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Little is known of thegene regulatory mechanisms that coordinate the contractile andmetabolic specializations of skeletal muscle fibers. Here we report anovel connection between fast isoform contractile protein transgene andglycolytic enzyme expression. In quantitative histochemical studies oftransgenic mouse muscle fibers, we found extensive coregulation ofthe glycolytic enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GPDH) and transgene constructs based on the fast skeletal muscletroponin I (TnIfast) gene. In addition to a common IIB > IIX > IIA fiber type pattern, TnIfast transgenes and GPDH showedcorrelated fiber-to-fiber variation within each fast fiber type,concerted emergence of high-level expression during early postnatalmuscle maturation, and parallel responses to muscle under- oroverloading. Regulatory information for GPDH-coregulated expression iscarried by the TnIfast first-intron enhancer (IRE). These resultsidentify an unexpected contractile/metabolic gene regulatory link thatis amenable to further molecular characterization. They also raise thepossibility that the equal expression in all fast fiber types observedfor the endogenous TnIfast gene may be driven by differentmetabolically coordinated mechanisms in glycolytic (IIB) vs. oxidative(IIA) fast fibers.


The [Ca2+] regulation of contractile ATPase flux, J p, in skeletal muscle was analysed by computation of the Response R Jp Ca2+ for a 10 Hz range of electrical stimulation frequencies. Results of our analysis of the kinetic controls in ATP free energy metabolism in a network model of contracting muscle (J.A.L. Jeneson, H.V. Westerhoff and M.J. Kushmerick (2000) Am. J. Physiol. 279, C813–C832) formed the basis for the computations of R Jp Ca2+. We found that neural regulation of sustained force generation via simple [Ca2+]cyto frequency encoding in the network was robust for frequencies up to 2 Hz. Above 2 Hz, however, this regulation design broke down because of a shift in contractile ATPase flux control from the Ca2+-sensitive contractile filaments to mitochondria with low Ca2+ sensitivity. The role of glyco(geno)lytic ATP production at high contraction workloads is discussed in the context of this result  相似文献   

Putative roles of neuregulin (NRG) and theErbB receptors in skeletal muscle biology include myogenesis, AChreceptor expression, and glucose transport. To date, however, thephysiological regulation of NRG/ErbB signaling has not been examined.We tested the hypothesis that contractile activity in vivo inducesNRG/ErbB activation. Rat hindlimb muscle contraction was elicited witha single bout of electrical stimulation (RX) or treadmill running (EX).Western blot and immunofluorescence confirmed the expression ofmultiple NRG isoforms and the ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4 receptors inadult skeletal muscle. Both RX and EX significantly increasedphosphorylation of all NRG receptors. Furthermore, contraction induceda shift in the expression profile of NRG, consistent with proteolytic processing of a transmembrane isoform. Thus two distinct modes ofexercise activated processing of NRG with concomitant stimulation ofErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4 signaling in vivo. To our knowledge, this isthe first demonstration of physiological regulation of NRG/ErbBsignaling in any organ and implicates this pathway in the metabolic andproliferative responses of skeletal muscle to exercise.


Biomechanical unloading of the rat soleus by hindlimb unweighting is known to induce atrophy and a slow- to fast-twitch transition of skeletal muscle contractile properties, particularly in slow-twitch muscles such as the soleus. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the expression of the dihydropyridine (DHP) receptor gene is upregulated in unloaded slow-twitch soleus muscles. A rat DHP receptor cDNA was isolated by screening a random-primed cDNA lambda gt10 library from denervated rat skeletal muscle with oligonucleotide probes complementary to the coding region of the rabbit DHP receptor cDNA. Muscle mass and DHP receptor mRNA expression were assessed 1, 4, 7, 14, and 28 days after hindlimb unweighting in rats by tail suspension. Isometric twitch contraction times of soleus muscles were measured at 28 days of unweighting. Northern blot analysis showed that tissue distribution of DHP receptor mRNA was specific for skeletal muscle and expression was 200% greater in control fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) than in control soleus muscles. A significant stimulation (80%) in receptor message of the soleus was induced as early as 24 h of unloading without changes in muscle mass. Unloading for 28 days induced marked atrophy (control = 133 +/- 3 vs. unweighted = 62.4 +/- 1.8 mg), and expression of the DHP receptor mRNA in the soleus was indistinguishable from levels normally expressed in EDL muscles. These changes in mRNA expression are in the same direction as the 37% reduction in time to peak tension and 28% decrease in half-relaxation time 28 days after unweighting. Our results suggest that muscle loading necessary for weight support modulates the expression of the DHP receptor gene in the soleus muscle.  相似文献   

The evidence presented here supports the concept that multiple, complex controls of gene regulation underlie the adaptive changes in protein quantity associated with alterations of the inherent amount of contractile activity in adult skeletal muscle. Investigations of increased contractile activity by running and resistance exercise, as well by recovery from the reduced contractile activity of limb immobilization suggest that control of the alterations of gene expression are initially (one day) at the level of translation. Likewise, experimental models which do not closely mimic human physical training (i.e. electrical stimulation and chronic overload) produce early alterations in the translational control of gene expression. More prolonged changes in contractile activity, brought about by either physical training or experimental models, produce altered gene expression via changes in pre-, post- and translational control.  相似文献   

