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The cardiac changes resulting from mechanical overload of the left ventricle have been well documented and a variety of compensatory mechanisms described. These include a decrease in maximum velocity (V0) of shortening in the absence of reduction in active tension (P0), and a reversible decrease in myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase activity resulting from isoenzymic shift from, predominantly, a form of myosin with high ATPase activity (V1) to another with low (V3). The thermodynamic advantage of the transition is the hypertrophied muscle possesses a more energy-efficient form of contraction. These reversible transitions resulted from altered gene expression of isoenzymic forms of myosin heavy chain. It must be borne in mind that the adaptational modifications just described appear to occur only in smaller animals such as the rat, that possesses several myosin isozymes. In large mammals it is mainly the V3 form of myosin that is present, which does not change with altered contractile state. Responses of the large arteries to hypertension have been poorly studied. This is surprising when one recalls that degenerative disease of such vessels, that include the aorta, carotids and ileo-femoral arteries is almost an obligatory concomitant of hypertension. Such studies as have been carried out indicate that hyperplasia is specific for abdominal aortic stenosis while hypertrophy is found in aortic smooth muscle in rats with systemic hypertension. Mechanically, an increase in V0 with no change in P0 have been reported; an increase in myofibrillar ATPase activity was also reported. Though two myosin heavy chain isozymes have been found in aortic smooth muscle densitometry did not reveal any difference in distribution between tissues from control and hypertensive rats. The cause of the increased ATPase activity must be in increased phosphorylation of the muscles' 20,000 dalton light chain.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to clarify the effects of intermittent exposure to an altitude of 4,500 m with endurance training and detraining on ventilatory chemosensitivity. Seven subjects (sea-level group) trained at sea level at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) for 30 min/day, 5 days/wk for 2 wk, whereas the other seven subjects (altitude group) trained at the same relative intensity (70% altitude VO2 max) in a hypobaric chamber. VO2 max, hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), and hypercapnic ventilatory response, as an index of central hypercapnic chemosensitivity (HCVR) and as an index of peripheral chemosensitivity (HCVRSB), were measured. In both groups VO2 max increased significantly after training, and a significant loss of VO2 max occurred during 2 wk of detraining. HVR tended to increase in the altitude group but not significantly, whereas it decreased significantly in the sea-level group after training. HCVR and HCVRSB did not change in each group. After detraining, HVR returned to the pretraining level in both groups. These results suggest that ventilatory chemosensitivity to hypoxia is more variable by endurance training and detraining than that to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Six women who had participated in a previous 20-wk strength training study for the lower limb detrained for 30-32 wk and subsequently retrained for 6 wk. Seven untrained women also participated in the 6-wk "retraining" phase. In addition, four women from each group volunteered to continue training an additional 7 wk. The initial 20-wk training program caused an increase in maximal dynamic strength, hypertrophy of all three major fiber types, and a decrease in the percentage of type IIb fibers. Detraining had relatively little effect on fiber cross-sectional area but resulted in an increased percentage of type IIb fibers with a concomitant decrease in IIa fibers. Maximal dynamic strength decreased but not to pretraining levels. Retraining for 6 wk resulted in significant increases in the cross-sectional areas of both fast fiber types (IIa and IIab + IIb) compared with detraining values and a decrease in the percentage of type IIb fibers. The 7-wk extension accentuated these trends such that cross-sectional areas continued to increase (nonsignificant) and no IIb fibers could be found. Similar results were found for the nonpreviously trained women. These data suggest that rapid muscular adaptations occur as a result of strength training in previously trained as well as non-previously trained women. Some adaptations (fiber area and maximal dynamic strength) may be retained for long periods during detraining and may contribute to a rapid return to "competitive" form.  相似文献   

