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Reproductive traits of Drosophila hibisci collected at 18 sites in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia in May, 1998, as well as at two sites in north Queensland, in June, 1998, were compared to those from earlier work on a cline in ovariole number in D. hibisci along the east coast of Australia. The flies in the NT were considerably smaller, but had more ovarioles than comparably-sized flies on the east coast. Although the flies on the east coast showed an increasing number of ovarioles in populations at increasing distances from the equator, these new populations, both on the east coast and in the NT, reversed this trend, producing a generally U-shaped pattern of ovariole number with latitude among all populations. The northernmost and southernmost populations allocate more to ovariole numbers than populations in intermediate latitudes. Ovariole number is closely related to body size of females in all populations, but the regression coefficient is small at intermediate latitudes and increases at the northern and southern ends of the distribution. Egg volumes primarily varied with body size of the female (positive) and number of ovarioles per female (negatively), producing a generally inverted U-shaped pattern of egg volumes with latitude. Reproductive allocation patterns, but not thorax size or ovariole number, varied significantly in two samples taken 10 days apart at one NT site. This variation probably results from environmental differences across generations of developing larvae and is consistent with our earlier suggestion of substantial effects of the environment, primarily rainfall and temperature, on reproductive allocation in D. hibisci.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a survey of the frog fauna of Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia. The fauna includes 13 species representing the families Hylidae and Leptodactylidae. The zoogeographic implications of the absence of certain species widely distributed on the mainland are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Monsoon rainforests occur as scattered patches within a landscape dominated by eucalypt savannas across the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia. This study formed part of a larger project that investigated the interactions between frugivores and monsoon rainforest patches in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Phenological patterns in a set of 12 wet monsoon forests (WMF) and four dry monsoon forests (DMF) were examined by monitoring individuals of more than 100 species over 30 months. Phenological patterns of both WMF and DMF were closely related to the strongly seasonal climate. Leaf flush occurred before the onset of the wet season in WMF, and coincided with the onset of the wet in DMF. Major flowering peaks coincided with leaf flush in both forest types. Fruiting was concentrated in the wet season in both forest types, but fruiting peaks of WMF and DMF were separated by 3–4 months. Variations in fruiting patterns among forest types, patches, seasons and groupings of plant species (based on life form and ecological positioning) provide a mosaic of food resources for frugivores. This has important implications for the conservation and maintenance of the frugivore–rainforest system in northern Australia.  相似文献   

Microfossils have been detected in several formations of the McArthur Group (about 1600 m.y. old), in petrological thin sections and in macerations. Some of these occur associated with a lead-zinc ore body; others have been found in well-preserved dolomites and cherts. The variety of microfossils observed is considerable, and their state of preservation is good. Large numbers of singlecelled, colonial and multicellular organisms occur; in the latter, at least one clear case of cell differentiation can be demonstrated. Some of the organisms are morphologically comparable with blue-green algae such as the Chroococaceae, but, unlike the well-known Bitter Springs microflora, the assemblage is notably poor in filamentous algae. The filaments that do occur are not septate, and may represent discarded blue-green algal sheaths. Many of the microorganisms are extremely small in size, and in some cases, colonial structures composed of large numbers of 1 m diameter cells are present, that may represent bacterial remains. Most of the microfossils occur in stromatolitic cherts, but the lead-zinc orebody from which some were obtained is a fine-grained dolomitic shale.Stratigraphically, this new assemblage occurs in sediments of age intermediate between the well-known Gunflint Chert assemblage and the equally well-known Bitter Springs flora. The level of organization of the microfossils represents a great advance on the of the Gunflint Chert microfossils, in that demonstrably colonial and large multicellular microorganisms occur, as well as cells of a relatively large size. No convincing evidence for the presence of nuclei or nuclear membranes has yet been found in McArthur Group microorganisms, but the large size and organizational complexity of some of the structures suggests that the origin of the eukaryotic cell may occur rather earlier in geologic times than previous indications have suggested.  相似文献   

The caprellidean fauna of Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia, is investigated here. The study reports 26 species in 19 genera. Six new species (Aciconula australiensis n. sp., Caprella traudlae n. sp., Pseudaeginella vaderi n. sp., Orthoprotella nana n. sp., Pseudoprotella soela n. sp. and Pseudoprotomima grandimana n. sp.) are described as new for Science. Lateral view figures of all the species, together with a key to species level, are also provided.  相似文献   

