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Stromules are stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of plastids and allow the transfer of proteins as large as 550 kDa between interconnected plastids. The aim of the present study was to determine if plastid DNA or plastid ribosomes are able to enter stromules, potentially permitting the transfer of genetic information between plastids. Plastid DNA and ribosomes were marked with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to LacI, the lac repressor, which binds to lacO-related sequences in plastid DNA, and to plastid ribosomal proteins Rpl1 and Rps2, respectively. Fluorescence from GFP-LacI co-localised with plastid DNA in nucleoids in all tissues of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) examined and there was no indication of its presence in stromules, not even in hypocotyl epidermal cells, which contain abundant stromules. Fluorescence from Rpl1-GFP and Rps2-GFP was also observed in a punctate pattern in chloroplasts of tobacco and Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.], and fluorescent stromules were not detected. Rpl1-GFP was shown to assemble into ribosomes and was co-localised with plastid DNA. In contrast, in hypocotyl epidermal cells of dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings, fluorescence from Rpl1-GFP was more evenly distributed in plastids and was observed in stromules on a total of only four plastids (<0.02% of the plastids observed). These observations indicate that plastid DNA and plastid ribosomes do not routinely move into stromules in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and suggest that transfer of genetic information by this route is likely to be a very rare event, if it occurs at all.  相似文献   

Plastid stromules are stroma-filled tubular extensions of the plastid envelope membrane. These structures, which have been observed in a number of species, allow transfer of proteins between interconnected plastids. The dramatic shape of stromules and their dynamic movement within the cell provide an opportunity to study the control of morphology and motion of plastids. Using inhibitors of actin and tubulin, we found that both microfilaments and microtubules affect the shape and motility of non-green plastids. Actin and tubulin control plastid and stromule structure by independent mechanisms, while plastid movement is promoted by microfilaments but inhibited by microtubules. The presence or absence of stromules does not affect the motility of plastids. Photobleaching experiments indicate that actin and tubulin are not necessary for the bulk of green fluorescent protein (GFP) movement between plastids via stromules.  相似文献   

Peripheral vesicles in plastids have been observed repeatedly, primarily in proplastids and developing chloroplasts, in which they are suggested to function in thylakoid biogenesis. Previous observations of vesicles in mature chloroplasts have mainly concerned low temperature pretreated plants occasionally treated with inhibitors blocking vesicle fusion. Here, we show that such vesicle‐like structures occur not only in chloroplasts and proplastids, but also in etioplasts, etio‐chloroplasts, leucoplasts, chromoplasts and even transforming desiccoplasts without any specific pretreatment. Observations are made both in C3 and C4 species, in different cell types (meristematic, epidermis, mesophyll, bundle sheath and secretory cells) and different organs (roots, stems, leaves, floral parts and fruits). Until recently not much focus has been given to the idea that vesicle transport in chloroplasts could be mediated by proteins, but recent data suggest that the vesicle system of chloroplasts has similarities with the cytosolic coat protein complex II system. All current data taken together support the idea of an ongoing, active and protein‐mediated vesicle transport not only in chloroplasts but also in other plastids, obviously occurring regardless of chemical modifications, temperature and plastid developmental stage.   相似文献   

Organelle dynamics in the plant male gametophyte has received attention for its importance in pollen tube growth and cytoplasmic inheritance. We recently revealed the dynamic behaviors of plastids in living Arabidopsis pollen grains and tubes, using an inherent promoter-driven FtsZ1–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion. Here, we further monitored the movement of pollen tube plastids with an actin1 promoter-driven, stroma-targeted yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). In elongating pollen tubes, most plastids localized to the tube shank, where they displayed either retarded and unsteady motion, or fast, directional, and long-distance movement along the tube polarity. Efficient plastid tracking further revealed a population of tip-forwarding plastids that undergo a fluctuating motion(s) before traveling backward. The behavior of YFP-labeled plastids in pollen basically resembled that of FtsZ1–GFP-labeled plastids, thus validating the use of FtsZ1–GFP for simultaneous visualization of the stroma and the plastid-dividing FtsZ ring.  相似文献   