Nineteen untrained preadolescent males (11-13 years old) were randomly placed into an experimental trained group (STG, n = 9) and a control group (n = 10). Informed consent was obtained from the children and their parents. The STG was submitted to a 2-month resistance-training program (6 exercises, 3 x 10 repetitions maximum [RM], 3 times per week), followed by a 2-month detraining program. The effectiveness of the resistance program was determined by measuring pre- and posttraining and detraining differences in isometric and isotonic (10RM) strength and hormonal responses in testosterone (T), sex hormone binding globulin, and free androgen index (FAI). Their maturation stage was evaluated according to Tanner. Significant posttraining isometric strength gains (17.5%) and mean T and FAI value increases (p < 0.05-0.001) were observed in STG. Detraining resulted in a significant loss (9.5%, p < 0.001) of isometric strength whereas the hormonal parameters of STG remained practically unaltered. The relative (delta%) postdetraining hormonal responses correlated significantly with the respective isometric strength changes. In conclusion, the resistance training induced strength changes independent of the changes in the anabolic and androgenic activity in preadolescent males. Further research is needed to fully clarify the physiological mechanisms underlying the strength training and detraining process.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training in the elderly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and left ventricular function decrease with age. Endurance exercise training of sufficient intensity, frequency, and duration increases VO2max in the elderly. The mechanisms underlying the increased VO2max in the elderly are enhanced O2 extraction of trained muscle during maximal exercise leading to a wider arteriovenous O2 difference, and higher cardiac output in the trained state. However, increased cardiac output during true maximal exercise has not been documented in elderly subjects. Endurance exercise training results in a lower heart rate and rate pressure product during submaximal exercise at a given intensity. However, no improvement in left ventricular function has been reported in the elderly after exercise training. Highly trained master athletes exhibit proportional increases in the left ventricular end-diastolic dimension and wall thickness suggestive of volume-overload hypertrophy compared with age-matched sedentary controls. The magnitude of left ventricular enlargement is similar to that in young athletes. The failure of exercise training to alter the age-related deterioration of left ventricular function in the elderly may reflect an insufficient training stimulus rather than the inability of the heart to adapt to training in elderly subjects.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular adaptations to 10days of cycle exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mier, Constance M., Michael J. Turner, Ali A. Ehsani, andRobert J. Spina. Cardiovascular adaptations to 10 days of cycleexercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1900-1906, 1997.We hypothesized that 10 days of training wouldenhance cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV) during peak exerciseand increase the inotropic response to -adrenergic stimulation. Tensubjects [age 26 ± 2 (SE) yr] trained on a cycleergometer for 10 days. At peak exercise, training increasedO2 uptake, CO, and SV(P < 0.001). Left ventricular (LV)size and function at rest were assessed with two-dimensional echocardiography before (baseline) and after atropine injection (1.0 mg) and during four graded doses of dobutamine. LV end-diastolic diameter increased with training (P < 0.02), whereas LV wall thickness was unchanged. LV contractileperformance was assessed by relating fractional shortening (FS) to theestimated end-systolic wall stress(ES). Training increased theslope of the FS-ES relationship (P < 0.05), indicating enhancedsystolic function. The increase in slope correlated with increases inCO (r = 0.71,P < 0.05) and SV(r = 0.70,P < 0.05). The increase in bloodvolume also correlated with increases in CO(r = 0.80, P < 0.01) and SV (r = 0.85, P < 0.004). These datashow that 10 days of training enhance the inotropic response to-adrenergic stimulation, associated with increases in CO and SVduring peak exercise.


The pathophysiology of gestational hypertensive disorders is incompletely defined. T lymphocytes are implicated. Both T and natural killer (NK) cells express RAS and, in implantation sites, NK cells are highly enriched. We hypothesized that T cells and/or NK cells contribute to circulatory control during pregnancy. Using radiotelemetry of arterial pressure, heart rate, and activity, mice without T and B cells (genotypes BALB/c-Rag2(-/-) and NOD.scid) were examined at baseline and across pregnancy. These strains differ in NK cell competency, with Rag2(-/-) being normal and NOD.scid impaired. Circulatory features differed between these inbred strains. Rag2(-/-); had blood pressure responses to pregnancy that did not differ from congenic normal mice. NOD.scid had higher midgestational blood pressure compared with normoglycemic NOD mice (3-5 mm Hg greater than NOD; P < 0.004). In comparison to controls, both T and B strains had much higher heart rates after first trimester that did not remit until parturition (>30 bpm greater than control; P < 0.0001). NOD.scid had additional anomalies, including 90% depletion of circulating NK cells and elevated (57%) proliferation of uterine NK cells within implantation sites. These data demonstrate immune control of midgestational heart rate and suggest NK cells contribute to midpregnancy regulation of mean arterial pressure.  相似文献   

