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Climate change poses a serious threat to the existence of many species. The combination of habitat fragmentation and increasing temperatures is of particular concern because it can alter demographic and population genetic processes, which may ultimately lead to extinction. Locomotion is very important in mitigating the negative impacts of these processes by upholding migration and contributing to random mating within and between populations. In the present study, a T‐maze, constituting a relatively complex laboratory assay, is used to investigate whether inbreeding affects the capacity to reach a food source in male Drosophila melanogaster Meigen 1830 (Diptera: Drosophilidae) reared at 20, 25 or 30 °C, respectively. The effects of inbreeding and crossbreeding are highly temperature‐specific. Strong heterosis for the ability to reach food in the maze is observed in flies developed and maintained at 30 °C, whereas inbred flies locate the food significantly faster than crossbreds when reared at 25 °C in four of six runs. No clear pattern is evident in flies reared at 20 °C. The results suggest that complex traits such as locomotor performance in a maze are highly informative in the evaluation and detection of inbreeding depression under different thermal conditions. The effect of inbreeding is most pronounced at high temperature, which is a characteristic of the conditions that many natural populations may have to face under climate change.  相似文献   

An endo-exonuclease (designated nuclease III) has been purified to near homogeneity from adult flies of Drosophila melanogaster. The enzyme degrades single- and double-stranded DNA and RNA. It has a sedimentation co-efficient of 3.1S and a strokes radius of 27A The native form of the purified enzyme appears to be a monomer of 33,600 dalton. It has a pH optimum of 7-8.5 and requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ but not Ca2+ or Co2+ for its activity. The enzyme activity on double-stranded DNA was inhibited 50% by 30 mM NaCl, while its activity on single-stranded DNA required 100 mM NaCl for 50% inhibition. Under the latter conditions, its activity on double-stranded DNA was inhibited approximately 98%. The enzyme degrades DNA to complete acid soluble products which are a mixture of mono- and oligonucleotides with 5'-P and 3'-OH termini. Supercoiled DNA was converted by the enzyme to nicked and subsequently to linear forms in a stepwise fashion under the condition in which the enzyme works optimally on single-stranded DNA. The amino acid composition and amino acid sequencing of tryptic peptides from purified nuclease III is also reported.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase beta is widely distributed in the eukariotes. So far, few examples are known in which a DNA polymerase alpha -like form alone is reported. Surprisingly, DNA polymerase beta was not detected in Drosophila embryos, while it is present in the cells of multicellular species from sponge to mammals. In view of the relevance of Drosophila as a model biological system for studying the role of the various DNA metabolism enzymes in vivo we have reinvestigated the presence of the DNA polymerase beta-like form in Drosophila adult flies.Here we report the occurrence in Drosophila melanogaster adult flies of a DNA polymerase activity that, for its NEM(1) resistance, template specificity, sensitivity to ddTTP, sedimentation coefficient and nuclear localization can be classified as a beta-like form.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption causes disruptions in a variety of daily rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle. Few studies have explored the effect of alcohol exposure only during developmental stages preceding maturation of the adult circadian clock, and none have examined the effects of alcohol on clock function in Drosophila. This study investigates developmental and behavioral correlates between larval ethanol exposure and the adult circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster, a well-established model for studying circadian rhythms and effects of ethanol exposure. We reared Drosophila larvae on 0%, 10%, or 20% ethanol-supplemented food and assessed effects upon eclosion and the free-running period of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity. We observed a dose-dependent effect of ethanol on period, with higher doses resulting in shorter periods. We also identified the third larval instar stage as a critical time for the developmental effects of 10% ethanol on circadian period. These results demonstrate that developmental ethanol exposure causes sustainable shortening of the adult free-running period in Drosophila melanogaster, even after adult exposure to ethanol is terminated, and suggests that the third instar is a sensitive time for this effect.  相似文献   

