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The present study investigated the effect of active recovery, following 35 days of horizontal bed rest, on the magnitude and time course of the pressor and heart rate responses to sustained 90 minute submaximal isometric contraction of unilateral knee extensor muscles. Ten healthy male subjects were tested immediately post bed rest (Post BR) and again after 4 weeks of active recovery (Recovery). In both trials subjects sustained an absolute force equal to 30% of Post BR maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were monitored continuously during sustained contraction using the volume-clamp technique. Despite a 24% increase in MVC, there were no significant differences in the magnitudes of HR and MAP responses between Post BR and Recovery trials, suggesting a bed rest-induced attenuation of the static exercise pressor response.  相似文献   

Raised plasma endothelin-I concentration following cold pressor test   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plasma concentration of immunoreactive endothelin-1 was measured by radioimmunoassay in 6 healthy subjects before and following cold pressor test by immersion of one fore-arm into ice-water. Mean (SEM) plasma endothelin-1 concentration rose from 1.2 (0.7) to peak value 8.4 (2.3) pg/ml in venous plasma from the immersed hand, and, reaching peak 2 minutes later, from 1.4 (0.5) to 4.6 (2.3) pg/ml in venous plasma from the contralateral hand. In 66 healthy control subjects, venous plasma concentration of endothelin-1 was 2.9 +/- 1.2 pg/ml (mean +/- SD). Exposure to cold is associated with raised blood levels of endothelin-1, which points to a relation between endothelin-1 and vasoconstriction associated with low temperature.  相似文献   

Sedentary behavior has deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, including reduced endothelial functions. A 2-mo bed rest study in healthy women [women international space simulation for exploration (WISE) 2005 program] presented a unique opportunity to analyze the specific effects of prolonged inactivity without other vascular risk factors on the endothelium. We investigated endothelial properties before and after 56 days of bed rest in 8 subjects who performed no exercise (control group: No-EX) and in 8 subjects who regularly performed treadmill exercise in a lower body negative pressure chamber as well as resistance exercise (countermeasure group, EX). A functional evaluation of the microcirculation in the skin was assessed with laser Doppler. We studied endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation using iontophoresis of acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside, respectively. We also measured circulating endothelial cells (CECs), an index of endothelial damage. In the No-EX group, endothelium-dependent vasodilation was significantly reduced (35.4 +/- 4.8% vs. 24.1 +/- 3.8%, P < 0.05) by bed rest with a significant increase in the number of CECs (3.6 +/- 1.4 vs. 10.6 +/- 2.7 ml(-1), P < 0.05). In the EX group, endothelium-dependent vasodilation and number of CECs were preserved. Our study shows that in humans prolonged bed rest causes impairment of endothelium-dependent function at the microcirculatory level, along with an increase in circulating endothelial cells. Microcirculatory endothelial dysfunction might participate in cardiovascular deconditioning, as well as in several bed rest-induced pathologies. We therefore conclude that the endothelium should be a target for countermeasures during periods of prolonged deconditioning.  相似文献   

We studied vagally mediated carotid baroreceptor-cardiac reflexes in 11 healthy men before, during, and after 30 days of 6 degrees head-down bed rest to test the hypothesis that baroreflex malfunction contributes to orthostatic hypotension in this model of simulated microgravity. Sigmoidal baroreflex response relationships were provoked with ramped neck pressure-suction sequences comprising pressure elevations to 40 mmHg followed by serial R-wave-triggered 15-mmHg reductions to -65 mmHg. Each R-R interval was plotted as a function of systolic pressure minus the neck chamber pressure applied during the interval. Compared with control measurements, base-line R-R intervals and the minimum, maximum, range, and maximum slope of the R-R interval-carotid pressure relationships were reduced (P less than 0.05) from bed rest day 12 through recovery day 5. Baroreflex slopes were reduced more in four subjects who fainted during standing after bed rest than in six subjects who did not faint (-1.8 +/- 0.7 vs. -0.3 +/- 0.3 ms/mmHg, P less than 0.05). There was a significant linear correlation (r = 0.70, P less than 0.05) between changes of baroreflex slopes from before bed rest to bed rest day 25 and changes of systolic blood pressure during standing after bed rest. Although plasma volume declined by approximately 15% (P less than 0.05), there was no significant correlation between reductions of plasma volume and changes of baroreflex responses. There were no significant changes of before and after plasma norepinephrine or epinephrine levels before and after bed rest during supine rest or sitting.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The vasoconstrictor neuropeptide Y (NPY) has been shown to down-regulate tyrosine hydroxylase expression in cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, which probably accounts for the higher plasma resting norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) concentrations observed in Y(1) knock-out mice (Y(1)-/-) than in wild-type mice (Y(1)+/+). The aim of this work was to study the hemodynamic response of Y(1)-/- mice to an acute stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (cold pressor test, CPT). Plasma catecholamine concentrations were higher in Y(1)-/- mice than in wild-type animals at the end of the CPT. The CPT-induced increase in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) was similar in both genotypes. Independently of the genotype, females had significantly slower HR than males throughout the 15min duration of the CPT. There was no difference in the sensitivity of the baroreceptor reflex, as reflected by the change in HR divided by the concurrent change in MBP between Y(1)-/- and Y(1)+/+ mice. In conclusion, mice lacking the Y(1) receptor can maintain normal hemodynamic response to an acute activation of the sympathetic system, albeit at the expense of increased catecholamine discharge.  相似文献   