Enhanced angiogenesis, or capillary growth, has a prominent role among the various beneficial effects of exercise training on the myocardium. The aim of the present study is to assess if training-induced increases in capillarity and vascularization persist after 4 weeks of detraining. Adult male rats were trained to run on a treadmill for 10 weeks at ∼60% VO2max, which did not induce cardiac hypertrophy, but increased (P < 0.05) the soleus/body weight ratio, left ventricle capillarity and von Willebrand-positive cell density (n = 6). In another group of animals (n = 6) subjected to training followed by 4-week detraining, the soleus/body weight ratio returned to normal, with only partial reversal of left ventricle capillarity and von Willebrand-positive cell density. Markers of angiogenesis (VEGF, KDR/VEGF-R2 and HIF-1α mRNA, studied by real-time RT-PCR) were upregulated at the end of training, and returned to baseline value after detraining. Electron microscopy highlighted some morphological features in trained hearts (endothelial cell sprouting and bridges and pericyte detachment), suggestive of endothelial cell proliferation and capillary growth that were absent in untrained and detrained hearts. We conclude that the training-induced increase in cardiac capillarity and vascularization are retained for some time upon cessation of the training program even in the absence of angiogenic stimuli.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate 1) the effects of endurance exercise training during hypoxia or normoxia and of detraining on ventilatory and cardiovascular responses to progressive isocapnic hypoxia and 2) whether the change in the cardiovascular response to hypoxia is correlated to changes in the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) after training and detraining. Seven men (altitude group) performed endurance training using a cycle ergometer in a hypobaric chamber of simulated 4,500 m, whereas the other seven men (sea-level group) trained at sea level (K. Katayama, Y. Sato, Y. Morotome, N. Shima, K. Ishida, S. Mori, and M. Miyamura. J. Appl. Physiol. 86: 1805-1811, 1999). The HVR, systolic and diastolic blood pressure responses (DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)), DeltaDBP/DeltaSa(O(2))), and heart rate response (DeltaHR/DeltaSa(O(2)); Sa(O(2)) is arterial oxygen saturation) to progressive isocapnic hypoxia were measured before and after training and during detraining. DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) increased significantly in the altitude group and decreased significantly in the sea-level group after training. The changed DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) in both groups was restored during 2 wk of detraining, as were the changes in HVR, whereas there were no changes in the DeltaDBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) and DeltaHR/DeltaSa(O(2)) throughout the experimental period. The changes in DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) after training and detraining were significantly correlated with those in HVR. These results suggest that DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) to progressive isocapnic hypoxia is variable after endurance training during hypoxia and normoxia and after detraining, as is HVR, but DeltaDBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) and DeltaHR/DeltaSa(O(2)) are not. It also suggests that there is an interaction between the changes in DeltaSBP/DeltaSa(O(2)) and HVR after endurance training or detraining.  相似文献   

Pectoral muscle, heart and body weight, wing surface, blood volume, hemoglobin content and blood oxygen capacity were measured in three birds: pigeon, gull and hen. A relationship was found between flying activity and organ weight, blood volume and hematocrit. No significant differences were found in the O2 carrying capacity of hemoglobin in these birds.  相似文献   

This experiment was a feasibility study which consisted in investigating arterial blood pressure and heart rate to transient and repeated exposure to microgravity in eight unrestrained rats previously implanted with radio-telemetry transmitter. The aim was to perform such recordings throughout all the phases of a parabola during parabolic flights. This study revealed that it was possible to collect the radio-signal without any interference with electronic or magnetic environment. We observed in microgravity a significant reduction in heart rate (6%) and a significant increase in arterial blood pressure (7%). In conclusion, such a study seems to be feasible during longer exposure to microgravity (space flight) in order to study the cardiovascular adaptation in rat.  相似文献   