Transgenic plastids offer unique advantages in plant biotechnology, including high-level foreign protein expression. However, broad application of plastid genome engineering in biotechnology has been largely hampered by the lack of plastid transformation systems for major crops. Here we describe the development of a plastid transformation system for lettuce, Lactuca sativa L. cv. Cisco. The transforming DNA carries a spectinomycin-resistance gene (aadA) under the control of lettuce chloroplast regulatory expression elements, flanked by two adjacent lettuce plastid genome sequences allowing its targeted insertion between the rbcL and accD genes. On average, we obtained 1 transplastomic lettuce plant per bombardment. We show that lettuce leaf chloroplasts can express transgene-encoded GFP to ~36% of the total soluble protein. All transplastomic T0 plants were fertile and the T1 progeny uniformly showed stability of the transgene in the chloroplast genome. This system will open up new possibilities for the efficient production of edible vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and antibodies in plants.  相似文献   

Stromules are motile extensions of the plastid envelope membrane, whose roles are not fully understood. They are present on all plastid types but are more common and extensive on non-green plastids that are sparsely distributed within the cell. During tomato fruit ripening, chloroplasts in the mesocarp tissue differentiate into chromoplasts and undergo major shifts in morphology. In order to understand what factors regulate stromule formation, we analysed stromule biogenesis in tobacco hypocotyls and in two distinct plastid populations in tomato mesocarp. We show that increases in stromule length and frequency are correlated with chromoplast differentiation, but only in one plastid population where the plastids are larger and less numerous. We used tobacco hypocotyls to confirm that stromule length increases as plastids become further apart, suggesting that stromules optimize the plastid-cytoplasm contact area. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ectopic chloroplast components decrease stromule formation on tomato fruit chromoplasts, whereas preventing chloroplast development leads to increased numbers of stromules. Inhibition of fruit ripening has a dramatic impact on plastid and stromule morphology, underlining that plastid differentiation status, and not cell type, is a significant factor in determining the extent of plastid stromules. By modifying the plastid surface area, we propose that stromules enhance the specific metabolic activities of plastids.  相似文献   

In bacteria, MscS-type mechanosensitive channels serve to protect cells from lysis as they swell during extreme osmotic stress. We recently showed that two MscS homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana serve a similar purpose in the epidermal plastids of the leaf, indicating that the plant cell cytoplasm can present a dynamic osmotic challenge to the plastid. MscS homologs are predicted to be targeted to both plastids and mitochondrial envelopes and have been found in the genomes of intracellular pathogens. Here we discuss the implications of these observations, and propose that MS channels provide an essential mechanism for osmotic adaptation to both intracellular and the extracellular environments.  相似文献   

Chlorarachniophyta are phototrophic amoeboflagellates, with plastids surrounded by four membranes. Contrary to other plastids of this type which occur in chromists, their outermost membrane bears no ribosomes. It is argued that the nuclear-encoded chlorarachniophyte plastid proteins are first transported into the ER, then to the Colgi apparatus, and finally to the plastids. The same import mechanism could be originally present in the chromist ancestor, prior to the fusion of their plastids with the RER membranes. According to the most recent concept, the complex plastids of Chromista and Chlorarachniophyta have evolved through replacement of the cyanobacterial plastids. The assumption that these plastids had an envelope composed not of two, but of three membranes makes it possible to avoid the erlier discerned difficulties with conversion of a eukaryotic alga into a complex plastid. My scenario provides an additional support to the hypothesis on polyphy-letic origin of four-membraned plastids.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts (plastids) possess a genome and their own machinery to express it. Translation in plastids occurs on bacterial-type 70S ribosomes utilizing a set of tRNAs that is entirely encoded in the plastid genome. In recent years, the components of the chloroplast translational apparatus have been intensely studied by proteomic approaches and by reverse genetics in the model systems tobacco (plastid-encoded components) and Arabidopsis (nucleus-encoded components). This work has provided important new insights into the structure, function, and biogenesis of chloroplast ribosomes, and also has shed fresh light on the molecular mechanisms of the translation process in plastids. In addition, mutants affected in plastid translation have yielded strong genetic evidence for chloroplast genes and gene products influencing plant develop- ment at various levels, presumably via retrograde signaling pathway(s). In this review, we describe recent progress with the functional analysis of components of the chloroplast translational machinery and discuss the currently available evidence that supports a significant impact of plastid translational activity on plant anatomy and morphology.  相似文献   

