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Pathogenic yersiniae secrete antihost Yop proteins by a recently discovered secretion pathway which is also encountered in several animal and plant pathogens. The components of the export machinery are encoded by the virA (lcrA), virB (lcrB), and virC (lcrC) loci of the 70-kb pYV plasmid. In the present paper we describe yscU, the last gene of the virB locus. We determined the DNA sequence and mutated the gene on the pYV plasmid. After inactivation of yscU, the mutant strain was unable to secrete Yop proteins. The topology of YscU was investigated by the analysis of YscU-PhoA translational fusions generated by TnphoA transposition. This showed that the 40.3-kDa yscU product contains four transmembrane segments anchoring a large cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal domain to the inner membrane. YscU is related to Spa40 from Shigella flexneri, to SpaS from Salmonella typhimurium, to FlhB from Bacillus subtilis, and to HrpN from Pseudomonas solanacearum.  相似文献   

The PapC usher is an outer membrane protein required for assembly and secretion of P pili in uropathogenic Escherichia coli. P pilus biogenesis occurs by the chaperone/usher pathway, a terminal branch of the general secretory pathway. Periplasmic chaperone-subunit complexes target to the PapC usher for fiber assembly and secretion through the usher to the cell surface. The molecular details of pilus biogenesis at the usher, and protein secretion across the outer membrane in general, are unclear. We studied the structure and oligomeric state of PapC by gel filtration, dynamic light scattering, and electron microscopy and image analysis. Two-dimensional crystals of wild-type PapC and a C-terminal deletion mutant of PapC were produced by reconstituting detergent purified usher into E.coli lipids. PapC formed a dimer both in detergent solution and in the phospholipid bilayer. Cryo-electron microscopy revealed that the usher forms a twin-pore complex. Removal of the C-terminal domain did not change the basic shape of the PapC molecule, but altered the dimeric association of the usher, suggesting that the C terminus forms part of the dimerization interface. The overall molecular size (11 nm), pore size (2 nm), and twin-pore configuration of PapC resemble that of the Tom40 complex, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein translocase.  相似文献   

YscN, the putative energizer of the Yersinia Yop secretion machinery.   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of 11 antihost proteins called Yops. Yop secretion appears as the archetype of the type III secretion pathway. Several components of this machinery are encoded by the virA (lcrA) and virC (lcrC) loci of the 70-kb pYV plasmid. In this paper, we describe yscN, another gene involved in this pathway. It is the first gene of the virB locus. It encodes a 47.8-kDa protein similar to the catalytic subunits of F0F1 and related ATPases, as well as to products of other genes presumed to be involved in a type III secretion pathway. YscN contains the two consensus nucleotide-binding motifs (boxes A and B) described by Walker et al. (J. E. Walker, M. Saraste, M. J. Runswick, and N. J. Gay, EMBO J. 1:945-951, 1982). We engineered a pYV mutant encoding a modified YscN protein lacking box A. This mutant, impaired in Yop secretion, can be complemented in trans by a cloned yscN gene. We conclude that YscN is a component of the Yop secretion machinery using ATP. We hypothesize that it is either the energizer of this machinery or a part of it.  相似文献   

The Yersinia pestis low-Ca2+ response stimulon is responsible for the environmentally regulated expression and secretion of antihost proteins (V antigen and Yops). We have previously shown that yscO encodes a secreted core component of the Yop secretion (Ysc) mechanism. In this study, we constructed and characterized in-frame deletions in the adjacent gene, yscP, in the yscN-yscU operon. The DeltaP1 mutation, which removed amino acids 246 to 333 of YscP, had no effect on Yop expression or secretion, and the mutant protein, YscP1, was secreted, as was YscP in the parent. In contrast, the DeltaP2 strain expressed and secreted less of each Yop than did the parent under the inductive conditions of 37 degrees C and the absence of Ca2+, with an exception being YopE, which was only minimally affected by the mutation. The YscP2 protein, missing amino acids 57 to 324 of YscP, was expressed but not secreted by the DeltaP2 mutant. The effect of the DeltaP2 mutation was at the level of Yop secretion because YopM and V antigen still showed limited secretion when overproduced in trans. Excess YscP also affected secretion: overexpression of YscP in the parent, in either yscP mutant, or in an lcrG mutant effectively shut off secretion. However, co-overexpression of YscO and YscP had no effect on secretion, and YscP overexpression in an lcrE mutant had little effect on Yop secretion, suggesting that YscP acts, in conjunction with YscO, at the level of secretion control of LcrE at the bacterial surface. These findings place YscP among the growing family of mobile Ysc components that both affect secretion and themselves are secreted by the Ysc.  相似文献   

