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The presence of N-methyl- -aspartate (NMLA) was demonstrated in bivalves, Corbicula sandai and Tapes japonica. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence of NMLA in animal tissues. NMLA in bivalve tissues was identified according to the following findings; (a) its derivatives with (+)- and (−)- 1-(9-fluorenyl)ethyl chloroformate (FLEC) behaved identically with those of authentic NMLA, respectively, on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), (b) its derivatives with (+)- and (−)- FLEC behaved identically with (−)- and (+)-FLEC derivatives of authentic N-methyl- -aspartate (NMDA), respectively, on HPLC and (c) its behavior on thin-layer chromatography was the same as those of authentic NMLA. We also describe the distribution of NMDA, and - and -aspartate, to which N-methylaspartate enantiomers are structurally related. NMDA was more widely dirtributed than NMLA in bivalves. These bivalves containing NMLA showed lower -aspartate contents and /( + ) ratios of aspartate, than the bivalves containing NMDA.  相似文献   

Two human urinary metabolites of the industrial solvent N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), N-hydroxymethyl-N-methylformamide (HMMF) and N-acetyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)cysteine (AMCC), were assayed using a new analytical method (gas chromatography and thermionic sensitive detection). Clean-up of urine samples includes a liquid–liquid extraction step followed by a solid-phase extraction step to separate HMMF and AMCC from other urine components. During clean-up, AMCC is converted into ethyl-N-methylcarbamate (EMC), and during gas chromatography, HMMF is degraded in the injector to N-methylformamide (NMF). All the validation data necessary for a quantitative procedure are given. The method was applied to urine samples from workers exposed to DMF and from the general population. The results were confirmed by mass spectrometric determination. For this purpose a further liquid–liquid extraction step was introduced in the clean-up procedure. Background levels of AMCC in the general population were identified.  相似文献   

N-acetylhexosaminidase fromNocardia orientalis catalysed the synthesis of lacto-N-triose II glycoside (-d-GlcNAc-(1-3)--d-Gal-(1-4)--d-Glc-OMe,3) with its isomers -d-GlcNAc-(1-6)--d-Gal-(1-4)--d-Glc-OMe (4) and -d-Gal-(1-4)-[-d-GlcNAc-(1-6)]--d-Glc-OMe (5) throughN-acetylglucosaminyl transfer fromN,N-diacetylchitobiose (GlcNAc2) to methyl -lactoside. The enzyme formed the mixture of trisac-charides3, 4 and5 in 17% overall yield based on GlcNAc2, in a ratio of 20:21:59. Withp-nitrophenyl -lactoside as an acceptor, the enzyme also producedp-nitrophenyl -lacto-N-trioside II (-d-GlcNAc-(1-3)--d-Gal-(1-4)--d-Glc-OC6H4NO2-p,6) with its isomers -d-GlcNAc-(1-6)--d-Gal-(1-4)--d-Glc-OC6H4NO2-p (7) and -d-Gal-(1-4)-[-d-GlcNAc-(1-6)]--d-Glc-OC6H4NO2-p (8). In this case, when an inclusion complex ofp-nitrophenyl lactoside acceptor with -cyclodextrin was used, the regioselectivity of glycosidase-catalysed formation of trisaccharide glycoside was substantially changed. It resulted not only in a significant increase of the overall yield of transfer products, but also in the proportion of the desired compound6.Abbreviations GlcNAc2 2-acetamido-2-deoxy--d-glucopyranosyl-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose - NAHase N-acetylhexosaminidase - -CD -cyclodextrin  相似文献   

A rapid, selective and very sensitive ion-pairing reversed-phase HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination of trimebutine (TMB) and its major metabolite, N-monodesmethyltrimebutine (NDTMB), in rat and human plasma. Heptanesulfonate was employed as the ion-pairing agent and verapamil was used as the internal standard. The method involved the extraction with a n-hexane–isopropylalcohol (IPA) mixture (99:1, v/v) followed by back-extraction into 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and evaporation to dryness. HPLC analysis was carried out using a 4-μm particle size, C18-bonded silica column and water–sodium acetate–heptanesulfonate–acetonitrile as the mobile phase and UV detection at 267 nm. The chromatograms showed good resolution and sensitivity and no interference of plasma. The mean recoveries for human plasma were 95.4±3.1% for TMB and 89.4±4.1% for NDTMB. The detection limits of TMB and its metabolite, NDTMB, in human plasma were 1 and 5 ng/ml, respectively. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range 10–5000 ng/ml for TMB and 25–25000 ng/ml for NDTMB with correlation coefficients greater than 0.999 and with within-day or between-day coefficients of variation not exceeding 9.4%. This assay procedure was applied to the study of metabolite pharmacokinetics of TMB in rat and the human.  相似文献   

