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1. In dense populations of the saxicolous lichen Lasallia pustulata the margins of adjacent thalli overlap each other in intraspecific competition for space and light.
2. In situ non-destructive monitoring of hydration-dependent potential photosynthetic activity by modulated fluorescence systems in different parts of the thallus shows that the activity is structured by a centre-to-margin gradient, with the centre of the thallus remaining active for substantially longer periods than the margins when the thalli dry up after being activated by wetting. The pattern reflects the water status of different parts of the thallus; the margins which are thin and exposed dry up first.
3. The activity pattern within individual lichen thalli suggests that marginal overlapping between neighbours may have a less detrimental effect on the shadowed individuals than expected from a pure consideration of the amount of area shadowed. Because the centre of the lichen thallus is active for longer periods, shadowing of this region may possibly be more harmful per area unit than an overlap at the less active margins.
4. Larger thalli are active for substantially longer periods than small ones. Even the margins of larger thalli tend to be active for a longer period than the centre of small thalli.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial properties of acetone, methanol, and aqueous extracts of the lichens Lasallia pustulata, Parmelia sulcata, Umbilicaria crustulosa, and Umbilicaria cylindrica were studied comparatively in vitro. Antimicrobial activities of the extracts of different lichens were estimated by the disk diffusion test for Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and fungal organisms, as well as by determining the MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration). The obtained results showed that the acetone and methanol extracts of Lasallia pustulata, Parmelia sulcata, and Umbilicaria crustulosa manifest antibacterial activity against the majority of species of bacteria tested, in addition to selective antifungal activity. The MIC of lichen extracts was lowest (0.78 mg/ml) for the acetone extract of Lasallia pustulata against Bacillus mycoides. Aqueous extracts of all of the tested lichens were inactive. Extracts of the lichen Umbilicaria cylindrica manifested the weakest activity, inhibiting only three of the tested organisms.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate whether the lichen rock tripe (Lasallia pustulata) can be used as food during survival situations. The effects of 30% lichen supplementation given to female Balb/c mice were studied on growth rate, metabolism and immune functions. After 3 weeks on this diet, it was found that the lichen supplementation did not affect the growth rate or the well-being of the animals. The growth rate tended to be higher in the lichen group when compared to control mice. Food consumption was similar in both groups, but with a trend towards slightly higher intake (12%) in the lichen group. The heart, liver, kidney and lymphoid organ (spleen and thymus) weights were not affected by the lichen. Histological hematoxylin eosin staining showed that all these organs were normal. Plasma glucose levels were unchanged, but plasma urea levels decreased by 24% (p < 0.05) with the lichen diet. Red and white blood cells and the number of lymphoid cells in the thymus and spleen were normal. The activity of thymocytes and spleen T-lymphocytes were not affected by the lichen diet, but spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NK cells) tended (n.s.) to increase and spleen B-lymphocyte activity increased by 40% (p < 0.05). This study shows that the lichen rock tripe has immune stimulating effects important for host defence reactions and can be used as food in survival situations without any adverse effects on the metabolism.  相似文献   

Ciliated protozoa possess cellular axes reflected in the arrangement of their ciliature. Upon transverse fission, daughter cells develop an identical ciliary pattern, ensuring perpetuation of the cellular phenotype. Experimentally manipulated cells can be induced to form atypical phenotypes, capable of intraclonal propagation and regeneration after encystment. One such phenotype in the ciliate Tetmemena pustulata (formerly Stylonychia pustulata) is the mirror-imaged doublet. These cells possess two distinct sets of ciliature, juxtaposed on the surfaces in mirror image symmetry, with a common anterior-posterior axis. We have examined whether individual ciliary components of Tetmemena mirror-image doublets are mirror imaged. Ultrastructural analysis indicates that despite global mirror imaging of the ciliature, detailed organization of the membranelles is reversed in the mirror-image oral apparatus (OA), such that the ciliary effective stroke propels food away from the OA. Assembly of compound ciliary structures of both OAs starts out identically, but as the structures associated with the mirror-image OA continue to form, the new set of membranelles undergoes a 180° planar rotation on the ventral surface relative to the same structures in the typical OA. The overall symmetry of the OA thus appears to be separable from the more localized assembly of individual basal bodies. True mirror imagery of the membranelles would require new enantiomorphic forms of the individual ciliary components, particularly the basal bodies, which is never observed. These observations suggest a mechanistic hypothesis with implications for the development of left-right asymmetry not only in ciliates, but perhaps also in development of left-right asymmetry in general.  相似文献   

