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The technique of scanning a preselected set of ions employing a combined gas chromatography mass spectrometer computer system has been investigated to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure. This technique allows one to determine gas chromatographic retention data with with a high degree of precision and accuracy, in rapid temperature programming operation, due to shortening of the mas spectral scanning interval. Signal-to-noise ratio in ion abundance recordings can be enhanced by increasing the dwell time for as many as 100 ions without lenghtening the scanning interval. The utility of such an approach was demonstrated by analysis of complex mixtures isolated form human urine and cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

The unique scanning capabilities of a hybrid linear ion trap (Q TRAP) mass spectrometer are described with an emphasis on proteomics applications. The combination of the very selective triple quadrupole based tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) scans with the very sensitive ion trap product ion scans allows rapid identification of peptides at low concentrations derived from post-translationally modified proteins on chromatographic time scales. The Q TRAP instrument also offers the opportunity to conduct a variety of ion processing steps prior to performing a mass scan. For example, the enhancement of the multiple-charge ion contents of the ion trap can be performed resulting in a survey mass spectrum dominated by double- and triple-charge peptides. This facilitates the identification of relevant biological species in both separated and unseparated peptide mixtures for further MS/MS experiments.  相似文献   

An imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry system has been developed that allows the distribution of elements or ions to be superimposed on an image of the plant cell or tissue generated by ion-induced secondary electrons. This system has been evaluated by analysing the aleurone and sub-aleurone cells of mature wheat grain, showing high spatial resolution (100-200 nm) images of O-, PO(2)-, Mg+, Ca+, Na+ and K+ within the phytate granules of the aleurone, with CN- being diagnostic for proteins and C(2)- being diagnostic for starch in the starchy endosperm cells. This system should provide improved localization of elements in a range of other plant systems.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the causal pathogen of basal stem rot of oil palms, Ganoderma is somewhat problematic at present. In order to determine the genetic distance relationship between G. boninense isolates and non-boninense isolates, a random amplified microsatellites DNA (RAMS) technique was carried out. The result was then compared with interfertility data of G. boninense that had been determined in previous mating studies to confirm the species of G. boninense. Dendrogram from cluster analysis based on UPGMA of RAMS data showed that two major clusters, I and II which separated at a genetic distance of 0.7935 were generated. Cluster I consisted of all the biological species G. boninense isolates namely CNLB, GSDK 3, PER 71, WD 814, GBL 3, GBL 6, OC, GH 02, 170 SL and 348781 while all non-boninense isolates namely G. ASAM, WRR, TFRI 129, G. RES, GJ, and CNLM were grouped together in cluster II. Although the RAMS markers showed polymorphisms in all the isolates tested, the results obtained were in agreement with the interfertility data. Therefore, the RAMS data could support the interfertility data for the identification of Ganoderma isolates.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation has been the most studied of all the posttranslational modifications of proteins. Mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool for phosphomapping on proteins/peptides. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of phosphopeptides leads to the loss of phosphoric or metaphosphoric acid as a neutral molecule, giving an intense neutral loss product ion in the mass spectrum. Dissociation of the neutral loss product ion identifies peptide sequence. This method of data-dependent constant neutral loss (DDNL) scanning analysis has been commonly used for mapping phosphopeptides. However, preferential losses of groups other than phosphate are frequently observed during CID of phosphopeptides. Ions that result from such losses are not identified during DDNL analysis due to predetermined scanning for phosphate loss. In this study, we describe an alternative approach for improved identification of phosphopeptides by sequential abundant ion fragmentation analysis (SAIFA). In this approach, there is no predetermined neutral loss molecule, thereby undergoing sequential fragmentation of abundant peak, irrespective of the moiety lost during CID. In addition to improved phosphomapping, the method increases the sequence coverage of the proteins identified, thereby increasing the confidence of protein identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to use SAIFA for phosphopeptide identification.  相似文献   

It is accepted that resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine (CQ) is caused primarily by mutations in the pfcrt gene. However, a consensus has not yet been reached on the mechanism by which resistance is achieved. CQ-resistant (CQR) parasite lines accumulate less CQ than do CQ-sensitive (CQS) parasites. The CQR phenotype is complex with a component of reduced energy-dependent CQ uptake and an additional component that resembles energy-dependent CQ efflux. Here we show that the required energy input is in the form of the proton electrochemical gradient across the digestive vacuole (DV) membrane. Collapsing the DV proton gradient (or starving the parasites of glucose) results in similar levels of CQ accumulation in CQS and CQR lines. Under these conditions the accumulation of CQ is stimulated in CQR parasite lines but is reduced in CQS lines. Energy deprivation has no effect on the rate of CQ efflux from CQR lines implying that mutant PfCRT does not function as an efflux pump or active carrier. Using pfcrt-modified parasite lines we show that the entire CQ susceptibility phenotype is switched by the single K76T amino acid change in PfCRT. The efflux of CQ in CQR lines is not directly coupled to the energy supply, consistent with a model in which mutant PfCRT functions as a gated channel or pore, allowing charged CQ species to leak out of the DV.  相似文献   

