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周志炎 《古生物学报》2007,46(4):387-393
根据2006年发表的新版国际植物命名法规(维也纳法规)的有关规则和条款,讨论我国古植物命名中一些值得重视的和存在的问题,着重在分类单元名称的合格发表、模式指定以及拉丁属、种名称构成和性别等几个方面.文中也介绍了新法规中对古植物形态分类单元(morphotaxa)定义的改变和相关规则的更动情况,以及有关在学位论文和电子版文档中发表分类单元名称等新规则.文后附有古植物命名的一些重要规则生效的日期和相关说明.  相似文献   

对广义杯伞属(Clitocybe s.l.)分类研究现状的调查结果表明,我国已报道的广义杯伞属共有110个种及种下分类单元,其中72个名称的报道具有标本引证、51个名称为其他分类单元的异名或已组合至其他属中、2个名称为其他属分类单元的笔误。亚白杯伞(Clitocybe subcandicans Z.S.Bi)为国外先发表的C.subcandicans Murrill.的晚出同名。此外,与国外文献的描述相比,国内报道的一些广义杯伞属种类存在明显的形态差异。  相似文献   

关于亚种下名称的可用性问题:实例与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在整理一种斧须隐翅虫Oxyporus proximus Cameron异名录时,作者发现,以前在“var.”(v.,varietas,variety)或“form”(f.,forma)标示下发表的一些物种名称,难于确定其可用性(availability)。根据新版《国际动物命名法规》(简称《法规》),1960年以后不再承认这类名称。对于1961年以前发表的这类名称,如果原始作者没有清楚说明是亚种以下的,则该名称就是可用的,否则就是不可用的。在动物分类学历史的早期,以“var.”、“form”诸如此类标示发表新学名是一种常见的做法,随后的分类学家们也多将这类名称收在相关著作的异名录中,这也意味着,直到《法规》有相关规定之前,专家们承认这类名称的分类命名地位。通过讨论《法规》有关条款,分析隐翅虫科和阎甲科若干亚科数据,作者发现,《法规》第45.6.4条规定在实际使用中有困难,加上历史原因,在判断亚种下名称的可用性时容易产生混乱。  相似文献   

中国爬行纲动物分类厘定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对中国爬行纲动物的分类体系和物种进行了系统的评估, 规范了中文学名, 给出了《中国爬行纲校正名录》, 结果表明: 中国现存爬行纲动物3目30科132属462种, 其中鳄形目(Crocodylia)1科1属1种, 龟鳖目(Testudines)6科18属33种, 有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)10科41属189种, 有鳞目蛇亚目(Serpentes)13科72属239种。与《中国动物志 爬行纲 第一卷(总论、龟鳖目、鳄形目)》、《中国动物志 爬行纲 第二卷(有鳞目: 蜥蜴亚目)》和《中国蛇类》相比, 目和亚目无变化; 科级水平新增5科, 变更2科; 属级水平新增23属, 合并15属, 变更6属; 种级水平新增81种, 变动2种; 未收录同物异名12种、杂交6种、中国无分布7种。形态和分子系统发育研究结果在爬行动物不同分类阶元均有一定差异, 文章对这些争议进行了讨论, 并对名录的选择做了说明。  相似文献   

许为斌 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1389-1392
苦苣苔科植物是个研究活跃的类群,近年来随着新类群的报道和分类系统的变动,在该科的分类学研究中,出现了不少学名的种加词的性和属名不一致或出现拼写错误的情况,虽然这些错误不影响该名称的合格发表,但还是有必要根据《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》进行改正。该文就苦苣苔科植物中属名以-stigma结尾的学名、属名以-cheilos结尾的学名、根据属名词尾不容易判断出性别的学名、拼写错误的名称等问题进行了分析,并对13个不符合法规的名称予以改正。此外,还就苦苣苔科植物学名的合格发表和规范使用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本书是关于动物分类单元名称的命名和正确使用的国际性法规,是获得国际动物命名法委员会认可的《国际动物命名法规》英文版第四版的中文译本(简体字版),包括对第四版中主要变化的说明、导言,共18章90条条款和词汇,以及具有荐则地位的附录和国际动物命名法委员会章程。  相似文献   

