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This paper presents a novel linear programming approach to do protein 3-dimensional (3D) structure prediction via threading. Based on the contact map graph of the protein 3D structure template, the protein threading problem is formulated as a large scale integer programming (IP) problem. The IP formulation is then relaxed to a linear programming (LP) problem, and then solved by the canonical branch-and-bound method. The final solution is globally optimal with respect to energy functions. In particular, our energy function includes pairwise interaction preferences and allowing variable gaps which are two key factors in making the protein threading problem NP-hard. A surprising result is that, most of the time, the relaxed linear programs generate integral solutions directly. Our algorithm has been implemented as a software package RAPTOR-RApid Protein Threading by Operation Research technique. Large scale benchmark test for fold recognition shows that RAPTOR significantly outperforms other programs at the fold similarity level. The CAFASP3 evaluation, a blind and public test by the protein structure prediction community, ranks RAPTOR as top 1, among individual prediction servers, in terms of the recognition capability and alignment accuracy for Fold Recognition (FR) family targets. RAPTOR also performs very well in recognizing the hard Homology Modeling (HM) targets. RAPTOR was implemented at the University of Waterloo and it can be accessed at http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~j3xu/RAPTOR_form.htm.  相似文献   

Protein structure determination using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can be both time-consuming and labor intensive. Here we demonstrate how chemical shift threading can permit rapid, robust, and accurate protein structure determination using only chemical shift data. Threading is a relatively old bioinformatics technique that uses a combination of sequence information and predicted (or experimentally acquired) low-resolution structural data to generate high-resolution 3D protein structures. The key motivations behind using NMR chemical shifts for protein threading lie in the fact that they are easy to measure, they are available prior to 3D structure determination, and they contain vital structural information. The method we have developed uses not only sequence and chemical shift similarity but also chemical shift-derived secondary structure, shift-derived super-secondary structure, and shift-derived accessible surface area to generate a high quality protein structure regardless of the sequence similarity (or lack thereof) to a known structure already in the PDB. The method (called E-Thrifty) was found to be very fast (often?<?10 min/structure) and to significantly outperform other shift-based or threading-based structure determination methods (in terms of top template model accuracy)—with an average TM-score performance of 0.68 (vs. 0.50–0.62 for other methods). Coupled with recent developments in chemical shift refinement, these results suggest that protein structure determination, using only NMR chemical shifts, is becoming increasingly practical and reliable. E-Thrifty is available as a web server at http://ethrifty.ca.  相似文献   

A parameterized algorithm for protein structure alignment.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a parameterized polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for aligning two protein structures, in the case where one protein structure is represented by a contact map graph and the other by a contact map graph or a distance matrix. If the sequential order of alignment is not required, the time complexity is polynomial in the protein size and exponential with respect to two parameters D(u)/D(l) and D(c)/D(l), which usually can be treated as constants. In particular, D(u) is the distance threshold determining if two residues are in contact or not, D(c) is the maximally allowed distance between two matched residues after two proteins are superimposed, and D(l) is the minimum inter-residue distance in a typical protein. This result clearly demonstrates that the computational hardness of the contact map based protein structure alignment problem is related not to protein size but to several parameters modeling the problem. The result is achieved by decomposing the protein structure using tree decomposition and discretizing the rigid-body transformation space. Preliminary experimental results indicate that on a Linux PC, it takes from ten minutes to one hour to align two proteins with approximately 100 residues.  相似文献   