Roots of Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) have been shown to accumulate bidesmosides of triterpenoid carboxylic acids, also called GOTCAB saponins (Glucuronide Oleanane-type Triterpenoid Carboxylic Acid 3, 28-Bidesmosides). The study aimed at in-depth characterization of GOTCABs from root extracts of cultivated Gypsophila scorzonerifolia Ser., G. acutifolia Stev. ex Spreng., G. altissima L., G. pacifica Kom., G. paniculata L., G. oldhamiana Miq. and G. zhegualensis Krasnova using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupol-Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS). Based on the accurate mass measurements, elemental composition, isotopic peak profiles, fragmentation pattern in tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and literature data, a total of 53 GOTCABs were tentatively identified. In addition, 29 core structures, forming between 2 and 12 isobaric isomers were described. They possess gypsogenin, quillaic and gypsogenic acid as sapogenin, substituted at C-3 with O-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-[pentosyl-(1 → 3)]-β-d-glucuronopyranoside (β-chain). According to the C-28 ester-bonded oligosaccharide (α-chain) saponins were classified into four groups: GOTCABs with C-28 tetra- and pentasaccharide (type I), GOTCABs with C-28 oligosaccharide substituted with methoxycinnamoyl group (type II), GOTCABs with mono- and diacetylated C-28 oligosaccharide (type III) and GOTCABs with C-28 oligosaccharide substituted with both acetyl and methoxycinamoyl groups (type IV). The possible fragmentation pathways of saponins were proposed. Eleven core structures forming between 2 and 7 isobars are undescribed in the literature. To examine the differences between the assayed Gypsophila species at the same environmental conditions, the variation of saponins was estimated by hierarchical clustering on isobaric fingerprints of GOTCABs. The clustering of the studied species revealed three well-defined clusters. The first cluster comprises G. scorzonerifolia (G1) and G. altissima (G3), characterized by GOTCABs from type III. G. acutifolia (G2) and G. pacifica (G4) formed the second cluster accumulating saponins from types II and III. The third cluster grouped G. paniculata (G5), G. oldhamiana (G6) and G. zhegualensis (G7) sharing GOTCABs from types IV in addition to II and III. This is the first report on the saponins from G. scorzonerifolia and G. zhegualensis. An in-depth depiction of the GOTCAB saponin composition of seven cultivated Gypsophila species was achieved. Therefore, saponins are worth investigating for better understanding of the potential use of Gypsophila roots for pharmaceutical purposes.  相似文献   

Synthesis and biological evaluation of jasplakinolide analogs are described. The synthesis of analogs utilized a diastereoselective syn-aldol reaction and an orthoester Claisen rearrangement as key steps. All synthetic analogs were evaluated for their ability to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton. Compounds 2, 3, and 4 essentially displayed similar activity to jasplakinolide.  相似文献   

Policies supporting the rapid and open sharing of proteomic data are being implemented by the leading journals in the field. The proteomics community is taking steps to ensure that data are made publicly accessible and are of high quality, a challenging task that requires the development and deployment of methods for measuring and documenting data quality metrics. On September 18, 2010, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) convened the "International Workshop on Proteomic Data Quality Metrics" in Sydney, Australia, to identify and address issues facing the development and use of such methods for open access proteomics data. The stakeholders at the workshop enumerated the key principles underlying a framework for data quality assessment in mass spectrometry data that will meet the needs of the research community, journals, funding agencies, and data repositories. Attendees discussed and agreed up on two primary needs for the wide use of quality metrics: (1) an evolving list of comprehensive quality metrics and (2) standards accompanied by software analytics. Attendees stressed the importance of increased education and training programs to promote reliable protocols in proteomics. This workshop report explores the historic precedents, key discussions, and necessary next steps to enhance the quality of open access data. By agreement, this article is published simultaneously in the Journal of Proteome Research, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Proteomics, and Proteomics Clinical Applications as a public service to the research community. The peer review process was a coordinated effort conducted by a panel of referees selected by the journals.  相似文献   