Six male Quechua Indians (34.0 +/- 1.1 yr, 159.5 +/- 2.1 cm, 60.5 +/- 1.6 kg), life-long residents of La Raya, Peru (4,350-m altitude with an average barometric pressure of 460 Torr), were studied using noninvasive methods to determine the structural and functional changes in the cardiovascular system in response to a 6-wk deacclimation period at sea level. Cardiac output, stroke volume, and left ventricular ejection fractions were determined using radionuclide angiographic techniques at rest and during exercise on a cycle ergometer at 40, 60, and 90% of a previously determined maximal O2 consumption. Subjects at rest were subjected to two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiograms and a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram. Hemoglobin and hematocrit were measured on arrival at sea level by use of a Coulter Stacker S+ analyzer. After a 6-wk deacclimation period, all variables were remeasured using the identical methodology. Hemoglobin values decreased significantly over the deacclimation period (15.7 +/- 1.1 to 13.5 +/- 1.2 g/dl; P less than 0.01). The results indicate that the removal of these high-altitude-adapted natives from 4,300 m to sea level for 6 wk results in only minor changes to the cardiac structure and function as measured by these noninvasive techniques.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early-phase muscular performance adaptations to 5 weeks of traditional (TRAD) and eccentric-enhanced (ECC+) progressive resistance training and to compare the acute postexercise total testosterone (TT), bioavailable testosterone (BT), growth hormone (GH), and lactate responses in TRAD- and ECC+-trained individuals. Twenty-two previously untrained men (22.1 +/- 0.8 years) completed 1 familiarization and 2 baseline bouts, 15 exercise bouts (i.e., 3 times per week for 5 weeks), and 2 postintervention testing bouts. Anthropometric and 1 repetition maximum (1RM) measurements (i.e., bench press and squat) were assessed during both baseline and postintervention testing. Following baseline testing, participants were randomized into TRAD (4 sets of 6 repetitions at 52.5% 1RM) or ECC+ (3 sets of 6 repetitions at 40% 1RM concentric and 100% 1RM eccentric) groups and completed the 5-week progressive resistance training protocols. During the final exercise bout, blood samples acquired at rest and following exercise were assessed for serum TT, BT, GH, and blood lactate. Both groups experienced similar increases in bench press (approximately 10%) and squat (approximately 22%) strength during the exercise intervention. At the conclusion of training, postexercise TT and BT concentrations increased (approximately 13% and 21%, respectively, p < 0.05) and GH concentrations increased (approximately 750-1200%, p < 0.05) acutely following exercise in both protocols. Postexercise lactate accumulation was similar between the TRAD (5.4 +/- 0.4) and ECC+ (5.6 +/- 0.4) groups; however, the ECC+ group's lactate concentrations were significantly lower than those of the TRAD group 30 to 60 minutes into recovery. In conclusion, TRAD training and ECC+ training appear to result in similar muscular strength adaptations and neuroendocrine responses, while postexercise lactate clearance is enhanced following ECC+ training.  相似文献   

Objective:This study aims to investigate the effect of 8-week whole-body vibration (WBV) added to conventional training on muscular architecture, dynamic muscle strength and physical performance compared to controls in young basketball players.Methods:Sixteen young basketball players between the ages of 14-16 years were randomly assigned to whole body vibration group (VG) or control group (CG). Both groups were trained with a conventional program. Pennation angle (PeA), fascicle length and muscle thickness of Rectus Femoris (RF) and Vastus lateralis were measured by ultrasonography. Isokinetic dynamic muscle testing at 180 °/s and 60°/s, squat jump (SJ) and flexibility were evaluated before and after 8 weeks of training programs. Primary outcome measure was the fascicle length.Results:Fascicle length of RF, SJ height and flexibility increased significantly within VG compared to pretraining (p<0.05). SJ height increased in VG compared to CG significantly following training (p<0.05). PeA, fascicle length, muscle thicknesses, strength and flexibility did not differ between groups.Conclusion:Eight weeks of WBV training improved fascicle length of RF, SJ height, and flexibility compared to pre-training. Addition of WBV to conventional training did not cause improvement in muscle architecture, strength and flexibility compared to conventional training alone.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle adapts differently to training with high forces or with high velocities. The effects of these disparate training protocols on the inspiratory muscles were investigated in ten healthy volunteers. Five subjects trained using high force (pressure) loads (pressure trainers) and five trained using high velocity (flow) loads (flow trainers). Pressure training entailed performing 30 maximal static inspiratory efforts against a closed airway. Flow training entailed performing 30 sets of three maximal dynamic inspiratory efforts against a minimal resistance. Training was supervised and carried out 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Inspiratory flow rates and oesophageal pressure-time curves were measured before and after training. Peak inspiratory pressures during maximal static and dynamic efforts and peak flows during the maximal dynamic efforts were calculated. The time-to-peak pressure and rate of rise in peak pressure during maximal static and dynamic manoeuvres were also calculated before and following training. Maximal static pressure increased in the pressure training group and maximal dynamic pressure increased in the flow training group. Both groups increased the rate of pressure production (dP/dt) during their respective maximal efforts. The post-training decrease in time-to-peak pressure was proportionately greater in the flow trainers than in the pressure trainers. The differences in time-to-peak pressure between the two groups were consistent with the different effects of force and velocity training on the time-to-peak tension of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that dendritic branching in cardiorespiratory and locomotor brain areas can be attenuated with exercise training (ET). It was not known whether this process was reversible. Twenty-three (n = 23) male Sprague-Dawley rats were individually caged and divided into two groups: untrained (UN; n = 11) and detrained (DTR; n = 12). DTR were provided with a running wheel at 21 days of age and exercised spontaneously. After 120 days (70 days of ET followed by 50 days of detraining), ET indexes were obtained, including maximal oxygen uptake, percent body fat, resting heart rate, and heart weight-to-body weight ratios. The brain was processed according to a modified Golgi-Cox procedure. Impregnated neurons from the periaqueductal gray (PAG), posterior hypothalamic area (PH), nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS), and cuneiform nucleus (CfN) were examined in coronal sections. Neurons were traced using a camera lucida technique and analyzed using the Sholl concentric ring analysis of dendritic branching. t-Tests compared the mean number of intersections per neuron by grouping inner rings, outer rings, and total number of intersections per animal. There were no significant differences between UN and DTR in PH, PAG, CfN, and NTS in the inner rings, outer rings, and total number of intersections per animal. A separate group of animals was used to show that a training effect in the CfN and NTS was present at 56 days of ET. Our results show that dendritic attenuation resulting from 70 days of ET in PH, PAG, CfN, and NTS is completely reversed with 50 days of detraining.  相似文献   