A computational method for NMR-constrained protein threading.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein threading provides an effective method for fold recognition and backbone structure prediction. But its application is currently limited due to its level of prediction accuracy and scope of applicability. One way to significantly improve its usefulness is through the incorporation of underconstrained (or partial) NMR data. It is well known that the NMR method for protein structure determination applies only to small proteins and that its effectiveness decreases rapidly as the protein mass increases beyond about 30 kD. We present, in this paper, a computational framework for applying underconstrained NMR data (that alone are insufficient for structure determination) as constraints in protein threading and also in all-atom model construction. In this study, we consider both secondary structure assignments from chemical shifts and NOE distance restraints. Our results have shown that both secondary structure assignments and a small number of long-range NOEs can significantly improve the threading quality in both fold recognition and threading-alignment accuracy, and can possibly extend threading's scope of applicability from homologs to analogs. An accurate backbone structure generated by NMR-constrained threading can then provide a great amount of structural information, equivalent to that provided by many NMR data; and hence can help reduce the number of NMR data typically required for an accurate structure determination. This new technique can potentially accelerate current NMR structure determination processes and possibly expand NMR's capability to larger proteins.  相似文献   

With the advent of experimental technologies like chemical cross-linking, it has become possible to obtain distances between specific residues of a newly sequenced protein. These types of experiments usually are less time consuming than X-ray crystallography or NMR. Consequently, it is highly desired to develop a method that incorporates this distance information to improve the performance of protein threading methods. However, protein threading with profiles in which constraints on distances between residues are given is known to be NP-hard. By using the notion of a maximum edge-weight clique finding algorithm, we introduce a more efficient method called FTHREAD for profile threading with distance constraints that is 18 times faster than its predecessor CLIQUETHREAD. Moreover, we also present a novel practical algorithm NTHREAD for profile threading with Non-strict constraints. The overall performance of FTHREAD on a data set shows that although our algorithm uses a simple threading function, our algorithm performs equally well as some of the existing methods. Particularly, when there are some unsatisfied constraints, NTHREAD (Non-strict constraints threading algorithm) performs better than threading with FTHREAD (Strict constraints threading algorithm). We have also analyzed the effects of using a number of distance constraints. This algorithm helps the enhancement of alignment quality between the query sequence and template structure, once the corresponding template structure is determined for the target sequence.  相似文献   

Computational alignment of a biopolymer sequence (e.g., an RNA or a protein) to a structure is an effective approach to predict and search for the structure of new sequences. To identify the structure of remote homologs, the structure-sequence alignment has to consider not only sequence similarity, but also spatially conserved conformations caused by residue interactions and, consequently, is computationally intractable. It is difficult to cope with the inefficiency without compromising alignment accuracy, especially for structure search in genomes or large databases. This paper introduces a novel method and a parameterized algorithm for structure-sequence alignment. Both the structure and the sequence are represented as graphs, where, in general, the graph for a biopolymer structure has a naturally small tree width. The algorithm constructs an optimal alignment by finding in the sequence graph the maximum valued subgraph isomorphic to the structure graph. It has the computational time complexity O(k3N2) for the structure of N residues and its tree decomposition of width t. Parameter k, small in nature, is determined by a statistical cutoff for the correspondence between the structure and the sequence. This paper demonstrates a successful application of the algorithm to RNA structure search used for noncoding RNA identification. An application to protein threading is also discussed  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of methods for improving the fold recognition rate of the threading approach to protein structure prediction by the utilization of few additional distance constraints. The distance constraints between protein residues may be obtained by experiments such as mass spectrometry or NMR spectroscopy. We applied a post-filtering step with new scoring functions incorporating measures of constraint satisfaction to ranking lists of 123D threading alignments. The detailed analysis of the results on a small representative benchmark set show that the fold recognition rate can be improved significantly by up to 30% from about 54%-65% to 77%-84%, approaching the maximal attainable performance of 90% estimated by structural superposition alignments. This gain in performance adds about 10% to the recognition rate already achieved in our previous study with cross-link constraints only. Additional recent results on a larger benchmark set involving a confidence function for threading predictions also indicate notable improvements by our combined approach, which should be particularly valuable for rapid structure determination and validation of protein models.  相似文献   