Policies supporting the rapid and open sharing of proteomic data are being implemented by the leading journals in the field. The proteomics community is taking steps to ensure that data are made publicly accessible and are of high quality, a challenging task that requires the development and deployment of methods for measuring and documenting data quality metrics. On September 18, 2010, the United States National Cancer Institute convened the "International Workshop on Proteomic Data Quality Metrics" in Sydney, Australia, to identify and address issues facing the development and use of such methods for open access proteomics data. The stakeholders at the workshop enumerated the key principles underlying a framework for data quality assessment in mass spectrometry data that will meet the needs of the research community, journals, funding agencies, and data repositories. Attendees discussed and agreed up on two primary needs for the wide use of quality metrics: 1) an evolving list of comprehensive quality metrics and 2) standards accompanied by software analytics. Attendees stressed the importance of increased education and training programs to promote reliable protocols in proteomics. This workshop report explores the historic precedents, key discussions, and necessary next steps to enhance the quality of open access data. By agreement, this article is published simultaneously in the Journal of Proteome Research, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Proteomics, and Proteomics Clinical Applications as a public service to the research community. The peer review process was a coordinated effort conducted by a panel of referees selected by the journals.  相似文献   

Policies supporting the rapid and open sharing of proteomic data are being implemented by the leading journals in the field. The proteomics community is taking steps to ensure that data are made publicly accessible and are of high quality, a challenging task that requires the development and deployment of methods for measuring and documenting data quality metrics. On September 18, 2010, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) convened the "International Workshop on Proteomic Data Quality Metrics" in Sydney, Australia, to identify and address issues facing the development and use of such methods for open access proteomics data. The stakeholders at the workshop enumerated the key principles underlying a framework for data quality assessment in mass spectrometry data that will meet the needs of the research community, journals, funding agencies, and data repositories. Attendees discussed and agreed upon two primary needs for the wide use of quality metrics: (i) an evolving list of comprehensive quality metrics and (ii) standards accompanied by software analytics. Attendees stressed the importance of increased education and training programs to promote reliable protocols in proteomics. This workshop report explores the historic precedents, key discussions, and necessary next steps to enhance the quality of open access data. By agreement, this article is published simultaneously in Proteomics, Proteomics Clinical Applications, Journal of Proteome Research, and Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, as a public service to the research community. The peer review process was a coordinated effort conducted by a panel of referees selected by the journals.  相似文献   

A novel class of water-soluble Pt(IV) complexes with histamine (Hist) and radioiodinated histamine ([(125)I/(131)I]Hist) has been synthesised with the goal of potential application for concomitant anticancer radio-chemotherapy of solid tumours. The prepared complex of 1:2 metal:ligand stoichiometry ([Pt(IV)(Hist)(2)(OH)(2)]Cl(2)) was characterised by microanalysis, mass spectrometry, and chromatographic methods. Cytotoxic/cytostatic activities of the complex were examined by flow cytometry method using the MCF-7 cells line. A slightly lower cytotoxicity of the Pt(IV) complex comparing to cisplatin was found (IC(50) 59 and 48 microM, respectively). Both cisplatin and the histamine complex show a cytostatic activity by blocking MCF-7 cells in S-phase of cell cycle. Biodistribution studies in normal rats revealed the highest accumulation of the (131)I-labelled complex in liver and kidneys (41.3% and 12.4% ID after 24 h post-intravenous injection (p.i.v.)). The similar pharmacokinetics was observed in tumour-bearing C3H/W mice, however, a lower accumulation in liver was observed following an intraperitoneal comparing to an intravenous administration. A concentration of the complex in tumour increased with time post-intraperitoneal injection (1.2 and 2.5%ID/g after 2 and 24 h (p.i.), respectively). An increasing tumour/muscle ratio was also observed (2.2 and 4.5 after 2 and 24 h p.i., respectively), and that suggests a penetration of the complex into the tumour cells, and a permanent binding with some cellular components, probably with the DNA.  相似文献   

Three molecular tools, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, were explored for their usefulness to identify isolates of Malassezia yeasts. All seven species could be separated by AFLP and DGGE. Using AFLP, four genotypes could be distinguished within M. furfur. AFLP genotype 4 contained only isolates from deep human sources, and ca. 80% of these isolates were from patients with systemic disease. Most of the systemic isolates belonged to a single RAPD genotype. This suggests that systemic conditions strongly select for a particular genotype. Although the clinical use of DGGE may be limited due to technical demands, it remains a powerful tool for the analysis of complex clinical samples.  相似文献   

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