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Synthetic biology is considered as an emerging research field that will bring new opportunities to biotechnology. There is an expectation that synthetic biology will not only enhance knowledge in basic science, but will also have great potential for practical applications. Synthetic biology is still in an early developmental stage in China. We provide here a review of current Chinese research activities in synthetic biology and its different subfields, such as research on genetic circuits, minimal genomes, chemical synthetic biology, protocells and DNA synthesis, using literature reviews and personal communications with Chinese researchers. To meet the increasing demand for a sustainable development, research on genetic circuits to harness biomass is the most pursed research within Chinese researchers. The environmental concerns are driven force of research on the genetic circuits for bioremediation. The research on minimal genomes is carried on identifying the smallest number of genomes needed for engineering minimal cell factories and research on chemical synthetic biology is focused on artificial proteins and expanded genetic code. The research on protocells is more in combination with the research on molecular-scale motors. The research on DNA synthesis and its commercialisation are also reviewed. As for the perspective on potential future Chinese R&D activities, it will be discussed based on the research capacity and governmental policy.  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,科技的进步是医学不断发展的基础。随着我国医疗卫生体制改革的不断推进,医院科研管理的作 用越来越突出。近年来,军队医院的科研实力和水平面临着巨大的挑战。因此,建立完善的科研机制,实施科研创新战略是推动卫 生事业改革与发展的动力。科研创新是指在立项、论证、研究方法、数据处理等科研活动中所表现出的与前人不同的思维方式和 行为方式。科研活动本身是以现有的现象、认知和习惯为基础的活动,凭借知识和经验预测科研可能达到的科学目的。在不同层 次对人们熟悉的思维方式高度抽象或转换,是科研创新的主要特征。本研究分析现阶段军队医院科研管理存在的问题,探讨科研 创新的必要性,强调医院科研管理应贯彻系统化思想,建立多元化科研模式。  相似文献   

Wendler D 《Bioethics》2002,16(1):33-54
There is widespread discussion concerning the safeguards appropriate for human research subjects. Less discussed is the fact that the safeguards one deems appropriate depend, in large part, on the model of research participation that one assumes. Therefore, to determine what safeguards are appropriate, it is necessary first to clarify the competing models of research participation. The ostensibly obscure debate over informed consent for research on stored biological samples is of particular interest in this regard because such research can involve varying subsets of the three central elements of research involvement. As a result, analysis of this debate provides an opportunity to identify the competing models of research participation. Based on this analysis, this paper describes a new model of research participation that is emerging, and considers its implications for clinical research.  相似文献   

Optimal nutrition is critical for human development and economic growth. Sub-Saharan Africa is facing high levels of food insecurity and only few sub-Saharan African countries are on track to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015. Effective research capacity is crucial for addressing emerging challenges and designing appropriate mitigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa. A clear understanding of the operating environment for nutrition research in sub-Saharan Africa is a much needed prerequisite. We collected data on the barriers and requirements for conducting nutrition research in sub-Saharan Africa through semi-structured interviews with 144 participants involved in nutrition research in 35 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. A total of 133 interviews were retained for coding. The main barriers identified for effective nutrition research were the lack of funding due to poor recognition by policymakers of the importance of nutrition research and under-utilisation of research findings for developing policy, as well as an absence of research priority setting from within Africa. Current research topics were perceived to be mainly determined by funding bodies from outside Africa. Nutrition researchers argued for more commitment from policymakers at national level. The low capacity for nutrition research was mainly seen as a consequence of insufficient numbers of nutrition researchers, limited skills and a poor research infrastructure. In conclusion, African nutrition researchers argued how research priorities need to be identified by African stakeholders, accompanied by consensus building to enable creating a problem-driven national research agenda. In addition, it was considered necessary to promote interactions among researchers, and between researchers and policymakers. Multidisciplinary research and international and cross-African collaboration were seen as crucial to build capacity in sub-Saharan nutrition research.  相似文献   

