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The concept of monophyly of Plathelminthes and Plathelminthomorpha (Plathelminthes and Gnathostomulida) is critically re-analysed. Based on new morphological and molecular evidence, it is concluded that both taxa are paraphyletic assemblages. The Acoelomorpha (Xenoturbellida?, Nemertodermatida and Acoela) are considered as the earliest offshoot of the bilaterian stem line, primarily lacking paired cerebral ganglia, an orthogonal nervous system and ultrafiltration nephridia. They are followed by Plathelminthes sensu stricto (i.e. the rhabditophoran turbellarians and Neodermata), Catenulida, and Gnathostomulida, the latter group is probably the sister group of the Syndermata (Rotifera and Acanthocephala). The respective characters, as well as the implication for the proposed stem species of the Bilateria are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

D P Mindell 《Bio Systems》1992,27(1):53-62
In the past systematists have not been concerned with distinguishing the different phylogenetic histories for symbiont taxa that have merged within a composite taxon, or holobiont. I suggest that symbionts can retain their status as discrete taxa and that their independent histories can be included in phylogenetic analyses intending to discover monophyletic groups. Use of reticulate branches to include independent histories for different symbionts, incorporates our improving understanding of evolution and provides greater accuracy in denoting monophyletic groups. In an expanded view, a monophyletic group includes only and all the descendants of the merged-symbionts' common ancestor. Holobiont taxa will have constituent symbionts included in different monophyletic groups and there will be a reduction in the number of monophyletic groups recognized, particularly at higher taxonomic levels. As a consequence of considering symbioses in phylogenetic analyses, the proposed taxa Eubacteria and Eukarya are seen to be non-monophyletic, and, thus, poor indicators of evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a well-documented, natural phenomenon that is common at low taxonomic levels in the higher plants and other groups. In spite of the obvious potential for gene flow via hybridization to cause reticulation in an evolutionary tree, analytical methods based on a strictly bifurcating model of evolution have frequently been applied to data sets containing taxa known to hybridize in nature. Using simulated data, we evaluated the relative performance of phenetic, tree-based, and network approaches for distinguishing between taxa with known reticulate history and taxa that were true terminal monophyletic groups. In all methods examined, type I error (the erroneous rejection of the null hypothesis that a taxon of interest is not monophyletic) was likely during the early stages of introgressive hybridization. We used the gradual erosion of type I error with continued gene flow as a metric for assessing relative performance. Bifurcating tree-based methods performed poorly, with highly supported, incorrect topologies appearing during some phases of the simulation. Based on our model, we estimate that many thousands of gene flow events may be required in natural systems before reticulate taxa will be reliably detected using tree-based methods of phylogeny reconstruction. We conclude that the use of standard bifurcating tree-based methods to identify terminal monophyletic groups for the purposes of defining or delimiting phylogenetic species, or for prioritizing populations for conservation purposes, is difficult to justify when gene flow between sampled taxa is possible. As an alternative, we explored the use of two network methods. Minimum spanning networks performed worse than most tree-based methods and did not yield topologies that were easily interpretable as phylogenies. The performance of NeighborNet was comparable to parsimony bootstrap analysis. NeighborNet and reverse successive weighting were capable of identifying an ephemeral signature of reticulate evolution during the early stages of introgression by revealing conflicting phylogenetic signal. However, when gene flow was topologically complex, the conflicting phylogenetic signal revealed by these methods resulted in a high probability of type II error (inferring that a monophyletic taxon has a reticulate history). Lastly, we present a novel application of an existing nonparametric clustering procedure that, when used against a density landscape derived from principal coordinate data, showed superior performance to the tree-based and network procedures tested.  相似文献   

One of the central controversies in contemporary taxonomy and systematics revolves around whether to accept or to reject paraphyletic taxa. The present review is the result of a survey of the ongoing discussion in botany over the past ca. 15 years, and attempts to systematically and critically assess all individual arguments presented for the formal recognition of paraphyletic groups in the classification of life. Where arguments are found to be without merit, rebuttals are presented in the hope of excluding them from further discussion, which can then concentrate on those that have merit. Where arguments are found to be sound, their implications and possible solutions are discussed. The controversy around paraphyletic taxa can be broken down into three questions: whether their rejection or acceptance would lead to a classification better reflecting patterns of biological diversity and evolutionary history; whether their rejection or acceptance would lead to a more practical, useful and predictive classification; and whether their rejection is compatible with ranked and binary Linnaean taxonomy. All available arguments for paraphyletic taxa relating to the first question are demonstrated to be based on various logical fallacies or false premises, especially misunderstandings of the principles of phylogenetic systematics. The issue of usefulness is harder to resolve, as different classifications serve different needs. It is presumably unavoidable but also preferable that phylogenetic and non‐phylogenetic ways of classifying species continue to coexist, serving different needs. Finally, an insistence on monophyletic taxa is found to be incompatible with binary taxonomy under a set of very specific circumstances and assumptions whose presence and accuracy are not universally accepted. © The Willi Hennig Society 2011.  相似文献   