The various metabolic activities of plastids require continuous exchange of reactants and products with other organelles of the plant cell. Physical interactions between plastids and other organelles might therefore enhance the efficiency of plant metabolism. We have observed a close apposition of plastids and nuclei in various organs of Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana. In hypocotyl epidermal cells, plastids and stromules, stroma-filled tubular extensions of the plastid envelope membrane, were observed to reside in grooves and infoldings of the nuclear envelope, indicating a high level of contact between the two organelle membranes. In a number of non-green tissues, including suspension-cultured cells, perinuclear plastids were frequently associated with long stromules that extended from the cell center to the cell membrane. In cotyledon petioles, cells lying adjacent to one another frequently contained stromules that met on either side of the shared cell wall, suggesting a means of intercellular communication. Our results therefore suggest that stromules have diverse roles within plant cells, perhaps serving as pathways between nuclei and more distant regions of the cell and possibly even other cells.  相似文献   

The plastid is an organelle vital to all photosynthetic and some non-photosynthetic eukaryotes. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, a number of nuclear genes encoding plastid proteins have been found to be necessary for embryo development. However, the exact roles of plastids in this process remain largely unknown. Here we use publicly available datasets to obtain insights into the relevance of plastid activities to A. thaliana embryogenesis. By searching the SeedGenes database (http://www.seedgenes.org) and recent literature, we found that, of the 339 non-redundant genes required for proper embryo formation, 108 genes likely encode plastid-targeted proteins. Nineteen of these genes are necessary for development of preglobular embryos and/or their conversion to globular embryos, of which 13 genes encode proteins involved in non-photosynthetic metabolism. By contrast, among 38 genes which are dispensable for globular embryo formation but necessary for further development, only one codes for a protein involved in metabolism. Products of 21 of the 38 genes play roles in plastid gene expression and maintenance. Examination of RNA profiles of embryos at distinct growth stages obtained in laser-capture microdissection coupled with DNA microarray experiments revealed that most of the identified genes are expressed throughout embryo morphogenesis and maturation. These findings suggest that metabolic activities are required at preglobular and throughout all stages of embryo development, whereas plastid gene expression becomes necessary during and/or after the globular stage to sustain various activities of the organelle including photosynthetic electron transport.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic chloroplast is the hallmark organelle of green plants. During the endosymbiotic evolution of chloroplasts, the vast majority of genes from the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont were transferred to the host cell nucleus. Chloroplast biogenesis therefore requires the import of nucleus-encoded proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol. The majority of proteins are imported by the activity of Toc and Tic complexes located within the chloroplast envelope. In addition to chloroplasts, plants have evolved additional, non-photosynthetic plastid types that are essential components of all cells. Recent studies indicate that the biogenesis of various plastid types relies on distinct but homologous Toc-Tic import pathways that have specialized in the import of specific classes of substrates. These different import pathways appear to be necessary to balance the essential physiological role of plastids in cellular metabolism with the demands of cellular differentiation and plant development.  相似文献   