Abstract The herpetofauna of 50 monsoon rainforest patches in the Top End of the Northern Territory was surveyed during the dry season of 1990. This fauna contains few obligate monsoon rainforest species, many species which favour this habitat as part of a broad habitat range and a large number of species (indeed most of the regional species pool) that occasionally occur within monsoon rainforests. The taxonomic composition of species favouring monsoon rainforests is a non-random selection from the regional pool, with relatively few species in the families Agamidae and Scincidae occurring commonly in monsoon rainforests. Environmental variation among the rainforest patches sampled was portrayed by ordination, with the first axis corresponding to an environmental gradient from coastal sites to inland rocky rainforests and the second a gradient from relatively dry thickets to tall dense rainforests close to water. The distributions of herpetofauna species were depicted on this ordination space. Most frog species occurred in relatively wet rainforests and most gecko species were relatively restricted to drier rainforests. A substantial component of the herpetofauna was associated with rainforests on rocky substrate. In contrast to this relatively good association with these defined gradients, there was little apparent influence of patch size or level of disturbance on the distribution of individual species of herpetofauna. Sampling month was related to the abundance of many species, with many frog species and some snake and skink species declining (but some skink and one frog species increasing) in abundance in rainforest patches during the late dry season. This seasonal change in abundance is not due to movements from rainforest patches to adjacent vegetation types (or vice versa) but rather to total landscape (cross-habitat) changes in abundance (or detectability). The species composition of patches tended to be idiosyncratic, with substantial variability in composition, even between nearby patches of like environment. Hence it is not possible to nominate a representative rainforest herpetofauna, and indeed a classification of all quadrats (including those from rainforests, rainforest edges and adjacent habitats) based on herpetofauna species composition grouped many non-rainforest quadrats with those from rainforests. There was no rainforest edge herpetofauna assemblage. The herpetofauna from rainforests of the Northern Territory was similar to but somewhat richer than that recorded from the even more attenuated monsoon rainforest area of the Kimberley of northwestern Australia, but shared relatively few species with a sampling from monsoon rainforests from western Cape York. Frog species were more likely to be recorded across these three regions than were snake species. The number of herpetofaunal species per patch was low compared to tropical forests in northeastern Australia, Asia and central America. The long dry season of the Top End may contribute to this impoverishment. However, the small total area of monsoon rainforests in this region, the current scattered network of patches and historical fluctuations in extent and distribution of this habitat are probably at least as important.  相似文献   

Habitat modification is an established method of effective long-term mosquito management, particularly in salt-marsh environments. It is especially pertinent when mosquitoes are known vectors of life-threatening disease and their larval breeding habitat is in close proximity to residential areas. The Ilparpa Swamp is located less than 10 km from Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Wet season rainfall, often followed by effluent discharges to the swamp from the adjacent sewage treatment plant, create ideal sites for the immature stages of the common banded mosquito Culex annulirostris (Skuse), a major vector of Murray Valley encephalitis (MVEV) and Kunjin (KUNV) viruses. Subsequent to increases in notifications of MVEV disease cases in 2000 and 2001, a drainage system was established in the Ilparpa Swamp in early 2002. This paper evaluates the drainage intervention effects. Results indicate a significant reduction in mosquito numbers following habitat modification, which remain low. There have been no seroconversions in sentinel chickens to MVEV or KUNV and no human infections from these viruses in the Alice Springs urban region since the drains were completed. Habitat modification has successfully reduced mosquito numbers and minimized the risk for mosquito-borne disease to residents in Alice Springs urban and surrounding areas, which has never before been documented in Australia.  相似文献   

Analysis of 58 floristic quadrats from two areas near Jim Jim Falls on the Arnhem Land Plateau revealed seven plant communities: wetland; monsoon forest; Allosyncarpia forest; broadleaf woodland; shrubby Eucalyptus woodland; Eucalyptus arnhemensis woodland; and sandstone scrub. The communities inter-grade with each other and form a complex mosaic. The patterning of vegetation is related to topography, rockiness, degree of fire protection and moisture supply. Surface soil nutrient concentrations were similar in all the communities with the exception of the monsoon forest which was substantially more fertile. We suggest that moisture supply is the primary determinant of vegetation and soil fertility patterns. Fire in the preceding dry season stimulated some herbaceous species, while a long unburnt shrubby Eucalyptus woodland was invaded by some monsoon forest seedlings. Conservation of the present mosaic of vegetation presents a major challenge to land managers because of this variable impact of fire.  相似文献   