Numerical survey of some bacterial taxa   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Focht, D. D. (Iowa State University, Ames), and W. R. Lockhart. Numerical survey of some bacterial taxa. J. Bacteriol. 90:1314-1319. 1965.-A numerical analysis was made of 77 properties of each of 43 bacterial strains, representing 25 genera from 8 families in the orders Eubacteriales and Pseudomonadales. Four major groups were found, related to one another at approximately the same level of similarity: (1) a large cluster containing the subgroups (1a) Athiorhodaceae-Spirillaceae, (1b) Xanthomonas, and (1c) "inactive" Micrococcaceae-Achromobacteraceae; (2) a cluster containing the "active" Micrococcaceae and Lactobacillaceae; (3) the enterobacteria; and (4) Aeromonas. There was a sharp distinction between the branches of groups 1a, 1c, and 2. The composition of groups was essentially the same whether or not fermentation of carbohydrates (28 characters) was included in the analysis. Several individual strains, notably, Bacillus subtilis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Erwinia amylovora, were related to none of the groups, and others (two species of Proteus, Flavobacterium devorans, and Lactobacillus casei) showed only minimal quantitative relationships with their groups. These results suggest that there may be significant variation in levels of similarity within microbial groups presently accorded equivalent taxonomic rank, and that some present distinctions among taxa, particularly at the generic level, cannot be confirmed on the basis of overall similarity.  相似文献   

We present here the simple block model of a heterogeneous system describing the processes of stress relaxation in spatial and mechanically heterogeneous myocardial tissue. In numerical experiments by the model it is established that to obtain the same level of tension as in the case of a uniform model, less stiff and less viscous heterogeneous blocks are required. It is shown that in the model of heterogeneous myocardial tissue one observes not only stress relaxation but also strain relaxation—creep. Notably, step-by-step adjustment of the neighbor structural blocks in response to the whole model deformation takes place. Furthermore, stationary deformation properties of separated blocks become nonlinear.  相似文献   

Nuclear-encoded small subunit (SSU) rDNA, 1506 group I introns, and chloroplast rbcL genes were sequenced from 97 strains representing the largest desmid genus Cosmarium (45 spp.), its putative relatives Actinotaenium (5 spp.), Xanthidium (4 spp.), Euastrum (9 spp.), Staurodesmus (13 spp.), and other Desmidiaceae (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) and used to assess phylogenetic relationships in the family. Analyses of single genes and of a concatenated data set (3260 nt) established 10 well-supported clades in the family with Cosmarium species distributed in six clades and one nonsupported assemblage. Most of the clades contained representatives of at least two genera highlighting the polyphyletic nature of the genera Cosmarium, Euastrum, Staurodesmus, and Actinotaenium. To enhance resolution between clades, we extended the data set by sequencing the slowly evolving chloroplast-encoded large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene from 40 taxa. Phylogenetic analyses of a concatenated data set (5509 nt) suggested a sister relationship between two clades that consisted mainly of Cosmarium species and included C. undulatum, the type species of the genus. We describe molecular signatures in the SSU rRNA for two clades and conclude that more studies involving new isolates, additional molecular markers, and reanalyses of morphological traits are necessary before the taxonomic revision of the genus Cosmarium can be attempted.  相似文献   

A dynamic programming filter which provides estimates of the first and second derivative of empirical displacement data is investigated numerically. This filter uses a weighted least squares criteria in estimating the derivatives. The filter equations are presented together with several numerical examples. These examples are taken from references that proposed other techniques.  相似文献   

