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A method is proposed to identify impacts of habitat modification in cases where it is difficult to site experimental and control samples. This problem occurs especially in heterogeneous systems, but may pose difficulties in any field experimental situation. The method is relevant to the situation where treated (modified) and untreated sites are spread over a range of habitat types. Types of change are identified and compared to treatments. If a specific change type is associated with a particular treatment then it is likely that the change is causally related to the treatment. There are five stages in the analysis. First, the classes or states of the sample sites, over a period of time, are identified (by numerical classification). Second, for each sample site, the sequence of states is listed. Third, transition matrices are made for each sample site to show the changes which have occurred. Fourth, the transition matrices are classified, to identify types of change. Finally, we use the Chisquared test to indicate whether the treated and untreated sites are associated with particular types of change. As an example, we refer to habitat modification to manage salt-marsh mosquitoes and we evaluate impacts on the environment mainly through changes to the vegetation. We consider that the method has potential to identify changes in heterogeneous systems even though little change was identified in the particular salt marsh studied.  相似文献   

Although microbial communities have been shown to vary among plant genotypes in a number of experiments in terrestrial ecosystems, relatively little is known about this relationship under natural conditions and outside of select model systems. We reasoned that a salt marsh ecosystem, which is characterized by twice‐daily flooding by tides, would serve as a particularly conservative test of the strength of plant–microbial associations, given the high degree of abiotic regulation of microbial community assembly resulting from alternating periods of inundation and exposure. Within a salt marsh in the northeastern United States, we characterized genotypes of the foundational plant Spartina alterniflora using microsatellite markers, and bacterial metagenomes within marsh soil based on pyrosequencing. We found significant differences in bacterial community composition and diversity between bulk and rhizosphere soil, and that the structure of rhizosphere communities varied depending on the growth form of, and genetic variation within, the foundational plant S. alterniflora. Our results indicate that there are strong plant–microbial associations within a natural salt marsh, thereby contributing to a growing body of evidence for a relationship between plant genotypes and microbial communities from terrestrial ecosystems and suggest that principles of community genetics apply to this wetland type.  相似文献   

The metabolism of a saltwater leachate of 14C-labeled Spartina alterniflora was examined in laboratory systems using mixed, salt marsh microbial communities and, by addition of appropriate antibiotics, communities with bacteria or eukaryotes inhibited. Label uptake was more rapid in the systems with bacteria alone and with the mixed microbial community than with fungi alone. Mineralization of the added label was more extensive in the mixed and bacterial systems, whereas the fungi appear more efficient at converting the label into particulate biomass. Particulate biomass production efficiencies ranged from a high of 0.82 for the fungal system to 0.21 in the mixed community, with the bacterial system giving an intermediate value of 0.54. The presence of protozoa and microcrustaceans in the mixed system appears to account for an increase in the mineralization of the label assimilated. Additional experiments with whole labeled Spartina, a leachate from Spartina, and Spartina after leaching revealed that the seawater-soluble portions of the plants were attacked most rapidly by the microbial community.  相似文献   

Territorial activity was studied using satellite tracking of four brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Kamchatka in 2005–2006 and three brown bears on Sakhalin in 2011–2012. The size of annual home ranges was 6.09–27.58 km2 for females and 153.12 km2 for males. The size of the nuclear zone of the annual home ranges did not exceed 1.68 km2. Seasonal home ranges were largest in August-September and smallest in May. The home ranges of two females in Kamchatka were significantly overlapped, the lesser degree of overlap was noted for two females on Sakhalin. The nature of the use of the study area by bears, essentially depends on the seasonal distribution of food, in particular salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of time on natural regeneration of two salt marshes was studied in relation to plant and edaphic factors. The study was carried out in two naturally restoring salt marshes, differing in restoration time, in Txingudi (Bay of Biscay). After 20 yr, the younger salt marsh had the same plant species richness and high species similarity as a 35 yr old salt marsh (17 and 16, respectively, similarity index = 0.9), but both sites had lower species richness and similarity than a nearby natural salt marsh (36 plant species and similarity indices of 0.45 with the 35 yr old marsh and 0.46 with the 20 yr old marsh). Plant species present in the two recovering salt marshes followed a similar distribution pattern in relation to organic matter, conductivity and moisture content although this zonation differed from the natural salt marsh. The range of edaphic factors measured was also similar, but differed from those in the natural salt marsh. The process of plant species recolonization and spatial distribution might be delayed by a low probability of species arrival and by the time need for the restoration of hydrologic and edaphic factors. This study supports the necessity of long‐term monitoring in measuring coastal salt marsh restoration.  相似文献   