The toxicity of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was tested on the Drosophila melanogaster model system. Fly larvae were raised on food supplemented with SNP at concentrations of 0.01-1.5 mM. Food supplementation with SNP caused a developmental delay in flies and reduced adult eclosion. Biochemical analyses such as levels of oxidative stress markers and activities of antioxidant and associated enzymes were carried out on 2-day-old flies emerged from control and SNP-fed larvae. Larval exposure to SNP resulted in lower activities of aconitase and catalase in adult flies relative to the control cohort. However, larval treatment with SNP led to higher carbonyl protein content and higher activities of superoxide dismutase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, thioredoxin reductase, and glutathione-S-transferase in flies. Among the parameters tested, aconitase activity and developmental end points may be useful early indicators of toxicity caused by SNP. The study also suggests that the toxicity of SNP may arise not just from its direct effects, but also from its decomposition products such as nitric oxide and iron ions.  相似文献   

The temporal pattern of locomotor activity of single Drosophila melanogaster flies freely walking in small tubes is described. Locomotor activity monitored by a light gate has a characteristic time-course that depends upon age and the environmental conditions. Several methods are applied to assess the complexity of the temporal pattern. The pattern varies according to sex, genotype, age and environmental conditions (food; light). Activity occurs clustered in bouts. The intrinsic bout structure is quantified by four parameters: number of light gate passages (counts) per bout, duration of a bout, pause between two successive bouts and mean bout period. In addition, the distribution of the periods between light-gate crossings (inter-count intervals) as function of inter-count interval duration reveals a power law, suggesting that the overall distribution of episodes of activity and inactivity has a fractal structure. In the dark without food, the fractal dimension which represents a measure of the complexity of the pattern is sex, genotype and age specific. Fractality is abolished by additional sensory stimulation (food; light). We propose that time-course, bout structure and fractal dimension of the temporal pattern of locomotor activity describe different aspects of the fly's central pattern generator for locomotion and its motivational control. Accepted: 10 October 1998  相似文献   

The toxicity of the nitric oxide donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) was tested on the Drosophila melanogaster model system. Fly larvae were raised on food supplemented with GSNO at concentrations of 1.0, 1.5 or 4.0 mM. Food supplementation with GSNO caused a developmental delay in the flies. Biochemical analyses of oxidative stress markers and activities of antioxidant and associated enzymes were carried out on 2-day-old flies that emerged from control larvae and larvae fed on food supplemented with GSNO. Larval exposure to GSNO resulted in lower activities of aconitase in both sexes and also lower activities of catalase and isocitrate dehydrogenase in adult males relative to the control cohort. Larval treatment with GSNO resulted in higher carbonyl protein content and higher activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in males and higher activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase in both sexes. Among the parameters tested, aconitase activity and developmental end points may be useful early indicators of toxicity caused by GSNO.  相似文献   

Previous feeding studies showed the polyalcohol erythritol was toxic when ingested by adult laboratory fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). We asked whether erythritol could additionally affect fly population growth either through larval toxicity or through effects on adult reproduction. Females did not avoid laying on food substrates with 1M erythritol; laying rate on 1M erythritol food was similar to control food when females were given free‐choice access. Eggs laid or placed on 0.5 M to 2.5 M erythritol foods hatched at normal rates, suggesting erythritol was not toxic to eggs upon contact. Drosophila melanogaster larvae readily consumed food containing 1 M erythritol, but none of these larvae reached pupation. Longevity of larvae feeding on in 1 M erythritol food was significantly reduced relative to controls, and mean ± SE larval lifespan on erythritol was 1.54 ± 0.10 days (max. = 3 days). Exposing cohorts of second‐instar larvae to food with varying concentrations of erythritol showed the LD50 (at 24 hr) concentration was approximately 0.6 M. Taken together, these results suggest erythritol could be employed in effective larval‐sink baits. Adults flies fed with erythritol produced significantly fewer eggs on days when they fed on 1 M erythritol, and egg production was significantly reduced for one additional day after the adults were moved to control food. These findings suggest erythritol is rapid and effective at temporarily suppressing D. melanogaster reproduction, increasing its potential for use in effective insect population control.  相似文献   