蜱类系统学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨晓军  陈泽  刘敬泽 《昆虫学报》2007,50(9):941-949
本文介绍了近年来蜱的编目和分类及系统发育和演化等方面的研究进展。对软蜱科(Argasidae)说明了属的变动;硬蜱科(Ixodidae)介绍了璃眼蜱亚科(Hyalomminae)和凹沟蜱亚科(Bothriocrotoninae)以及相应变动的属(新建的凹沟蜱属Bothriocroton和须角蜱属Cornupalpatum,合并的牛蜱属Boophilus、暗眼蜱属Anocentor和盲花蜱属Aponomma)。根据新的分类变更对已知种类进行了分析。至2006年,世界已知蜱类有3科18属897种,中国有2科10属119种。阐明了有关蜱类系统发育研究的主要观点,并讨论了其不足和有待深入研究的问题。目前,把形态学和分子生物学数据结合在一起的全证据方法,并结合蜱类和不同宿主之间的关系、动物地理学、古生物学以及比较寄生虫学的资料,成为解决蜱类系统发育问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

对中国小脆柄菇属(Psathyrella)真菌进行了整理、修订,对有关分类学问题进行了讨论。中国小脆柄菇属真菌共51个名称记录,分布于26个省(自治区)。其中有18个分类单元引证了标本,2个记录的报道未提供形态描述,2个种存在错误拼写。  相似文献   

中国光柄菇属已知种类及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨思思  图力古尔 《菌物研究》2010,8(3):169-175,180
对中国光柄菇属(Pluteus)真菌进行了整理、修订,并对有关分类学问题进行了扼要讨论。中国光柄菇属真菌有28个名称记录,分布于23个省(自治区)。其中只有10个分类单元引证了标本,有3个记录的报道未提供形态描述,另有1种存在拼写错误。  相似文献   

《昆虫分类学报》创刊于1979年,是国家新闻出版署批准,国内外发行的国际性学术刊物。本刊专门刊登具有较高学术水平的昆虫分类学论文,包括分类理论、系统演化、分类方法和技术的新进展;中国及东亚地区昆虫区系,特别是农、林、卫生昆虫种、属及其它分类单元的新记载及订正;以及与分类和进化有关的各种理论问题,并刊登一定数量的螨类论文。  相似文献   

A taxonomic and nomenclatural Catalogue of the adelgids (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) is presented. Six family-group names are listed, five being synonyms of Adelgidae. Twenty-two genus-group names, of which nine are subjectively valid and in use, are presented with their type species, etymology, and grammatical gender. One hundred and six species-group names are listed, of which 70 are considered subjectively valid.  相似文献   

Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals serve as hosts for 19 species of Cryptosporidium. All 19 species have been confirmed by morphological, biological, and molecular data. Fish serve as hosts for three additional species, all of which lack supporting molecular data. In addition to the named species, gene sequence data from more than 40 isolates from various vertebrate hosts are reported in the scientific literature or are listed in GenBank. These isolates lack taxonomic status and are referred to as genotypes based on the host of origin. Undoubtedly, some will eventually be recognized as species. For them to receive taxonomic status sufficient morphological, biological, and molecular data are required and names must comply with the rules of the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Because the ICZN rules may be interpreted differently by persons proposing names, original names might be improperly assigned, original literature might be overlooked, or new scientific methods might be applicable to determining taxonomic status, the names of species and higher taxa are not immutable. The rapidly evolving taxonomic status of Cryptosporidium sp. reflects these considerations.  相似文献   