This study examined dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) gene expression in mouse skeletal muscles during physiological adaptations to disuse. Disuse was produced by three in vivo models—denervation, tenotomy, and immobilization—and DHPR 1s mRNA was measured by quantitative Northern blot. After 14-day simultaneous denervation of the soleus (Sol), tibialis anterior (TA), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and gastrocnemius (Gastr) muscles by sciatic nerve section, DHPR mRNA increased preferentially in the Sol and TA (+1.6-fold), whereas it increased in the EDL (+1.6-fold) and TA (+1.8-fold) after selective denervation of these muscles by peroneal nerve section. It declined in all muscles (–1.3- to –2.6-fold) after 14-day tenotomy, which preserves nerve input but removes mechanical tension. Atrophy was comparable in denervated and tenotomized muscles. These results suggest that factor(s) in addition to inactivity per se, muscle phenotype, or associated atrophy can regulate DHPR gene expression. To test the contribution of passive tension to this regulation, we subjected the same muscles to disuse by limb immobilization in a maximally dorsiflexed position. DHPR 1s mRNA increased in the stretched muscles (Sol, +2.3-fold; Gastr, +1.5-fold) and decreased in the shortened muscles (TA, –1.4-fold; EDL, –1.3-fold). The effect of stretch was confirmed in vitro. DHPR protein did not change significantly after 4-day immobilization, suggesting that additional levels of regulation may exist. These results demonstrate that DHPR 1s gene expression is regulated as an integral part of the adaptive response of skeletal muscles to disuse in both slow- and fast-twitch muscles and identify passive tension as an important signal for its regulation in vivo. dihydropyridine receptor mRNA; decreased use; passive tension; denervation; tenotomy; hindlimb immobilization  相似文献   



This study was to investigate changes in BCAT and BCKDH genes by Hindlimb-Suspension (HS) and protein intake composition (casein, Whey protein) in rats.


Following 5-day preliminary feeding, forty-eight male 5 weeks old Sprague Dawley albino rats (110g) divided into 17% protein intake group (24 rats) and 30% protein intake group (24 rats), and each group divided further into Hindlimb-Suspension group (HS; 12 rats) and control group(CON; 12 rats). Eventually, this study was performed with Whey protein intake group (HS; 6 rats, CON; 6 rats) and casein intake group (HS; 6 rats, CON; 6 rats). For analysis purposes, total RNA was extracted from isolated skeletal muscles, and mRNA expression was analyzed using Real Time PCR. Two-way ANOVA was performed to examine the difference in BCATm and BCKDH mRNA expression on protein uptake and myoatrophy. post-hoc test was perform on interaction if any, and significance level was set at p<0.05.


In this study, BCATm and BCKDH gene analysis in rat skeletal muscles by hindlimb-suspension and protein intake composition resulted in significant higher BCATm expression in 30% dietary protein group and hindlimb-suspension group that control group. In addition, regarding BCKDH, BCKDH was significantly higher in hindlimb-suspended 30% protein intake group than control group.


Overall, protein intake and myoatrophy demonstrated close relationship in skeletal muscles. Therefore, it is likely to affect effectively in prevention or recovery of exercise induced muscle disorder. This effect is considered to be applied to maintain and improve health of not only athletes but also the general public. Additionally it would be applied in convalescent rehabilitation due to skeletal muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

Contractile proteins exist as a number of isoforms that show a developmental and tissue-specific pattern of expression. Using gene-specific cDNA probes, the expression of the sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (MHC) multi-gene family and of cardiac (foetal) alpha-actin was analysed in three different rat hindlimb muscles immobilised for 5 days in either the shortened or lengthened positions. For each of the MHC genes normally expressed in adult muscle (slow, IIA and IIB), the effect of disuse alone (immobilisation in the shortened position) upon expression was markedly different to that of passive stretch (immobilisation in the lengthened position) in each of the three muscles. However, the same adult sarcomeric myosin heavy chain gene can be affected in a different, or even opposite, manner by either disuse or passive stretch depending on the muscle in which it is being expressed. The fast IIB MHC gene, for example, exhibits a rapid induction in the slow postural soleus muscle, in response to disuse but no such induction occurs in the faster plantaris and gastrocnemius muscles. Furthermore, the induction of this gene in the soleus was prevented by passive stretch. The MHC gene, normally only expressed in embryonic skeletal muscle, showed a similar response in all three muscles and was reinduced in adult muscle in response to passive stretch but not by disuse alone. In contrast, the isoform of alpha-actin which is normally only present in significant quantities in embryonic skeletal muscle and which is reduced postnatally, is not reinduced by passive stretch but is reduced still further by immobilisation in the shortened position.  相似文献   

To determine the role of intramitochondrial protein synthesis (PS) and degradation (PD) in contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis, we evaluated rates of [(35)S]methionine incorporation into protein in isolated rat muscle subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria. Rates of PS ranged from 47 to 125% greater (P < 0.05) in IMF compared with SS mitochondria. Intense, acute in situ contractile activity (10 Hz, 5 min) of fast-twitch gastrocnemius muscle resulted in a 50% decrease in PS (P < 0.05) in SS but not IMF mitochondria. Recovery, or continued contractile activity (55 min), reestablished PS in SS mitochondria. In contrast, PS was not affected in either SS or IMF mitochondria after prolonged (60-min) contractile activity in the presence or absence of a recovery period. PD was not influenced by 5 min of contractile activity in the presence or absence of recovery but was reduced after 60 min of contractions followed by recovery. Chronic stimulation (10 Hz, 3 h/day, 14 days) increased muscle cytochrome-c oxidase activity by 2.2-fold but reduced PS in IMF mitochondria by 29% (P < 0.05; n = 4). PS in SS mitochondria and PD in both subfractions were not changed by chronic stimulation. Thus acute contractile activity exerts differential effects on protein turnover in IMF and SS mitochondria, and it appears that intramitochondrial PS does not limit the extent of chronic contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

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