Three species of Lasallia Mérat and nine species of Umbilicaria Hoffmann are reported from the East African mountains, their vegetative propagules, chemistry, ecology, and distribution are discussed and keys to them are provided. The new combinations Umbilicaria africana (Jatta) Krog & Swinscow, U. soralifera (Frey) Krog & Swinscow, and U. umbilicarioides (B. Stein) Krog & Swinscow are made. Umbilicaria bolusiana Frey, U. haumaniana Frey and U. propagulifera (Vainio) Llano are reduced to synonymy with U. umbilicarioides , and U. glauca var. ruwenzoriensis Frey to synonymy with Lasallia papulosa (Ach.) Llano.  相似文献   

Roleda MY  Wiencke C  Hanelt D 《Planta》2006,223(3):407-417
Growth of young sporophytes of the brown algae Laminaria digitata, L. saccharina and L. solidungula from Spitsbergen were measured in the laboratory after being exposed for 21 days to either photosynthetically active radiation (PAR=P) or to full light spectrum (PAR + UV-A + UV-B=PAB) using of cutoff glass filters. The plants were grown at 8±2°C and 16 h light : 8 h dark cycles with 6 h additional ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure in the middle of the light period. Growth was measured every 10 min using growth chambers with online video measuring technique. Tissue morphology and absorption spectra were measured in untreated young sporophytes while chlorophyll (Chl) a content and DNA damage were measured in treated thalli at the end of the experiment. In all species, growth rates were significantly higher in sporophytes exposed to P alone compared to sporophytes exposed to PAB. Tissue DNA damage is dependent on thallus thickness and absorption spectra characteristics of pigments and UV-absorbing compounds. In sporophytes exposed to UVR, energy demands for repair of DNA damage and synthesis of UV-absorbing compounds for protection effectively diverts photosynthate at the expense of growth. Photosynthetic pigment was not significantly different between treatments suggesting a capacity for acclimation to moderate UVR fluence. The general growth pattern in sporophytes exposed to P alone showed an increasing growth rate from the onset of light (0500–0900 hours) to a peak at the middle of the light phase (0900–1500 hours), a decline towards the end of the light phase (1500–2100 hours) and a minimum “low” growth in the dark (2100–0500 hours) relative to growth during the entire light phase. Under PAB, different growth patterns were observed such as growth compensation at night in L. digitata, delayed growth recovery in L. saccharina and minimal but continuous growth in L. solidungula. Growth as an integrative parameter of all physiological processes showed that the effect of UVR is correlated to the depth distribution of these species.  相似文献   

Ascospore germination, thallus initiation, and areole and prothallus development in the lichen Rhizocarpon lecanorinum Anders were examined using light, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. The ascospore germ hyphae remain very short and do not form a prothallus-like mycelium. Instead, a compact soredium-like granule develops directly from sporeling contact with a compatible species of Trebouxia . Diffuse initial stages involving non-trebouxioid algae are lacking. The onset of thallus differentiation is marked by the deposition of rhizocarpic acid in an incipient cortical layer within the apical part of the granule. As pigmentation and cortex-formation transform this structure into a typical areole, radiating prothallus hyphae are simultaneously initiated from its basal margin. Most areoles formed subsequently in the marginal prothallus lack subtending melanized hyphae and apparently stem from overgrowth by the prothallus of photobiont cells on, or in, the substratum. Apothecia reach maturity in thalli as small as 2 mm in diameter. It is proposed that the lack of diffuse hyphal growth in sporelings and telescoped morphogenesis of R. lecanorinum are part of a life history strategy geared to precocious, heavy investment in ascospore production. The R. lecanorinum – Trebouxia symbiosis has a number of features which make it well-suited for further studies of the life history and development of prothallus-forming crustose lichens with sexually reproducing mycobionts.  相似文献   