Federal Government expenditures for medical research have increased apace in the last ten years. The increase in federal research funds has stimulated support from private sources; contributions from other than federal sources have doubled.More than half of medical research funds are being used by universities, hospitals, and other nonprofit institutions, and less than one-fourth by laboratories of the Federal Government.Grants-in-aid of research, fellowships and extended training are made on the advice of Advisory Councils made up of leaders in the various research fields. The previous record of research by staffs and faculties of institutions is taken into account. Special attention is given to unknown investigators and small projects.Noninterference with a scientist in the conduct of research is a basic principle of all grants. He may change the direction of his research to pursue promising leads without asking permission.Continuity of grants so that promising projects need not be abandoned at the end of a grant period is given special consideration.  相似文献   

Federal Government expenditures for medical research have increased apace in the last ten years. The increase in federal research funds has stimulated support from private sources; contributions from other than federal sources have doubled. More than half of medical research funds are being used by universities, hospitals, and other nonprofit institutions, and less than one-fourth by laboratories of the Federal Government.Grants-in-aid of research, fellowships and extended training are made on the advice of Advisory Councils made up of leaders in the various research fields. The previous record of research by staffs and faculties of institutions is taken into account. Special attention is given to unknown investigators and small projects. Noninterference with a scientist in the conduct of research is a basic principle of all grants. He may change the direction of his research to pursue promising leads without asking permission. Continuity of grants so that promising projects need not be abandoned at the end of a grant period is given special consideration.  相似文献   

徐自祥  孙啸 《生物信息学》2009,7(2):120-124,132
复杂网络理论为细胞代谢网络研究提供了新的工具,基于复杂网络理论的细胞代谢网络研究可称细胞代谢复杂网络研究.先简要介绍了细胞代谢复杂网络的研究背景;随后详细总结和论述了细胞代谢复杂网络在建模、分析和控制三个方面的研究现状;再进一步指出了细胞代谢复杂网络在建模、分析和控制这三个方面研究中所存在的一些问题.为细胞代谢复杂网络领域的研究指出了一些有意义的方向,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Brassington I 《Bioethics》2007,21(3):160-168
John Harris suggests that partcipation in or support research, particularly medical research, is a moral duty. One kind of defence of this position rests on an appeal to the past, and produces two arguments. The first of these arguments is that it is unfair to accept the benefits of research without contributing something back in the form of support for, or participation in, research. A second argument is that we have a social duty to maintain those practices and institutions that sustain us, such as those which contribute to medical knowledge. This argument is related to the first, but it does not rely so heavily on fairness. Another kind of defence of the duty to research rests on an appeal to the future benefits of research: research is an effective way to discharge a duty to rescue others from serious illness or death, therefore we have a duty to research. I suggest that all three of Harris' lines fail to provide a compelling duty to research and spell out why. Moreover, not only do the lines of argument fail in their own terms: in combination, they turn out to be antagonistic to the very position that Harris wants to defend. While it is not my intention here to deny that there might be a duty to research, I claim that Harris' argument for the existence of such a duty is not the best way to establish it.  相似文献   

Paying People to Participate in Research: Why not?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
McNeill P 《Bioethics》1997,11(5):390-396
This paper argues against paying people to participate in research. Volunteering to participate as a subject in a research program is not like taking a job. The main difference is to do with the risks inherent in research. Experimentation on human beings is, by definition, trying out something with an unknown consequence and exposes people to risks of harm which cannot be known in advance. This is the main reason for independent review by committee of research programs. It is based on a recognition that researchers are not always capable of putting the interests of their subjects ahead of their research objectives. It is not simply a matter of individual autonomy. Society has an obligation, prior to the protection of individual freedom and autonomy, to establish basic safeguards that are equitable in their operation.
Any inducement for participating in research would add to the difficulty subjects have in adequately assessing the risks of participating in research. An acceptance of inducement to participate in research would further increase the inequity of research conducted on the impecunious for the benefit of the well-off.  相似文献   

Research at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility medical beamline.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The application of synchrotron radiation in medical research has become a mature field of research at synchrotron facilities worldwide. In the relatively short time that synchrotrons have been available to the scientific community, their characteristic beams of UV and X-ray radiation have been applied to virtually all areas of medical science which use ionizing radiation. The ability to tune intense monochromatic beams over wide energy ranges differentiates these sources from standard clinical and research tools. At the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France), a major research facility is operational on an advanced wiggler radiation beamport, ID17. The beamport is designed to carry out a broad range of research ranging from cell radiation biology to in vivo human studies. Medical imaging programs at ID17 include transvenous coronary angiography, computed tomography, mammography and bronchography. In addition, a major research program on microbeam radiation therapy is progressing. This paper will present a very brief overview of the beamline and the imaging and therapy programs.  相似文献   