NMR offers the possibility of accurate secondary structure for proteins that would be too large for structure determination. In the absence of an X-ray crystal structure, this information should be useful as an adjunct to protein fold recognition methods based on low resolution force fields. The value of this information has been tested by adding varying amounts of artificial secondary structure data and threading a sequence through a library of candidate folds. Using a literature test set, the threading method alone has only a one-third chance of producing a correct answer among the top ten guesses. With realistic secondary structure information, one can expect a 60-80% chance of finding a homologous structure. The method has then been applied to examples with published estimates of secondary structure. This implementation is completely independent of sequence homology, and sequences are optimally aligned to candidate structures with gaps and insertions allowed. Unlike work using predicted secondary structure, we test the effect of differing amounts of relatively reliable data.  相似文献   

Template-based modeling is considered as one of the most successful approaches for protein structure prediction. However, reliably and accurately selecting optimal template proteins from a library of known protein structures having similar folds as the target protein and making correct alignments between the target sequence and the template structures, a template-based modeling technique known as threading, remains challenging, particularly for non- or distantly-homologous protein targets. With the recent advancement in protein residue-residue contact map prediction powered by sequence co-evolution and machine learning, here we systematically analyze the effect of inclusion of residue-residue contact information in improving the accuracy and reliability of protein threading. We develop a new threading algorithm by incorporating various sequential and structural features, and subsequently integrate residue-residue contact information as an additional scoring term for threading template selection. We show that the inclusion of contact information attains statistically significantly better threading performance compared to a baseline threading algorithm that does not utilize contact information when everything else remains the same. Experimental results demonstrate that our contact based threading approach outperforms popular threading method MUSTER, contact-assisted ab initio folding method CONFOLD2, and recent state-of-the-art contact-assisted protein threading methods EigenTHREADER and map_align on several benchmarks. Our study illustrates that the inclusion of contact maps is a promising avenue in protein threading to ultimately help to improve the accuracy of protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

To facilitate investigation of the molecular and biochemical functions of the adenovirus E4 Orf6 protein, we sought to derive three-dimensional structural information using computational methods, particularly threading and comparative protein modeling. The amino acid sequence of the protein was used for secondary structure and hidden Markov model (HMM) analyses, and for fold recognition by the ProCeryon program. Six alternative models were generated from the top-scoring folds identified by threading. These models were examined by 3D-1D analysis and evaluated in the light of available experimental evidence. The final model of the E4 protein derived from these and additional threading calculations was a chimera, with the tertiary structure of its C-terminal 226 residues derived from a TIM barrel template and a mainly alpha-nonbundle topology for its poorly conserved N-terminal 68 residues. To assess the accuracy of this model, additional threading calculations were performed with E4 Orf6 sequences altered as in previous experimental studies. The proposed structural model is consistent with the reported secondary structure of a functionally important C-terminal sequence and can account for the properties of proteins carrying alterations in functionally important sequences or of those that disrupt an unusual zinc-coordination motif.  相似文献   

We examined the microenvironment of the single tryptophan and the tyrosine residues of PsbQ, one of the three main extrinsic proteins of green algal and higher plant photosystem II. On the basis of this information and the previous data on secondary structure [Balsera, M., Arellano, J.B., Gutiérrez, J.R., Heredia, P., Revuelta, J.L. & De Las Rivas, J. (2003) Biochemistry42, 1000-1007], we screened structural models derived by combining various threading approaches. Experimental results showed that the tryptophan residue is partially buried in the core of the protein but still in a polar environment, according to the intrinsic fluorescence emission of PsbQ and the fact that fluorescence quenching by iodide was weaker than that by acrylamide. Furthermore, quenching by cesium suggested that a positively charged barrier shields the tryptophan microenvironment. Comparison of the absorption spectra in native and denaturing conditions indicated that one or two out of six tyrosines of PsbQ are buried in the core of the structure. Using threading methods, a 3D structural model was built for the C-terminal domain of the PsbQ protein family (residues 46-149), while the N-terminal domain is predicted to have a flexible structure. The model for the C-terminal domain is based on the 3D structure of cytochrome b562, a mainly alpha-protein with a helical up/down bundle folding. Despite the large sequence differences between the template and PsbQ, the structural and energetic parameters for the explicit model are acceptable, as judged by the corresponding tools. This 3D model is compatible with the experimentally determined environment of the tryptophan residue and with published structural information. The future experimental determination of the 3D structure of the protein will offer a good validation point for our model and the technology used. Until then, the model can provide a starting point for further studies on the function of PsbQ.  相似文献   