The changes in cardiovascular response to repeated cold-pressor test were studied in young normotensive and in young hypertensive subjects. The cold stimulus consisted of immersing one foot in cold water (4 degrees C) for 60 s. Non-invasive methods were used to record the cardiovascular responses: blood flow of the calf was measured using venous occlusion plethysmography, arterial blood pressure with sphygmomanometery, heart rate with electrocardiography. The vascular conductance level in the calf was higher in hypertensive subjects than in normotensives. The difference remained throughout the series of 6 daily experiments. In both hypertensive and normotensive groups of subjects some individuals responded to the cold stimulus with vasodilatation in the calf muscles, others with vasoconstriction. In the hypertensives blood flow increased more and habituation was only transient with a strong tendency for the vasodilatory response to recover, while in normotensives habituation was rapid and complete. Vasoconstrictor responses showed no signs of reduction. The blood pressure increases were larger in hypertensives and remained unaltered within the period of repeated tests (6 days). There was not significant difference between the heart rate changes in the two groups of subjects. It is concluded that the vasculature of the calf shows lower tone and is more labile during the early stage of hypertension.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cold pressor test (CPT) triggers in healthy subjects a vascular sympathetic activation and an increase in blood pressure. The heart rate (HR) response to this test is less well defined, with a high inter-individual variability. We used traditional spectral analysis together with the non-linear detrended fluctuation analysis to study the autonomic control of HR during a 3-min CPT. 39 healthy young subjects (23.7+/-3.2 years, height 180.4+/-4.7 cm and weight 73.3+/-6.4 kg) were divided into two groups according to their HR responses to CPT. Twenty subjects have a sustained increase in HR throughout the test with reciprocal autonomic interaction, i.e. increase in sympathetic activity and decrease vagal outflow. In the 19 remainders, HR decreased after an initial increase, with indication of involvement of both sympathetic and vagal outflow. Baseline evaluation of the subjects revealed no difference between the two groups. Nevertheless, a higher sympathetic activity at the skin level during CPT was present in the group with decreased HR. Further studies are needed to explain why healthy subjects react differently to the CPT and if this has potential clinical implications.  相似文献   

Prolonged isometric relaxation in hypertensive aortic and caudal arterial smooth muscle has been demonstrated; however, isobaric relaxation in resistance arteries is more pertinent to studies in hypertension. A comparative study of mesenteric arterial isobaric relaxation times was made using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY), and MK-421 treated SHR (treatment commenced at 8 weeks of age and was maintained until sacrifice). Relaxation rates of vessels constricting against a range of pressures and achieving different degrees of narrowing or changes in circumference were analyzed. Comparisons were made between SHR, WKY, and MK-421 treated SHR arteries that had constricted from the same initial circumference and against the same magnitude of pressure. The SHR mesenteric arteries relaxed at a slower rate than did the WKY vessels. The normotensive MK-421 treated SHR showed the same prolonged relaxation rate as did the untreated SHR preparations. Thus the slower rate of relaxation in SHR arteries does not appear to be a consequence of the hypertension. Such prolonged time for narrowing would function to increase the average peripheral resistance and thus may contribute to the initiation and maintenance of increased blood pressure.  相似文献   

The effect of the cold pressor test on plasma DBH activity in ten healthy human subjects was investigated. Parallel changes of other plasma constituents were ascertained as well. Plasma DBH activity rose by over ten per cent in six of the sen subjects and declined by 14 per cent or more in two subjects; the correlations of altertions in DBH activity with changes of high molecular weight plasma constituents were high (r=0.565 to 0.902); correlations with blood urea nitrogen and plasma glucose were low (r=0.002 to 0.248). The results suggest that factors other than neuronal DBH release may be important in alterations of plasma DBH activity following acute stresses produced by the cold pressor test in man.  相似文献   

The role of neuroendocrine responsiveness in the development of orthostatic intolerance after bed rest was studied in physically fit subjects. Head-down bed-rest (HDBR, -6 degrees, 4 days) was performed in 15 men after 6 weeks of aerobic training. The standing test was performed before, after training and on day 4 of the HDBR. Orthostatic intolerance was observed in one subject before and after training. The blood pressure response after training was enhanced (mean BP increments 18+/-2 vs. 13+/- 2 mm Hg, p<0.05, means +/- S.E.M.), although noradrenaline response was diminished (1.38+/-0.18 vs. 2.76+/-0.25 mol.l(-1), p<0.01). Orthostatic intolerance after HDBR was observed in 10 subjects, the BP response was blunted, and noradrenaline as well as plasma renin activity (PRA) responses were augmented (NA 3.10+/-0.33 mol.l(-1), p<0.001; PRA 2.98+/-1.12 vs. 0.85+/-0.15 ng.ml(-1), p<0.05). Plasma noradrenaline, adrenaline and aldosterone responses in orthostatic intolerant subjects were similar to the tolerant group. We conclude that six weeks of training attenuated the sympathetic response to standing and had no effect on the orthostatic tolerance. In orthostatic intolerance the BP response induced by subsequent HDBR was absent despite an enhanced sympathetic response.  相似文献   