YscD is an essential component of the plasmid pCD1-encoded type III secretion system (T3SS) of Yersinia pestis. YscD has a single transmembrane (TM) domain that connects a small N-terminal cytoplasmic region (residues 1 to 121) to a larger periplasmic region (residues 143 to 419). Deletion analyses established that both the N-terminal cytoplasmic region and the C-terminal periplasmic region are required for YscD function. Smaller targeted deletions demonstrated that a predicted cytoplasmic forkhead-associated (FHA) domain is also required to assemble a functional T3SS; in contrast, a predicted periplasmic phospholipid binding (BON) domain and a putative periplasmic "ring-building motif" domain of YscD could be deleted with no significant effect on the T3S process. Although deletion of the putative "ring-building motif" domain did not disrupt T3S activity per se, the calcium-dependent regulation of the T3S apparatus was affected. The extreme C-terminal region of YscD (residues 354 to 419) was essential for secretion activity and had a strong dominant-negative effect on the T3S process when exported to the periplasm of the wild-type parent strain. Coimmunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that this region of YscD mediates the interaction of YscD with the outer membrane YscC secretin complex. Finally, replacement of the YscD TM domain with a TM domain of dissimilar sequence had no effect on the T3S process, indicating that the TM domain has no sequence-specific function in the assembly or function of the T3SS.  相似文献   

The type III secretion systems are contact-activated secretion systems that allow bacteria to inject effector proteins across eukaryotic cell membranes. The secretion apparatus, called injectisome or needle complex, includes a needle that terminates with a tip structure. The injectisome exports its own distal components, like the needle subunit and the needle tip. Upon contact, it exports two hydrophobic proteins called translocators (YopB and YopD in Yersinia enterocolitica) and the effectors. The translocators, assisted by the needle tip, form a pore in the target cell membrane, but the structure of this pore remains elusive. Here, we purified the membranes from infected sheep erythrocytes, and we show that they contain integrated and not simply adherent YopB and YopD. In blue native PAGE, these proteins appeared as a multimeric 500- to 700-kDa complex. This heteropolymeric YopBD complex could be copurified after solubilization in 0.5% dodecyl maltoside but not visualized in the electron microscope. We speculate that this complex may not be stable and rigid but only transient.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (YscC) protein of Yersinia pestis plays an essential role in the translocation of Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) into eukaryotic target cells through a type III secretion mechanism. To assess the immunogenicity and potential protective efficacy of YscC against lethal plague challenge, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified YscC using two different bacterial expression and purification systems. The resulting expression plasmids for YscC, pETBlue-2-YscC and pTYB11-YscC, were regulated by robust T7 promoters that were induced with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. The intein-fusion pTYB11-YscC system and the six-histidine-tagging pETBlue-2-YscC system were both successful for producing and purifying YscC. The intein-mediated purification system produced about 1mg of soluble YscC per liter of bacterial culture while the YscC-His(6)-tag method resulted in 16mg of insoluble YscC per liter of bacterial culture. Protein identity for purified YscC-His(6) was confirmed by ion trap mass spectrometry. Antisera were produced against both YscC and YscC-His(6). The specific immune response generated in YscC-vaccinated mice was relative to the particular purified protein, YscC or YscC-His(6), which was used for vaccination as determined by Western blot analysis and ELISA. Regardless of the purification method, either form of the YscC protein failed to elicit a protective immune response against lethal plague challenge with either F1 capsule forming Y. pestis CO92 or the isogenic F1(-)Y. pestis C12.  相似文献   

