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Karnaukhov AV 《Biofizika》2006,51(2):373-381
The definition of the cause-effect model of a phenomenon and the rules of presenting these models in the form of cause-effect diagrams have been formulated. The relationship between cause-effect modeling and traditional methods of mathematical modeling has been analyzed. Examples of cause-effect models (diagrams) of phenomena of different physical nature are given, and the application of these models in studies of some problems is demonstrated. In particular, the mechanism of renormalizing the rate constans of chemical reactions in terms of dissipative resonance is considered. In addition, the renormalization of the climate sensitivity parameters and the relaxation time of the Earth climate system in terms of the two-component (CO2 + H2O) greenhouse effect is considered.  相似文献   

We report a systematic study of the condensation of plasmid DNA by oligocations with variation of the charge, Z, from +3 to +31. The oligocations include a series of synthetic linear ε-oligo(l-lysines), (denoted εKn, n = 3–10, 31; n is the number of lysines equal to the ligand charge) and branched α-substituted homologues of εK10: εYK10, εLK10 (Z = +10); εRK10, εYRK10 and εLYRK10 (Z = +20). Data were obtained by light scattering, UV absorption monitored precipitation assay and isothermal titration calorimetry in a wide range concentrations of DNA and monovalent salt (KCl, CKCl). The dependence of EC50 (ligand concentration at the midpoint of DNA condensation) on CKCl shows the existence of a salt-independent regime at low CKCl and a salt-dependent regime with a steep rise of EC50 with increase of CKCl. Increase of the ligand charge shifts the transition from the salt-independent to salt-dependent regime to higher CKCl. A novel and simple relationship describing the EC50 dependence on DNA concentration, charge of the ligand and the salt-dependent dissociation constant of the ligand–DNA complex is derived. For the ε-oligolysines εK3–εK10, the experimental dependencies of EC50 on CKCl and Z are well-described by an equation with a common set of parameters. Implications from our findings for understanding DNA condensation in chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a systematic study of the condensation of plasmid DNA by oligocations with variation of the charge, Z, from +3 to +31. The oligocations include a series of synthetic linear ε-oligo(l-lysines), (denoted εKn, n = 3–10, 31; n is the number of lysines with the ligand charge Z = n+1) and branched α-substituted homologues of εK10: εYK10, εLK10 (Z = +11); εRK10, εYRK10 and εLYRK10 (Z = +21). Data were obtained by light scattering, UV absorption monitored precipitation assay and isothermal titration calorimetry in a wide range concentrations of DNA and monovalent salt (KCl, CKCl). The dependence of EC50 (ligand concentration at the midpoint of DNA condensation) on CKCl shows the existence of a salt-independent regime at low CKCl and a salt-dependent regime with a steep rise of EC50 with increase of CKCl. Increase of the ligand charge shifts the transition from the salt-independent to salt-dependent regime to higher CKCl. A novel and simple relationship describing the EC50 dependence on DNA concentration, charge of the ligand and the salt-dependent dissociation constant of the ligand–DNA complex is derived. For the ε-oligolysines εK6–εK10, the experimental dependencies of EC50 on CKCl and Z are well-described by an equation with a common set of parameters. Implications from our findings for understanding DNA condensation in chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

Broca's area and the hierarchical organization of human behavior   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Koechlin E  Jubault T 《Neuron》2006,50(6):963-974
The prefrontal cortex subserves executive control, i.e., the organization of action or thought in relation to internal goals. This brain region hosts a system of executive processes extending from premotor to the most anterior prefrontal regions that governs the temporal organization of behavior. Little is known, however, about the prefrontal executive system involved in the hierarchical organization of behavior. Here, we show using magnetic resonance imaging in humans that the posterior portion of the prefrontal cortex, including Broca's area and its homolog in the right hemisphere, contains a system of executive processes that control start and end states and the nesting of functional segments that combine in hierarchically organized action plans. Our results indicate that Broca's area and its right homolog process hierarchically structured behaviors regardless of their temporal organization, suggesting a fundamental segregation between prefrontal executive systems involved in the hierarchical and temporal organization of goal-directed behaviors.  相似文献   