Question: Does the vegetation of restored salt marshes increasingly resemble natural reference communities over time? Location: The Essex estuaries, southeast England. Methods: Abandoned reclamations, where coastal defences had been breached in storm events, and current salt marsh recreation schemes were surveyed giving a chronosequence of salt marsh regeneration from 2 to 107 years. The presence, abundance and height of plant species were recorded and comparisons were made with adjacent reference salt marsh communities at equivalent elevations. Results: Of the 18 paired sites surveyed, 13 regenerated marshes had fewer species than their adjacent reference marsh, three had an equal number and two had more. The plant communities of only two de‐embankment sites matched that of the reference community. 0–50 year old sites and 51–100 year old sites had fewer species per quadrat than the 101+ year sites and the reference salt marshes. There was a weak relationship between differences in species richness for regenerated and reference marshes and the time since sites were first re‐exposed to tidal inundation. Cover values for the invasive and recently evolved Spartina anglica were greater within regenerated than reference marshes. Conclusions: Salt marsh plants will colonise formerly reclaimed land relatively quickly on resumption of tidal flooding. However, even after 100 years regenerated salt marshes differ in species richness, composition and structure from reference communities.  相似文献   

1. Throughout the most recent glacial period (Weichsel), the mountain hare Lepus timidus had a continuous distribution in the tundra habitat south of the ice‐rim. When the ice retreated, mountain hares colonized deglaciated land, and spread over northern Europe. 2. Since the Weichsel, the mountain hare's distribution in Europe has been gradually reduced and at present comprises Ireland and the Scottish Highlands, high altitudes in the Alps, isolated forests in eastern Poland, most of Fennoscandia and from the Baltic countries eastwards through Russia. Declines during the last century have been observed in Sweden and Russia. 3. This review defines and evaluates causes for this gradual reduction and fragmentation of the mountain hare's distribution, with special focus on interactions with brown hares Lepus europaeus. The relative importance of diseases, predation, cultivation and interactions with other herbivores than brown hares are discussed. 4. A plausible cause of the possible permanent disappearance of mountain hares in Europe appears to be exclusion by interspecific competition and hybridization with, and/or epidemic diseases mediated by, the congeneric brown hare.  相似文献   

A model of primary productivity in a salt marsh is developed and compared to a regression analysis study of data showing dependence of growth on growing season, mean tidal height, and average monthly temperatures for several grass species.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - The unprecedented size of the deepwater horizon oil spill and scope of the subsequent response elicited intense and sustained interest in microbial responses to...  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal propagules in a salt marsh   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The tolerance of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to stressful soil conditions and the relative contribution of spores of these fungi to plant colonization were examined in a Portuguese salt marsh. Glomus geosporum is dominant in this salt marsh. Using tetrazolium as a vital stain, a high proportion of field-collected spores were found to be metabolically active at all sampling dates. Spore germination tests showed that salt marsh spores were not affected by increasing levels of salinity, in contrast to two non-marsh spore isolates, and had a significantly higher ability to germinate under increased levels of salinity (20) than in the absence of or at low salinity (10). Germination of salt marsh spores was not affected by soil water levels above field capacity, in contrast to one of the two non-marsh spore isolates. For the evaluation of infectivity, a bioassay was established with undisturbed soil cores (containing all types of AM fungal propagules) and soil cores containing only spores as AM fungal propagules. Different types of propagules were able to initiate and to expand the root colonization of a native plant species, but spores were slower than mycelium and/or root fragments in colonizing host roots. The AM fungal adaptation shown by this study may explain the maintenance of AMF in salt marshes.  相似文献   