The diagnostic test system based on a species-specific antigen, pore-forming protein from the outer membrane of Yersinia enterocolitica, for yersiniosis verification by the method of ELISA has been developed and approved. The proposed ELISA test system is characterized by high sensitivity (95%) and specificity (89%) and provides a differential diagnostics of yersiniosis from other acute enteric infections with similar clinical manifestations. In comparison with the commercial diagnostics based on indirect hemagglutination reaction, which is conventionally used in clinical practice, the porin-based ELISA provides the high level (90–95%) of yersiniosis identification at early (1st week) and late (2nd–4th week) stages of infection process. It has been found that the ELISA test system reveals antibodies to the Y. enterocolitica porin in patient’s serum irrespective of the serological variant of causative agent.  相似文献   

YscC is the integral outer membrane component of the type III protein secretion machinery of Yersinia enterocolitica and belongs to the family of secretins. This group of proteins forms stable ring-like oligomers in the outer membrane, which are thought to function as transport channels for macromolecules. The YscC oligomer was purified after solubilization from the membrane with a nonionic detergent. Sodium dodecyl sulfate did not dissociate the oligomer, but it caused a change in electrophoretic mobility and an increase in protease susceptibility, indicating partial denaturation of the subunits within the oligomer. The mass of the homo-oligomer, as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy, was approximately 1 MDa. Analysis of the angular power spectrum from averaged top views of negatively stained YscC oligomers revealed a 13-fold angular order, suggesting that the oligomer consists of 13 subunits. Reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers, the YscC oligomer displayed a constant voltage-independent conductance of approximately 3 nS, thus forming a stable pore. However, in vivo, the expression of YscC did not lead to an increased permeability of the outer membrane. Electron microscopy revealed that the YscC oligomer is composed of three domains, two stacked rings attached to a conical domain. This structure is consistent with the notion that the secretin forms the upper part of the basal body of the needle structure of the type III secreton.  相似文献   

During infection, Yersinia enterocolitica exports Yop proteins via a type III secretion pathway. Secretion is activated when the environmental concentration of calcium ions is below 100 microM (low-calcium response). Yersiniae lacking yopN (lcrE), yscB, sycN, or tyeA do not inactivate the type III pathway even when the concentration of calcium is above 100 microM (calcium-blind phenotype). Purified YscB and SycN proteins form cytoplasmic complexes that bind a region including amino acids 16 to 100 of YopN, whereas TyeA binds YopN residues 101 to 294. Translational fusion of yopN gene sequences to the 5' end of the npt reporter generates hybrid proteins that are transported by the type III pathway. The signal necessary and sufficient for the type III secretion of hybrid proteins is located within the first 15 codons of yopN. Expression of plasmid-borne yopN, but not of yopN(1-294)-npt, complements the calcium-blind phenotype of yopN mutants. Surprisingly, yopN mutants respond to environmental changes in calcium concentration and secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the absence but not in the presence of calcium. tyeA is required for the low-calcium regulation of YopN(1-294)-Npt secretion, whereas sycN and yscB mutants fail to secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the presence of calcium. Experiments with yopN-npt fusions identified two other signals that regulate the secretion of YopN. yopN codons 16 to 100 prevent the entry of YopN into the type III pathway, a negative regulatory effect that is overcome by expression of yscB and sycN. The portion of YopN encoded by codons 101 to 294 prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial double membrane envelope in the presence of functional tyeA. These data support a model whereby YopN transport may serve as a regulatory mechanism for the activity of the type III pathway. YscB/SycN binding facilitates the initiation of YopN into the type III pathway, whereas TyeA binding prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial envelope. Changes in the environmental calcium concentration relieve the TyeA-mediated regulation, triggering YopN transport and activating the type III pathway.  相似文献   