In this open-label study using final evaluator blinding, the efficacy of yokukansan (YKS) was evaluated in six psychophysiological insomnia patients using the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) method. YKS had no influence on objective sleep parameters by the Rechtschaffen & Kales method, but the CAP rate and CAP cycle frequency decreased significantly. In the subjective Visual Analog Scale test, significant improvement was seen in five items: tension, calmness, fatigue, heavy-headedness and lassitude. No adverse reactions were noted. YKS improved sleep quality without influencing sleep structure and showed no adverse reactions, suggesting that YKS is an effective antiinsomnia drug with good tolerability.


A novel dynamical protocol for finding the low-energy conformations of a protein-ligand complex is described. The energy functions examined consist of an empirical force field with four different dielectric screening models; the generalized Born/surface area model also is examined. Application of the method to three complexes of known crystal structure provides insights into the energy functions used for selecting low-energy docked conformations and into the structure of the binding-energy surface. Evidence is presented that the local energy minima of a ligand in a binding site are arranged in a hierarchical fashion. This observation motivates the construction of a hierarchical docking algorithm that substantially enriches the population of ligand conformations close to the crystal conformation. The algorithm is also adapted to permit docking into a flexible binding site and preliminary tests of this method are presented. Proteins 33:475–495, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transportation processes for patients, personnel, and material in large and complex maximum-care hospitals with many departments can consume significant resources and thus induce substantial logistics costs. These costs are largely determined by the allocation of the different departments and wards in possibly multiple connected hospital buildings. We develop a hierarchical layout planning approach based on an analysis of organizational and operational data from the Hannover Medical School, a large and complex university hospital in Hannover, Germany. The purpose of this approach is to propose locations for departments and wards for a given system of buildings such that the consumption of resources due to those transportation processes is minimized. We apply the approach to this real-world organizational and operational dataset as well as to a fictitious hospital building and analyze the algorithmic behavior and resulting layout.  相似文献   

The evolution of cooperation is a paradox because natural selection should favor exploitative individuals that avoid paying their fair share of any costs. Such conflict between the self-interests of cooperating individuals often results in the evolution of complex, opponent-specific, social strategies and counterstrategies. However, the genetic and biological mechanisms underlying complex social strategies, and therefore the evolution of cooperative behavior, are largely unknown. To address this dearth of empirical data, we combine mathematical modeling, molecular genetic, and developmental approaches to test whether variation in the production of and response to social signals is sufficient to generate the complex partner-specific social success seen in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Firstly, we find that the simple model of production of and response to social signals can generate the sort of apparent complex changes in social behavior seen in this system, without the need for partner recognition. Secondly, measurements of signal production and response in a mutant with a change in a single gene that leads to a shift in social behavior provide support for this model. Finally, these simple measurements of social signaling can also explain complex patterns of variation in social behavior generated by the natural genetic diversity found in isolates collected from the wild. Our studies therefore demonstrate a novel and elegantly simple underlying mechanistic basis for natural variation in complex social strategies in D. discoideum. More generally, they suggest that simple rules governing interactions between individuals can be sufficient to generate a diverse array of outcomes that appear complex and unpredictable when those rules are unknown.  相似文献   

The biological and dynamical importance of feedback circuits in regulatory graphs has often been emphasized. The work presented here aims at completely describing the dynamics of isolated elementary regulatory circuits. Our analytical approach is based on a discrete formal framework, built upon the logical approach of R. Thomas. Given a regulatory circuit, we show that the structure of synchronous and asynchronous dynamical graphs depends only on the length of the circuit (number of genes) and on its sign (which depends on the parity of the number of negative interactions). This work constitutes a first step towards the analytical characterisation of discrete dynamical graphs for more complex regulatory networks in terms of contributions corresponding to their embedded elementary circuits.  相似文献   