Although developmental instability (DI), measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to environmental stress and negatively to habitat quality, the pattern found here was the reverse. Developmental instability of leaf traits (leaf width and vein distances within a leaf) was estimated (using two indices of FA: FA4 and σi 2) and compared between three populations of Plantago major L. (Plantaginaceae) from northern Serbia. Two of the populations are from chronically polluted areas (Karaburma & Zemun), while Crni Lug is from an unpolluted, natural area. Results obtained using both FA indices were the same; higher asymmetry levels in the unpolluted area than in the polluted sites, were found for both traits. Between the two polluted sites, FA values were significantly higher in Karaburma site for vein distances within a leaf. Concerning differences in FA4 values between samples, in two cases, results are similar to those found for σi 2 values, for vein distances within leaf. These are the first quantitative data on P. major indicating that (i) plants living in the stressful sites are more symmetrical and (ii) leaf FA for plant species with wide ecological distribution such as P. major should be considered as an ‘index of habitat quality.’  相似文献   

The skeletal discrepancies in the vertical dimensions can either lead to a long face or a short face. The palatal plane inclination is one such contributing factor. The study sample comprised of 15 lateral cephalograms collected between the time period of June 2019 - March 2020 with 5 cephalograms belonging to skeletal Class I, II and III respectively. The inclination angle and mandibular plane angle were measured using the FACAD software. The obtained results were tabulated and statistically analysed using Pearson''s correlation test to determine the correlation between the two variables. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between the skeletal malocclusions with a p value of 0.011. Thus, palatal plane inclination is not a major contributing factor for vertical growth pattern and it is suggestive of a multifactorial influence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the change in the occlusal plane inclination that takes place during craniofacial growth relative to various facio-cranial reference lines, as well as to find possible differences in means between sexes, to determine if there were correlations among variables, and to find out which of the parameters were the most reliable in determining the occlusal plane inclination. The investigation was carried out on 192 lateral radiographs of subjects divided into five age groups. The radiographs were traced and six angular roentgencephalometric variables were analysed by using different reference lines: cranial base (OLNS), Frankfort horizontal (OLFH), maxillary base (OLPL), mandibular base (OLML), anterior face height (OLNM) and posterior face height (OLSGO). It could be concluded that the change in occlusal plane inclination shows anterior rotation (left profile) during growth. The most significant change of the occlusal plane inclination was found using variables OLPL, OLFH and OLNS. There were no significant differences according to sex. Small but significant correlations were found between all investigated variables, except OLML.  相似文献   

We studied fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in the tarsus length of seven forest-restricted bird species, two of which are globally critically endangered, in three indigenous forest remnants of a recently fragmented, afrotropical biodiversity hot spot. Based on mixed regression analysis and an extension of Levene''s test, individuals from the most degraded fragment showed four- to sevenfold higher asymmetry levels compared to those from the least degraded one, with intermediate levels in the moderately disturbed fragment. When comparing contemporary FA levels with measurements of museum specimens collected 50 years ago, we found highly significant increases in asymmetry in the most degraded fragment but no differences in the least degraded one. These strikingly parallel spatial and temporal patterns across species confirm that repeated measurements of FA can provide a sensitive early warning system for monitoring stress effects in highly threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nonlinear growth dynamics and the origin of fluctuating asymmetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The development of handedness throughout growth can be investigated by using bilateral asymmetry of the humerus as a proxy for this trait. A large skeletal sample of nonadults from English archaeological sites was examined using standard metric techniques to assess when right-sided asymmetry first appears in the human skeleton. Results of this work indicate a change in directional asymmetry during growth and development, with infants and young children exhibiting no significant asymmetry and older children and adolescents demonstrating right-sidedness. This trend is consistent with what has been observed in previous studies of upper limb asymmetry in skeletal material and behaviorally in living children, adding further strength to the premise that biomechanical forces strongly influence bilateral asymmetry in the upper limb bones. Variability in the magnitude of asymmetry between different features of the humerus was also noted. This characteristic can be explained by differing degrees of genetic canalization, with length and articular dimensions being more strongly canalized than diaphyseal properties.  相似文献   