Human pathogenic yersiniae organisms export and translocate the Yop virulence proteins and V antigen upon contact with a eukaryotic cell. Yersinia pestis mutants defective for production of YscX or YscY were unable to export the Yops and V antigen. YscX and YscY were both present in the Y. pestis cell pellet fraction; however, YscX was also found in the culture supernatant. YscY showed structural and amino acid sequence similarities to the Syc family of proteins. YscY specifically recognized and bound to a region of YscX that included a predicted coiled-coil region. These data suggest that YscY may function as a chaperone for YscX in Y. pestis.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica O:8 has two contact-dependent type III secretion systems (TTSSs). The Ysa TTSS is encoded by a set of genes located on the chromosome and exports Ysp proteins. The Ysc TTSS and the Yop effector proteins it exports are encoded by genes located on plasmid pYVe8081. In this study, secretion of YspG, YspH, and YspJ by the Ysa TTSS was shown to require pYVe8081. Furthermore, mutations that blocked the function of the Ysc TTSS did not affect YspG, YspH, and YspJ production. This indicated that YspG, YspH, and YspJ are encoded by genes located on pYVe8081 and that they may correspond to Yops. A comparison of Ysps with Yop effectors secreted by Y. enterocolitica indicated that YspG, YspH, and YspJ have apparent molecular masses similar to those of YopN, YopP, and YopE, respectively. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that antibodies directed against YopN, YopP, and YopE recognized YspG, YspH, and YspJ. Furthermore, mutations in yopN, yopP, and yopE specifically blocked YopN, YopP, and YopE secretion by the Ysc TTSS and YspG, YspH, and YspJ secretion by the Ysa TTSS. These results indicate YspG, YspH, and YspJ are actually YopN, YopP, and YopE. Additional analysis demonstrated that YopP and YspH secretion was restored to yopP mutants by complementation in trans with a wild-type copy of the yopP gene. Examination of Y. enterocolitica-infected J774A.1 macrophages revealed that both the Ysc and Ysa TTSSs contribute to YopP-dependent suppression of tumor necrosis factor alpha production. This indicates that both the Ysa and Ysc TTSSs are capable of targeting YopP and that they influence Y. enterocolitica interactions with macrophages. Taken together, these results suggest that the Ysa and Ysc TTSSs contribute to Y. enterocolitica virulence by exporting both unique and common subsets of effectors.  相似文献   

From studies based on batch culture, it has been postulated that the expression of the virulence-associated proteins of Yersinia spp. is controlled by temperature and Ca2+, such that these proteins are synthesized only at the higher temperature (37°C) and calcium-scarce conditions of the intracellular environment. It was found, however, that in Yersinia enterocolitica one of these proteins (140 kDa) is not synthesized at submaximal growth rates under any of the relevant conditions, and that another of the implicated proteins (34 kDa), is synthesized even at 28°C during nutrient-limited growth. Thus, temperature and Ca2+ influence the synthesis of these proteins differently under growth conditions that better approximate the natural environments than do batch cultures.  相似文献   

Activation of bacterial virulence-associated type III secretion systems (T3SSs) requires direct contact between a bacterium and a eukaryotic cell. In Yersinia pestis, the cytosolic LcrG protein and a cytosolic YopN-TyeA complex function to block T3S in the presence of extracellular calcium and prior to contact with a eukaryotic cell. The mechanism by which the bacterium senses extracellular calcium and/or cell contact and transmits these signals to the cytosolic compartment is unknown. We report here that YscF, a small protein that polymerizes to form the external needle of the T3SS, is essential for the calcium-dependent regulation of T3S. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis was used to identify YscF mutants that secrete virulence proteins in the presence and absence of calcium and prior to contact with a eukaryotic cell. Interestingly, one of the YscF mutants that exhibited constitutive T3S was unable to translocate secreted proteins across the eukaryotic plasma membrane. These data indicate that the YscF needle is a multifunctional structure that participates in virulence protein secretion, in translocation of virulence proteins across eukaryotic membranes and in the cell contact- and calcium-dependent regulation of T3S.  相似文献   

From studies based on batch culture, it has been postulated that the expression of the virulence-associated proteins of Yersinia spp. is controlled by temperature and Ca2+, such that these proteins are synthesized only at the higher temperature (37 degrees C) and calcium-scarce conditions of the intracellular environment. It was found, however, that in Yersinia enterocolitica one of these proteins (140 kDa) is not synthesized at submaximal growth rates under any of the relevant conditions, and that another of the implicated proteins (34 kDa), is synthesized even at 28 degrees C during nutrient-limited growth. Thus, temperature and Ca2+ influence the synthesis of these proteins differently under growth conditions that better approximate the natural environments than do batch cultures.  相似文献   