Changes in sympathoadrenal function and cardiovascular deconditioning have long been recognized as a feature of the physiological adaptation to microgravity. The deconditioning process, coupled with altered hydration status, is thought to significantly contribute to orthostatic intolerance upon return to Earth gravity. The cardiovascular response to stimulation by sympathomimetic agents before, during, and after exposure to simulated microgravity was determined in healthy volunteers equilibrated on normal or high sodium diets in order to further the understanding of the deconditioning process.  相似文献   

There is renewed focus on the ecological determinants of animal metabolism and recent comparative analyses support the physiological expectation that the field metabolic rate (FMR) of homeotherms should increase with declining ambient temperature. However, sustained elevation of FMR during prolonged, seasonal cold could be prevented by intrinsic limits constraining FMR to some multiple of basal metabolic rate (BMR) or extrinsic limits on resource abundance. We analysed previous measures of mammalian FMR and BMR to establish the effect of ambient temperature on both traits and found no support for intrinsic limitation. We also measured the FMR of a northern population of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) exposed to ambient temperatures much colder than all but one previous study of mammal FMR. These measurements revealed levels of energy expenditure that are, unexpectedly, among the lowest ever recorded in homeotherms and that actually decrease as it gets colder. Collectively, these results suggest the metabolic niche space of cold climate endotherms may be much larger than previously recognized.  相似文献   

In the present study 36 police officers were exposed to a psychological stressor (IQ quiz) and to cold pressor stress while several cardiovascular variables were monitored. Impedance cardiography was used to provide measures of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, myocardial contractility, and total peripheral resistance. In addition, measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and peripheral skin temperature were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that significant increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure during the cold pressor test were mediated by large increases in total peripheral resistance, whereas blood pressure elevation during the IQ quiz were accompanied by significant increases in heart rate and, to a lesser extent, cardiac output. Peripheral skin temperature decreased in response to each stressor. Additional analysis indicated a degree of stimulus specificity for several variables. For example, diastolic blood pressure showed greater increases to cold pressor than quiz, whereas systolic blood pressure increased more with the psychological than the physical stressor. Directional fractionation occurred for both myocardial contractility and cardiac output.  相似文献   

In the present study 36 police officers were exposed to a psychological stressor (IQ quiz) and to cold pressor stress while several cardiovascular variables were monitored. Impedance cardiography was used to provide measures of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, myocardial contractility, and total peripheral resistance. In addition, measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and peripheral skin temperature were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that significant increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure during the cold pressor test were mediated by large increases in total peripheral resistance, whereas blood pressure elevation during the IQ quiz were accompanied by significant increases in heart rate and, to a lesser extent, cardiac output. Peripheral skin temperature decreased in response to each stressor. Additional analysis indicated a degree of stimulus specificity for several variables. For example, diastolic blood pressure showed greater increases to cold pressor than quiz, whereas systolic blood pressure increased more with the psychological than the physical stressor. Directional fractionation occurred for both myocardial contractility and cardiac output.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to test the hypothesis that baroreceptor modulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and heart rate is altered during the cold pressor test. Ten subjects were exposed to a cold pressor test by immersing a hand in ice water for 3 min while arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and MSNA were recorded. During the second and third minute of the cold pressor test, blood pressure was lowered and then raised by intravenous bolus infusions of sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine HCl, respectively. The slope of the relationship between MSNA and diastolic blood pressure was more negative (P < 0.005) during the cold pressor test (-244.9 +/- 26.3 units x beat(-1) x mmHg(-1)) when compared with control conditions (-138.8 +/- 18.6 units x beat(-1) x mmHg(-1)), whereas no significant change in the slope of the relationship between heart rate and systolic blood pressure was observed. These data suggest that baroreceptors remain capable of modulating MSNA and heart rate during a cold pressor test; however, the sensitivity of baroreflex modulation of MSNA is elevated without altering the sensitivity of baroreflex control of heart rate.  相似文献   

Influence of stress (cold) on visual reaction time (VRT) for red, green and yellow colours and auditory reaction time (ART) for high and low pitched sounds was studied in 60 healthy subjects (17-19 years) by digital display response time apparatus.Pain threshold and pain tolerance time were 23.02 +/- 8.11 and 249.35 +/- 64.88 sec. respectively. During the standard cold pressor test (CPT), there was significant increase (P < 0.01) in VRT for all the three colours, the increase being the least for the red colour. There was significant increase (P < 0.01) in ART for both high and low pitched sounds.There was increase in heart rate and respiratory rate as compared to controls. This increase in VRT and ART with CPT was probably due to decreased conduction velocity of nerves, which could be due to vasoconstriction attributed to increased sympathetic activity caused by cold and pain.  相似文献   

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