TV is Moving in     
Visual arts teachers engage in complex work on a daily basis. This work is informed by practical knowledge that is rarely examined or drawn on in research or in the development of policy. Focusing on the work of secondary visual arts teachers, this article reports on a research program conducted in a regional area of New South Wales, Australia. The research engages in a collaborative process of educational connoisseurship and educational criticism to examine and discuss classroom practice. The process is underpinned by a belief in research as an act of discovery and is guided by a framework that provides a language and grammar of practice. Drawing on qualitative data, discussion focuses on how the collaborative process enables the mobilization and generation of new knowledge. The article concludes by considering the relationship between teaching practice, research, and policy development and by recommending support for collaborative research-based initiatives that foreground the knowledge of teachers.  相似文献   

Aging and age-related disease represents a substantial quantity of current natural, social and behavioral science research efforts. Presently, no centralized system exists for tracking aging research projects across numerous research disciplines. The multidisciplinary nature of this research complicates the understanding of underlying project categories, the establishment of project relations, and the development of a unified project classification scheme. We have developed a highly visual database, the International Aging Research Portfolio (IARP), available at AgingPortfolio.org to address this issue. The database integrates information on research grants, peer-reviewed publications, and issued patent applications from multiple sources. Additionally, the database uses flexible project classification mechanisms and tools for analyzing project associations and trends. This system enables scientists to search the centralized project database, to classify and categorize aging projects, and to analyze the funding aspects across multiple research disciplines. The IARP is designed to provide improved allocation and prioritization of scarce research funding, to reduce project overlap and improve scientific collaboration thereby accelerating scientific and medical progress in a rapidly growing area of research. Grant applications often precede publications and some grants do not result in publications, thus, this system provides utility to investigate an earlier and broader view on research activity in many research disciplines. This project is a first attempt to provide a centralized database system for research grants and to categorize aging research projects into multiple subcategories utilizing both advanced machine algorithms and a hierarchical environment for scientific collaboration.  相似文献   

For the past decade, the Washington Park Zoo, Portland, Oregon, has had an active behavioral research program. The research department is both a zoo-supported research facility for visiting researchers and staff, and an educational facility that teaches practical behavioral research methods to undergraduates. The research education program utilizes students from any of a dozen local colleges and universities. Students receive academic credit for their participation. Active keeper-participation plays a major role in many research projects. Not only does keeper-cooperation facilitate research, but their knowledge of the individual animals often proves invaluable. In addition to involvement in student projects, keepers have also conducted their own research projects.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to delineate a research design and method for using the photograph as a research tool. An analysis of the photograph's research suitability will consider its ability to structure “articulated visual statements” of the community and to generate “explanatory models” for analysis and interpretation. A significant aspect of the study is the material it offers for a discussion on an important methodological dimension for acquiring knowledge through visual research data. The question is not whether to use photographs as research tools, but how to fit the photograph into the research design and process.  相似文献   

The use of visuals in anthropological research is an established though much debated practice, both as a research tool and as a means of reporting. Pile sorts, mapping, thematic drawing, photographs, visual scales and pictorial triad testing are all visual methods that have been used in participatory and conventional ethnographic research to encourage discussion among study participants and to clarify detail. Our experience in the use of visual tools in a study conducted in 1997–98, among former child garment workers in Bangladesh, reinforces the value of the use of visuals in research. A documentary film was used in focus groups with children, most aged 10–13. The results suggest that film is a powerfully evocative tool and, combined with focus groups, is an excellent qualitative research technique. The research experience in Bangladesh also suggests that children are able to participate meaningfully in the research not in spite of but because of the use of documentary film.  相似文献   

