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张辉  危起伟  杨德国  杜浩  张慧杰  陈细华 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3945-3955
根据1981年葛洲坝截流至1998年对葛洲坝坝下河床研究的历史资料,结合1999~2006年间获得的中华鲟产卵场所在江段河床的5次地形数据,采用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对中华鲟产卵场河床的高程、坡度、坡向等地形因子进行了详细分析。结果表明:葛洲坝至磨基山江段中华鲟产卵场与历史产卵场相比具有极其相似的特征,临江溪至虎牙滩江段中华鲟自然繁殖频率不高可能主要是因为地形不符合要求,从而造成相关的水文因子也不能满足需要。中华鲟自然繁殖前期的迁徙分布和产卵后受精卵的散播与河床地形都有一定的关系,葛洲坝水利枢纽下游河势调整工程较大地改变了葛洲坝至庙咀江段河床的地形,地形复杂度的增加可能对中华鲟自然繁殖前期的栖息有利,而河床坡度、底质的改变则可能会对中华鲟受精卵的散播和发育产生不利影响。有必要结合中华鲟历史产卵场精确的地形数据,对“中华鲟产卵场功能分区模型假说”进行验证,并针对产卵场地形对中华鲟自然繁殖的影响,做出进一步探讨。  相似文献   

葛洲坝下游中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)产卵场地形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张辉  危起伟  杨德国  杜浩  张慧杰  陈细华 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3945-3955
根据1981年葛洲坝截流至1998年对葛洲坝坝下河床研究的历史资料,结合1999~2006年间获得的中华鲟产卵场所在江段河床的5次地形数据,采用ArcGIS9.0软件,对中华鲟产卵场河床的高程、坡度、坡向等地形因子进行了详细分析。结果表明:葛洲坝至磨基山江段中华鲟产卵场与历史产卵场相比具有极其相似的特征,临江溪至虎牙滩江段中华鲟自然繁殖频率不高可能主要是因为地形不符合要求,从而造成相关的水文因子也不能满足需要。中华鲟自然繁殖前期的迁徙分布和产卵后受精卵的散播与河床地形都有一定的关系,葛洲坝水利枢纽下游河势调整工程较大地改变了葛洲坝至庙咀江段河床的地形,地形复杂度的增加可能对中华鲟自然繁殖前期的栖息有利,而河床坡度、底质的改变则可能会对中华鲟受精卵的散播和发育产生不利影响。有必要结合中华鲟历史产卵场精确的地形数据,对"中华鲟产卵场功能分区模型假说"进行验证,并针对产卵场地形对中华鲟自然繁殖的影响,做出进一步探讨。  相似文献   

中华鲟的保护生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓昕 《动物学研究》1997,18(1):113-120
中华鲟是一种洄游性的鲟科鱼类,平时生活于海洋,亲鲟成熟后溯游到江河里繁殖。在长江葛洲坝修筑以前,中华鲟产卵场位于长江上游和金沙江下游江段。60-70年代中期,一些科研单位对上游中华鲟繁殖群体及产卵场等进行了较为全面的调查,撰写出现敢《长江鲟鱼类生物学与人工繁殖研究》,中华鲟的人工繁殖也于1971年产首获成功。葛洲坝枢纽建成以后,中华鲟繁殖群体被阻隔于葛洲坝下游宜昌江段,围绕大坝对中华鲟生存带来的不  相似文献   

中华鲟产卵场平面平均涡量计算与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Delft3D-Flow模型对葛洲坝下游中华鲟产卵场河段进行流场模拟,用实测资料对模型进行验证和参数率定,模拟结果和实测资料基本吻合.在此基础上,阐述了平面平均涡量计算方法,利用模拟所得流速场,通过计算得到中华鲟产卵场河段区域平面平均涡量强度分布.计算结果表明,鱼卵密集区的平面平均涡量为1.38×10-3~1.64×10-3s-1,说明中华鲟产卵对区域平面涡量强度有偏好选择,这种选择具有生物学意义.可为今后保护中华鲟产卵场水力学环境提供理论支持和参考.  相似文献   

