  相似文献   

为了解海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)濒危的机制,研究了果皮、温度、水分和光照强度等对其种子萌发的影响,并分析海南龙血树种子萌发的环境适应性。结果表明,果皮对海南龙血树种子萌发有显著抑制作用,去除果皮且用果皮浸泡液浇灌可以显著促进种子的萌发。种子萌发对温度极为敏感,25℃是种子萌发适宜的温度,低于15℃或高于30℃均不能萌发,变温处理对种子萌发具有一定的促进作用。海南龙血树种子萌发需要较高的遮荫度,光照强度对种子萌发有显著影响。种子萌发对基质的水分含量不敏感,在含水量为9.09%~20.00%的河沙基质中,种子的萌发率、萌发速率指数、萌发时滞和萌发指数均无显著差异。因此,海南龙血树种子萌发对果皮、温度、光照强度等微环境的依赖性较强,原有生境破坏导致种子萌发微环境改变可能是海南龙血树居群有性生殖失败,海南龙血树处于濒危状态的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

为了解光照对海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)幼苗生长的影响,研究了不同光照环境下海南龙血树幼苗形态、生理特性和生物量分配的变化,并分析了其生态适应性。结果表明,海南龙血树幼苗的形态、生理和生物量分配指标在不同光照强度间存在显著差异,各指标的可塑性指数为0.08~0.86,其中根茎叶及总生物量的可塑性指数普遍较高(0.67~0.86),表明海南龙血树幼苗有较好的光照适应性,其策略主要是通过调整根茎叶生物量的分配来适应光照的变化。随着光照强度的降低,海南龙血树幼苗的比叶面积、叶根比呈现显著增大趋势,表明幼苗可通过增加单株叶面积比例,扩大光合作用面积,有效调节自身生物量配置。37.3%自然光照(L2)是海南龙血树幼苗生长的最佳光照强度。现存海南龙血树生境改变,生境缺少林荫以致光照强度过大,不利于幼苗根系生长,难以度过干旱季节,可能是海南龙血树自然更新失败的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

云南野生珍稀油料树种琴叶风吹楠资源调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用走访和实地调查相结合的方法对云南野生琴叶风吹楠进行资源调查.结果表明:琴叶风吹楠在云南分布于热带雨林内水热条件较好地段,由于生境破坏,种群数量锐减,仅在分布区边缘的沟谷和低洼地呈斑块状分布,种群数量小;琴叶风吹楠现存植株开花结实和种子萌发正常,而且苗木生长良好.生境破坏是导致种群数量锐减的主要原因之一.建议加强原境...  相似文献   

贺一鸣  李青丰  贺晓  樊如月  段茹晖  刘洋 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4724-4732
蒙古莸(Caryopteris mongolica)是珍稀濒危的资源性植物,具较高的观赏和药用价值。其分布范围正日渐缩小。通过对内蒙古中西部干旱草原区蒙古莸天然种群实生苗的调查,以及在室内模拟不同环境条件,对蒙古莸种子萌发和幼苗建成进行研究,旨在探究这一物种珍稀、濒危的原因。结果显示:1)自然条件下蒙古莸种子在5—7月大量萌发,但在幼苗生长初期死亡率较高,使得自然种群更新强度仅为0.11株/m~2。2)蒙古莸种子不存在休眠现象,成熟采收后很快即可萌发。萌发对水分要求较宽范,但适宜其种子萌发的温度范围较窄,为25—30℃。3)蒙古莸幼苗生长的最适温度为25℃,能耐受每日短暂的高温胁迫(50℃)。持续的高温、低温和频繁的降水显著增大幼苗死亡率。研究认为,蒙古莸种子萌发的条件与幼苗存活的条件差异较大,同时满足其萌发和幼苗存活和生长的窗口条件比较严苛。其野生生长地的生境条件往往难以满足要求,这是限制蒙古莸通过有性繁殖进行自然种群扩散的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