Jordan KW  Morgan TJ  Mackay TF 《Genetics》2006,174(1):271-284
Locomotion is an integral component of most animal behaviors and many human diseases and disorders are associated with locomotor deficits, but little is known about the genetic basis of natural variation in locomotor behavior. Locomotion is a complex trait, with variation attributable to the joint segregation of multiple interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL), with effects that are sensitive to the environment. We assessed variation in a component of locomotor behavior (locomotor reactivity) in a population of 98 recombinant inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster and mapped four QTL affecting locomotor reactivity by linkage to polymorphic roo transposable element insertion sites. We used complementation tests of deficiencies to fine map these QTL to 12 chromosomal regions and complementation tests of mutations to identify 13 positional candidate genes affecting locomotor reactivity, including Dopa decarboxylase (Ddc), which catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine. Linkage disequilibrium mapping in a population of 164 second chromosome substitution lines derived from a single natural population showed that polymorphisms at Ddc were associated with naturally occurring genetic variation in locomotor behavior. These data implicate variation in the synthesis of bioamines as a factor contributing to natural variation in locomotor reactivity.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone and its EcR/USP receptor are vital during arthropod development for coordinating molting and metamorphosis. Traditionally, little attention has been given to potential post-developmental functions for this hormone signaling system. However, recent studies in Drosophila melanogaster indicate that the hormone and receptor are present and active in adults and that mutations decreasing hormone or receptor levels affect diverse processes such as reproduction, behavior, stress resistance, and lifespan. We review the current state of knowledge regarding adult hormone production and titers and discuss receptor expression and activity in order to identify potential mechanisms which explain the observed mutant phenotypes. Finally, we describe future research directions focused on identifying isoform-specific functions of EcR, distinguishing effects from EcR/USP gene activation and repression, and determining how ecdysone signaling impacts different tissue types.  相似文献   

The trace biogenic amines tyramine and octopamine are found in the nervous systems of animals ranging in complexity from nematodes to mammals. In insects such as Drosophila melanogaster, the trace amine octopamine is a well-established neuromodulator that mediates a diverse range of physiological processes, but an independent role for tyramine is less clear. Tyramine is synthesized from tyrosine by the enzyme tyrosine decarboxylase (TDC). We previously reported the identification of two Tdc genes in Drosophila: the peripherally-expressed Tdc1 and the neurally-expressed Tdc2. To further clarify the neural functions of the trace amines in Drosophila, we examined normal and cocaine-induced locomotor activity in flies that lack both neural tyramine and octopamine because of mutation in Tdc2 (Tdc2(RO54)). Tdc2(RO54) flies have dramatically reduced basal locomotor activity levels and are hypersensitive to an initial dose of cocaine. Tdc2-targeted expression of the constitutively active inward rectifying potassium channel Kir2.1 replicates these phenotypes, and Tdc2-driven expression of Tdc1 rescues the phenotypes. However, flies that contain no measurable neural octopamine and an excess of tyramine due to a null mutation in the tyramine beta-hydroxylase gene (TbetaH(nM18)) exhibit normal locomotor activity and cocaine responses in spite of showing female sterility due to loss of octopamine. The ability of elevated levels of neural tyramine in TbetaH(nM18) flies to supplant the role of octopamine in adult locomotor and cocaine-induced behaviors, but not in functions related to female fertility, indicates mechanistic differences in the roles of trace amines in these processes.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the neurogenetics of circadian clocks in fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster. Several pacemaker neurons and clock genes have now been identified and their roles in the cellular and molecular clockwork established. Some recent findings suggest that the basic architecture of the clock is multi-oscillatory; the clock mechanisms in the ventral lateral neurons (LN(v)s) of the fly brain govern locomotor activity and adult emergence rhythms, while the peripheral oscillators located in antennal cells regulate olfactory rhythm. Among circadian phenomena exhibited by Drosophila, the egg-laying rhythm is unique in many ways: (i) this rhythm persists under constant light (LL), while locomotor activity and adult emergence become arrhythmic, (ii) its circadian periodicity is much longer than 24h, and (iii) while egg-laying is rhythmic under constant darkness, the expression of two core clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim), is non-oscillatory in the ovaries. In this paper, we review our current knowledge of the circadian regulation of egg-laying behavior in Drosophila, and provide some possible explanations for its self-sustained nature. We conclude by discussing the existing limitations in our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms and propose few approaches to address them.  相似文献   