Dolphin feeding out of water in a salt marsh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Foraging theory predicts that diet breadth should expand as food availability decreases. We tested this by looking at the winter browsing behaviour of the brown hare Lepus europaeus. We predicted selective feeding on different woody plant species, diet generalisation under increasingly severe winter conditions and a rank preference between the different food items. Following a period of severe winter conditions, we censused browsing marks of brown hares on woody plants at six sites situated at different altitudes (340 – 600 m a. s. l.) in Upper Franconia, Germany. We assumed that access to ground vegetation, which is the general diet of brown hares, was more restricted at sites with higher snow cover. The results provided support for all of our predictions: Feeding intensity varied strongly between the different plant species indicating selectivity of feeding. The number and also the percentage of browsed woody plant species was positively correlated with the altitude of the study site indicating a wider diet breadth in situations where less food was available. On the basis of a rank model on the food choice of brown hares, which was evaluated by an independent data set, we conclude that brown hares show a rank preference with regard to different groups of woody plant species. Our findings support the assumption that food restricted hares increasingly include unfavourable, low quality items into the diet.  相似文献   

Loss of wetland habitat has proceeded at an alarmingrate in southern California, and increasingly marshrestoration and creation are being used to mitigatethese losses. As part of an effort to evaluatefunctional equivalence of created systems, theichthyofaunal assemblages in a created and adjacentnatural marsh in Mission Bay, San Diego, Californiawere compared. Fishes trapped in both marshes includedFundulus parvipinnis, Gillichthysmirabilis, Acanthogobius flavimanus, Ctenogobius sagittula, Atherinops affinis, andMugil cephalus. Fundulus parvipinniswasnumerically dominant in both systems, representing onaverage 69% of all fishes trapped in the createdmarsh and 65% of all fishes trapped in the naturalmarsh. Gillichthys mirabiliswas the second-mostabundant species, representing on average 31% of allfishes trapped in the created marsh and 28% of allfishes trapped in the natural marsh. Species richnessand dominance measures were similar between the twosystems, while abundances were higher in the naturalrelative to the created marsh. The size-structure ofF. parvipinnisand G. mirabilisdifferedbetween the created and natural marsh creeks, with thecreated marsh populations being skewed towards largersize classes. These size differences are believed toarise from differences in creek morphology between thecreated and natural systems, and potentially affectboth predators and prey of these species in the marsh.Mark-release-recapture revealed considerable marshfidelity, with as many as 35% of the F.parvipinnistagged in a marsh being recovered one daylater in the same marsh. Stable isotope analyses ofF. parvipinnisrevealed similar 15Nand 34S values between marshes; howeverthere was a consistent enrichment in 13C (>3per mil) in tissues of F. parvipinnisfrom thecreated marsh, supporting the high marsh fidelitysuggested by tagging results. This first publisheddocumentation of the Mission Bay marsh resident fishessuggests that the created marsh ichthyofaunalassemblage was distinct in density and size structurefrom the adjacent natural marsh, and provides lessonsfor future restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Germination of caryopses and seeds of Festuca rubra L. coll. from wet, dry and dune areas in the salt marsh at Skallingen, Jutland, Denmark, was tested in deionized water and diluted sea water. A strong correlation was found between percentage of germination and the topography of the collection sites. Further it was found that salt tolerance for the most salt tolerant populations, growing on low dunes, was provided partly by the husks rather than only being a characteristic of the seed. In less salt tolerant populations from low and dry areas, husks had no influence on germination percentage in 25% sea water.  相似文献   


Red foxVulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) are generally regarded as strictly territorial animals, inhabiting distinct and well-separated ranges. The home ranges of these predators can vary in size from a few dozen hectares to as much as 20–30 km2. Because it seemed impossible that foxes could defend areas so different in size with the same intensity, the published data were analysed in order to see how changes in home range size could affect the following parameters: home range overlap, the area visited daily and the distance travelled by animals during 24 h. It was found that the overlap between fox families (groups) occupying large ranges was much greater than between foxes living in small ranges. The ratio of the area visited daily to the seasonal home range size was greater in small ranges than in large ones. No significant correlation was found between the mean distance moved daily and home range size (r = −0.118,p = 0.75). These results suggest different patterns of the use of space and differences in territorial defence by red foxes inhabiting large and small ranges. The implications of home range overlap and intensity of contacts between foxes occupying neighbouring ranges for the spread of disease are discussed. The significant overlap between large ranges found in this paper is discussed in the light of Andrzejewski’s (2002) home range concept.