The defective chloroplast and leaf-mutable (dcl-m) mutation of tomato blocks chloroplast differentiation in leaf mesophyll cells and a signaling system that appears to be required for morphogenesis of palisade cells during leaf growth. To dissect the function of DCL, mutants with stable dcl alleles (dcl-s) were generated and examined for their phenotype. DCL/dcl-s plant produce dcl-s/dcl-s seeds with embryos arrested at the globular stage of development. The levels of several chloroplast- and nuclear-encoded proteins are strongly reduced in dcl-m mutant leaf sectors without significant changes in their corresponding mRNAs. The 4.5S rRNA fails to be processed efficiently, however, suggesting that DCL has a direct or indirect function in rRNA processing or correct ribosome assembly. Accordingly, chloroplasts in dcl-m sectors are impaired in polysome assembly, which can explain the reduced accumulation of chloroplast-encoded proteins. These results suggest that DCL is required for chloroplast rRNA processing, and emphasize the importance of plastid function during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Effect of 4-thiouridine, which was proved to inhibit selectively and “light-reversibly” the synthesis of chloroplast ribosomal RNAs in radish cotyledons, on the photo-induced development of photosystem I, II and a complete electron transport chain was investigated with plastids obtained from 4-thiouridine treated dark-grown radish cotyledons after various times of development in the light. It was demonstrated that the 4-thioridine treated chloroplasts showed a higher activity of photoreduction than the control untreated chloroplasts in every system on a chlorophyll basis during the development after 24 hr illumination. This specific activity decreased in both chloroplasts, as the chloroplasts matured with the time of illumination. The activity per g of fresh cotyledons treated with 4-thiouridine, especially in the early stage of development, was lower than that of ones untreated with the drug because total chlorophyll content was poor, but the activity of the former was enhanced with the increase of total chlorophyll content upon illumination while the activity of the latter decreased on 24 hr illumination. Moreover, Hill reaction measurements showed that 4-thiouridine treated chloroplasts were saturated at lower light intensity than untreated ones inspite of the same content of chlorophyll in both the chloroplasts: photoreduction of NADP+ was saturated at 3000 lux for the former and at 5000 lux for the latter. Based upon these results, specific development of the chloroplast is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe here a synthetic red-shifted variant of GFP that can be introduced into tobacco plastid genomes and is highly expressed in regenerated plants that appear normal and fertile. The variant contains the S65G and S72A mutations which shift the absorption maximum from the 395 nm of wild-type GFP closer to 488 nm, a wavelength emitted by a laser commonly used in confocal microscopy. In addition to enhanced fluorescence, the removal of significant absorption below 450 nm will potentially facilitate double-labelling experiments. The variant GFP encoded by the synthetic gene can be expressed at a high level, forming approximately 5% of total leaf protein.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton plays a role in mobility of many different organelles in plant cells, including chloroplasts, mitochondria, Golgi, and peroxisomes. While progress has been made in identifying the myosin motors involved in trafficking of various plant organelles, not all of the cargoes mobilized by different members of the myosin XI family have yet been identified. The involvement of myosins in chloroplast positioning and mitochondrial movement was demonstrated by expression of a virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) construct in tobacco. When VIGS with two different conserved sequences from a myosin Xl motor was performed in plants with either GFP-labeled plastids or mitochondria, chloroplast positioning in the dark was abnormal, and mitochondrial movement ceased. Because these and prior obser- vations have implicated a role for myosins and the actin cytoskeleton in plastid and stromule movement, we searched for myosin tail domains that could associate with plastids and stromules. While a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion with the entire tail region of myosin XI-F was usually found only in the cytoplasm, we observed that an Arabidopsis or Nicotiana benthamiana YFP::myosin XI-F tail domain homologous to the yeast myo2p vacuole-binding domain associated with plastids and stromules after transient expression in N. benthamiana. Taken together, these observations implicate myosin motor proteins in dynamics of plastids and stromules.  相似文献   

Nif gene transfer and expression in chloroplasts: Prospects and problems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dixon  Ray  Cheng  Qi  Shen  Gui-Fang  Day  Anil  Dowson-Day  Mandy 《Plant and Soil》1997,194(1-2):193-203
The engineering of plants capable of fixing their own nitrogen is an extremely complex task, requiring the co-ordinated and regulated expression of 16 nif genes in an appropriate cellular location. We suggest that plastids may provide a favourable environment for nif gene expression provided that the nitrogenase enzyme can be protected from oxygen damage. Using the non-heterocystous cyanobacteria as a model, we argue that photosynthesis could be temporally separated from nitrogen fixation in chloroplasts by restricting nitrogenase synthesis to the dark period. We report preliminary data on the introduction and expression of one of nitrogenase components, the Fe protein, in transgenic tobacco and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Finally we discuss potential avenues for further research in this area and the prospects for achieving the ultimate goal of expressing active nitrogenase in cereal crops such as rice.  相似文献   

Laser scanning confocal microscopy and TEM were used to study the morphology of secondary plastids in algae of the genus Mallomonas (Synurophyceae). At interphase, Mallomonas splendens (G. S. West) Playfair, M. rasilis Dürrschm., M. striata Asmund, and M. adamas K. Harris et W. H. Bradley contained a single H‐shaped plastid consisting of two large lobes connected by a narrow isthmus. Labeling of DNA revealed a necklace‐like arrangement of plastid nucleoids at the periphery of the M. splendens plastid and a less‐patterned array in M. rasilis. The TEM of M. splendens and M. rasilis showed an electron‐dense belt surrounding the plastid isthmus in interphase cells; this putative plastid‐dividing ring (PD ring) was adpressed to the inner pair of the four plastid membranes, suggesting that it is homologous to the PD ring of green and red plastids. The PD ring did not contain actin (indicated by lack of staining with phalloidin) and displayed filaments or tubules of 5–10 nm in diameter that may be homologous to the tubules described in red algal PD rings. Confocal microscopy of chl autofluorescence from M. splendens showed that the plastid isthmus was severed as mitosis began, giving rise to two single‐lobed daughter plastids, which, as mitosis and cell division progressed, separated from one another and then each constricted to form the H‐shaped plastids of daughter cells. Similar plastid division cycles were observed in M. rasilis and M. adamas; however, the plastid isthmus of M. striata was retained throughout most of cell division and was eventually severed by the cell cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

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