We revisit the problem of protein structure determination from geometrical restraints from NMR, using convex optimization. It is well-known that the NP-hard distance geometry problem of determining atomic positions from pairwise distance restraints can be relaxed into a convex semidefinite program (SDP). However, often the NOE distance restraints are too imprecise and sparse for accurate structure determination. Residual dipolar coupling (RDC) measurements provide additional geometric information on the angles between atom-pair directions and axes of the principal-axis-frame. The optimization problem involving RDC is highly non-convex and requires a good initialization even within the simulated annealing framework. In this paper, we model the protein backbone as an articulated structure composed of rigid units. Determining the rotation of each rigid unit gives the full protein structure. We propose solving the non-convex optimization problems using the sum-of-squares (SOS) hierarchy, a hierarchy of convex relaxations with increasing complexity and approximation power. Unlike classical global optimization approaches, SOS optimization returns a certificate of optimality if the global optimum is found. Based on the SOS method, we proposed two algorithms—RDC-SOS and RDC–NOE-SOS, that have polynomial time complexity in the number of amino-acid residues and run efficiently on a standard desktop. In many instances, the proposed methods exactly recover the solution to the original non-convex optimization problem. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time SOS relaxation is introduced to solve non-convex optimization problems in structural biology. We further introduce a statistical tool, the Cramér–Rao bound (CRB), to provide an information theoretic bound on the highest resolution one can hope to achieve when determining protein structure from noisy measurements using any unbiased estimator. Our simulation results show that when the RDC measurements are corrupted by Gaussian noise of realistic variance, both SOS based algorithms attain the CRB. We successfully apply our method in a divide-and-conquer fashion to determine the structure of ubiquitin from experimental NOE and RDC measurements obtained in two alignment media, achieving more accurate and faster reconstructions compared to the current state of the art.  相似文献   

Histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) catalyzes the N-methylation of histamine in mammals. The experimentally determined HNMT three-dimensional (3D) structure is not available. However, there is a common genetic polymorphism for human HNMT (Thr105Ile) that reduces enzymatic activity and is a risk factor for asthma. To obtain insights into mechanisms responsible for the effects of that polymorphism on enzymatic activity and thermal stability, we predicted the 3D structure of HNMT using the threading method and molecular dynamics simulations in water. Herein, we report a theoretical 3D model of human HNMT which reveals that polymorphic residue Thr105Ile is located in the turn between a beta strand and an alpha helix on the protein surface away from the active site of HNMT. Ile105 energetically destabilizes folded HNMT because of its low Chou-Fasman score for forming a turn conformation and the exposure of its hydrophobic side chain to aqueous solution. It thus promotes the formation of misfolded proteins that are prone to the clearance by proteasomes. This information explains, for the first time, how genetic polymorphisms can cause enhanced protein degradation and why the thermal stability of allozyme Ile105 is lower than that of Thr105. It also supports the hypothesis that the experimental observation of a significantly lower level of HNMT enzymatic activity for allozyme Ile105 than that with Thr105 is due to a decreased concentration of allozyme Ile105, but not an alternation of the active-site topology of HNMT caused by the difference at residue 105.  相似文献   