The sialic acids of the platypus, birds, and reptiles were investigated with regard to the occurrence of N-glycolylneuraminic (Neu5Gc) acid. They were released from tissues, eggs, or salivary mucin samples by acid hydrolysis, and purified and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry. In muscle and liver of the platypus only N-acetylneuraminic (Neu5Ac) acid was found. The nine bird species studied also did not express N-glycolylneuraminic acid with the exception of an egg, but not tissues, from the budgerigar and traces in poultry. Among nine reptiles, including one turtle, N-glycolylneuraminic acid was only found in the egg and an adult basilisk, but not in a freshly hatched animal. BLAST analysis of the genomes of the platypus, the chicken, and zebra finch against the CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase did not reveal the existence of a similar protein structure. Apparently monotremes (platypus) and sauropsids (birds and reptiles) cannot synthesize Neu5Gc. The few animals where Neu5Gc was found, especially in eggs, may have acquired this from the diet or by an alternative pathway. Since Neu5Gc is antigenic to man, the observation that this monosaccharide does not or at least only rarely occur in birds and reptiles, may be of nutritional and clinical significance.  相似文献   

Cozzolino  Salvatore  Caputo  Paolo  De Castro  Olga  Moretti  Aldo  Pinto  Gabriele 《Hydrobiologia》2000,433(1-3):145-151
Cyanidium caldarium, Cyanidioschyzon merolae and Galdieria sulphuraria are three unicellular algae characteristic, of acid thermal environments. Recently, on the basis of morphological characters, three new species of Galdieria (G. partita, G. daedala, G. maxima ) isolated from acid-thermal springs in Russia have been instituted. A selected region of rbcL and the sequence of the intergenic spacer between the rbcL and rbcS have been amplified and sequenced from different Galdieria species and strains, in order to define molecular relationship among these interesting algae. The obtained cladogram shows that Cyanidium caldarium and Cyanidioschyzon merolae form a sister group which, in turn, is in a sister group relationship with Galdieria. This last genus is divided in two clades, one of which includes G. sulphuraria accessions from Naples (Italy), California, and Yellowstone and the other one includes G. sulphuraria accessions from Java (Indonesia) and from the Russian species. These results support the status of the genus Galdieria and suggest that G. daedala, G. maxima and G. partita are three very similar strains of G. sulphuraria; the rbcL variation within Galdieria accessions has a pattern which is broadly connected to the geographial distribution. The data obtained from the intergenic rbcL-rbcS spacer partly confirm those from the rbcL analysis.  相似文献   

Pentafluoropyridine reacts with thymidine, adenosine, and uridine hydroxy groups to give quantitative yields of the corresponding nucleoside di- and triaryl ethers. The nucleophilic substitution reactions proceed successively and in parallel, with the slowest step being the nucleophilic substitution of the nucleoside secondary hydroxyls. The resulting ethers contain tetrafluoropyridyl moieties, which could be smoothly modified by nucleophilic substitution of fluorine atoms. The ethers are useful intermediate synthons (both isolated and in situ) for molecular design of oligonucleotide analogues.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were the quantification of the two major sialic acid (Sia) forms – N-acetylneuraminic (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acids (Neu5Gc) – in serum before and after surgical treatment of early endometrial cancer and the relation of their levels with the progress of surgical therapy. The major Sia forms were liberated from sera glycoconjugates by mild acid hydrolysis, separated as per-O-benzoylated derivatives by a highly sensitive reversed-phase HPLC method and detected at 231 nm. Total Sia content in sera of healthy women was not related to age and body weight. Neu5Ac was identified as the major Sia in sera from both cancer patients, healthy individuals as well as in tissue specimens (≥94% of total Sia). In patients with endometrial cancer the total Sia level before surgical treatment (709.5±306.5 mg/l) was significantly higher (p≤0.0001) than that of the control group (213.5±88.7 mg/l). The elevation in Sia level was exclusively due to Neu5Ac. Following surgical therapy, serum Neu5Ac levels (699.4±305.6 mg/l) were significantly decreased (305.9±114.5 mg/l). In one case, where Neu5Ac level was increased 15 days and eight months after surgery (1.8 and 2.5 times as compared to control, respectively), a metastasis not detected during surgery was recorded. The obtained results suggest that Neu5Ac level in serum may be used as a tumor marker in evaluating the suitability of surgical treatment in early endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