Vegetational changes over a series of geological boundaries through an area of managanese mineralization on the western side of Groote Eylandt, have been analysed using pattern analysis techniques. Hierarchical classification of data on the frequency of occurrence of plant species in the transects through each of the vegetational zones gave five ecologically identifable groups. The degree of interrelatedness between the sites was emphasized by ordination of the groups, incorporating minimum spanning analysis. The vegetational groups represent developments under different environmental conditions in which differences in water relations and the presence of an impermeable barrier in the soil profile were important. Comparison of the soil nutrient contents of the sites indicated major differences in the total manganese concentration in the topsoil. Even though manganese levels in Eucalyptus tetrodonta leaf tissue were high, no evidence could be found for an iron-chlorosis induced by a low Fe/Mn ratio. The levels of other nutrients in eucalypt foliage were similar to those measured elsewhere. In each vegetational grouping the frequency of occurrence of termite species varied according to site and food type. The role of termites in nutrient cycling needs to be further studied. The closed-forest maybe the climatic climax on the acid red earth soils since in the absence of fire it extends into the surrounding Eucalyptus tetrodonta open-forest. On the Sandstone and Manganese ares the stable state of the vegetation is likely to be composed of the Australian element of the vegetation modified to various extents by fire.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of near-neighbor species are critical to the development of robust molecular diagnostic tools for biothreat agents. One such agent, Burkholderia pseudomallei, a soil bacterium and the causative agent of melioidosis, is lacking in this area because of its genomic diversity and widespread geographic distribution. The Burkholderia genus contains over 60 species and occupies a large range of environments including soil, plants, rhizospheres, water, animals and humans. The identification of novel species in new locations necessitates the need to identify the true global distribution of Burkholderia species, especially the members that are closely related to B. pseudomallei. In our current study, we used the Burkholderia-specific recA sequencing assay to analyze environmental samples from the Darwin region in the Northern Territory of Australia where melioidosis is endemic. Burkholderia recA PCR negative samples were further characterized using 16s rRNA sequencing for species identification. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that over 70% of the bacterial isolates were identified as B. ubonensis indicating that this species is common in the soil where B. pseudomallei is endemic. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis reveals many novel branches within the B. cepacia complex, one novel B. oklahomensis-like species, and one novel branch containing one isolate that is distinct from all other samples on the phylogenetic tree. During the analysis with recA sequencing, we discovered 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the reverse priming region of B. oklahomensis. A degenerate primer was developed and is proposed for future use. We conclude that the recA sequencing technique is an effective tool to classify Burkholderia and identify soil organisms in a melioidosis endemic area.  相似文献   

BackgroundCrusted scabies is a debilitating dermatological condition. Although still relatively rare in the urban areas of Australia, rates of crusted scabies in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT) are reported to be among the highest in the world.ObjectiveTo estimate the health system costs associated with diagnosing, treating and managing crusted scabies.MethodsA disease pathway model was developed to identify the major phases of managing crusted scabies. In recognition of the higher resource use required to treat more severe cases, the pathway differentiates between crusted scabies severity grades. The disease pathway model was populated with data from a clinical audit of 42 crusted scabies patients diagnosed in the Top-End of Australia’s Northern Territory between July 1, 2016 and May 1, 2018. These data were combined with standard Australian unit costs to calculate the expected costs per patient over a 12-month period, as well as the overall population cost for treating crusted scabies.FindingsThe expected health care cost per patient diagnosed with crusted scabies is $35,418 Australian dollars (AUD) (95% CI: $27,000 to $43,800), resulting in an overall cost of $1,558,392AUD (95% CI: $1,188,000 to $1,927,200) for managing all patients diagnosed in the Northern Territory in a given year (2018). By far, the biggest component of the health care costs falls on the hospital system.DiscussionThis is the first cost-of-illness analysis for treating crusted scabies. Such analysis will be of value to policy makers and researchers by informing future evaluations of crusted scabies prevention programs and resource allocation decisions. Further research is needed on the wider costs of crusted scabies including non-financial impacts such as the loss in quality of life as well as the burden of care and loss of well-being for patients, families and communities.  相似文献   

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