To investigate primate color objectively, it is critical to employ tools that yield reliable measures of color samples. Primatologists have traditionally depended on color assessment methods that lack accuracy, precision, and replicability. In this work, we introduce the "red, green, and blue" (RGB) method, a technique combining digital video cameras and Adobe PhotoShop, as a means to assess and graphically represent primate color objectively. Here, we demonstrate the reliability and validity of the RGB method, and to outline the steps for assessing color samples, we report color measures obtained from the scrota of adult vervet monkeys.  相似文献   

Although many biotechnological advancements have been made in the past decade, there has been very limited success in unraveling the genetic component of complex traits. Heavily invested research has been initiated based on etiological models of unrealistic simplicity and conducted under poor experimental designs, on data sets of insufficient size, leading to an overestimation of the effect sizes of genetic variants and the quantity and quality of linkage disequilibrium (LD). Arguments about whether families or unrelated individuals provide more power for gene mapping have been erroneously debated as issues of whether linkage or LD are more detectable sorts of correlation. Although the latter issue may be subject to debate, there is no doubt that family-based analysis is more powerful for detecting linkage and/or LD. If the recent advances in biotechnology are to be exploited effectively, vastly improved study designs will be imperative, as the reasons for the lack of success to date have much more to do with biology than technology, an issue that has become increasingly clear with the findings of the past years.  相似文献   

A strict definition of a cause-effect model of a complex phenomenon is given, and the rules for presenting such models in the form of cause-effect diagrams are formulated. The relationship between the cause-effect modeling and conventional methods of mathematical modeling is analyzed. Examples of the cause-effect models (diagrams) of phenomena of various physical nature are presented, and the application of these models to some specific problems is shown. In particular, the mechanism of renormalizing the rate constants of chemical reactions is considered in terms of dissipative resonance. An example of renormalizing the parameters of climate sensitivity and the relaxation time of the Earth’s climatic system in terms of a two-component (CO2 + H2O) greenhouse effect is considered.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells may contribute to asthma pathogenesis through their capacity to switch between a synthetic/proliferative and a contractile phenotype. The multimeric dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) spans the sarcolemma, linking the actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. The DGC is expressed in smooth muscle tissue, but its functional role is not fully established. We tested whether contractile phenotype maturation of human ASM is associated with accumulation of DGC proteins. We compared subconfluent, serum-fed cultures and confluent cultures subjected to serum deprivation, which express a contractile phenotype. Western blotting confirmed that beta-dystroglycan, beta-, delta-, and epsilon-sarcoglycan, and dystrophin abundance increased six- to eightfold in association with smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (smMHC) and calponin accumulation during 4-day serum deprivation. Immunocytochemistry showed that the accumulation of DGC subunits was specifically localized to a subset of cells that exhibit robust staining for smMHC. Laminin competing peptide (YIGSR, 1 microM) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors (20 microM LY-294002 or 100 nM wortmannin) abrogated the accumulation of smMHC, calponin, and DGC proteins. These studies demonstrate that the accumulation of DGC is an integral feature for phenotype maturation of human ASM cells. This provides a strong rationale for future studies investigating the role of the DGC in ASM smooth muscle physiology in health and disease.  相似文献   

De-novo reverse-engineering of genome-scale regulatory networks is an increasingly important objective for biological and translational research. While many methods have been recently developed for this task, their absolute and relative performance remains poorly understood. The present study conducts a rigorous performance assessment of 32 computational methods/variants for de-novo reverse-engineering of genome-scale regulatory networks by benchmarking these methods in 15 high-quality datasets and gold-standards of experimentally verified mechanistic knowledge. The results of this study show that some methods need to be substantially improved upon, while others should be used routinely. Our results also demonstrate that several univariate methods provide a "gatekeeper" performance threshold that should be applied when method developers assess the performance of their novel multivariate algorithms. Finally, the results of this study can be used to show practical utility and to establish guidelines for everyday use of reverse-engineering algorithms, aiming towards creation of automated data-analysis protocols and software systems.  相似文献   

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