Lone SR  Sharma VK 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28336
In fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster, courtship is an elaborate ritual comprising chasing, dancing and singing by males to lure females for mating. Courtship interactions peak in the night and heterosexual couples display enhanced nighttime activity. What we do not know is if such socio-sexual interactions (SSI) leave long-lasting after-effects on circadian clock(s). Here we report the results of our study aimed at examining the after-effects of SSI (as a result of co-habitation of males and females in groups) between males and females on their circadian locomotor activity rhythm. Males undergo reduction in the evening activity peak and lengthening of circadian period, while females show a decrease in overall activity. Such after-effects, at least in males, require functional circadian clocks during SSI as loss-of-function clock mutants and wild type flies interacting under continuous light (LL), do not display them. Interestingly, males with electrically silenced Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF)-positive ventral lateral (LNv) clock neurons continue to show SSI mediated reduction in evening activity peak, suggesting that the LNv clock neurons are dispensable for SSI mediated after-effects on locomotor activity rhythm. Such after-effects in females may not be clock-dependent because clock manipulated females with prior exposure to males show decrease in overall activity, more or less similar to rhythmic wild type females. The expression of SSI mediated after-effects requires a functional olfactory system in males because males with compromised olfactory ability do not display them. These results suggest that SSI causes male-specific, long-lasting changes in the circadian clocks of Drosophila, which requires the presence of functional clocks and intact olfactory ability in males.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1984,14(5):547-549
A soluble lectin activity is described in extracts prepared from adult and third instar larval stages of Drosophila melanogaster. Based on erythrocyte specificity and hapten inhibition studies the lectin from both sources appears to be identical. Extracts from both sources were found to contain an endogenous inhibitor of lectin activity which may serve as the natural receptor for the lectin.  相似文献   

Calcium homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster was examined in response to the challenges imposed by growth, reproduction and variations in dietary calcium content. Turnover time for calcium, calculated as the time for (45)Ca(2+)to accumulate to half the steady state value of 3.46 nmol/fly, was 3.3 days. Although larvae weighed 2x as much as adults, they contained 3-4x as much calcium. Anterior Malpighian tubules (Mts) contain much more calcium than posterior Mts, accounting for 25-30% of the calcium content of the whole fly. In response to a 6.2-fold increase in dietary calcium level, calcium content of whole flies increased only 10%. Hemolymph calcium concentration ( approximately 0.5 mM) was similar in males and females and in animals raised on diets differing in calcium content. Fluid secretion rate, secreted fluid calcium concentration, and transepithelial calcium flux in tubules isolated from flies raised on high and low calcium diets did not differ significantly. Malpighian tubules secrete calcium at rates sufficient to eliminate whole body calcium content in 0.5 and 3 days for tubules secreting fluid at basal and maximal rates, respectively. It is suggested that flies absorb high quantities of calcium from the diet and maintain homeostasis through the combined effects of elimination of calcium in fluid secreted by the Malpighian tubules and the sequestration of calcium in granules, especially within the distal segment of the anterior pair of Malpighian tubules.  相似文献   