濒危植物七子花繁殖器官的形态及其变异   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
对国家2级保护植物七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)的繁殖器官的形态及其变异进行了研究.结果显示:种群A的生境恶劣,花枝的开花数少,结实状况不及种群B,但因仅开基轮花的花序比例低和开三轮花的花序比例高,果实和种子的变异较大;而种群B的生境条件好,开花结实有明显的改善,但成熟种子的胚发育也不完全,且种子的最大值(由花序Ⅰ产生)不及种群A.说明七子花更适合于生境恶劣的条件下生长.另外,整枝疏花可以改善其结实状况,但效果不显著,说明七子花自身的营养调节能力差.因此,有性生殖障碍是七子花成为濒危物种的主要原因,要消除这种障碍必须研究种群的生态适应机制和种质的更新.  相似文献   

对云南特有珍稀植物蓑衣油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana var. pendula)的地理分布、自然生境概况及种群大小和年龄结构等种群特性进行研究,并掌握其形态特征、生长发育规律及种子散布和萌发等生物学特性。结果表明:蓑衣油杉在云南省华宁县主要分布于平地和吗哒等山区村寨周边地区;现有蓑衣油杉自然居群均为小种群,高群集分布,年龄结构不合理,种群处于相对不稳定阶段;虽然种子的种翅特征利于远距离传播,但可育种子产率极低,种子向幼苗难以转化使其有性生殖受阻,生活史趋于断裂,是最终导致其濒危的重要内因之一;自然生境的严重破坏、成年植株的过度采挖对蓑衣油杉种群的生存构成严重威胁,也是造成部分野生种群个体数量急剧减少的主要外因。本文还针对蓑衣油杉的濒危机制提出进行保护和利用的有效措施。  相似文献   

以黄土高原丘陵区文冠果天然种群为研究对象,通过样地调查,分析了不同生境文冠果种群的有性和无性繁殖方式及其在种群更新中的地位.结果表明:不同坡向文冠果种群均能进行有性繁殖和无性繁殖,在阳坡、半阴坡生境,文冠果以有性繁殖为主,实生苗数量和占据空间的能力均大于萌生苗,有性繁殖在这2个生境中对种群的更新贡献较大;在半阳坡生境,文冠果以无性繁殖为主,萌生苗数量和占据空间的能力均大于实生苗,无性繁殖对种群更新的贡献较大.在相同生境条件下,文冠果幼苗生长状况均表现为萌生苗>实生苗.同一起源的文冠果幼苗生长状况均表现为阳坡>半阳坡>半阴坡.2种繁殖的瓶颈期在实生苗的种子-幼苗阶段和萌生苗的幼树-成株阶段.黄土丘陵区文冠果种群在新生境定居下来的过程中,首先以实生苗入侵,当水分、光照、养分条件较好时,文冠果又以无性繁殖方式迅速占领空间,繁衍后代.  相似文献   

流苏石斛濒危原因及资源保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简述珍稀濒危植物流苏石斛的生物学特性及野生资源现状;分析其主要濒危原因有:自身的生长、繁殖特性与特殊生境的限制以及人为破坏等,并提出相应的野生资源保护措施。  相似文献   

海南龙血树野生资源分布及其与水热关系的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面调查海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)野生资源地理分布的基础上,用温度指数、湿度指数等气候指标分析了海南龙血树野生资源地理分布与气候因子间的关系。结果表明,海南龙血树野生资源在中国仅分布于海南岛西南部山区及南部沿海地区,水平分布于108°42′40.9″~110°27′36.8″E,18°14′27″~19°20′28.5″N,垂直分布范围为0~900 m,仅发现10个现存分布点;海南龙血树属于热带雨林、季雨林小乔木状植物,具有强耐旱、喜阳和喜钙等生态习性,其分布区的绝大部分水热因子是其分布的主要限制因子。主成分分析表明,影响海南龙血树地理分布的主要水热指标的排序为热量因子>降水因子>湿度因子。根据野生居群的生境特点,我们推测水分和光照强度可能是影响海南龙血树种子萌发率或幼苗成活率的重要因子。  相似文献   