Summary A study of 172 unnamed populations and 22 cultivars of Lotus corniculatus showed: (1) that all plants of most strains of both categories contained leaf tannins (total 172 strains); (2) that 6 strains were tannin-negative; and (3) that 16 strains were polymorphic. Because of the small number of tested plants per strain, the above frequency of polymorphism is probably underestimated. Tannin-negative or polymorphic strains are frequent in Iran and Turkey. Leaftannin production is inherited as a monogenic dominant with tetrasomic inheritance. Repeated scores suggest that some individuals always, others sometimes and yet others never produce leaf tannins. Mean tannin content of 6 cultivars was strongly negatively associated with mean cyanide content.  相似文献   

An isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of denaverine and its N-monodemethyl metabolite (MD 6) in human plasma is described. The assay involves the extraction with an n-heptane–2-propanol mixture (9:1, v/v) followed by back extraction into 12.5% (w/w) phosphoric acid. The analytes of interest and the internal standard were separated on a Superspher RP8 column using a mobile phase of acetonitrile–0.12 M NH4H2PO4–tetrahydrofuran (24:17.2:1, v/v), adjusted to pH 3 with 85% (w/w) phosphoric acid. Ultraviolet detection was used at an operational wavelength of 220 nm. The retention times of MD 6, denaverine and the internal standard were 5.1, 6.3 and 10.2 min, respectively. The assay was validated according to international requirements and was found to be specific, accurate and precise with a linear range of 2.5–150 ng/ml for denaverine and MD 6. Extraction recoveries for denaverine and MD 6 ranged from 44 to 49% and from 42 to 47%, respectively. The stability of denaverine and MD 6 in plasma was demonstrated after 24 h storage at room temperature, after three freeze–thaw cycles and after 7 months frozen storage below −20°C. The stability of processed samples in the autosampler at room temperature was confirmed after 24 h storage. The analytical method has been applied to analyses of plasma samples from a pharmacokinetic study in man.  相似文献   