The computational task of protein structure prediction is believed to require exponential time, but previous arguments as to its intractability have taken into account only the size of a protein's conformational space. Such arguments do not rule out the possible existence of an algorithm, more selective than exhaustive search, that is efficient and exact. (An efficient algorithm is one that is guaranteed, for all possible inputs, to run in time bounded by a function polynomial in the problem size. An intractable problem is one for which no efficient algorithm exists.) Questions regarding the possible intractability of problems are often best answered using the theory of NP-completeness. In this treatment we show the NP-hardness of two typical mathematical statements of empirical potential energy function minimization of macromolecules. Unless all NP-complete problems can be solved efficiently, these results imply that a function minimization algorithm can be efficient for protein structure prediction only if it exploits protein-specific properties that prohibit the simple geometric constructions that we use in our proofs. Analysis of further mathematical statements of molecular structure prediction could constitute a systematic methodology for identifying sources of complexity in protein folding, and for guiding development of predictive algorithms.  相似文献   

The structural annotation of proteins with no detectable homologs of known 3D structure identified using sequence‐search methods is a major challenge today. We propose an original method that computes the conditional probabilities for the amino‐acid sequence of a protein to fit to known protein 3D structures using a structural alphabet, known as “Protein Blocks” (PBs). PBs constitute a library of 16 local structural prototypes that approximate every part of protein backbone structures. It is used to encode 3D protein structures into 1D PB sequences and to capture sequence to structure relationships. Our method relies on amino acid occurrence matrices, one for each PB, to score global and local threading of query amino acid sequences to protein folds encoded into PB sequences. It does not use any information from residue contacts or sequence‐search methods or explicit incorporation of hydrophobic effect. The performance of the method was assessed with independent test datasets derived from SCOP 1.75A. With a Z‐score cutoff that achieved 95% specificity (i.e., less than 5% false positives), global and local threading showed sensitivity of 64.1% and 34.2%, respectively. We further tested its performance on 57 difficult CASP10 targets that had no known homologs in PDB: 38 compatible templates were identified by our approach and 66% of these hits yielded correctly predicted structures. This method scales‐up well and offers promising perspectives for structural annotations at genomic level. It has been implemented in the form of a web‐server that is freely available at http://www.bo‐protscience.fr/forsa .  相似文献   