Phrygionis and Pityeja belong to the Palyadini, a tribe of neotropical Ennominae. The moths of both genera bear striking wing markings and mere variants were frequently described as species with the consequence that species diversity was overestimated. Numerous taxonomic changes are made in this work based on the study of primary types and much other material. Variation and distribution is recorded for each species and subspecies. Phylogenetic relationships within Phrygionis are examined, and comments are made on the evolution of wing pattern within this genus.
Fifteen full species are recognized in this study (13 in Phrygionis and two in Pityeja ), of which four (all in Phrygionis ) are described as new; 19 species-group (specific and subspecific) names refer to valid taxa. Twenty-four species-group names are synonymized (19 in Phrygionis and five in Pityeja ) and five are recombined with different genera (four with Phrygionis and one with Pityeja ). Three generic names are synonymized (one in Phrygionis and two in Pityeja ).  相似文献   

There are now overlapping codes of nomenclature that govern some of the same names of biological taxa. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) uses the non-evolutionary concept of a "type species" to fix the names of animal taxa to particular ranks in the nomenclatural hierarchy. The PhyloCode, in contrast, uses phylogenetic definitions for supraspecific taxa at any hierarchical level within the Tree of Life (without associating the names to particular ranks), but does not deal with the names of species. Thus, biologists who develop classifications of animals need to use both systems of nomenclature, or else operate without formal rules for the names of some taxa (either species or many monophyletic groups). In addition, the ICZN does not permit the unique naming of many taxa that are considered to be between the ranks of genus and species. Hillis and Wilcox [Hillis, D.M., Wilcox, T.P., 2005. Phylogeny of the New World true frogs (Rana). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 34, 299-314] provided recommendations for the classification of New World true frogs that utilized the ICZN to provide names for species, and the PhyloCode to provide names for supraspecific taxa. Nonetheless, they created new taxon names that followed both sets of rules, to avoid conflicting classifications. They also recommended that established names for both species and clades be used whenever possible, to stabilize the names of both species and clades under either set of rules, and to avoid conflicting nomenclatures. Dubois [Dubois, A., 2006. Naming taxa from cladograms: a cautionary tale. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 42, 317-330] objected to these principles, and argued that the names provided by Hillis and Wilcox [Hillis, D.M., Wilcox, T.P., 2005. Phylogeny of the New World true frogs (Rana). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 34, 299-314] are unavailable under the ICZN, and that the two nomenclatural systems are incompatible. Here, I argue that he is incorrect in these assertions, and present arguments for retaining the established names of New World true frogs, which are largely compatible under both sets of nomenclatural rules.  相似文献   

The 339 species-group names in the gastropod genus Conus proposed between 1758 and 1800 have been analyzed in chronological order, in order to (1) identify each nominal species, and (2) determine the correct name of each valid species. Additions and corrections are given to the author's series of papers on type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus. A table listing the 339 species-group names alphabetically indicates the present locations of the 124 known type specimens and the status of each name. At present, 123 valid species are recognized (118 Recent, 5 Tertiary), 159 names are synonyms of previously or simultaneously described species, 35 are nomina dubia, 19 are assigned to infrasubspecific rank, and 3 have been trandferred to genera in other families. Problems involving homonymy of 44 names have been resolved. The proportion of valid species to described species remained quite constant (about 80%) between 1758 and 1786, but then declined sharply to 40%. By 1800, although only 13% of all known species-group names in Conus had been introduced, they probably account for 25% of the known valid Recent species. Extension of the chronological study to species described through 1840 may establish the correct names of half the valid Recent species of Conus.  相似文献   

More than four hundred monogenean genus-group names published since or omitted from Yamaguti's Systema helminthum (1963) are listed. These names were abstracted from the generic indices of the Host-Parasite Catalogue of the Parasitic Worms Division, British Museum (Natural History). The various taxa are arranged, as far as possible, alphabetically according to a modern classification. Abbreviated references to the authorities for the genera and subgenera are given.  相似文献   

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