The YscC secretin is a major component of the type III protein secretion system of Yersinia enterocolitica and forms an oligomeric structure in the outer membrane. In a mutant lacking the outer membrane lipoprotein YscW, secretion is strongly reduced, and it has been proposed that YscW plays a role in the biogenesis of the secretin. To study the interaction between the secretin and this putative pilot protein, YscC and YscW were produced in trans in a Y. enterocolitica strain lacking all other components of the secretion machinery. YscW expression increased the yield of oligomeric YscC and was required for its outer membrane localization, confirming the function of YscW as a pilot protein. Whereas the pilot-binding site of other members of the secretin family has been identified in the C terminus, a truncated YscC derivative lacking the C-terminal 96 amino acid residues was functional and stabilized by YscW. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that approximately 30 min were required before YscC oligomerization was completed. In the absence of YscW, oligomerization was delayed and the yield of YscC oligomers was strongly reduced. An unlipidated form of the YscW protein was not functional, although it still interacted with the secretin and caused mislocalization of YscC even in the presence of wild-type YscW. Hence, YscW interacts with the unassembled YscC protein and facilitates efficient oligomerization, likely at the outer membrane.  相似文献   



Yersinia enterocolitica outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is one of the major outer membrane proteins with high immunogenicity. We performed the polymorphism analysis for the outer membrane protein A and putative outer membrane protein A (p-ompA) family protein gene of 318 Y. enterocolitica strains.


The data showed all the pathogenic strains and biotype 1A strains harboring ystB gene carried both ompA and p-ompA genes; parts of the biotype 1A strains not harboring ystB gene carried either ompA or p-ompA gene. In non-pathogenic strains (biotype 1A), distribution of the two genes and ystB were highly correlated, showing genetic polymorphism. The pathogenic and non-pathogenic, highly and weakly pathogenic strains were divided into different groups based on sequence analysis of two genes. Although the variations of the sequences, the translated proteins and predicted secondary or tertiary structures of OmpA and P-OmpA were similar.


OmpA and p-ompA gene were highly conserved for pathogenic Y. enterocolitica. The distributions of two genes were correlated with ystB for biotype 1A strains. The polymorphism analysis results of the two genes probably due to different bio-serotypes of the strains, and reflected the dissemination of different bio-serotype clones of Y. enterocolitica.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species use a virulence-plasmid encoded type III secretion pathway to escape the innate immune response and to establish infections in lymphoid tissues. At least 22 secretion machinery components are required for type III transport of 14 different Yop proteins, and 10 regulatory factors are responsible for activating this pathway in response to environmental signals. Although the genes for these products are located on the 70-kb virulence plasmid of Yersinia, this extrachromosomal element does not appear to harbor genes that provide for the sensing of environmental signals, such as calcium-, glutamate-, or serum-sensing proteins. To identify such genes, we screened transposon insertion mutants of Y. enterocolitica W22703 for defects in type III secretion and identified ttsA, a chromosomal gene encoding a polytopic membrane protein. ttsA mutant yersiniae synthesize reduced amounts of Yops and display a defect in low-calcium-induced type III secretion of Yop proteins. ttsA mutants are also severely impaired in bacterial motility, a phenotype which is likely due to the reduced expression of flagellar genes. All of these defects were restored by complementation with plasmid-encoded wild-type ttsA. LcrG is a repressor of the Yersinia type III pathway that is activated by an environmental calcium signal. Mutation of the lcrG gene in a ttsA mutant strain restored the type III secretion of Yop proteins, although the double mutant strain secreted Yops in the presence and absence of calcium, similar to the case for mutants that are defective in lcrG gene function alone. To examine the role of ttsA in the establishment of infection, we measured the bacterial dose required to produce an acute lethal disease following intraperitoneal infection of mice. The ttsA insertion caused a greater-than-3-log-unit reduction in virulence compared to that of the parental strain.  相似文献   

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