Summary This work is an extension of our previous work (Hall et al., 1993) on the synthesis and cytotoxic activity of boronated peptides. The aim of this work was to carry out structural modifications of the amine terminal in compounds1 and2, to increase water solubility, and its effect on the cytotoxicity to tumor cell lines. Surprisingly, only compounds4,7 and8 were more water soluble than the parent compounds. With the exception of compound4, the new derivatives were generally less effective than the parent compounds (1 and2). There was no apparent correlation between structure and activity. Cytotoxic effect was more pronounced in single cell suspended cells. The growth of solid tumor cell lines was not significantly reduced. The most active derivative, (methanamine)dihydro[[[1-(phenylmethyl)-2-methylamino-2-oxoethyl]amino]carboxy]boron (4), inhibited DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in Tmolt3 cells. Enzymatic activities, e.g., DNA polymerase, m-RNA polymerase, PRPP amidotransferase, carbamyl phosphate synthetase, TMP-kinase, TDP-kinase, dihydrofolate reductase, and ribonucleoside reductase were reduced after 60 min incubation with4. d(TTP) and d(CTP) pool levels were also reduced by 60 min incubation with4.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Lactarius volemus and its relatives were investigated using the nucleotide sequences of the nuclear-encoded large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA). Thirty-six sequences from L. volemus, L. corrugis, and L. hygrophoroides, including three sequences obtained from the GenBank database, were used in this study. Samples studied were divided into four major subclades (A–D) in both neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum-parsimony (MP) trees. Lactarius volemus and L. corrugis formed one large clade in both NJ and MP trees (bootstrap value, 100%), which was divided into three subclades (A–C). Subclade A included three clusters of L. volemus strains, i.e., velvet, red, and Chinese types. Subclade B included the common and red types of L. corrugis. Subclade C included the common and yellow types of L. volemus. Subclade D included only one type of L. hygrophoroides. An analysis of the fatty acid composition supported the divisions found in the molecular analysis. Analyses of nucleotide sequence, fatty acid composition, morphological characteristics, and the taste of the fruiting bodies all led us to conclude that the common, velvet, red, and Chinese types of L. volemus, and the common and red types of L. corrugis, may each belong to different species, subspecies, or varieties. Further studies with more material from a wide range of regions are required to conduct taxonomic revision of these types. The LSU rDNA region may be a useful tool to investigate phylogenetic relationships within the section Dulces of the genus Lactarius.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of glycine betaine from simple carbon sources as compatible solute is rare among aerobic heterotrophic eubacteria, and appears to be almost exclusive to the non-halophilic and slightly halophilic phototrophic cyanobacteria. Although Synechococcus sp. WH8102 (CCMP2370), a unicellular marine cyanobacterium, could grow up to additional 2.5% (w/v) NaCl in SN medium, natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy identified glycine betaine as its major compatible solute. Intracellular glycine betaine concentrations were dependent on the osmolarity of the growth medium over the range up to additional 2% NaCl in SN medium, increasing from 6.8 ± 1.5 to 62.3 ± 5.5 mg/g dw. The ORFs SYNW1914 and SYNW1913 from Synechococcus sp. WH8102 were found as the homologous genes coding for glycine sarcosine N-methyltransferase and sarcosine dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase, heterologously over-expressed respectively as soluble fraction in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and purified by Ni-NTA His•bind resins. Their substrate specificities and the values of the kinetic parameters were determined by TLC and 1H NMR spectroscopy. RT-PCR analysis revealed that the two ORFs were both transcribed in cells of Synechococcus sp. WH8102 growing in SN medium without additional NaCl, which confirmed the pathway of de novo synthesizing betaine from glycine existing in these marine cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The 2.0 Å resolution crystal structure of the ribosome inactivating protein saporin (isoform 6) from seeds of Saponaria officinalis is presented. The fold typical of other plant toxins is conserved, despite some differences in the loop regions. The loop between strands β7 and β8 in the C-terminal region which spans over the active site cleft appears shorter in saporin, suggesting an easier access to the substrate. Furthermore we investigated the molecular interaction between saporin and the yeast ribosome by differential chemical modifications. A contact surface inside the C-terminal region of saporin has been identified. Structural comparison between saporin and other ribosome inactivating proteins reveals that this region is conserved and represents a peculiar motif involved in ribosome recognition.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS) catalyzes the first committed step in flavonoid biosynthesis, a major pathway of plant secondary metabolism. An allelic series for the Arabidopsis CHS locus, tt4, was previously characterized at the gene, protein, and end-product levels. In an effort to deduce the molecular basis for the observed phenotypes, homology models were generated for five of the tt4 proteins based on the crystal structure of CHS2 from Medicago. Molecular dynamics simulations provided insights into how even those substitutions that are not in close spatial proximity to key functional residues may still alter the architecture and dynamic movement of the enzyme, with dramatic effects on enzyme function. Simulations carried out at different temperatures pointed to optimized positioning of key residues in the active site or dimerization domain, rather than enhancement of overall structure, as underlying the higher activity of two temperature-sensitive variants at lower temperatures. Extending this type of analysis to account for protein–protein interactions may offer additional insights into the mechanisms by which single amino-acid substitutions can affect diverse aspects of protein function.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to determine the levels and pattern of molecular variation in four populations of Elymus trachycaulus, and to estimate genetic similarity among different populations of E. trachycaulus from British Columbia and the Northwest Territories and one population of Elymus alaskanus from the Northwest Territories. Based on 124 RAPD bands (loci), mean percent polymorphic loci for E. trachycaulus (PP) was 67.4% (a range 41.2% to 86.3%), and mean gene diversity (He) for E. trachycaulus species was 0.23 (range 0.18 to 0.27). The total genetic diversity was 0.32. Differentiation among populations was 31% (FST = 0.31) with most of the genetic variation found within populations (69%). This pattern of genetic variation was different from that reported for inbred species in general.The authors are very grateful to Michael Bond for excellent Laboratory assistance, to Dr. Mary Barkworth for her encouragement. This study was supported by a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) discovery grant and by a Saint Marys University Internal grant to G.S.  相似文献   