Kihara D  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2004,55(2):464-473
The genome scale threading of five complete microbial genomes is revisited using our state-of-the-art threading algorithm, PROSPECTOR_Q. Considering that structure assignment to an ORF could be useful for predicting biochemical function as well as for analyzing pathways, it is important to assess the current status of genome scale threading. The fraction of ORFs to which we could assign protein structures with a reasonably good confidence level to each genome sequences is over 72%, which is significantly higher than earlier studies. Using the assigned structures, we have predicted the function of several ORFs through "single-function" template structures, obtained from an analysis of the relationship between protein fold and function. The fold distribution of the genomes and the effect of the number of homologous sequences on structure assignment are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed an ab initio protein structure prediction method called chunk-TASSER that uses ab initio folded supersecondary structure chunks of a given target as well as threading templates for obtaining contact potentials and distance restraints. The predicted chunks, selected on the basis of a new fragment comparison method, are folded by a fragment insertion method. Full-length models are built and refined by the TASSER methodology, which searches conformational space via parallel hyperbolic Monte Carlo. We employ an optimized reduced force field that includes knowledge-based statistical potentials and restraints derived from the chunks as well as threading templates. The method is tested on a dataset of 425 hard target proteins < or =250 amino acids in length. The average TM-scores of the best of top five models per target are 0.266, 0.336, and 0.362 by the threading algorithm SP(3), original TASSER and chunk-TASSER, respectively. For a subset of 80 proteins with predicted alpha-helix content > or =50%, these averages are 0.284, 0.356, and 0.403, respectively. The percentages of proteins with the best of top five models having TM-score > or =0.4 (a statistically significant threshold for structural similarity) are 3.76, 20.94, and 28.94% by SP(3), TASSER, and chunk-TASSER, respectively, overall, while for the subset of 80 predominantly helical proteins, these percentages are 2.50, 23.75, and 41.25%. Thus, chunk-TASSER shows a significant improvement over TASSER for modeling hard targets where no good template can be identified. We also tested chunk-TASSER on 21 medium/hard targets <200 amino-acids-long from CASP7. Chunk-TASSER is approximately 11% (10%) better than TASSER for the total TM-score of the first (best of top five) models. Chunk-TASSER is fully automated and can be used in proteome scale protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the results of a protein structure prediction contest. The predictions were made using threading procedures, which employ techniques for aligning sequences with 3D structures to select the correct fold of a given sequence from a set of alternatives. Nine different teams submitted 86 predictions, on a total of 21 target proteins with little or no sequence homology to proteins of known structure. The 3D structures of these proteins were newly determined by experimental methods, but not yet published or otherwise available to the predictors. The predictions, made from the amino acid sequence alone, thus represent a genuine test of the current performance of threading methods. Only a subset of all the predictions is evaluated here. It corresponds to the 44 predictions submitted for the 11 target proteins seen to adopt known folds. The predictions for the remaining 10 proteins were not analyzed, although weak similarities with known folds may also exist in these proteins. We find that threading methods are capable of identifying the correct fold in many cases, but not reliably enough as yet. Every team predicts correctly a different set of targets, with virtually all targets predicted correctly by at least one team. Also, common folds such as TIM barrels are recognized more readily than folds with only a few known examples. However, quite surprisingly, the quality of the sequence-structure alignments, corresponding to correctly recognized folds, is generally very poor, as judged by comparison with the corresponding 3D structure alignments. Thus, threading can presently not be relied upon to derive a detailed 3D model from the amino acid sequence. This raises a very intriguing question: how is fold recognition achieved? Our analysis suggests that it may be achieved because threading procedures maximize hydrophobic interactions in the protein core, and are reasonably good at recognizing local secondary structure. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins constitute >30% of the proteins in an average cell, and yet the number of currently known structures of unique membrane proteins is <300. To develop new concepts for membrane protein structure determination, we have explored the serial nanocrystallography method, in which fully hydrated protein nanocrystals are delivered to an x-ray beam within a liquid jet at room temperature. As a model system, we have collected x-ray powder diffraction data from the integral membrane protein Photosystem I, which consists of 36 subunits and 381 cofactors. Data were collected from crystals ranging in size from 100 nm to 2 μm. The results demonstrate that there are membrane protein crystals that contain <100 unit cells (200 total molecules) and that 3D crystals of membrane proteins, which contain <200 molecules, may be suitable for structural investigation. Serial nanocrystallography overcomes the problem of x-ray damage, which is currently one of the major limitations for x-ray structure determination of small crystals. By combining serial nanocrystallography with x-ray free-electron laser sources in the future, it may be possible to produce molecular-resolution electron-density maps using membrane protein crystals that contain only a few hundred or thousand unit cells.  相似文献   

The problem of protein structure prediction in the hydrophobic-polar (HP) lattice model is the prediction of protein tertiary structure. This problem is usually referred to as the protein folding problem. This paper presents a method for the application of an enhanced hybrid search algorithm to the problem of protein folding prediction, using the three dimensional (3D) HP lattice model. The enhanced hybrid search algorithm is a combination of the particle swarm optimizer (PSO) and tabu search (TS) algorithms. Since the PSO algorithm entraps local minimum in later evolution extremely easily, we combined PSO with the TS algorithm, which has properties of global optimization. Since the technologies of crossover and mutation are applied many times to PSO and TS algorithms, so enhanced hybrid search algorithm is called the MCMPSO-TS (multiple crossover and mutation PSO-TS) algorithm. Experimental results show that the MCMPSO-TS algorithm can find the best solutions so far for the listed benchmarks, which will help comparison with any future paper approach. Moreover, real protein sequences and Fibonacci sequences are verified in the 3D HP lattice model for the first time. Compared with the previous evolutionary algorithms, the new hybrid search algorithm is novel, and can be used effectively to predict 3D protein folding structure. With continuous development and changes in amino acids sequences, the new algorithm will also make a contribution to the study of new protein sequences.  相似文献   

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