三峡蓄水以来葛洲坝下中华鲟产卵场河床质特征变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杜浩  危起伟  张辉  王成友  吴金明  沈丽 《生态学报》2015,35(9):3124-3131
中华鲟是国家一级保护水生动物,是产底层产粘性卵鱼类。河床质构成了中华鲟受精卵和早期胚胎发育的物理环境,其变化可能直接影响中华鲟自然繁殖的规模和效果。基于水声学和水下视频技术对葛洲坝下现存唯一已知中华鲟自然产卵场的河床质特征进行了连续观测,对三峡水库蓄水以来中华鲟自然产卵场的河床质特征变化进行了研究。水声学分析结果显示,2004-2012年间,中华鲟产卵场区域内河床硬度未有明显变化,但粗糙度显著增加 (P < 0.05)。对产卵位点的河床质特征分析表明,下产卵区的硬度增加(2012年显著高于2008和2004年 (P < 0.05)),上产卵区硬度呈明显下降趋势(2004年显著高于2008和2012年(P < 0.05));上产卵区的河床粗糙度均呈不显著上升趋势(P > 0.05);下产卵场区的河床粗糙度呈显著上升趋势(P < 0.05)。水下视频观测结果显示,三峡蓄水导致的水体含沙量明显减少,对河床的冲刷日益明显,表现在产卵场江段沉积细砂和粗砂区域面积显著减少,河床卵石缝隙充塞度明显下降 (P < 0.05)。下产卵区在2007-2012年视频观察过程中发现河床卵石缝隙充分暴露,几乎没有任何细砂或粗砂填充,与上产卵区河床卵石缝隙充塞度特征明显不同。长期观测表明,2004-2012年期间中华鲟自然产卵位点发生了明显的改变,2004-2007年均发生在下产卵区,而2008-2012年均发生在上产卵区,自然繁殖规模和效果也明显下降。综合分析显示,中华鲟产卵场河床质特征的变化可能是导致中华鲟自然产卵位点的改变和迁移的原因,进而影响中华鲟自然产卵场的繁殖适合度,影响中华鲟自然繁殖的规模和效果。对三峡蓄水清水下泄的生态影响评估以及中华鲟自然产卵场的改良或修复有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文报道了葛洲坝水利枢纽兴建后,长江干流铜鱼和圆口铜鱼的产卵场分布、产卵规模、产卵季节以及促使产卵的主要外界条件等。指出葛洲坝水利枢纽截流后,大坝附近江段铜鱼产卵场的变化情况。分析和讨论了大坝对两种铜鱼的影响程度、两种铜鱼产卵与水文条件的关系及其资源的保护等问题。  相似文献   

兴修水利枢纽后汉江产漂流性卵鱼类的繁殖生态   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1.汉江产漂流性卵的鱼类至少有25种,其中经济鱼类有草鱼、青鱼、鲢、鳙、鯮、鳤、鱤、长春鳊、赤眼鳟、铜鱼、吻鮈、鳜以及三种红鲌属鱼类。2.产漂流性卵鱼类开始产卵的水温分别在16—20℃之间,经济鱼类多在18℃上下。产卵时需要有江河的涨水过程。在河流涨水的诸水文要素中,流速的增大,对促使产卵起着主要作用。不同的鱼类产卵时对流水的要求是有差异的。鱼类的产卵规模与江水的流速增大紧密相关。3.丹江水库建成后,上游的产卵场有前房、天河口和安康等10处。中游有钟祥和马良等7处,支流唐河、白河也有产卵场。就总产卵量来看,上游1977年为1745.9亿粒,中游1976年为47亿粒。上游为中游的37倍。其中,四种家鱼的产卵量,上游为171.3亿粒,中游为9.3亿粒。4.丹江口水利枢纽对汉江上游产漂流性卵鱼类繁殖的影响,主要表现为给上游提供了规模较大的繁殖群体。另一方面,由于主要产卵场分布在接近水库的江段,致使占上游总产卵量90%的鱼卵在孵化前随江水流入水库,有一部分鱼卵会受到损失。对中游的影响主要是由于水库的低温水和大坝对径流的调节,改变了中游的水文条件,导致产卵场的变迁,繁殖季节推迟和产卵规模缩小。总的来看,对上游的影响明显的有利,对于中游则不利的影响要多一些。5.根据产漂流性卵鱼类繁殖的生态习性和汉江的条件,可以认为,在汉江和类似汉江的条件下,兴建水利枢纽可以不必附建过鱼建筑物。为了充分发挥水体的渔业效益,水库区应做好渔业规划,加强经营管理。水利枢纽的下游需充分重视改变了的水文条件,特别是低温水对鱼类生活的影响,以采取补救措施。  相似文献   