Positive Phototropism in the Thallus of Bryopsis plumosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Positive phototropism in the thallus of the marine coenocyticgreen alga Bryopsis plumosa was investigated in terms of themode of bending, the photosensitive zone and the effectivenessspectrum. The bending occurred as a consequence of a differencein growth rate between the illuminated and the shaded sidesof the thallus. Elongation on the shaded side was stimulatedwhile that on the illuminated side was inhibited. However, theoverall elongation rate was barely affected. Illumination witha fine beam revealed that a zone from approximately 80 to 120µm below the tip was the most photosensitive. The effectivenessspectrum showed that blue light (<550 nm) was most effective,with light at 467 nm having maximal effectiveness. (Received November 29, 1994; Accepted May 29, 1995)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mirror-image symmetry doublets of the ciliate Stylonychia pustulata were obtained from the progenies of dividing cells in which cell division was inhibited by heat-shocks. In two components consisting of the doublet, the left (cell's) component possessed ciliary organelles arranged in almost the same pattern as in normal singlets, while the right one had surface organelles located in a mirror-image symmetry of those of the left component. In cell division of the doublet, two sets of ciliary primordia that were arranged in a mirror-image symmetry developed synchronously in both components. In about 80% of oral primordia (OP) of the right components, the arrangement of the membranellar bands became abnormal. In some cases, OP of the right component were occasionally separated into two longitudinal halves, each consisting of normal membranelles and inverted membranelles. A set of primordia of the paroral membranelles and fronto-ventro-transverse cirri was rarely derived from the basal bodies of the right half with a band of normal membranelles. As a result, a third component with the ciliary organelles normally arranged emerged on the right side of the original right component. The differentiation of membranelles and segmentation of the primordial streaks into cim proceeded from anterior to posterior. A cytoplasmic bulge with multiple right marginal cirral rows was frequently formed at the right margin of the doublet. The behavior in the separation of third and fourth streaks from a primordial streak of dorsal cirri was not mirror-image symmetrical in each component.  相似文献   

We characterized the evolutionary history of growth form (solitary–colonial) and its interaction with species'' habitat (planktonic–benthic) across a multi-gene phylogeny encompassing a broad sample of the order-level diversity of diatoms. We treated these characters broadly, modeling the evolution of aggregation of cells into a colony irrespective of the way aggregation is achieved, and relating the growth form to a broad concept of niche location: in the plankton or benthos. The results showed that habitat shifts are rare implying conservatism in niche location at the level of large clades. On the other hand, the evolutionary history of growth form is more dynamic with evolutionary rates that vary across the tree. Analyses of a possible interaction revealed that shifts in growth form are independent of habitat and that traversing between habitats does not hinge upon species'' growth form. Our findings help to fill a gap in the understanding of diatom niche and growth form macroevolution and contribute toward a platform for the comparative study of the mechanisms underlying diatom species and functional diversity.  相似文献   

We examined variation in growth and habitat use of individually PIT‐tagged brown trout Salmo trutta in three stream enclosures, each divided into a fine substrate, deep pool habitat and a coarse substrate, shallow habitat. Habitat use and movements of individual fish were monitored continually by placing PIT detectors between habitats. All fish were measured and weighed biweekly over a three month period. There was no significant relationship between habitat use and initial body size, nor was there a consistent relationship between habitat use and densities of benthic macroinvertebrates or abundance of drifting invertebrates in the two habitats. Most habitat changes occurred at night, with activity peaks just prior to sunrise and after sunset. Trout used pools more at night than during the day. Within any given day, diurnal and nocturnal habitat use of individual fish varied little, with variation greater at night than during the day. Partial habitat segregation by sex was observed; only males used pools extensively during daytime, whereas males and females used riffles.
Growth rate was positively related to use of pools during daytime but not at night. Growth rate was also affected by enclosure, with growth rates being highest in the most downstream enclosure, which had the deepest pool (mean of 42 cm) and lowest in the most upstream enclosure, which had the shallowest pool (mean of 28 cm). A complete exchange of trout between the most upstream and downstream enclosure indicated that the enclosure effect was due to physical differences and not to individual fish differences between enclosures. The effect appears to have been caused by differences in depth as daytime use of pools was correlated with the area of the pool ≥35 cm deep, and production of trout biomass per enclosure was directly related to mean pool depth. Our results suggest that there is a relationship between habitat use and growth of individuals that is independent of body size, but that this relationship is influenced by sex of the fish and by the physical characteristics of the environment. Further, the data indicate that short‐term behavioral decisions on habitat use by brown trout have a potential effect on longer‐term individual fitness through growth rates.  相似文献   

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