Both paleoclimatic change and anthropogenic habitat destruction can have adverse effects on species demography and, in turn, could lead a species towards being endangered and rare. Understanding the relative importance of these natural and anthropogenic factors driving species endangerment and rarity is thus crucial for effective conservation planning but remains elusive. Here, we examine the phylogeography and demographic history of an endangered conifer species in China, Torreya jackii Chun, and assess the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic factors that might have put the species in its endangered state. We collected tissue samples from all the 13 extant wild populations, and analyzed the genetic variation using eight nuclear microsatellites and four chloroplast and one mitochondrial DNA fragments. We found low genetic and nucleotide diversities, which could explain the absence of spatial and phylogeographic structure. Using a hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation technique, we identified the demographic scenario that best fits the genetic data and found that effective population size was low at least 200 000 years ago but expanded after the last glacial maximum (LGM). The paleoclimatic niche model revealed a profound effect of precipitation on the distribution of T. jackii and predicted that the current distribution areas were suitable during the LGM. Despite the post-LGM expansion, the best-supported scenario showed a dramatic population collapse during the past 300 years, when anthropogenic disturbances also increased dramatically. Overall, our study sheds light on how historical factors and human impacts jointly threaten the persistence of a species, and these aspects should be duly considered in species conservation planning.  相似文献   

The largest and most fecund population of the endangered Purshia subintegra is restricted to limestone mesas in Verde Valley, Arizona, USA, where habitat destruction is imminent. To examine factors limiting its distribution and potential for expansion, we compared recruitment and survival of seedlings growing in soils from occupied and unoccupied habitat in caged field experiments and compared survival of caged and wild seedling cohorts from 1998 to 2003. In field tests, seeds germinated in soils from occupied and unoccupied habitats. Seedling survival, however, was greatest in currently occupied habitat and dropped to zero in some unoccupied habitats with the onset of severe drought. Among 16 factors measured, soil moisture significantly explained between 62% and 71% of the variation in recruitment in both wild and caged plots. Shrubs conferred protection to wild seedlings, but decreased caged seedling survival. For 5 yr following germination, caged seedlings had greater survival than natural seedling cohorts indicating that reintroduction was comparatively more successful than natural recruitment. Expansion of P. subintegra into novel habitats is limited by soil moisture capacity, and this condition varied during the experimental time frame. Reintroductions to limestone mesas are possible and most promising if cages and supplemental watering are used.  相似文献   

The natural populations of Dactylorhiza hatagirea have been greatly affected due to incessant exploitation. As such, studies on its population attributes together with habitat suitability and environmental factors affecting its distribution are needed to be undertaken for its conservation in nature. Present study aimed at accessing an impact of anthropogenic pressure on population structure and locate suitable habitats for the conservation of this critically endangered orchid. Considerable changes in the phytosociological attributes were observed on account of the changing magnitude and extent of anthropogenic threat in their natural abode. The distribution pattern of species indicated that more than 90% of the populations exhibit substantially aggregated spatial distribution. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) distribution modelling algorithm was used to predict suitable habitat and potential area for its cultivation and reintroduction. Twenty-seven occurrence records, nineteen bioclimatic variables, altitude, and slope were used. MaxEnt map output gave the habitat suitability for this species and predicted its distribution in the North-Western Himalayas of India for approximately 616 km2. Jackknifing indicated that maximum temperature of warmest month, annual mean temperature, mean temperature of the driest quarter, and mean temperature of the wettest quarter were the governing factors for its distribution and hence, presented a higher gain with respect to other variables. According to permutation importance, precipitation seasonality and mean temperature of wettest quarter shows the prominent impact on the habitat distribution. Results of AUC (area under curve) were statistically significant (0.940) and the line of predicted omission falls very close to an omission on training samples, validating a better run of the model. Response curves revealed a probable increase in the occurrence of D. hatagirea with an increase in mean temperature of the wettest quarter and maximum temperature of the warmest month contributed more than 50% to predicted habitat suitability. Direct field observations concurrent with predicted habitat suitability and google-earth images represent greater model thresholds for successful inception of the species. Together, the study proposes that the species can be conserved in or near its present-day natural habitats and is equally effective in determining the possible habitats for its cultivation and reintroduction.  相似文献   