The distribution and temporal fluctuations in the density of bacteria in the water covering a high-salinity marsh were investigated employing epifluorescence microscopy for quantification as well as by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The observed densities ranged from about 1 to 19 × 106 bacteria/ml during the course of the study. High-marsh sampling sites had an average population level of 7.8 × 106 bacteria/ml which was more than double the mean density recovered from large creeks near the mouth of the marsh system. Bacteria associated with seston varied tidally and seasonally, whereas the population of free planktonic bacteria varied only seasonally. Very small fluorescing bodies were commonly observed during epifluorescent observation of samples. These small bodies were observed at densities two orders of magnitude higher than easily recognized bacteria. In a salt marsh, the relative density of epibacteria was influenced by short-term tidal effects, and the population of planktobacteria was apparently controlled by long-term seasonal phenomena.  相似文献   

Particulate matter in a salt marsh can undergo repeated sedimentation and resuspension. Sedimentation measured with sediment traps, increases with tidal amplitude in areas with fast tidal currents, but is unaffected by tidal amplitude in areas with slow currents. The total sedimentation of particulate nitrogen in areas with slow tidal currents is three times as large as the gross tidal exchanges of particulate nitrogen between the marsh and coastal waters. Net tidal export of particles by the marsh suggests that sedimentation is more than offset by resuspension. Resuspension of fine (4–40 µm) particles occurs early in the flood tide in tidal creeks with slow currents. This resuspension does not increase with tidal amplitude, suggesting that it is not caused by tidal currents.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Both host plant nutrition and mortality from natural enemies have been predicted to significantly impact host plant selection and oviposition behaviour of phytophagous insects. It is unclear, however, if oviposition decisions maximise fitness.
2. This study examined whether the salt marsh planthopper Pissonotus quadripustulatus prefers higher quality host plants for oviposition, and if oviposition decisions are made so as to minimise mortality at the egg stage.
3. A controlled laboratory experiment and 4 years of field data were used to assess the rates of planthopper oviposition on higher quality 'green' and lower quality 'woody' stems of the host plant Borrichia frutescens . The numbers and percentages of healthy eggs and eggs that were killed by parasitoids or the host plant were recorded.
4. In all years, including the laboratory experiment, Pissonotus planthoppers laid more eggs on lower quality woody stems than on higher quality green stems. While host plant related egg mortality was higher in woody stems, the percentage of eggs parasitised was much greater in green stems. This resulted in a lower total mortality of eggs on woody stems.
5. The results of this study demonstrate that, although Pissonotus prefers lower quality host plants for oviposition, this actually increases fitness. These data seem to support the enemy free space hypothesis, and suggest that for phytophagous insects that experience the majority of mortality in the egg stage, oviposition choices may be made such that mortality is minimised.  相似文献   


A multidisciplinary group of salt marsh professionals from Maine to Virginia participated in a collaborative learning exchange to improve restoration for the overall health and resilience of coastal wetlands. This was an unprecedented forum through which participants representing different geographies, backgrounds, and roles in salt marsh management were able to share and learn from one another to develop the best available restoration methods for on-the-ground projects that address multiple benefits. By including mosquito control agencies, restoration practitioners, regulatory agencies, academic researchers, and conservation organizations in the learning exchange, we developed an understanding and acceptance of different approaches. Regulators learned about project ideas and contributed to project designs in early development stages. Collaborating while engaged in on-the ground projects enabled participants to implement lessons learned in real time. Field trips to restoration sites at different stages of development allowed a greater and more fluid exchange of ideas and practical implementation advice. Practitioners leveraged resources and developed new collaborations. Lessons learned and shared through this faster and more flexible forum will inform the design, implementation, and monitoring of restoration projects across the region and improve overall marsh health and resilience in the face of climate change. Learning exchanges like this should be used more frequently to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of coastal restoration particularly when there is a windfall of cash and a short window of opportunity such as with post-disaster federal spending.


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