Prior exposure to sub toxic insults can induce a powerful endogenous neuroprotective program known as ischemic preconditioning. Current models typically rely on a single stress episode to induce neuroprotection whereas the clinical reality is that patients may experience multiple transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) prior to suffering a stroke. We sought to develop a neuron-enriched preconditioning model using multiple oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD) episodes to assess the endogenous protective mechanisms neurons implement at the metabolic and cellular level. We found that neurons exposed to a five minute period of glucose deprivation recovered oxygen utilization and lactate production using novel microphysiometry techniques. Using the non-toxic and energetically favorable five minute exposure, we developed a preconditioning paradigm where neurons are exposed to this brief OGD for three consecutive days. These cells experienced a 45% greater survival following an otherwise lethal event and exhibited a longer lasting window of protection in comparison to our previous in vitro preconditioning model using a single stress. As in other models, preconditioned cells exhibited mild caspase activation, an increase in oxidized proteins and a requirement for reactive oxygen species for neuroprotection. Heat shock protein 70 was upregulated during preconditioning, yet the majority of this protein was released extracellularly. We believe coupling this neuron-enriched multi-day model with microphysiometry will allow us to assess neuronal specific real-time metabolic adaptations necessary for preconditioning.  相似文献   

Structural musculoskeletal adaptations following amputation, such as bone mineral density (BMD) or muscle architecture, are often overlooked despite their established contributions to gait rehabilitation and the development of adverse secondary physical conditions. The purpose of this review is to provide a summary of the existing literature investigating musculoskeletal adaptations in individuals with major lower-limb amputations to inform clinical practice and provide directions for future research. Google Scholar, PubMed, and Scopus were searched for original peer-reviewed studies that included individuals with transtibial or transfemoral amputations. Summary data of twenty-seven articles indicated reduced BMD and increased muscle atrophy in amputees compared to controls, and in the amputated limb compared to intact and control limbs. Specifically, BMD was reduced in T-scores and Z-scores, femoral neck, and proximal tibia. Muscle atrophy was evidenced by decreased thigh cross-sectional area, decreased quadriceps thickness, and increased amounts of thigh fat. Overall, amputees have impaired musculoskeletal health. Future studies should include dysvascular etiologies to address their effects on musculoskeletal health and functional mobility. Moreover, clinicians can use these findings to screen increased risks of adverse sequelae such as fractures, osteopenia/porosis, and muscular atrophy, as well as target specific rehabilitation exercises to reduce these risks.  相似文献   

Compensatory metabolic adaptations induced in streptozotocin-diabetic rat skeletal muscle by submaximal endurance training have been investigated. The gastrocnemius muscles of sedentary streptozotocin-diabetic rats were found to have a lower than normal myoglobin content, succinate dehydrogenase activity, and capacity to oxidize pyruvate and palmitate-1-[14C]. The values of these parameters were significantly increased in the diabetic skeletal muscle by the training program, obtaining levels similar to those of normal sedentary animals.  相似文献   

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