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) advocates the improvement of patient care through the use of current best research evidence in medical decision making. In practice, "best evidence" generally refers to where a study fits on a hierarchy of evidence, which places randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and other population-level research above laboratory research. Because population research is concerned primarily with average results obtained from large groups of people, ranking evidence on the basis of its place in the hierarchy is shortsighted and ultimately limits the ability of research results to inform the care of individual patients. The history and methodology of epidemiology reveals a close relationship between population-level and laboratory research; both types of research are necessary if we are to understand the causes of a disease. What EBM does not take into account in its hierarchy of evidence is that the same thing is true for research on the safety and efficacy of medical interventions. To maximize the information that clinical research can provide for clinical care, RCTs should be designed to elucidate within-group variability. This can only be done if the hierarchy of evidence is replaced by a network that takes into account the relationship between epidemiological and laboratory research.  相似文献   

Borrowing the term “translational research” (TR) from medicine, along with some of the ideas and practices that define it, holds promise as a way of linking research more closely to the practice of youth development. However, doing so entails substantial adaptation. TR is more than a new name for applied research. It comprehends the sequence of very different kinds of research that connect new knowledge with practice and ultimately with enhanced youth development. Research syntheses and evidence-based programs and practices are central to TR, which draws on a variety of research methods and traditions, including epidemiology, “basic” research, evaluation, and implementation science. Syntheses are needed in all these areas along with communication among researchers representing them as well as with practitioners. The flow of information is bi-directional; research is informed by practice and practitioners conduct research.  相似文献   

非模式植物蛋白质组学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质组学研究是对基因组学研究的重要补充,它是在蛋白质水平定量、动态、整体性研究生物体。该文简要介绍了蛋白质组学的含义,蛋白质组学及植物蛋白质组学产生的科学背景,蛋白质组学的研究内容。概述了非模式植物蛋白质组学的研究进展,主要包括非模式植物个体及群体蛋白质组学,组织和器官蛋白质组学,亚细胞蛋白质组学,响应环境变化的蛋白质组学以及非模式植物生物环境因子的蛋白质组学的研究情况,同时对植物蛋白质组学的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

There is increasing global pressure to ensure that pregnant women are responsibly and safely included in clinical research in order to improve the evidence base that underpins healthcare delivery during pregnancy. One supposed barrier to inclusion is the assumption that pregnant women will be reluctant to participate in research. There is however very little empirical research investigating the views of pregnant women. Their perspective on the benefits, burdens and risks of research is a crucial component to ensuring effective recruitment. The Research In Pregnancy Ethics (RIPE) study set out to ascertain the views of pregnant women about research participation using an inductive thematic analysis. We conducted semi‐structured interviews with 20 women who had participated in a double‐blind randomised placebo controlled trial in Wellington (New Zealand) while pregnant. Our results show that at least some pregnant women recognise the value and importance of research during pregnancy. The women we interviewed were deeply invested in the research process and outcomes. Key motivations for participating were altruism, playing a valuable civic role and the importance of research. The main perceived burdens related to inconvenience and time commitment. For some women, possible randomization to the placebo arm was regarded as a burden or disadvantage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the rapid expansion of scientific research, the ability to effectively find or integrate new domain knowledge in the sciences is proving increasingly difficult. Efforts to improve and speed up scientific discovery are being explored on a number of fronts. However, much of this work is based on traditional search and retrieval approaches and the bibliographic citation presentation format remains unchanged. METHODS: Case study. RESULTS: The Telemakus KnowledgeBase System provides flexible new tools for creating knowledgebases to facilitate retrieval and review of scientific research reports. In formalizing the representation of the research methods and results of scientific reports, Telemakus offers a potential strategy to enhance the scientific discovery process. While other research has demonstrated that aggregating and analyzing research findings across domains augments knowledge discovery, the Telemakus system is unique in combining document surrogates with interactive concept maps of linked relationships across groups of research reports. CONCLUSION: Based on how scientists conduct research and read the literature, the Telemakus KnowledgeBase System brings together three innovations in analyzing, displaying and summarizing research reports across a domain: (1) research report schema, a document surrogate of extracted research methods and findings presented in a consistent and structured schema format which mimics the research process itself and provides a high-level surrogate to facilitate searching and rapid review of retrieved documents; (2) research findings, used to index the documents, allowing searchers to request, for example, research studies which have studied the relationship between neoplasms and vitamin E; and (3) visual exploration interface of linked relationships for interactive querying of research findings across the knowledgebase and graphical displays of what is known as well as, through gaps in the map, what is yet to be tested. The rationale and system architecture are described and plans for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

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