An assay for the simultaneous quantitative determination of thioTEPA, TEPA and the recently identified metabolite N,N′-diethylene-N″-2-chloroethylphosphoramide (monochloroTEPA) in human urine has been developed. MonochloroTEPA was synthesized by incubation of TEPA with sodium chloride at pH 8. Thus, with this assay monochloroTEPA is quantified as TEPA equivalents. Analysis of the three analytes in urine was performed using gas chromatography with selective nitrogen–phosphorous detection after extraction with a mixture of 1-propanol and chloroform from urine samples. Diphenylamine was used as internal standard. Recoveries ranged between 70 and 100% and both accuracy and precision were less than 15%. Linearity was accomplished in the range of 25–2500 ng/ml for monochloroTEPA and 25–5000 ng/ml for thioTEPA and TEPA. MonochloroTEPA proved to be stable in urine for at least 4 weeks at −80°C. ThioTEPA, TEPA and monochloroTEPA cummulative urinary excretion from two patients treated with thioTEPA are presented demonstrating the applicability of the assay for clinical samples and that the excreted amount of monochloroTEPA exceeded that of thioTEPA on day 2 to 5 of urine collection.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) binds covalently to an acidic amino acid located in the cd loop connecting membrane-spanning helices C and D of cytochrome b resulting in an inhibition of proton translocation in the cytochrome bc 1 complex with minimal effects on the steady state rate of electron transfer. Single turnover studies performed with the yeast cytochrome bc 1 complex indicated that the initial phase of cytochrome b reduction was inhibited 25–45% in the DCCD-treated cytochrome bc 1 complex, while the rate of cytochrome c 1 reduction was unaffected. Simulations by molecular modeling predict that binding of DCCD to glutamate 163 located in the cd2 loop of cytochrome b of chicken liver mitochondria results in major conformational changes in the protein. The conformation of the cd loop and the end of helix C appeared twisted with a concomitant rearrangement of the amino acid residues of both cd1 and cd2 loops. The predicted rearrangement of the amino acid residues of the cd loop results in disruptions of the hydrogen bonds predicted to form between amino acid residues of the cd and ef loops. Simultaneously, two new hydrogen bonds are predicted to form between glutamate 272 and two residues, aspartate 253 and tyrosine 272. Formation of these new hydrogen bonds would restrict the rotation and protonation of glutamate 272, which may be necessary for the release of the second electrogenic proton obtained during ubiquinol oxidation in the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Proto-oncogen Ahi-1 is closely related to a lot of human and mouse diseases. Ahi-1 mutation will lead to leukemia in mice and Joubert syndrome in human beings. We have cloned the full cDNA sequence of Ahi-1 homologous in zebrafish, and RT-PCR results of ZAhi-1 in different tissues reveal that ZAhi-1 expressed highest in the mature gonad. In situ hybridization results of zebrafish gonad show that ZAhi-1 only expressed in the early stages’ gamete cells. RT-PCR analyses of mouse Ahi-1 in different stages of spermatogenesis have been done according to the published Ahi-1 sequence, and the findings reveal that Ahi-1 is expressed in gamete of pachytene stage. It can then be safely concluded that Ahi-1 might take place in the spermatocyte from the early pachytene stage to the late pachytene stage.  相似文献   

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides, except adenosine, to generate ribose 1-phosphate and the purine base. This work describes for the first time a structural model of PNP from Bacteroides fragilis (Bf). We modeled the complexes of BfPNP with six different ligands in order to determine the structural basis for specificity of these ligands against BfPNP. Comparative analysis of the model of BfPNP and the structure of HsPNP allowed identification of structural features responsible for differences in the computationally determined ligand affinities. The molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was assessed to evaluate the overall stability of the BfPNP model. The superposition of the final onto the initial minimized structure shows that there are no major conformational changes from the initial model, which is consistent with the relatively low root mean square deviation (RMSD). The results indicate that the structure of the model was stable during MD, and does not exhibit loosely structured loop regions or domain terminals.  相似文献   

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