Survival (viability) of newly eclosed adults of D. simulans st and D. melanogaster Or R-C, which had excess quantities of dead yeast available throughout life, was measured daily for 7 days in an experiment where adult density (6 levels), species frequency (6 levels) and 32P tissue content (2 levels) were varied factorially. A separate experiment comparing viability in different types of experimental unit also was done. Similar experiments were done for D. simulans st competing against D. melanogaster y w. The entire data were subjected to a least-squares (unbalanced, missing-plot) analysis of variance. D. melanogaster Or R-C had a higher average viability than D. melanogaster y w or D. simulans st, which were equal. The competing strain of D. melanogaster influenced D. simulans st viability — viability being higher when y w was the competitor. Viability decreased over the seven day period but at different rates for the three strains. Increasing density reduced viability for all three strains, but species frequency effects, although significant, were generally not consistent. Females had higher viability than males in both D. melanogaster strains, but the reverse was true in D. simulans st. 32P lowered viability and experimental unit type altered viability. Numerous interactions were significant.Adult density was shown to have a delayed effect on viability — the delay before the appearance of the effect (an increase in death rate) being decreased as density rose. The term variably delayed density dependent has been adopted to describe the fitness component, adult viability. Some high density populations showed a readjustment (a decrease) in their death rate as a reaction to the effect of reduced density caused by high early mortality.  相似文献   

The use of Drosophila as an organism in which to study aging has been limited by the fact that few biomarkers of aging exist in the adult. In this paper we examine behavior loss relative to longevity in wild-type populations maintained at 22°C and 29°C to determine whether behavior loss—that is, loss of ability to perform certain innate behavioral responses within a defined test interval—can be used as biomarkers of aging. We find that under controlled conditions behavior loss can be used as a landmark of aging in populations maintained at either 22°C or 29°C. The ability to perform normal geotactic and phototactic responses is lost during the reproductive phase of the adult populations, whereas motor activity is not lost until well into the death phase. We feel that the use of behavior loss, together with other parameters of longevity in Drosophila, will allow comparisons to be made between different strains or between different environmental conditions to test their effect on aging. In the companion paper we demonstrate the use of behavior loss to identify a mutation which may accelerate the aging process.  相似文献   

Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster females display rhythmic egg-laying under 12:12?h light/dark (LD) cycles which persists with near 24?h periodicity under constant darkness (DD). We have shown previously that persistence of this rhythm does not require the neurons expressing pigment dispersing factor (PDF), thought to be the canonical circadian pacemakers, and proposed that it could be controlled by peripheral clocks or regulated/triggered by the act of mating. We assayed egg-laying behaviour of wild-type Canton S (CS) females under LD, DD and constant light (LL) conditions in three different physiological states; as virgins, as females allowed to mate with males for 1?day and as females allowed to mate for the entire duration of the assay. Here, we report the presence of a circadian rhythm in egg-laying in virgin D. melanogaster females. We also found that egg-laying behaviour of 70 and 90% females from all the three male presence/absence protocols follows circadian rhythmicity under DD and LL, with periods ranging between 18 and 30?h. The egg-laying rhythm of all virgin females synchronized to LD cycles with a peak occurring soon after lights-off. The rhythm in virgins was remarkably robust with maximum number of eggs deposited immediately after lights-off in contrast to mated females which show higher egg-laying during the day. These results suggest that the egg-laying rhythm of D. melanogaster is endogenously driven and is neither regulated nor triggered by the act of mating; instead, the presence of males results in reduction in entrainment to LD cycles.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are organelles that produce cellular energy in the form of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation, and this primary function is conserved among many taxa. Locomotion is a trait that is highly reliant on metabolic function and expected to be greatly affected by disruptions to mitochondrial performance. To this end, we aimed to examine how activity and sleep vary between Drosophila melanogaster strains with different geographic origins, how these patterns are affected by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation, and how breaking up co-evolved mito-nuclear gene combinations affect the studied activity traits. Our results demonstrate that Drosophila strains from different locations differ in sleep and activity, and that females are generally more active than males. By comparing activity and sleep of mtDNA variants introgressed onto a common nuclear background in cytoplasmic hybrid (cybrid) strains, we were able to quantify the among-line variance attributable to mitochondrial DNA, and we establish that mtDNA variation affects both activity and sleep, in a sex-specific manner. Altogether our study highlights the important role that mitochondrial genome variation plays on organismal physiology and behaviour.Subject terms: Behavioural genetics, Drosophila, Genetic models  相似文献   

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