为对青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)的自然繁殖需求条件进行定量研究, 实验结合青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场原位生境调查, 通过室内人工模拟构建产卵环境诱发野生亲鱼自然繁殖, 解答可控环境中青海湖裸鲤自然繁殖的环境需求。结果表明, 青海湖裸鲤自然繁殖发生与水温、水深、流速、光照及底质因素密切相关, 其中卵石河床质较细砂等底质环境可显著提升自然交配诱导率及繁殖效果; 在合适的底质条件下, 青海湖裸鲤自然繁殖的适宜条件: 水深为0.15—0.2 m、流速为0.2—0.4 m/s、水温为10.8—14.3℃; 15D﹕9L比例的光周期有利于促进青海湖裸鲤自然繁殖的发生。在人工模拟环境中, 水深≥0.45 m、流速≥0.8 m/s、温度≥17℃或≤6℃、全光照等环境中未观测到自然繁殖活动的发生, 这些被认为是其自然繁殖环境的限制条件。研究阐明了可控环境中青海湖裸鲤野生亲鱼自发产卵繁殖的环境需求, 构建人工模拟产卵环境技术, 为自然产卵场生境调查评估、改进人工繁育模式提供技术支撑和新思路。  相似文献   

葛洲坝下游江段中华鲟产卵场食卵鱼类资源量估算   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为定量评估食卵鱼类对中华鲟资源的危害,1997-2001年间,对中华鲟产卵场所在的葛洲坝水利枢纽坝址至下游庙嘴之间长约5km的江段,进行了渔业捕捞样本抽样和解剖检测,运用体长股分析方法并结合淦获物中不同种类的相对数量比例估算出食卵鱼类资源量,研究结果表明,吞食中华鲟卵的主要有圆口铜鱼,铜鱼,瓦氏黄颡鱼等11种鱼类,其年度资源量为197487-744487尾,多年平均444822尾。  相似文献   

1981年1月,葛洲坝水利枢纽截流,中华鲟被大坝所阻而滞留在宜昌以下的江段。 1981年秋季在葛洲坝枢纽的坝下江段采集到中华鲟的Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ期卵巢和Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期精巢,1982年秋季又采集到中华鲟产出的卵和早期鱼苗。研究结果表明,中华鲟在坝下江段不仅能发育成熟,而且能自然产卵。为了保护和增殖中华鲟,人工繁殖放流的方法是切实可行的。同时,必须严禁滥捕,以保护中华鲟资源。    相似文献   

The spotted green pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) is an important genetics model animal due to its small, well-mapped genome. However, only wild-caught juveniles and adults are available to researchers. A lack of gametes, fertilized eggs, developing embryos, and other early life stages hampers development of the full potential of T. nigroviridis as a model research species. We report on successful spawning trials using a novel induced spawning technique, ovarian lavage. Chorulon® (human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG) was injected into a catheter inserted into the oviduct at a rate of 3 μl/g body weight. In one trial, a female paired with a male spawned in an aquarium at about 72 h post-treatment. In other trials, females were hand-stripped of eggs at 36 h post-treatment. There were 3680 eggs/g of eggs and females produced up to 24% of their body weight in eggs. Hatch resulted from all trials on the 4th day post-fertilization. Ovarian lavage is a simple method for administering spawning hormones, uses a catheter technique similar to that frequently performed to determine egg maturity in broodstock, and eliminates the need for injection.  相似文献   

Cardiac arrest in the spawning chum salmon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Cardiac activities of male and female spawning chum salmon were recorded simultaneously by using a radio telemetry system in combination with a wired system. 2. Heart beat stopped during a spawning bout for about 10 sec in female and for 4-6 sec in male. 3. Just before and after the temporary cardiac arrest, heart rate increased from the usual rate, about 50 to about 60 beats per min. 4. It is suggested that the cessation of heart beat might be a reflex response of the cardiovascular system to the hypertension at spawning.  相似文献   