The review of paraphyly in botanical systematics by Schmidt‐Lebuhn brings together a number of useful perspectives for the reader. It fails to offer new ideas, however, and it does not recognize the fallacies of strict cladistic classification, namely accepting only holophyletic groups, and insisting that sister groups have the same rank. The reason for adherence to these rules is to maintain the convenience of cladistic classification. While convenience in biological classification by itself is not necessarily bad, it becomes unacceptable when its use overshadows achieving a higher level of evolutionary (and phylogenetic) information content. Evolutionary divergence and reticulation are both significant parts of the evolutionary process that cannot be ignored in biological classification and that are necessary for high predictive quality.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic model experiments with 67Ga and 99mTc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In order to evaluate the feasibility to localize correctly 67Ga citrate and 99mTc pertechnetate in tissues, the resolution of these radioactive compounds were measured in a model system using four different autoradiographic techniques, wet as well as dry.Wet autoradiographic techniques gave an almost complete loss of 67Ga. In deparaffinized sections of fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue the remaining 67Ga, which was probably bound to proteins, gave a resolution of 2.6 . 99mTc was either completely lost in wet techniques or the procedure could not be performed at all because of the very short half life of 99mTc.The resolution of 67Ga in a dry autoradiographic technique (according to Stumpf) was 6.9 and the resolution of 99mTc 22.6 .The technique in which frozen sections are thawed on dry film and consequently dryed, gave slightly better resolutions than the dry technique (according to Stumpf) with 67Ga as well as 99mTc.It is concluded that for the histological localization of 67Ga and 99mTc a dry technique is required. However, the use of a wet technique can be considered, provided a loss of the radioisotope is acceptable and the procedure is controlled by a dry technique.  相似文献   

Computer models have been used by various authors to simulate both the growth of normal cellular tissue and the development of cancerous cells within normal tissue. As these models were the result of considerable idealization, the purpose of the present paper is to propose a model in which the degree of simplification is relaxed: the features of simultaneous growth, and cell growth whose rate depends on the free absorbing periphery of the cell are introduced. Simulation experiments have been conducted using the model, and the results are presented. Now in Department of Civil Engineering.  相似文献   

For over a century the relationships between the four major groups of the phylum Arthropoda (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Hexapoda and Myriapoda) have been debated. Recent molecular evidence has confirmed a close relationship between the Crustacea and the Hexapoda, and has included the suggestion of a paraphyletic Hexapoda. To test this hypothesis we have sequenced the complete or near-complete mitochondrial genomes of three crustaceans (Parhyale hawaiensis, Squilla mantis and Triops longicaudatus), two collembolans (Onychiurus orientalis and Podura aquatica) and the insect Thermobia domestica. We observed rearrangement of transfer RNA genes only in O. orientalis, P. aquatica and P. hawaiensis. Of these, only the rearrangement in O. orientalis, an apparent autapomorphy for the collembolan family Onychiuridae, was phylogenetically informative.We aligned the nuclear and amino acid sequences from the mitochondrial protein-encoding genes of these taxa with their homologues from other arthropod taxa for phylogenetic analysis. Our dataset contains many more Crustacea than previous molecular phylogenetic analyses of the arthropods. Neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian posterior probabilities all suggest that crustaceans and hexapods are mutually paraphyletic. A crustacean clade of Malacostraca and Branchiopoda emerges as sister to the Insecta sensu stricto and the Collembola group with the maxillopod crustaceans. Some, but not all, analyses strongly support this mutual paraphyly but statistical tests do not reject the null hypotheses of a monophyletic Hexapoda or a monophyletic Crustacea. The dual monophyly of the Hexapoda and Crustacea has rarely been questioned in recent years but the idea of both groups' paraphyly dates back to the nineteenth century. We suggest that the mutual paraphyly of both groups should seriously be considered.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among members of the Mecoptera and Siphonaptera were inferred from DNA sequence data. Four loci (18S and 28S ribosomal DNA, cytochrome oxidase II and elongation factor-1α) were sequenced for 69 taxa selected to represent major flea and mecopteran lineages. Phylogenetic analyses of these data support a paraphyletic Mecoptera with two major lineages: Nannochoristidae + (Siphonaptera + Boreidae) and Meropidae + ((Choristidae + Apteropanorpidae) (Panorpidae + (Panorpidae + Bittacidae))). The flea family Ctenophthalmidae is paraphyletic, and the Ceratophylloidea is monophyletic. Morphological evidence is discussed which is congruent with the placement of Siphonaptera as sister group to Boreidae.  相似文献   



Our knowledge of the phylogeny and diversity of aquatic protists is rapidly increasing due to molecular surveys and next-generation sequencing approaches. This has led to a considerable discrepancy between the taxa known from cultures and those known from environmental 18S rRNA gene sequences. Hence, it is generally difficult to assign ecological functions to new taxa detected by culture-independent molecular approaches.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A combination of unamended dark incubations and 18S rRNA sequencing was chosen to link molecular diversity data of uncultured protists with heterotrophic, presumably bacterivorous, growth. The incubations, conducted with Baltic Sea brackish water, resulted in a consistent shift from a protistan community dominated by phototrophs to one in which heterotrophs predominated. This was determined on the basis of cell abundance and 18S rRNA sequences derived from fingerprint analysis and clone libraries. The bulk of enriched phylotypes after incubation were related to hitherto uncultured marine taxa within chrysophytes, ochrophytes, choanoflagellates, cercozoans, and picobiliphytes, mostly represented in recently established or here defined environmental clades. Their growth in the dark, together with coinciding results from studies with a similar objective, provides evidence that these uncultured taxa represent heterotrophic or mixotrophic species.