?Premise of the study: The development of microsatellite primers in the endangered species Dracaena cambodiana will be the foundation for genetic and conservation studies of D. cambodiana and several Dracaena species. ?Methods and Results: A total of 26 microsatellite markers were developed in Chinese populations of D. cambodiana, using the Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences Containing Repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Among them, sixteen primer pairs generated polymorphic loci (fourteen of them successfully amplified in other four Dracaena species) and ten primer pairs produced monomorphic loci. ?Conclusions: These microsatellite markers could be used in the further investigation of population genetics of D. cambodiana and other Dracaena species.  相似文献   

This review considers interactive management of wild and zoo populations as a stratesy to support habitat preservation, help sustain key endangered species, and hasten the evolution of zoos and aquaria as proactive conservation organizations. Interactive management supports key species' subpopulations in an integrated fashion, using their study in nature as a way to understand wildlife habitats, ecological processes and conservation threats. In the face of human increase and habitat destruction, the survival of much wildlife will depend upon the utility of fragments of habitat and the survival of relatively small populations whose habitats are reduced or altered and whose numbers are capped. Under such conditions, interactive wild-captive metapopulation strategies may increase the security of key species.  相似文献   

濒危药用植物桃儿七的生物学特性及其保育措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桃儿七为重要抗癌药物前体物来源物种,现正处在濒危状态,已被列为国家三级保护植物。本文全 面地综述了桃儿七的生物学特性,包括外部形态、地理分布、系统位置、生态学和群落学特性、发育生物学、繁 殖生物学、植物化学、细胞组织培养和内生真菌研究以及遗传学等研究。最后分析了引起桃儿七濒危的原因, 并提出了具体保育措施和研究展望。  相似文献   

Strategies have been suggested by many conservationists to conserve biodiversity at regional, national and global levels. However, conservation strategies developed in the past were mostly based on qualitative attributes or one or two attributes. In the Himalayan region biodiversity varies from aspect to aspect, habitat to habitat and community to community therefore, location specific studies are required for its conservation and management. In the present study an approach has been developed to prioritise species at local level using six conservation attributes. Threat categorisation of the floristic diversity was undertaken based on Conservation Priority Index. Of the total 637 species of vascular plants recorded, 10 species were categorised as critically endangered; 15 species as endangered and 31 species as vulnerable. Two species as critically endangered, seven species as endangered and three species as vulnerable according to IUCN have been also recorded which indicated the importance of the sanctuary. Maximum threatened species were found in altitudinal zones 2000–2800 m and sites dominated by Betula utilis and Rhododendron campanulatum in forest and alpine zones, respectively. The two factors of over exploitation and habitat degradation have been identified as major threats to the floristic diversity. Therefore, monitoring of population and habitats, development of conventional protocol; establishment of species in-situ conditions and akin habitats and replication of this approach in other parts of Indian Himalayan Region have been suggested.  相似文献   

安徽是濒危物种黄缘闭壳龟的重要分布区之一,由于人类活动使得该龟栖息地日益减少,生存空间被挤占。加之近年来日益频繁的黄缘闭壳龟贸易所带来的肆意滥捕以及缺乏有效的保护措施,导致其野生种群衰减严重,数量已经十分稀少,同时买卖和饲养也进一步加剧了黄缘闭壳龟的非自然扩散和引入。目前黄缘闭壳龟在安徽的具体产地一直缺乏一个较为科学的研究,而了解黄缘闭壳龟在安徽的具体分布状况,对于该龟的保护至关重要。2011年—2012年5月至10月间,采用市场和访问调查以及野外实地调查相结合的方法,对安徽黄缘闭壳龟野生种群现状进行了研究,并对调查结果进行了报道,同时针对保护管理中存在的问题,提出相应的保护建议。  相似文献   

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