The spawning runs of Chinese Sturgeon (CS; Acipenser sinensis) were observed 37 times below Gezhouba Dam of Yangtze River between 1983 and 2004. Five hydrological factors (water temperature, water level, flow discharge, silt content and current velocity) were monitored on a daily basis at the spawning ground between October and November for 22 consecutive years (1983–2004). The effect of current velocity on the spawning ground at the bottom layer of the river, where CS was spawning for four years, was measured (1996–1999). The authors of this study analyzed the relationship between the five hydrological factors and the respective spawning runs. Twenty-two years of continuous observations indicated that the daily mean values of all the five hydrological factors fluctuated within a certain range when CS was spawning. It was concluded that the optimal values for the hydrological factors during the spawning runs are 18.0–20.0°C for temperature, 14100 m3/s for discharge volume, 42.0–45.0 m for water level above the sea level, and 0.2–0.3 kg/m3 for silt content in the water, wherein the current velocity above the bottom layer to stimulate the fish to spawn should be between 1.0–1.7 m/s. The optimal water temperature might provide an essential precondition for other factors to trigger spawning. As water temperature reaches the optimal values and most of the other parameters are at the brink of deviation from their optimal range of values (water level, current velocity and silt content in the water), CS would begin to spawn. By 2009, when the Yangtze Three Gorges Project, which is located 45 km upstream of the Gezhouba Dam, is completed and begins to operate normally, changes in the downstream water temperature are expected to occur, which may have a negative effect on the development of gonad and the stimulation of spawning of CS; however, the anticipated decrease of the silt content in the water may be considered favorable for the performance of the spawning site.  相似文献   

Synopsis Low frequency sounds are shown to be associated with the spawning of two Caribbean coral reef fishes: the hamlet, Hypoplectrus unicolor (Serranidae) and the striped parrotfish, Scarus iserti (Scaridae). Both fishes produce distinctive sounds while broadcasting gametes in midwater. H. unicolor produces sounds via muscle stimulation of the swimbladder. Fin movements among group spawning S. iserti produce hydrodynamic noise. Although reproductive behaviors of these two species have been previously studied in detail, the association of sounds with mating is new. The mating sounds cannot be easily detected by human hearing underwater but are recordable using a hydrophone. The sounds are distinct and recognizable enough to allow counting and acoustic mapping of mating events in these species.  相似文献   

Territorial and non-territorial spawning behaviour in the bream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spawning behaviour of bream Abramis brama was studied in 1993, in a harbour on the River Meuse, Belgium. Fish spawned from 22 to 27 April and from 11 to 14 May, when the water temperature rose to 14.5) C. The reproductive behaviour of the bream was studied within a 15 m long part of the harbour using a video camera. Territorial males with tubercles (33–43 cm total length; >5 years old) defended bank areas of diameter 80–150 cm which included spawning substratum, i.e. roots of alder and willow trees and aquatic plants. Water depth ranged from 25 to 50 cm. Non-territorial males without tubercles (24–33 cm; 3–4 years old), remained 2–4 m away from the bank. Aggressive behaviour between males was frequent and, occasionally, males with tubercles were unable to defend a territory. Mature females (25–43 cm; >3 years old), coming from the deeper water of the surrounding area, were followed by non-territorial males before spawning in territories near the bank.  相似文献   

Omitted spawning in compensatory-growing perch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual growth trajectories of perch Perca fluviatilis in a Swedish forest lake (sampled in March) revealed growth depression at intermediate sizes, followed by enhanced, compensatory growth at larger sizes. All males of age ≥3+ years had mature, almost ripe testes. The proportion of spawning females was higher at age 3+ years (79%) than at older ages (44%), indicating that older females with non-developing ovaries were resting rather than immature juveniles. Resting females were 175–247 mm in total length ( L T), and they were usually in a state of increasing annual growth. Spawning females were of more variable size (123–418 mm), and the larger ones had entered the faster growing state ≥2+ years before catch. Detectable growth costs of spawning indicated that resting females made a trade-off between current and future reproduction, rather than being constrained by poor feeding conditions.  相似文献   

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