These findings shed some light into the trophic role of diverse uncultured protists especially within functionally heterogeneous groups (e.g., chrysophytes, ochrophytes) and groups that appear to be puzzling with regard to their nutrition (picobiliphytes). Additionally, our results indicate that the heterotrophic flagellate community in the southwestern Baltic Sea is dominated by species of marine origin. The combination of unamended incubations with molecular diversity analysis is thus confirmed as a promising approach to explore the trophic mode of environmentally relevant protist taxa for which only sequence data are currently available.  相似文献   

B. F. J. Manly 《Oecologia》1977,31(1):119-130
Summary A new model is proposed for the dispersion of animals and other organisms and its use is discussed for the analysis of the data from experiments on dispersion. The model is a generalisation of the random walk model, but because of its flexibility it should be much more widely applicable than the random walk model.The new model has been found to fit the results of many dispersion experiments and examples are given of its use with data for millipedes and Drosophila.  相似文献   

Dynamics of ramer and genet populations were analyzed by use of stochastic matrix models. Based on field data, population development and extinction rates during 50 simulated years were estimated for ramet populations of three speciesPotentilla anserina, Rubus saxatilis andLinnaea borealis. Only small initial populations (below 125–250 ramets), experienced a detectable risk of extinction within this time interval. ForP. anserina andR. saxatilis, population increase occurred in some simulations despite negative average growth rates. A model for stochastic genet dynamics was constructed by combining field data and hypothesized parameter values. Growth rate and population structure were insensitive to variation in disturbance intensity and frequency, whereas variation in recruitment affected population structure but only to a minor extent growth rate. Decreasing recruitment causes extinction of genet populations, but the time-scale for the decline is in the magnitude of centuries for initial genet populations of about 1000 individuals. Dynamics of genets in clonal plants thus incorporate processes occurring on widely different scales. Some implications of the results for models of population dynamics in long-lived clonal plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Most biogeographical studies propose that southern temperate faunal disjunctions are either the result of vicariance of taxa originated in Gondwana or the result of transoceanic dispersal of taxa originated after the breakup of Gondwana. The aim of this paper is to show that this is a false dichotomy. Antarctica retained a mild climate until mid‐Cenozoic and had lasting connections, notably with southern South America and Australia. Both taxa originally Gondwanan and taxa secondarily on Gondwanan areas were subjected to tectonic‐induced vicariance, and there is no need to invoke ad hoc transoceanic dispersal, even for post‐Gondwanan taxa. These different elements with circumantarctic distributions are here called ‘allochronic taxa’– taxa presently occupying the same area, but whose presence in that area does not belong to the same time period. This model allows accommodation of conflicting sources of evidence now available for many groups with circumantarctic distributions. The fact that the species from both layers are mixed up in the current biodiversity implies the need to use additional sources of evidence – such as biogeographical, palaeontological, geological and molecular – to discriminate which are the original Gondwanan and which are post‐Gondwanan elements in austral landmasses.  相似文献   

A study of morphological variation patterns in three Iberian Fucus species has been carried out. Data on 36 features from 113 specimens have been studied by numerical methods (PCA, discriminant analysis and ANOVA).The PCA ordination displayed a continuous trend of variation in the following Fucus species: F. ceranoides, F. vesiculosus and F. spiralis. However, no obvious morphological discontinuities have been observed. In addition, three varieties of F. spiralis and five of F. vesiculosus have been identified.At the varietal level discriminant functions could be used for identifying 93–100% of the individuals within F. vesiculosus and 72–91% of F. spiralis.The most discriminating diagnostic character appeared to be the midrib size, as detected by ANOVA procedures.Some qualitative characters, such as presence of vesicles, dioecious-monoecious character and receptacle edge shape, frond and receptacle shape, have been also important for discriminating specific and infraspecific taxa.A nomenclatural discussion of varietal taxa is also included.  相似文献   

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